10 Polly and Her WANT ADS Want Mi received at any time, but to insure proper classification must be presented before J 2 o'clock noon for tho evening edition and 7:80 p. in. for tlio morning and Sunday editions. Want ads received after such hours will have their first In sertion under the. heading, "Too LatVto Classify." CASH ilATE VOli WANT ADS IlEOULAB CLASSIFICATION: Oho Insertion, 12 cents per line. Two or njbro consecutive Inser tion, 0 cents per line. One llho per inontli, 91.80. Ttrcaty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are measured by tho line, not by the word. CHARGE RATES. Six Words to tho line. Otto insertion, 12 cents per line. Two orunoro consccutlvo inser tions, (i c0ns per lino. Orte llhcr j)6r month, $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge NOTE The Uco will not bo re Bpostfeibto for moro than one wrong insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed aftejr the tenth of tho following month. An advertisement Inserted to b run until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellation cannot bo ac cepted, DEATHB AND FUNERAL NOTICES. . WEST LAWN CEMETERY. Most acccssfblo modorn cemetery In Omaha. Perpetual euro of lots and single Krs.Ves Without rhnfCA. In rmun nf Im. medlsto need telephone Douglas 3 or lfarney 4343 ahd our free uutomoblle Is at your service. Tho purchaso of a sinslo grave starts" me ownership or a family jui vii timey .payments. ..,WEWr( LAWN CEMETEItY, WlthnelLBldg., IStli and Harney Bit Kith, and Lincoln Ave. KIRJ-CEND ALL Martha. January 20, Wit, aged 70 years 3 tnocths and 22 days. Funeral. Thursday at 2 p. m. from family residence. attilS North Twenty-tlrst street Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Frlehdslnvlttd. Deceased is survived by ncr nusuana, wiiuam ii. Kiraenaan, ana five daughters, Mrs: C. 8. Wines of Kan sas City. Mrs. J. It. Curtis of Ills Plney. Wyd.; Mrs. Minnie It, Hwan, Mrs. Myrtlo omun ana juts, v. sj jiiu ot umana. died Tueadav morn Ing at ;2S1S tason street: fonnerly re sided at Herman. Neb.: 6S veara of asa and Is survived by a husband, Peter lire n,- one aaugnter ana inree sons Thomas Uoyhtou of Marcus. Wash. add Mrs; jd, U, Boynton, A, Boynton tlnd il, T, Boynton ot Omaha. Funeral Thursday morning, will leave Kulsa tUepen undertaking parlors at 8 O'clock, to tit. Mary's church, Thirty sixth, ami Q.streets, South Omaha, where services win do neiu ai v o ciuck. jnier ment n, ?ry s cem.etcr'. HIHI'JIS AND DEATHS. illrths-E. C. and Blanche Blundell, 302 .:ass-, enn; unaries ana isieanor ucsucty, iMi .Nunn xweniieui, gin; jonn ana J on nle Ksan. li'M North Twentth. boy: AI bert and Lena Friedman. 2311 Decatur. boy;.A.,C. and Jennto Jensen, 4308 North Twenty-ninth, girl; Edward and .Leh Lynch, .371 .South Twelfth, girl; George A. and Marlon I'allncau, 823 tiouth Deth-Marle Kaspar, 37 years, 2601 South Twelfth; Mary A. Brewster, 35 years, hospital; 13. II. Balloy, 6 years, CIO Corby: Cliff White. S6 years. Fortieth and Pppptatoa; Fred Tretge, s years. 219 Nbrth Twenty-second; A. C. ltayward, 27 years;. 3iu -vvooiworin; uoiores iNeaiie bum, montns, :iw Mapie. MARRIAGE! LJCE.NSK3. Permits to wed have been granted tin following coUples; Name and Addross. Age. John J. O'Connor, ttlsle.... us May.U, Upehcer, Mapleton, la .23 Francis Edwin Beo. Cedar Rapjds, la. 37 Malldda Banders, Cedar Raplfs, la.... 41 David. Jjtaklhs, Omaha 23 Lulu il. Mcltoy, Omaha IS Benjamin 111 Lipoll, Brooklyn 24 Marie. Ma'dett, Philadelphia 19 George II, Heintxe, Omaha II lua May Fjttgerald, Omaha 21 John H, Cocke, Omaha 23 0o(fhlne Bonde, Benson 22 William' Miners. Wahoo.. 31 Nellie Craig, Wahoo 33 Bann Porensfn, irvlnpton 24 Christina Petersen, irvington... 20 Jdiebh.J. Meydr. South Omaha 21 Allcq Mitchell,. South Omaha'...,...,,..., 21 WllllUm Corcoran, South Omaha 2i Mary ulftvln, South Omaha BUILDING PERMITS. Cr, JUUl,t2S0S Burdette, frame, J1.W0. ktLfr WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers and Domestics, TlfZ. SERVANT GIRL PRO-EM bULVEU The Beo will run a Servant ulrl,lVantd-Ad FREE untU you get the ueslre'd results. This applies to residents of Omaha, ' South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to Tho Bee office or telephone. Tyler 100Q. WANTKDr-A good girl for general WANXEDUigh school pr college girl n.i iiu-vi. .v, loom and carfare. Mrs. James Corr. 4via WANTED A kood Kir I to woi-'t for r.lUele Ifisotis and small wages; good liomt for rtxht party, Webster 604X COMPETENT girl, for general house work; no washing. 8234 Dodge St WAhTED--At once, girt for general housework; tplain cooking. Red 6.151. uuuu Hin lur s;ciirtu tiuiuanuiKi u washing. Sit No. 41st St Harney 13l. WAN TED Experienced maid to do laundry work and help housemaid with upstairs work. Mrs. Barton Millard, in No. 2th. lUrney '.MlacellaBcaus. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strata! are Invited to visit tha Youna- WonV .Christian association building at St Starr's Ave. and 17th St. where. tsfcy be'alrected to suitable boarding piaosa of etnerwtsa assisted, look tor our travelers guiae t tne union station, ....... . .-, . . .yX!vX'l !v$& . '-.5fc'y-j' Vf '"" faHfr "?. Pals Even in Silhouette Pa Gets the Tough Job HELP WANTED FEMAM3 Miscellaneous. QOVKHNMENT Jobs open to mn, women; big pay. Wrlto for list of josi tions now available, Franklin Institute, Dept. 217-J, Rochester. N. Y. WOMEN Get Rovernment Jobs: big pay. Write for list of positions now available. Franklin Institute; Dept. 652 , Rochester, j. y. HELP WANTED MALE. Attenta, Salcaniru cml MOllcltora. SALESMEN. Ke'mper. S70 Brand. Bldg. 8ALK8.MEN! ATTENTION! BUILD up a business of your own. ilne un with the house whoso goods stand tho test and the quality of which guarantees repeat orders. Our oldest customers are our boat ones. Special in ducements to hustlers. Liberal advances on shies. Territory protected. George Mcldrum & Co., Wholesolo Oroccrs, Chi cago, 111. AN rnArli.tir(vl rnnl estate salesman. acquainted with Omaha real ostate, who can show clear recoru can torm cunncu tlon With an Omaha real cstnte firm. Applicant must bo over 30 years of age. State rercrenccs ana terms uyun uw you will work first letter. Address 11 tw, caro uee, HAT,r-JMKMWnntci! bv well known nflHitfiiftiif. hltfh.trrndA annclaltv man to sell to manufacturers; opportunity for big caliber salesmen; itnowieuge oi ipc- tnru nvntAmn nn nrl vn.ntaue! commission basis; protected territories. Address Box Mi Chlcopto irans, Mass. , WANTUD Furniture hnd CSrtlAt S&16S- man: one that understands the rue and drapery line; State age, cxpcrlonco, salary expected ana references, nann a uougn Furniture. co.. tnoux uity, iowa. Factory mill Trade. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg, WANTHh rrni . h. aiimy Abla. bodied unmarried men botween ages of 1 nnil X.V rttli-onn of United Mtatcs. of good-character and temperate habits, Who can Biifan, reuu niiu wuu i.iu MiiH.iai) lnngUage. For Information apply, to re cruVting bfflcer. Army Bldg.. 15th. and Dodge Bts., umana, neo.i wi ounn on Sioux City, la.; 409 Walnut St, Pes Moines, i a. BARBER TRADE Few weeks completes finish at busiest seuson. we control tnniv excellent nosltlons train barbers. lakn and ocean liners, clubs and office buildings. Our diplomas recognised Very- ivllero. can or write, xuoicr uaruor v;oi- lege, .no b. in hi., umana. HELP Call Omaha Employment bureau. OET Into thu most Drotltable business ot todAyi the automobile business, and neromn incienendent. uur mrco. wen. enulpbed shops offer the opportunities' qf lsarnlne the business by actual cxwirU enoe on different makes of cars. Our iwms are mouermo. Yruo or can. na tloaal AUto Tralnlnc association. 2814 N, Wth feH., Omaha. Neb. Tel. Webster S6U. WANTED Man with sufficient exOo rlenco on standard llnotvua machine to set 2.M0 or 3.000 an hour with aood n roof a: pnrt nlslrt .work required: must a) so bo printer, nave good nacits. writo stal ing -wages wanted and other particulars, to, Hernia., yvayne. wen. ; Card writing taught, night school. Fine paying business soon learned. Omaha Lettering school, 505 lice Bldg., Omaha, Miscellaneous. automoDiio nusiness ana learn it ltltJUT, r am more money man you ever inn no- fate. We-liavo both u day and a night ciass, so you navo no reason tor aeiay, NKBUASICA AUTOMOBILE SCilOOt 1415 Dodge Ht. . OMAHA CORPORATION. WANTS Country Bank Cashier r to .Take Position as Office Manager. H. T. FLINT. KM State Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb WANTED A farmer to take charge of small. place wHhln 12 miles of, Omaha, to iaao cure pi bioch. una wno aisp unaer- stands truck fanning prcrerrcd; must hava'Wlfo'or mother to keep house, no objcotlon to children. Add. C 182, cara "T- ) ' , . , MKN with patentable Ideas write Ran dolph & Co., Washington, D. C. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK "KXASlB" everywhere February 21. Complete prep aration w.w. write toaay. Arinur iu pattorson, yivu service uxpert, noonost ter. w. r. V. I.. M ... x.l.l.lv... n vt, It.i'at, mall nUrka- tTS iiitiiilli. Wrlta for hoaic of information to Y 3S0, Bee. HELP WANTED. MAM3 AND FUJI ALU. YOU can earn 3100 monthly writing for newspapers; experience unnecessary! par ticulars- for stamp, empire syndicate, jesi, Atlanta, Qa. . WANTEDSITUATIONS. WANTED A Job on farm, by expe rienced, farm hand; married, without any children; With good references'; every thing furnished; state wages' In first let ter. -.Address W. F. Baskott. Subetha, Kan. It It. 1. r WANTEU-Posltlon as cook In private family, hoarding house, restaurant ,or small hottl. Competent, painstaking and tellable. Phone uougias ttw. RELIABLE colored sir! would like general housework. Call Harney X1S from x to t p- tn. WANTED V"ltlon as good all-around Itrst-ciass oaser; country or tny. oou references, box sb, superior. NeD. YOUNG man attending Boyles college wants -worn tor ooarn. u. iam. DAY work wanted. Harney (132. I BY comikttnt repairman, as chauffeur. op repairman years' experience In i caragoe can .giva oesi oi rcie rentes, xi. ( Tjdwinis. 2 4th Corso. Neb. city, Neb. lh. urtvata family i experienced and can u Amuur-ruaiuu i na iiursa ur iiiuiu BLve Kooa rcrerenecH. mono - wen. mat. LADY vrfcnu doyjwork. Call Doug. 4169, YfiklNU' lady, neat antiearinc 3 vears' nfflc nKnerlenee. deslrva noaltloii: a-ood knowledge of office, work; can operate any typewriter, uoukius BUNDLE washing, Ironing, liar. 6816. ANOUNCKSI ENTS. Gibson's Buffet . 322 South 16th St HAHHY SHAMUKRG Movt4 from 720 N. Kth to KM N. ICta A new and complete line ot clothing. p. H. Grifltlirwlg mfr .lFFrenxer IMki Frea lanca at any news stand for 10c M Til motorcycle messenger service. THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY JANUARY 22, 1914. ANNOUNCEMENTS. 13,000 FOR INVALIDS. Vnur nnlr In the I.adlrn Home Jour nal, 11.50, or Saturday Evening Post, $LB0, or country uenueman, ilw, coninouica from V) cents to 2 towards a fund of $3,000 for the Invalids' Pension AsSn. Must have 98 subscriptions In January. Your renewals count. Mau or pnone Douglas, 7163, Omaha. GORDON. THE MAUAZ1ISH MAWi HAY, J10.60 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. ERFlELD'H index music cabinet. D. 701. OKT il luckv WEDDDINQ 11INO from ttnnniriAAiin'H at the SIGN of tho CROWN, up tho. GOLDEN STAUtS, 16th ana uougins. lirulAlili pmjikmt TflNK CO.. 4005 Leavenworth, successor to Marshal Cement Stone Co. Harney G383. liRMtlVAt, Annniinrement J. C. Wood & C6., Ihe old reliable cleaners and dyers, to 515 B. 16th Ht. mono uouk. iui. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. ATTRACTIONS nmaiii film Airh .llth nnil Douir. Mo tion picture machlno and film bargains. AUTOMOBILES- AtiTOMntnr.n for sale! Overland tour- lrtir rnr. 1913 model, fully eaulpped and clcctrlo lights, Including Klaxon horn and bumper; Ubca oniy six monm, wan or pnone, u. W. uiiiKen, s. iiraaucia uiab., omana WE make a sneclolty of auto foreduor timtv hnllrllnir a nil nalntlnir. Highest aunllly work. Wm. Pfelffer Carriage Wks. D. 6922. 26th Ave. nnd Leavenworth. $100 forfeit for any magneto wo can't re pair, con repairing, nuypuunci. . '-' Twn.tAn iaIIv trunk. nAnrlv neW cost 13,150; will sell cheap or trade for clear property. I'euon s Ka-raac, ' IVTlTTTlVlV Did It THmmlng 1YXUJ. pilj WHATT Painting. Motorcycles. nATtQAlNS In nil makes of used motor ycles. Victor II. Roos, "The Motorcycle .lan." S703 Leavenworth Ht. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL'S NEBRASICA CYCm CU., 16TH AND HARNEY. BUSINESS CHANCES Wo have for sale choice 7 mortgages on Improved Nebraska farms bear ing 7 per cent, ranting In amounts from (350 to $5,000.00 None of these mortgages exceed SO per cent ot the mar- net vaiue oi ino ibhim. iaii us ior further particulars. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO., SOI Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. TO GET In or out of business, call on GANQESTAD, 404 Bco Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. Freo Lanco at uny netva tnu. lvc. TO QUICKLY sell you business or real estate write Kennebcck Co., Omaha. WANTED An Idea, Who can think of some slmplo thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Wrlto for "Needed Inventions." and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C. 30-ROOM hotel, rluht down town: aood business; must sell account ot sickness. Serf Ghhgestatl, 404 Bee Bldg. D. 3477. PICTURE SHOW, In good Nebraska town, doing good business. Unless you haVo $2,000 to put Into business do not answer. Cull or address 1016 N. 16th St, Omaha. FOR SALE Drug store In northwestern Iowa, county scat town, doing a fine business, average receipts S76 per day; other business reason for selling. Address Y 399, Bee. FOR HALE Barber shop, confectionery and soda fountain; two-story building; 60 miles from Omaha; business good; Rea sons for selling. Address Y 398, Bee. TO BUY Oil SELL any business, call Business Exchange, 350 umana Nai. uanx uiag. uoug. isw. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Auto Livery. A. A. A. TAXI CO. RATES 32 PER HOUR. TYLER 453. JIMM1E WARREN, Pres. Brass Foundries. Faxton-MItchell Co.. 37th and Martha Sts. Chlronrnctot-a. J. C. Lawrence, D. C 2322 Howard. D. 8161 W. B. Purvlance.. D.C.. 409 Pax. Blk. D.4942 Chlnii i'alntlnir, , CHINA nalntlnir. outside tiring done, Mrs. C. F- Hayncs. 1625 S. 2Sth St. D. 4990. Grace Morris. Instructor china, water color painting. 6tx liran. 'me. f iring tiono. Clcnntnir und Dyeluir. T nnV MEN'S SUITS J-jUU1 CLEANED & PRES8ED 80c Fontenelle Cleaning Wks. Tel. Web. 1915. Creameries, -Dnlrlea and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Coal Dealer. COAL. "Johnson's Special." C. S. JOHNSON. 18th and Ixard. $5.50 Coatuiuers. FULL dress suit's: party dresses for sale or rent Open evenings- John Feldman. 306 N. 17th. Douglas 3128. Historical masouerade costumes to hire at Theo. Lteben & Sons. 1514 Howard St DaucliifcT Academies, Tango, social dances a specialty. D. 6807. NEW class tor children Jan.15: enroll now. Mackle's. 1816 Harney. D. 6416. TURPIN'S NEW DANCING ACADEMY, -Mli and farnam. Now open for private lessons and rentals. Assemblies every Tues. eve. High school socials every Sat eve. Adult be ginners' class Mon. and Thurs. liar. 5143. Jewell Slmnson. Douxlas Auditorium. Monday evening. Doug. 2424 or Web. 2491. Detective. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In- all cases. Tyler 1136. OMAHA Sec. Serv. Det. Agcy., bonded. DoUglas 1319. 427-28 l'axton block. Drrsamnklnir, Terry Dressmak'g college. 91th & Farnam. MUsSturdy" J1. Doug. 7314. K6So, Nlh'. SEWING by day. experienced Red 639S. Dressmaking, work guaranteed. D. 3000. A. B. C of Omaha A BDOMINAL supporters for men. women and children. A new Idea ma dn tn measure. Male Attendant, 4 to 6 dally. Bolen Mfg. Co., 001-303 Bos- ion Store Bldg. u. zw?. . B ELL DHUO CO. New location, 1316 Farnam. Kverytning new. uia pnone Douel&a 7623. Come, call or write. Rubber goods. KERR Abstract Co., 305 8. 17th St. Better be safe than sorry. Havt tfnpi. An vrnp IttlA urni-lf. PIIOTOORAPHER. W. W. Scott-Takss photographs anywhere, any time. S18 VACUUM cleaners, every type, sold. Sanitary Service Co., Tel. Douglas TTriS rent, ,epalr, soli needles and parts yv (or an sewing machines, Nebraska n V U. , .lilt. , , Harney Sts. 'Douglas 10C2. ISth and BUSINESS PERSONALS. DressmnklnE. FIRST CLASS. 2417 Dodge St. Red 73S4. Day dressmaking; alterations. Benson 494. Dressmaking by day. Miss Burns. D. 6844. Everything for "Women. Plumes made over, cleaned, dved, curled.. Bertha Kruger, 429 Poxton Blk. D. 8394. Ladles' tailoring, guar. II. 2977, 3229 CUm'g, Florists. A. DONAQHUE. 1623 Harney. Douff.lOOL HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St L. HENDERSON,-1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S florists, Boyd Theater Bldg. llttrilnoiid Floors. HARDWOOD floors, obi doors refln lEhed. T. Q. Holt. 812 Park AVe. H. 6903. 1'alntlnir and Decorating. Painting and paperhangtng. TeL W. 6167. Patents. IL A. Sturges, 630 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. D. O Barncll. Pax,ton Blk. Tol. Red 7117. rinmbluR. PLUMBING and heating. Fischer & Connell. 1318 William St. DoUglaa 5737. Prlutlav. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug." 644. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., qual ity printing. Tel. Duug. 3190. 624 S. 13th. Stores nnd Office. Fixtures. Desks, sates, scales, showcases, . shelv ing, etc. Wo buy, we sell. Oniaha Fixture and Supply Cd.. .414-16-18 8. 12th; D. 2724, ' - Stovcn, Furnaces and Repairs. NEW furnaces,. Marvel, Bxcelfilor aha Douglas: Hero school room heaters: Em. press and Sultan steam and hot water boilers, thermostats, tank heaters and asbestos covering. OMAHA STOVE RE PAIR WORKS. 1206-8 DoUglas. Tyler 20. Sheet Metal Works. CARTER Sheet Metal works, 110 S.. lQth. Trunks nnd Suitcases. FRELING & STBINLE. 1803 Fhrnam St AVIiica and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beers, liquors, clgarx. sandwiches. Alox Jetes, 201-3 S. 43th' St. Window Screens. GET your screens rewired at lowest Iirit-eu. uummer as ocianuer, Mlfi 8. 23d Phono Tyler 1191. EDUCATIONAL. THE MID-WJJNTER. TERM, OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both the day anil night school In Omaha and Council Bluffs, yet It Is not too late to; enter. Begin now and receive that mentiil train ing that will double your earning ca pacity. "I-will absolutely guarantee a good position for every graduate of the Business and Shorthand or .Telegra phy Departments of either of my big schools. Mori than that. J will .secure a placft for any young man or woman to work for his or her board whllo attending It suh position Is desired. U. a BOYLES.'! Cornplete courses In Business, Book keeping. Stenography, Stenotypy, Teleg raphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship, Tho catalogue is ready. Call, write or phone for it Boyles College, llth and Hatney Sts., Omaha, Neb. MOtUlER-LAMPMAN business college: Unsurpassed classes In all business and English branches, shorthani, stenotypy nnd typewriting. Students admitted at any tune. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places provided tor young peo ple to work for board. For a nnw free catalogue address Mosher-Larapmatl col lege. 1615 Farnam St. Omaha. "Set. A' V. ML BV UlfbUUIII. O. 1V.1I, U 11 limited scholarship in Boyles , Business college. Omaha; good for either short- u,n vj I I n .. n ...... - , , , 1 1 .tta . nana or uusiness cqursa. vppiy tne itttc of umaha Beo. . LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. lloraea and Vehicles. FOR BALE 3 registered Percheron Btal llon. 1 German coach, lmpdrted; 4 mam moth Jacks, black, white points, burbort red turkev toms. sInKle-comb buff OlplnK- ton cockerels. Hcrshey Sc Adams, Keytcs- vine, mo. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET HA1LWAI WMl-Ani. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug laa 48. MONEY TO tfOAK. MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED tiL-nm i? o nil,,, im.tn thrir nwn names; rates cheap, easy payments. Nor- ton & Co.. 333 Hoard of Trade Building. J. WHITE, licensed, bonded pawnbroker; money on personal valuables. MS N Hth. l.cJn diamonds. Gross Jewelry & yaCoan Co., 410 No. W(v SW, Drawn for The Bee by YtYnbYZ? .v.- v. v.. ,.;r ...-i-..-..'.v.vv -. ::.-:xT:v.::v.v. ; .-.tv.-.w.-.-.-.-.y.-. . .-T. !.;..-. ;.v.;.w.v.v.v.)7.v. tfvwtfvSvw- V.V ..WAV.VV.V.T..T. MONEVT TO LOAN. NATHAN'S LOAN OFI fFICE, Licensed and bohded pawnbroker, loans money on all pctsodal valuables. 109 8. IS. Loans on Jewelry, etc., VA on diamonds. Ooldstlne's "Old Stand," 1315 Douglas. MEDICAL Dr. Baker Medical -Offices. DISEASES OF WOMEN. , Consultation, nnd examination tree. 210 South 14th Street. Omaha. Neb. Piles, Fistula' Cured Dr. K. K. Tarry cures plica, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for boon on rectal diseases ,wlth testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY. 240 fiea Bldg.. Omaha. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartment itinl Flats. BARGAINS-FLATS & APARTMENTS, 2033 Howard. 4-r.. vertr close In. 330. 1007 S. 30th Ave., 6-r., choice location, J32.50. 609 S. 19th, 6-r;, very close In, first-class conaiuon, wz.Ws 106 8. 36th, beautiful 8-r. brick dwelling, West Farnam district, J42.B0. 3115 Pacific. 5Jr. strictly modern heated upanmeni, cnoico residence district, ISO. o- o. ism, cnoice s-r. apartment in new building, strictly modern and up-to-date. Let Janitor show you through. 327.60 and PAYNE & B LATER COMPANY, 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. REDUCED FOR WINTER. 318,-6-r. flat. 1202 N. 2Uh; coty. D. 1512. STRICTLY high grado S-room moders, steam heated apartment on West Far nam St, with Janitor service. JUMM w. HUHHINB. 1502 FARNAM ST. GordoriVanCo. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 394. TWO 6-room flats, .2545 Cap. Ave. D. 45. 1S0D FARNAM t rooms, completely mod ern; suitable location for offices, studio. ueiuui or uroasiiiaKin rooms, .etc, lor tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst Co.. 433 Ramge. Douglas 740& ALT, trtfiflnm tvltti 4elrilfn amln..i first floor. Lorraine Aparts.,- 17th and Maple Sts. Mengedoht. Web. 3713. 6-ROOM and 'reception hall, ne.itiv nnw. Completely mod. 3122 Cass. Tel. B. 353W. DOWN TOWN HEATED APARTMENT. J45.00 7-r., 619 So. 16th St, strictly mod ern, fine repair. UEUKUH &.CUMPANY, Phone D. 766. 902Ctty Nat. Bank Bldg. Hoard' and ItouisS. RHRINEn Eletrkntly rtirnlnhed rooms: excell't board: -STEAM HEAT: hot water. Hates reasonable: 324 S. 26th St. II. 6137. GOOD room . and. board, 624 North 18th. iwj .irvvxvn. w.v a., uuiu auu wuoi u iui one or two young men In very deelrabto home; must bo neon to be appreciated. ...... c I 4 Am i- a TJtr a trir. wt... t.m m.t at,.. iiai i vr.w. , Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED ROOt Room with pri vate family; good Ideation, near Farnam car line. Tel. H. S903L . Hotels and Aparifcfceslts. DODGE HOTBK-'Moderni reasonable. llouaes and Cottages. fidelitYs-; shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1316. MAGGARD VAN AND BTORAUE CO. packs, moves, , stores and ships household coods and piahos. DoUglas "1439. "H'rtncoa in all parts of tha city. JtlOUSea crelKh Sons & Co.. Baa Bldg. 16U HALL AVE.-7-r.. modern: 130. , Tin-i iTnHnrwnnA.Ave.. Dundee: 8-r.: 60. THOS. F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. FOR RENT Two-story trame dwelling, on Cass, near 28thJ modern. Crelghton university. Do'Uglas 2320. . . 1 P Rood Exp.. Co., furniture moving. o.j. xieea Tw ,men. u hour, d. am SPLENDID place- corner lHth and Wirt No better neighborhood. First class and beautiful Fino garage. See It W. !17. 316-1316 Pierce. City water; gas. D. 4S1Z. A rVt T!TT fit vftrnnt haUSfaa. J i. -i - w - . apartments and flats that Are for rent This list Is compiled dally. You will be furnished a list frSe of charge by calling Douglas 4163. Omaha Van & Storage Co., 804 s. lGth St - CENTRAL, all mod., 7-r. house: warm in winter, coot in summer, su- ss. -hi. trrm iiKNTThe riffle an urountl floof ot The Bee building occupied , by the oh Farnam St, and occupying about 1,004 BMUUie icei, Wlkil ajkliu, Vlliiuuva uu tiia court of the building. Large vault Fills office fixtures for sale. Apply N. r. til. Be of flea. 1607 DAVENPORT, UxiA Iflmy 6061, NEAR 40tii and CUMING 8-room, east front, 1 block car lines. Oak trim and fireplace, first floor, 333. O'KEEFE -REAL E8TAT.E CO. 1016 Omaha Nat .DoUKlus 2715, Stores and Ufttcca. DESK room. Mertz, 870 Brandeis Bldg. 1811 FARNAM' ST., 3,000 square feet; 180SH4 Farnam-St.,-1.SJ0 su.Uoro feet; 1W7-lKC-lSU Farnam Ht (basement), 8.UUU square feet, both , Farnam St. and alley entiances; abundant light, steam heat. THOS. F. HALL, 433, Ramge Bldg. D, 7106. One-halt ot a larje, well lighted ground floor office In Boe Bldg. 218 So. 17th St. Barn tor llcnt. Barn, suitable fbr ten cars. 2226 Howard, OFFERED FOR SALE. atualcal Instruments. HAVE 11,000 PJayor piano; perfect con dition; shows no wear scarcely; see It and you will appreciate It Now In stor age. 'Phono Harney 6017. t Must dispose ot electrla piano now In storage. Excellent condition. Plays stand ard M-noto music. Cost new STU0. If dis posed of within the next tew days will take 3175, Including, storage. 'Phone J. W. Smith, Red .5331. Can be seen at warehouse py appointment. Must dispose ot Hlnxe Piano now tn storage. Will sell cheap. 'Phone Doug. 7V3I. Piano in excellent condition. Type-writers, l rent iteminKtona. luonarcns ana cmlln Prenfiers of their makers. The Remington ' Typewriter Cu. Telephone DoUbIss 1M4. ver newest and highest grad machlno tent out Rates, three, months for tS for understroxs machines, or w per month (or latest model visible writers. lnHKJSBHsMisiassSJ OFFERED OR SALE. Typewriter. Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange. 307 S. 17th St TYPEWRITERS sold and rented every where, L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Company, 1S19 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. Mlacellnneotia. SAFES Overstocked, second-hand, all makes. J. J. Dcrlght Safe Co., 1212 Farnam. 'FOR SALE New and second-hand carom nnd pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlcke-Balke-Collender Co., 407-409 S. 10th St. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa. II. 1106. W. R. Cole. "fcft (10 Buys Best Coal for tho money; try ;pu.uu ,t Web m Hnrmon Xs weeth. FOR SALE An engineer's level, K. and E. Apply Her Grand Hotel. R. W. Oglesby. PERSONAL. G. K. DINJIAN gives Carlsbad electric light bath, violet ray massage for rheu matism, gout, lumbago, la grippe and neu ralgia. 448 Brandeis Theater Bldg. D. 863. THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. Wo collect. Wo distribute. Phone uougias 4135 and our wagon will call, Call and inspect .the new home, 1U0-U12 1114 Dodge St. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association hulldlnir at 17th and St. Mary's Avo., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers- aid at the Union Station.. MASSAGE Miss Walton, rnnm 224 Nn vllle block, 16th & Harney. Phone D. 4297. MASSAGE. 109 S. 17th St. Mrs. Steele, MASSAGF,Swedlsn movement. 418 mnooAUL 3ee n)(Jfr Douglas 6372. Massage. Miss Halloran. 223 Neville blk 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. LAURA WILSON, bath. mass. D. 875L j3LECTRIC'IASSAaB BATH. 214 jjuuv;xinv;ialn) Bldfj, Miss Burns. MISS FISHER, mass., clec. treat D. 43S0. Elec. mass., bath. 214 Balrd Bldg. 17 & D, Turkish bath. maBS.Dqvldge blk. D. 6895. MAGNETIC Trt, 1S29 Vinton. D. 6026. Cash for Diamonds. 8. F., 350 Om.- Nat MRS. SNYDER, Electric Trt D. 4380; rOULTHY AND SUPPLIES. FOR SALE White Ornlneton cocknl REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS. OF TITLES. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract onico in NebraBKa. 206 Brandeis theater. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. West Farnam Residence - $6,500 This Is ono ot the holdings of the CHARLES TURNER ESTATE and is a very substantially built, 8-room modern house, with auarter sawed white oak fin ish, with heavy oak paneled doors, first floor.; four good sized bedrooms and bath room socond floor; two mantles with coal grates in house; also extra lavatory. Full cemented basement with brick nar tltloned walls and excellent furnace; lot 60 by 136 feet Adjoining houses worth from 315.000 to $25,000. Immediate possession. Key at our omce. rno. -u s. x:a tit. George & Company AGENTS. Phone D. 766. 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Back of High School On Capitol Avenue We offer an eight-room, all mod ern house In good condition, with full lot and small stable, for $5,250. Call us up and we will give you tlio location of this property. No better location on the street; walking dis tance and all right property. A. P. Tukey & Son 441-442 Board of Trnde Bldg. Phone Doug. 2181. Dundee Bungalows Southwest corner ot 49th and Burt Sts., two beautiful 5 and 6 room bungalows facing east; paving all paid; houses up-to-date, with oak floors, beamed ceilings, built-in buffets, everything the very best, at prices cheaper than you can buy the lots and build the houses. Open today for inspection; $3,600 and $4,100, on easy terms. Payne & Slater Co. 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 5-K00M COTTAGE 6-room all modern cottage, gas and elec tric llchts. furnace, cemented cellar, fin ished attic, paved street. Two blocks from North 34th street car. 32.600.00. THIS 18 CHEAP. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. House to Be Moved Will bo sold for the highest bid re ceived on or before January 34. Large substantia! frame dwelling at 25th and Douglas Sts., facing west. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY.. 17th and Douglas Sts. Douglas WIS. GOOD HOMES For quick sale wo have an eight and a five-room houre as well located as any In tho city that can be had at a price to make some money for the purchaser. Come In and see us. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Doug. 1781. Ware Block. TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1KB FARNAM BT. Cliff Sterrett t REAL ESTATE. l'llOI'EIlTV FOn SALH. CITY Special Offer for Ten Days It la l little or,-.. r. -ll which promises to be unusually good this year, and ns nn Indnro mnnt fnr early buyers, and In order to clean up on some' of the very best dwellings ever uum oy us, wo nave concluded to maKc a special Inducement on the properties listed below, for a period of ten davs cnly. Three 6 and 7-room, elegant two story dwellings, one block west of Hanscom lark, In n choice neighborhood. Thcee dwellings havo fireplaces, tllo -bathroom floors, splendid sleeping porches and nrany other conveniences not In the or- ainary nomc; built by day labor; beauti ful shade trees In front of the lots: paved street paving paid. Everything absolutely tip top. Ono 6-room bungalow, all on one floor, two blocks north of Hanscom park. Ideal plan; first class location; paved street, laving paid. One 6-room modem cottage near Sher man Ave. carline. Splendid arrangement: eusi ironi tot. Ona 5-room bungalow near 27th & Pratt, on paved street, full south front lot. Beautiful bungalow, with press brick fireplace. French doors separating living room from front bodroom. uno 6-room bungalow near 22d & Fow ler Ave., on paved street; south front lot. This is a choice bungalow, having two bedrooms and bathroom upstairs, extra bedroom or den downstairs. Tho above described dwelling are all brand new, modern, well built through out, and each has oak finish in the llv. lng room and dining room. Complete de tails of any of these properties furnished upon application. This is a genuine re-ductlon-ln-prlce proposition, good for ten oays om-( alter wnicn time we will ad lere stritlly to tho regular prices. U you are Interested In buying n first class homo at a liberal reduction from tho regular price, Investigate this offer at onca. SCOTT & HILL CO. Douglas 1009. 307 McCague Bldg. Good Corner Near Miller Park 90x100 feet at the corner of 24th anil Ogden streets. All sneclnla In. On flip car lino. Fine location. Just reduced from 32,700 to 32,150 for quick sale. Investigate ar onco as mis price is right and will be picked up quickly. George & Company Phone D. 756. 902 City Natl. Bank Bldg. MAP OF OMAHA 8TREETS. indexed: also Omaha red book, vest pocket size. rreo at our orrice; two stamps by mail. Charles E. Williamson. Real Estate. In surance, caro of property, Omaha, 7-ROOM, all modern- flat, furnished throughout; rooms all filled; permanent tenants; splendid location, close In; rea sonable rent Douglas S7SS. REAL ESTATE, FARM JL RANCH LANDS FOR SALE. Canada. FARM FOR SALE A snap, 1,642 acres In the famous Mooso Jaw, Saskatchewan. Canada, district. In high state of culti vation. Good buildings, horse and cattle Btables, granaries. Implement sheds, J houses, etc.; 7 miles fencing, telephones. Heavy clay loam with clay subsoil. Sev eral thousand trees planted, up to 30 feet; 2H miles from railroad at Tuxford, flour ishing village; 4 elevators; 16 miles from Moose Jaw. One mile frontage on Buf falo lake: 345 per acre. Owner retiring from farming. G. S. Tuxford, Box 861. Moose Jaw. Saskatchewan. Canada. Florida. FLORIDA small farms at wholesalo prices while they last; 315 an acre, pay able 50c acre per month, buys five, ten, or twenty acres on railroad near Jack sonville. Has sold for 340 and up. Want to close out few remaining furms quickly. Extraordinary opportunity. Land value and title guaranteed. Write owner, W, K. SUgh, Barnett building, Jacksonville, Florida. lovrn. 200-ACRE IOWA FARM, 31 MILES FROM RAILROAD TOWN .$85 PER ACRE An Omaha citizen has a farm of 320 acres In western Iowa out of which he wants to sell 200 acres. About 60 acres of this land is rough, tho balance lying about llko the average farm near Omaha; 24 acres of tho rough land Is In alfalfa, tho balance tn pasture; 240 acres under the plow and 20 acres In clover. This land has been well farmed, as much as 90 acres having been In clover at ono time. It rents for one-half of tho crop all through, tho owner furnish ing small grain seed. No buildings ex cept corncribs and granary. Will sell the west 200 acres at 385, or the east 200 acres at 382.50 per acre. Owner wants to keep 120 acres. Terms, cash, balance 10 years at 5V4 Per cent No trades. Don't assume that this Is rough or poor land because tho price Is low. Let us show It to you. J. H. Dumont & Co. 1603 Farnam St. Phono Douglas 690. Kansas. POSSESSION March 1; 160 acres threo miles from Thayer, Neosho Co., Kan.; well Improved and a Candy; school at corner; 60 acres grass, balance plowed; nnly 35,600; 32.600 down, terms on balance. Write me or come, will rent or sell In next ten days. Wm. Bobbins, Thayer, Kan. BMUaramtu. 2S0-ACRE farm 35 miles worn Minneapo lis, Hi miles from a good railroad town part under cultivation, balanco meadow and pasture land; good soli; good eight loom house, worth 13,000; barn, granary, torn cribs, cattle sheds, machine sheds, tc; 11 cows, 30 head of steerB and heif ers, three horses, hogs, chickens, com plete set ot farm machinery, buggies, wagons, sleds. 50 tons of hay, 1,200 bas kets of corn. 150 bushels mixed grain, 175 bushels potatoes. In fact everything on the farm goes.' except the furniture; price 112,000; on-halt cash. SCHWAB BROS.. K'ts Plymouth Bldg. Minneapolis. Mlnr FOR SALE-210 acres In Clay county; Minnesota, five miles from Barnesvllle; all under cultivation, good soil, rood buildings. 360 per acre Write A. M. Baker, Barnesvllle. Minn. MINNESOTA soil map; government reports, natural subsoil every district, rainfall, temperatures, frosts, invalua ble, mailed. 25c Akerson, Drawer 13, Lindstrom, Minn, ) 1 Tito I I i