Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1914, PART FIVE, Page 11, Image 43

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    semi-monthly magazine
Bobbink & Atkins' New Hybrid
Giant Flowering Marshmallow
H"1 II IS wonderful
I n
now hanlr flow-
rrlnir ul ant is the
most nttractlvo of
all cxlstlnir plants.
The flowers vary In
color from white
ami light pink to tho
richest crimson and
mcasuro from cleht
to twelve Inches In
from flvo to elffht
feet tail.
When planted In an ordinary garden soli and
frlrcn some moisture. It will if row ererywhere.
bluomlne from July until late autumn. Every
body burin? a few feet of garden will get pleasure
from this remarkable plant. Three plants mulled
free upon receipt of ono dollar.
IIOSH l'LANTS We grow hundreds of thousands In
hundreds of varieties, also hardy, old-rashoned plants,
trees, shrubs, Rhododendrons and many other fascl
natlng plants to make gronnds and gardens beantlful.
All aro described In our Illustrated Ucneral Catalog
t mailed to Interested parties.
We Plan and plant grounds and gardens everywhere.
Nuritrymen d Florhlt Rutherford, N. J.
Csmpltte Pstteras
sad Instrsctnni
from $2 to $20
And Sare 2-3 Boat Builder's Price H
Wo send completo parts all shaped and
luted. Ton simply put them together. Satis
faction guaranteed or your money returned.
Write for Brooks' Boat
and see Illustrations of cruisers, power boats,
salt boats, canoes and boats ot all kinds and
sites that yon can assemble. Also new V
llottom Model. to 830 gets complete
patterns and Instructions. 133 buys complete
knocked down frame for 23 ft. motor boat. Book
tells all about It. Write for copy today. Address
7301 Rust Ave. Saginaw, Mich.
Largest Plant of Hi Kind In the World. Ortgl
natort of the Pattern System of Boat Building.
I If
r A
Kter? InvestingforProfit
TREE For Six Months
Send me your name and address right NOW and I
win send yon Investing lor Profit maiailne abso
lutely free for six months. It tells how to get the
utmost earnings from yonr money how to tell good
Inrestrnentshow to pick the most profitable of
sound Investments. It reveals hnw bankers and cap
italists make 91,000 grow to S22,000-ln ract
gives J on the vital Investing Information that
should enable yon to make your monoy grow pro-
pumenaieiy. i nave aeoinen mis montn io give
MM six month subscriptions to Investing for Profit
rp.EE! Everv couv Is
Worth nt Least $10 jii.i
tofrjrlnvtor-perhapa a fortuna. Send your nam and jl!;:
sMtlrMi now, mantion this paperand rt a frtM Introductory '
ubacription. Conditions may rrevant rrptalin tbla onr. ll'I
Hotter tali it now. You'll ba Vlllinc to pay 1U a copy altar I; ;
joa haf read 1 1 alt months. j;
H.L Barber. PbIi., R409, 30 W.JicVioa BlTd.,CLkuo f
"".V " "-" vV""" vi wi W w - VsJsjmBJSJt V
1 t-v.
her Parle Roses, Shrubs
giro a profusion of blossoms from
early spring until frost. Wagner
Plants, when planted according to
plans which our landscape depart
ment prepares free for our patrons,
produce tho most beautiful and ar
tistic effects.
Our catalog 31, fully Illustrated and
containing Invaluable information for
garden lovers will be mailed to you
rree on request. rue iur
11 liMlnr.
Tie Wirser Ptik NsTserf Co.
Bex 761 Si&tr, OUs
Wagner Landscape Service
Insures home surroundings In keeping with your archi
tecture. Our landscape department plans spaclons
(rounds as well as smaller places, making them a delight
to cultured tastes. Onr nurseries furnish Wagner's
Famous Roses. Hardy Flowers, Shrnbs and trees. Write
for our free illustrated book 33,
A'lirserymew. Landicape Gardenrn, Ftorittl.
Stop Snoring
Don't snnoy others, use ui. rage s a nore
Mute. Stops snoring, insures conact breath
ing while sleeping, checks cntarrh.
Light, smsll, pleasant to uie Only tsc
Money back If you are not delighted, write
for booklet on snoriD? free.
Ur.CB. I'arn Co.. Dept. 1408. Ironwood. Midi.
l,-:. T-I-l Send lOo and e man sooMsg.
a .".VS"- HIl.KSIcTrkks.IU.colnl.cudt.dke,
K I 'boons, rings, etc., explained so slmpla you can da
them St Onr A.tnnlth inH imnu (rUnit
JLm v monty a wlxard, shine as a star In your town.
f Ifa. ' tales Magic Co., Uept. 15, Mtlrose, Mast,
(Small Fruits for ilie
Jfomo Garden -
STRAWBERRIES being discussed
elsewhere, wo will consider tho
raspberry family, which consists
of four sections, according to their
colors, the red, black, pink and yel
low. Prepare the ground tho same as
you would for strawberries or pota
toes, or for garden culture, dig In
plenty of good well-rotted stable ma
nure, and make tho soil flno nnd
mellow with tho spado and rako.
Make tho furrows six feet apart, and
six inches deep, and set tho plants two
feet apart In tho rows. Tho old sys
tem of growing was to plant In hills,
four feet apart every way, but this
has almost been aband6ned. Cut
back the plants beforo planting to
six-inch tops, and set them as deep
as they grew before.
To support them, set posts twenty
feet apart, and run ono wire threo
and a half feet from the ground, and
train your frultlng-canes to this wire.
This Is the method now generally
adopted and Is tho cheapest which
will give good results.
There Is a "bush" system of grow
ing raspberries which Is especially
adapted to the small home garden.
The plants aro set In furrows six feet
apart, and threo feet apart in tho
furrow. Tho plants should bo trained
in bush form instead of vines, by
being pinched or cut back during tho
summer. Do not let tho leading
shoot, or "leader" grow more than
threo and a half feet high; tho later
als should bo- started near the surfaco
of the ground and kept to eighteen
Inches In length. It will require con
siderable pruning back during tho
growing season to make bushy
plants, but it is worth tho effort.
BY EITHER SYSTEM tho old wood
ahnttlrt ha out out nverv vear. ns
soon as the leaves drop. Do not do It
Just after fruiting as some have ad
vised. If you are not sure that you
can tell tho old canes from tho new
ones at that time of year, when they
aro In fruit tlo a pleco of raffla or
colored twlno around each cane that
has fruit on it. All theso must bo re
moved every year as they will not
fruit again. Remove them close to
tho crown, and clip oft several Inches
of the tips of the new canes which
have grown during tho summer.
Give the soli between and along
tho rows a dusting of a good commer
cial fertilizer, each year, at the rato
ot six hundred pounds per acre,
which Is ono hundred pounds to a
row ono rod wide and forty rods long.
Mulching over winter Is beneficial,
which can bo worked into the soil
between the rows In the spring.
Tho blackberry Is ono of tho most
paying of berry crops. It succeeds
well in partial shade, and can be
grown between fruit trees as an
lnter-crop while they aro young. Pre
pare tho ground tho same as for rasp
berries. Set them out in tho garden
or lot where they will compel you to
attend to them moro they will soon
become worthless. Keep them under
control by removing all surplus wood,
which is not difficult or expensive If
done regularly. They can bo grown
as vines or by the bush system the
same as given above for tho rasp
berry, but they must be planted fur
ther apart. When set out cut tho first
canes back to six Inches from the
ground. Set In rows eight feet apart,
and threo feet In tho row.
Tho gooseberry, like the currant,
does best in partial shade tho east
side of a clump of trees or a building
suits it exactly. As soon as tho leaves
appear, spray the whole bush with a
solution of one ounco 01 potassium
sulphide to four gallons of water, to
prevent mildew.
Preparo the soli for the currant
the same as for raspberry. Set tho
nlants in rows flvo feet apart and
four feet apart in tho row. Currants
should bo planted as early as possl
ble, as this Is the first fruit to start
vegetation In tne spring.
' i'.i:iii'i''.'iitoiililtiim' 'i ii'ir
a more beauti
ful wood than
this? It is Doug
las FIR "trim"
doors, chnlr
rails, base
boards, cornice,
rails, newel
For nil such ptir
posesltis' t'leAris
tocrnt of Woods."
Douglas FIR Flooring
(Edse Grain)
alo culled Vertlcnl
A dense, tine non-splintering
flooring. Its re
mnrkitbie wnTstnnce to
vc:tr is proven by long
servlco It gives for ship
p'ng plntforms, freight
noue Honrs, farlnry
rtors and similar uawbre
ivr trucking la dona,
jrlves superior service.
Tho United States Govern-
ment, In Forest Servlco Bulletin No. 88, issued
June 17th, '11, says: "Douglas FIR may,
considered ns the most Important of AmcricanWoods. W
As a structural tlmberitjsnotsurpasscd, and probably
it is most widely used and known in this capacity."
(YHYdott thtullra-eoniervativt Gott.Rtport thiudticritt DouglcuFirt
The reason for tho superiority of Douglas FIR for
building purposes Is that inproporiion to weight It is the
Strongest American Wood
U.S.QoTcrnmont tests clearly show the greatly superior strength
of. Douglas I'lr and Its vastly lighter weight per thousand feet.
The figures ere clear and conclusive.
This great strength with light weight, makes Douglas FIR
tho Ideal wood for nil framing purposes, from the studding
and joists of a coltage to the beams ard columns for large
mill-construction buildings. And Douglas FIR Is as beau
tiful ns It Is strong, and for Interior finish its "watered silk"
effect is most pleusintr, nndlta texture is udaptnble to any finish.
The U. S. Gov't Bulletin also says: "Douglas FIR sawed 'flat
Brain' shows plensiue lltrurcs nml hns been considered
as attractive as the grain of quatter-saucd oak," ()
( Quart r-sowd cat colls about (tro and one-nalfft'mr as much.)
Vou will oppreclnto a copy of the booklet on "Douglas Fill-Its Value to Rudders." It Is free,
l'ut your name ou a postal. Alto put on your address. Ihen mall It. (You'll ! glad ou did.)
WEST COAST LUMBER MFRS.'ASS'N, TisT.eom.Bidj.Jacoma.Wash.
I'll lllllllillll"lll'IIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIilllllll . ; 1 1 . 1 1 1 H I IIJ I -. I ri ri I ! I 1 Hi.ITi f i I 1 1 1 H , 1 1 1 1,1.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H fM ' 1 1 M . II I N8 1 1 li ii'ir. H 1 1 1 1 .'111 'Mj H h' II Ilillllllllllllllll'linill'lilllilljlltlllf3
w mm m E
Pay $40.00'
This tab. a ta mida of bit loild onir
ten awn WIIlTti oak In fouriMtlona.
l'ut it together youneii nt our direct irom
Factory Price $18-'
You uva t --tlt
121.10. Anv-"
nnnpun tlo tho
work. Com Die to instruc
tl.-tna. Hundreds of natterna
hown In our completo cat
8.1 offFit E. Newr wlllnic
plan, savtt wfo senu
postal tenia?.
Cisat'Pacfcl Firailira C.
133 Oirr SI..
Itltslt. BUM
Is a Filter
the Air You Breathe
Catarrticloirf It. Onecrcrm In your
head mav (rutin much deadlr work
u to cive you b iritfniiui coiq
nrl all horaiiao tlm -iiV waa nU
lowed to become dlieased.
Knnrlon'i Catarrhal Jellv fa I
oft. healing balm which clearica
ma paaaaffva anu pur (isy ine sur,
Stops neciinff relieves nor
in i, ii aa no ubj
Sanitary tube.
Sample free,
anireroua druff
tube lio and 60c.
MlnntapoUs. - Minn.
TsV . tf c "rwr nr Ttor ip
- V aflaV, JJ JLU JR. JL aU
maim win
Tti? 5 5 PRIZE
Each one 01 these four
lines of figures spells ay
otuiu. a ma mosc inier
estlng puzzle can besolredf
with a little study as fol-
lows i There are twenty-
sis letters In the alpha-
bet. and wo hare used tlg-tV
ures In spclllna the fouri
words Instead of letters.?
Letter A Is number I. U
number 2. C number S.-or
. . . r . v. , aa nnn .a mi i rnkrrrcT all i. - .
?(o do Is to enclose with your answer 3 two-cent stamps to cover cost of packing, mailing, etc. USE?
YOUR DRAINS. Try and make out the four words. ACT QUICKLY. Write the four words on a sllnX
of paper, mall It Immediately with your name and address and 4 cents In stamps. And you will
.promptly recclre as your reward this SURPRISE PACKET, which Is a handsome assortment of fire
beautifully colored Cold Embossed Valentine post-cards, together with a copy of a New York Mst-j.
jfazlne, also a CERTIFICATE OF ENTRY In our GRAND $.5000.00 PRIZE CONTEST, Act Prompt Ir.;
Thls Is your opportunity to entsr this great contest In which wo aire away THREE AUTOMO
B1LES, PIANO. PHONOGRAPH. GOLD WATCHES, CASH PRIZES, etc. In case of a tie between
two or more persons for any Prlte a Prlte Identical In character and Talus will be Siren each person
sotled. TRY AND WIN. Address
. WEST, Mgr., 649 Wast 43d Street, Dept. 272 Now York
tvitkeut tint dtfetft, prenar the irtlfhtaad
IT ON LY COSTS one cent to letm our
unheard ef prictt and mervthuiejftr$wk
Iilffheitt trrade 1914 modl bicycle.
a pair o! Urn from anjrext at mny frit
until you write lor our lutre Art Catalog
and learn our wtmttrUf frteittUn on lint
Mm pi McycJe irofnr to your town.
money exhibiting and telling our bicycle.
We Sell cheaper than any other bctory.
TIRES. CsMater-Brahe rear wheeUa
Umoa. reoatra and all aundrtea at half usual iritu.
Do Not Walt I writ Ma4sv for our MHctxI eTer.
Tne Hot! Wcnderfsl biUlora la lbs World!
GOLDEN OI'EltA BI.VOEItS (name coprrlibt.
ed). Trained In Merman? to sins tbe most beao
tifol melndy. Even more wondsriul than ths
Talking Maehins! Tbar cost little mure than
an ordinary canary site ten times tba pleaa.
ore. A constant dell ebt for the whole family.
Bold on TWO WEEKS' rREB" TRIAL with
an Absoluts Quarantes of Satisfaction, Your
money back without question If not satisfied.
Sand for our free book that tails what they
csn do. how they are trained and how we
ship them all over the World. Write today.
CUGLEY & MULLEN CO., 12SS Market St.,Fkita.,
IT7 Largitt Bird Btort in Ike World.)
Guaranteed Talking Parrots a low as SS.OO.