Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1914, PART FIVE, Page 12, Image 44

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Making the Most of Sweet Peas
The Wonder of
Exploded Grains
T.hoso bubble-like grains of Puffed Wheat or Puffed Rice
result from a curious process.
Nature stored in each kernel a hundred million food
granules. Each granule enclosed a mere atom of moisture.
Sealed up in guns, in terrific heat, those atoms of mois
ture are changed to steam. Then the guns are shot and the
steam explodes. A separate explosion occui's in each
granule a hundred million explosions in every grain.
Thus every food granule is blasted to pieces, so digestion
can instantly act. Whole grains in this way are made
wholly digestible. That never was done before.
The grains are puffed to eight times normal size. Each
becomes a wilderness of thin, crisp, toasted walls. The re
sult is fragile, dainty morsels with a taste like toasted nuts.
Never were grains so well fitted for food never made
so delightful as they are by this curious, costly process
invented by Prof. Anderson.
Puffed Wheat-m
Puffed Rice -15$
Except in Extreme Wett
Let Your Folks Enjoy Them
Hero are two cereals, entirety different in taste. And
each can bo served both as food and confection.
Servo with sugar and cream, or mixed with fruit. Or
servo like crackers, floating 'in bowls of milk. Use like
nut meats in home candy making, or as garnish to ice
They will add delight to a thousand meals when you
find them out. Order them now. Let your folks enjoy
Th Quaker Qafs (pmpany
Sol Makers
THE extreme flexibility of the
sweet pea as a home-garden
flower accounts for Its great pop
ularity, and Is tho principal reason
why It Is so beloved of an army of
amateur gardeners. Since the trench
method of culture has been almost
universally adopted the labor of grow
ing them is reduced to a minimum,
and makes their culture especially
adapted to tho women folk.
The making of now trellises every
year has been a stumbling-block in
the greater advancement of the sweet
pea by the old method of culture,
when they had to be moved every
year. If tho modern trench method
bo followed, the soil Is renewed as
often as needed. This permits the
trellises to bo as permanent as grape
arbors. The trenches for sweet peas
should not bo less than two feet In
width. Where there Is room enough
to do so, make them wider by at least
six inches, and three feet will enable
you to retain tho soil that much
longer. This should be excavated to
a depth of eighteen inches, as tho
roots should be allowed to go deep
so as to keep cool in summer.
Throw out the contents of the
trench, keeping the good soil, taking
with it two inches of sub-soil; for,
owing to the process of leaching, this
can be made into rich soil by tho ad
dition of humus. All the stones and
gravel should be removed, and kept
for drainago In the trench. This
drainago should average the size of
"railroad ballast," two-inch stones.
If the ground bo level, the bottom
of tho trench should be graded to
slope to one end, and there should
be an outlet for surplus water. Use
coarso cinders from the furnace,
brick-bats, old plaster from tho walls,
or other mineral rubbish. It is not
intended that the trench shall be
quite full when the soil Is filled with
tho drainage materials. A great deal
of water is required during the
months of July and August, and in
order to save labor and water tho
trench should not, when planted and
firmed, reach 'to within more than
two inches of the general level of
tho surrounding ground.
In the suburban or country town
thero will bo little trouble In making
a good soli for sweet peas, for there
is always the sod by the. roadside
upon which to depend. This sod
when composted with alternate lay
ers of garden-loam and well-rotted
horse manure, with a sprinkling of
bone-meal and air-slaked lime be
tween the layers, Is excellent for the
purpose of filling the trenches. It
should be thoroughly worked to
gether, being turned over as a mason
mixes concrete by a fan-like sweep
of the shovel.
Tho posts for the permanent trel
lfses should be set in the trenches
before tho drainago and soil aro put
in. They may bo made of any avail
able materials, such as locust, cy
press, oak, or yellow pine, in the
order named for preference. If the
sub-soil is soft enough to permit it,
4 by 4 posts may bo pointed nnd
driven in two feet with a sledge or
maul. They should be set twelve feet
apart for that is about as far as you
can stretch the wire netting and pre
vent it from sagging. The ends of
tho posts which go into the ground
should be painted with some preserva
tive paint or gas-tar. Let the postB
extend not less than six feet above
the general level. Beiween tho posts
drive a 1 by 2 lath, midway, on which
the netting is also fastened, as this
makes it more rigid, and prevents
the heavy growth of vino bearing it
down when full of blooms.
If tho trench Is two feet wide, set
tho rows six Inches apart, which will
leave nine Inches outside of each row
to be filled In with soil. Place the
seeds two Inches apart; they should
be sown thickly to Insure a good
During the post few years a great
advance has' been made In tho type
of tho sweet pea, as the result of a
most remarkable "break," which pro
duced what is known as the Spencer
type. There aro always a lot of fine
new ones Introduced each year which
aro better in some particular than
their predecessors, but they pale be
foro the Introductions for 1913 and
1914, by the seed houses which make
a specialty of tho sweet pea. The
finest of the recent novelties are:
King White, wedgewood, Illuminator,
Empress Eugenie, Margaret Atlee,
Charm, Decorator, Orchid, Sterling
Stent, Elfrlda Pearson, May Camp
"bell, Afterglow, Arthur Green, Bar
bara, Charles Foster, Constance Oli
ver, and Countess Spencer. There
are many other good varieties of the
Spencer type, which you will find
named in the catalogues of the seedsmen.
New Garden Wrinkles
WHEN potting plants, spring or
fall, give tho pots, when filled,'
three soaklngs, a week apart,
with lime-water, made as follows:
Slack five pounds of qulck-Ilmo in
three gallons of water, stir, and allow
to settle. Use the clear liquid from
tho top. This will destroy earth
worms, which eat the roots of tho
plants, and cause leaf-dropping.
As a remedy for aphides on potted
plants, indoors, uso any of the fol
lowing: Tobacco smoke; one ounco
of oil of lemon to a gallon of water,
sprayed on; or strong soap suds,
sprayed on. For mealy-bug on soft
tissued plants, use the soap suds, but
for palms, use a stiff brush to kill
House plants, which have been pot
ted for a year or more, should bo de
potted to sea If they bo pot-bound.
To do this, place the left .hand over
tho top of the pot, and the right one
over the bottom; reverse the pot and
strike tho edge on some solid sub
stance, as the edge of a bench, and
the pot will come away In the right
hand. If the ball of soil bo covered
out of sight with roots, the plant
should be shifted to a pot just ono
size larger.
The calla-llly should be rested for a
month during the latter part of tho
summer by allowing the soil In the
pot to become bone-dry. Set tho pot
in an inch of water by the first of
October, and keep it so, and you
should havo fine blooms for Easter.
In the spring the house plants
should be allowed to get "on tho dry
side," by withdrawing moisture, but
not letting tho soil get quite dry.
Such as geranium, verbena, fuchsia,
begonia, and coleus should be carried
thus a month, and be cut back one
third to one-quarter, keeping a pyra
midal shape, and given plenty of
water, and dusting of bone-meal on
top of the pot
The potted ferns will likely be
"straggly" by spring. Cut off the
browned and ragged fronds, re-pot if
pot-bound, give bone-meal, and as
soon as the weather Is permanently
warm, sink the pots to the brim in
a border where they will have shade
in the afternoons. It Is not good
to de-pot and set house ferns in the
open border.
Many plants do not succeed In pots
through being In those too large for
them. A young seedling, started in
tho spring in a two-inch one, should
bo shifted into a four-Inch by early
summer, and could last In the latter
until ready to take in for the winter,
when it might require shifting Into a
five-Inch. It is especially necessary
to use care in this regard with house
ferns and palms.
AdvcrtUInc U the rate-tray lo a wlie purchme.