Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1914, PART TWO, Page 2-B, Image 14

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    2 B
any Aro Seeking Other Spots for
Short Sojourns.
Concert by Creljchton Glee CI ah U
Ainu Attrncttntc ConMlilernble
Intercut Yrlth Itn Long
lalst of l'lttrons.
Socinl Cnlendar.
MONDAY Mrs. Albert KruR, dinner una
Orpheum party for the house guests,
ot Mrs. lco Huff, who are Mrs.
Max ERte. Mr. XL W. Hock and Mrs.
J. C. Glrspnchcr. of Grand Island;
Creighton law department dance at
Turpln's academyi llesearoh club en
tertainment nt Metropolitan club; Miss
Euphenla Johnson, luncheon for Miss
Pendleton; Wollesley club dinner at
Hotel Loyal for Miss Pendleton; As
sociation of Colleglato Alumnao, recep
tion for Miss Pendleton at home of
Miss Allco Buchanan. Mr. and Mi's. Rao
Vlerllnir. Brandels theater party.
TCESDAY University club lunejipon for
Miss Pendleton. Mrs. F It Straight,
brldgo luncheon for Mrs. William un
zlcker and Mrs. May Auld; Miss Gladys
and Daphne Peter, tea for Mrs. Wclp
ton's pupils; the M N. O. club dance at
the Ilnw; Mrs. K. II Omening, bridge
luncheon for hoOso guests of Mrs. Leo
Huff. Mrs. W. K. GIHer, dinner for
guest of Mrs. Iee Huff; Airs. E. Moore
and .Mrs. A. Jacobson, hostesses of
t'nlversal Circle card party.
WEDNESDAY Mrs. Floyd Smith, host
ess of Wednesday Urldse club; Mr. and
Mrs. George Pray, evening bridge party
Mrs. Howard Colliding, bridge luncheon
for the guests of Mrs. Iee Huff; Dr.
and Mrs. B. XI. Davis, dinner at their
TIU'IISDAY-Mnx Landow. recital at
First llapllst church; La. Sallo Danclntr
club at Chambers.
Tho fourth annual concert of tho
Creighton University GIco club, which
vrlli be held at tho Itrandcls theater Feb.
rimry 4, will bp ono of tho largo social
events of tho month. Mmo. Lucille
Tcwksbury Stevenson, a soloist, nnd
Mmo. Marie Von Unschuld, pianist, two
nrtlsta of well known ability, will bo a
fcaturo of tho prosram. These concerts
lmvp been very enjoyable eventp In the
past and are looked forward to with a
Krcat deal of pleasure. Following is a
list of tho patronesses:
Messr. Messrs. ,
C C Alllion Y. T. Hamilton
I Curtis Arledgo McMillan Harding
Xlnff C. Ilarton A. Hush Ufliplo
Charlea D. Ucaton Arthur ifeellne
a. at. uorgium
Tliomas J. Kolly
II. V. Hurklcy
T, C. Bynirt'
Joseph llyrsso
Hoy T. Bvr'no
Will Coal
V 1. Coffman
Will Colling'
U. W. Connell
Henry G. Cox"
Kdwaid Crclghtpn
It, V. Crofoot
T. H. fuming
J M. Daughcrty
W. IS. Fitrgcrnld,
New York
C Ay. Hamilton
c. j; smyth
Atlolpli Stors
JV. KwnrUlandcr
J., o. Thgmpson
Wary Iiurklcy
ISllwn Crclghton
Mary Duffy
Mary Furay
Ophelia Haydrn
Kvelyn Hopper
Jluth Ltttensor
Margaret McShane
.). A. C. Kennedy
T. r. Kennedy
Frank Kcogh
A. V. Klnsler
A AS. McConncIl
3. A. Mcyiuiuo
Tiioixns McShane
.fohn Madden
T. J. Mahoney
Paul la. Martin
A. I Mulrhead
l A. Nash
I C. Nash
Udward O'Drlcn
llnrpld Prttchett
W. II. Thompson,
E. A. Wtckham,
Mary Munchoff
Helen Murphy
Josephlno Murphy
jNimcuo aiurpny
Hose Smyth
Amirs Wickham.
Clalro II. "Voodard
Marie Woodard.
F. V. Hamilton
Practically the entire student bo4y of
the. university will be. present at the con
cert. The flvo fratetsftles of tho pro
fessional departments' have arranged to
giver box parties. Tho frats are, the Phi
Hho Sigma and Phi Beta Phi of the wed
Ical department, the Dplta Sigma Delta
ot tho tantnl, the Gamma Eta Gamma
and Delta Thcta Delta ot the law. Law
rerice Bushman, president of tho senlur
class of tho arts college, will also give
a box party. t
Country Club CJpses for Winter,
The Country club closed Tuesday for
tho rest of the? winter, and no mora din
ners or dances can bo given there until
after the formal opening of tho club In
May for the summer season, apjfors
wilt have the uso of the lockers ns Usual,
but there will bo only a caretaker In
chareo of tho club and no service of any
Society Xiffltt atAit Kow.
Tho beard of directors of the Automo
bile tfcow has decided that Thursday
night, February 3. will be given ever
particularly to society, and Is making
plana to entertain the crowd of visitors
sura to attend. "Society" night has al
ways been tlio banner night of the annual
event, and tblsj year the directors hope
to mcko It "bigger, better and grander"
than ever before,
Just what the plans for the evening
am have not been, divulged, but one ot
the stockholders forgot himself and told
ine how he was learning to tango, and
that he had to be 4,flnlhe4" by the first
of February. The coincidence ot dates
look suspicious ta 'me, especially &
many of the outompblle Jealern are Uko2
dancing lesson and are cogr to practice
all the new steps,
Whether the tango, the hesitation
wajts and tho castle walk wilt be fea
tures ot this year's show Is neither af
firmed nor denied, but Indications Justify
tho belief that the board of directors are
Klvlns more than casual consideration to
to the idea.
For Zonular Visitor.
Many affairs have bn planned tn
honor ot tho house guests of Mrs. Leo
Huff, Mesdamea Max Egge, H. W, Bock,
J, C. Qereuiacher of Grand Island. Satur
day jiyenlns Mrs. La Jloy Pegau enter-
talat-d at dinner. Monday night Mrs
Albert Krug will give a, dinner followed
by an Orpheum party. Tuesday, Mrs.
E. J. Pruenlag will give a bridge, lunch
eon, in their bqnar- Tuesday evening
Mrs. W. El. Oilier will entertain at dinner
nm( Vednesday, M.r, Howard Opuldin
will gtva a bridge luncheon. Mr. and Mrs,
jr. Peters will entertain at a dinner
tins evening for these guests when those
present win be;
Mesdames Mesdamea
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huff.
Mfv and Mrs. XL N. X'etera.
To Sail Soon.
Mr, and Mrs, John A, McShaae wilt Join
the Omaha party sailing February 7 for
tne .Panama cruue
Mrs. 3, .13, Summers and, son Stuart
aim.ner latner, Mr. George a. Hoagland,
left Katurday for Ban Francisco to sail
nest, weanesaay xor Honolulu to join Mra.
Koagtaud. who Is visiting her daughter,
Jars. David Stone, at Schofield Barracks.
Birthday Surprise Party.
On Wednesday evening tho officers of
tho Payld A. Baum club QUd, the pmaha
Wlrrleejs association gave a surprisa
party for Mr. Porter Qulnby In honor )t
ttl eighteenth birthday.
OMr. Qulnby Is president of the Omaha
Wirl association and a very popular
jucmbar ot the younger bl He was
imemmtammzi i h im .sssssssssW
Keeentcd with a handsome Deforest,
andlon detsctor for his wireless station.
The supper room was decorated In club
color and on the place cards wero
painted tho monograms ot each clun.
Tho table centerpiece was a shower of
popcorn balls and candy favors, sus
pended from tho chandelier by ribbons.
This encircled the birthday cake, wilh
lighted candles, also In club colors. .
Those, present wero:
Alblna Walasak,
Myrtle Dutchcr.
Pauline QrlflUli,
Julia Qulnby,
Ed Osborne,
Porter Qulnby,
trrancea semicx,
Lillian Dickman,
Dll Bowser.
Cliff Farrell.
Fred Bowser.
Mr. ana Mrs. 11. 11. uinoy.
'Ana ragaico ciuu cuici uiipiru a
dancing; party on Wednesday evening at
Ambrust hall, .Twenty-fourth and Vlaton
strepts. Those present wero:
MIsbps- Misses-
Barbara Bauman, Margaret Shields,
Ituth Hudson
Lillian Dlokman,
Julia Qulnby,
Georgia Short.
Irene Hough,
Olga Hoffman,
Lillian Saunders;
Mary Ann Shirley,
Frances Mulholland,
lola Marsh,
Korrlne Saunders,
Alma Broderdorp,
Clara Broderdorp,
Irene Stoltenbertr,
Mario Norgard.
Irene Daley,
Elslo Pepper,
lnea Long,
Lillian Day.
Pcdrl Peck.
lAWrence Grobeck,
Margaret Casey,
Georgia Miller,
Savn uauioison,
dna Kodse,
ines I'ersips.
Mabel McFarland,
Marsarct Brock-
Harriet Hansen,
uauy waurer,
Iloso Dixon,
Jan Penner,
KStner owanson,.
Kihi Mulholland,
Grace Mlnntck,
Roa Hani.
Stella Burgess,
a.'T. Kauffman.
W. Cavnaugh.
jacK wmic
Frank U Goodwin, Eugeno May,
Thomae Brown.
unanes uauman,
William Nlttjcr,
B. Mlllnr.
Harry "Unlit.
. D, O'Leary.
Harry HllclUer,
Willis Summers,
Vcrn. SmltK
15, Keiiy,
C. E. iioffman,
John Tierney,
Frank Ekdahi,
John J. Spullman,
if. U. Ruffner,
Carl Dickman, .
Walter Perdval,
j. j. coiiins.
John Nyland,
I i.ijiz.
eorge Klndell.
Elmer Pa Hon,
la. t. HUll.
P. H. MtCrone.
unaries unwero,
U. w. uckiov
V. W. Klncal
T. M. Carlisle.
J. 11. Jaske. .
Henry Hansen,
James Norgard,
o; c. Slaughter,
D. P. pallahan,
pn vaugnn.
O. Marks.
Everett Boyd.
Ralph Bishop,
W. Glover.
riarry i.roDecK,
Nr. ana ra. J
The M. N. O, club will hold Its second
dancing party oj tho season at the Rome
hotel, January ST. Tho member" ot the
club are Misses Florence Iloye Honore
fVard, Elsie Uousman. la, Apne
Jessen. Marie ara, Mane jessen, Aiauei
Housman and Mra, T. J. Hurite,
The Jollyata" club entertain" at a
dancing party at Mstropolltan hall Sun
day eY?nlnf. The committee In charge U
Miss Irene uoiustone, mi4 Anna tvauy,
Miss Charlotte Thomas and Mr. 3,
The Yellowstone Gun club gave a
danclnf party a Its club rooms, )st
Phi Sigma Phi Entertains.
Members pt the Phi Sigma Phi fra
ternity gave their first party In their new
club raqms at Twenty-fourth and Pratt
Streets Saturday evening. The rooms
were decorated with, the club colors ot
dark blue and gold, while numerous pen'
nants of the different schools ot the
country were also hung about the walls,
The guests were entertained with a varied
program ot music, speeches and games,
One ot the unique features ot the party
of the Creighton
mMr .x. imw w
was tho manner In which tho boy mem
bers of tho fraternity served refresh
ments. Tho commlttco in charge of the
affair woro Dick Richards, Oldham Pals
ley and JoBoph Weinberg. Thpse present
Misses Misses
Elizabeth Crawford, Efflo Clelland,
Delia Nelsen, Pearl Gaines,
May Leach, Margaret Lewis,
Helen Johnson, Irono Majors,
MarlonM'eursail, Margaret Raffan,
Mildred Jones, Anuotta Nourse,
Joan Richards. Margaret Solomon.
Elizabeth Uerryman, Ferne Klssell,
Elnmr ithoden,
Almut EVilomon,
John tielby,
Ftnley Jenkins,
A .. ,1 1 .
Vlctor Jorgcnsen,
Stanley High,
Joseph AVclnberg,
Dick Richards.
James Westerfleld,
Oldham Paisley.
Neiil Parsons,
Glo Bennett.
uien Reaves,
Paul Solby.
George Pariah,
Wllard Flor.
frl ft ft ft Wr.i4an
Prof. Pansy wiillains.
I'ror. santorn uiirora.
Mr. and Mra. D. 13. Jenkins.
cir, ana Airs, Morns Mortensen.
Mr. and Mr. Kenneth Findtayson.
Birthday Party.
Mr. and Mm J. W. Hitch entertained
Tuesday evening In honor ot their daugh
ter, Miss Ebplso Jay's eighteenth birth
day. Carnatlops, rosea and narcissus with
forria were used throughout the bousa
and the evening woa spent In games and
music, Thqao present were:
Misses Misses-,
Helen Jergusen, Anna Mlngus,
Ethel Tower, Marlowe Hitch,
Cora Jones, Mabla Wilson,
Cora Croffet. Elsie Hitch.
urace vomica,
Messrs. Messrs.
A. Hoffman. II. Btoffor.
J. Dudley. W, Comstock.
Weldman, Arthur Carlson,
Frank Armtronir. "Walter Hitch.
A, McClung,
Bkatinsr Party,
Tho David A- Raum club and the
Omaha Wireless adaptation gave a. Joint
club party on Sunday at Carter lake.
Tho afternoon was. spent in skating and
races on the tee. The evening was spent
at the home ot Miss Lilian Dickman, in
roasting; wtenle and popping corn. Those
present were!
Lillian Dickman.
Olga Marxen.
Rose Walasek.
Frances Bemick,
Fred Bowier,
K. Castberg-,
Kd Arms,
Cllf?' Farrell-
Anna Verner,
Alblna ValaatW,
rauUne Qrlffltb,
Myrtle Dutchcr,
Julia Quinsy,
Carl Itempel,
Djll Rowaer,
Porter Qulnby,
Kd Qsborno,
Win Qangnebln,
Orphenm Party,
The Patrician olub entertained at an
Orpheum party Thursday evening for the
members and their friends.
Bridge Party.
Mrs. Henry AVyrnan jntertalncd at
bridge at her home Saturday afternoon
in honor V Miss Uanscom and Miss
Glee Club
France of New York, who uro the guests
ot Mrs. John I 'Kennedy, Her guests
Tda Sharp,
John 1 Kennedy,
Herman Kountze,
J. ta, Lehmer, '
II. V, Yates,
France, Mesdames
John A.' McShane,
John L: Baldwin,
John Patrick,
3. t Duller.
Evening Party.
Dr. and Mrs, W. H. Mick entertained
a nurnber ot their friends at their home
Saturday avenlntf. Mr, Palmer of the
Youpg Men's Chrl"tlan. association gave
several rcaUn$ from Kipling. Those
present were:
Df. and Mra. A. F. Tyler.
Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Ballard.
Dr. and Mrs. W. U Ross.
Dr. and Mrs, C. II. Newell
Dr. and Mrs. A. O. Peterson.
Dr. and Mrs. C. I. Kennedy.
Dr. T. T. Harris.
Theater Party for Guests.
Mr. and Mfs. B. E. Short of Sioux
City, Ta., aro the guests, of Mvr, and Mrs.
ay vierung ror a few days. in. tljelr
honor Mr, and Mrs. Vlerllng ylll enter
tain at a theater party at the Brandes
HolS tieen witln the House of Hospe
since 1874 just
$ 325 JL JF M. LCJ.JL 9 -$400
TJas piano good enough for your gr&ndfatlier, your grand
mother yoqr father and mother and it's good enough for you
And Her Are a Few Used Pianos All Pitt In First Class Bhapo.
Borno Hare Rargalus.
175, m 40,
q.UU xx up? nawe-f.vKi i-er y?eK VflfH VF
7 'Si'ar- : , . , . M , Zl"
Is aeUatry tuw 0tMtcd the mm
Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Smith will bo their additional guests.
Elks' Dancing Party.
The Elks' Dancing club pavo one of Its
enjoyablo parties Wednesday night -The
following were present:
Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs.--
I?rtJlaJa'PU Jvil'flP. Upward Gouldlng.
Oeorge Johnson, Harry fiteln,
H. F. Ij. ICckermann. Charles Dcttman,
Hnny Ilran'H.
Pratt Harwood,
W; H. Gould,
II. II. Crbnk,
WllUam Plainer.
Qliarics Madhy,
G. H. Itheam.
Ik Im Hamlin,
n, hl Brown.
Grunt Williams,
Kll Bralloy,
Alnx need,
Bd Eden.
N. A. Chains.
William Dorrancc,
Charles DaKclle,
I,. N. Dcrmody,
Henry Peters,
N. M. Devltt.
George N. tihlclds,
Nettle Bchooley,
Mabel Whitney,
lluby Anderson,
Inez Iatey,
Ella Peterson.
Evelyn BpcUmon,
Margaret Colt.
Frances Schm-'tt,
Koy pegau
Anna Nebje,
Mario Kunz.
Allco Bame',
Grace Berg.
Catherine) D'Orady,
Dora Haarmunn,
Helpn Itosseri,
Jcscle Odell,
Adctllno Wycof,
Holen Grndy,
Irene Hlgbee,
Bertha Mirz,
Laura Potei'eon.
Margaret Foley.
Clara Gorvercau,
J. Jj; Mullen.
1;. J. Gardner,
Mary English.
Iatiric Hansen,
P. 11 Gwynnc,
O. l Battey.
Itobert Smiley,
F. W. Cullen.
Robert Shields,
R. J. Olson,
A. J. Kelley.
Clara, Scott.
Man;aret Past,
1. W. Knleht.
Ed Hnwley.
C. L. Bwancutt,
L. N. Nygaaid,
Claude Blfo.
Otto Nlolson,
Earnest Harwood,
Al Kellstrom.
Clarence Hall.
M. II. Harris,
Freeman Bradford. Bert Miner.
uayes usantner, i red itossbach,
J. Walter Doyle. H. E. Frost,
Henske, Leo Dugher,
I. W. Miner.
Luncheon and "Whst.
Mrs. F. E. Pcarco and Mrs. L. A. Gar
ner entertained tfio Omaha Whist club
at a luncheon Friday at tho Loyal hotel.
Three immense baskets of Killarney
roses were used for the tablo decoration.
They were tied with pink tullo bows and
strands of the pink tullo wero stretched
between the baskets. Pink shaded
candles and place cards, which opened up
to resemble a bouquet of flowers wero
used. Following' the luncheon the ladles
played cards at the home of Mrs, Pearce,
high scores being mado by Mesdams
Haverstlck. Coutant. Yates and Cop
petzer. Those present were:
John N. Baldwin,
George E.
A. A. Fuller.
W H. Wllber,
Chipmnn of
New Yprk City,
Everett of
CoUpMI Bluffs.
D. y. qhoIe.
J. C. Cadwlck,
Ta C. Gibson.
Henrv W. yntes,
Frank Colpetzer,
A. O, Rd wards,
M T. frelRh'.
F. J. Fitzgerald,
T JT.Orr.
Phplp Poftor,
tv. .t. Broatch.
C. K Coutant,
Sixfcw.Sjx Plnh Pance.
The Blxty-Slx cjub entertained at
dance at Chambers' Frfday evening, when
miu?b iresci)i were.
Messrs. and Mesdames
J. R. Golden, II. A. Viner.
Geprgo Waterman, H. L. Allman,
C. H. Clarke.
A. Medlar,
A. C. Foster.
O. A. Young,
J. P. Palmer,
G. II. Rheam,
A. C. Potter.
G. O. Pray,
Stanley Green,
R. S. Trimble.
j: a. Mdintvrd,
, T. Ansel.
J. F, Qreieley. -
H. C, Paul, f
E. S. Freeman,
la IT. Kohn.
K. I Potter,
H. I. Adams.
C. N. Walrath,
C. J5. Mlckel,
R. V. Cole,
J. E. Bishop,
B. T. Rector,
J. E. Pulver,
J. F. Little.
Allan Palmer,
Burd S. Miller.
W. M. McKay,
E. F. Howe,
N. H. Nelson,
T. M. Conklln,
F. J, Jumper,
J. P. Cook,
R. G. Goddard,
W. N. Dorward.
J. A. Llndorholrn.
x . ivnng.
J. B. Cunningham,
W. G, Shrlver.
O. M. Edwards,
W. M. Kennedy,
O. L. Hart,
R. W. Palmer.
W. H. Taylor.
J. E. Walrath.
J S. Wllllbrand,
L. M. Rogers,
13. A. Knapp,
J. B, Fradenberg,
G. A. Baxter,
O. E. Hamilton,
R. A. Dodge,
L. C. Hamilton,
Thomas Fell,
R. F. Howe.
M. D. Cameron,
G. T, Kunne,
F. J. Teggart,
Jqhn Lavelle,
R. N. Howe.
XL II. Swartwout.
G. K, Thompaon,
.T S. Kelley"
C, ta. Fosa.
R. RlX.
O. A. Peterson,
W, A. Plel. '
E. T.' Abbptt,
George B. Darr,
W. T. WUsonl
q. B. shipard,
Lunoheon for Guest.
"Mrs. Edward Pegau was hostess Friday
nt a, luncheon a ther homo In Dundee,
given In honor of. Miss Lydla Stamm, the
guest ot Mrs. L. p. Vpham. Tho lunch
eon guests; were members ot the Dundee
Luncheon club and Included Mrs. F. I.
Elllck, Mr' C. 6. Talmadge, Mrs. S. R.
Rush, Mrs. "V. E, Rhoadcs, Mrf- Allan
Parmer, Mrs. G. M. Durkee, Mrs. F. W.
Carmlchaoi, Mrs. E. E. Klmberley, Mra
Paul Slsson, Mrs, IIull of Ohio, Mra
Oscar Goodman and Mrs. Royal Miller,
faforma Repeptfpn."
An .informal reception tn honor of Mmo.
Von Unschuld, one of the soloists to ap
pear at the Creighton Glee club concert,
wU bp given by her Omaha friends In
the parlors of tho arts college on the
afternoon of the concert Mmo. Unschuld
Is a personal friend pt Qmaha's leading
MEHlaIN HqilfliPNW.
Make Tour wi(
UP, H8t 5175, $200,
Of aU Hmatiltary partial plates, ub-
musicians, all of- whom speak of her In
high terms. Among those who will be
present at the reception are: Mr. and
Mrs. Max Landow, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Borglum, Mrs. Robinson and daughter,
Bella, and Miss Mary Munchoff.
Trip Abroad,
Mss Elizabeth E. Griffith and Miss
Julia Ta Melotte will sail February 2 on
the steamship Rotterdam, from New
York, for a three-month trip through the
Mediterranean and Orient
Tango Party.
Mr. Marshall Dillon and Mr. Harlcy
Deems entertained forty nf their friends
at a tango dance Saturday evening at
Jacob's hail
Entertain at Cards'.
The ladles' auxiliary to the Master
Plumbers association entertained at a
card party Saturday evening at the- home
of Mr. nnd Mra. D. W Dudgeon. The
husbands wero tho guests or honor. Airs,
George J. Morris assisted (he hostess,
Those present were:
Mlssea Misses
Ruth Cattln, Nellie Dudgeon.
Messrs. Messrs.
Harland Cattln. John Edwards.
Robert McAllister.
Mr. and Mrs. IIoHls Johnson,
Mr, and Mrs, Pus Blscr,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cattln,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Faulkner,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Qrunwold.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Gold,
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Morris,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank &orrs,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wing,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Whitney.
Mr. and Mrs. B, 6. Epworfh,
Mr. iand Mrs. Harry McVea.
The Universal circle wll entertain at a
card party at their hall, .Twenty-eighth
and Fowler, THesp'qy afternoon. Mrs. E.
Moore and Mr A. Jacobson w)U be
Entertain at Luncheon.
Mrs. Leo Huff entertained at luncheon
Friday for her house guests, Mesdames
I. W. Bock, Max Egge, J, C. Gerspachor
of Grand Island and who wlt bo her
guests for a week. Many affairs are
being planned In their honor' Thoso
present were
Le Koy Pegau
H," E. Chapman,
B..A. Shryrock.
JI. N, P
II. M. Gic
H. B. B
Chaplea Jewell,
J. C. Gcrspaohpr,
w. r. piller,
Albert Krug,
B. A, Bruening,
E, A. Higgens,
John McShane,
w. i. uoney,
Max EtTKe.
W. R, Bock,
Lee Huff.
In honor of her mother, Mrs. Pcrley,
Mrs. Francs Brogan gave a luncheon
Thursday, when those present wore Mr.
Heth, Mrs. H. C. Smith, Mrs. Wakeley,
Mrs. Elolso Nichols, Mrs. James Mc
Kenna, Mrs. Hoivard Baldrlse td& Mrs.
Wilson Low,
In honor of her sister, Mrs. Beghtol,
and of Mss Caroline Harding, Mrs.
llaryey Mllllken entertained Wednesday
at luncheon, when the guests were Mrs.
Windsor Megeath. Ms. Ben Wood, Jr.,
Mrs. Georgo Turner, Mrs. Samuel Rees,
Jr., and Miss Adelyn Wood.
Entertains at Kensington.
The Fontanello chapter of the Order
of tho Eastern Star will hold a kenslng
ton at the homo Qf Mfs. C. D. Scott, 117
South Thlrty-slxht street, Friday after
noon. Guests Entertained.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester and Miss Iucle
Ravenecroft of Denver aro spending the
day wth Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mahoney and
family. They aro about to take tho
Mediterranean trip, after which Miss
(Sasy terms if yon so desire.)
1513 Douglas St.
Quf price tags tel fie tritti
ROOMS Tho Best Variety. The Beo classified pages
carry advertisements of th.e best rooms and apartments for
rent in the city. Phone your ad to Tyler 1000.
Ravens-roft will H la Uonsectnim.
Fiance, to ttto convent whWt MIm lr
Mahoney attended. There will be an in
formal tea In honor of tho guests uiw
Entertain at Dinner.
ThurJav evening .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph i
PaldrlKO entertained Mr. and Mrs. Gould
Diet. Dr. and Mrs. Hull, Mrs. vm
Cowln, Miss Doano, Jllss Heth Valll, Mr. .
Ed George, Mr. W. Farnam Smith anu
Mr. Clifford Wolfo nt dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Falrflold gavo a dinner
Thursdny prior to tho dancing class nt ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nosh's. Their guests
were Sir. and Mrs. J. do Forest Richards,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barker, Miss How
ard nnd Mr. C. W. Hull.
la Veta Club Entertained.
Mrs. E. Spcrrlcker entertained the La .
Veta club at a bridge luncheon at her 1
home Wednesday. The prizes wero won
by Mrs. II. G- Matthen and Mrs. J. F.
Meyer. Mrs. Sidney and Miss Baldwin
of Elkhorn, Neb., wero the guests ot the I
dub. Thoso present wore:
Mesdames Mesdames
J. J. Berger. H. M. Poters,
H. Q.eselln. H. Rix.
F. G. Despeclier, E. Bperricker,
P. Finley, R. J. Tatn,
G. Matthen. Ta J. Unzerzngt.
J. It. Martin, Sidney.
J. V. Meyers.
Miss Baldwin of Elkiiorn, weD.
Law Department Entertains.
The law department of Creighton uni
versity will entertain at a dancing party
at Turpln'a academy Monday evening.
Plans aro also being laid for a banquet
which is to be held February 18. the
placo to be announced later.
New Tango Club Organized.
A Tango club was formed Thursday ,
evening at Chambers', the members ot
Which reside at tho Colonial apartments.
The club will meet every Friday evening
hereafter. Tho members Include:
Messrs. and Mesdames
B. 8. Rood, M. J. Ccakley,
C. E. Staley, F. S. Hanna,
Bert Cook. E. H. D'Jureen,
E. K. Lowo, J. D. Garnsey,
p. E. Wise,
Mrs. M. V. Wilson.
Misses Mleses .
Hlbbnrd, Winifred Evans,
Ruth Patterson, Nettleson,
Lillian Wsser, Graco RusselL
F. ,M. Lcet,
Musicale Benefit.
The second annual musicale for the
benefit of Tpmplo Israel will be given
February 10, under tho direction of'
Misses Helen Sommer and Hortense and
'Mamlci Splesbcrger. A pplendldly ar
ranged program of vocal and lristru- (
mental music will be presented. Thoso '
who will participate aro Misses Laura
Gootz, Momto Splesbcrger, Hortense
Splesberger, Madge West, Elolse West,
Sara Schneider, Francos Palais, Helen
Sommer and Mr. Harold Rouenbaum.
Engagements Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Skinner announce
the engagement of their sister. Miss
Rozeltha Lenoir Sknner to Richard
Clinton Robertson of Marinette, Wis. Tho
wedding will take place Mqnday, Febru
ary 2. The brldo Is a member of Kappa
Kappa Gamma sorority, whHe Mr. Rob
ertson Is a banker at Marinette, where
tho young couple will make their home.
(Continued on Page Three.)
Cook's Latest
Mothers Mngazlno,
Wonians Homo Companion,
American Magazine,
Mothers Magazine,
Woi?iuis Home Companion,
Either club for 40 cents
flown and 30 cent per month.
Lpt tho agent cxplnln.
Branch Manager,
Ilrnndeis Theater Uldg.
Tel. Red 3112.
Removal Notice!
Miss Pepper's Millinery
has moved from 014 S. 28th St., to
ROOM 11, DAVIllfJK HMia,
18th nnd Farnam His.
Learn o make your own hats. J2 les
sons complete course, only t&.OO, After
noon and evening classes this month.
Classes start February 3.