IB THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY JANUARY 22, 1914. Was Wedded Wednesday Evening Special Events Featured Every Day in Our January White Sale in ocie Clearing Sale Men's Clothing Begins Next Sat. in Old Store f 5 T By MELLIFIOIA. Wednesday, January 21,4914. HE Cox-I'cnncy wedding this evening will usher In a beautjful In novation. Immediately preceding the wedding ceremony. It is tho old English custom of candle-lighting and having as many children as possible participate in tho ceremony, preferably rela tives of tho bride. After tho guests havo assembled little Fred Penney, Jr., will enter, clad In tho vestments of the Episcopal church, and carrying a llghtod can delabrum, which ho will touch to tho white-shaded candles placed through out the rooms, while tho Bweet strains of Cadman's "At Dawning" Is played from tho staircase landing by Mins Helen Cook. Then there will bo llttlo Mary Mackay of Lincoln, who will carry tho ring In tho heart of a glorious American Beauty rose, and little Paulino Darber of Fullerton, tho flower glrl,who will carry a quaint basket of pink rose petals, to bo strown In the path of the bridal procession. Tho crodlt for this quaint and beautiful feature of tho ceremony be longs to tho brlde'B mother, Mrs. F. M.. Penney, whose mother was a typ ical Englishwoman and had of ton1 spoken of tho beautiful wedding cere monies in England. ! ! ' ' Afternoon Tea. Mrs.-C. U. Keller entertained at tea this afternoon from 4:30 to 6-o'clockin ),. ct Mm. William Fitzgerald of r, m v . w'o In visiting her parents, Mr. owl Mrs. T. C llyine. Miss Iletfi Vail of Houghton. Mich., .the, fluent of her rrnnrftnnllicr. Mrs. Ilcth. and Mt, Po'Ph Peters, who returned Sunday from her wcddfng trip. i , Ulllamev rosea' were Used In decorat on jwiii Mtv tmesis were, present. As-I fisting worn Miss Elizabeth Congdon. Miss. Carolyn. ' ConBdon..' Mrs: Joseph Uyrno nnd Mrs. George Doanc., Birthday. Party. Mlrs Frances Wahl entertained her lltUo frionnii -Saturday evening. In. honor of her thirteenth birthday. Those present wra: ' . r . Mlracs ' Given ' .McCoy Luncheon for Salt lake Guest. Mrs. Pen Gallagher was hos?ss at a beautifully appointed luncheon today at her homo In honor of her sister, Mrs. McCasklll of Bait Lake- City. Mrs. Ward roses were used In decoration and covers were placed 'for Mcedames McCasklll. F. P. Klrkendall. J. S. Brady, F. II. Davis. II II. BaldrlKe. D. A. Baum, J. N, Bald win. J." A. McShanc. H. W. Yates, C. M. Wllhelm, Ben Gallagher, Miss Jesslo Millard. Seniors Entertained. . . The four-year seniors of the High Bchool of Commerce wero delightfully entertained Friday At tho Home of Slrsi Lolo Collier, one of the members of tho class. The cvenlng wiw svent wltlv nuislo and games and rofresh'mcnts were served. Prizes wero won by Miss Kelson, OllVe Brown, Charles Kdmondson und Albert Dowllng. Those present wero: Ml ares Ituth Clark, Ollvo Brown, Misses Lole Collier. Mabel Gustafson; Ituby Davidson, Helen Horton, Gladys Oglebay. Messrs. Carl Evans. Kugene Oglebay, Charles Kdmondson, Mr. and Mrs, wood. Mr and Mrs. Collier. Master Kenneth Collier. Hoskln. Nelson. ' Messrs. GeotRe Collier, Klmej" Edman. Albert Dowllng, Suffrage Kensington. Mrs. William Haller and Mrs. A. P. Howes of Blair wero hostesses at a suf frage kenslngton. Saturday afternoon, at the homo of Mrs. Howes. Thero were 115 guests, twenty-five women from Her man being present Mrs. D. G. Craighead and Mr. James lUchardson of Omaha also attended, Mrs. Craighead having; de llvered a speech on "suffrage" Mrs. Miller, chairman of Washington county, reports that 300 signers for suffrage pe titions have been secured In her county of the tOO required. She Is arrapglng meetings which are to bo held In Cal houn and Arlington. Weddistr Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart C, Wetta enter tained Tuesday evening In honor of their, wedding anniversary. Those present were Misses Florence Cole, Halite Jono.i and Madco Wells; Messrs. George B, Morris, Jr., end Charles Mlchelson; Mrs. 3, T. Well of Monta Vista, Colo. Informal Dinner Party. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountxe en tertained informally nt dinner Tuesday evening preceding the dancing party given by Mr. and Mrs. J. DeForcst nich ard at the Country club. Those present wero Dr. and Mrs. J. E, Summers. Mr. and Mrs Hoxle Clark, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Cowglll and Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountxe. Misses , Frances Footo Clara McAdama Helen minaeriana Ruby McCluro Masters George Sanders Lionel -Aitcnison It. .Buckingham Floyd Smith ireno uyuau Noo Mies Eva Elizabeth Penney. SCrg3Pyag .Dorothy Gray Mary McAdams Helen Wahl, . Masters Robert ingwcrscn Clarence Adams Roy McFarlano Waldcn Balcomb. Entertains at Whist. Miss Yetta fitlefler entertained at a wh'st party at her homo Tuesday ive- nlhg. Mies Hannah Waxman won prize. Those present were Misses TIUie Blenstock, Fannie uoeenmum the Misses Mildred Levy. Joatfllelte Frlcd- Barah Waxman. , Htadt, Hannah Waxman, Klva Hollg. May I'rcglor. Esther Kaplan, Ethel Relnschrelber, Leona Gordon, Evelyn Levy, Messrs.. M. Levy,. H. Mandelbnum, M, Rosenblum, B. Stelfler. Yetta Btlefler, Messrs. J. Waxman, M. Kaplan, H. Htein. tho You're Bilious and Costivel-Cascarets Sick Headache, Bad Breathy Sour Stomach, mean Liver ad Bowels Clogged Clean up tonight. ' Get a 10-cent box now. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indigestion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Headaches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to be come filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments like garbage In a swill barrel. That's tha first step to un told misery Indigestion, foul gases, bad hreath. yellow skin, mental fears, every Uiln Utat U horrible and nauseating. A Caocaret tonight will give your constl pated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out for morning. Thoy work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist will keep you feeling good for months. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then to keep their stomach, Uver and bowels regulated and never know a miserable moment. Don't forget the chlldren-thelr little In aides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. Advertlkement Lasts Longer Weighs I immm The Guaran teed Broom Make a Clean Sweep. The Broom of Brooms MJV kmik tntt'l Mick to yovr ha " Bamk k Stews Mitf . Ca.. Dm Mmw, U. A a ,Jr Hair rVJKl 3 Vior .Jw a Mttc ON aad hhK mm, ttwf a. iM't a baa ritk. anwr hair Ask Yr Padbir. Literature Department Meets. The literature department of Omaha Woman's club met morning. Mrs. Franklin Shotwell was leader of the program,, which was on BJornson'n VA Gauntlet." Mrs. Shotwell gave, an Introduction to, the play, bring ing out the feminist movement espe cially, In which BJornson was very much Interested, Mr. Edwin Puis gavo a read, lug of the play. Bridgo Party. MrsT. F. Kennedy entertained, Infor mally at bridge this afternoon in honor of Mrs. Clarence .Richmond Day. Flva tables were placed for the game. Crcighton Medical Hop, The Crcighton Medical students, gave an enjoyable dunclng party at Chambers' Tuesday evening, "the third of a series of five during the school year. A large number of students and friends were present." The Castto walk was danced almost ex clusively, even tlie tango being dis carded. The .committee In charge con sisted of Messrs. Ray ICIoyla, Neal Mc- xee ana Glen Whltcomb. - Those present were: Misses Ioretta Malloy. Corrlne Sinter, upai iTumbiiss, j'eariii'rotn. Loin Rockwell. Qcrtrudo Maytham, Margaret liocne. Florence Urltt, Mildred Hauth, Helen I.auchman. Norman, linen itosseu, Davis, Kthel King. Jane Gatford, AUco English. Catim n English, Clare McGovern, iieuian iivra. Margaret Habensek, Mar Fitzgerald, Annie oiurpn)-, Bertha Elklna, Henrietta Wadsworth. Ituth Foran, Gladys Sullivan, Happy Martin. Dora McAnd.rew, Anna BOrenson, Kathleen uusseii, Dorothy Bls-ciow, Marie Walsh. Gladys Duffy, Genevieve Young, Hazel Arntill. Margai'tUrois, Hnrrlet mltti. Ada Rayner, Heese. Ellen Nash. Margaret Cott, Jlessrs. Dr. T. T. Harris, U F. Kgan. I. M. Caldwell. W. 11. RoKers, A. E. nunsky, O, J, Kaday, h. J. Bastian. niley F. Roche, Mike llanley. Tnrne uoherty, C. 3. Mortln. Tt H. Woodf. (i a. Carleman. T.fnn. r J DlerUes. nr. ll. K Karrer, Varold Johnson, James Kellv A W WrvWhridge. J T. Mi-hv. M A. SMlllraton. Clint Hiirllton. F, H Kli vem." V J. Kerj'rlch. T.wrF Braun, W W Hrye. J O'H'ara R. X rnnn F J PUli.VMt. r r p fran. lnfl Vitt. V A PollaeV. J r-irVbank. I-rv ,nfy. v T!ftt C F Eobollk. !- ""tnan, Justin Tounr. Cox-Penney Wedding. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mar lowe Pcrtney was die scene of one of the most beautiful weddings of tho sea son Wednesday evening when their daughter, Miss Eva Elizabeth, became tho bride of Mr. Fred Morton Cox. Rov. T. J. Mackay of All Saints' church wns the officiating clergyman. Preceding tho entranco of the wedding party llttlo Fred Penney, jr., clad In the vestments of tho Episcopal church, entered and lit tho candles throughout the rooms, while Mls Helen Cook played Cadman's "At Dawn ing." Immediately preceding tho cere mony Miss Florence Harford of Fuller ton, Neb., played tho Lohengrin bridal chorus, and during the ceremony, "Elsa'a Dreahi." Llttlo Pauline Barber, cousin of the bride, scattered pink rose potals In the path of the bridal procession, and llttlo Mary Mackay of Lincoln carried the ring In the heart of an American beauty rote. The ceremony took place at an 1m- wiuinMitav proylsed altar of calla lilies, smllax and orange Diossoms wnicn were sent irom Long Beach, Cal., by Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Tomllnson, friends of the bride. Miss Helen Cook of York, Neb., was the bride's only attendant, nnd Mr, liar ley Conant was tho best man. The bride wore a whlto, velvet-finished charmot gown, - squaro-tralned, and draped with Princess lace. Tho bodice wns embroidered lwth seed pearls, and she carried an arm bouquet of bride's roses, lilies of the valloy and orange blossoms. Her only ornament was a pearl neck lace, gift of the groom. The bride wore the wedding slippers and carried tha handkerchief which her mother had worn on her wedding day. Tho blrdtsmald'a gown was of pink brocaded charmeusc, with a minaret flounce of chiffon and trimmed with shadow lace. With this was worn a Gaby cap of chiffon, with threo out otandlng frills, and she carried an arm buoquet of Klllarney roses. Mrs. F. M, Penney wore lavender chif fon over the samo shade of charmeuse. The trimmings were of fine chiffon ruchlngs and velvet with a glrdlo of i(iv.nrtiir velvet. With" this waa worn a corsaire bounuet of lavender orchids. Tho house waa beautiful decorated In pink', with pink shaded lights and Kli larney rosea profusely aranged through out the rooms. The young people will Journey to Cal ifornia on their weddtng tour, and will return to Omaha In about a month to make their home. Cadet Officers to Hold Dance Just as Was Done Before For many years the Cadet Officers' club has been one of the recognized social organizations of tho Omaha High school and the cadet officers' hop which has been given annually for many vcars has always been tho banner social ovent of the year. So It was with Jubilant ac claim that the students of the high school, their parents, tho former students who have graduated and their parents greeted th-i proclamation of tho Board of Education which stated that the club could hold Its annual dance provided that the funds earned should be con tributed to the regiment's general fun! Tho C. O. C, as It Is called by the students at the school, has existed for so many years because Its primary nb Ject was to hold tho big dance. In fact. It was tho only ex:usn for Its existence. Tho club has never been assistance to the commandent and the commandents of the school have never asked the club to perform any duties, but neither did they object to It. When the school board passed the ruling that the high school namo could not be used lnconnectlon with any social ovents. Including the annual dances, Principal. McHugh decided that the officers' club was a useless ad junct under the new law and In order to prevent nnd trouble she 0 oil red to abolish the club. The officers, while respecting Miss Mc- Hugh's Judgment and agreeing that under the new ruling the order was of no practical benefit, declared thulr In tention of placing the matter before the school' board for tha purposo of request ing permission to hold the dance as be fore. Tht young soldiers were sueeesiful n their pleading nnd the board which controls tho destiny of Omaha's educa tional system relented sufficiently to per mit the Cadot Officers' club to hold the annual nop just as It always has been held before. Misses Marguerite Savage, Margaret O'Connor. Clarissa Clay. Harriet Parmalee, E. Odem, Sadie Noonan, Mildred Darber, Marie Chabot, Esther Frlcke, Helen Allonle, Hilda Trudo. Mario Freeland, Catherine Shields, Hazel Morrison, GaQys Taylor, Audrey Engelke. Claire Geauvreau, Hannah Tate. Helen Sorenson. Ethel Bitgall. K. Welsh, Marie Walsh. Emma Wiedemann, Henrietta West. Irene Stickler, ltz. Viola M. Cox, Ttachsel Metcalfe, Rose Frenzel, Korrlno Kline. McDonald, Cedar. HaCden, Norman. Panslo Williams, Trene Tracy, Planch. Ruth Boyle. Teona Sweeny, Irene McCoy. Mesr. PHnev F( ley, O. r.Mv V. 11. Clifford, J P Onfcv. Clurles Brltt. Allroi I'-nter. Chart Franden. Charles F. Shook. J. f. IiMtlnrtt, J. F.. Torrell, H. O 3111 William A. Nelson. K F Nr.i pan, V.Jt. Hombach. P. F. RMlm. R. H. Fowler. Dr W. U Crlss. R. C: Russum, C. Peterson. Phil Moresnthaler, Charlos F. Cobry, , O.R. Meyers. . Simon Levey, O. D. Whltcomb, W. L. Kelley, A. Callahan, Tonv Hunt. A. H. HenClickaon, E. McCaffrey. Leo iv.vr, Jorpb Breen. A., A. Arnold. .Trn F Kllv. Charlr VrKnlry. George Retort Jaroe McAllUter. Dr. Edwardt, Guy Van Levyoc, Bridre Party, Mrs. Carl Wallln entertained at bridge Monday afternoon at her apartments in the Stoecker. Thosa present wore Mosdames Mesdames . E. W. Anspach C. U Owen D. G. Robb A. D. Majors William Royoe Edward Murphy C. B. Rogers William Sidney B. 11. Hagonsfck W. N. Hellen L. C. Peters C. L. Peterson Carl Wallln Miss Maymo Wallln Wisteria Card Olub. The Wisteria Card club waa organized Tuesday afternoon at tho home ot Mrs C. B. Ratekln. The club will meet every two weeks, a 1 o'clock luncheon will be served and tho afternoon spent In play ing high five. The members ot tho ciud ara Meadames C. S-Jllatekln. J. Boon. J. Novak, D. Browrjir7. Johnston. I J. PiattL R. I Rowe and Miss Nell Bar num. Dinner Party. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Morris, sr., en tertaln at dinner Wednesday evening In honor of Mrs. J. T. Wella ot Monta Vista. Colo. Covers will be laid for Mr. and Mrs. Hobart C Wells, Mtss Florence Cola. Miss Madge Wells. Mrs. J. T. Wells. Mr. George E. Wells, Jr. Eummv Club Meets, The Rummy "lub met Tuesday after noon at the home ot Mrs. H. L. Wood ford. Prizes were won by Mesdamca D, E. LoveJoy. J .W. Hood and Frank O, Browne. The club will meet In two weeks with Mrs. Thomas Healen. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mrs. L. E. Drcfson left last evening for Montana, where she will reside. Mrs. Frank Phelps left Tuesday even ling for Chicago to visit her son, Frank N. Phelps, formerly of this city. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wattles and daugh ters. Margaret and Mary, left this noon for their winter home at Hollywood, Cal. They will be gone two or three months. hancellor Avery to Attend College Presidents' Dinner Ex-Governor II. E. Hoch of Kansas. now of "Manhattan, Kan., has Just ac cepted tho Invitation of tho Commercial club to attend the dinner of the club the evening of January 28, when the various college presidents are to be entertained. Most of the other college presidents of the committee that Is to look over the campus situation at Lincoln next week ave accepted the invitation before. Chancellor Samuel Avery of the Unl verslty of Nebraska has now sent his formal acceptance of the Invitation. 450 Women's Sweater Coats $1 00 A Have Been Selling Up To $3.00, at . . . Fine- Wool Sweater, In twelve different styles all good colors, nil sizes for misses and women. 900 Muslin Undergarments Gowns, combination garments, skirts, princess slips, etc., prettily trimmed with laces and em broidery, values up to S2.00, at 900 Women's Winter Coats Bought from a New York manufacturer at 38 on tho dollar. These aro samples nnd regular stock nnd include coats ' of high grndo plushes, ArabiaW lamb, chinchillas, novelties, bonclcs, , etc. ainny are satin lined through out. Actually worth up to $20, nt. . '. Women's Silk and Wool Dresses .$6.75 Pretty messallne and charmeuse, also practical wool serges, many show now, 1914 stylo features, worth up to f 15. . 400 Women's Winter Coats Kino satin lined Pcrsianas, Arab- inns, Ural lamb, plushes, earn- culs, bouclcs, chinchillas, etc., in clover draped effects, grace ful, long, straight lino conts, etc. Values up to $30, at. nas, Arab- ihes, cara-$g 75 lllas, etc., r W " cts, grace- H conts, etc. I A 1 Dancing and Party Frocks $15 Dainty now ideas for party or evening Women's 79c Quality Doubleiilk Gloves, Pair The regular price of these gloves is 79c. fcejy practical gloves for all' around wear. Thev are made with one silkflarlovo inside the other. Thov aro comfortable, well fitting and will wear &ce.eilently. Only a limited quantity, 25 dozen, in black only, special for Thursday, atper pair, 49c. WOMEJSTS TWO-CLASP KID GLOVES Light and medium weight, black only, small sizes, formerly priced to $1.25, pair, 25e Odd Sizes and Broken lines CORSETS at 51 Positively worth up to S3.00 number of corsets of excellent grade; styles are long over tho hips with medium low bust; to close out, each, at each- $1 Laces and Embroideries Real Linen Cluny Laces and Bands, to match, up 4 4 lit 3ic to 5 inches wide, worth up to 25c, per yard. Pure Linen Torchon Lace Edges and Insertions, to 3 in. wide, neat patterns, worth to 10c, yd., 18-lnch embroideries in Corset Coverings nnd Flouncings Swiss, nainsook and cambric of excellent quality', worth to 25c, per yard, at 12ic Dunn Suggests that Sawed-Off Shotguns Be Added Equipment Half a dozen or more automatic shot guns that will carry heavy lead pellets will soon be part of tho equipment at police headquarters, according to a state ment recently made by cnier uunn, wno Is considering tho purchase of the wea pons. Tho shotguns, according to Dunn's Idea, are to be carried In the emergency auto on burglar calls and the like. 'A shotgun," said the chief, "Is mucn better than a pistol. The otricer lias a better chance to get his man without killing him and thero is less danger ot Innocent bystanders or passing cltixcns being seriously wounded or killed." The plan of the chief's Is considered a wise one, as many Instances, especially Two .extraordinary waist specials.. Xfi values for 33cs J,S0 values for ILS9. Julius lOrkln, 1610 Douglas Long School Pupils Give Concert Friday A vocal and Instrumental concert will be given by pupils In the eighth grade of Long school at Calvary Baptist church. Twenty-fifth and Hamilton streets, Fri day afternoon. The program Is to be ai follows: PART ONE. Cavellerla Rustlcana (Intermezzo) ....uascagnl Eighth Grade. Spinning Chorus Flying Dutchman... wagner Girls' Quartet. Vocal Solo Welcome to tho Primrose Flower Finsutl Ruth Qulnby. Piano Solo The 13 rook Qautler Jessie Dragoo. Vocal Bolo-(a) With a Violet Grieg (t) Lunacy , Mtss Frants. Violin Solo Melody In F Rubensteln Helen uusoy. Chorus Unaccompanied Eighth Grade, (a) Rain Song Gavotte from M tenon Thomas (b) Creation , Haydn 1 The Heavens Are Telling,...; 3. spring , PART TWO. Fairyland Walts v...Veazle Eighth Grade. Lovely Appear Gounod Mixed vjuarteu Vocal Sole (al Allah (b) The Danza Chadwlck MIsa Urym. Barcarolle Tales of Hoffman. ..Offenbach Ilulh Smith. Fred Klrkland. riano Solo Traumerel Schumann Anna Hansen. Vocal Solo Spring Hong... .Mendolaeohn Gladys Uarlow. Chorus Unaccompanied Eighth Grade. fa) Farewell to the Forest.. Mendelssohn (b) Annie Laurie.. ...... Lady Jane Scott cj oiieni wgai Barney, y2 The New Hats Are Naturally Seen First at Brandeis Stores Advance Models for Season 1914 Small hats in high flaring effects and turbans load in favor for the coming season. Tho Jet shapes with trimmings of jet are in vogue again. Hats of ribbon or ribbon trimmed effects will be popular. Flowers in profusion for trimming is apparent, particularly the small varieties; also ostrich novelties clipped pom poms being favored. The Minaret Turban (illustrated to the left) is the fad right now. "We show scores ot clever ideas as new as they can be. We Are Official Agents for Famous "Community" Silver This superior tnblo wnre is advertised everywhere and appreciated wherever it is used. It will last a life time in ordinary family use. The patterns are wonderfully attractive. lately, have cropped 'up where a weapon of the sort would have proved valuable. When Dunn was captain at head, quarters, he always kept his own shot gun In the station for emergency use, but now there Is nothing of the sort there. SHOPLIFTERS GIVEN SUSPENDED SENTENCES After being arrested and convicted of shoplifting in the Brandeis and Hayden Brothers stores, Mrs. Louis Brown and her daughter, Blsto, asserting Missouri Valley at their home, had their fines of U) and costs each suspended in police court It Is said that they took over J300 worth of dress goods and other articles from the department stores. As the property was recovered and the women showed repentance, only a petit larceny charge was filed against them in police court. When convicted their fines wero suspended upon their promise to go home and be good. Better Quarters Sought for the Benson Postoff ice Postmaster John C. Wharton and his aslstant, J. I. Woodard, accompanied by George Kleffnor, assistant superintendent of malls, and H. E. Randall, postoffico Inspector, went to Benson yesterday for the purpose of procuring, if possible, better quarters for the postal station there. According to the Omaha authori ties, the present quarters occupied by the postal station In Benson Is not adequate for the volume of business. In general appearances, too, the station falls below the requirements, they say. While sev eral prospective locations were examined by the. official party, they declined to state which place would be recommended In their report to the postmaster general Bbuillon T - " V mours &OO6S Steaming hot bouillon froTn Armour s Bouillon Cubes drives away the cfiill of cold, damp days. Quickly made drop a ctibe into a cup of hot water. Circulation is stimulated, and the body invigorated without fear of reaction. Ask for Armour's Cubes. At Grocers and Druggists everywhere. If your dealer cannot supply you, write us for free samples. Mention your dealer's name. Address Armour and Company, Chicago