Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1914, PART ONE, Page 10-A, Image 10

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MM-I h mrATTA QTTXmAV "RT?.TT.. .T A NTT A W. V 9S t01l
Range Stuff is in Splendid Shape ai
Result of Weather.
General Mannicer of Northwestern
Home from Stock Sliovr, Where
He Found Ilerdmnitera
IMvaaed with Ontlook.
General Manager Walters of tho North
western Is back from tho convention of
tho National Livestock association, hold
at Denver. Ho comes honw In a most op
tlmlstlo mood over the cattle business
outlook for tho next year, or so. He
found tho Denver meeting the best at
tended In years, those present to a large
extent being ranchmen and cattlo grow
ers from Colorado, Nebraska. Wyoming
and South Dakota.
From every locality, says Mr. "Valtern,
tho reports Indicated that tho cattle men
have been going through the best winter
In years. There have been no losses
worth mentioning and animals arc In
good fall condition right now, when or
dinarily they are thin. None of tho
cattlemen seemed alarmed over the Im
portation of Argentine beef and tho re
duction of tho tariff. They took tho po
sition that beef Is to continue high and
that the cost of production Is to remain
about tho samo as sow. Increasing, how
ever, as land prices for grazing purposes
Before adjournment tho convention went
Into the feeding In transit questions and
the thlrly-slx hour on tho road without
feed and water law. The' upshot of the
discussion wjb tho adoption of a memor
ial to tho Department of Agriculture. This
memorial asks that In place of cattle
being unloaded for feed and water at
least once during every thirty-six hours
on tho road while going to market, the
railroads bo permitted to supply what Is
known as the "feed and water cars."
These are cars furnished with racks for
the hay and corn and troughs for the
water for tho cattle while enroute to mar
ket. The memorial was not adopted until af
ter It was shown by shippers of long ex
perience that In the past the losses havo
been heavy during loading and unloading
at feed and water stations, whero cattlo
havo sustained broken legs, been hooked
nnd othcrwlso Injured. Tho testimony
showed that wild cattlo In particular sel
dom ate when uncarred at stations,
whereas. If feed was lilvon to them In
the cars, thoy nta of It and reached tho
markets In good condition.
General Passenger
Agent Burley Quits
Oregon Short Line
Following closely upon tho heels of tho
resignation of General Manager Bancroft
of tho Oregon fihort Lino comes tho
statement that the resignation of David
K. Burley, general passenger agent of
tho samo road, will bo presented nod ac
cepted within the next few weeks. T.lko
Mr, Bancroft, Mr. Burley quits tho road
for personal rensons, he feeling that after
tho long years of scrvlco ho Is entitled to
Both of tho Short Line officials reside
In Salt Lake and both havo been with
tho Harrlman system for many years.
Mr. Burley tins been with tho Union Pa
cific and Short Lino slnco 1879. Hti resig
nation will come to Gerrlt Kort, passen
ger traffic manager of tho Union Pacific,
who will name the successor. No Infor
mation Is given out as to who this suc
cessor will be, but Indications nro to the
appointment of D. S. Spencer, at present
assistant general passenger ngont, who
has been with the Short Line for years.
'Ho' Is a resident of Salt LaJcr, strong
with the pcopto of Utah and Short Line
territory and prominent In tho Mormon
church, of which ho Is ono of tho leading
and active members.
Mr. Burley was a resident of Omaha
for many years bo for o he entered tho
railroad service, and during tho pioneer
days of tho city and tho country west
of tho Missouri river was a deputy sheriff
In Douglas county. Ho Is a rich man, his
wealth having enmo from good Invest
ments made In Utah, Idaho and Wash
ington lands ond In mining and manufac
turing propTtloi. At tho present time
Mr. Hurley Is cruising through tho Indian
oceon on the prlvato yacht of D. C. Jock
ling, the copper king of tho west and
president ond general manager of tho
Utah Copper company. On the trip he
Is a guest of Mr. Jackllng.
It is not likely hat tho resignation of
Mr. Burley will be acted upon until his
return to tho states.
Will Likely Eliminate It and Cab
cret Shows from Their Cafes.
Home Miller Declare Tlicm noth
DrninrnllxInK nml Objection
nlile nml Chlcnftn Conven
tion Will 80 Act.
Morris Thinks that
Some Babies Are
BornWith Teeth
"Grandpa" Ed Morrl reports that
"Snookums" has a tooth. His daughter,
Mrs. Nick Kline, has notified all tho
relatives that tho youngster has sprouted
a healthy Incisor and was now able to
leave his mark on dad's fingers. Morris
hired a taxlcab and dashed to his
(laughter's houBO to verify tho report.
He said It was truo and he had never
seen a better tooth.
"That youngster Is a genius," Ed de
clared at ftro department headquarters,
-where his office Is. "Think of the little
rascal pulling off a stunt like that"
"Ah, all babies cut teeth." said As
sistant Flro Chief Simpson. "They gotta
do It It's Just natural. That's no sign
o' genius."
"Which proves you know nothing about
babies," Morris retorted. "Somo are born
with 'em and others aren't. Them na
aln'l born with 'em choose tho kind they
want Snookums Is beginning with his
front teeth, which proves he's a genius,
for he needs his front teeth most."
Throat nnil I.nntr Trouble
quickly helped by Dr. King's New DIs
covery; the first dose helps; best remedy
Xor coughs, colds and lung diseases, too
end $100. For sale by all druggists. Advertisement.
Committee assignments for 1914 havo
been made by the Board of County Com
missioners. Tho list Is as follows, tho
first mcmbor named In each .case being
chairman of his committee:
Finance Committee Bost McDonald,
Judiciary Committee O'Connor, Mc
Donald, Lynch.
Detention School Best, Lynch, Mc
Donald. Court House and Jail Lynch. Best,
Poor Farm McDonald, Best, Lynch.'
Charity Committee O'Connor, Lynch,
Itoads and Bridges Harte, McDonald,
Construction Lynch, O'Connor, McDon
ald. Commltteo of tho Whole Best and tho
W. T. Beery, msster mechanlo of the
Union Pacltlo and his six office clerks
havo been transferred from Omaha to
Grand Island, where he will maintain
headquarters. At Union Pacltlo head
quarters It Is said the chango Is made for
economical and efficiency reasons and
that no part of the mechanical depart
ment of the road will bo affected by tho
It Is said that by having Master Me
chanic Beery and his clerical forco at
Grand Island, they will be In better posi
tion to .note the condition of engines and
determine whether or not they should
come Into the Omaha shops for repairs.
All rcpalis to engines will ho made in
tho Omaha shops as In the past, and the
change. It Is asserted, will not mean the
reduction of any of the forces hero.
Home Cure
Two cases have been instituted by tho
government against tho Hock Island and
Northwestern for holding stock aboard
earn more than thirty-six hours, In
Violation of the act of 1903, In each case
the government asks that It bo awarded
Judgment for S00 and tho costs of tho
The case against tho Northwestern
alleges that eight cars of sheep wero
toadod at Buckman, Wyo., for tho South
Omaha market, and that they were un
loaded at Long Pine after they has been
held aboard the cars for thlrty-soven
hours and forty minutes.
Tho second case Is against tho Hock
Island, and It alleges that a car of cattlo
shipped from Pocahontas, In., to tho
South Omaha market was confined to tha
train for thlrty-soven hours and fifty
seven minutes.
Cabaret entertainments and tango
parties as a part Of tho hotel business
probably will bo frowned upon by the
national congress of hotol men, accord
ing to Homo Miller. He Is chairman of
the congress, which consists of tho pres
idents of all the hotel men's associations
of the country. Ho has Just Issued the
call for tho semi-annual meeting, to bo
held at tho Great Northern hotel In Chi
cago, January SO nnd 31.
"I expect the congress will go on record
against cabarets and tango parties In
hotels an being Irrelevant to tho hotel
business and demoralizing nnd objec
tionable to tho public and rogutar hotel
patrons," said Mr. Miller today.
"In my oponlng audreas before tho
congres, I Bhall dlsouss tho matter from
tho hotclman's point of view, and havo
assurances that the hotclmen as a body
will support mo.
"Letters havo come to nie, which show
that although many of the best hotels
In the country havo adopted tho cabaret
and tango feature In their business in
order to attract local cafe patronage, they
have found that tho temporary profits
which resulted were more than offsot by
tho loss of permanent nonse patronage.
"Tho nolso nnd Into hours Incident to
cabnret nnd tnngo parties In hotels, in
terferes with tho pcaco and comfort of
roomers, built transient and regular, who
aro not Interested In tho folly nnd frolic
of tho cabnret patrons.
"A cabaret Is really a theatrical per
formance, and as such Is the business
of the showman, rather than of tho
hotclman. I am told by eastern hotcl
men that tho tide Is already turning, and
that both cabaret and tango will soon be
discontinued In hotels there."
In addition to tho question of such at
tractions In hotels, tho hotclmen will dls
ouss the desired uniformity of hotel laws
throughout tho country, and also tho def
inition of Just what constitutes a hotel.
With the Omaha Home Builders
Possible Location of New Reservoir
Puzzles Many.
III Property Ileconimctiiteil lr Fire
Underwriter na Iilcnl Site that
Wonld Make Ileilnctlnn of
Insnrnncc Ilntc Polllc.
vlco president and chairman of the
board; H. 8. Weller, president; F. C. Pat
ton, treasurer; E. P. Ellis, secretary.
"Where will tho now reservoir be, If the
Water board builds ono?"
That Is a question that has Interested a
great many. Some are Interested out of
Idlo curiosity; pome nro Interested because jono agnlnst and the other for tho motor
ino now reservoir, u locaicu a jubi mo car service continuance.
right place, at a proper elovatlon, tho na- Somo Kearney merchants and hotel
tlonal board of lire underwriters may see 1 men took tho position that by all odds
Two Factions to
Deal With in the
Motor Service
General Manager Ware of tho Union
Paclflo Is back from Kearney, where ho
went to be present at a meeting of the
Nebraska Hallway commission, which
was held to hear arguments for and
against taking the motor cars off the
Stnpleton branch. During tho hearing It
developed that there were two factions.
fit to reduce tho flro Insurance premiums
for Omaha an the ground that tho flro
tho motors should be continued, while
others, merchants and business men along
hazard Is thus reduced. Still others nre the lino between StaDlcton and Kearney.
Interested because they are afraid a res-1 woro Just as Insistent that tho motor
Felton May Go to
Perre Marquette
When President Felton took charge of
tho Great Western u was under a con
tract to retain tho presidency flvo years.
His term expires Scptembor 1 and It Is
understood that at that time he will go
to tho Toro Marquette and give that road
his entire attention as president.
Both tho Pcrc Marquette and the
Great Western aro owned by tho Mor
gan Interests nnd It Is figured that thcro
Is a possibility of a consolidation of tho
two roads under one management, thus
giving Omaha a dlroct eastern outlet
Into nnd through Chicago and at least
as far cast nt Detroit.
Blnce taking hold of the Grent West
ern Mr. Felton has spont moro than
tS.OOO.OOO In track beterments, bcsldoj
adding more than 3,000 freight cars and
entirely new passenger equipment for all
main line trains.
The Great Western has Just fished
breaking In six new engines of tho Pa
cific type. They have been put Into the
Omaha-Chicago servlpe. handling tho
through freight trains Six more engines
of tho samo typo are expected within
the next fow months.
Whllo tho plans for tho future of tho
Great Western are not known here. It Is
believed that shortly after September 1,
in, Duma rnuicni enanges will occur
upon tho road, with a possibility that at
that time, or shortly thereafter, tho
property will become a part of some one
of tho great rollroad systems of the
A temperature of around 10 degrees
above, xero started ice cutting at numer
ous points along the railroads through
the central nnd western portions of the
state. Onty a limited number of men
wero put on the Ice, but if tha weather
continues cold untlt Monday l.Mo to 1.500
will be employed In the vicinity of Nor
folk, Valentine and Long Pine on the
Northwestern; Grand Island, Qqthenburg;
Sidney, Julesburg and North Platte along
the Union Pacific.
The Burlington people think that It will
take about until the middle of next week
to make good ice at Ashland, Beatrice,
McCook and Crete, and after that. It tho
weather remains cold, a large number of
men will be employed.
Trial Package Absolutely Free Will
Xou Bpend n Post-Cnrd for It?
If you are a sufferer from piles, instant
reuer is yours tor me asxing. and u
spoedy, permanent cure will follow.
Tho Pyramid Drug Co., 71 Pyramid
niAt Ma.ah.ll Xflith will imnA ....! tw
in a plain wrapper, a trial package ol
Pyramid Pile Remedy, the wonderful, sure
and certain cure for the tortures of this
dread disease. Thousands have already
taken advantage of this offer, thousands
know for the first time in years what It
u to be tree rrom me pains, me itcning,
the awful agony of Piles.
Pyramid Pile Remedy relieves the pain
and itching Immediately. The Inflamma
tion goes down, the swelling Is reduced
una soon the di
Cities all over the country are follow
ing Omaha's example In forbidding the
sale of "homogenised" milk unless It Is
stamped on the bottles or cans as such.
Last year a controversy arose as to
the value of this milk, and tho city coun
ell passed an ordinance declaring that It
must be labeled "homogenized" milk be
fore sold.
This was the first ordinance of Its kind
ever passed. The majority of the larger
cities have passed similar legislation now
or are considering tho question.
Dr. Vf. W. Ward. I X Quinbr, James
Richardson and B. B. Howell met as a
committee at the University club Batur
day noon to draft a constitution and by
laws for the Nebraska organisation of
..... I.,i.i men wno Will aia u:t nnrntn in .nnr ueiii
No matter how desperate you think for suffrage. Among other features or
your case is, write In today for the tree; the organization will be some provision
used It in the privacy of your own home
and found out for yourself how effica
cious it Is, you can get the full-size pack
age ut any drug store for CO cents. Every
day you suffer after reading this notice
you suffer needlessly. Simply fill out free
coupon and mall today.
fiee mum mm
Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall, Mich. Kindly
send me a sample of Pyramid Pile
Remedy, at once by mall, FREE, in
plain wrapper.
City state.
for the organization and maintenance of
a speakers' bureau, which will furnish
orator to support tho cause of suffrage
throughout the state.
car scrvlco ought to bo discontinued. The
testimony of one side, showing that the
scrvlco was taking away their business,
and tho other side showing that the ser
vice Improved theirs.
crvolr located near their property might
reduce tho value of their adjoining hold
ings. '
There Is another class thoso who fear
that the Water' board has designs on
property belonging to them. In this class
Is Gould Diets.
Dlotr. Otrnn (iond Site.
' Diets stands out almost alono In this
c'nss, for tho bonr.d got very Bcrlous no
tions about a plcco of property Just nfter
the special Investigators of the National
Board of Undcrwr.ters mode their
report on flro hazard In Omaha. This
committee reported In fnvor of another big
reservoir In Omaha. More Important still,
the commltteo designated tho logical loca
tion for that reservoir. The location was
on tho elghty-acro tract in the vicinity of
Fifty-first and Grover streets.
The property belongs to Gould Diet. The
committee found that this was the highest
point In or around Omaha and recom
mended It for a reservoir site.
Dletz said "No." Tho water board
talked of paying him something like H2.- AUT0ISTS TO PAY REWARD
uw lur u. iJieia saia "iso ' again, this I
time In loud tones, He declares ho ought
to havo $30,000 for tho property.
Tho water board eayB for Its purposes
It Is worth no more than $12,0CK), A big
hpuse Is on the ground, containing some
thing like thirteen roomB. There are some
150 fine trees, many perhaps fifty years
old. Dletz says they are worth money.
Tho Water board says for Its purpose the
trees nro a detriment
Runs After Man to
Make HimPay Taxes
Harry Pearce, Jury clerk of tho dis
trict court, chased a man down stairs
to compel him to pay a debt of 61 cents.
His only excuso Is that the money was
duo the county.
A Juror who had failed to pay his per
sonal taxes drew his check for services
under promise to see the county treas
urer Immediately, but departed without
doing so. Mr. Pearce overtook him.
"The county treasurer Is over that
way," the Jury clerk remarked.
The 61 cents was paid.
Five Are Arrested
on Gambling Charge
A suite of rooms In the Savoy hotel.
Fifteenth and Jackson Btrccts, which was
rented early In tho week by gamblers,
was raided early yesterday bv th
police, and five men playing poker wero
arrested. Cliff Austin Is charged with
being tho game keeper, and was held for
500 ball. A. Meyer, 2U8 Blondo: F. R.
Qurttner. Council Bluffs; James Loughlln,
161 Farnam, and C. A. Gardner, Chi
cago, woro booked, charged with gam
According to tho police, the game ha
been going on for several days and
Cliff Austin and H. Winer wero granted
a continuance of hearing until Wcdnes.
day. Threo others, taken at the time of tho
arrest, together with the proprietors, were
released on cash bonds.
3Iny Condemn Property.
It Is thought, possible that the board
will start condemnation proceedings to
secure the ground for a reservoir site.
Dletz will fight the case If It does.
Within tho last few weeks Water Com
missioner Howell has attempted negotia
tions with tho county commissioners for
tho lease of twenty-seven lots near Thirty-sixth
and Pacific streets belonging to
tho county. Here ho proposed to locate n
reservoir. Nothing definite camo of that
negotiation, so that tho Dletz matter still
hangs In the balance.
What lends particular Interest to tho
controversy over tho Dletz property Is
that It Includes tho exact hill that the
special board of underwriters Indicated as
tho Ideal location for a reservoir that
would make cheaper flro Insurance Iv
Omaha possible.
Citfeterln In nnscmrnt.
Tho now United States National bank
building Is to bo so planned as to leavo
room In the basement for a cafeteria.
The cafotorla Is to be run by Albert IS.
Hanson, present manager of the Wood
man cafctoria, In the basement of the
Woodmen of tho World building.
Tho annual meeting of the stockholders
of Richardson Realty company was held
nt their offlco In Omaha. All of tho
Omaha stockholders were present. C. F.
Weller, H. a Weller, F. C. Patton. E. X'.
Ellis nnd J. W. Fisher were elected as
the board of directors for 1914, At tha
directors' meeting tho following of
ficers were selected; Charles F. Weller,
Tho good roads committee of the
Omaha Automobile club held Its Initial
meeting Friday and the subject of the
promiscuous throwing of glass on the
city streets and public highways was
discussed. An agreement was" made that
the club should pay $5 for Information
leading to the arrest and conviction of
nnyono violating the law covering this
offense. Investigation Is being made by
the committee of the recent report that
the government has allotted Nebraska
1500,000 for good roads.
Pete Seleatos, proprietor of the Palace
pool hall, Fourteenth andDouglcs streets,
was arraigned In police court charged
"with disturbing tho peace," but . the
hearing will not be heard until Ross can
nppear. Selestos and Ed Ross, a Millard
hotel bell boy, had a fight In tho pool
hall Friday afternoon over the settle
ment of a dice game. Ross, who was
hurt Internally, was removed to St Jo
seph's hospital, where his condition Is
declared serious.
The preliminary hearing of the case of
the government against Jacon Horowitz,
arrested here Thursday night on the
charge of violation of the Mann act in
Utah, has been et foiv Friday. Horowitz
has retained legal counsel and has In
dicated that he will fight the case. Tho
witnesses of the government will be
brought to Omaha from Salt Lake City
to appear at the hearing, which will bo
before United States Commissioner Her
bert S. Daniel.
James Flnnegan, laborer, Douglas lodg
ing house, Fourteenth and Douglas
streets, suffered a bad scalp wound from
an unknown assailant as ho was sitting
In tho lobby of the place. One of hU
ears was split In two and he was taken
to police headquarters, whore he was
given medical attention. He cannot think
of any reason why anyone should havo
attacked him.
George Jones, laborer, 1317 Douglas
street, was arrested on the charge of as
saulting Flnnegan. He contested that
ho hit tho victim and afterwards kicked
lilm In the head. Some of the blood waa
still on his shoes when he waa arrested.
'-- Packing - Storag
Quick Action Prescription
Cures Colds in a Day I
We Maintain Unexcelled Service
804 Scutk 16th Street Hunt liug. 4163
Store Your Goods
With the "Direful"
The "FIDELITY" employs only men of long time exper
ience; men who aro familiar with the handling of good furniture
and pianos; men who will handle your goods Just as carefully
as you yourself would do It, and they will be stored on floors
that ate stoam heated throughout; that aro sanitary and woll
ventilated, and will bo cared for Just as woll as If they were In
your own home.
MOVTNO, PACKING, SKiranra ALSO Jnit Telephone Dong. 1510.
Fidelity Storage & Van Company
10th and Jackson Streets.
Omahn, Neb.
Managing Estates
The Peters Trust Company is
capable of managing estates
much more satisfactorily than
any individual.
This Company is fully prepared to ex
ecute any trust. It has a permanent
charter its officers are always ready
to give advice and counsel.
Will You Protect Your
Children's Eyes
Schooldays! Night-time study.
Rather hard on the children's
tender eyes unless you take
proper precautions. Electric
light is the remedy. Properly
diffused in a suitable Electric
Lamp it gives the most con
genial illumination for eyes of
all ages. Safest, most health
ful, most economical. Have
your home wired for electric
ity. Act today.
Omaha Electric Light
and Power Co.
Omaha spent $2,700 In ISIS to supervise
dairies In the city and county, according
to Dairy Inspector Bosslo, and the re
sults secured were better than In several
cities where many multiples of that
amount were expended for the same pur
pose. "Denver spent $5,000 last year for super
vision of milk," said Uossle. "St. Louis
spent 3.S and Chicago paid RS.000 for
Its supervision of milk supplies. New York
Brent T.0S0."
The best and quickest prescription
known to mod cul science for colds .jiivl
couahs Is as follows: "From your drug
Klst get two ounces of Olycerlne and half
un ounce of Globe Vine Compound (Con
centrated Pine). Take these two IngTed
lentn home and put them Into a halt pint
of irood whiskey. Shake It well. Take
one to two teaspoontuls after each meal
and at bed time. Smaller doses to chil
dren according to nee." Be sum to cet
only the genuine Globe line Compound
donceniraiea i'lne;. n-acn nan ounce
bottlo romes In a tin screw-top sealed
case. Any druKEtst has It on hand or
will quickly get It from his wholesale
house. There aro many cheaper prepar
ations but It don't pay to experiment.
This treatment Is certain. This has been
published here for six winters. Published
by the Globe Pharmaceutical laboratories
of Chicago.
Tor Indigestion Mix one ounce Cat
unclir Compound; two ounces Essence of
Pepsin; three ounces Syrup of Ginger.
Take one to two teaspoodfuu after meals.
This ) said to have no equal. Catandlr
Is that new compound, any druggist has
it or will tet It Published by the Globa
Pharmaceut cal laboratories of Chicago.
af ety , Service
The selection of a desirable investment does not involve the questions, How
Big? How Pretentious? But, How Conservative? How Safe.?
Home Builders would be just as safe with assets of $100,000 as with assets of
Your personal contact with the officers of Home Builders affords you a feeling of security. Home
Builders has a habit of satisfying investors who are willing to Investigate. We believe we can win
and hold your confidence as an Investor in our guaranteed preferred shares at $1.10 each (ono or
more at a time) affording you Safety. Service and 7 on your money.
Put your funds to work immediately 7 Interest works while you work and works while you
sleep. Home Builders is old enouglt, big enough and safe enough to merit your entire confidence.
No matter whether you invest $1.10 a week or the sum of 11,000, our service is the same. Don't de
lay, Get acquainted with HOME BUILDERS now!
Fiscal Agents for
Douglas and 17tn Sfs.
E. J. Davis
Heavy Hauling
1212 Farnam
You will miss a choice llat of
home-like, inviting places If
you fail to read the Room and
Board Want Ada today.