Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1914, Page 6, Image 7

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On Hundrtd Per Cent Dividends and a Two Thousand per Cent Solid
Cain en the Investment Altogether Probable In Eighteen Months.
Of course It's oil. But It Is a proposition that any Wideawake In
restor can tell will make rood. There Is rood profit In $1.00 crude oil
specially In the big- pools. This company has three refineries and a
parafflne plant. Over ISO miles of pipe line. Over forty distributing;
stations. One hundred and three (101) producing oil and gas wells.
Fifty-one tank cars. Also automobile oil delivery trucks and tank
This company Is a pioneer In the KantasOk!ahoma
fields. Built the first two refineries in Kansas, mult
the first one In Oklahoma. Built the first independent
pipe line west of the Alleghany mountains. Established
the first Independent delivery stations In Kansas, Okla
homa and Missouri.
This company is a leader. It Is always ahead. Now
when the Investors of the Middle West are Just begin
ning to realise that there are great profits lrt the oil In
dustrywhen backed with sutncient capital this com
pany with a great organization that has proven Ha
ability to protect Itself and build stronger in the face
of persecution by all the powers of the greatest criminal
trust In the world has today a property worth at least
as a growing concern over 13,000,ati.
Leaving a stock equity of about 12,600.000 to the stock
holders after deducting JJOO.OOO long time bond Issue
owned or ttocxnoiatrs.
NEARLY $3,000,000 OF INCniSAfttSD PltOrEIlTY VAI
This company has made remarkable headway In the
last two years. It has Incrcssed lta assets about tl.UW,
060. This gain In value has been distributed among the
old stockholders In substantially a stook dividend, so
that the old stockholders who have been loyal to the
company own their present stock at about one-third Its
present book value.
Tae time was a few years ago that the Oil Trust
practloally controlled a part pf the department of justice
and the Interior department. It still has many so-called
reformers In all parties and In all factions, of all parties
In the United States. However, this company hss been
built up In Kansas, surrounded and protected, by the real
square deal men of the West, who first demand and then
fight. If necessary, for the real right.
The managers at the head of the company know the
ell business from start to finish. They know tbat with
sufficient capital now to drill and equip 400 to too more
oil wells and anlarge and complete our main trunk pipe
lines and refineries and delivery stations that this com
pany can, within six months after completion, pay the
stockholders from 11.000,009 to 22,000,000 per year, and at
the same time be a great' blesilng to the general public.
Even while you are reading over this announcement
the drills may bring in a fortune-making oil well. After
years of experience In th oil fields over (2.0U0) twenty
seven thousand acres of oil gas leases In big blocks have
Jee secured by this company. These leases can be
Ivlded up Into twenty-four divisions. We have already
developed oil and are producing from seven divisions.
Upon these seven big divisions, where oil Is already de
veloped, there Is room for about 20) wells. Think of ill
With crude oil at 11.02 per barrel and It Is actually
worth about 11.40 per barret to our refineries, according
to grade and with our refineries Inoreased and a big
?ihs like oompleted, this company, at a refining cost ot
rem 30 cents to 20 cents per barrel, can sell on a stesdy
market a market right here In the homo stales of the
Middle West their refined products so as to bring the
oomeany from 21.86 to IIM a barrel.
As stated before, this Is the only absolutely Inde
pendent company in the Middle West The public is
well aesiuatstted with persecution heaped on this com
year by political grafting would-be reformers who have
tried to kilt this company (but were licked) In the In
terest of the Oil Trust.
The people know when they resd by the light ot
Uncle Sam oil that they are not aiding the Oil Trust In
lta combination with the Invisible government.
The twenty-four oil divisions which constitute our
17,000 acres of oil gaa leases, as stated -oerore, are In line
with great producers. Any day our drills may develop
aome of our big lessee Into regular mints. These twenty
four divisions In many plaoes are close up to the greatest
ell pools In the Oklahoma fields. On some of these leases
we bars drilled soma of the great oil wells ourselves. We
had one well In Pawnee' county start at over 400 barrels
(It was reported by our enemies as an RW-barrel well.)
Another on the same lease started at 700 barrets (It was
reported by our enemies as starting at (1,000) three thou-
sM)A feftlTftlf')
Our twenty-four divisions, covering the 27.000 acres ot
ell and gaa leases, are situated about as follows:
(Do not have lease on gas rights only for development
and operation of property. There are seventy-two pro
ducing wells. Borne ot them have been pumping for six
years. There are three to five producing sands above the
Mississippi lime formation. We drilled the deepest well
In Osage county and have proof that there Is oil also
In' deeper drilling. This well was 2.W7 feet deep. An
other well where formations were lower was drilled about
3,200 feet. But our Well was the pioneer to well ana
penetrated .the formations deeper, as they were about
too feet higher In our district.
The company has Invested In oil wells, leasee, pips
lines and equipment In developments In Osage ceunty
about (teOO.OOO) six hundred thousand dollars. It Is good
property, but takes about six years to pay out.
Ths Pawnee county property Is the land of the deep
drilllag and great producers. The same formations in
Osage eeunty extend through this county, only they aro
deeper. There are five to eevem sands above the
Mlsttsetept lime formation In this county. The company
hss uadtveloped leasee In Pawnee county lots of them
that cast easily develop Into a million dollars each.
It takes about Je.OSO to drill and equip a deep oil well
In Pawnee county. About $4,000 to drill a deep dry test.
There are) wide-awake Investors all over the Middle Wast
Secures Three Men Whom He Ex
ptct Will Make Good.
(Stevenson a, Rlicht-Hnnilril Pitcher
Wse Cornea vrtth si Good Hcc
ril from the Nerr Or
leans Clab.
Qilmore Serves Notice on Philadel
phia National Olub.
Ktlllfrr Rlgus Cuntract with Phil
lies After SlRiilnir with Chl
rniro Federals tin Hi Nlilrs
Tnlk of Law Suits.
Pa Rourke has announced that he had
secured threo nioro nr players to
Ad Ptderals Day
bolster up the 1914 base ball machine.
InfteUer Clancy and Pitcher Stevenson
have been purchased outright from the
New Orleans club, and Intlelder Ward
waa secured from the Memphis club In
exchange for Norman Coyle.
All ot the playera are promising young
store, Who havo, already manifested their
ability to make good, and (hey will Just
fill the holes In Ilourko'a lineup. Clancy
and Ward will occupy the vacancies nt
second baso 'and third base. Clancy
probably will be found on socoiul and
AVard on third. This will complete tho
Infield, with Chase on first and Thomas
at shortstop.
Stevenson la & welcome addition to tho
pitching staff. He 'is right-handed and
had si good season last year with tho
Southern club, and, as It is always
harder to pitch consistently in the south
tban In the north, Rourka believes that
Stevenson will be one ot the stare ot the
lesgue. Ward Is a fast Ihflelder, with
4enty ot hitting ability. He will prob
ably bo given the third bag to protect
T1e loss of Coyle will not hurt tho
Itourkts materially, Coylo played indif
ferent ball last year and, although he
expressed a desire to return this ynar.
Huurke thought It best to 'ru!a h nt. A
It is, Rourke has five good Intlelders, alt
ot them as good, If not better, than
today notified the powers of organised
baso ball that their signing ot players
already undor contract with the Federal
leaguo will bo fought In and out 6t the
civil courts. This ultimatum was In tho
form of a trlrgram, which President Oil
more .of the Federal league sent to Presi
dent Uaket ot the Philadelphia Nationals,
declaring, he would "protect" tho con
tracts signed by Ad Ilrennan and Will
The telegram read: "We hereby offi
cially notify you
, William Kllllfer
wun i-nicago federals and havo re
ceived advance money. Iloth our play
ers and their contracts will bo protected,"
So far the Federal league claims not
to have tried to sign a player already
under contract with a club ot another,
league. It has been working on the
theory that n. player's contract would
hold good In a civil court, though It has
not respected the reserve clause.
The Players' Frulernlty will not retain
op- Us membership rolls anyone who
breaks a contract, according to Otto
Knabc, manager ot tho llalttmoro Fed
erals, who arrived today. This and the
understanding that -the American league
will not tamper with signed playeis Is
believed to Indicate that contracts will
bo generally respected.
Kllllfer Signs with Philadelphia.
Kllllfer, the catcher who wus reported
to have signed with the Federals last
night, signed a thrco-ycar contract with
the Philadelphia Nutlonal league club,
The dates on wblph the. Uetx llros.'
team, the Wroth tefem and the Metropoli
tan team, all ot this city, will roll at tho
sixth" annual tournament ot the Interna
Uobs JSowling association at Minneapolis
have fceuff announced as February 15 and
kfc Bach of tfiese Omaha teams have
SM rolUng Jn fine form of late, and It
they emn keep their pace there Is little
fleybt about Omaha getting a slice ot tho
)srf money.
according to u
atteruoon by Prcaldont Baker ot the local
President linker's announcement fol
lowed the Federsl league warning that
major leaguea must keep their hands off
pluyers signed by the new organization.
Baker's statement follows;
"Kllllfer signed his contract for threo
years with tho Philadelphia National
league club after consulting his lawyur
and his father, who Is a probata judge
In Michigan. He was advised that the
Lajole decision covered his cose exactly,
and that the Philadelphia National
Cairo Defeats Anrorn,
CAmo, Neb.. Jan. a. (fipecial.)-The
fastest and most exciting basket ball
game aver played here was Monday night,
whea the home team won out over the
BTouatr Men's Christian Association team
from Aurora by a score ot 31 to 19. After
fcssrlsst the result ot this game, the man
er sc the tsain at Hampton cancelled a
ftame that waa to have been played there
yrisdsr vesting.
Iraguo club had prior claim to his serv
ices. Ho then returned tu the Federal
league the advunce money he lutd re
ceived from It, iiptlfyiuK it of his action."
President linker said the LaJole de
cision was the strongest argument tho
National league had regarding contracts.
The LaJole case waa decided in tho
Advertising Is the Ttoad to
wagons. Also over 27,000 acres of oil and ess leases situated In bit;
blocks in the five great oil counties of Oklahoma and a splendid fighting
chance to protect our great Osage oil and gas lease of 410,000 acres. "We
are now operating six drills. Have sufficient oil production to operate
three to four drills, but we should have thirty to forty drills In operation
right now and to start them and open up our 27,000 acres of oil and g-aa
leases where we should develop several rich oil pools that should
produce millions this old established company has doubled Its capital
stock and will offer It, so as to net the company about two million dol
who can easily remit ISOO to 20.000. With this practical
proposition and your remittance with others may open
one of these great rich pools. All ot the about
acres of oil and gas leasee In Pawnee county are In be
tween the greatest oil pools In Oklahoma. The great
Oasxe gushers are on the north and the northeast. The
great Cushlng field lust south and southwest. The Glenn
pool and the big fields around Tulsa are on the east and
the southeast.
Three of these Pawnee county divisions contain about
1,000 acres each and extend In one chain of leases about
six and a half miles from the northeast to the south
west. These three divisions are right In between the
great Osage gushers on the northeast and the great wells
In the Cushlng field on the southwest.
The Bartlesvllle sand goes In a southwest direction
across Oklahoma. The big oil pool In this Bartlesvllle
sand are nearly north and south. The greatest staying
oil wells ara in this Bsrtlesville sand. Ho far In the great
Cushlng field, on account of the good wells In the shal
low sands, the operators delayed testing the deep Bartles
vllle production. However, about the time this com
pany started a deep test on Its big lease In Pawnee
county other operators started for the deep wells In the
north part ot the great Cushlng field.
Our deep well Is now down 2,S0 feet (over half a
mile.) We have just drilled Into the top ot the Bartles
vllle sand. We should strike the deep Bartlesvllle pro
duction at about 2,725 feet. The drillers are now setting
the caslnirt Another few days wilt see this well com
pleted. We have developed the formations. Have a
ahowlng of oil, and If we do not get a btr well we know
results aro sure near by, and we have a chain of leases
as before stated, consisting of threo of our Pawnee
county divisions, extending six and a half miles from
ths northeast to tho southwest. Our big lease lies just
about halt way between the deep Bartlesvllle wells m
tho Cushlng district and tho great gushers In the Osage.
These three districts In Pawnee county, when de
veloped, should produce 22.000,000 to 14.000,000 Of oil In the
ti-rt ihr.. veara or nroduca a sum twice as great as all
the entire 200,000,000 shares of stock will come to at 1 cent
er share the price you can join wun our bvucr
iohlera under this Investment opportunity. The first
money paid In will be used in starting four or five deep
tests over thts great acreage, any one ot which may
start at from 2,000 to 4,000 barrels per day. But It takes
the cash to drill these test wells and we desire to put
(40) forty drills In operation, and while our production is
snlendld. It will not run over three or four drills, and to
properly develop our great oil and gas leases we must
push ahead with thirty to forty drills. Ho we give you
and others this opportunity to Join our 12,000 stockhold
ers on a ground floor, solid and conservative basis, with
an organisation that has stood the storm of persecution
and won every battle and now with the new year, with
Its battle flags unfurled for victory, Is going ahead to
certain success and Is sure of the aid and good will of
right thinking people everywhere, and during the next
six to twelve months will place all the new capital with
good cltlsens so as to put Into actual construction at
iSt000-.??4 on. t0P. of our alroady groat property. This
12.000.000 will make this company stronger and far mors
Influential In the Middle West states than any Oil Trust
combination. .
The oil business Is the real live wire Industry In the
United fHates today. Join a winner. You now have the
opportunity to put a few hundred or a few thousand dol
lars Into this stock and help drive the Uncle Sam drills
at these favored locations.
As stated before, the Bartlesvllle ssnd goes In a
southwest direction, but the big oil pools line up nearly
north and south. The great usage gushers are about
seven miles northeast of our big Pawnee county leases
and are on tho east side of range 7. Three of our Paw
nee county divisions, where we have one drill already in
the cap rock of production, are on the east side and
center of range 7, The big wells In the same Bartlesvllle
formation In the Cushlng field am a little west of the
center ot range 7. A straight line drawn from the Osage
gushers In the Bartlesvllle sand to the Bartlesvllle sand
gushers In the north part of the Cushlng field will go
right through the center ot three of our Pawnee county
divisions for over five miles.
These are the properties the new capttal will develop.
Our company Is established. It Is the pioneer refining
company ot the Oklahoma-Kansas oil fields. Do not wait
until wide-awake, patriotic Investors secure all the stock
under this ofTer and until thirty to torty'drllls are In
operation on the twenty-four divisions In this great oil
field, but hurry In your order at once. Start the new year
right. This stock will soon go. Only 1400,000 will be ac
cepted at this offer, Eight hundred investors at two
each will take all of this offer. There are many that will
remit 22,600 and 15,000. This proposition is practical, and
there are a dosen good prospects on our 27,000 acres that
could, develop mora oil tn the next two years than all the
stock will oomo to at 1 cent per share.
7 "he company at this hour Is at work on tour deep
s In Pawnee county, any one of which may start at
from 300 to 2,000 barrels each. To give you an Idea or
what our big Pawnee county leases might do, wo pro
duce hereafter reports on the Osage gushers anj the
Cushlng big wells just completed In the Bartloavllle sand
In range 7. The Ossge gushers are about seven miles
northeast ot our big Pawnoe county leases. Thts report
on the Osage gushers was published In the fead'ag
papers of the Southwest November 19 and Is as folio n-s:
166-Acre Lease Near Cleveland Produces 33,060 Barrels
a Dnr
TULSA. OK., Nor. 11. The bringing In lsst week ot
three monster wells with an aggregate production or
10,400 barrels on a lease In the Osage country near Cleve
land, has proven the property to be the greatest pro
Pennsylvania supreme court In 1301.
LaJole, a mmber of tho Philadelphia Na
tionals, had signed to play with tho
Philadelphia Americans, and the Na
tionals took the case into tho county
court, asking for an Injunction restrain
ing Liijolo from playing with the Amer
icans. Tho court refused tht Injunction.
Tho supreme court, lr reversing tho
lower cotirt, held that the reserve clause
wns binding on the players and that the
fact that tho employing club reserved
the right to dismiss u player on ten
day's notice did not destroy the mutual
ity ot the agreement.
21. Tho Federal leauuo
'IleHdy for AVar," ftnya Ilrrrmaiin.
CINCINNATI, Jan. 21.-Chalrman Herr
mann ot tho National Uaso Hall commis
sion, said of tho telegram sent by Pres
ident Gil more of the Federal league, to
President Paknr of tho Philadelphia club:
"Mr. Gllmore, the Federal leaguo and
the general base ball public can rest as
sured that organised base ball as well
as tho Fcdernl leaguo. will protect Its
contracts In and out ot the civil
Organized baso ball will continue
spect contracts, but when theso
that Ad lirennun and
havo signed contracts
sailed by the Federal league or anyone
else, that party or parties may expect
(.rgnlnzcd base ball to niako every en
deavor to protect Its contracts.
'"In-so-far as organized base
concerned thoro Is no worry on our part,
whatever, about tho Federal league, Mr.
Gllmore or any ot his associates. In this
connection. I may add that wherever the
Federal leaguo has established a legal
right to any ball players thera will bo
no Interference on the part ot
ncctcd with organized baso ball, unless it
Is done In a retaliatory way, when con-
1 1 actual obligations or vested
illegally intcrtercu wun.
The Athletics, one of the fast Inde
pendent basket ball teams of the city,
won their fifth successive gamo Tuesday
night by defeating tho Nebraska School
for tho Deaf 2 to 19. Tho game was
roueh and both teams played with a lust
for victory which made the contest morn
lllio a foot ball battle than a basket bA',1
game. Hayes was the bright star of he
evening, shooting two basketa from the
center of the iloor. The Athletics will
piny a picked team at the deaf Institute
statement given out this
Huron Defeats Ileitf lcll.
Ht'IlON, a. D.. Jan. !l.-(Special.1-Huron
ollcse defeated Itedtleld college
In tha first same of basket ball played
'imrn ibis wason last evening,
.scoro being SI to 11. Tho first half
with a score of U to I In Huron's
Mh. local team walking away from tho l v""kC- l auea with Kennedy, he
Ivlillors from the first. In the second should be able to give the best of them a
half the visitors took a brace, but not hard fight,
i . ......
Kill Outfielder lias (iuods. !
Jake Daulrfrt. Jut returned from Cuba. "r- "'"f -J,r"r. L,fe
says that the Dest outfielder down there ed lr. K. W. Goodloe, Dallas, Tex.,
Is Bsldomero Acosta. the IT-year-old of malaria und biliousness; best regulator
i.uoan oumriuor mi hi
team, who Is now playing
Oq- ttiH liosvuia. Hod.
ducer of high grade oil ever found In the world. Tne
total production ot the property Is now 24, W0 barrels and
there Is yet room for eighteen more wells which makes
It possible for a production or 0,090 or 00,000 barrels.
The lease consists of 180 acres and was sold for
12,500 a little more than a year ago. It could not be
bought now under 22,000,000 and very likely the owners
would not part with It at this high figure."
The Bsrtlesville wells just completed in the Bartles
vllle sand In the Cushlng field are about eight miles
southwest ot the southwest corner of our chain of three
Pawnee county divisions. The report published In an Oil
Trust paper at Tulsa on December 22 Is as follows;
"At Cashing That the Bartlesvllle ummi Is the real
thing Is aasplr Illustrated by the showlas; made ay the
Producers' Oil Company rreil the Mcintosh farm In
aeetlon 3, township 17. range 7. It ta increasing grad
ually, and the last report ihtni that It made six Inchea
more oil than It did the day previous. It la now mak
ing, twenty-seven feet, vt hleh la 8IO harrels."
Kemember this fact all great oil pools have been a
few miles apart. Our claims of three Pawnee oounty
lease divisions ara situated right. Just about half way
between tne gusners at cushlng and Osage. We have
already got the Bartlesvllle sand. There Is a showing
or on. wo are sure or big production in tne present
sura of blr
welt or nearby locations. We do not have the space to
go Into detail on our ether great leases In Pawnee
The company has paid out for oil lands, leases and
development In Pawnee county about 2260.000. By push
Ing ahead during the next six or eight months we should
develop our Pawnee properties Into millions. The prop
erty now back or the stock you will secure Is about three
to one tn your favor. You cannot lose and can easily
ssoure a gain or from ten to twenty times.
All around our Creek county leases there are from
three to live oil and gas sands above the deep Mississippi
lime formation. The great Olenn pool and the splendid
producers In the Okmulgee district are east and south
east of our big acreage In Creek oounty. The great
Cushlng field Is west and northwest. The OH Trust has
leased up thousands of acres In the south and south
west and all around us. A part of the great Osage field
Is north and northeast. Like all ths properties ot the
Uncle Ham Oil Company our Creek county oil and gas
leases are located right. We should have at least nve
drills running in that county at this tlms. Many wells
drilled near our leases havs developed good sands and
some good production. We helped to drill one Important
well In Creek oounty and can easily Join with other
neighbors and In a short time test our greet properties
situated in big blocks In that great oil producing county.
There Is yet room for other Olenn pools In Creek county.
It will be hard to develop one without reaching Into
some of the Uncle Sam leases.
In Una with a new field just developed near Owasso,
this company has about 800 acres. Big gas wells are
near on the north, one within 2.000 feet. An old well
was drilled and abandoned when the Oil Trust was steal
ing oil under carpet bag rule in Oklahoma developed
about ten-barrel well which Is near on the west, showing
a good thickness ot sand. This company will soon start
one or two drills in this district. The production Is
shallow and the wells can be drilled quickly and at
small expenoo. The company already has a pipe line
completed within four miles of this big lease.
Within three miles of our Tulsa refinery we have
twenty-six oil and gas wells. There are many shallow
leases for sale In this district and being so close to our
refinery are valuable. The company has about 160 lo
cations It oan drill In the shallow and Red Fork sand.
This oil Is worth a big bonus to our Tulsa refinery. Ona
oil Is rich In gasoline and the other lubricating oil. uy
development the company can easily develop and sell
over gl ,000,000 worth of oil from our leases within t
miles of our Tulsa refinery. We have completed four
teen producers and one failure. In that district within the
last ninety days. The company should keep ten drills
in operation In that district until at least 160 more shal
low and Red Fork wells are completed. We now have
two deep wells In this district In the cap rock of pro
duction that will soon be completed. This Is a field that
Is sure tor high grade oil In Ilia shallow and Red KorK
sand and rich with small rich pools In stray sands that
are liable to develop In any sand deeper down. Tulsa,
like Pawnee county, has made millions for oil operators
and this company with Its refineries has the inside
track and can make from 25 cents to 75 cents per barrel
more than any producer.
Near the center west side of Tulsa county on a direct
line between the Olenn pool and the Osage gushers the
company owns two oil farms of 480 acres each, about
three miles apart. Both ot these oil farms are located
right. Production all around them. This land Is owned
In fee. This company is preparing tor tho future and
now has lands and leases which, when developed, should
produce from 6.000 to 10.000 barrels per day for thirty to
fifty years. While we have many leases that might tor
a whflo do this much dally alone when developed.
The company has paid out for pipe linos, refinery,
leases and lands, wells and development about 1400,000 In
Tulsa oounty and should Increase this Investment dur
ing the next year to at least 11,000,000. There should be
1400.000 go Into new oil wells and 1200,000 go Into a lubri
cating plant and Increasing the Tulsa Uncle 8am refinery
and additional 'shallow territory leases which aro mucn
more valuable to our company than any one else, and
therefore easily secured.
Deltevlng that rich pools similar to the Colllnsvllle
field on the north the Nowata field on the northeast and
Y. M. 0. A. Indoor Athletic Meet
Promises to Be a Hummer.
Lincoln Una a Team Which Is Ex
pected tn Hhovr Kb Heels to thn
Outnha Lads in the Fast
J. Trultt Maxwell, physical director of
the Young Men's cmrlstlan association, Is
having visions ot embryo Ted Merediths,
Donald Llppencotts and John Paul
Joneses, which fllcke!1 across his lino ot
sight every tlmo he thinks of tho Indoor
carnival Friday nlaht nt the AiMltnrlnm
Maxwell Is particularly enthusiastic over
tne two-nine relay race. In which some
or the crack runners or the state have
Three new teams entered for that race
late Saturday night and they alt are fast,
sure to give others a run for the first
prize. A team composed of L. itrotm
to re
are as
and M, Craveth has been entered by tho
.uncoin young Men's Christian associa
tion and they wilt be sent to Omaha with
explicit orders to win' the race. Whether
they will be permitted to follow Instruc
tions Is doubtful because there ara Just
flvo teams from Omaha, and all will be
thcro to prevent anybody from Lincoln
removing any Jewelry from this city.
The teams which havo entered In the
big race consisv of S. A. Harris and Al
fred Kennedy, Jr.: V. Mobro and Carl
Welgel, Coleman Gordon and Ralph Lud
wig. George Blockings and Walter Tlule,
Itobert O'Donnell and Walter Elsasser, L.
Brown and M. Craveth.
The tram of Harris and Kennedy Is
predicted by many to come out on the
top of tho heap, although there aro Just
as many more who look for Ludwlg and
Gordon to forgo to the front. Unless the
Lincoln men, or O'Donnell and Elsasser,
the South Side Turyoreln men. ot whom
llttlo Is known, prove, to bo surprises, the
book will shift the odds on Kennedy and
Harris and Ludwlg and Oondon.
Kennedy la a former high school mller,
who made quite a reputation for himself
In this city and the surrounding terri
tory. Ho was a member or track squads
at Nebraska university after hla gradua
tion from the high school, and, aa he
has maintained constant training since
he haa left school, he should be in x
ceUent condition to put trp a fast race.
Harris is a former half-mller. He waa a
star at Simpson college In Iowa and held
tho intercollegiate record for ,ne hJN
mile for tho atata or in.. w
bait Is
those con
rights aro
the final
tm coiiege. faired with Kennedy.
. , , . " . iia was
. I '
"'n1"" or nver. stomach and bowels.. 5c. J
rlsht Heidi,.-,- ,, - . .,.
h " orugglstJ.--Advartlieraent,
lars cash. We put our properties, now valued at about three mllllou
dollars and represented by one-half of the stock owned by the present
12,000 stockholders, against the 22,000,000.00 cash from new stockholders,
and offer this other one-half of tho stock to the new stockholders for
the two million dollars cash, so as to enlarge our refineries, pipe lines
and distributing stations and to drill 400 new producers on our 27,001
acres of oil and gas leases. This proposition Is a real money-making
opportunity, fair to the old stockholders and the new stockholders
alike, and you will so say and be glad to join with Us when you read
over tho following statement of facts:
the lonola pool on the south and southeast, msy be ex
pected on most any lease In between these districts this
company has secured over 8.000 acres In Rogers county.
We helped to drill two test wells that developed the oil
and gas formation, some oil and some gas and lots ot
salt water. A thousand feet from any one of these wells
may go Into big production. Wa have one tract In the
east side bend of the Verdigris river that we believe
will be a second lonola pool.
Another big district that can pass the Colllnsvllle
field extends for six miles In a chain ot leases from
southeast of Catoosa north to gas wells on adjoining
farms on the north. We have another big division north
of the Verdigris that has good showings on neamy
farms. We will start three or four drills on these leases
as quick as our construction cash will permit from the
remittance under tho offer herein.
In Kansas the state tax commission taxes our prop
erties at about three-quarters at million dallars. We
value our combined properties in Kansas and Oklahoma
at over 13,000,000.
We figure that the Increased capital should develop
our property into a twenty million (IW.OOO.OW) valuation.
The Increased capital should put the Uncle Sam Oil
company where In another year It should make I2,0(W,O0i
Per year at least.
"T0v?,,5,FJJ..PAY YOU 100 2Kn CENT DIVI
. Tho board of directors realises what the development
or these properties means to the old stockholders and
an the new ones. To keep the company Independent the
board of directors by unanimous vote, advised the stock,
holders to double the capital stock as per resolution as
'.'R",fvod.,J That at the adjourned session of the an
nual stockholders' meeting, to be held at tho office of the
company at Phoenix, Ariz., on Monday, December .
113. at 9 o'clock a m., there shall be submitted to said
meeting the proposition to amend the Articles of Incor
poration, so as to Increase the capital stock of this cor
poration from 1100,000.000 to 2MX).000.000, to be divided Into
1,000,000 shares of preferred stock, having the same
proportion of voting power as at present, to be held and
voted In the same manner as at present, for the protec
tlon of the treasury stockholders, and 193,000,000 shares of
treasury stock having one-halt of one vote per share, as
at present, that the Increased stock shall not be sold to
any person other than a patrlotlo American citizen who
will agree as part of the purchase prioe of tho stock,
that he will not transfer the same to any other person,
without the written consent thereto, of the company,
unlets such transferee shall pay to the company tho
difference between the price originally paid the com
pany for such stock and Its par value; that all. certi
ficates issued for such Increased Issue or capital stock
shall provide that the same shall not be transferred
without the written consent of the company, except upon
the payment, of any difference between the price
originally paid the company for the stock and the par
value thereof, and that eaoh certificate Issued In lieu ol
any of said certificates shall contain the like provision,
as an additional assurance that the stock of the corpor
ation shall not fall Into the ownership or control or the
Oil Trust or ot any or the competitors or this corpora
tion and that It shall be and remain an organization or
patriotic American citizens banded together to compete
with the criminal Oil Trust, and that It may remain free
to conduct Its business without Interference from traitors
within Its organisation; that If It shall be necessary to
sell any of said Increased capital stock, the proceeds
therefrom shall be used In developing the oil and gas
properties of the company, completing and enlarging Its
plants and properties and extending, enlarging and con
ducting its business; and that the secretary be and is
hereby directed to notify each stockholders of said pro
posed Increase of the capital stock, as provided by law."
To make the Uncle Sam Oil Company ten times
RTeai.e!L.thttn anr concern in the West while securing
the 27,000 acres of oil and gas leases another great lease
of 420.000 acres waa lawfully secured another great lease
A. bill Is pending beforo congress to validate this lease.
Beveral congressmen and senators from Oklahoma, Mis.
sourl and Kansas have secretly aided the Oil Trust to
gether with subsidized news writers who are trying to
swindle this Independent company owned by 12,000 Amer
lean stockholders out of this great lease. But when the
public knows the facts there will be a few more Foraker
and Joe Bailey statesmen out of a Job. A part or the
memorial filed before congress will give you ah Idea ot
the magnitude or the Uncle Sam Oil Company's fight ror
right. Tho following taken from the printed report ot
the hearing of the committee on Indian alTalrs ot tha
last congress pages 42, 43 and 44 are as follows:
The Standard OH Company and the United Gas A
Improvement Company belong to the same group or
financiers and constitute what la known as the OH and Uas
Trust. Some years ago United Oss "A Improvement Com
pany organized a. subsidiary company known as the Kan
sas Natural Oaa Company, and In the name of this com.
pany constructed a pipe line for the transportation or
natural gas, which pipe line extends from Oklahoma
through the eastern portion of Kansas and western por
tion of Missouri, and has been supplying natural Has
for fuel and lights to Kansas City, St. Joseph and
Joplln, tn the state of Missouri, and Kansas City,
Atchison, Leavenworth, Topeka, Lawrence. Ottawa, Oar
nett. Independence, Wichita, Hutchinson, Columbus,
Oswego, Fort Scott, Olathe, Pittsburg and many ottiet
ottles In the state or Kansas. In most ot the cities 11
organized a separate subsidiary corporation In whos
Coyotes May Make
Trip to Los Angeles
guarantee by Occidental college of Los
Angeles sufficient to make such a trip
financially possible. A second California
game Is being considered. Tho consent of
the local faculty to so extended an ab
sence Is the only obstacle remaining, as
threo weeks .will be needed for tho so
journ. Tho question of their sanction
will bo decided shortly. The rest of the
schedule is tho heaviest In Coyote his
tory, with Minnesota at Minneapolis;
Nebraska at Lincoln, Notre Dame at
VEUMILION, S. D., Jan., 21. The
University of South Dakota foot ball
team will very likely make a. trip to the
Pacific coast next fall. An annual came
with Denver university takes It to that
city In November. It has been offered a
The weather lets you relax
out-doors -in Florida now:
That could be you, idling along shore;
a companion of a congenial climate.
Go! via Frisco Lines, the direct way.
Leave Kansas City at 5:55 p.m., reach
Jacksonville 8:40 a. m., second day.
The whole train goes through.
Trains from points north and west make good connection In Kansas City with this
splendid through train. Fbr fares, reservations, a now book about Florida, address
J. C Lorrleu. Division Pass sugar Agent. Xrisco Xdsea, Xansaa City, Ko.
Wm. TlausUy, Traveling 7 ass anger Agsat, southern By, Xaaaaa Otty, aco.
name It constructed a distributing system In the etry ah
obtained a franchise from the city running tor a long
period of time, which gave It practically the exclusive
right to supply natural gaa to the city and Its Inhabitants
for fuel and lights, and In said franchise contracts it
agreed to supply said natural gaa for a fixed price per
thousand cublo feet: that it has supplied natural gaa to.
Its said customers In said manner for several years ana
has received a very large Income therefrom, which hss
almost. If not fully, amounted to the cost of the original
Investment. For some time past United OaS sc Improve
ment Company and lta officers and subsidiary companies
have formed a criminal conspiracy to relieve said bub
sldlary companies from the obligations Of their franchise
contracts and to Increase the price to be paid by tha
cities and their. Inhabitants for natural gas for fuel and
lights In violation ot said contracts; that recently, ana
In pursuance of said conspiracy, they have secured the
appointment ot friendly receivers for the Kansas Natural
Uas Compsny, said appointment being made Dy Judge
John C. Pollock ot the United States district court tor
the district cf Kansas; that said Judge appointed as re
ceivers for said company Eugene Mackle, president ot
the company, and Qeorge F. Sharltt and Conway F.
Holmes: that said receivers were the selection ot said
company to carry out Its suggestions with a view to ac.
compllshlng said conspiracy to violate said franchise con
tracts and arbitrarily Increase the price to be paid by
the people for said natural gas; that the contract price
between said cities and said subsidiary corporations who
obtained franchises required the gaa to be furnished to
the Inhabitants at from X cents to 30 cents per thousand
aubla feet; that said price is a reasonable price sufficient
tc enable said Oas Trust to earn large profits. Nothwlth
stsndlng this fact, said Oas Trust recently obtained an
order from said Judge John C. Pollock that all of tha
natural gas furnished to said subsidiary companies must
be psld for at prices very much as excess ot'the fran
chise price and thtt, unless paid for at such excesstva
price, said Kansas Natural Oas Company receivers
should shut oft the supply or natural gas from the peo
ple In all or said cities refusing to pay the Inoreased
price. Said order was made In mid-winter, when thou
sands ot families were depending entirely ura natural
gas supplied by said concern for fuel to heat their homes
and had gone to large expense to equip their homes for
the use ot said fuel; that the Oas Trust also secured
the appointment of friendly receivers for the subsldlaty
company having tho franchise contract with the city or
Kansas City, Mo., and appears to be able to use tn
United States district court for the district of Kansas
In furtherance of tho conspiracy to arbitrarily raise the
price of natural gas to alt pf said people, and Is mak
ing its unlawful, exorbitant and piratical demand, backed
by an order of said court, at a time when the people are
helpless and when they cannot exercise a free choice as
to whether they will submit to the extortionate price de
manded by the trust for fear that they will suffer from
ClThe conspiracy of said Oas Trust, Its officers, re
ceivers, and all who assist It In arbitrarily raising the
price of natural gas, is a direct violation ot the criminal
section of tho Sherman antl-trust law. and the con
spirators should be prosecuted, convicted, and confined
in prison. No use of a federal court should shield them
from deserved punishment. 4
If congress will Immediately validate tha Osage oil
and gas leases set out in the bill now pending, the Unola
Ram Oil Company can immediately develop on , said
leased land an adequate supply or natural gas and can
by agreement with the Osage national counoll furnish
said gas to the receivers for the Kansas Matural Oss
Company at the wells In the Osage nation at a price
which any honest court will decide will enable said re
ceivers to furnish gas to lta patrons In compliance with
the franchise 'contracts and be able at said price to
comply with the contracts it has made with the- various
consumers and make a reasonable profit. It will not pa
necessary for any court to order the receivers for tn
Kansas Natural Oas Company to attempt to violate any
contracts It has made fixing the price ot natural gas
'TheSeases1" provide that no gas shall be piped out Ot
Osage county, but since the leases were drawn and
executed the unexpected and unlocked for Opposition
from the interior department has persuaded the Osage
Indians that it Is to their advantage to have the leases
validated, and they are willing to allow gas to be piped
out of Osage county provided a reasonable price Is paid
at the well and provided there Is a surplus supply ot gSs
above the amount needed In Osage county.
It appears to be the clear object and InUnt .Of the Oil
and Gas Trust arbitrarily to raise the price of gas upon
all the people It Is supplying to about ft cents Per thou
sand cubic feet and then to secure a renewal of the
Indian Territory Illuminating Oil Company lease on the
680,000 acres of the Osage Indian reservation in whlchtt
has control of the gas and secure control of the re
mainder of the Osage Indian reservation and then supply
tha people with natural gas for cooking purpose! i and
lights at about 75 cents per thousand cubic feet. About
2O0.000.0CO cublo feet per day could be used by the PoPls
in the territory covered by the pipe lines or the trust
ir It could seoure 75 cents per thousand feet. It would
t. securing more than 40 cents per thousand In excess
of its cont?aa rate? and U it could sell cubic
feet per day, an excess profit of 40 cents . per ousand
cubic feet would amount to an excess profit of ISO.OUO per
day. which would amount to 129,200,000 per year. It is
safe to say that said supply of natural gaa could be ob
tained from that Osage Indian reservation for the next
ten years at least, and It this scheme can be carried
out. It would mean an excess profit above a reasonable
profit of 1292.000,000 to tho Oas. Trust.
The Uncle Mam Oil Company has been striving to
have Its lease with the Osage national council approved
so that it could develop tho territory. It bellevea that
said l territory Is rich. In oil and gaa; that It could have
from said leased premises a source ot supply of erude
oil for many years to come and that it could develop an
enormous supply of natural gas, and If the Kansas Nat
ural Oas Company should retuse to pay ror .ne res in
excess or the needs of the, Osage county a reasonable
price at the wells, it could lay a pipe line and become a
competitor or the Kansas Natural Oas Company Mn
supplying said cities with natural gas and not only make
I pn . for its stockholders, but become a blessing to
the thousands of people who are now commanded by the
Gas Trust to stand and deliver In the tlead ot winter.
Dut the Unele Sam Oil Company has been" harassed
by every device known tb the Oil Trust and haa mat with
the constant, persistent, unreasonable, unjust and un
warranted opposition of the Interior department."
Democratic newspapers In-Oklahoma, owned bag and
baggage by tho Oil Trust, are abusing one OH Trust tap
tlon and letting their secret tools In congress write In
their paper so T as T to try and rool tha publie s the OU
. True Hi LnciinsjlvanlajsndOhtOj
(Continued on Page Seven.)
some South Dakota city; probably Ames
at Ames or Sioux City, and Crelshton at
Iovra. Detents Princeton.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. Jan. 2L (Special.)
Iowa defeated Princeton in the second
round ot tho Intercollegiate Rlflo asso
ciation's tourney by a scoro of 655 to 811.
accoraing to -worn receivea irom xna
headquarters of tha association at Wash
ington. The Hawkeyes meet California
this week.
Fastest schedule:
arr. Memphis ItOS a. m.
Birminghim 3i50 p. m. Jack
sonville Ii40a.m.iecond
day. Electric lieh(.
ed drawing room sleep
ers; all steel diner,
Fred Harvey raeala.
V Line to
KU ess .
iisA Florida
hours 5
Draws' fctr