Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1914, PART FIVE, Page 9, Image 41

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h IflV Blackberry
El J M brines Joy to all wlio
crow.selloreatlt, It
Is more luscious In lli.vor than any other
Hlackborry I have ever crown, and Is very
large, Uolnir almost as thick through as It Is
long, Tho canes are of Iron-clad hardihood,
so strong as to need no staking, and bear
heavily r.eerv year. In the winter of 1911-12
every Hlackborry In my trial grounds was
damaged more or less except (lie JUV, which
camo through with oveiy bud and terminal
In perfect condition. In my longcxperlenco
with this berry Its canes have never been
affected, oven silently, br orange rust nr
other disease. ,
Headquarters forSt.IleglsKvcrbcarlng,
tho best red Hnspberry. and Caco, by far
the choicest of all hardy Urapcs. A full as
sortment of Strawberries, ltaspbcrrles. Black
berries. Ornnes. Currants. (iDoseberrles.Oanlon
Koots. hardy l'erennlal Plants. Shrubs and
Vines. Urentreen and Bhade Trees. Hoses.
Heuee runts, etc. IutmrMed de
scrlptlrecalaloE replete with col
tural Instructions, free to ererj.
body. KfUbllshed
1K7S. soocrt. Qua!
Ity nnsu rpassed.
Trices low.
Box 200
Wo soil best quality fruit trees, shrubs and
plants atune-half tho nursery airent's price
and pay tho freleht on orders of to and oyer to
points Kast of Mississippi UWer. except Canada,
All stock Is northern crown, hardy and healthy.
All orders Euaranteod.
Note These Bargains:
.-12 Paaah Trass. Uidtnff kinds, for
No. lft--ia Rim Baaaaa, ail different kinda. to bloom
2fa Aaala TraaaDadinv kimla. in
S-IO rnilt Traae. all dlll.r nt kind, for
No. I6..12 Flowarlaf Shrubs, all kind;
o x Kaao naai
thla ysar, for
$ .90
for a!oo
Regular prices on tbeso oilers aro more than
double our prices.
Get This Free Book Now
Tells Just what you want to know about
-.Belectlnr. planting; and Erowlne all nursery
stock. 8hows all the beat rarletlea of fruit and
ornamental trees, flowering and decorative plants
andsnrnrjs. contains a big list or unequanea
ev bargains, uaa t dux nnui you're reaa
3ffFstS Box 304 Rochester, N. Y.
GUARANTEED true to name
and free from seals and disease,
are propagated from trees of
merit, consequently will pro
duco a good strain of fruit, best
for tho orchard and garden:
fresh dug.
Popular Fruit Tree and Plant
Collection. 15 trees anu plants,
value $1.G5, for 98c. 1 Elberta peach, 1 Har
vest apple, I Ilartlett pear, 1 Ilaldwln apple,
1 Slontmorenev sour cherry. 1 Uxhartswcct
.Clierryi 1 Orange quince, 1 Malonoy prune,
'All 3 to 4 foot hl4h. Grapes: 1 Concord, bluo.
1 Delaware, rod. uurrants: l fcrroction rou,
,1'Whlto grapo, best white. 3 riopiant roots.
Our varieties have been tested 29 years and
wo Ohly sell what trees wo grow, budded on
branch root. Imported seedlings, none bet
ter. Each order Is given personal attention
and packed to reach you In good crowing
You will find it a great advantage and saving
In dealing with tho Pioneer Wholesalo
Nurserymen of Dansvlllo. Write today for
TRATED Catalog of guaranteed true to
name trees and plants. Visit our nur
series of 350 acres.
MALONEY BROS. & WELLS CO., Box 97.DiniiHe.H.Y.
DantxilWi Pioneer Wholesale Kvnerlei.
Beautify Your Home Grounds
by planting trees, shrubs, plants and
vines. As each year goes by they
increase the value and beauty of
your property wonderfully. You'll
be surprised to know how little it
costs to plant your grounds with
Our Immense stock of fers a wide variety from
which to choose. They're all guaranteed
true to name. Wo sell direct to you no
agents to Increase the cost.
Send today for valuable book which tell;
all about our complete stock of ornamental
trees, also apple, peach and cherry trees.
It's free write today.
Woodlawn Nurseries
668 Culver Road, Rochester, N. Y.
too, somo years, when It became very
luxuriant and when we did not relish
It on account of beans, corn and to
matoes being so abundant. Wo usu
ally have a row of parsnips some
where, sometimes between the early
corn. Salsify, too, tho same way.
Of course wo have mint, though
not so large a bed as tho ono at the
Whlto House. By one of my flat
stone seats, at tho end of tho stone
wall walk, mint is growing, almost
surrounding the scat.
wo always plant several kinds of
corn, never forgetting Holding Mob
and Country Gentleman. Wo start
usually with early Catawba, which
wo find very Bweet.
Our cold frames, two In number.
wo havo placed on tho south side of
tho house, whero they are protected
from cold winds, and get a maxi
mum of sunshine. They aro exca
vated bo that, if wo wish, wo can
make a hot bed; or, by putting two-by-four
boards across a supporting
cleat, we may havo a cold frame. Last
Septcmbor thero were two plantings
of lettuce made threo weeks apart,
from seeds sown in August in tho
open. They wero planted about four
inches apart. Dy thinning every
other plant as they grew, we had
tender salad, and as much as our
winter family of four could eat.
Wo have never had any marked
success In starting melons or cucum
bers In pots or baskets in the cold
frame. Wo always havo a few vio
lets. We bank up tho sides with ma
nure and cover the banking with
leaves and soil. The double glass
sash Insures against any trouble from
freezing, .even when the temperaturo
stays around 10 P. for a week or
ten days, as it sometimes has. If
you wish to experience a keen pleas
ure, sweep off the snow from the
glass in January and see rows and
rows of tender green lettuce, a bunch
of parsley, a plant of thyme, and al
ways a few violctsl
in PLANNING the pretty park-like
1 vard nn effort was made to havo a
long restful line of green lawn, and
a pleasing outline to tho shrubbery
border. There wero many prelimi
nary half hours spent trying to seo
tho picture. Finally ono flno October
day, two old sheets became long
white ribbons, and a number or
pointed sticks becamo pins and the
idea camo into being. That white
outline stayed for almost a week, and
several tlmeB a day we would look
at it critically, until we thought we
had found the proper lines for this
particular place. Then began the
digging and screening and bed
Our perennial chrysanthemums are
planted along the stone wall the
whole length of the hardy border,
and also along the south edge, clear
to the point of the grapo arbor. Wo
have put at tho back tho high grow
ing things, welgelia, deutzla, lilac,
hollyhocks, and golden glow, in
clumps. In front of those are peo
nics. delphiniums, Japanese prim
rose, garden heliotrope, digitalis,
bleeding-heart, yellow lilies, and orl
ental popples. All planted in clumps.
Dainty nlcotee tulips In groups glad
den us in spring with their early
cream and pink loveliness. All
around the edge grows sweet alys
sum. Eivlng from May until Decern
ber a delicious odor, and making a
very effective border.
Many of our utilitarian friends
have asked me why we use Beven
feet of garden space for a grassy path
and flower borders. Could we do
without tho violets, sweet-william,
the lovely spice pinks, white and
nlnk and variegated, the pyre
thrums and calendula), perennial
phloxes, and galllairdia? We Just
couldn't! This path and Its bor
dors aro beautiful from our din
inr room window and back porch,
We look straight down thi3 vista
to our background of natlvo trees
and wild shrubbery, to tho un-buiit
upon rear property.
Our conservatory Is only a cov
Get Out Your
Winter Garden Tools
OUTSIDE the ground is frozen you
I can't dig in the dirt. Inside the fire
is blazing why don't you bring your
garden there ? Put the plot on paper, ponder
the failures of last summer, plan for success in
the coming season. Then when the sap begins
to run you'll be ready to get busy with Your
Summer Garden Tools.
NOWis-thc time to get acquainted with
a week-by-week feature of The Country Gen
tleman a year-round diary for the man with
the small, place. It's as good in winter as in
summer a correspondence course in garden
ing for the over-the-city-line man, with fifty
two lessons a year at less than three cents a
week written by men who know how to make
things grow.
Consider the Hen
Stop thinking of poultry in
terms of dollar-a-dozen eggs and
forty-cents-a-pound broilers.
Be your own producer and mid
dleman. A few square yards in
the back yard is all you need to
start. You are not going into
business on a big scale, so you
don't require a $10,000poultry
plant. You merely want to raise
enough eggs and broilers for
your own table.
J You are Farming a Little Back Yard or
Ten Tlionsand Acres You Need
A chicken expert is going to
start a family for you to watch.
Week by week he will tell you
about that brood, from the
breeders to the egg, the hatch
ing, rearing the young chicks,
feeding them, doctoring them,
bringing them up until they
begin to lay. You can't go far ,
wrong on the poultry ques-
tion with the history of .
this family before you. Cut
S Out-
Mail Today
Five Cents the Copy, of all Newsdealer.
' $1.50 the Year, by Mail
Independence Square Town.
Phlladelphta, Pa.
The Country
S gentleman
' Ind.ptndanc Square
S rhlladalphla, !.
Enclosed please find $1.50.
Canadian price $2.25. Please
send The Country Gentleman
(or one year to the address beloW,
Happiness Is often traceable to an Advertisement,