Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1914, Page 3, Image 4

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Lincoln Papers Throw Fits About
University Eemoval Idea.
It In Allraeil thnt All Uonntonn
UnllillnRn Will lie I. out and (bat
All fit Farm lint Three
Will lie Kemovrtt.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
MNCOLN, Jan. 21.-(Speclal.)-,lncoln
papers have been throwing catnip fits
the past two weeka for fear that when
the meetings of organized agriculture
were held this week In this city someone
would attempt to Influence thoso In at
tendance In favor of moving the state
university out to the stato farm. They
liopcd and prayed that the proposition
would not be forced upon the visitors
ind that they would bo allowed to look
the situation over calmly and no one
liUtt In and attempt to prejudice them in
any way when they looked over the two
propositions of university extension. But
now that the visitors aro hero ono sheet
Is full of double-dlstllled headllnera. in-
.Btructlng the farmers how they should
vote on the proposition and giving1 them
to understand that to move the uni
versity to the farm would be a great loss
financially to the state.
Proposition ! Mlmrrnreiienteil.
Not only Is this paper attempting to in-
Jluenco the visitor how he should vote.
but it is not above misrepresenting the
proposition In its frantic efforts to save
the Institution as a prey for the business
Interests of the city. In Its issue last
night it had the audacity to say that to
move the university to the state farm
would mean a sacrifice to the state of
all the buildings now upon the present
campus and also every building but
three at tho state farm would be de
stroyed to "carry out the verv elaborate
Bcheme of new university development
Just why any Lincoln paper should take
advantage of visitors to tho city and
flaunt In their faces such statements Is
Jiard to understand and much comment
was heard last night about the matter,
come visitors going so far as to say that
they were tired of coming to Lincoln and
having the papers try to show them what
they ought to do when they get home.
The fact of tho matter Is that the
present buildings on the down town
campus will not bo lost to tho state In
tho case of removal to tho state farm.
Just why business interests of Lincoln
cannot see beyond their noses Is hard to
understand. The present plan of the Com
mercial club to build up In Nebraska's
capital city a wholesale and manu
facturing center for this section of the
country could not be better carried out
than by a removal of the university to
the stato farm and the vacation of the
present buildings, nearly all of which
would make Ideal places for either whole
wale or manufacturing plants, yery re
cently a large manufacturing plant em
ploying 700 people was compelled to take
ft downtown, building because It could
,not. find a suitable - building elsewhere.
jiHaa the university buildings been vacant
any one of eight buildings there would
ihave been ideal for its use and with the
- Iieatlng plant already Installed the whole
Broup of buildings could be ised suc
cessfully. A
No Plan for Destruction.
The statement Tthlchl s openly crltlolseoj
-the most was the ono made, that bulld
.inge at the farm would be destroyed to
make room for the very "elaborate
.scheme there for university extension."
Thetruth is that thero is no adopted
plan for extension on tho farm. 'Lots of
pcoplo have made plans, but none of
them has been adopted
made to mako visitors bellevo that there
Is any "elaborate" plan arranged for Is
wholly wrong. Plans have been drawn
contemplating several mothods and even
this Lincoln paper published a plan some
time, ago for extension and erection of
mew buildings on the downtown campus
to cost tho people of the state H.000,000
The one thing which should be borne
In mind by everybody Interested in uni
versity removal Is that new buildings
will have to be built on the six blocks
purchased by tho stato for the down
town campus Just the same as there will
Iiuvo to bo new buildings built at the
btate farm it the university goes there.
Jt Is a proposition of tweedle-dee and
twcedlerdum, the balance, if any being
in favor of moving the university to the"
farm and then disposing of the present
Property downtown, which, according to
the Lincoln paper, tho building alone are
worth J959 KO. and surely would bring half
that much. If not nearly, their full value
tor uses, badly needed in Lincoln's plan
Jor wholesalo and manufacturing exten-
Cadet Officers of the Omaha High School
IL f!m to m at 9m fm
a.n Saw ffl Y2 IjMz
There's a reason why the crowds keep coming to our
Every day we've demonstrated the srreat-
ness of these honest reductions, we've
proven them to be the lowest prices now
being quoted on dependable Suits and
Overcoats in the city.
Is it any wonder why men and
young men see the wisdom of buying an
extra suit or ovoreont when such prices prevail! Here
you take your choice of any Winter Suit or Overcoat
in the House at tho following most unusual price concessions:
Photo by Bee staff photographer taken this week.
State Board of Agriculture Holds
Election of Officers.
W. D. Dnnnlns of Union Only New
Member to lie Chosen Two
New nnlcs Favorably
Acted On.
for the fight which had been made on tho
stato fulr board.
Secretary Mellor, who was yesterday se
lected by the board to represent that
body In the Investigation of the board,
asked to be relieved of that Job nnd
Charles Graff was selected to fill the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 21.-(Speclal.)-If there
is a machine which runs the State Board
of Agriculture, It was greased so slick
that thero was llttlo wear and tear on
the thing during tho 'discussions which
occupied the time of the meeting at the
Commercial club this morning, and which
lasted until 1:30 this afernoon before ad
journment was taken for lunch.
A rule which calls for a better class of
entertainments at the fair was passed
and the ono which provides that the re
tiring president shall not be a member
of tho executive board also passed.
Tho election of members of tho stato
board resulted In all of the old members
solus back for another term, the only one
of the four new members proposed, W.
B. Banning, being elected. The result of
the ballot was as follows, sixty-two votes
being cast:
First District William Foster, Lincoln,
60: V. Arnold, Verdon, 61: W. IJ. uan
nlns. Union, 61.
Second Dlstrlct-Iacob Sass, Gretna. oS:
J. II. Taylor, Omaha, 40; G. E. Hall of
Waterloo received 26 votes.
Third District Joseph Roberts. Fre
mont, CO; R. M. Walcott. Palmer, w.
Fourth District Peter Youncers, Gen
eva, 58; George F. Dlckman, Seward, 61,
Fifth Dlstrict-J. E. Ryan, Indlanola,
59: T. B. Keodle. Mlndcri. CO.
Sixth District E. It. Purceii, uroKen
Bow. 68: Charles Mann. Chadron'. 65: W.
R, Mellor. Loup City. 67:, Z. T. Leftwlch,
St Paul, 41 E. Von Forrell, Scott's Bluff,
received ID votes and E. ll Youngs, Lex
ington, 9, neither of whom was elected.
In tho election of officers all places were
filled without opposition except in the
case of second vice president, when
Charles Graff was nominated, but with
drew his name. The following wero
President. Joseph Roberts, Fremont:
first vice president. J. A. Ollls. Ord:
Second vlco president, R. W. Walcott,
Palmer: secretary, W. R. Mellor, Loup
City; treasurer. George F. Dlckman,
Seward; board of managers. C. H. Rudge,
Lincoln: Peter Youngers. Geneva: J. F.
McArdle, South Omaha.
President Roberts In. his speech of ac
ceptance thanked the association for the
honor and then turned loose a tirade
against the Twentieth Century Farmer
and Its editor, T. F. Sturgess. He inti
mated that thero had been no occasion
Omaha Men Buy
North Platte Light
and Power Plant
NORTH PLATTE, Nob.. Jan. Il.-(Spe-
clnl.J-Wlllls Todd and J. W, Tarrlsh of
Omaha have Just completed a transaction
whereby they become tho owners of all
of tho stock of the North Platte Electrlo
company and hence the owners of tho
electric plant In this city. This stock
has been largoly owned for many years
by Lester Walker of this city. Willis
Todd made a filing some tlmo ago upon
tho Blrdwood stream, and the Intention
Is to bring this power to North Platte
and also other towns of the county for
electrical purposes. An extensive scheme
will be carried out to distribute tho power
from this Blrdwood project throughout
tho North Platte river valley In this
vicinity. It Is expected that this will
give cheap electrical power and tho In
tention is also to try to develop electrlo
cooking to a greater extent. The com
pany will also ask that an olectlon be
held In the city of North Platte for the
purpose of granting a gas franchise to
this company, and If this franchlso Is
granted a gas plant will be Installed
here. Mr. Todd announces that expendi
tures amounting to about J 123,000 will bo
made shortly In Improving tho plant and
tho system. John Little of Omaha has
been placed In charge as manager of the
New I.litht Proposition at Kearney.
KEARNEY, Neb.. Jan. 2i.-(SpecIal.)-
The city council has de,clded to present
the proposition to the people of this city
of voting $12,000 in bonds for tho purposo
of installing a .city lighting system. This
amount. It Is estimated, will provide, a
good lighting system for the residence
districts and will furnish electroliers for
the business district. The proposition of
voting bonds for the Installation of a
complete plant has been dropped. To
gether with the light question tho matter
of purchasing a base ball park for the
city will bo presented. It Is estimated
that It will tako 6.0W to construct the
Furs now on sale nt a big reduction.
Julius Orktn, 1510 Douglas St.
District Judge Stewart of Lancaster
County Will Hear It.
Ilouy of Lnte Minister ItrmoTcd
from Penllentlnry to Home In
Tecunmeh I'reimrntnry
to Ilurlnl.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. 21 (RtiwInM Tim on,.
of Lieutenant Governor McKelvIn niriilnsi
Secretary of Stato Walt to compel tho
latter to ploco tho namo of tho former
on the primary ballot as a candidate for
tho republican nomlnnltan fnc
will bo heard In district court boforo
Judge Stewart next Saturday.
Mr. McKelvle will set out that tho
offlco of lieutenant governor Is not nn
executive office, except at such tlmo as
mo governor Is out of tho Btate or 's
removed by death: that thn il tltlnn nf 11
lieutenant governor aro to preside over
llie senate and therefore of a legislative
nature, and that ho Is not an executlvn
officer unless there Is a vacancy.
Assistnnt Attorney General Kdgcrton
will look after tho Interests of Secretary
of State Walt, while former Attnmov
Gcnoral W. T. Thompson will appear In
bohalf of the lieutenant governor.
Serviced for Clinplaln.
Short services were held at tho pcnl-
tentlary this morning before tho removal
of the body of Chaplain P. C. Johnson,
who died last night. Tho body was taken
to the old homo In Tecumseh, where tho
regular funeral services will bo held later.
Governor Morehcad nnd Mr. Prcsson of
tho governor's ttfflco and some others
from the stato houso attended the cere
monies at the prison.
To Protest Apple Ilntc.
The Fruit Growers nsso6latlon, which
held a mass convention at Kansas City
recently, has asked through K. M. Pol
lard of Nebraska, chairman of tho com
mittee appointed to reprcrent the mcot
Ing, that tho Nebraska Railway commis
sion Join with tho commissions of Iowa,
Missouri nnd Kansas In a complaint to
be mado to tho Interstate commission
asking that a reduction on apples In car
load lots be mado from these states and
Nebraska to St. Paul, Chicago, Pitts
burgh, Cincinnati and most of the other
largo cities of tho east, middle west and
$10 SI' ITS niul $7
O'COATH, now. ...
$11! SUITS and Q
O'COATS, now. ... 1
91 n SUITS nnd $
gj O'COATS, now.
$18 SUITS nnd $1 Q
O'COATS, now.. I 3
UO SUITS and $ A
O'COATS, now. . Itt
$25 SUITS nnd 91 7
O'COATS, now. .. I
.$.10 SUITS nnd $0
O'COATS, now.. C I
$J15 SUITS nnd 9f)f
O'COATS, now. . 6t
$10 SUITS nnd $0 0
O'COATS, now. . SO
Two Dentil nt Imllnnoln.
M'COOK. Neb., Jan. 21. (Special.) In
dlanola, this county, was tho sceno of
two deaths Monday, the death of MrB.
Roy Smith following within a few hours J
that of Mr. Newton Smith. Mrs. Smith
was the wife of a rural free acnvcry
mall carrlor out of that postotflc.
nWATrtlCE. Neb.. Jan. 21. (Special.)
Tho first noonday luncheon of tho Com
mercial club this year was held Tues
lilrnt Penso read a letter from
tho Kansas City Commercial club ask
ing the Ueatrlce club for their endorse
ment In connection with the meeting of
i,n fniernl resurvo bank committee to
consider Kansas City as a likely place
for ono of the reserve banHs.
ti. nentlinent of those present was iiio club khould lend Its support to
Omaha or Lincoln, and If unablo to se-
euro endorsement of cither of these cities
that Chicago would be tho next placo to
lin considered.
Rev. L. D. Poung gave an Interesting
talk explaining tho objects of the re
cently organized Beatrice Welfare asso.
elation. Tho club luncheons will be held
every Tuesday.
licit far Skin Diseases.
Sudden's Arnica Salvo Is soothing,
healing and antiseptic; best for burns,
sores, wounds, bruises, piles, 'etc, 26c.
For salo by all druggists. Advertisement.
Women's coats on sale at a sacrifice.
Julius Orkln, 1S10 Douglas St
Historical Society
Re-elects Officers,
Insurgents Losing
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nob., Jan. :i.-(8peclnl Tele
gram.) The address of General John L.
Webster at tho opening spsslon. of tho
Stato Historical society last night wok
given ono of tho greatest tokens of ap
preciation ever given nn address in thM
city, tho great audience rising In a body
at the close as a testimonial to tho good
things expressed therein by the orator.
Today's session of tho society failed to
develop tho antagonism to tho officers
which was fcured might arise, thejiohemo
to get the scalp of cither President Web-'
stcr or Secretary Tnlne, being a flash In
tho pan, tho vote to re-rlnct tho old of
ficers being practically unanimous. Only
eleven Insurgents had tho courage to
stand up nnd face tho music and not
one of them raised his voice against the
motion to make tho elections unanimous.
Ono man asked what tho society had
to do wth the publishing of tho tlilM
volue of Morton's History of Nebraska
and tas told by President Webster that
It had absolutely nothing to do with It.
Ho then asked If there was a ring within
a ring In the society nnd' was again
told absolutely that there was 'not.
Criticism of Secretary Paine felt when
ho announced that he had los $11,000 In
publishing tho work, had disposed of his
Interest In It three years ago and had
received nothing from Its publication In
the past six years.
The election of officers then resulted
unanimously as follows: President, John
Tj. Webster, Omaha; vice president, Ro
bert Harvey. Lincoln, nnd 8. C. nassctt
lGbbon; secretary, C. S. Paine, Llncpln,
treasurer, Dr. P, L. Hall, Lincoln: mem
bers of executive board. Judge Letton and
Mr. Wiggins, Lincoln.
Tonight tho nnnunl banquet was held
at tho Lincoln hotol In honor of Roger
Clark Rallard Thurston, president gen
eral of the Nebraska Sons of the Amer
ican Revolution and tho Daughters of
tho American Revolution. Chancellor
Samuel Avery of the University of Ne
braska waatonstmaster.
On tho toast list were Governor
Morchend, Mrs. Warren Perry, regent of
tho Daughters; John F. Flack, state pres
ident of 'the Sons; General John L. Web
ster, president Stato Historical society,
Mrs. Andrew K. Gault, vlco president
general Daughters of the American Rev
olution, and President Gcnorol Thurston.
Tho Nebraska Pioneers' association
elected today as their nfflcars: A. V
Yost of Omaha, president; Robert W
Wlndnm of Plattsmouth and a Z. Will
iamson of Albion, vice presidents, and C
S, Paine, secretary treasurer.
Key to tho Situation-Bee Advertising.
Call "Doug. 2-5-2"
and order
The Victrola is a source of endless
pleasure to the entire household.
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 21.-Speclal.)
After hearing the testimony and argu
ments In the Injunction suit brought by
3ienry Vance of Wymnre against the
mayor and cltv counrll nf timt u,.
- - k.J (. 1 1 v J I
the Iowa-Nebraska Public .Service com
pany. Judcre Pemlvrlnn Tituri.u inni . I
case under advisement. The plaintiff !
contends that if the contract Is carried
ut the municipal plant will be put out
of commission for a period of at least
two years, and tho machinery will greatly
deteriorate during that time. Further, that
tho service company will then havj
practically a monopoly of the llghtlnu
business in Wymore. Th Artmna Vim. '
that the court is to determine the validity
of the lighting contract mado between
the mayor and councllmen with the ser
vice company, disregarding tho fact of
whether or not it Is, a good business
proposition for the taxpayers, although
much stress was laid on the fact that
tho company by its contract would fur
nish current for lighting tho streets of
the city and pumping water at a much
cheaper rate than the city could manu
facture current at Its municipal plant. I
A Difference in YVorUma- nnorn,
A man's working day Is 8 hours. His I
body organs must work perfectly 24 hours
to keep him fit for 8 hours' work. Weak. 1
sore. Inactive kidneys cannot do it. They
must be sound and healthily active all
tho time. Foley Kidney Pills will make
them sound and well. You cannot taka
them Into your system without good re-
suits following their use. They ale tonlo !
In action, quick In results, and contain no '
Habit forming drugs. Try them. For sale I
by all dealers everywhere. Advertise-
went I
Key to th Sltua- n 4wrUsUic.
Tho following Onx&ha aad Council Bluffs dealer carry complete
Uses of VICTOR VIOTROLAB, and all the late Victor Records as
fast as; issued. You are cordially invited to Inspect the stocks nt
an of theeo establishments:
Schmoller& Mueller
1311.1313 Farnam Street OMAHA, NEB.
, Victor Department on Main Floor
Cor. 15th and
Harney, Omaha I M XVIV I il
It gives everybody
the kind of music they
like the best.
There are Victor and
Victrolas in great variety of
styles from $10 to $200
at all Victor dealers.
Victor Talking Machine Co.
Camden, N. J.
Branch at
Council Bluffs
Gao. E. Mickel. Mgr.
Brandeis Stores
Talking Machine Department
in the Pompeian Room
A. Hospe Co.
1513-15 Douglas St., Omaha, and
407 West Broadway, Council Bluffs
Orkin Bros.
Victor Department
Third Floor
Cor. 16th and Harney Sts
jSBBSBsllfiiwI MujlHjjHBfflsfl jBSSSSSSSSSSSSa Bl
Victrola XVI, $200
Mahogany or oak