Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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'I'M to "DTPTT' . fW r A T.T TirtrvXTT'cirv IV T VTTT Ti n i
Daily Fashion Hint
By MELLIPIOIA. Tuesday, January 20, 1914.
R. P. M. FL1NO, noted historian of the University of Nebraska,
D whose series of lectures last year, and this year, are giving
Omalians an intellectual treat and much enjoyment, has run up
against a difficulty, namely, tho audiences aro not nil students,
and do not nlwayj understand exactly tho finer points or somo of tho lec
tures, and In that way misquote him.
Tho noted professor does not realize, perhaps, that it has been at
least a decado, and with many a score, of years since thoy have opened u
history with tho exception of tho teachers and a few students who are
continuing In their studies, bo they aro not quite as apt as tho university
I almost doubt If many will believe tho following story, but wo' all
know that "Truth Is stranger than fiction."
A week ago Prof. Fling gave a most interesting lecture on tho noted
statesman, "Mlrabeau." After it was o'tfr a fcmlnino member of his au
dience said:
"Dear mo. I am so disappointed! I Just love marabou furs, or feath
ers, or whatever 'hey aro, and I thought Dr. Fling was going to tell us
all about them."
Musial Department Program.
Tha musical department of tho Associa
tion of Collegiate Alumnao met this after
noon at tho homo of Miss Elizabeth Fry.
Mrs. it. U Mossman was tho leader of
tho program, which was on Mendels
sohn." Mrs. Hoy Docherty read a paper
on his ancestors, family life and early
environments; Miss Margaret' Outhrlo, on
his travels, position and abl.lty as a con
ductor; Mrs. F. W. Johnson, li s composi
tions, and Mrs. Leroy Savcll, 'Ills style of
composttlon-anil.Placo In musical history.
The musical program consisted, of .vocal
selections by Misses Elizabeth Fry, Mar
garet Guthrie, Dorothy Frarits, Alice Fry,
Avllda Moore, and piano 'selections by
Miss Mabel Kelly, Miss Henrietta Rees
and Mr. Leroy fiavell. '
At the Loyal.
The Mercredl club entertains at a din
ner party In tho Green room of tho Hotel
Loyal this evening In honor of Mr. and
Mrs. M. M. Murphy, who leave soon to
make their home In Detroit. Mr. Murphy
lias been connected with , tho 'Johnson
Klcctrlo company. Covers will bo laid,
Messrs. and Mesdames
M. M. Murphy,
. a. uranaen,
11. P. Kerr.
George Adwers.
Frank Burkhardt,
j. ioveu.
George Keeblcr,
James Corr.
Paul Myers.
IWflon Damon
of Council Hluffs,
a. u: jiennings
Waldemar Mlchelson, of Council Hluffs.
Bridal Dinner Party.
Mrs. T. II. Fltzgoratd cntertalnted at
dinner Monday evening In honor of tho
Helntzo-Fltzgerald wedding 'party. Coy-,
crs were laid for:
Josephine Groves,
Mattle Alperson,
Hallle Jones,
Margaret Fyfe.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Heath,
Mr. Georgo Helntze.
.Misses 1
Ina Fitzgerald, '
Hophla Alperson,
Uraco Morphy,
Surprise Tango Party.
A surprise tango party was given in
honor of Miss Luetic Bonoff and Mr. Joe
Uofioff at their home Sunday evening.
Musical selections were rendeerd by Miss
Jtonoff, Mr. Tom Mahoney and Mr. Jack
Swartz. Those present were:
Misses Misses
Henrietta. Wilson. Ida Tliorton
Happy Martin.
Lillian Weinberg.
Uertha Wilson.
Anita Whitney.
Tom Mahoney,
Jack Hwartz.
Charles Shames.
Joe Krasno.
A. S. Cohn. Roguson.
Bftty Kleiner.
Lucille lionoff.
Ilasel Rorcnson.
Leo Wilson.
8am Wilson,
nob Carterman.
Joe Bonoff.
Crciehton Medical.'
Studenta of tho Crctgliton College of
Medicine will give their third hop of the
school year at Chambers' Dancing aca
demy thts evening A largo attendance
from the student body and friends are
assured to make tho evening an enjoy
able one. Tho committee on arrange
ments, consisting of Hay Kleyla, Neat
McKoe, Otis Morganthatcr and Qlen Whlt
comb, have been hard-at work In prepara
tion for the occasion.
Entertains at Tea.
Mrs. C. B. Keller will entertain at tea
on "Wednesday afternoon from 4:30 to 6
o'clock In honor of Mrs. William Fitz
gerald of Trpy, N. Y., who. Is home visit
ing her ..parents, tyr. and Mrs. T. C
Bryne; Miss Heth Vail of Houghton.
Mich., the guest of her grandmother,
Mrs. Heth, and Mrs. Ralph Peters, who
returned Sunday from her wedding trip.
Orpheum Party.
Mrs. Willis Tddd and Mrs. It.' H. Adams
entertained at luncheon, followed :by a
matinee party at the Orplieum on Tues
day for Mrs. May Aulla'nd Mrs. W. L.
Unzlcker, who leave soon for Pnlatka.
Fla., to spend the remulndcr of tho win
ter. Bridge Luncheon Club.
Mrs. Olenn C. Whnrton was hostess at
one 'of 'the bridge luncheon club meetings
tpday at her home. Tho guests, of tho
club wero. Mrs. A. V. Klnsler, Mrs. Ben
Cotton and Mrs. Eva Wallace.
At the Country Club.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dc Forest Richards
will entertain-at an Informal tango party
at the Country club this evening In honor
of their gnest, Miss Howard, of Ken
Monday Bridge Club.
Mr?. F. P. KJrkendall entertained the
members of one o'f tho Mon'day bridge
clubs at luncheon yesterday, followed by
ah afternoon at tho game. Covers were
placed for twelve.
Rosenfeld-New Engagement.
Mr. and .Mrs. Isaac New of Chicago
have announced the' cngagcthent of their
daughter, Grace, to Mr. Julius Rouen
fctd, the popular young business man of
Council Bluffs. Tho wadding will take
place March 3.
X N. 0; Club. .
The N. N, O. club will nlvo a' danco at
Hotel nomo January 27.
P. E. 0. Society Musicale.
Tho P. VS. O. society will entertain at a.
tnuslcale. at the. home of Mrs. II. II.
Neale Thursday 'afternoon. Tho program
win begin at Z:Z0 Instead of 1 o'clock, tho
usual hour.
In and Out of the Bee Hive
Mrs. F. 8. Melltnger loft Sunday even
ing for McCook. Neb., to visit fironds.
Mr. S. A. Searlo and Miss Corlnne
Searle will leave this woek for a month's
visit In Cuba.
Miss Amy Qllmoro left Sunday evening
for the east and will visit In Now York,
Washington and Philadelphia beforo re
turning. Miss Myrtle Moses of Chicago arrived
Monday and Is at tle .home of Mr. and
Mrs. Mort Mosos In tho Mason apart
ments. Miss Moses will glvo a recital
In tho Young Woman's Christian associa
tion auditorium Thursday evening.
Mrs. Hen Hoyce of Chicago, who has
been visiting her father, D. C. Patterson,
has gone to New York to sail with Mr.
Boyce for a trip nround the world. They
will return In April, and their small son
will remain with Mr. Patterson and Miss
Patterson during their absence.
Mrs. A. Pollack and granddaughter.
Miss Hclont Rubal, of Minneapolis, who
has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Charles
S. Klgutter, left Monday evening for Cuba
to spend tho rest of tho winter: They
will bo tho guests of Messrs. Mark and
Kdgar Pollack, who rcsldo In Havana.
Personol Mention.
A son. .MIHard Newman Klein, was born
to Mr. nhU Mrs. Nathan Klo'n of Ch'l-
csgo. Mrs. Klein wis formerly Miss Ruth
Newman of Omaha.
Kvenlng gown of "Aurora" taffeta.
Tho tunic Is of beaded nnd raised silk
muslin and It makes a blouson round
shaped with small sleeves finished by a
row of strass, - . ,
Tho glrdto Is of blue passe draped velvet.
The tunic Is edged by a band of stole
nnd the Bmall skirt of taffeta plain In
front Is lifted at back In a movement of
Persistent Advertising Is tho Road to
lug Return?.
THE illustrations tell APSFiik)
J- what these new cor
sets do for you.
Improved Self-Reducing
front, with steels
curved at -Tower ends,
gives fine abdominal sup
port. 'Long flexible skirt re
duces the hips and upper
The new "duplex" de
vice consists of deep
extensions of semi-elastic
Lastikops Webbing.
Being detached from the
corset at inner ends Fig- ml I If N".3 ? '
rei),th extensions can lUUl V" Ond
be laced more closely at mV -ZS
bottom, producing an ex-g? . ijr f
treme style enectu' iff. n).
View hat correct style mud incrutd camfert td,
K. 327-wiA UwUt)$Q-M
M. 32S Wt O
These corsets represent the
eztrenielitnit ofvaluc-giving.
Ask your dealer.
IE-10) Figure 2.
High Says He Holds
All the Councilmen
. Responsible to Law
We do not hold one man responsible
for the law enforcement In Omaha."
said F. A. High, district superintendent
of the Antt-Saloon league, commenting
on tho league's uttltudo toward recent
developments which resulted In 'the ex
change of places between Street Commis
sioner Kugcl and Police Commissioner
Ryder. ''Although we asked Ryder
Novcmucr -i to enrorco tne laws or
graciously resign, tho fact that he has
ow resigned, however ungraciously, -will
cause no let-up In our demand for law
"We will hold the whole bunch of com
missioners responsible for law enforce
ment. Tho very fact that they havo
hltted tho Job of pollco commissioner
from ono man to the other shows that
tho whole bunch Is responsible, and on
them we will placo tho responsibility.
"Naturally we will look first to the new
commissioner (Kugcl) for enforcement of
the llfjuor laws, and then If he does --fib t
enforce them, as wo know ho has tho
power to do, we will hold tho entire com
mission responsible."
Mrs, M, J. Smith,
Omaha Pioneer, Dies
Mrs. M. J. Smith, 1812 Wirt street,
pioneer Orriahan. Is dead after being
seriously 111 for flvo weeks. .She and her
late husband had lived In Ncbraalia since
U6I, coming hero from Michigan. Ho
died ftvo years ago. Both wero original
members of tho First Methodist church
and were Identified In missionary work.
They also helped promote tho South
Tenth Street Methodist church, now
known as the Dletz Memorial Methodist
church. Surviving Mrs. Smith are six
children, all of Omaha Mrs. Melvlne H
Rodfield. Mrs. David Cole, Arthur M
Smith. Mrs. Cora 3. Anderson, Charles
W. Smith and Rollo C. Smith.
Funeral rcrvlces will bo held at the
esldenco Thursday afternoon at 2:30
oclock, with Interment In Forest Lawn
v Will be Held Wednesday in Our Department Devoted to
Women's Ready -to -Wear Apparel
Any Woman's Tailored
"KING" WAIST $-1 69
lit Our Entire Stock I
Value up to 90.00, nt .
Your Choice of 1IJ5 Women's
That Havo Been dl fj
Selling up to $30, at. . P 1 O
Any Woman's Tailored Suit in Our Entire Stock $
Includes All Newest Styles and Fabrics Suits That Have Been Selling Up To $39.00, at . . . .
Choice of Any Women's Walking Skirt or Dress Skirt in Our
-Stock, All New Styles, Cloths and Colors, Former Prices Up To $17.50, Special at . . .
Your Choice of 900 Women's Winter Coats at $
They are All in Now -and Desirable Styles Have Been Selling up to $20.00 All Season, Wednesday at. . . .
Your Choice of 100 Women's
That Ilnve Been ScUlng Up To $15.00, at.
Values from $10.00 up to $20.00 each. .
The Most Commanding Values in White Goods of the January Sale
Will Be Presented Wednesday in Our Regular Wash Goods Department Basement.
Flno quality 33-lnch white cotton crepe, very
sheer fabric and looks like a French crepe,
that sells at $1.00 a yard, oxra " Og
special, per yard, at.
Ono yard wide white cotton ratine and
cropc, also stripe ratine crepo, in rem
nants and full holts, worth to 1 C
50c per yard, at XiJC
Best quality 15c India Llnon, pure 1 A
white and28 Inches wide, at yard..
Family Nainsook", Is recommended for family
use where a light, soft and very durable fab
ric Is desired; 36 Inches wide and sells regu
larly for 16c a yard, 12-yard Af
boltB, per befit, at P
45-lnch wide nalnsopk, soft and silky and
contains no starch, pure white, splendid qual
ity for undergarments, slips, combination
etc., worth 25c a yard, 10-yard
bolts, per bolt.
White Dotted Swiss, In medium and pin dots;
regular 15c quality, 27 Inches wide,
per yard, at.
45-inch wide white Irish Dress Linen,
made from best selected flax, o g
grass bleached, worth 50c, yd.. OC
36 Inches wide Imperial Long Cloth, Pointer
Brand; manufactured especially for
fine underwear, 12-yard bolts, at. . .
35c LACES at 19c A YARD
Hhadow laco flounclnRS and shadow laco corset coverings, 18
inches wide and in 50 attractive, new styles, worth 1 fi Yd.
up to 35c a yard Wednesday special at JL 1 C
Remarkable values in embroideries, 18 and 27-inch -corset cover
ings, skirtings and flouncings, in Swiss, nainsook q Yd.
and cambric, worth up to 80c a yard; main floor at X J C
Park Bond Issue
Asked by Hummel
A bond Issuo at $100,000 for park Im
provements In 1914 is asked by' Park
Commissioner Joo B. Hummel, the prop
osition to bo submitted at the charter
election In March. City commissioners
have postponed action on the request for
ono week.
After the park department was de
prived of Us usual band Issue of (SO.OuO
In 191S. the people dofeutlng the bonds,
the state legislature permitted the coun
cil to lssuo $30,000 In bonds for the one
year, tho bonds to go before the people
Ad Club Starts a
Fund for Officer
Cunningham's Bill
The Omaha Ad club has started a move
ment to raise a fund to' assist In paying
the hospital bill of Officer Cunningham,
who was seriously shot in a pistol duel
with a robber In the basement of lid
Maurer'a cafe a few months ago. The
club baa decided to start the fund with a
$2S donation.
Cunningham made a request for tho city
council to pay this hospital bill, but tho
request was turned down with tho state
ment from the city attorney that the city
had . no authority to appropriate money
lor sucn expenses.
Joe MeKenna, salesman for tho Cqp-
Und-Klynn company, 1303 Howard street,
was overcome near Thirteenth and Har
ney stroctr. with an attack of heart
trouble. MeKenna had been carrying
several samples of eggs around with him.
and when ho fell to the sidewalk It first
looked as though ho was badly hurt. The
pollca emergency ambulance was callel
and the sick man was taken home, where
he la resting comfortably.
Excellent for Stunmrh Trouble.
'"Chamberlain's Tablets are Just fine
for atomach trouble," writes Mrs. Q.- C
Dunn, Arnold, Pa. "1 was bothered with
thts coplalnt for some time and fre
quently had bilious attacks. Chamber
lain's Tablets afforded me great relief
from the first, and since taking one
bottle of them I feel llko a different per
son." Vot sal by all dealers Advertisement.
A Friendly Scientist Showed Mo
How to Cure It Forever.
for a lone tlm I w lortly troubled by i
bldsoua rroxth of uperfluotu llatr on tar tc an.)
irmi. Mr faco waa Indeed a aliht tram tha ei-
aaparaunx crowm ana
I srw almost to hata
rajiclt (or mj uiulaht
ly appaaranca. Tbara
ire maujr thins ad?er
Iliad tor butwriuu
llair, una I inlnk I
trlrd thm all but
never with anr re
sult, except to waata
my money and burn
my akin.
Out notwlthataadlnc
all my year u(
appolntment, today
there la not a algn ot
dupertluoui lUlr on
fWlWW .tor far, arm or
A5 . Jv3njbr ele. I sol
fltB i if -i , rid of It throuih lol-
(Jj8& ' X lewlns the adlr ot
iaEK 4- , (rtendly .dentist, a
lVotraaor ot Chemlitry at. a EnilUh Unlteralty.
The. treatment he adflwd la o thorough, almple
nnd eaey to uia that 1 want every other antferer
In Amerlra to know about It. H worked iucl a
rhanito In my eppeerenca and my happlneea, that
I gladly waive my natural reeling ot Mnatllveneaa
and will tell broAdcaal to all who are amirted
bow 1 destroyed every trace ot hair, never to
It ycu are a autterer and wouK Ilk to have
lu'l detail. uit aend along your nam (itatlng
whether Mr, oi Mlaal and addreai. and a two
tent itamp lor return pottage, and I will aend you
In full the advice and Innlruclione whleh
rvaulted In my cure after all elee tailed. Addrew
jour letter. Jdr. Kathrya Jenkln. Apt Ml. B. C.
No. W rurthaa St Doiton. Mas.
NOTE Sir. Jenklna, a her photograph ihow,
la a lady ot retlniment, and (or year waa well
known a a Society Leader In Scranton r.
The' fishing is always good,
with variety enough for
Tarpon' fishing in near-by
waters gives full play to all
your sporting instincts.
Splendid hotels one, the new million-dollar
palace overlooking the Gulf provide for you
every conceivable comfort and pleasure.
Writs now for information and copies of those
booklets- Hotel Galvez, QalTeaton, the Model City,
or Qalreston Commercially. Address,
GalTeaton Commercial Association,
Galveston, Texas.
When you go, travel via the "Katy"
In purchasing your ticket to Galreston
Just say "Katy" to the agent; he will un
derstand. Limited trains from St Louis and Kansas
City make the journey a short trip of delight
ful comfort Tia the M. K. & T. Ry. "Katy"
trains are splendidly equipped with electric
lighted Pullmans, steel chair cars, and dining
cars that you would be content to dine in
For fares or berths call oa nearest railway,
or write to
Geo. A. McNutt, D. P. A., M. K. &
T. Lines, 80S Walnut St.,
r '
l-r W. S. St, George, G. P. A., M. K.
& T. Lines, St. Louis Mo.