Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Kav Root Print it Now Beacon Prest.
fclf Xa.T Ts. Pnn Mutual, Gould.
EUctrio Snppllts nurcess-Granden Co.
riallty Store? and Van Co, D. 1516.
8arn Calibration, January S3, Swed
lh hall, Sixteenth and Chicago atrcots.
EjUt la HI John Eyler. llvo stock
iKent of the Burllnston, la at his home
theatcned with pnoumonla. Ho has been
111 several days with a bad cold.
ChUr IJuna la Back Henry Dunn,
chief of police, has returned to Omaha
from Washington where ho went Satur
day to attend the funeral of hla sister.
Stat Bank of Omaba 4 per cunt paid
on time deposits; 3 per cent oald on av.
Inn accounts. All deposits In this bank
ara protected by the depositors' Guaran
tee fund of the stato of Nebraska.
Pressman Sues News Karl Fleming, a
pressman, has brought eult against the
Omaha Dally News for $15,000 damages,
alleged sustained as tho result of an In
Jury January 0 Tho petition was filed
In district court.
ba Fctsra Trust company confines
Itself solely to. trustee and investment
business and Is therefore not affected by
the ups and downs of finance. It Is ad
vantageous to estates of whatsoever size
to have It named as executor or trustee.
. Will Investigate Boy's Sanity James
Leary, 1816 Charles street, who attempted
sulddo ln tho American District Tele
graph offices, 1122 Farnam street, Tues
day night, has been turned over to tho
rounty authorities for Investigation as
to his sanity.
"Webber Oct Week More Time Wil
liam Webber, 3015 Chicago street, ur
ralgned ln poltco court on complaint of
Building Inspector Bridges, who charged
Webber with refusing to tear down an
old building, was released and given
until Thursday of next week to carry
nut Bridges' older.
Howard OchUtre Here Howard Ochll
tre, bprn and reared In Omaha and for
the last two years one of tho confiden
tial men In the New York executlvo
offices of tho Union Pacific, accompanied
by Jlrs. Ochlltrc, has gone to San Fran
clseo to look after some company busi
ness. He will bo thoro a month or six
weeks. During their stay of a week here
Mr. and Mrs. Ochlltre were tho guests
of Mrs. Ochll tre's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
I. N. Hammond.
High Debaters Are
Picked for Tryouts
The men who will represent Omaha
in tho high school debates with South
Omaha and Lincoln wero picked yester
day afternoon ln the final debating try
outs. The students who will defend tho
affirmative and negative sides of tho
trust regulation question with South
Omaha and Lincoln, respectively, ar:
Harold Landeryou, Earl Tlcknor, Wahl
fred Jacobson. Percy Dalzcll, Earl
Ketcham and 5101x18 Jacobs.
The dates for tho two contests are
still undecided, but Fobruary 27 has been
suggested for tho debate with the Pack
ers and cither February 20, or March
3, for tho struggle with tho capital
city. Tho dates will bo definitely de
cided within tho next few weeks by
Coach Edward It. Burke and tho do
bating management ot the othor schools.
Both dobatca will bo held in Omaha
this year and In all probability at tho
high scbool auditorium. South Omaha
High -school debates tho Lincoln team
tomorrow at South Omaha on tho same
question, and tho local debaters are look
ing with interest upon the outcomo of
this contest.
Tho Sioux City High school debaters
have Written tho local school for a dual
debate; bno contest to bo held In each
city. According to Coach Burke, how
ever, an attempt will bo mode to so
cure a dato with East Dos Moines be
fore a- double debate with the former
Traffic Officer
Dies in Hospital
Horace D. Comeau, trafflo officer at
Fourteenth ana Farnam streets for tho
last few years and familiarly known as
"Hod" to thousands of persons who
daily pass tho intersection, died last
night In the Wise Memorial hospital
after half a dozen surgeons and physi
cians had fought an uphill battle against
a weak heart slnco Saturday.
Corneau was stricken whllo on duty
Saturday afternoon. He was taken to
the hospital Immediately and was con
scious only for a fow minutes since,
Corneau's homo Is at 4715 North Forty
second avenue, and ho Is survived by his
widow. Ho was appointed to the police
department July 11, l'jOS, and had served
continuously since. Besides being a
Mason, ho was also a member of tho
Modern Woodmen, tho Mooso and the
Spanish War Veterans' association, j .
one tlmo ho was commander of tho lat
ter organization. Ha served with u com
pany of Nebraska volunteers in Cuba
and later In tho Philippines. Funeral ar
rangements will bo made later.
Tho first call for student tryouts for
places on th tenlor play at tho high
school has resulted in moio than seventy
students declaring their Intention of go
ing out for fh'o play, according to Coach
Mills. A number of plays aro being
read for approval at present and the se
lection of the ono to bo presented by
the class will bo made within the month.
The pUy will be given In tho latter
part ot May.
Burglars nearly caused tho destruction
of the homo of J. P. Stroud, 1003 Califor
nia street, last night after they had
robbed the place of 312 and some Jewelry.
A mntch carelessly dropped smouldered
In a rug for several hours, but was dis
covered by Mr. Stroud In time to save the
building. Tho blaze did $100 damagos.
John Kelly, aged C3 years, who rooms
on tho second floor of the home, was
Baved from suffocation by smoke when
the firemen awakened him and helped
him to fresh air.
How to I'rovcnt lllllloua Attack.
"Coming events cash their shadows be
fore." This Is especially true of bilious
attacks. Your appetite Mill fall, you will
feel dull and lanquld. If you aro subject
to bilious attacks take three of Chum
bcrlaln'a Tablets as soon as these symp
toms appear and the attack may be
ward'jd oft. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement.
Eat Cabbage, Fish,
Sausage, New Bread
No Indigestion, Gas, Sourness
or Upset Stomach if you'll
Take 'Tape's Diapep-sin'-TryThis!
Do some foods you eat hit back taste
rood, but work badly, ferment Into stub
bom lumps and cause a tick, sour, rassy
stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs, Dyspeptic
Jot this down: Papa's Dl&pepsln digests
everything, leaving nothing to sour and
upset you. There never was anything so
safely quick, so certainly effective. No
difference how badly your stomach is
disordered you wilt get happy relief ln
rive minutes, but what pleases you most
la that It strengthens and regulates yout
stomach so you can eat your favorite
foods without fear.
Most remedies give you relief some
times they are slow, but not sure.
"Tape's Dtapepsln" Is quick, positive and
puts your stomach ln a healthy condition
so the misery won't com back.
You feel different as soon as 'Tape's
Dtapepsln" comes In contact with the
stomach distress Just vanishes your
stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch
ing, no eructations ot undigested food,
your head clears and you feel fine.
Gto now, make the best Investment you
war made, by getting a largo fifty -cent
case ot Pape's Dtapepsln from any drug
store. You realise ln fire minutes how
needles' It Is to suffer from Indigestion,
dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. id-Vertlremoat.
Webster Holds Water Board Has No
license to Buy Own Securities.
Contractor tVlio Comiiletcil Jol Five
Mouth Aro Itcprlmamlcd nnil
Asked to Keep Ills I'ntlcnee
for Ills r-ny.
John I Wcbstor, attorney for the
board of directors of the Metropolitan
Water district, ln an onlnlon mibmlttpii
to tho board at a meeting last night held
mat tho board was wtuiout authority to
buy back water works bonds, hold thorn
for a while and then sell them again.
General Manager It. Beecher Howell
and other members of tho board had prac
tically decided to invest J300.000 ln their
own bonds, which can bo purchased at
a low figure now.
In his opinion Attorney Webster nl1
tho Water board was merely a board of
agents acting for the city, nnd that under
tho law the city did not havo authority
to purchase, hold and again sell Its own
bonds, onco Issued.
Contractor Peterson, who completed
the laving of a water mnln Aiimi.t ir. nt
last year, camo to Inquire why tho board
uaa not paia mm. Slnco only flvo months
had elapsed since tho work
pleted and accepted, tho presumptuous
contractor was sharply criticised by tho
members of tho board for loiilnir nn..
Tho contractor was told that If lie
would wait for a little while untlt 'Fe'bi
ruary 4-tho board would take up tho
matter and consider It. They will have
to readvertlse. owlnc to elH
Tho board
costs of water mains and If collections
are delayed the contractor must wait for
nis pay.
At the regular monthly meeting of tne
United Societies of the Christum En
deavor of the city, It was reported that
out of twenty-eight barbers, who wcrq
Interviewed Saturday afternoon twenty-
six wero ln favor of closing their shops on
Sunday. Regardless of tho fact that the
majority ot tho shops would rather close,
some outside Influence steps in, and, the
Investigators declare, keeps tho barbers
from observing tho law.
Many plans wero laid nt the meeting
for Christian Endeavor week, which he
gins February 1. Tho main event of the
week will be tho banquet on Tuesday at
tho First Presbyterian church. Seven
teenth and Dodgo streets. At the present
time It Is estimated that about 160 will
be present. A splendid program Is
IJcut Known Cough Itemed).
Dr. King's New Discovery, best .for
coughs, colds, hoarseness and all lung
troubles; first doso helps. 50c nnd 1.00.
For salo by all druggists. Advertisement.
The regular monthly social meeting of
the Retail Credit Men's association was
held in the grill room of tho Hotel Loyal
last night. Interesting discourses on tho
present financial conditions wero deliv
ered by various members ot tho associa
tion and everybody became, so inter
ested. ,ln tho topic that all took a hand
ln the discussion. It was one of the larg
est meetings the association has held this
Woman rinds City Father Unwilling
to Close Gambling Resort.
StnrtK to Obey Order nnd .Mint I'p
Place. When Hp Finds Two City
Official Inside tlnjoy.
In ThPiuaelvri.
Among the prominent Women's club
workers of the Magic City Is one who
has had a real peep Insldo the workings
of Mayor lloctor's little government. The
woman in mieMlnn Ik a. xtrnnir ri'vnrntis
of suffrage and Is tinea with the Ideals '
of the suffragists who want clean gov- ,
ernment and honest officials. She was 1
present a few nights ngo at a suffrage
meeting nnd heard Mayor Hoctor In hl!
best stylo advocato the. giving of tho bal
lot to the women after he had decried
the fathers ot tho American constitution
becauso ho said they had unwisely In
serted the word "malo" In the constitu
tion somewhere.
8he forthwith hied herself to one ot the
city officers with tho request that a cer
tain gambling Joint on tho north end of
town to bo put out of bustnoss. Now this
particular gambling Joint was taken from
ono man and given ostensibly to an
other some months ago because, It was
said, tho former owner did not suit the
powers. It Is known an the Joint where
those of the powers who aro Inclined to
"sit In" a llttlo gamo can go and spend
n few hours or more over the card table
nnd tho crnp tables nnd perhaps tho
black and red.
So when tho voman suffragist asked
that the Joint be put out of commission
nho was' met with smiles and bland as
surances, but there was nothing doing
when It came to putting the Joint out
of business.
Then the woman went to an official
higher up. No results.
Then she went up and laid the case be
fore Sheriff McShnne. The sheriff lis
tened and took notice, but a deputy ln
the offlco also took notice. It Is said
Anyway there was nothing doing until u
visit was paid to Chief Brlggs.
"Sure." said Brlggs, and then ha called
a detective and ordered him to close the
"Pinch 'em." said the chief. The de
tectlvo went and then returned pre
cipitately. "What for did you send me there,
chief," asked tho bull? It appears that
the bull found two high rlty officials
resting their Napoleonic mlndi by a lit
tle "game."
Bo the good woman who wanted to
clean up tho north end gambling Joint
has now learned that tho highly edifying
thcr.ght of an officer holder nt a Mlf
frngo meeting are ln reality no Index
as to what can be cxpocto.l In the way
of law enforcement.
LriTvnntt Over Contract,
Mayor Tom Hoctor and members ot the
city council wore mandamuscd yetterday
to appear In the district court Januaiy
29 to show cause why thoy should not
glvo tho contract for feeding the Jail
prisoners to Mrs. Martha Lisle nt 11
cents a meal. The contract was given to
a Mrs. M. Cusack Twenty-fifth and O
streets at something Ilka 12 cents per
meal. There havo been a .number ot
complaints about the way tho contracts
for city supplies were' let this year. It
Is claimed that some of the old favorites
did not get the contracts on low bids so
the esteemed council fixed It up for them.'
Says Pay Too Mttle.
Arthur Young & Co., nudltors, of
Kansas City, have advised City Clerk
Perry Wheeler that they will not bid
on tho $M0 Job of auditing offered by
the city of South Omaha becauso there
Is no way of chocking the present books
of the city without an expendlturo far
In excess of J500. The letter from Tovtng
& Co., who spent thirteen weeks cn the
local books some years ago, la illum
inating In the extreme. It says the ex
penditure of $500 by tho city is worse
than useless and that no competent audi
tors' could do a thorough Job without
charging more than $500.
It Is remembered that when Arthur
Young & Co. wero here some years ngo
they lost money on their contract, which
look thirteen weeks to fulfill. At one
time many respectable ex-offlce holders
were much perturbed when some bogus
bonds made their appearance. After
that the attempts to allow the auditing
company to go back over the old books
and check for ten years met with a stern
refusal. Tho council said tho charter pro
vision for spending $500 on tho books was
mandatory and would not permit them
to expend more money.
Mnorlc City Goitalp.
Office space for rent in Beo office, Mir
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. South 27.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hasburgr. Jr., an
nounced the birth of a daughter yes
terday at their homo Twenty-eighth and
K streets.
Paul McBrlde, who has been serloui'
rick with pneumonia for tho last tw
weeks, Is much bettor und probably Mil
bo up by tho end of the week.
Manchester Guards. No, 59. South
Omaha, will glvo tholr annual danro nt
Kngles' homo. Twenty-third nnd N
streets on Friday evening, January 53.
Good music.
Examinations begin at the high school
on Mondov and terminate Thursday aft
ernoon. The last day for this semester
will be Friday January 30. The now
term will begin, Monday, February 1.
Prof. F. n. Vosacek, instructor in
chemistry nt the South Omaha High
school, who has been In tho hospital for
the last two weeks, becauso of an oper
ation for appendicitis, ts back at tho
high school teaching.
Ely's Cream Balm Opens Clogged
Nostrils and Head Catarrh Goes
Instantly clears air passages;
You breathe freely, Nasty
discharge stops, head colds
and dull headache
Got a small bottle anyway, Just to try
It Apply a llttlo In tho nostrils and in
stantly your clogged nose and stopped
up air passages of the head will open;
you will breathe freely; dullness and
headache disappear. By morning! the
catarrh, cold-ln-hcad or catarrhal sore
throat will be gone.
Knd such misery now! Get the small
bottlo of "niy's Cream Balm" at any
drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm
dissolves by the heat of the nostrils;
penetrates and heals the inflamed, swol
len membrane which lines the nose, head
and throat; clears tho air passages; stops
nasty discharges and a feeling of cleans
ing, soothing relief comes Immediately.
Don't lay awako tonight struggling
for breath, with head stuffed; npstrila
closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh
or a rold, with Its running nose, foul
mucous dropping into tho throat, and
raw dryness Is distressing but truly
Put your faith-Just once-ln "lay's
-Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh
will surely disappear. Agents, Sherman
fc McConnell Drug Co. Advertisement
rot any ease ot
VZXJ3B that OK.
MAXWSLL cannot
sun. ID V A rw wn
DHTESTIOlf rxOK BUSnOBB. ray Whan Cured.
Hundreds of the most prominent people ln Omaha, and
from aUparts of tha Unltaa Rtataa nay been cured by
Xo limit or
phono orders
accepted for
Friday specials.
Wntch our
show windows.
Mnny special
values nro of
fered not ad
vertised otherwise.
Reorganization Sale "Specials" for Friday
A list of "Underprice" items picked at random throughout the various sections of this big
store which will give you a good idea of what this sale means to you in a saving way.
Knrrllv llnira. il
Stamped and tinted novolty
bags, tnn, ecru and cream,
unea, targe- numnor of
designs, reorganization
sale prlco,
one Pillow Tops, aiic
Satin pillow top?, floral nnd
PorMnn designs, formerly 09c,
reorganization snlo
prlco, Friday,
H5c Pillow Cords, 13c
Cotton pillow cords, .1 yards
long, finished with tassel onus,
.formorly 25c, reor
ganization salo prlco,
$1.00 llttst Conflncr, 30c
Good quality long cloth, scal
loped edging, both laco nnd
booked front, for
merly $1.00, reor
ganization salo
Chllds' Vanty Wnlstn, 21c
Children's panty waists, muslin
trimmed, with laco odgo, all
sizes, rormoriy 39c,
reorganization salo
75e llrnsMorcs, -IDc
Rufflod brassieres, laco edging,
splendid fitting, all sizes, for-
norly 75c, reorgani
zation sale prlco, Frl
lay, cholco,
nch ,
i!3c llrootu nt 13c
Kour-tlo broom, good quality,
tho usual 2fic quality, reorKinl-
zatlon salo price, Fri
day, limit of ono to a
customer, choice,
Tlmvnre, ft Prlco
300 pieces of tlnwaro, plo pans,
enho pans, dish pans, muffin
pans, etc., reor-
canlzatlon salo at 1
Aluminum Ware, J Prlco
A tablo of aluminum tea ket
tles, buucu pans, borlln kottlos,
uouoio cookers,
reorganization 1
salo at
UU4IIU nuiuiuo,
Iln.NketH, Trnps, Ktc, lo
Tablo of small baskets, mouso
traps, stovo pokers, trays,
screw drivers, graters,
etc., formerly to lOo
each, reorganization
salo, each
Hooks nt U3o
About 350 books taken from
our circulating library, assorted
popular titles that
havo becomo slightly
soiled, formor $1.25
and $1.35 editions. . .
104c Linen Crash, 11 Wo
Dest quality pure llnon crash
toweling, silver bleached, nn
oxcollont lGhio qual
ity, reorganization
salo prlco,
$1.10 lied Spreads, 08c
Full size, heavy weight crochot
bbdBpreuds, good assortment of
aesigus, r o g u t a r
$1.49 value, reorgan
ization sale price,
20c Dresser Scurfs, 12 fta
Kmbroldercd dresser scarfs, 17
xG2 inches, and uO-lncli em
broidered stand cov- .
crB, rogular 29c val-lfo 1
ties, reorganization
salo price, each,
$1 Tablo Damask, (17c
Extra heavy full bleached satin
tablo damask, 71 Inchos wide,
good selection ot
pattorns, regular
valuo, Friday, per
30c to 91.00 Jewelry, 23c
Thousands of bar pins, brooch
es, stick pins, cuff links, beauty
pins, lavalllers, long
bead chains, etc., orig
inally 50c. 75c and
$1.00, cholco
$1.00 Leather lings, 30e
Gonulno leather hand bags, ln
various sizes, plain and fancy
frames, leather and
cloth lined, regularly
$2.80 lied Sprcnds, $1.00
Various1 colored beaded bags,
gilt frames, chain handles,
regularly $2.89, re
organization salo
prlco, cholco,
(Wc Collar nags, UOc
Blaok and tan drnw-strlntr col
lar bags, rogular price wns C9o,
reorganization salo
price, Friday,
30c Manicure Pieces, 20c
Sterling silver handle nail fjlles,
shoe born, nail or tootu brush
es, 50c values, reor
ganization Bale price,
$15 to $17.30 Coats, $0.05
onion's cloth coats, mado ot
mixtures, porsiana, bouclo and
-ludcloths, also
sport coats, former
ly $15.00 to $17.00,
'salq prlco...,....,
$15 to $27.30 Suits,
Tailorod suits, .all lato
Bpleudld assortment of
rials, serges, Hod
ford cords, etc., for
merly $15.00, $22.50
and $27.50, for
$12.30 to $13 Dresses, $0.03
Women's cloth drosses, sorgos
and Hod ford cords, trimmed
in. i
wmi satin ana iacosJt. .nr
all sizes, formorly 111 OHh
1 9 r.n in 1 .-. nn inUU
price, each. . .
$0.30 to $12.30 Skirts, $0.05
Women's charmeuso, broad
cloth, ftno serges and poplins,
lormoriy soiu irom nr
$9.50 to $12.50, re- UfiOHQ
prlco, choice.
flOo Combinations, 40c
Women's combinations of crepe
and nainsook, trimmed with
laco, embroidery and
ribbon beading, 09c
values, salo t
Men's $1.00 Underwear, 05c
Men's wool undorwoar, draw
ers, nil slzos, shirts 40 to 44
only, formerly sola at
$1.00, men's wear boc-
tlon, salo price,
Men's 23c Hose, 10c
Men's cotton hose, black, tan.
blue and gray, 25c and soino
35c values, reorgan
ization salo prlco, por
Men's $1 Shirts, 73c
Men's fancy madras nrwl per
calo shirts, all sizes represented
in tun lot, $1.00 val
ues, reorganization
salo price,
Boys' BOe Tants, 33c
rinva lenen nants. sizes 7 to 17
years, formerly sold at 50c and
69c, reorganization
salo price, cholco
Hoys 50c Caps, 23c
Boys' winter caps, all sizes
represented, formorly
Bold at 50c, reor
ganization salo price,
Friday, cholco,
30o Mufflers, llo ,
Knit mufflors, assorted colors,
formorly 39c, at mon's section,
reorganization saio
price, Friday
23c to 35c 10c
Women's imparted fleeco lined
cotton hogo, all black and, black
with spilt solos, also
domestic plain nnd
rlbbod wool hose,
25o to 35a values, pr. .
Women's 25c IToso, 12a
Womon's tan colored cotton
top vegetable silk boot hose,
full seamless, .
regular price III 1
25c, sale prlco,
per pair
U3n to 50c Hose, 10c
Women's hose, gattzo or me
dium weight cotton hose, with
split solas, rib top,
out sizes, extra or
regular sizes, 35c to
50c values, pair
$2.08 Petticoats, $1.70
Muslin petticoats with tucked
und pleated flounco, good as
sortment or colors;
rogular prlco $2.98,
Bale prlco, now at,
$2.08 Htveators, $1.45
Women's sweaters, mado of all
wool with high nock, turndown
collar, with pockets;
rod, oxford and tan,
$2.98 values, salo
price. . ,
To $4.30 Bath Robes, $1.08
Bath robes, mado ot figured
blankot robo material, also
plain eiderdown,
$3.95 to $4.50 val
ues, reorganization
salo prlco
Boys' 4Bo Underwear, 31o
Boys' Dr. Wright's hoalth un
dorwoar, fleece lined shirts
and drawers, regular
45c values, reorgan
ization salo prico,
75c Union Stilts, 50c
Wnmnn'n union nultn wlittn
cotton, floeco linod, long
slooves, rogular prico
75c, reorganization
salo price, por
23c Underwear, 15c
Womon's whlto cotton, tlooco
lined corset covers, with long
sleeves, regular -5o
quality, reorganiza
tion salo prlco,
each. . . ,
50c Fancy Silks, 24 c
A hie lot of messallne silks ln
pretty floral designs, stripes.
wasli siiKs, louisines,
Roman stripes, plain
mossallncs, otc, 50c
quality, yard
75c to 85a Silks, 45c
Fancy silk poplins ln two-tono
figures, figured foulards, otc.,
wiqo rango oi colors,
neat ln design and
stylo, 75c to 85c qual
ity, nt, yard
91.00 to $1.25 Silks, 57c
5,000 yards of 27-Inch wldo
mossallncs, silk sorgos. foul
ards, taffetas, loula
inos, etc., plain shades
figures and styles, $1
to $1.25 valuos, yard.
50c to 73c Dress Goods, 37o
Serges, mohairs, diagonals,
wiua walo serges and ratines,
.jo to i incites wiae,
regular COo to 7Co
values, salo price,
per yurd
15c Itlbbons, 0c
Fancy printed warp ribbons,
No. 22, now shades and com
binations, formorly
sold at 15c yard, salo
prlco, por
yard .
5c Vol Lacon, 3c
Val laces, Fronch and German
mesh, many widths ana ae-
signs, edgings nnd in
sertions, 6c values;
eulo prlco, per yard,
now at
15c Embroidery, 5c
Cambric and Swiss embroid
eries, many widths and de
signs, edgings nnd in
sertions, 10c nnd l5o
values, Bnlo price, por
10c to 25c Neckwear, 12fio
Womon's neckwear, Including
jaoots, uuicn collars, cuomlsot-
tos, hows, otc, val
ues 19c to 25c, salo
Women's Coats
All size, made of plush, boucles, as
trachans, diagonals, etc., formorly $5.00
to $12.50, sulo prices
Women's Suits
A lot of women's tailorod suits, wldo
section oi matonais, colors, Ap
etc., formerly $10.00 to $18.00, CHh
Thursday, cholco i ...... .
Tailored Skirts
Including serges, corduroys, diagonals,
velvots, etc., black, navy, mixtures, diagon
als, otc, formorly $3 to $6.60, salo prices
$1.9 5 -4 2.9 5 --$3.95
$1.00 Ilouso Dresses, OOc
Nicely mado and finished houso
dresses, mado ot ginghams, per
cales, otc, neatly trlmmod, high
and low neck, long and short
sleeves, medium and dark col
ors, pretty pattorns, for- nQ
merly $1.00, for UJ7C
$1.00 nnd $1.50 Underwear, BOc
Men's wool and all wool shirts
nnd drawers, flat and rlbbod
weave, broken line's, formerly
$1.00 to $1.50, sale fin
price, each JJC
$1.10 Table Cloths, 70c
2 and 2 VI -yd. mercerized da
mask table' cloths, pretty border
and center pattorns, for- yQ
roerly $1.1,0, each..,.,. Ii
18c Fascinators, 10c
All wool fancy knit fascinators
and head shawls, white, black
and fancy, formerly 48c,
8c Glnghnms, 3)g
Fancy dress ginghams, mostly
plain patterns, 10-yard limit,
formerly 8c yard, salo Ojt,
prico, per yard 3i C
8c Flannelette, 10 ynrfls, 50c
Broken lines of fleeco lined flan
nelette, choice patterns and col
ors, 10-yard limit, for- pq
merly 8c yard, 10 yards. OiC
80c Dress Goods, 48c
Wldo wale serges, black, navy,
tan, wlno and brown, AO
formerly 8 Do values, yd. frOC
$1.00 Corsets, 40c
200 corsets, long and short hip
models, broken lines, medium
and long sizes, formorly A (
$1.00, choice HcVC
48o Drc6S Goods, 22)io
Remnants of 48c wool dress
goods, 2 to 4-yard lengths, black,
plain colors and mix- OOJL
tures, per yrird tKr
$1.00 Blankets, $1.20
Kxtru heavy cotton blankets,
gray with fancy bordors, excel
lent, formorly $1.69 t-j nn
pair, per pair P JL
$1.30 Sweaters, 70o
Big lot men's and women's wool
sweaters, coat stylo, all sizes,
mostly with collars, for
merly $1.39, -for, ..
Women's $1.00 Undcrwcnr, BOo
Women's whlto and natural gray
union suits, all sizes, good stylos,
formerly $1.00, salo gj
price, por stilt OifC
Child's 25c Undorwoar, 15c
Children's white and natural
gray union suits, shirts and
drawers, regularly 25c, t g
salo price, each IDC
50c Sweaters for 20o
Children's cotton and wool
sweaters, coat Btyle, all jq
colors, formorly 50c, for fa 7 C
Mufflers at 8c
Men's and boys plain and fancy
knit mercerized cotton and wool
mufflers, white, black or plain
colore, formerly 25c, q
for OC
-Burgess-Nash Co. 16th and Harney.;
;BurgesB-Nash Oo. 16th and Harney.-
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