TUB BEE: OMAHA, Till KSIUY JAXI AHY 2l 1!U1. Five Wells Will Be Completed During Next Forty-eight to Ninety-six Hours. If All Should Come in Big Oil Stock Still Within Your Reach, Under Old Price, May Be Advanced 100 Per Cent or Double Old Price. Thntlftnnrfa at-. aU.a.i.a, i . . a i. Lit. 1- Li . 7 . -- u I cull l. I lie puuiic know this ttock has a great future. Welle near completion are 104, 105, 106, 107 and 108. Locations and late report are at follows: t.SLti.c?hf.Jc.tnt:ntJ on . th PP0slt mid following a folTow Pl!licrt, development work has progressed .t.JFi!la net Lf.n No5 1M- "Pcted In Is 1.T10 feet deep. Mcura big production between 1.718 and 1.73S tret, xnere is a gas well that hsa produced for seven years ?-atft, at fourteen hundred (H.WOl , foet-only one ! m J?B. w2.y7-Jut "cro tn "he. Kpiayed oil when 2... i .V .Thl. T6'1 can r start at from lw to WW 5Tti'h In high srado oil territory and close to our Tulsa Uncle gam Hennery-company has other territory yet to drill around It. v-v..'! J05, hould be completed within seventy-two 2?iLret' in between two oil wells on one of tho Uncle Bam leases In the deep territory In Pawnee County. Onn well on the northwest started at 400 barrels per day and on the southeast another started at 800 barrels. We ex pect this well to make, from 400 to l.two barrels for a w ,WS b?a-.blK Producer for many years. nee County. Since the. last report the drillers have hart trouble with the casing collapsing. They got this well ready to go ahead yesterday and should have the deep production at 2,iX feet over a halt mile deep by Satur day or Monday. This well Is located on a line between the Osage mis hers that have started as high as four thousand (1.0C0) barrels per day, and the deep Hartles. vlllo walls In the north end of the great Cushlng Held that hnve started as high as eight hundred (KM) barrels per nay. ine lormauona are wgn in mis wen nave already struck some oil, but the Dig pay should be In the next eighty to ninety feet. It would be no surprise It this woll started as nigh as a thousand barrels per day, while It will mean the opening of a great pool even to get a 100-barrel well In the deep sand at this location. Our lease there Is V miles from the northeast to the southwest and can easily develop Into several million dollars' value. Well No. 1Q7 Is on one of the big Uncle Sam Pawnee County leases, It Is about J.360 feet deep at this hour and should strike the big production at from X.490 to 1,540. It Is located between a reported ten thousand barrel well on the nbrthwest and the ttO to SM barrel Wells on the southeast Our field men believe they have the connecting trend. This well will be a l.UW barrel gusher or a failure, with Indications for a gusher. Kormo tlons are high. The outlook Is as promising as It could be at this depth. This well should be completed by Sat. urday. Around It wo have the leases tor a mile and a half north and south. This field also can be a lid lifter for Uncle Sam stock. Well No. 103 Is located Just 4(0 feet from a splendid high grade oil well on a lease that Joins one of our 12V acre leases In tho famous lot City oil pool near Tulsa. The Indications are that The Unci Mint Mil ( Mm n ru tins one of the richest snots of that rich oil rteia. Like the other four wells drilling, It would seem that success and good fortuno was with this independent oil company at tills location. Wells drilled on the northwest indlcato that this rich pool should cover the south end of this flease. where there is room for 8 to 12 wells that our well organised drilling department can and will put down In the next thirty days it this well starts as high as even three hundred (SO0) barrels, and It Is situated right and only about a half mile from several wells that started at from POO to WO, and onn as high as 1,600 bar rels per day In this same sand, that Is In the well only EO feet from our lease where we will have In this well No. 10S by next Monday. This new well On the south came In at about 110 barrels and has been reported as high as JM to SM barrels. Our Company has from W) to 500 acres south and southeast of this new pool It It does not back up on the south end of our big property on the north. So we are sure to get this rich production right there by our Tulsa Uncle Sam llellnery, either going or coming, for this Company Is operating on n big basis and does not leave any bars down when It goes after good stuff. We are raising this construction capital and will arlll theso proposed four hundred oil wells. The time lor you to secure your stock Is right now before a big ad vance takes effect. times the amount necessary to make the slock worth what the company will ask for It. and that whatever water Is In the slock will belong to the loyal, patrlotlo oltlsen who purohaxea the stock and not to some man like J. P. Morgan, who secures his millions by selling watered stock to the people at par value. When the stock of the Uncle Sam Oil Company pays dividends, sufficient to place the stock at par, the profit between the price the stock Is offered to the people and the par value will be In tho pockets of the common people of the United States who liavo patriotism, loyalty and faith In the ulttmato success of this enterprise and will not be owned or controlled by any millionaire who waters the stock and sells It at par. The Uncle Sam Oil Com pany la founded upon the principle that the commtm people are entitled to all the profits which are usually withheld from the Investors and pocketed by the pro moter. It places Its stock In the hands of the common peopln at a prion less than Its real value, and those who are fortunate enough to secure It at this price will reap all tho prollt which usually goes to tne promoter. The Uncle Bam Oil Company does not desire any traitors In Its army of stockholders, It wants nothing but loyal patriotic cltliens. It appeals to men and women whe love the United mates and who are opposed to th crime and greed of the Oil Trust and who favor the removal from office and punishment of each publto serv ant who bends the knee to the oil monopoly. Kach and every stockholder of the Uncle Bam Oil Company li urged to favor the Increase of the capital stock In orde that a large additional army of loyal, patriotic Amrrlcar cltttrns may be permitted to Join us, The funds to b raised, the board believes, will make every share you own worth many times its present value and the new stockholders will be an added strength, which will n able this company to defeat any scheme that the Oi Trust may devise for Its destruction." It you are a sincere believer In protecting the "rlgtu sf opportunity" as each Individual or concern Is entitled to under the Stars and Stripes, then line up behind the Undo Sam flag on the following "New Year's Oppor tunlty Orter." Make all remittances to THD UNCLK SAM OIL. COM PANY New Year s Opportunity Offer (Continued fTom Pago Sir.) Already in Kansas an honest Democrat, 'who knows the tricks of the criminal trust, Is the leading candidate for the United States senate. He will lead a fight ajalnst these fake reformers that seek to betray the public. There are now 3,800 Undo stockholders th Kansas, about l.tttt In Missouri and 1.000 in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma and Missouri stock no., ers will organise and Inform the public of the 'secret alliance of certain fake reformers who reully are the secretly retained lawyer fixers of the criminal Oil Trust and the breweries the Invisible government. The Oil Trust has a willing friend In the present commissioner of Indian affairs, and Independent men will never let up on the light until they drive this Oil Trust Indian commissioner out or force the present Interior depart ment to admit Its secret connivance with the greatest of all the criminal trusts. The Uncle Sam Oil Company Is no respector of persons and will expose a dishonest cahlnet officer Just as quick as It will a crooked federal Judge, and Is gaining ground each day. It Is going to build up the greatest producing, refining; and marketing oil company In the United States. Its cause Is Just. Itlght will prevail. Wo only want honorable, patrlotlo Investors as stockholders. While you will be sending In your check others will bo doing the same. Also 12,000 stockholders will hand from ten to fifty copies of this statement to that many Investors, so It will reach millions of in vestors at once. That you may understand the condition that caused the board of directors of the Uncle Ham Oil Company to bring about this Increased capital and order this SPECIAL NOTICE To Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Other Investors Who Were Robbed By the Oil Trust in the Kansas Oil War of 1905. . When oil was first discovered In Southeast Kansas 1803t there were 400 Independent concerns and compa nies that Invested between 112,000.000 and 15,O00,uoo In developing the Kansas field. At one time the Kansas production was over 80,000 barrels per day. At tlrst the Oil Trust encouraged the producers and paid 11.18 for eighteen to twenty-alx- gravity crude and n.88 per barrel lor thirty-two to thirty-seven gravity crude oil. Thou sands of cltlxens from Kansas. Missouri and Oklahoma Invested In good faith In the developing of the Kansas field and more than 90 per cent of the Investments would have paid out big-, but as quick as the Oil Trust had succeeded In lying to the public and deceiving thousands Into pioneering and developing the Kansas field, the Oil Trust arbitrarily put down the price of crude oil from Jl.SS per barrel to cents per bsrrel and then refused to accept only a limited amout rrom the Independent producer The founder and now president of the Uncle Sam Oil Company was one or the Kansas producers that did not surrender, and In the Kansas oil war that fol lowed the uncle Sam Oil Company was practically the only company that protected Its life and maintained Itself against the criminal discrimination of the Kansas field. The report of the Kansas attorney general's oince shows that out of over 400 independent concerns and companies representing J12.O00.00O to 15,0C0,000 invested, four or five concerns stood through tho fight, the Uncle Ssm Oil company being the only big company to weather the storm. The voters of Kansas that gave the electoral vote of Kansas to President Wilson were the citizens that were robbed and whose oil companies were broken up and killed by the purchasing agent company of the Oil Trust. A Republican legislature and Republican governor of Kansas passed laws that curbed the OH Trust In Kansas and made possible the great success of the Uncle Sam 011 Company, which Congressman Jackson. ..one pt .the, members, ot, tha .Indian affairs committee ot . the last congress, openly stated haI 'saved the people of Kansas J2.000.OOOr per year, by the competition of the Uncle Sam Oil Company with the OH Trust. To become a great company and save the people 12.000,000 per year In a dozen states In the Middle West, the uncle Sam Oil Company needs tho Osage lease or 430,000 acres pending before congress. With this big acreage on top of our present 27,000 acres the Uncle Sam OH oompany can save tho people of the Central West JoO.000,000 per year In oil, and the people of Kan sas, Missouri and Oklahoma about the samo amount yearly on domestic gas. To keep the Uncle Ham Oil Company from securing large acreage of the "raw ma terial" and thus protecting the public, the Oil Trust has resorted to every trick and crime to cheat the Uncle Sam Oil Company's 12.000 stockholders out of this Osage lease of 430,000 acres and get it for the Oil Trust. Oil. THUST CONClCItN' THAT nODURI) KANSAS IEO- ri.K is Kin st co.ci:it. to hkcisiyk msash JlKMCI'lTS IN THE OSAOR FltOM TUG FUSS EM' INDIAN COMMlSSIONKll. As startling as It may seem, such Is the truth until an anti-oil trust Democrat candidate for the United States senate from Kansas has openly declared war on the present OH Trust Indian commissioner. This Indian commissioner has proof that he could proceed to collect for the Osage nation about (112.000,004 twelve mlltlon dollars the difference due the Osages on the royalty price of the oil stolen by the Oil Trust at a conspiracy price fixed by former Republican Oil Trust officeholders Instead of making the Oil Trust pay the Osages their 112,000.000, the present Indian commissioner could collect If faithful to his publlo trust he makes an attack on tho Uncle Sam Oil Company's Osage valid lease and pro ceeds to frame up with the some Oil Trust concern that raised the black flag against the Kansas oil producers, and his first act as a traitor Democrat Indian commis sioner Is to attempt to take a part ot the Uncle Sam Oil Company lease without a hearing and give It to the trust on a frame-up deal of a spite bonus paid by the Oil Trust that already has over 112,000.000 of Osage money that could be collected with Interest If this traitor Demo crat Indian commissioner was as faithful to his publto trust as he Is to the Oil Trust In his attempt to rob the Undo 8am refiners ot crude oil to manufacture and de liver to the public In competition with the greatest criminal monopoly known In the worM. If each citizen In Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma who was robbed by this same Oil Trust concern that now has a "special pull" with" the present traitor Demo, crat Indian commissioner, will Invest one-fourth of as much monsy In the Undo Ham OH Company now and Join with our fighting Independent army, now over 12,000 strong, we can drive to utter rout these OH Trust manip ulators In high places beat every Oil Trust senator and congressman In Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri protect the Osage lease so the OH Trust cannot steal It and cause the removal ot the present Indian commissioner and the pladng In his place an Indian commissioner who will have a suit brought and collected (not settled for IV per cent on the side) for 12,000,009. Just about the xaot sum you Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma people were robbed of by the Oil Trust In the black flag right on the Kansas oil fields. A former attorney general of the United States who sided the first fight on the Uncle Sara Osage lease, received one fee of (1109.000) one hundred thousand dollars from the OH Trust within ninety days after his term ot office expired for appearing In an In ferior case where ample Oil Trust attorneys were already hired to take care of the case. What was that $100,000 padded fee for? What Is trie OH Trust promising" or paying the present United States Officials who are doing the eamo Job for the Oil Trust now? This former United States attorney general aided the Oil Trust with the same seal as the present traitor Democrat Indian commissioner. Join the Uncle Sam OH Company today and aid In this righteous fight against treacherous officials and tako reformers and help make the OH Trust dig over that 112,000,000 to the Osages and help protect the Uncle Sara Osage lease and the Increase on your Uncle Sam stock will make back your former loss caused by the Bams Oil Trust gang that now seeks to rob the Uncle Sam Oil Company's 12,000 American stockholders of the valu ablo MO.COO.nere Osage lease thereby turning It Into a prollt through tho success of the uncle Ham Oil Com pany on a blc basis which Is certain, for Its efforts are along lines that win the approval and support of honest men and women of all parties. offer, tho following part of the report of the board, ot directors to the stockholders ot November 51, 1913, ex plains Itself and Is as follows: "The board, desires to Impress upon the stockholders the Importance ot voting In favor of the Increase ot the capital stock. It mny not bo necessary to sell any ot thin Increased capital Mock, but the board desires to provide an opportunity for the patriotic American citizens to take part In this contest against the criminal OH Trust for tho rights of this Independent oil company to ex ist and do business under tho laws ot the United States and in case It Is necessary to sell any of the proposed In crease of the capital stock, that the patrlotlo citizens of the United States be given an opportunity to enroll themselves ,as members ot this corporation, enlisted In this army, pledged to battlo for Justice against the rreod of the 'criminal Oil Trust, to free the American peoplo from the blighting Influence that reaches Into high political positions, robs the people through Uie "nets ot publlo of ficials who use subsidized press to keep the people In Ignorance of the facts and blinded to tha truth. "The Uncle Sam OH Company has never taken a backward step. Prom the date of Its organisation It has fought tho battlo of tho people. It has been at tacked by every power the Oil Trust could control, in cluding men occupying the highest public position. Tho fiubllc press has been utilised for the purpose of libeling ts officers and belittling their efforts, l'orsons high in authority have been used to persecute the officers ot the company. Departments of tho government of the &eople, which should have protected this company, have sen used us Instruments In Its persecution. 1'rlccs ot oil have been cut; freight rates havn been raised; oils have been damaged; our refineries have been set afire: our officers have been falsely Indicted: these false In dictments have been published throughout tho United States and other persecutions have been conducted against the officers of this company, all for the pur pose of preventing It from competing with the criminal OH Trust, and preventing tho people from being aroused and exercising against the trust, the power of their righteous Indignation. Under all theso adverse circum stances the Uncle Sam OH Company has grown and ad vanced until It has acquired property of the value ot 13, 000,000, and It Its Urge Osage lease should be validated by congress, by development Its properties can easily become worth many millions more and It can become an effective competitor of the Standard OH Company In several states In the Mid-Continent Held. It can curb tho trust as no other Independent company can. It can Vay Its stockholders a fair dividend and furnish oil to he people at a fair price and In time It can spread Its distributing stations all over the nation, The recent In dictments of Us officers Is an outrage, the Americans will resent when they know the facts. President II. 11. Tuoker, Jr., Is Indicted because he published an adver tisement In The Kansas City Journal requesting loyal American citizens to petition their congressmen to sup port the bill now pending In congress to validate our lease with the Osage national council. William C. l'lumo, a stockholder of this company, Is Indicted because he had the bill Introduced In congress, and Albert L. Wilson, general counsel. Is Indicted became he appeared befora the aub-commlttoe of Indian affairs In Washington and urged the committee to subpoena witnesses whose testi mony would uncover the rascality and crime of the OH Trust and throw the light of congressional Investigation upon the conduct of tho unfaithful publlo servants who have been doing the bidding of tho OH Trust. The board has determined that the American peoplo shall know the facts In this Infamous outrage. The board believes that the time has not yet arrived In tne United States when It Is a crime to urge loynl American citizens to petition congress to do right or to Introduce a bUI in congress providing that Justice shall be done Or to ap pear before the committee of congress, urging It to In vestigate tha OH Trust and Us tools In publlo office, and If the stockholders ot this company agreo with the board and vote the Increased capital stock, the loyal American citizens will bo given an opportunity to enroll themselves as comrades In thts army ot stockholders, pledged to see Justice done. In thts contest with the Oil Trust th American people will gladly take the part ot the Uncle Sam Oil Company, for It has been honest and It Is right, and the power of the American people cannot be withstood by all of the dirty dollars which the trust now possesses, or the henchmen they can employ. "The subsidised press and the tools ot tho trust in publlo office may raise the cry ot over-capitalization and 'watered stock' and 'fraud,' but the fact will remain that the present value of the company's property Is throe 5,000 Shares $ 50.00 Q 50,000 Shares 10,000 Shares .$100.00 Q 75,000 Shares 20,000 Shares $200.00 Q 100,000 Shares 25,000 Shares.., $250.00 Q 250,000 Shares 40,000 Shares $400.00 Q 500,000 Shares State in your letter who you want the stock issued to. Write each address very plain. Allow the office ten day to reach your turn. Place an X opposite the amount you make payment for and sign plainly this order blank. To THE UNCLE SAM OIL COMPANY, KANSAS CITY, KANSAS: Find .enclosed check foi $ . . .for the number of shares of stock as per schedule above. Signed f Remitter. Address. IN CONCLUSION. If you remit J.VOOO on this stock you will own prac tically one oil well. You could not go and secure a lease and complete a well for less and It might bo dry. This company submitted this proposition, realising Its merit and knows the capital la certain to be raised. With this capital paid In the company will, during the next eight months, get down the balance of at least 300 producing oil and gas wells. With even fifty more wells drilled such wells should enhance the value ot tho properties until they would command roady sale at $5,000,000 or $4,000,000. Htook Is worth what tho property would bring and the proceeds pro-rated. No one could buy the Uncle Ham Oil Coinpany for 3,O0O,OOO now. The stockholders would vote the sale down. With K.WU.WW additional cash put Into drilling 409 moro oil and gas wells completing a main trunk pipe line nnd enlarging our three refineries to a combined capacity ot 30,000 bar rels per day will build up and enhance the value of the Uncle Sam OH Company so that it should sell for 111,000,000 to 120.000,000. Now figure the proposition over for your self and you will have to admit that this is a real in vestment opportunity. The oil business ts ranking today In the Middle West ahead of farming nnd merchandise or banking. Over M per cent ot oil and gas wells drilled In Mie Oklahoma field are successful. When completed they will produce oil for years. We havo a well organ ized field department. Can operate thirty or forty drills with more economy than three or tour. We cannot go to the big banks and trust companies fop capital be cause they are all moro or loss dominated by the "Money Trust," which Is the "Standard 'OH" clique ot financiers. However, wn know that right here at home In Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Colorado nnd Illinois states where the products from Oklahoma and Kansas crude oil are needed by the people that In these states wo can easily find 10,000 patrlotlo Investors who can Invest an average ot 1200 each and thereby take all the stock and complete thts big enterprise and keep It In the ownership of the people and with these nw stock, holders we can force a real square deal In the Osage lease fight. If we can save the Osage lease It will put the stock up twenty times over night. Ths treasurer of the company Is under a $100,000 bond, Tho secretary of the company ts a white-haired deter mined Methodist, an old settlor of Kansas, formerly from Pennsylvania, from tho district where the first oil wells were drilled. Our general counsel, who devotes all hlr tlmo In helping to build up tho company. Is a tormet Floneer Kansan whose brothers Joined the Union army rom Kansas as quick as they were old enough to do so, All money coming to the company Is deposited In tne company's name each day in the Kansas Trust Company. Kansas City. Kas., which la tne designated depository of the company, by tho board of directors. Kvory dollar paid out Is by a company check signed by four otneors of the company. The board of directors can on Ave days' notice meet and discharge any officer. This oompany was organised nnd has necn built up for principle as well as financial gain. The stockholders, directors and officers have bocome accustomed to every kind of perse cution and assault on tha company but every attack makes them more determined to tulld stronger and Greater. The oompany Is established and It Is backed y men who have the spirit bred In them that roods Kansas a free state. We know our proposition Is solid and that the future will prove that it is a real oppor tunity. Wo know the Uncle Sam Oil Company with this additional capital will have a great future. We have accomplished more during the first few years than the Oil Trust did In the first years of Us existence. And wn have had outrageous persecution to meet, with our crim inal .competitor In control of several departments ot the federal government and with a purchased press also at their beck and call. Tha Uncle 8am OH Company la a needed corporation and will bo a benefit to every oil consumer In the Middle West, lly Its competition with the OH Trust It will save thousands of you mora than you need to pay In for the stock to Insure- Its great sue cess. If you want to Join a. real live wire organisation of stayers and fighters in a worthy cause start the New Yeas right by enrolling under tho Uncle Bam flag and sending your check attached .to tha above ordet blank before other wide-awake investors secure what you know you want. Respectfully Submitted THE UNCLE SAM OIL COMPANY By H. H. TUCKER, Jr., President Send all communications to the company to the Home Office Address, KANSAS CITY, KAS. AGED VETERAN KILLS WIFE William Eberwein of Philadelphia, Tells of Beating Mate to Death. SHE HAD PALLET DOWN STAIRS I'leiided TTlth Ilimliniul that Hp 'End It All for Mc" tleKnrileiI It No Sin When She Wn, Snf ferine So. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 21.-Totterlng under the weight of his SO years, William Kberweln, .stood In criminal court hero today and told a simple but dramatic story ot how his wife, fifteen years ' younger, had pleaded with him to kill her, and' how ho committed tho deed. After the old mon had completed tho story, Judge Waiting of Krle. Pa., tem porarily presiding; In tho court, surveyed the bent form of tho prisoner, fixed tho crime at murder In the second degree and Imposed tho minimum penalty, which. 1n this case, was practically a life sentence. It was solitary conflno ment In the penitentiary for not icss than soven nor for more than fourteen years. Tells Hlft Story. Holding on to the prisoners' dock with, trcmbllns hands. Eberweltu who Is a veteran ot tho civil war, told the court that his wife wna an Invalid, and that one day last Outoner he cams into their home and found her lying at the bottom of a stairway down which sho had fallen. Ho offered to have her sent to a hospital but sho wouldn't go. " 'You do It. William.' " Kberweln al leged sho K-thl. " 'Do what? I said," the prisoner con tinued, 'End It for all for me. It's no sin when I'm suffering so,' " Unit llonnl In Hand. "I had a board In my hand, that I brought In out of the yard. I looked at hor nnd guessed It wouldn't be a sin. " 'Go on William.' she said, 'go on. 'Then I tapped hor on the head with tho board and I tapped her again. She didn't moan much, and once when I stopped she kind of whispered: 'Go on, It won't bo long.' "So I kept on tapping and she got quiet." Ebcrwcln stopped speaking but no cno urged him on. Then he began again and told of his arrest. "If I get out of this, I want to go to the sailor's homo," ho said. TWO HUNDRED STRIKERS ARRESTED IN PORTUGAL M8DOK. Portugal, Jan. 31. Two hun dred of the ringleaders of the general strike of railroad men In Portugal were arrested today by order ot the govern ment. Warrants against -400 others were Issued, but the men evaded capture. Tho strike, which was declared on January U, has been brokon. Many ot the men have, resumed work and tho passenger service has been restored almost to nor mal conditions. Two Nebraska Towns Sustain Heavy Loss as Result of Fire (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 21. (Special Telegram.) A destrt .'o flro ut Qreenwood, which started lust night In the basement of the First National bank, destroyed that building, the telephone office, drug store of Weldman & Co., postofflce, burber shop of D. r Wachtell, restaurant ot Watson Hove, a grocery store and tho. Farmers Stato bank, cleaning up every IIE e1 Key to the SUuatlon-Dee Advertising. I II " Sjutf '' J Blood Eruptions WONT Return When You Give Your, Blood a Good Bath No case of poisoned blood ts ever cured until tho lust vestlRe of Irrita tion has been eliminated from the , system. And tho only remedy that Is safely assimilated in tne tissues to stimulate cellular activity and over coma harmful eerms Is tho famous 8. 8. a A few doses of this wonderful blood purifier will start such pronounced activities In the cellular tissues of tha body as to soon show decided changes in the skin. Tha skla is bat s Use artwork ot tiny blood retsels, sad tbe action of S. S. 8. Is deelirrd h. eminent sntherltles to be a pronouuml tlmulttlos ot tne actlrlty ot these celli. CerUla It Is tbst la a lurprUlnsly short time eren the worst ikln eruption shows a moat rttuuUNe chance It W-flns to dry up; the skla pesls off la tlsy flecks, sod sooa a Ujer f clear, arsltby ssd firm tluoe retails. Tbe reason tor this Is la the peculiar stlm sUtlaa et S. 0. B. which enables tbe cells In Ue skla to select from the blood tbe natrt stent It mjolies for rrcrsfrstJoa. Not only till, bat If from tbe pretence et oros dlitnrblng poltaa there ts a local or srsersl interference of nutrition to rauae lIU, carbuelea, abtcratea and kindred troublei, S. n. 8. to directs the local rella that ,tbla polto-t Is njeoted and rllmlnatrd frota their j rftore. This fact baa brrn ilcmontlratnl In nin f erere skin rrujtlon that bail hensed to be Incurable. Toq can obtain S. S. S, at an? wrll ato-kmi drug store. It yon Insist upon It, but I tar 700 are not talked Into tuaietblos ' claimed to be "jutt aa food." B. 8. 0. la prepared by The Swift Specific Co., ft Swift Bid., Atlanta, Ot. building on tho block on tho south slda of Main street. Assistance was called for from Lincoln, twonty-two miles away and & chemical wugon was immediately sent, but the tiro had gained so much headway that little could bo done to savo tho buildings. Tho flro was started from a gas stovo. Tha loss Is believed to bo in the neigh borhood ot $76,000. WOODBUP-Y, Nol., Jan. 31 (Special Telegram.) Flro last night destroyed a general store, a pool hull, an Implement store and drug store, practically wiping out the business houses on ono eldo ot the main street ot town. It Is not clear how tho blaze originated, but wico started and fanned by the high wind the intulo quato fire fightlnit facilities wero unablo to copo with It. SECOND DEGREE MURDER HAWKINS CASE VERDICT BHUWDAN. Wyo., Jan. 21,-(Spoclal Telegram.)-Aftcr eight hours' delibera tion, tho Jury In the caso of tho state of Wyoming agultiBt William Hawkins, chnrged with murder In tho first degroe in tho killing ot his wife on tho night of October 8, last, found Hawkins guilty ot murder In tho second degree. Ho antici pated a lesser penalty than second de- grco murder, if not acquittal, having made arrangements to go to work as soon as tho jury disposed of tho caso, Tho homo of Hawkins n few years nco was on a farm near Bedford, Taylor county, Iowa, moving from thcro to Ok lahoma, and from tho latter state to Wyoming. Wilsons Give First Diplomatic Dinner WASHINGTON, Jan. 2L-TUO president and Mrs. Wilson gavo their first diplo mats dinner at tho Whlto House tonight, entertaining the diplomats of all na tions represented in Washington. Tho dinner, alwaVs ono of tho most Impor tant official social functions of tho win ter In the capltul, was brilliant. In ad dition to tho ambassadors, ministers and charges, tho guasts lncludod Secretary of Stato and Mrs. Bryan, Senators Ilacon and Lodge, Representatives Flood of Vir ginia and Cooper ot Wisconsin, the coun selor of tho State department and Mrs. Mooro, tha assistant secretary ot stato anC Mrs. Osborne, John Ilarrett, direc tor general of tho Pan-American union; Mrs. McDonald Shcrldnn, Misses Qone vievo Clark, Elena Klrmos, Margaret Wilson and Holen Woodrow Uones. and Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. N. L. Jones. Emperor of Germany and His Very Interesting Family Exclut-e snapshot taken at the n' .palace at Potsdam showing the Ua'fcer I innil erur.m-K. surrounded. liv tlu-ir family. Including all of tiiolr rhlldrcn (except , Crown Pnnco Frlwlerlch Wllhelm), son-in-law, daughter-in-law, the kaiser's brother, three sisters, brother-in-law, sister-in-law and nephew. It is probably tho most re markable photograph ot a royal group over taken, and was obtained exclusively hv the International News Pervlcr. In the background ato seen the omperor nnd empress, standing. The figures rcsuing left to right In the back row are. J'ri-ue Adolph of Hchaumburg-Si.ppe (kaiser's brother-ln-lartv) ; Prince Waldemar ot Prussia, elder son of Prince Henry of Prussia (the kaiser's nephew); Prince ntnry of Prussfa (tho kaiser's brother). ' Prince Frlrxlerlch-Karl of Hesse (brother-in-law), the hereditary princess of fiaxe- , Mclnlngcn (the kaiser's eldest sister), Prlnee Adallmrt of Prusida i third son), Princess Frlfd-rl-h-Kurl of llemw (young- ist sister), Princess Adolph of Schaitm-burg-Suppe (second sister;, Princess An-gust-Wllhelm of Prussia (daughter-in-law), Princess Eltel-Friederich of Prussia, (dauehter-in-law), duchess ot Ilrunswlck (daughter) and duko ot Hrunswlck, (son In-law). In tho front row, left to right. figures arc: Tho hereditary prince Bern i hurd of Saxe-Melnlngen (brother-ln-luw), Princess Henry of Prussia (slster-ln-law), Prince Eitel Frlcdorlch (tho kaiser's sec ond son), the crown princess (daughter-in-law, Prince August Wllhelm, fourth son), Prince Oscar (fifth son) and Prince Joaohlm (youngest son). Chaplain Johnson of Penitentiary Dead (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 21. (SpoclrU. Telegram,) Chaplain P. C. Johnson of tho Nebraska stato penitentiary died this evening oC pneumonia, contracted whllo at his homo in Tccumseh a fow days ago. Ha hsi been chaplain ot the institution fifteen years and was over CO years of age. His .illness was not considered serious until after his arrival (ram home at the penitentiary Saturday, when he, gTew rapidly worse. Ho leaves a widow. Chaplain Johnson was a veteran Meth odist mlnlator with a long porlqd ot serv ice to his credit. Beardsley Siege is Bringing m the Coin MA WILLS'. N Y., Jan. Sl.-Doubt was expressed tonight by persons who talked with Edward Ueardsley, tho Summcrdalo outlaw farmer, that ha would walk to Mayvlllo Jail tomorrow and submit to arrest for the shootinc of Poormaster John G. Putnam. For several days Beardsley has been reaping a harvest of dollars by signing picture post cards and posing for his photograph. He said today ho hated to glvo up tha revenue. One of tho men who talked with him tocay asked the di rect question: "Well," replied the man who has de fled arrest for a week. "I will need this money that is coming In to pay ray law yers and to help take care of the children while I am being tried. I might stay here a few days longer." Cot da to I) TnKPit Seriously. Intelligent people realise that common colds should be treated promptly. If there la sneering, with chilliness and hoarseness, tickling throat and coughing, tho latter especially annoying at bed time. use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It Is effective, pleasant to take, checks a cold, stops the cough which causes loss of sleep, and lowers tho vital resistance to disease. Remember the name. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and avoid sub stitutes. For sale by all dealers every where. Advertisement. The Persistent and Judicious Use oC Newspaper Advertising Is the lload to Business Success. A CULTURED SMOKE and a cigar that adds pleasure lo the time one appropriates for Ua. unoklng is thq LA AZORA HAVANA CIGAR 6o A2TB 100 BXSES, XK SOXEg of xa, as and co. It Is of unusual quality and flavor it has an individuality that at once creates an impression of preference, Getten & Wxckham "The Rous of Taints' 611 S. Sixteenth St. nr Grand Hots! Blk. 1333 raroant Ht, Opp. w.o.WJBldg Phones X, 3343 1 S. 3371. Sharpen Your Itazora or Blades with Keen-R-Edg 4 Keenest possible edge guaran teed. Far superior to any other razor paste. It has merit compos ed of carborundum powdered to tho finest degree and bqltod through tho finest silk bolting cloth; held together by an sjly case (part vaseline). It is guar anteed to improve the strap and keep the razor or blades In per fect condition Indefinitely, Retails 10c Pfcg. Sold by all leading druggists and hardware store-.