12 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY JANUARY 22, 1914. WOODROMJUITE LIKELY Rumored that Young Omaha Attor ney May Run for Congresi. SEEMS TP BE RIGHT IN LINE II I B Record In rant and Hl Pra ent Itandlntr nlth Folltlcnl Power Bid Fair to Put -Him In IVnce. Bryan-Wilson democrats are Joins lomt little talking now of tho possibility of tunning J. W. Woodrough of Omaha for congressman from the Second district. Woodrough Is a young lawyer who has becomo popular recently, especially since he ma do his great soap-box campaign during tho Wilson campaign la Omaha. "Woodrough had never made an open-air political talk until someone prodded him to tho sticking point. He then waxed loquacious, mounted a soap box and made a stralght-from-the-shoulder speech. Ho had pretty good success, as such successes go. That Is, ho was not slain with a brick. Uo took courage. Tho next night ho moved his soap box and spoke at another comer Again ho had success. Ills cour age mounted, and for two weeks ho was almost a nightly orator on the street corners, .always expounding the beauties of democracy as represented In Bryan and Wilson, and a few other fellows he liked. Then, too, he was president of the Woodrow Wilson league In Omaha long before the famous fight at Baltimore. He was president of the league after "Wilson's ylctory nt Baltimore and up to the big victory at the November elec tion. Silk (Hacking; Democracy, Also, one night at a called meeting of the'so-calfod? "silk-stocking democracy" of Omaha, Woodrough, as president of the Woodrow Wilson league, advocated new county convention to select dele gates for tho democratic convention at Grand Island. Ho pointed out that per sistent rumor would have It no other way than that tho Dahlman democrats, who had been appointed as delegates to tho Grand Island convention wero not duly chosen according to the rulen of con vention procedure, therefore, ho wanted to know If tho rest of the democracy of the town would sit Idly by and let tho bunch send a delegation to Grand Island that did not at all represent tho democ racy of Douglas county. Homo of the "sIlK stockings" wero enthusiastic with him, but the meeting adjourned without any action on tho matter. Dahlman DclCR-nllnn, The result was that at the Grand Isl and convention tho Douglas county dele gation was a Dahlman delegation. Everything that camo up In favor of Uryan was opposed by tho solid phalanx from Omaha, which announced In a deep Voice "One hundrAii' Now the question Is, how will Wood rough stand with tho DnHlnfan de mocracy T Not so bad, say some, for wmie he has. often been against them, he Is a clean little fighter. Then. too. the question Is asked, If only he and Lobeck should enter tho race for tho democratic nomination, what would hap pent Tho Dahlman democracy may not wasie christian kisses on Woodrouuii. but they have mado it plain that they are not strong for Lobock again. At tho same tlmo Lobeck is said to havo lost much of his support from tho churches on account of hlsvoto on tho Webb. Kenyon bill, the bill against the Inter- wuj enirmeni 01 nquor for illegal pur poses. Bankers Return from Regional Bank Hearing at Chicago The' committee of five bankers of Omaha and South.. Omaha who went to Chicago to tho hearing .before the or ganization committee .of the new regional bank system, have ' Just returned' to Omaha, full of pointers as to how to proceed In the heating when It' comes Omaha's turn to be-heard before the com mittee at , Lincoln. Those of the com mittee were Luther -Drake, W. II. Bu- cholz. It. C. Itostwlck. M. T. Barlow and' Thursday and will Immediately start Is II. Davis. suing the volumes to tho school children This committee did not get a hearing ' and other residents of the neighborhood. In Chicago They say they did not ask j On Saturday stations wilt be opened at to be heard there, as they wero not tho Hanscom Park pharmacy, Park ave- scheduled for a hearing there. They slm-1 nue and Woolworth street, and at tho ply went to be present at the hearing at ! Dundee pharmacy, Fiftieth street and Chicago, whero Chicago and other lurgo cities of the central west were heard. It Is likely that this committee will make up largely the personnel of tho committee that Is to be heard beforo tho organization commltteo at Lincoln soon. H. W. Yates Is ono that will be added to tbi committee, however, as he has been orklng for some time p'repaiing a brjet which Is to present tho cose of Omaha In Its claim as a favorable location for regional bank. Gives Bail for Boys Who Stole Auto, Now . Own Oar is Taken Dr. H. W. Pltzglbbons' whose automo bile woo stolen Tuesday night rom In front of the Carlton hotel,, thinks that ho Is being poorly repaid for a kind deed of last week, when ho put up ball for two of the lads arrested for taking autos with- out tho consent of tho owners, lie docs eter has not achlovcu tho zero mark not think, howover, that his machine was : hero yet this winter. At 8 o'clock tho taken by the boys ho befriended. temperaturo was 11 degrees above, zero. Tho pollco aro taking earnest steps to-' This Is tho lowest mark recorded during wards stopping tho nightly thefts of val- j tho last twenty-four hours, and is 8 dc uablo cars. Tuesday night Kmorgcncy greea nbovo tho former low murk for the Officer George ISmery, armed, with a , winter, which wns 3 degrees above zero. arge boro shotgun, scoured tho city. A cold north wind, accompanied uy a I hoping to encounter the thieves. Patrol men havo orders to shoot on suspicion and tho automobile' association, Is assist ing tho department In every way possible Grand Jiiry Must Look Into Ferries and School Lands In accordance with a state law novcr amended it will be the duty of James P. EaglUh. who will become presiding Judge Of tho district court February 5. to l. struct the grand . Jury, which will be organized on that date to Investigate any river ferries in tho county and to de termine whether trespassing on school lands exists. Since there havo been no ferries nor scnooi lands in Douglas county for many yer n is anticipated that the Jury may disregard these instructions. The last grand 1 February 5 to April 10, WIS, cost tho county ss.06S.si, according to figures com Piled in the off ic nf h, - district court The expense waa divided un iunuws: mueage r.tiiSA9 wtne.se.v::::::,-.::.v;.:;;;::;;;:;;:;; gjg I3.WS.25 Total Hummel Will Have Skating Places for All the Kiddies If the cold weather will Print I mi a few day Park Commissioner J, n. Hum- raci wm navo provided skating onda every boy who owns a nair nt .ir.t.. - - - - "MV0. Will parks are being flooded In the hone that the water win freeze into ice of auffl. clent thickness to furnish skating places. "I've flooded the parks several times." aald the park commissioner, "and warm weather has prevented the water from trczios, ii mis cold snap keeps un " wmw we u probably succeed time." The little lakm in hn..i increased by addition of of water and wherever there is available wBinmiMioner Hummel Is mui water. for this fill Library Will Have Seventeen Stations in Operation Soon With tho opening of four more library deposit- stations or branches of the pub lic library, during this week and next, a, total of seventeen will havo been put Into operation. In addition to these, six more branches' will be started later. For all of theso only new copies of tho best books are provided. Edward Ilosewater school will receive Its supply of books for a deposit station Underwood avenue. Train school will re ceive Its books' and start library circula tion on Thursday of next week. The deposit stations already established by tho public library are located In all parts of the city. In stores, schools and factories. I UoiT.rn 1 RiiMiljv tptinnl. linvj. nalff.,1 Mm 'library to establish branches In their churches. These requests had to be re fused by Miss Edith Tobltt, tho librarian, because the necessary books are not on hand and cannot be bought with the available funds. Omaha People Only Thought it Was Cold Here Yesterday Tn spito of the fact that' both masculine and feminine Omaha shivered at getting up time yesterday and on tho way to tho street car, tho government thermom- 6 ' flilrrw of itintV TtlffrfflV many bollevo that it was John, Guild Dies at Home of Daughter John Guild, aged C9 years, is dead at tlie homo of his daughter, Mrs. Anna D. Chapman, 1006 South Twenty-eighth street He had been 111 for several rronth. He Is survived by two sons and ohi daughter. They are John M. Guild, formorly commissioner of the Omaha Commerclu) club, now executtvo secre tary of tho Greater Dayton association, Dayton, O.; George It. Guild of Omaha and Mrs. Ahjia D, Chapman of Omaha, Two brothers also survive him, Dr. Grorgo 11. Guild of Aurora, 111., and D. S. Guild of 8t. Louis, Mo. Mr. Guild was born at Ambroath, Scot land, He camo to America with his fnmlly In 1RS7 and settled first at Platts- mouth. Lnter tho family removed to Omaha Whero Mrs. Qulld died In 1005, Tho funeral ' Is to be held this afternoon nt 2 o'clock from the Chapman homo at 100$ South Twenty-eighth street. John M. Guild Is expected to arrive from Dnyton this morning. Two brothers of tho deceased, from Aurora and .fit. Louis, are also to arrtvo for the funeral. Interment will be In Forest Lawn cemetery, 'where tho body of Mrs. Guild Is burled. LAD LOCATES STOLEN BIKE, BUT IT IS GONE Waller Futter, 3355 South Twenty-sec ond stroot, tho 14-year-old high - school lad who suffered the loss of three stolen bicycles In tho last six months, dtscov ered Tuesday his latest bicycle, which was stolen last Saturday night from In front of the Unltt-Docekal drug store, was taken by a small boy who Is in the second, or third grade of tho Kellom school, and that the boy had hidden tha wheel behind a signboard for toar of his parents learning of his theft. During tho night the wheel was stolen from behind the signboard by some other person and Is still lost. Futter refuses to divulge the name 'of the lad who stole tho wlict, even though It wit s by means of the wheel that ho delivered packages to earn" money to help him secure his education. "I don't want his father and mother to find It out and got him Into trouble." said Futter, "so I won't tell his name or make his parents pay for It. Maybe I'll find It. anyhow." night made tho coldest night of the winter, and Colonel Welsh, local weather forecaster,- was called upon marty times to settle wagers on the temperature. Warmer weather In the mountains west ' Indicates that a rise in the mercury may bo expected hero Thursday, though the cold wave, which extends ovor the Upper valleys, will likely prevent any modera tion in the temperature tonight. REV. C W SAVIDGE DECLARES BERTHA ACTUALLY FAINTED Rev. C. W. Savldgo wishes the readers of The Bee to know that when Fainting Bertha got Into difficulties, with the po llco nt Des Moines, when she was sud; denly stricken on a street car, thcro was nothing out of tho way about It. Bertha was really 111 for once. Savldgo says Bertha Is now completely purged of tho last trace of her demon In habitants and Is really living an upright life. "She has a watch, new clothes, and $70 In tho bank that sho actually earned,"' says the devil banlshcr, "and she Is Justly proud. I am afraid that If sho Is not given encouragement now, tho treatment she received in Des Moines may mako her despondent and cause a resur rection of tho devils." FRANK LAKE BOUND OVER TO THE DISTRICT COURT i.Vnnlt IaV. a Havens' hotel roomer. has been bound over to the district court on the charge of breaking and entering tho homo of John J. Lamphler, zkh Cass strcot, on the night on January IB, and taking away W16 worth of Jewelry, cloth Ini. nnil nther vnlunhtes. The nollce ar- , rested the man several days ago and recovered a greot deal of stolen property from htm. The It "Mlarmer nrtet" anil Work. Each year the month of January num bers its list of victims from influenza, la grippe, bronchitis and pneumonia. La grippe coughs ayloualy weaken the sys. tern and when they hang on. are a sign of general debility. The use of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will promptly check the cough, heal the inflamed air passages, preventing' the development of la grippe to a more serious condition. Keep It on hand. Contains no oplatty. For sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement I. K. Pond to Speak Here This Noon Irving IC Pond, president of the Amer lean Institute of Architecture from mo i u. 10 scare the Omaha Com merclal club at the public affairs lunch con this noon. Mr. Pond is an archj tect of Chicago. He had the super vision of the building of a number of the largest bulldogs in Chicago. He u to speak on "The. Architect's Relation to tho Community." In general sense, this will be a city planning talk, and yet will, be treated from both a broad and a technical standpoint. Wonderful Cough Remedy. Mr. D, P, Lawson of Edison. Tenn., writes, "Dr. King's New Discovery Is a most wonderful cough, cold and lung medicine. 60c and L00. For sale by all Cniggiits. Advertisement Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising'. 1 PAP Constipation Nature bas provided an Ideal Laxative Water that will purify your blood, keep your stomach and intestines clear promptly relieve Constipation. Don't take a drastic Pi e water which drains you and makes you feel weak listless. Take a mild, rentle and pleasant aatural laxative which gently stimulates and effectively operate without bad effects. Hunyadi Janos water , la bottled at the Springs In Hungary tn lta rllaal statA It hai .Just the ricbt composition, neeaa bo adulteration, la ot oca- kcentratea. Mat zorunea; jusi MHiri emerwiie wo uonra- tnent would ot permit the word "aatriu" on ifte it-otu Physicians all over the world prescribe It Don't let any, one persuade you to take a laxative water -which is aru- ndai, irrltatinx and Harmful. ?ne Label is yoar , Lsroteetiosu Look lor the word natural thereon. Buy, a bottle to-day at your uruz cuvie. so sure to set what you Try It VirJmm Neckwear A. generous aa sort menl of women'B neck woar, all good styles, values 35c to 50c at 25c BURGESS-NASH CO. SUCCESSORS TO ORKIN BROTHERS Ittichirtg Tourist Ruch Ings, 6 yds. to tho box, whlto only, regular nrico 15c. cale price box Our Great Reorganization Sale Continues for Thursday With Scores of Special Values Of fered in Every Section of This Big Store. Come and Share in Them YOU will find it greatly to your advantage a reorganization sale of good trustworthy merchandise, tho kind now in greatest demand and offered at prices that aro most attractive. Eead this list over and then come expecting much and you will not be disappointed. This sale is the most important of the season from an economical standpoint of view Kimonos, Petticoats, Undermuslins, Slips and Children's Wear in the Reorganization Sale IT WOULD he next to impossible to express in cold type the splendid values hero in evi dence in this section; you must como and see for yourself to fully appreciate the real im portance of this great sale. Hero is just an idea of -what this great sale affords. 19c 25c Petticoats. 10c Made of good quality outing flannel in pink and blue stripes, finished with plain hem and tucks, formerly 25c, each 93.0S Petticoats, $2.80 Newest colors, made with tucked and plaited ruffles, other skeleton Btylos with narrow plait- dJO OA ing, formerly $3.95. . . . PaO7 910 to $12 PctticonUi, $0.05 Pink, blue and white, elaborately trimmed with lace edge, insertions, ribbon beading and ros ette, formerly $10 to $12 89c $6.95 S1.75 to $1.08 Kimonos. 80c Floral and figured designs, Empire style, finished with bands and pipings of satin, con trasting colors, formorly $1.75 to $1.98, for. . . . 00c Petticoats, 30c Plain colors and stripes, finished with embroidery, or plain hem and tucks, formerly 50c, sale qQ price, each . . . OIC 40c Muslin Drawers, 25c Good quality muslin, finished with ruffle of embroidery and cluster tucks, formerly 39c and 49c, for 25c 98c $1.25 to $1.00 Kimonos, 08c Good quality satin crepe, empire style in light and dark colore, floral designs, finished with round collar and piping of satin material, for merly $1.25 to $1.50. . . 08c Muslin Gowns, 00c Nainsook and good quality muslin, trimmed with embroidery and lace Insertions, also cluster of cq tucks, formorly 98c, for. . . OJC $1.70 Eiderdown Sacqucs, 08c Pink, red, blue and gray, finished with stitched eatin, for- aq merly $1.75, for, OC CHILDREN'S WEAR IN THE SALE THURSDAY Children's Coats Sizes 1 to 5 years; red, white, green and navy; high neck and turn-down collar, finished with pearl buttons, for- qq merly $1.48.... IOC Children's Dresses 6 months to 2 years, baby yoko effect, also long waist style, lawn & nain sook, daintily trimmed with lace embdy., Qh formorly $1.98. . HOC White Drosses, $2.08 Sizes 2 to C years, fine lawn and batiste, elabor ately trimmed with lace and embroidery and tiny tucks, former- QQ ly $3.98 to $5 P.20 Girls Middy Blouses Sizes C to 14 years, mado of galetea and linen sailor collar of blue or whlto braid trimmed, for merly 98c to 7B' $1.25, for OC You've Seldom if Ever Shared in Greater Values in Ready to Wear Than These. PBACJTIOALLY our entire stock of coats, suits, dresses and furs are included in this groat reorganization sale. If you have a need of this sort you can not well afford to let tliis opportunity slip by you without at least investigation. $15.00 to $17.50 Coats at $6.95 vv omen's cloth coats, made of mixtures, per- siana, bouclo and broadcloths, QE? also sport coats formerlv $15 H 3 to $17.50; reorganization sale pocu . $25.00 to $27.50 Coats, $12.05 Women's coats of plush, broadcloth, ural t-m n lamb, brocades, etc., sizes for women and missos. Formorly $25.00 to $27.50 12 $19.50 to $22.50 Coats at $9.95 Women's cloth coats of broadcloth, import ed mixtures and double faced & QC materials, all sizes, formerly $19.50 to $22.50; reorganiza- ' ZWZ i.' 1 ! uuu biuu pitue. $30.00 to $82.50 Suits, $14.05 Women's coats of plush, Arabian lamb, t a qe broadcloth, molo plush, etc., all sizes, for- I L' merly $30 and $32.50 REORGANIZATION SALE OF WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS $30.00 to $37.50 Suits, $14.05 Tailored suits of fino broadcloth, serges, pop lins, new urapea sKirt, mea ium or short Jackets for mer price was $30.00, $32.50 and $37.50, at $15.00 to $27.50 Suits, $8.05 Tailored Suits, all late styles, splendid assort ment or materials, serges, bedford cordB, etc., formerly $15.00, $22,60 and $27.50, sale price, at $8.95 ww 0wus vy $1495 FURS INCLUDED IN THIS SALE THURSDAY Fur Sets several Btyles, beautiful layer muff and scarf, including near seal, dyed raccoon, natural raccoon, French Marten, etc., formerly $35 to $05; reorganization sale price Fur Sots Brown French coney, largo muff and ecarf, formerly $7.50 sale price, per set. . . $5.95 Fur Sets Natural oppos- sum, large shawl scarf and muff, formerly $15; $10.00 Fur Coats Black pony, silk finish skin, and full length, formerly $50, sale price drtQ qp each . . . . , 4&70 $25.00 Slink Sets, Selected skins, large muff and scarf, for merly $190, reorganiza tion sale price, t1 OC only iplfciO SILK Values of an Impelling Nature Thursday Theso specials here only suggest what to expect in this reorganiza tioh sale. Come, you'll be agreeably surprised. 50o Fancy Silks, 24c A big lot of messaline silks in pretty floral designs, stripes, wash silks, louUlnes, Roman stripe, plain messallncs, etc., new colors and pattorns, 60c qual ity, per yard 1U ICbbJ 24c 75c to 85c Silks, 45c Fancy silk poplins in two-tone fig ures, figured foulards, etc., wide range of colors neat in design and Btyle; 75c to 85c quality, per yard, now at 1.1 45c $1.00 to $1.25 Silks, 57c Hundreds of yards of 27-inch messa- lines, silk serges, foulards, taffetas, loulsines, etc. plain shades, figures and styles, $1.00 to $1.25 val ues, per 'yard, at 57c Reorganization Sale of CORSETS A LL late models, but broken in size, assortment or lines we wish to discontinue. Three very spo cial groups: Broken Line of $3.00 Corsets Self reducing corsets, mado of coutil, six hose sup porters, medium. bust, long skirt, sizes 26 to 35, for merly $3.00, sale price, only $1.50 Corsets at 08c Medium bust, lace trimmed, draw string, made of 'coutil, non-rust-ible boning, extra long ho skirt, formerly $1,50, for OC at $1.98 $1.98 75c to $1 Brassieres, 10c Broken sizes in brassieres, War ner's, B. & J, and other makes, formerly 75c to $1.00, for t. ri7C Reorganization Sale of CHINA 100-piecedinnersets,French china, formerly di yQC $25; sale price. . . pl I 100-piece dinner sets,Bavar ion china, former- d oQC ly $20; sale price. 1 All Silver Deposit Glassware at y2 Price. All Libby Colonial Out Glass at Y2 Price. All English Rock Crystal Glass at y2 Price. All Electric Lamps at Exactly Half Price. 100-piece dinner sets, Bavar ian china, former- "7QC ly $27; sale price. yliZZ 100-piece dinner sets,Bavar ian china, former- Qf57 ly $28; sale price. plO!l! Reorganization Sale in Basement Salesroom Good dependable merchandise of the most wanted sort odd lotB and broken assortments at prices which mean rare saving possibilities. Women's Coats All styles,' made of plush, boucle, astracban, diagonals, etc., formerly $5.00 to $12.50 sale prices $1.95, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 Women's Suits 107 good quality tailored suits, wide selection of mater ials, colors, etc., for merly $10 to $18.50, . sale prices, Thursday Tailored Skirts Including serges,, corduroys, diagonals, velvets, etc., black, navy, mixtures, diagonals, etc.; formerly. $3 to $8.50 sale prices $1.95 $2.95, $3.95 Women's Dresses .' Serges, silks, white lingerie ratines, etc., in good selection of styles, formerly $5.00 to $10.00; sale prices $2.95 and $4.95 $3.00 Shoes, 8pc Odds and ends and brok en lines of women's high grade shoes; shoes culled from our first floor stock sizes 2 to 4 and in widths A to C only, worth $3.00 or more, pair 89c 98o Union Suits, 50c Women's heavy fleece lined union suits, all sizes silver gray color. CQ sale prlqe OJ7C Infant's 10c Hose, He 60 dozen infants' all. wool cashmere hose, white. pink and blue, 19c values. . . . lie 25c t Underwear, 15c Boys' ' girls and misses' fleece lined vests, pants and union BUits, whlto and natural gray, i g 25c-values IOC liijc Underwear, 7c Infants' pure white fleece lined vests; sixes i to S years, 13 He values, n each, at u 50c Dress Goods, 22Hc, heqinants of wool dress good. 1 to 4-yard lengths, black, tan, navy, wine, brown mixtures and fancy stripe patterns standard 60o OO 1 qual., sale pr. . '2 08c Bed Spreads, 50o Good size crochet bed spreads, good patterns good quality CQ 98c values JjC 8c Outing Flannel, 40 Heavyfleeced outlngflan nel, good patterns, dark colors only, 8c AX. quality, yard. . . . 2 C -Burgess-Nash Co. 16th and Harney.: IBurgess-Nash Co. 16th and Harney.; Everybody reads Bee want ads