Moral: Never Kid a Man in I a & . . on ,r TROUBLE .1 KNOVl YOU ArAtSRlCAHS &D w"ltU 1 THOUGHT He UP fAS ENTRY LISTJSTEEMEHDOHS Athletic Carnival at Auditorium Friday Night to Be Hammer. ENTHUSIASM 18 MOST KEEN Relar HaceB to He Thrillers- Kraals to Be Han Oft Fail, nl(h So Tedious Delay to Tire Spectator' I'allence. Over 1,000 outsiders In addition to ths tegular members of tho Young Men's Christian association have been prac ticing nlghtlr at the association's gym nasium preparatory to- the bis athletlo tournament and carnival which Is to be held this evening at the Auditorium. All the entrants In the races and tho teams of gymnasts which wll compete. In the bar and horse events and the schoot boys and, church lads who will run In tho relay races have been working1 hard and consistently to Improve their speed or prowess, and' It has been a task, for Physical Director Maxwell to allow them tho time they wanted. The enthusiasm among the local ath letes: Is so high that Mr. Maxwell (s no longer lamenting over the Inadequate athletic spirit manifested by the Ne braska colleges and universities' who promised to enter teams In tho events and then failed to make godd 'at' the' last 'minute. One' solid half of the bal cony will be fi)led with" a mass of grado school boys and girts', 'arid nobody else; will b' allowed la that part of the Audi-i torium. Every school .Jin the city will! nave a jway leant enteco, ana mo com-, petition for supremacy promises to ' be Stten.j All the school have selected team of their speediest ruMra ana every team haa eetf practicing dTflgcntly-'to Imlfrovq themselves. ' "J CtinmBlonihlu Ilvrnt. The gymnastic championship event will be the ,qaeworth going blocks to ace., Turneftv from "the. Tel Jed Boko! o .both Omaha, aed South Omaha and turners from the Fremont and South Bldo Turn verelna and ,.f rom tho Lincoln undOraaha. xoung men s uQriauan associations anov from the Gentian 'ifomo nnd from tho Sokol Tyrs, will .enter the event and, as many of those turners arc possessors ut medals won in national competition, somo of the best turning of the decado should bo witnessed. In addition to the competition, drill teama of the association's members will give mass exhibitions of skill with the wands, the IndUn clubs and the dumb bells. There will be fifty men and bova in ech of these exhibitions., and nil th'reo will d ib progress in different parts of the Auditorium at the same time, so that it HmiVd be as imposing sight to the audience. Blar Relax- Race. A relay race between tho-Omaha Jllgh school and the Lincoln High school should be cne of the most exciting events of tho long program. The two schools have been Intense rivals since time immemor able and will extend every effort to thwart tho ether. The last event of the evening will be the two-mile relay race. It will be ono of the moat exciting as well aa gruelling; ww iuu iu uiuuia. n resemuies very much in method of running a six day bicycle race and all -who have ever seen a six-day bicycle race will admit that whenever there is n sprint nothing can surpass it for. on incentive to heart failure. As the two-mile race is not. sb tedious the sprints should -lie often, and fast It Js an Innovation race and Max well Is confident th'at it wilt recelv the welcome of Omaha athletlo fans. J"or Barns, Bralsea nni Sorr the quickest and surest cure Is Bucklen' Arnica Halve; every household should nave a box on hand all the time. S5c For by all druggtsts.-Advertlsement ST. JOE PLAYERS SIGN WITH CHICAGO FEDERALS ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Jan. 22,-Alexander .-willing, rormer outnelder of the St. Jo seph Western Itague base ball team, and Third Baseman Westerxlll of the local Western league team announced loday inat tney nan aignsd two-year contracts Attn tne unicago federal league club, rt r A basdtome White Satin Ktnpcd Madras Collar em bodying tbe utmost style wltheut being too extreme. IdeSilwer CoIIajns Hot lie are ckaracUrlxed by their Maartshap., their perfect .qulltlc aid re srhslednrsbllly, . as i oo., KaksM, Troy, jr. T. Creators of Bmart Htyles U Collars and Dbfrts. t! I I VI BRcfTHR. hs Die ffr TM6 fcbBEL HANS AND MC To DIM IDG 11 FOUtt tWTM6R. . Wesleyan Swamps University of Omaha UNlVfe'ltSlTY PLACE, Neb.. Jan. 2l (Special Telegram.) Nebraska Wesleyan Inaugurated the season In Intercollegiate basket ball by a one-sided victory over the University of Omaha tonight on the home floor. At tho end of the first half the- locals had thirty-one points to one for the visitors. During the second half three second team men were In tho lineup. Wesleyan made twenty-eight points to three for tho Omaha team, making the total fifty nine to four. Omaha.' ono field goat came near the end of the last half. Lineup: WE8LEYAN. OMAHA. n.F Jenkins L.F McLafferty C. Dow a a T. Selby UO J. Selby Keester TCP. Kline L.F. Fetz i.C. Vlfauoln H.Q. Johnson L.G. Substitutes: Wesleyan. Iluffey. McGea nd Garey; Omaha, Jorgcnsen and Sei ner. Umpire: McCandiess. ROSE AND FRADY WIN IN PRAIRIE PARK TOURNEY roots' and Frady cleaned up tha high nurrjber.'Ot rlns In the Prairie Park whist tournament ths .'cek with twelve, while King and Minor wero close behind with ten. In an. Individual match, D. O. King defeated 'Walter' Price, 32 to 0. Scores: W1NNEH8. Hlcklar and Tlruce....; 8 Nelson and Scanncu, ? Ross and Frady 12 King and Minor., ,.,4'.! .V. 10 Huck and Hack. 2 LOSErtB. Dorst and Jtoblnaon.. ..13 KokJer and Morcan..... 2 3 Parmer and afw,pr,,..i'. jUJ Lucko and Uegthol.. .,...'., ..even Fried and Roland .. 2 With the Bowlers LlthOKrnphers' Lennue, LYON ENOnAVKItS. lal. M. Sd. Total. Mlratsky 161 124 122 417 sanaal us w hs - n Koblson lis : i a2 Totals 46S 361 392 1.21 II, E. TRANSFERS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Cllbfod 92 M 115 305 Hoffman 171 .147 119 437 ourncy 175 ; lea its bi Totals 4M . 414 409 1.261 nEES PRINTING CO. 1st. td. 3d. Total. Kurtz 13 . 1M 121 443 Krejcl VM.,.,. 147. 171 147 467 Ohncsorg 164 179 184 K7 Totals 40 535 , 462 - ' "'OMAHA" PRINTINO CO. ' 1,437 i , . 1st. 2d. 3d. Total Nobl 142 144 147 .t Rohr h;-., ; 164 lit 125 39 drupe , 1SS 117 164 411 4H. 380 433 1.24S H. E. PRESS. i 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. A. Pactow 116 134 143 ' ' 3S3 Fitzgerald 130 1M ISO 3M R. Pactow 17S 146 "153 4S2 Totals .A 4!4 410 431 1,263 -.KLOPP-BARTLETT, 1st. iA. M. Tnt.V Anaerson ,..1K. ! 113 406 35 478 KalllD- , ;......( 1ST 134 104 Lanlng , Ul Ui 151 Totals 493 41 367 Sunderland Lenscne. '1,279 HERRINanONES. 1st. 2d. S1. Tntnl. Smyth , 150 133 133 421 Durran 101 133 162 396 Ogden 115 133 143 4 27 Kaufman........;... 100 l&a km zkt Teddy ..." M ... ... 51 Totals '. EM 869 ' 546 l.COS x lit. LM. 3d. Tnl Rockwell 115 lis uennett lto 140 133 413 Williams ,. tt U0 li 234 ColVln 103 121 102 326 IU E. Sunderland... 133 116 170 421 Totals 661 487 466 1.5K YELLOW WAGONS. x lit. 2d. 3.1. Total Hi 35S 55 296 270 at Biromer i iu ih Parker ....104 133 118 M career 55 Hurt , 117 Kl !s aiynn 102 73 95 Eastman 131 123 Totals 657 K6 591 1,714 8UMA8COS. 1st. !d. 31. Tnt.l Fehls 113 1S6 136 431 FUChs 130 120 131 331 D. M. Edeerley.... 147 107 its m Tungate 77 137 136 360 O. C. Kdgeriey 93 161 133 292 Totals 564 711 6S4 1.S53 CERTIFIED KOALS, 1st 2d. 3d Total. waitenberg lit Gwln 82 Sheets 190 Faslck 162 E. M. Sunderland... 141 Its 73 145 162 129 91 401 110 169 189 146 2b5 501 513 718 Totals 736 6S7 706 t'.m HANHUM HR1X. lit. Id. 3d. Total Peck 1T2 Lagers trom 123. Sydney in Bock 200 Wilk 1(3 168 117 V I", . 142 113 179 106 619 IB J43 4!0 499 US Totals 790 691 742 2.223 Die from Shock. SEWARD, Neb,, Jan. 22. SptdaU Qeorge Osborn, living near Staplemlst. this county, yesterday, while sawing timber .with, a power saw, caught hi arm In (he saw and nearly severed that member Amputation was necessary and be died form the shock. THE BEE: Trouble etALCY BCTtuGGM FEDERALS WHA PUSH FIGHT Latest More is to Place Team i' Cincinnati. f MAY MOVE TORONTO TE President (lllmore Holds Conference with Manascer of the Local City Leagne and Tito Attorneys. CINCINNATI, O., Jan. 22,-Thls city, which is the headquarters of organized base ball, Inasmuch as the office of the National commission is located hero, is seriously threatened by an Invasion of the Federal league. At a secret meeting held last night in the office of a law firm It was tentatively decided to switch tho franchise of the Toronto Federal league club to Cincinnati. At the meeting were President James A. Qllmoro of the Federal league, E. E. Gates, counsel for the leaguol Joseph Dixon, president of the newly organized City league, and Paul Connelly, an at torney. Dixon, who Is prominent in amateur sports, particularly, base ball,, outlined the local situation to Qllmore and Gates. A alto for a new ball park within llfteou mfmites' ride frpm tho heart of the, filty. was' considered, but nothing positive, was determined except that Dixon .would direct, the new club It an Invasion of this territory Is decided on. it Is understood that Gllmore and Gates will return to thja city soon to go deeper into the matter and arrange' iinanciai details. Frtelaent, Olfmora repeated -bis state ment made yesterday that ha writr tight for the services. of Catcher Kllllfer, who yesterday signed with the'.P.hlladeJbhU National Icagua club, to which' ha be longed previous to signing contracts with the Federal league. When or where he wouM tegln action was not disclosed by Mr, Gllmore. WIH Make Kllllfer Cnac a Test. CHICAGO. Jan. 22.-"Notwlthstandlng reports I will not believe- that Kllllfer lias sighed ft contract to Yilis" with the Philadelphia club Until he has v verbally admitted It to me personally or to my representative." James A. Gllmore, president of the Fed eral league, who Is In Cincinnati, made this statement over tho long distance telephone to friends In this city last night after he received the report from Philadelphia that William Kllllfer had algned a contract to play with Phila delphia Nationals, thereby disregarding a previous contract made with tha Federal league "Jf Kllllfer, after signing a, FederV. league contract then signs a contract, as reported .with the Philadelphia club ond attempts to play, I am .confident a court of equity will restrain him." con tinued Gllmore. "I am prepared with ample finances and the necessary legal talent with which to uphold our rights and I propose to do It. "If (he rumor Is. verified, I. will indeed be surprised, as I believe Kllllfer Is too honorable a man to accept money from our Chicago Federal league club and then put the Philadelphia National league club and himself In bad by repudiating a genuine and legal contract such as he signed with the Chicago club. "There Is a vast difference between a three-year contract at an agreed salary and the unconstitutional reserve clause covering future service without a definite salary agreed upon by both par ties." Auto Dealers Draw For Space, at Shaw The most enthusiastic and largest at tnde4 meeting ever held .by tha stock holders of the Omaha Automobile Show association waa held at the Commercial club yesterday afternoon, when every dealer In the city waa represented. Drawings for allotments of display space were made, and all the dealers, even those who were so unfortunate as to draw the last numbers, were pleased with the plans for space and agreed thatthero waa little preference. Horace Orr of the Orr Motor Sales company drew No. ou'. of the hat, which happened to be his own derby, while the Van Brunt com pany and the Freeland company drew No. 3 tnd No. 3, respectively. Guy L. Smith drew NO. 13, but as he Isn't super stltlous he didn't complain- SIGNED CONTRACT OF CHANNELL IS RECEIVED NEW YORK, Ja. 21-n-The signed con tract of Lester Channel!, outfielder,, was received at the New York American league club today. Channell was pur chased from the Denver club of the Western league last month, 'lie was member of the New York Americans sev eral years ago, but broke his leg. -and after a year's absence was released 'a Indianapolis. Jack Warhop, Chance's veteran pitcher. sent word to President Far r ell today that he would mall a signed contract at once. w Postaiaater for Cheyenne, WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-Walter U Larsh was today nominated to be post 11 s. , -- ... . . . ruaISsr W!S : (,V I COtV? (N ? I I -a:'S' u OMAIJA, .FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1914. AM. llMii WATS lt HOW Cea.t fiEVIO' eQwAC-v .The, uorcO'i Mrs, Robert Goelet Sues for Absolute Divorce at Newport NEW YORK, Jan. 22. That tho papers led yesterday In Newport, R. I.', would show all that was to be said of Mrs- Robert Goelet's suit against her hus band, tho millionaire clubman, for an absolute divorce was tno reply Samuel Untcrmeyer, her attorney made to In quiries. Mr. Untermeyer added that Mrs. Goelet did not regard her affairs ag- matters of public Interest or concern. New York friends have known of dif ferences between Mr. and Mrs. Goelet It became known today. While they con tinued to occupy their Fifth avenue man sion, friends say It waa only to keep up appearances of, harmony and thero was no hope of reconciliation. Mrs. Goelet loft on Tuesday for Daytona, Fla. Mrs. Goelet, who is of marked beauty nf face and person. Is the daughter cf the late Henry Whelen. tho Philadelphia banker. Her mother Is now the wife of C. Hartman Kuhn of Philadelphia. Miss Whelen married Robert Goclqt, then two years out of Harvard, on June 19. 1904, In- the church of St. Mary ut Wayne, a fashionable suburb of Phila delphia. - Mr. Goelet'lrthersonof the late Ogden Goelet and,- ! the owner- of an estate. principally In NqwiYorJt realty, of' moro thon $35.000jOOv Ife. has ..expectations of coming ...into. 325,003.000,0 which Is held In ,h,Uj family. 1J Is a member of many clubs, and his steam yacht. Nahma, ia one of tbe most luxurious craft afloat. Tn 1908 he bought and presented to his wife a 3500,000 chateau In France nt Dalhelcdurt, qutbddlng Prince Mural, for lt-This'aYeKarTde,d'"a't'tho-tlrn'e aa the finest cotrntry" estatiMn France, bhrrlnir that of the Rothchllds. Finnish Editors Are Charged With . Inciting to Riot HOUGHTONf Mich..-. -Jan. 22.-aus Wil liams Topparia, president of tho corpora tion which publishes the Finnish Social 1st paper, Tyomles, and Andrew Sarell, a stockholder, wero arrested In Hancock early today by Sheriff Cruse on the recent warrant charging them with Inciting to riot through published statements. The two men were released under 31,000 bonds., Publication of an editorial charging deputies with responsibility for the Italian hall disastor at Calumet on Christmas eve was the basis of the complaint against the men. Five employes of the Tymonles already had been arrested under tho war rant. Charged with carrying concealed weapons, John Huhta, recording secretary of the South Range local of the Western Federation of Miners, and Nicholas Ver- banap, were arrested early today and lodged In Jail here. Huhta waa one of the thlrty-soven men Indicted Jointly with Charles II. Moyer, last Thursday, on the charge of conspiracy and wns out under bond. Deputies heard a succession of pistol shots at South Range late in the night and some time afterwards they en countered Huhta and Verbanae riding to gether In a sleigh. The men were searched and In their pockets, the deputies said, were found two revolvers. Jluhta said to day that ho and Verbanae were. "Just celebrating." Judge O'Drien sent word today from Eagle River. Keweenaw county, that he would not be able to arrive here in tttne to hold court today. A report from the special grand Jury may be ready w,hen court convenes tomorrow. Alleged-White ' Slaver Who Defied Police Locked Up SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 22,-Emlle C. Ducotn, said by the police to be the leader of a white slave ring that has operated In San Francisco for the last two years, was arrested here lost last night in his handsomely furnished residence. The police refused to permit him to ride to Jail In his own automobile. He was booked on two charges of white slavery and spent the night in a cell. Duooln is said to have amassed a for tune of 3300,000 In a short time. Accord ing to the police he openly boasted that he was enjoying police protection and defied the white slave squad to arrest htm. Ducoln is alleged to have traded ex tensively In European women of the un derworld, preventing their deportation by marrying: them off to Impecunious men who.wtlllnirly; Jent their names, to the women-for a (payment of 3100. FORMER CONGRESSMAN PERKINS IN HOSPITAL BIOL X CITT. Ia., Jan. 22,-Former Congressman George D. Perkins, editor and owner of the Sioux City Journal, waa taken to a hospital today for an operation which -la considered serious. Mr. Perkins Is 74 yeara old. He repre sented the Eleventh Iowa district In congress .WHntarly.. twetity- years.' Drawn How . -, . CAIOcV? a ' J3 ' ' ' I I at. FIFTH WIN FORSOUTH OMAHA Basket Ball Quintet Walka Over the Bellevue Preps.. ' . ROUGH GAME FR0M- START Sooth Omaha High School Five Piles Up Good Lead In First Half and Increases It Durlne the Second. South Omaha High school won Its fifth victory In a fast game, of- basket ball with the Dcllovua college preps by n scoro .of 33 to 19, last, evening:, In. tho South Omaha' gymnasiuin- at . -Twenty-fourth and J . streets. -The -two - teams were pretty evenly matched and 'both fought hard for the scoro they got. Rough play marked .the, ntffejC.gjrthe, thlrty-Hyo fouls being made ' by' both teams. The first half opened with the two teams playing even and both displaying good team work. South Omaha scored the first point on a foul and soon forged ahead, slowly outplaying their op ponets. Bellevue played a rough gamo tho first half, making fourteen fouls. Nixon and Foley came out of the scrim mage for two baskets each as dfd both Martin and' Keler of the Q'ellevuo five. Tho first ha(f ended with the scoro standing 17" to 11 In . favor of South Omaha. , . In the second half tho Bellevue boys seemed to have let up almost entirely on rough play and a clean game was played, Tho gome ended with South Omaha In the load by sixteen points tho score standing SS to 19. South OmahA wllt.Jneet . tbe Beat.r(ce urday evening. The. lineup; ,. SOUTH OMAHA. Foley R.F. Nixon ,.UF, Shalnholtz' C. Leach ...R.Q. Beat L.Q. BELLEVUE. R. F. Martin L.F. :,..Kiiner Evens R.G .....Stookey L.Q uaceiy Field coals! South Omaha. Foley (6). Nixon (5), Shalnholtz. Leach; Bellevue, Martin (2), Kcnner (4), Evens, Racely. Foul apuls: South Omaha. "Foley t7)5 Bellevue, Kenner (3). Referee: Shaln holtz, Timekeeper: Zuhlke. -.Scorers: Pat ten and Lcov Class Preliminary. Aa a preliminary to the .man event a game was played between the senior and sophomore teams tn which the sophomores were victorious by a score, of 8 to 6. The lineup: SOPHOMORES. SENIORS P. Orchard. ....R.F. Robinson L.F. R.F. Belser UK. F. Orchard C. ....,.. ...Boyd J. Shalnholtz C. Koutskv .......R.O u.u uoicouri Hoffman L.G.IL.G. .r...Magnuasen Field goals: Sophomores, Belser, Or chard, MaBnusfrcm: Seniors) 1 Orchard, Shoinholts. Foul goal: Sophomores, Or chard (2) Seniors, Shainholtz-,.,C). Ref eree: Patten. Timekeeper: CurJV Sforpr: Lee. Juu x WANT MATCH BETWEEN TWO NEGRO PUGILISTS LONDON, Jan. 22. A nurse . of ,330,000 for a boxing match in June between Jack Johnson and Sam Langfordr tho negro pugilists,, was offered today by the man agement of the Olympla, the great arena in the west end of London. Three-fourths of the money will go to the winner and one-fourth to tho loser. r-4 tUKnn Trim" Maitnolln, LOGANi la.. Jan. i2.r-(Speclal.) Lonan High' school basket ball team of boys defeated the Magnolia High school team n ere insi evening cry a score oi il to 3. Lineup: LOGAN. MAGNOLIA. i R.F Radthke L.F Brown C K1U L.G O'Hara ball team of South Logan R.F. Dav.'s L.F. Arthur C. Miller L.O. Tne girls basKet Onaha will play, the girls' team of the. i.ogan iiiRii scnoou nere next uaturaay evening. There will also be a game be tween the boys' high school team of Lo gan arid "Call Saturday evening at the Extension building In' Logan. .Always Reliable Relief from the ailments caused by disordered stomach, torpid liver, irregular bowels ia given quickly, safely, and assur edlyby the tried and reliable BEECHAM'S PILLS "tw. la bo. lO.. 2K COAL 31 KINDS YOURS INCLUDED for The Bee by Bank of England Outs Discount Rate LONDON, Jan. 22. Tho Bank of Eng land was enabled today to reduce Its minimum rate of discount to 4 per cent owing to the improvement in tho mone tary situation both here and abroad and to the settlement of the South African general strike. Tho fact that the German bank rate also was lowered today and the belief that the French bank rate will soon fol low suit, mako market experts confi dently anticipate a further reduction of the English rate in' a wek or two. GRAIN DEALERS ON OMAHA ROAD COMPLAIN OF RATES EMERSON, Neb., Jan. 22.-(Speclal Telegram.) Business men along tho Omaha road from the towns of Tokamah, Craig, Bancroft, Pender, Thurston, Car roll, Colcrldgo and Emerson, met here' last night to voice their protest against tho action of the Omaha road In re fusing to meet competition of -the Bur lington road in tho same territory. Ele vators on tho Burlington have been' pay ing from 4 to 6 cents more per bushel for- grain from competing points as a result and business men an the Omaha road decided to lay tho matter before General Freight Agent Pierce. Falling to get relief "from him. the State Hallway commission will bo appealed to. Tho Burlington road maintains the same rates as far north as Homer to points In tho South Platte territory, as I from Omaha to this territory, giving 'dealers on Us lines an advantage oVcj. , dealers -on -the Omaha road, t'u! tho .ex tent 01 me ireful raio irem tucn poinu to Omaha. Nr- n Wolf In Wolf limit. FAIRBURY, Neb., Jan. 22.-(Speclnl.) Between ' four and five hundred Jeffer son county farmfirs participated n a cir cle wolf hunt west' of Falrbury yesterday. , Tho territory coveted laid between the I Little Blue river west of Falrbury, -Gladstone and the 'county poor farm. -Captains I were selected for each sldo and tho hunters wero permitted to carry shot , guns only. J When ' the lines closed In, two wolvos were seen, but ono escaped through the south lino and the other through the wc& line. The hunters succeeded In killing' several undred Jack rabbits, but not a coyote. Another hunt has been j scheduled to taka place In Richland pre . clnct north of Falrbury, Friday. Accord ing to reports brought in by Jefferson county farmers, wolves are not so plenti ful this yoar. Last winter approximately 150 wolves were killed in circle hunts. Odd FellovfS o Meet. SEWARD, Neb., Jan. 22.-(Speoal.) Two hundred delegates and members of tho Odd Fellows lodges of this state wll( be ontertalned here on February 2 to 4. ' A public meeting will bo held dt the court house nt 2 p. m. and Mayor Calder will welcomo tho visitors nnd Guard Master ' Johns, a former Seward county boy, will respond fo rthe grand lodge, Dr. Dcs Jardlen will glvo a lecture In Odd Fcl- ! lowshlp, j Tho Seward Commercial club will en tertain the visitors at reception at the club room from 6 to p. m. In the evening tho first, second and third degrees of Odd Fellowship will bo conferred by the Lincoln- lodge on twelve candidates and the evening will close with a banquet. NATIONAL Publicity is "the big stick" of. Busi ness. It compels the dealer to Carry your goods at your prices and, often, to advertise them locally at ins expense. Call "Doug. 2-5-2" and order SUNDERLAND'S CERTIFIED COAL "Bud" Fisher Go ryni CHrjf'.ffi 5-3WgC.J Henry Siegel Says . He is Penniless Now NEW YORK, Jan. 21-Ucnry Slegel, head of a chain of stores which failed recently, took the witness stand today, be fore a special master In the receivership proceedings and testified that be was practically penniless. "I used to draw 31,000 salary every month from my stores," ho said. "Now X have no income. I haven't a cent" BiiiiaiiHii a HBSJB-S USISS' "Ths Esuett Riding Car InThtVferU nut aas BISSBC siisisi sas fiBallf rtSaaBiaia Valves- Tho valves In your motor should bo of a diamoter well proportioned to the boro of the engine. They should have the uro per shape and cam moveJ ment to obtain the best effl-' clency in power and econ omy. nBe sure they are acces sible 'for adjustment and easy or removal. ,' LoqK to the ""Valve jguldta - are" theyj of ample length and retnov-' able? " - . Note the valve tappets tor accessibility and durability of construction. You may be told that these features are unimport ant but Investigate them nevertheless. The satisfactory service ot one car (name above) pr6yes ' that such details are all-lmr portant. 1 This Is one of a scries ot talks on how to buy an auto mobile. The complete series, containing a wealth of valu able Information, may be had In 'booklet -form b'y asking . Marion Automobile Co. s US.Ol-2103 Farnaru Street, g Omnhn, Neb. C. W. McDonald, Mgr. m ,2 . .ii.iiiiib. Tor Bale By tbe following Firms:. FOR MEN 501-510 S. 16tf AND THos. Kiipitrick & BIG YELL-0 WAGONS DRAY L FOX PXEN H