The Omaha Daily Bee Mwtlslng Is the Life of Trade T3X Vuvngb, The Bse to your out tosntrs, roar competitor'! oastorotrs, your posju customsrs. THE WEATHER. Fair VOL. XL1H NO. 187. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1914 TWELVE PA.GES. On Trains and at Hotel Hsws Standi, So. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. V . mfj" 1 4 CASES OF CONVICTED IRON WORKERS TO GO TO SUPREME COURT Stay of Mandate is Granted in Cases of Twenty-Four Whose Sen tences Were Affirmed. ZOLINE PREPARES PLEADINGS Application for Writ of Certiorari Will Be Made February 7. WILL AID THE COPPER MINERS United Mine Workers Expected to Support Michigan Strike. DEMAND REMOVAL OF CHASE Colorado Federation of Labor Com mission Submit Report to Gov ernor Amnion on Conditions In Coal Strike Zone. CHICAGO, Jan. 21. A stay of mandate In the cases of tlio alleged dynamiters convicted at Indianapolis and whose ap plication for new trials recently were denied, was granted the defendants by the United States court of appeals here today. The cases of thirty of the defendants were appealed and new trials were or dered for six of them. Today's mandate has the effect of staying- sentence In the cases of tho remaining twenty-four until the supreme court of the United States passes on an appeal. Application to this court for a writ of certorarl will be mado by Attorney E. N. Zollno for tho defend ants on February 7. Ho will plead: First That Inasmuch as all of the de fendants were alleged to have been linked together In tho chargo of conspiracy to transport dynamite, all of the defendants should have been granted new trials, In stead of only six of them. Second That the defendants wero dou bly punished; onco for conspiracy to transport dynamite, and again for the actual transportation of tho explosive. Thlrd-That Ortle McManlgal and Ed ward Clark, having pleaded guilty to a felony, wero Incompetent witnesses and should have been tried separately. Fourth The offenses charged were barred by the statuo of limitations at the tlmo of the Indictments. Fifth No federal offenso was proven. Sixth That decisions of courts of ap peal conflict In similar cases. Coal Miner Will Alii Copper Men. HOUGHTON, Mich., Jan. 21,-The strik ing copper miners In tho Calumet district probably will have (ho financial suppprt ot tho United Mine "Workers during the rem'r .nf"daytf of their fight for recognl tloa of.ojganlzed. labor,, according, to .H, G. Street, who was sent here by tho Mine Workers to Investigate tha situation. "Labor needs to win this strlko," said Mr. Street today, "and I bellovo It will win. i have nover seen men more de termined than the strikers. Their faml lis are being wall eared for by their unions and they don't appear to have the slightest thought of giving In." Mr. Street declared that It was appar ent that tho ltizons wero not In sym pathy with tho strlko because most of them wore In a measure dependent on the mining companies. Tho fact that the strikers have held out so long In the face of this hostility, he said. Indicates that they will remain steadfast. As soon as he has visited all the locals In tho copper district Mr. Street will pro ceed to Indianapolis to make tho report on i which ho expects the United Mine Workers will decide to cxtsnd financial help to tho Michigan strikers. The United Mine Workers' organization has none but coal miners In Its member ship. Metal miners mako up the mem bership of the Western Federation of Miners,, with which tho copper country locals are affiliated. The former body already Is supporting five strikes of Its own, It Is said. Sheriff Cruse and his men have been unsuccessful In their efforts to ilnd the three, men who left a package containing fulminating caps and, fuses in a' train sent here Monday night. Union leaders declared today that they were positive (Continued on Page Two.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Thursday: For Omaha,, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Fair; not much change In temperature. Temperature nt Minolta "Vesterlny. -, Hours. JJeg. I a. m 8 a. m 11 9 u. m 12 10 a. m 13 11 a. m 17 13 m IS 1 p. m 22 2 p. m 22 3 p. m 22 4 p. m 23 .8 .! m!"!!!!".'"!.' 2i Comparative Local Record. 1914. 1913. 1912. 191 L Highest yesterday 27 39 41 24 Ixiwest yesterday 11 8 13 14 Mean temperature 19 24 27 19 Precipitation 01 .00 .00 T Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: . Normal temperature 20 Deficiency for the day 1 Total excess since March 1, 1913 1.1S4 Normal precipitation 01 inch Deficiency for the day 00 inch Total rainfall elnco March- 1... .24. IS Inches Deficiency since March 1 i.'JO Inches uenciency cor. period. 1913 4.00 Inches Deficiency cor. Derlod. 1912....1S.S9 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1912..13.6S inches Reports from Station nt 7 I. M. Etatlon and State Temp. High- Rain- of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall. Cheyenne, cloudy 34 36 ,00 Davenport 20 22 .00 uenver, cloudy 42 4G .00 Des Moines, snow , 24 24 .00 Dodge City, clear ,. 40 ' 62 .00 ianaer, ciouay 2S 38 .00 North Platte, cloudy .... 32 36 .co umuna, clear 21 27 .01 I'ueDio, part ciuody .... 5. .(10 Rapid City, clear 15 33 .00 Salt Lake City, ciuody.. 40 42 .00 Santa Fe,. part ciuody... 32 4') ,00 tsiieriaan, riuoay st 33 .00 Sioux City, clear 12 ig .00 VHienune. nuouy 30 21 .00 -x- indicates trace 01 precipitation. iuuivkwb ueiuw zero. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. mm WILL SPEAK AT THE C0MMER. CIAL CLUB TODAY. HITCHCOCK SEES PRESIDENT Nebraska Senator Called to White House by Mr. Wilson. WILL NOT TALK 1 ABOUT IT Jfo Word Given Out of Mcnnlnir f Speculation n to Its the Visit, nn.l Nothing nut ItenI Import. From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 2t.-(Spc- clal Telegram.) Senator Hitchcock upon Invitation of President Wilson paid a visit to the White House today, tho first In many Vnoons. It was tho real news of tho day and tho correspondents saw visions of a truce being declared between Hitchcock and Bryan overthe question of Nebraska patronago though tho per sonal Influence of tho president and a general getting together of tho two "old cronies" of former days, for the greater .glory of tho party and tho return ot Hitchcock to tho senate. Tho senior senator from Nebraska would not talk of his visit to the presi dent. Ho refused to give even tho sllgh est suggpstlon of Its Import except to say that tho visit was at tho president's In vitation. An Viewed In Cnpltal. The Evening Star has this to say of the Hltchlek visit: '-'Sonatw-Hlteheoek of- Nebraska made his frst call on President1 Wilson today. The visit was upon the Invitation of tho president, who probably wished tho Ne braska, senator to feel that the latch string ot tho White House wob out to him the same as to any other democrat. The conference was a pleasant one, ap parently. Secretary Bryan's entrance into the cabinet and tho turning over of Ne braska patronago to him by tho adminis tration brought a reluctance on the part of Senator Hitchcock to bother the Whlto House, and he has never shown any ac tivity in that section of the district. Ills attitude on trust legislation, would It was supposed, still further alienate him from the Whlto House, but the presldelnt has taken care that this should not be so." Ncbrimkn Visitors. Bat Koehler ot Geneva, who has been on a visit to his brother, Major Koehler, at Fort Teney, Staten Island, was In Washington today on his way to Ne braska. Mrs. Beeson ot Beatrice, who has been visiting friends in tho city for several days, left today for Nebraska. Miss Amy Gllmore, daughter of Dr. Robert Gllmore of Omaha, la a house guest ot Mr .and Mrs. Arthur Krock, Washington correspondent of the Louis ville Courier-Journal. Application hy IlanU. The following banks have filed appli cation to join the new banking system: In Nebraska First National. Elwood: City National. David City; First Na tional, Bayard; Stockmen's National, Rushvllle; First National, Plainview; Citizen's National, Norfolk; Norfolk Na tional, Norfolk. in lowa iirst National. Thompson; Emmettsburg National, Eminettsburg; Farmers' National, Kingsley. Hastings Jobbers See Some Relief HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 2L (Special.) Hastings jobbing Interests havo been. In formed that there Is now In preparation a now freight rate schidulo for Nebraska which will offset the discrimination of the Prouty rates against the shippers ot Interior Nebraska towns. If this schedule does as it la calculated to do and Is accepted by the railroads, the local shippers will still be on a com petitive basis with eastern points, but if not they will appeal to the Interstate Commerce, commission for a readjust ment of rates which will remove the ad vantage Iowa and Missouri river points have over Nebraska towns. RAILROAD MAGNATE'S DEATH IS DUE TO ACCIDENT NEW YORK, Jan. 21.-A coroner's In quest' In Brooklyn this afternoon found that Richard D. Lankford, vice president of tha Southern railway, came to his death by "unavoidable gas asphyxiation." Lankford was found dead In his apart ment recently two days before he was to have been married. Tho coroner found nothing to support tho suicide theory first advanced by the police. SECOND JURY TO TRY SCHMIDT COMPLETED NEW YORK, Jan. 2I.-Atter two days and a half spent In the examination of 200 talesmen a Jury was completed this afternoon for the second trial of Hans Schmidt, the one-time priest, who slew Anna Aumuller, dismembered her body and threw It in the Hudson river. Tho first Jury failed to agree on a verdict. r " v j Irving faPontl jf FEDERALS TO MAKE STAND ATJORREON Huerta Will Attempt to Stem Ad vance of Constitutionalist Forces at that Point. HIS N0RTHERM0ST STRONGHOLD Revolutionary Movement, if Halted at All, Must Be Crushed There. CAPTURE WOULD BE A BLOW Overthrow of City Would Leave Two Routes Open to Mexico City. VILLA PREPARING EXPEDITION InsurKent General Hopes to Open Way to Ailvnncc on Capital Within Few Dnn Mnkcn Trip to .Tunrrs. CHIHUAHUA, Jlox., Jan. 21,-Ordors were Issued by General Francisco Villa today for a concentration of rebel forces along tho railroad north 'of Torroon. Tho rebels scattered In the state of Durango and Coahuila and the garrison In Juarcr. were ordered to join thoso at Chihuahua, with a view of preparing a formidable front In tho projected robel advanco southward. Evidences have mult Inlle.l thnt thn fori. orals at Torrcon aro determined if possi ble to check the rebellion at that point. Torreon Is now tho northernmost federal stronghold. In tho heart of thn renublln Tho federals hold that If tho revolutionary movement from the north Is to bo halted at all It must bo halted there, and that tho loss of Torreon to the rebels would leave the way open for Villa's advance to Saltlllo, Monterey, and cities near Mexico City. Consequently, according to reports received hero, tho federals are drawing all their avallablo soldiers to ward Torroon In the hopo of dealing a decisive blow to tho rebels. General Villa said ho was r.ot Inclined to believe tho federals would evacuate Torren. Ho therefore ordered to con centrate all rebels who might bo spared from the surrounding .country. Within ten days ho said, his avallablo army for tho campaign would number 15,000 well equipped soldiers. General Villa him self expects to lead the campaign, but not until ho first has visited Juarez, for which place ho planned to leave today. The rebels ares already within striking distance of Torreon. They occupy Laredo and Gomez Palaclo, Important suburbs. Tho overthrow of Torreon by tho rebels would lcavo two routes open to Mexico City. One would bo directly southward through Zacatecas and Aguas Callonto". The other would be eastward through Baltlllo and Monterey and then south ward throughJan.Iul..rjatosL.. . As an Indication of - his , Intention to head his troops and also as an Instance of the summary manner In vulilch he appoints important officials. General Villa while preparing to take tho train for Juarez, turned to General Manuel Chao In tho state palace today and said: "General Chao, you are now governor of the stato of Chihuahua, and I leave everything in your hands while I go it the head of my troops to dethrono the usurper of our liberties." Mormons Prosecute Alleged Violator of the Mann Act IDS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 21. Accused by officers of the Mormon church In this city, Thomas Major, aged 29, was ar rested here today by federal agents and charged with violation of tho Mann whlto slave act in having brought from Utah Nellie Hawthorne, aged a, formerly a member of tho household of Joseph F. Smith, president of the Mormon church. Tho girl came to this city early this month on money alleged to have betn supplied to her by Major, who Is said to have a wife and two children in Scot land. Federal officials said the action of tho Lob Angeles Mormon dignitaries in re porting the caso of Major was the result of a direct toletrranlilc renuest from church headquarters In 'salt Lake City. Will Return Pistols of Jefferson Davis to His Daughter WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. - Jefferson Davis' two duelllnir nlstol. n. rimihiA. barreled pistol and appurtenances, seized by union troops near the close of thn civil war, and which have been In the custody ot the War department nearly fifty years, will be turned over to Joseph A. Hayes of Colorado, whose wife Is the eldest daughter of the former Dresldent of the confederacy. The shawl and raglan belonging (o Mrs. Davis, said to have beon worn by UavJs when he was captured, were not Included nmong the articles for which Mr. Hayes asked, but they will b r- turncd If Davis' heirs ask for them. Secretary Garrison decided today to re turn tho relics on an opinion by Attorney General McRoynolds. MORE SOCIAL RESTRICTIONS FOR GERMAN OFFICERS LONDON. Jan. 21. A Berlin dispatch to the Dally Mall says tho omperor has decreed that henceforth no army officer In to tako the arm of his wife or any other woman when walking. If there Is to be any holding of arms the woman must do it. The new order Is Inspired by the emperor's bollof that leaning for support on the arm of a woman com panion Is not conducive to a manl bearing. GERMAN ARMY AVIATOR IS KILLED BY FALL MUNICH, Germany, Jan, 21. -Sergeant Schwelsser, a German military aviator, was killed hero today by falling With his aeroplane. The accident was caused by tho aviator turning too sharply. WHY ' WOODY, I MRDLY KNOWMSELF! Drawn for Tho Bco by Powell, CONTROL SCHOOL MEETINGS Board of Education to Have Super vision of Social Centers. TO STOP ALL POLITICAL TALK nooms In the UutldtuK Are Not. to He Let Ont When the Proposed Meettnfr la Sectarian or Polldcnl. . "TItectlon ot a supervisor of -social cen ters and' recreations Id being considered by the fncmbers ot this reorganized Board of Education, the duty of such official to be tho superintendence of meetings which may under tho law be held In school buildings. During tho last two years tho Board of Education has thrown open schools of the city to community meetings of non sectarian, non-polltlcal nature, and tha sentiment of the School board Is to per mit these meetings to continue on a more cxtenslvo scale. President C. T. Walker says the board will exercise a rigid censorship of all meetings In school houses, and he has already notified several organisations that they will not be permitted to use tho schools, because their discussions In variably run into political talks. All new school buildings havo audi toriums, which aro used as often by tho pcoplo In that school district as by tho members of tho school. The mothers. and fathers ot tho city aro deeply Interested in tho social center schemo and believe tho continuance ot meetings In school houses will be of Interest to tho com munity and especially to pupllB, who will be able to socuro tho advise ot tho school officials and their parents In a co-operative work. School board members say It Is not probable that tho supervisor of social centers will be elected ' this year, but with the beginning of tho first semester of the schools next year tho matter will be given careful consideration and If funds permit tho Innovation may be given a trial. Supervisor R. L. Carns of athletics has charge ot school activities outside tho buildings, and tho new supervisor would In no way Interfere with his work. Five Persons Ilurned to Death. ALPENA, Mich., Jan. 21. Five persons were burned to death here today early In n fire which destroyed the residence ot Samuel Blolse. Tho victims were Mrs. Blolse, three children and her brother-in-law. The National Capital Wednesdny, January SI, 1014. The Senate. Met at noon. Senator Thomas Introduced resolution tor Investigation of the Colorado strlko. Members of the Interstate commerce committee had a series of conferences over nrolected trust legislation. Smoot bill to open Alaska classified lands to homesteaders favorably reported. Report against tno sealing or JTanlt V, Glass of Birmingham, Ala., formally pre sented. Minority report against seating Blair Io from Maryland, also presented. Passed Root's bill to empower supremo court to review certain cases Involving constitutional ty ot Btatutes. Senator Sterling Introduced agricultural bill. Senator Ashurst spoke on woman suf fruce. Naval mllltla pay bill already passed by house, lavorauiy reporiea. djourned at 6:09 p. m. to noon Thurs day. The House. Met at noon. Democratic Leader Underwood, after a conference with President Wilson, said ho hoped congress would adjotrrn by June 1. .... Resolutions asking investigation of the Michigan and Colorado strlxes wero for warded to member by the oxecutlvo council of tho American Federation of Labor. Resumed debate on Alaska railway bill. Representative Edwards asked for a naval board to select a naval armor plate sue at Bavanuau. Adjourned at 6KB p. m. to noon Thursday. In His New Garb Coal Delivered Free to Head of Ship Company SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Jan. M.-Coal worth 31.358 was delivered free to tho homo of R. P. Schwerln. vice prosldcnt and general manager of tho Pacific Mall Steamship company In the last six years by tho Western Fuel company, according to the testimony given todayby Davlq 0. Norcros. secretary of the ooal.compan.v, in the, United States district court. Noroross, testifying for the govern rrient In the trial of a grpup of officers, directors and employes of the fuel com pany 'for conspiracy to defraud the gov ernment of duties on Importod coal, said the gifts to Schwerln were qharged to "operating expenses" by tho. Western Fuel company. When Schmcrln would place an order for coal, said Norcross, the order would bo given to James H. Smith, western fuel manager, a defendant In tho pres ent trial. Though a regular bill would bo made out for tho Schwerln order, after tho coal had been delivered to his San Mateo home, Norcross said, Smith would direct the bookkeeper to mark tho ac count "paid" and charge the Item to "operating expenses." Eight Men Taken Off Wrecked Vessel With Breeches Buoy CHATHAM, Mass., Jan. 21.-Captaln Hart and his crew of seven mon were rescued by the use of the breeches buoy today, when their vessel, the two-masted schooner General Adelbert Ames, was wrecked off Monomoy Point. Tho Ames, which registered ISO' tons net was bound from St. John for Philadelphia, Tho schooner struck beforo daybreak on Bear's Shoal about 200 yards off shore. Tho Ufa savers In their surf boat were driven back and the beach gun was brought out. The combined crows ot the Monomoy and Monomoy Point lite saving stations, working waist deep In tho icy water, fired four shots before getting a line across the Ames. The first man ashore from the schooner told the llfo savers they must hurry, as tho masts were swaying and It was feared the vessel would go to pieces at any moment. Captain Hart, the last man to lcavo the Ames, was safe on the beach within half an hour. Stockmen Demand Lower Bates and Better Service DENVER, Jan. 21. Lower railroad rates and better service were the demands made In behalf of. live stock shippers by A. E. Do Rlcques of Denver today In an address before the seventeenth annual convention of the American National Live Stock association. "That reasonable service s not ''fur nished," he said, "Is proved by the great sums paid annually by railways to stock men In tho form ot claims, which sums, I believe, aro' not more than half tho damage sustained by the shippers." FORMER SENATOR CULL0M IS SLIGHTLY IMPROVED WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. While the condition of Former Senator Shelby M, Cullom showed a slight Improvement-this morning, no hope Is held out for his re covery, and, according to the attending physicians, the end may come at any time. Shortly after 2 o'clock tho members ot his fumlly wero called to his bedside to witness what was thought to be the rapidly approaching end; but a rally took place and between 7 and 8 tho patient partook of breakfast, consisting of a slice ot bacon and an egg, coffee and toast BOOKS GO BYPARCEL POST Omaha Fublio Library to Use New Method After March 2. PATRONS MAY USE TELEPHONE Uooks Will lie Wrapped by tho Librarian and Sent C. O. D. on Dnr Telephone Mrsanae I Received, Delivery ot public library books to pa-- trout by parcel post Is looked forward to with kien anticipation by the librar ian, Miss EdltltTobltt. A njw rutin. or tho Posioffice department, effective March 1, will allow all packages of books weighing over eight ounces to go by par cel post Instoad ot at the present higher rato on 1 cent for each two ounces. "Patrons will then bo nble to phono tHclr orders for books to tho library," Miss Tobltt says, "and wo can mall out the books C. O. D. at small expense. I believo many patrons of tho library will tako advantage of the new parcel post rule, especially If they llvo at a dis tance from tho library building, or aro Unable to go to It conveniently." Miss Tobltt asserts that tho malls havo beon used for yearn In New York City for tho purposo of delivering books from libraries to library readers. Asldo from tho light postage chargo under the now ruling, the only other cx ponso to library patrons who have their books mailed to them would bo a very small fee for wrapping tho package. The charges would all be collected at tho patron's door by tho postman. Japan Considers Replies of United States Inadequate TOKIO, Jan. 21. Japan regards as un satisfactory tho replies made by tho United States to Its protests In connco tlon with tho California alien land own ership legislation, according to a state ment made today by Baron Nobuakl Ma- kino, tho Japanese, foreign minister, in tho course of a lengthy summary of the Japanese-Amorican negotiations, given in his annual address to parliament. Ho continued: "Japan recognizes the necessity of elaborating other plans for the solution. The naturo ot these plans I am as yet unable to report." Baron. Maklno'a declaration that "no answer whatever" had been made by tho United States to Japan's third protest presented In August, was the signal for an attack on the government by several members of tho opposition, who alleged that too much reliance hod been placed on tho good will of America. EDWARD GINN, BOOK PUBLISHER, IS DEAD BOSTON, Mass., Jan. 21,-EdwIn Glnn, publisher ot school and college text books and founder of the International School of Peace, died today at his homo In Worcester, aged 76 years. H h. been In falling health for several months. In addition to his labors In the cause of universal peace, Mr. Glnn has been promt nent In an effort to establish more harmonious relations between capital and labor and In promoting better hous ing conditions. SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT NEAR VOTE IN SENATE WASHINGTON, Jan. 2L-Tho constltu- ttonal amendment resolution to grant suffrage to women was on the verge of disposition In the senate today, a speech on the subject by Senator Ashurst, In chargo of the measure, alone preventing Its coming to a vote. Not a senator ob jected to- Its being taken up, Senator QalllnBcr, the republican leader, said ho Intended to vote for it. POLICE ARE SURE THEY HAVE TAKEN TRIO OF BANDITS Third Resort Suspect is Arrested at Kansas City by Detectives Flem ing: and Murphy. WILLIAMS HELPS OFFICERS Leads Them to Place Where J. R. Brown, Ex-Conviot, is Found. FIND RECENT PAWN TICKETS Authorities Are Now Scouring Pawn Shops. SECOND MAN CAPTURED HERE Lawrence Gilbert, Cook, Discovered at His Home on Harney Stree. POSITIVELY IDENTIFY HIM Ilnsel MoVey Sure rv He Is nnril nt lie Is the FellOTT that Stood Gnnril nt Door of Ilrothel When IMnec Wns Relnnr Held Up. With tho arrest of the third suspect, J. R. Brown, ox-convlct, at Kansas City, Omaha pollco aro practically satisfied that thoy havo tho trio guilty of thn murder of Henry Nlckell .and tho robbing of the Inmates of tho Harcl MoVoy re sort a week ago tonight. Slowly and suroly has tho long arm of cho law reached out to gather In tho culprits, and whtlo there Is always a possibility of being mistaken, tho evidence at hand so surrounds tho throa men under arrest that tho chargos of their conviction over shadows their outlook for acquittal. Brown will bo brought to Omaha today. Ho was kept locked up at Kansas City all day yesterday for reference In caso Detectives Fleming and Murphy located any of tho jewelry which he pawned, ant some of which It la thought, was stolen fiom the McVoy resort Inmates. Tho arrest of Brown was brought about through tho assistance ot J. J. Williams, who was arcstcd with Mary Parrish nt St Joseph, Monday, and who led the officers to the place whero they found Brown. After Brown was placed under arrested Williams becamo tacltum, but In the courso of cross examinations the detectives learned that both suspects had dono penal servitude together, and that they know each other. Photographs of this third suspect wora were taken yesterday and sent to Omaha last night, to see lf?hls photrfw can bp .Identified as was that of Williams. LAwrenco Gilbert, charged with being the second man In tho MoVey holdup, has been arrested by Doteottves Dunn and Connelly. While Gilbert denros complic ity with the deal ho says that he knows all three men and that ho lived with them In and around Omaha up until tho Man day before tho murder- Ho gives his oc cupation nB a cook and thut he lives at 2210 Harney street. Soveral witnesses, who havo seen Gil bert, declare that ho Is tho man who stood guard at the- door of the resort whllo tho robbery and murder was com mlttd. Identified by Housekeeper. When brought beforo Mario Miner, housokecper at tho Havens' hotel, Gilbert was positively Identified by her as tho man who sat on tho bed when she un expectedly paid their room a visit a couplo ot days beforo tho McVcy resort affair. Sho emphatically pointed out the prisoner rh tho particular fellow who sat on the bed fooling with a revolver scab bard, when she entered. Hard McVey also Identified Gilbert as the man who stood at the door ot the resort guarding tho entranco while the other two were holding up and robbing tho .Inmates and visitors. She declares that she Is absolutely sure that Gilbert is tho man. The police have a telegraphic copy of tho confession of J. J, Williams, alias Carter, and known as Blonde, In their possession. It has been learned that Mary Parrish, the woman arrested with Williams at St. Josoph, boarded in Omaha with 1. B. Crofton, 2011 Harney street; that she worked for a whtlo at tho Union depot lunch counter, then at Baxter's lunch room on Farnam street, and from there sho went to South Omaha. She Is said to bo a woman about 40 years old. Dwlght Taylor, pool hall man, who lives at 222 North Twenty-fifth street, who was arrested several days ago. Is still held at tho station as a witness, as It Is thought he knows something of the men. The police say he is known to have cpmmuncated with the bandits and to have told them of the keys Hazel McVey carried upon her arm. rr' V. Crystalize Your Thoughts into deeds, not words. Tha world Judges you not by what you Bay but by what you do. No matter bow feeble your powers may be, If you pursue your ambitions with a single ness of purpose that loses sight of everything else you will at tain your ends. If you crave material pros' pejlty, short-cut your way to It through the medium of Bee "Want Ads." These classified advertise ments exploit residence and business proporty, acreage, stocks, bonds, leases, automo biles, buggies, live stock, household furnishings and a variety of other things that can be bought at low prices, and resold on a money - making basis. Get in Line Read and Use Bee Want Ads. 1 .V