Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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T Soot Print Xt Now Beacon Treat.
UU tna.J Tt. Penn Mutual, Qould.
Slactrla Snpplli DurKeB.Qratidf n Co.
Fidelity Storage antt Van Co. D. 1516.
Bnrn'e-Celebration, January :3, Swed
ish hull, sixteenth nnd Chlcneo strain
Oerke Bepreaenta Blatlllery W. I.
Oerko, for tho last eight yearn city aales
man for tho Krug brewery. Is now repre
senting Harris. Jolinwon & Co., dlstlli. .
of Cincinnati In this territory.
Stat Bank of Omaha 4 per cent pul-t
on time deposits; 3 per cent paid on aav
tnc accounts. All deposits In this bank
are protected by the depositors' guaran
tee fund of the state of" Nebraska.
Brandt Dots to Conrantlon V. C5.
Brandt, manager and buyer for the
Orchard & "Wlllielm furniture department,
left Sunday for Grand Hnpldts Mich.,
to attend the annual furniture exposition
in that city.
The Patera Timet company confine
Itself solely to trustee and Investment
business and la therefore not affected by
the Ups and downs of finance. It Is ad
vantageous to estates of whatsoever slxo
to have- It named as executor or trustee.
Scottish Kite Class A class of f If- '
teen candidates will take tho fourteenth
aegree In Scottish Ulte Jlnsoniy at tho
Masonic temple, Sixteenth nnd Cnpltol
avenue, tonight Following tho ceremony
a buffet luncheon will be serve.1. un
February 2 the Scottish Ulte lodge ot
Perfection will confer tho fifteenth de
gree on the class, and It Is expected that
at least five additional men will Join the
class , at that time.
Toodles is Cause
of Excitement at
Passenger Depot
"Stop that train, stop that
hhrleked a stylishly ammrcled
woman as a Buillngton train started out .
of the depot this morning on Its way to
Kansas City. "Ilo's on that train, stop
It." once more screamed tho young wo
man aa she ran down the platform toward
the disappearing train.
Immediately every gate tender, baggage
smasher, express clerk, railroad man
waiting for their trains to make up and
soma, half a hundred traveling men
tushed 'to tho tracks to seo whether there
was a wreck or a murder.
"What's the matter?" asked the crowd
in one breath.
"Oh,.avo 1 1 1 tn. save him," sobbed the
"Sayo who?" Inquired a gate tender.
"Toodles," ' moaned, .the woman.
The gate tender Instantly became sus
picious. ''Toodles Is the name of a dog,"
lie said.
"Well, he's' my precious," sad the
oung woman.
"Aw, he's that white purp tied to that
Chicago trunk," succinctly remarked a
baggago agent who had appeared on tho
scene, whereupon tho curious persons
utrode away muttering uncxpurgatcd ex
pressions concerning the eternal femi
nine, while tho eternal femlnlno ran us
fast as a tight skirt would atlow to tho
baggage room to get her "precious
Omaha Bankers. Are. H
Not, Likely to Get a,-Hearing-at
According to a wcll-posjcd local finan
cier it Is not likely that' tlfe Ccrtrfnllttea
of pmaha bankers sent to Chicago by
the Clearing. House association to seek
h hearingwith tho organization board ot
tho regional banks will get the sought
for audlcnco : until that body meets At
M. T., Barlow, Luther Urakc, V. II
llucholz, C. il. Bos'twlck aiid F. II. DaVIs
are the committee that went to Chicago.
Even though tho Omaha men do not get
n chance to be heard at Chicago they
will at least have an opportunity to
listen to tho hearingH that . arc to bo
Riven by spme of the other largo cities
keeking regional Institutions.
Tho clearing house wlft probably ap
point a new committee to meet tho or
ganization board at Lincoln when tho
day comes for OmaTia to' bo heard. It
will likely be a larger committee. Henry
W. Tatea Is ono who did not go to Chi
cago, but who will be a member of the
committee to be heard a Lincoln, lie
Is now preparing his brief, setting forth
Omaha's case as a petitioner for a re
ir,nii h,iW. it was largely because ho
Is busy preparing this brief that he could I
not CO to Chicago with the committee.
. West Point Man
Comes to Omaha to
His Income Tax
Despairing over the failure of his, at
tempt to properly fill out the lncom tax
blonka sent htm by Ross L. Hammond,
collector of Internal revenue, William
Stue'fer. president of the West Point Nu
tlenal bank and former treasurer of the
stat ol Nebraska, came to Omaha to
procure Instruction on the Intricacies of
the Income tnx law,
"I know that I will have to Pay ,0
cents or so on my Income, but I havn't
any Idea Tiow to go about It to prove
that I aro entitled to pay this tax," de
clared Mr. Stuefer. "I though that I htd
it right the first time, but when it was
returned to me I was more in the dark
than ever on tho matter,"
John Bates of Kmporla, Kan.. Insisted
upon belntf locked up at police headquar- ,
tera, .declaring In loua voice mm c
wm a vagrant and wouldn't work. Be
rtuec of the overcrowded condition of tho
city Jail, Bates' demand Was rejected by
Captain Hcltfeldt. who informed mo inn
that ho had better cross the river. "I
won't cross the river and I won't work,"
ieclared Bates. "Neither will you loaf
it the city's expense," Informed the cap
tain, and, gently grasping the man by the
shoulder, he directed him out of the ata.
Women unit Wet Feet,
Cold and wet teet are a dangerous
combination especially to women, whs
tr more prone to kidney diseases than
men. Congested kidneys como from a
sold, and backache, rheumatUm brliury
irregularities and rheumatic forma ar i
ot unsual results. Foley Kidney PIIU i
restore the regular and normal action ot J
the kidneys and bladder, and so remove
tho cause of the trouble. It Is an honeit
and curative medicine that always gives
rtiutts. For sale by all dealers every-whrfc-AdYrUtmtot.
Still Somewhat Out of Repair, Dem
ocratic Machine is Out Again.
Incline Fault Tilth the Deputy
Countr Clerk, lint the Talk
Aunlnat Mini la Cnnalil
err it I.nnahnblc
Wonted over the continues unity among
republicans of South Omaha, the demo
cratic machine, rickety and nattered from
last spring, has been brought Into action
ngaln for the spring campaign, when a
number of school directors are to be
The democratic machine In the last bat
tle got the worst drubbing ever given at
the hands of tho local republicans. The
cause was the strons organization among
the republicans who stood solidly to
gether while the democrats conducttd en
Internecine war.
This tine the old methods have Iwsen
resurrected to ret the old machine Into
shape. Jamos Chlzck, deputy rounty
clerk, has been selected for the first at
tack. Some republican Is supposed to
have found fault with Chtsek, because he
has held office for so long. Chlzek Is
also supposed to nourish political ambi
tions, according to the story of ther dem
ocratic mach'ne. nut tho plan did not
work and republicans generally laughed
at the attempt yesterday when discuss
ing the matter. Chizefc Is regarded as cne
lot the strongest men In Douglas county
and among the republicans of South
! Omaha he holds a first-class rating.
; Of the attempt to Injure Chlzek's !epu
; tatlon as a party worker In South Omiha,
: It. C. Murphy, president of the republican
I club, said yesterday:
; "Of course, this talk against Chitek Is
j puerile to any one who knows republican
"Kings m South Omaha. There Is no
ucllcr worker In South Omaha reptibll
CMn aff"lrs than he and whatever notice
nis party has given comes rl?htly. Ch'xek
Has been secretary of the republican club
for years. Ho was one of the associates
of George McBrlde, late county surveyor,
to whom South Omaha men could always
look for assistance.
"Chlzck has always served the local
republicans and any one who knows any
thing about republican polities In tho
county knows that he has refused to be
mentioned as a candidate for county clerk
as long as Frank Dowey, present county
clerk, cares to run. There's nothing to
this report of Chlzek wanting to be county
clerk or county chairman. Kvery repub
llcan in South Omaha knows that Jim
Chlzek In always ready to aid him In
county court ,matters."
Chlzek Just laughed about the matter.
"I'm for Dewey first, last and all the
time," he said, speaking of the county
clerk's Job.
.Miller shot In tin I.IIp.
Dan Miller, who figured In a murder
case some six weeks ago In tho capacity
or principal witness, got . bullet in the
hip when attempting to visit the home
of Joe Baslch at Twenty-seventh and It
streets ' Saturday night at E:S0 o'clock.
Miller, With Joe Davlch and Mike Mcdo
vlch. was returning home after 'thd clos
ing of h Q street 'saloon, at which tho
men hnd ispenf the early evening. When
they arrived nt Twenty-seventh and It
streets, they . Insisted upon paying a
friendly visit to Joe .Sasleh. who Uvea
In tpaY nc!ghbqrbo,od. Saslch refused the
honor of-lhe call, whereupon there. Is
said to --traYc been somo promiscuous
shooting on tho part of the -visitors. No
lone knows who fired the bullet that
struck Miller, but he Is said to have sat
down suddenly and called for assistance.
Chief BrlBgs. who learned of the affair,
took Chief of Detectives James Sheahan
with lilm and tho offlcera rushed to the
place of the shooting. Miller., however,
refused the assistance of a doctor and
with his fingers drew ttie bullet out of
his hip. He la not tcrloualy ljurt.
Hint IWnchlnrs Unci; on the Jnli.
Slot machines 'have again made their
appearance in South Omaha and again
they nave been ordered out by the mayor,
who hus Instructed Chief of Police John
Brlggs to remove them and report the
places opeiatlng. The district court last
spring orderod out the slot machines.
After much protest they were removed.
Of course you should "eat
more bread" and less meat
"-but be sure your "bread"
contains all the body-building
material, in the whole wheat,
prepared in digestible form,
all these requirements is
Shredded Wheat
It is made of whole wheat, steam-cooked, shredded and baked. It is
a natural, elemental food and is not treated or compounded with
anything. Its purity, cleanliness and food value stand unchallenged,
being endorsed by the highest health and dietetic authorities in the
Unite States and Canada. Every grocer sells it.
Always heat the Biscuit in oven to restore crispness. Two Shredded
Wheat Biscuits with hot milk or cream will supply all the energy
needed for a half day's work. Deliciously nourishing when eaten in
combination with baked apples, stewed prunes, sliced bananas or canned
or preserved fruits. Try toasted Triscuit, the Shredded Wheat wafer,
for luncheon with butter, cheese or marmalade.
Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Figure in Fashionable
Mrs. H. Bramhall Gilbert, New Tork
society leader, Rnd Captain William
Francis Brougham Xladclyffo Dugmore,
Distinguished Servlco order, British
army, who were married nt tho home
of Mrs. Gilbert last night in New York
The court also ordered all forms of
gambling In South Omaha cleared out.
It Is said that tho closing of tho slot
machine business In South Omaha has
shut out an Immense amount of revenue.
Just now the gambling Joints are said
to be doing a rushing business. It lias
been asserted that high city officials can
be found at gaming tables In the Wee
hours ot the morning.
Members of court No. 677, W. C. O. F.,
tendered a very enjoyable, surprise party
to Mrs. W. J. Brcnnan Friday evening at
her home. They presented her with a
cut glass water tet Iri token of their
esteem and appreciation of her work In
the Interest -of ttits fraternity. A fine
musical program was given and refresh
ments served.
Upchurch lodge No. 2, Degree of Honor,
at Its last regular meeting Installed these
officers for the ensuing years Fast chief
of honor, Mrs. Magglo Vance; chief ot
honor, Mrs. Mary Ulloy; Indy of honor,
Mrs. Frances Kratky; chief of ceremonies,
Mrs. Bose Bernard; recorder. Mis. Mar
garet Steele; financier, Mrs. UUzabcth
Kelly; treasurer, Mrs. Nclllo Nnglc;
usher, Mrs. Jessie Martin; assistant
usher, Mrs. Kllnor Grohschcck; Insldo
watch, Faul Lang; outside watch, Mrs.
Amelia Ulmcr; musician, Mrs. Anna
I,enahan; tnibtees. Herman Steinberg,
Mrs. Elizabeth Dcckcrt nfid Mrs. Man'
Kennelly; physician, Dr. Shunahan.
Itrcfrr Dtra nt Council llluffn.
W. G. Kcefcr, a well known horseman
ot South Omaha, died suddenly Sunday
at the Ogden hotel tn Council Bluffs. Mr.
Keefcr was a resident of South Omaha
for sixteen yeare. Recently ho sold his
home on Twenty-third street and In
tended moving to California, where his
wife Is now visiting. Mr. Kecfer Is 69
years of age. The body is being held at
New York Wedding
City. Mrs. Gilbert's first husband, 11.
Brnmlmll Gilbert, was n woolen operator
and u sportsman ot note. Ho died two
ytars ngo. Captain Dugmoro Is tho
owner of many medals for bravery nnd
gallunt conduct in several campaigns of
the British army.
Brewer's undertaking rooms waiting the
urrlvnl of Mrs. Keefcr.
itlnglc C'XW rinanlp.
Office spiico for rent In Bee office, i'31S
N street. Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. South 27.
The O. II. Hockell Inquest will be held
thla morning at '10:50-o'clock at Larkln'a
Mrs. Goorgo II. Bllgf, nan returned from
a ten da'H' trip to Chicago, where she
vlBltcd friends and relatives.
There will bo a meeting of the city
council this evening, when bids will bo
let on city supplies for the year.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Bennett of Ilornlck,
In., have returned to their home after
a visit with Bov. and Mrs. It. I Wheeler,
Sir. nnd Mrs. H. A. Robinson nnd chil
dren of Atlantic, la., visited Sunday ut
the home of their uncle, 1). Robinson.
The Fhllactha class of tho Baptist
church will glvo a lllnr.n lunchoon Thurs
day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Byron
Clow. 151S North Twcnty-Blxth street.
Uvoryone welcome.
The Ludles' Aid ot tho West Sldo Meth
odlst church wll servo ti roast beet din
ner at 1I0011 Tuesday ut the church. Thirty-second
and IT streots. They wilt give
an entertainment In the evening.
Thero wan a' birthday party last night
at the homo of Baltnas Jetter. Thirtieth
mm K Btreots, In honor ot MJs Alma
Jetter. Many friends and relatives wore
present. Lunch wns served, following
which the party spent tho evening with
muHiu and games.
W. G. Nicholson, auditor of tho Omaha
& Council RluffH Street Railway com
pany, has been elected secretary to fill
the vacancy left by tho resignation of
Louis C. Nash, who enters tho firm ot
Burgces-Nash ' company. A. S. Wldenor,
who hna been cashier of the Rtrcct rail
way company, becomes treasurer.
only "bread" that fulfills
AHY lM, 131 1.
Selling Lincoln
Highway Pennants
for the Auto Show
All the automobiles and the booths, In I
Ahlrh they are to be looated at tho big
ante show February 18 to IS rue to be
decorated with Lincoln Highway Pen
nants, It II. U. Waldron. new state
consul of tho Lincoln Highway, con
tinues to have good succefs In his plan.
Ho has sent out a salesman who has
begun selling pennants to the automobile
dealers nnd nuto supply men for this
purpose. The pennanU arc soma three
feet long and carry a white map ot the
United States and the highway printed
on a red background. The Highway asso
ciation makes a small profit on the
pennants for the Highway fund and gets
the name scattered broadcast betides.
The pennants run In pairs, one for eaoh
sldo of the machines.
The headquarter for the Lincoln High
way are no longer at the Commercial
club rooms, but are now at Mr. Wal
drones office. 10JT Omaha Nntlonnl bank
Christmas mall continues to pour Into
tho Omaha postofflee, nonio 3u0 sacks
! being aa yet unopened and not distribu
ted, and the mnll la not likely to be de
livered by the end of the week. This
accumulation, however, does, not come
through tho regular channels, but repre
sents tho h cumulation of holiday mall
i which Is lie Inn sent from all over tho
I fourteenth postal division, to the nlxlo
office here. An extra force of clerks hna
ll..n I.. Ih. -I-I. J . ,
but the congestion now Indicates that an
unusually large number of persona failed
j to heed the warning to bo careful to see j
'that their holiday packages were prop-
1 crlv iiddreitiirrl m ml wpnmiAif rrtiA ..,... 1
- - - . ....... ...... ...,,,..V... A.IU i
!s I c'ng opened and llnted aa tnpldly as I
possible, and much of tho matter will be
eventually delivered either to the person
to whom It Is addrcsted or to the
The fame ot NebmsKa land and pros
pects of success In this state are spread
ing to every part of the country If the
swarm ot inquiries from people In every
state, which swamp the railroad offices
hero, are crlterlons of that fact. The
Burlington colonization department has
received on an nverago of 100 Inquiries a
day during this month from land seekers
nnd the majority of them are anxious to
learn of the conditions of this state. Most
of them want hotnestends and they all
express a preference for Nebraska home
steads. All tho other rallroadn are re
ceiving like Inquiries and tho preference
seems to be for Nebraska land.
Wynkoop Klcrstcad of Kansas City and
Isham Randolph of Chicago, engineers,
aro In Omaha to consult with General
Manager It. Beechor Howell of the met
ropolitan water district relative to the
31,600,000 tho Water board will spend fof
Improvements In the next three years.
General Manager llowoll said the ad
vice theso engineers will glvo will be sub.
milled to tho board of directors ot tho
metropolitan wutcr district for considera
NOW TOTALS $6,000.80
Returns reported In the Young Wo
mun'n Christian association publicity
campaign total 36.O0O.SO. The total col
lections reported now by the various
teams were: Miss Beutah Kvans, 31.62S;
Mrs. F. B. Lows, J1.KW; Mrs. D. C. Dodds,
11,168. SO; Mrs. II. G Kirschsteln, $1,701
C'liiiNtlpntlon Poisons Yon,
Dr. King's New LI to Fills regulates
your bowels, prevent constipation and
stimulate the liver to healthy action. 2?
All druggists. Advertisement.
Rebel Money Seized
in Chicago Will Not
Be Held by the U, S,
OinOAClO. Jan. 19. -A shipment ot 10.-
C00.0O) pesos In Mexican revolutionary
money so'.zed hero by government Offi
cials yesterday will be forwarded to
Negates tomorrow, according to Thomas
1. Porter In charge of tho secret service
Cnptaln Torter said representatives of
tho United States district attorney's of
fice took tho ground that aa the gbvern
ment nt prosent does not recognize any
government In Mexico, tho monoy cannot
be considered counterfeit.
Balph Sundorland has telegraphed the
city clerk from Minneapolis to hold dog
tag No. 1J for him. Ho says ho has a
tine daschund on which he wants to
hang tho unlucky number. The clerk la
saving tag No. 1313 for him. Dog tag
were placed on sale yesterday.
FLYMOUTH, Kngtand, Jan. 1.A donen
torpedo boat drMroyrrs nnd mlno sweep
ers piled up nnd down Whltesand bay
from early morning today until darkness
set In, but failed to locate ttie submarine
"A-7," Which Bank during; maneuvers
(.Bottled Only at the Spring, Neuenahr, Germany,
and Only with its Own Natural Gas.
The Spring
from which the
Whole World Drinks.
Florida, New Orleans, Cuba,
Panama, Gulf Coast Resorts
AS Briatjaml faerta fa Am south reached by quick a.ael com
recent aniefe ef tK IWnville & Nuhrillo Railroad. SoHS
tWettgh traJas aliaping cars from Chicago or St. LeuU,
UtuBjpajiaJ a I carta Mmng ear aerrlea. Rowad trip taoriat
tlakata, return Umit Joaa 1st. aa sets daily at reduced faroi.
GreaUir variety route than any ether He; diverse reetea te
Florida if ateebraa. Hetaateakan' tkketa ea sala Fkat aad
Third Taeaakjr aaah taaath at vary law rata.
Yery Attractive Wafer far; to Fmhh, Cab aid Jaauka.
The Most Attractive Way South
Route of the Btagaifteant Dixie limited, Dixie Fixer aad Smth
AtUatic Lbaked Traloa.
I I I For fall fMrtlealera, rata, ticketa, daacrietive ilia.
trated bookiaU aad alaepiBg car reierratiekl. a4drea J
Lt 3f aWeVsVMWsl p W. MORROW, N. W. P. A. !
TMffWTl. MiiiUl tS M 332 MaraaMta Hit., Caieaft, WL II
Newest Steamer in the Trade
Triple AIIFTIf K892
28 D&y January 31 its upwd
Other Cruises March 4 txnd April 4
16 to 26 Dny ft 145 to 175 Up
White Star Line- E- HS
Spaclal Bate tot January
3 SallliiKa Weekly
Tlckata XntarenaogeaDle,
S. S. Caribbean
8nd Arcadian
The Itoyal Mail Btam Packet Co.
Sii4rua A Bon. Qtn. AlU.
M So. LaIU Bt., CMcago.
S. S. Bermudian
Quebec S. B. Co., Ltd.
A. Z Outtrbrldit t Co.. AsU.. J B'r. N' T,
Yot Ueckttla ipplr to 1t 8. 0. Cot. or
Tlcktt Aitnt.
HOt'OTON, Mich., Jan. l.-Vlth th
end ot the sixth month of the coppc '
miners' strike In sight, operators and
t tilon men appear to be no ntarer a a
agreement than they were when tha
atruggto began on July 33 last.
The continued mild weather ha con
firmed labor leaders In tho belief that
they will bo abto to hold tho striking
force Intact throughout the winter. The
assert that tho Western Federation o'
Miners Is prepared to support the local
organization through a long contest It
The mlno owners maintain that the
backbone ot the strike has been broken
and that It the strikers do not return to
work without further delay alt thei.
Places will be fitted,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. -Five of the na
tions Invited to take part In tho great
naval procession which will atart at
Hampton Itoada and cruise by way of tho
Panama canal to the Golden Gate next
year have formally notified the State
department ot their acceptance. They are
the Argentlno ltepubllc, Franco, Germany
Great Britain nnd Fortugat. Japan also
has decided to participate, according td
tho press reports, and It la not doubted
that when tho time comes, all of the
maritime nations ot the world will be rep
resented In tho line.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising,
we w avwwBBf neniw
To the. MedkerrasaAm
January 34
rafaruory 31 Xaroa 7
S. XI. Corntr KKdtaoa ana Xia Salle
Sta., Onloaro, or Xiocal Af ,
Judicious use of Advertis
ing Brings Big Returns