I Teff Thinks He'll Always Have a Chance With ToYov. YOU ARB WMTlNG AtT "ttUIL Ate WITHOUT Ai CBKT IN THfe V0OW4) AND TOWLE CASETOCONFERENCE Nebraska Athletic Board Refuses to ' Puss on'HiE Eligibility. UtTTSR. WILL EMBODY FACTS Game. Ilk Michigan Aggie's la Ap SroTcd anil AdvlsnbllHy of1" S JBaaeBall Train In-Sprlng- ' Dlacnssed. -.IKCOLN, Neb., Jan. 19.-(8peclal TeleiJ gram, The. Nebraska athletic board put the ..uestlori of eligibility of Captatn-elccl Max Towle of the Cornhuskcr foot ball team, up to the Mlaaourl Valley confer ence .p decide at a meeting of the board thin; verting. T Allffiblllt j- committee of tlio athletic bortl,Tjep)ftd the faqta to the board, and the teller thought It useless to attempt to decide; hen tha conference had final authority. A letter wilt be prepared, sot ting, forjh all of the facta In the Towle CBe4and'eddrc8sed to the eligibility com mittee of the Missouri Valley conference, which. Is composed of representatives from Kansas, Missouri and Washington universities The board received a letter from Thftmas, It. tfason, an attorney of Duprey, H. J?,( claiming to have played nn the CornhAisker foot ball team In jOto, and having left school before lettera Tere awarded. Ife wanted hla letter. The ensa wltrrWked up. Catch" HUehm's banket ball schedule waa -aMreVed, and the foot ball w with (tt, Michigan Aggies was Also ap proved.' A jjei,l committee was appointed to board g.Vir?gJoj3Mtti CLAIBY AND PHTROSKY " TO MEET IN FEBRUARY 1,08 ANGELES. Cal., Jan. :l4.-JlmmI Ciabby and "Sailor" Ed Petroskey. whose Illness last week paused a postpope.nont of their boxing bout planned 'or last Saturday, were rematched today to meet February 12 at the Vernon arena. Edit Campt, the Ban Francisco ban tam, and Kid Williams of naltlmore nUo were matched for a twenty-round to at 11 pounds, ringside, January St GUNBOAT SMITH AND FRANK W1LLARD MATCHED SAN FRANCISCO, CaX. Jan. W.-Qun-boat gml(h, champion heavyweight, and Jesa "Wlllard were matched today to fight a twenty-round contest In this city on July 4. Wlllard'a manager Is said to have, guaranteed 17,500 to the gunner, win. Iom or draw. The two men met here last May when Smith won a deci sion from Wlllard. . FIVE THOUSAND RAIL WORKERS STRIKE TODAY ALBANY, N, X- Jan. 19.-A strike, of 6,900 employes of th Delaware & Hud- son rtatlroad company a Hncs-from 'Houses Point. N. Y.. to WHkeabarre. Pa... will begin tomorrow a v 'result ,6't' the tfusat of the company- to 'grant! th.et.nien dd manda for rclnatafeme'rii o( twij men. Engineers, firemen, conductors. tciegru' peers aad. traininen wfe ordcied . ouL Sboawerkera and office employe were not teciaCed. All U-flJns will tfo run 10 their terminals to aveid tying ip raall a nnd express. Agtents, telegraphers, signal . men and tower men will be permitted to remain on duty until noon. Union men expressed the opinion tonight that at that hour tho entire system woufd be tied up. ALLEGED COUSIN OF" STEEL MAGNATE HELD LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Jan. IJ.-OeOrpe Tj. Gary, president of a local construction company, who says he iaaeouiln. of E. If. Gary, chairman of the executive com mittee of the United BUtea Steel cor- poratlon, wa arrested today on a charge ef pawing worthless checks, totalling sev eral hundred dollars. 'J&u, SUiauoa (castas piU03jo sq pu fUtX ruiAat aoj 'qanqns 'ejpejf uusjb u'pptsM nil sit "J u4)j jo; uoiJOdioj isjs ei(i jo jojjpne ub tVM. SX( UUJJ18 UMO aI( OJ UPJ093V PURSE SNATCHER GETS WOMAN'S P0CKETB00K A purse ahatcher took a pocketbook containing 313 away Xrom Mra Edna Foi 2674 Ilafnay street', late last night at Twenty-sixth and Harney and waa pursued for several, blocks tjy. several men who witnessed the theft. 'The police were notified and the emergency auto loaded with policemen rushed to the cee, tm juuei escaped. Ca-arka ana Cold. "Weak, sore lungs quickly relieved ly Ir, Klaas New,. Discovery, jhe first oe ke!s. Cest remedy for coughs and colds and all lung troubles. COo and 11. lWw3-J detrnttMUfa advlaabliltyi ot Vylns a baHTali kmm at ttitfr vh.lyfcf t' 1 Jn :t)ie' aprlnk ith4iflua'.f nnlnfan'n? iKA. AH arufglsU.-Advertisement ( Y&J AR.6 oRc4WINC, faX-rVf yrvf. WHGfe. Do Vou fcXPECr To &Mt) UP. vuuiw - r rv . . . . EL PAXOS IN RECORD GAMES I Highest Totals Ever Rolled in This City Under Present System. GREEN MAKES TOTAL OF 704 i. Blela Team VlfctlmAlthonith II. Too, Pitt U riplendld Kzhllilllon on (hp Alleys Sunday Afterniion. In a postponed "game" 5n tho Association alleys Sunday afternoon the Kt Paxos, the tall-end team of the Omaha league. rolled not only tho Ictigue's record total, but the highest total ever rolled In Omaha under the present ssytem of weights and measurements. They led off the first game with a 1,065 gnme, Came back strong the second game wltn 1,107, thla season's record team game, and flnlshod with 1,013, making a. total for three games ,ot ,3,185. Cptaln Green led his team with a" 704 total, just ten pins under K. Sclple's total rolled last week. Ho also was, jard from In tho singles by rolling 277, lust one pin short of the scoro rolled earlier In tho season by Cummlngs of the same team. McCarthy, Jnrosh nnd Cumlngs also rolled large totals well over . COO, while Plympton was content to take dog score of Ml. The Met team were the victims of the El Paxos' terrific onslaught of tho pins. Tho whole team was going good, but not fast enough to keep up with tho speedy EI Paxos. Captain Conrad waa' In the limelight right behind .Qreen, with a-578 total and 200 single game. In tho El Paxos record game.' eleven gumeavput. of the .,ffteen . rolled word noovo m. Th,MM,riit thefflrtt'-Ugbtal rolled brlhe Ml PaWthts siasort." The1 wJVUh? K h?Xf bee" beating the stronger tears, of -Uie'h-Rue has caisc'd taf i'lley" gossips to. tag. (them with the naino of uiant jiicra.v , At the rate they are now going their backers will probably send them to tho big International tour nament at Minneapolis. Tho scores; EL. PAXOS.' ' 3 va WW 137' an 177 3 183 IM 188 203 203 Tot. 641 Plvmnlnn m J. Jaroah VA U,'i0 &a 6S3 '0I Cumlngs 303 McCarthy sat Qreen 22t Totals .A 1,065 MKTZ. l 1,107 1,013 3,183 I 165 187 1S9 181 3 S03 185 180 181 197 Tot Nealo 190 &58 CM 639 647 671 Huntington 178 Weekes , 170 Denman ISO Conrad 23 Totals 910 654 043 3,783 Couple With Stolen ( Goods Tell Unusual Story at Glenwood GMJNWOOD. la., Jan. l.-8peclal.)-Mr. and Mra. I'red Cook, In jail at thla Place on, a charge of having In their poo Bsslionstolen property, waived examina tion Vnd were held o February 17 grand jury by'Juatlce C. W. Edwards. Mr. Cook In- in Interview gtveshls name aa Fred t'ook.iriio name gven Sheriff Bushnell, w'hp, urrestcd thexn south of Glenwood upon Information furnished by Sheriff Itock of Monpua .county, was Fred John-aoninnd'-wlfe. Cook Is Indefinite . In his statements rfgarfUng his former resi dence, but thinks he lived In Dos Moines, wftere"he' did farm and ordinary labor. lie claims that an .Injury to his temple, sustained by being thrown from a horse thirteen -years - ago,- renders htm unable to remember events, and that h does things while in u itate of absentmlnded- ness of which he has no recollection. Mrs. Cook says; that her name has been Woodward i and, McQInnls. That she mar ried Co6; Ip .'Onawa December JO, 1911 That' the hors-nd bucvv that lhav atarted Trom .that place with she received In trade with William Ferdlsh, the con sideration being the leaso of a five-room house which she received-ns a life Inter est in'from her former husband, a saloon keeper named Mclnness. she further says that her husband traded the horse In Council llluf fa for another horse, the one they were driving when arrested. Husband and wife deny any knowledge of tha other articles found In their buggy, a raincoat and watch taken from the Cat- tron school, three miles northeast of Glenwood, . and various children school traps, probably taken from school houses between Crescent, la., and Glenwood. The watch and coat waa Identified by Miss Moomaw. the teacher . at the Cattron tichool. The harness and buggy were claimed by D. W. Miller, a farmer near Crescent. SHOT IN SHOULDER AS RESULT OF A QUARREL STUHGIS. S. D., Jan, lt.-(gpeclal Tele gramsAnother shooting scrape has oc curred In Meade county near Fox Ridge. Chester Tlnsley shot Peter Lampy with a .23-callber rifle as the result of a quar rel. Lampy got a bullet in each shoulder and Is at Faith for treatment. Tlnsley was brought here by Deputy Sheriff gkutt. Tlnsley waived examination at the preliminary hearing and was bound over to the circuit' court on 81.000 ball. Key to the Situation-Bee Advertising, THE BEE: OUD6tU You v Type of Submarine PA ROURKE MOST HOPEFUL He Returns from League Meeting Full of Optimism. WOULD RAISE GUARANTEES Move I to lie Mnde to Increase Good Faith of the. Owners that They Will Plar the'Sennou All the Way Through. W. A. Itourke, president of tho Omaha BttWtJalt club." has rtfujpbd from; Joseph, where ha presided at the' meeting of tho bqard of directors of the leaguo Saturday Pa' reports, trlat both Holland and Isbell, who comprise (the remainder of the board, ua well as himself, agro' that tho Western leaguo should be placofl upon a stronger basis, and that waa the' reason for tho nufgestlons, which wijl bo Introduced at the meeting of the league In Oirinha rextr month. 2'ho sug gestions were to the effect that the guar antee should- be raised to 3123 without privileges from thu old ratp of 310 with prlvlloges, and .that each club should de posit with the president of tho lenguu a 83,000 surety bond for guarantee of goof! faith to finish the complete scheduled reason of 1914. "We agreed," said Mr, Itourke, "to tako that action bocauae we believed that the soundness of the Western leaguo Is some what lu jeopardy at' the present time. Somo of the, cluba In.' tho leaguo aro not particularly strong and we felt that It was only Just to the other clubs that wo prepare for an emergency which finan cial reverses would cause for somo of the clubs. The 33,000 guarantee will relieve any fear of one or the clubs quitting be fore tho season Is over. "We also reminded the club owners of the suggestions made at the last West em leaguo meeting at Chicago that a club house should be erected for the vis iting clubs and that each club should have Its own ticket-takers, because this league Is a first-class loague and should be run on a systematic basis. "Holland and Isbell and myself are of the opinion that the Western league will have a banner season this year nnd un less something goes amiss the class of base ball which will be turned out In Western league parks will be Just as fast as double A, or even some major league ball. Omaha will have a faster team and Holland and Isbell assert that their clubs will be of superior prowess." RAIL STRIKE IN SOUTH AFRICA PRACTICALLY ENDS CAPF. TOWN, Jan. 19,-The railway strike practically ended tonight with the derision ot the operating force to resume work Immediately. The atrike of the min ers also Is rapidly nearlng its end. It Is estimated that the mobilization ot the burghers will coat the government between $1,250,000 d 32.000,000. A proclamation was Issued at Pretoria demobilising all tho commanders and regiments except thbaa In the Rand and the Pretoria and Fauresmlth districts. This means that 30.000 men will be retained In the flald. The Mtai-ler Uunrlet" und Itc Work. Each year the month ot January num bers Its list of victims from Influents, la grippe, bronchitis and pneumonia. La grippe coughs seriously weaken the sys tem and when they hang on. are a sign ot general debility. The use ot Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will promptly check the cough, heal the Inflamed air passages, preventing the development of U grippe to a more serious condition. Keep It on hand. Contalna no opiates. For sale by all dealers everywhere Adver tisement. 91 1 as luqr Sinn Urtarna. LOGAN, la, Jan. if. tSpecIal.) George Haxxard, who disappeared from hla home here at about 6 o'clock and was searched for here, near Beebeetown. Unlonburg, at Neola and Persia Friday ntght, and other towns. Is now at homo and all la well. Mr. Hazzard wll doubtless give a full ex planation of his trip awuy from home ta due time. s t aIHIIBHBBIHHhitajBf ' k OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1914. the Federals WH5N OU) UTON fHt vow arb eeewJt, DOWN AHO OvTT Nb UiU , WHAT AK6 fcU Xr6VICsR. THA. LET THlHk.,ViHAT WIUL, t.TX Involved in Latest British Navy Tragedy Great Quantities of Hams and Bacon Destroyed by Fire SIOUX CITY, la., Jan. 19,-Groat quantities of hams and bacon were destroyed this evening by a spectacular blaze in tho four-story ham and storago house of the Armour Packing plant. The lorsto the building and contents Is esti mated at $75,000. The jtfrucTure tw a sh eldest ot thj. Armoun plant... Besides storage house for smoked meats It was used as a box factory 'inunary npa, canneq meats 'ware house. - , i , , , Twelve strenma of water we.re, thrown on the building nnd after, an .hour' a tight 'ng tho blaze waa under control, although at tltncs other packing house buildings secmca in aanger. I own Notes. ( HIDNHV Th fnrmprn nf T-nrust flrnvn township, In the southeastern, part of Fre- mum couniy, nave peimoiiea me county "Where is that Bell Telephone?" Is there a Bell Telephone at your elbow? If there isn't, it will pay you to answer the question: "How much does it cost me NQ5? to.have a telephone there? One minute of lost time ten times a day for ten years, at 50 cents an hour, is more than $800.00. Figure it up) An extension telephone on your desk will cost you muchv less than that; and then think of the convenience. Every Bell Telephone is a Business Builder. Thrnf rm 13g Bualirss Extanslon Tglephon.s In Omaha. f c Drawn I've 60T T.' t tiow, what a ALL M' Type of submarine, which, sinking in Whltcsaid bay, near Plymouth,' England, carried down with It twelve men. Other submarines scouring the bottom of tho bay for tho sunken vessel received Blg nafs from the prisoners In tho A7, but were unablo to locato the lost boat In time to rescue the men on board. commissioners to offer a bounty for dead crows. They say tho flocks ot crows are so denso as to obsi-uro the sun and they claim that tho birds spread hog cholera. SIDNEY J. K. James, a delinquent tax collector for Fremont county, la lying critically 111 at hla home In Sidney, a sufferer from blood poisoning. Mr. James, who la over 70 years old, while engaged In a friendly scuffle with an ac? quatntance received a alight scratch on the wrist which .brought on the trouble. LOGAN Seventeen students of the Lo gan High school held a declamatory con test here last evening at tho Extension building. Miss Hazel Downey won first honors, Ida Isbell second and Paul Son ne r. Miss Downey will represent tha Logan Schools at the Southwest Declam atory contest to do held nt Guthrie Cen ter Friday evening. February 20. STORM LAKE HUena Vista County Farmers' Instltuto closed In this city Sat urday with the annual horse show. Great Interest has been manifested In the in stitute throughout and large crowds have attended every session. John Thompson of Sioux City spoke On Friday on "Farm Credits." Tho exhibits in all departments were varied and excellent, In connection with tho Institute tho third annual show of tho Buena Vista Poultry association was held arid 00 birds from all over this section of the state were exhibited. 'w . . jta a. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY for The Bee by ., f 6I6N op J I i..-ra -rn-rHC fjK REFUSE TO CHANGE RULES Inter-Varsity Games Cannot Be Played in Outside Cities. FRESHMEN GAMES ALSO BARRED Mlaajnrl Valley Conference Tlefases to Abolish Ilnle Prohibiting: Tinmen llptrreen Flrat Year University Teams. LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 19. (Special Telegram.) The governing board of the Missouri "Valley conference, In session here; this rrlornlng refused to rescind the rulo prohibiting athletic games to be ,playcd outside the college towns wheretn the schools are located. The action of the conference was unanimous, the Kan sas representative, 'favoring tho abolish ment of 'the rule, falling to vote. The failure to rescind the rule prevents Kan sas City- and Omaha from getting a Mlsi sourl Valley conference foot ball game. The conference also refused to rescind, the rulo preventing freshman teams from, playing1 with the first year teams of other members of the conference. The ques tion of prohibiting athletes from par ticipating in more than two collegiate sports- was-:left to. tho 'decision of each member of the conference. . . The' queatlon of frafornlty legislation! was ibefore the .afternoon session, of the! board. . 'SLACK WATER' TITLE OF NEW PICTURE AT COMMERCIAL "Slack Water" Is tho tltln of a new plcluro presented t,o the Commercial club by jthe retiring membership committee. Tho picture Is. by. Wallace -Nutting. ,lt now hangs bn'tho north-'wall of the-din ing room, BRINGS. .LARGE .FAMILY. TO STATE FROM OLD COUNTRY BALTIMORE. Jan. 19. (Special Tele gram.) Tho disabled Bteamcr Breslau, from Bremen, crept Into port this morn ing with a broken rudder and several hundred Immigrants aboard. Among them was Carl Mencken, a prosperous German "Bud" Fisher farmer, and behind him trailed a wife and twelve children of all ages --and sizes. They have been attracted to America by the success, of .their daughter's .hus band, who Is making money In .Butte. Neb.,, and. they. left on tho first train for the west this afternoon. They will all live with her or, the present. Key to .the Sltuatlpn lice Advertising. Rheumatic BIood-THE Story That Millions Tell The Way to Prompt Recovery There Is a host ot pills, powders, tablets and what-not for rheumatism, -' but they all lack the first essential, to ' being a natural medicine. To .begin ': with, rheumatism Is simply a name given to designate a variety of 'pains, and can .only be reached by irrigating the entire blood supply with a nat urally assimilative antidote. True, the pains may be eased with narcotics or the acids may be neutralized- for the time being. But such methods merely temporize and do not even lead to a cure. There la a standard rheu matism remedy, and Is sold In all . drug stores under the name ot 3. S. S. '., Attempts are often mad a to sell some thing1 claimed to bo "Just as good." 1 Insist positively that you will have ' nothing but S. S. S. . It contains only purely vegetable 'S elements and Is absolutely free of p mercury, 'iodide of .potash, or arsenic. The recoveries Of all types of rheu- i; matlsm by the use of 8. 8. S. Is a fine ', ' tribute to the natural efTlcacy of this remarkable medicine, for It is' ' as '' b Initiated" just as naturally and .Just 'C as -well -ordained as the, most accept- V able, most palatable, .and mostjreadjly, digested 'food.- Do no't -fall to- gefti?' bottle of S. S. S. to-day. You- III be. astonished at the results. If., your,- j rheumatism Is of such, a nature that you would like to consult a specialist, j write to the medical department, -,The Swift Specific Co.. 307 Swift Bldg., At-' lanta, Go. Sharpen Your Razors or. Binges with Kcn-R-Edg Keenest possible edge guaran teed. Far superior vto any other razor paste. It lias merit cornpos ed of carborundum powdered 'to the Incut degnje . and bolted through the finest silk bolting cloth; held together by an oily case (part vasoline). It is guar anteed to improve the strap and keep the razor or blades in per fect condition indefinitely. Rtttils 10c Pkg. Sold, by all leading druggists and hardware stores. Clearance of All Winter COATS $30.00 940.00, $50.00 and 9S0.00 Coats, Toor choice at 91S.00. THE HOUSE OP MENAGH "The Store for Gentlewoman.", 1613 raraa i -treat r Ground Floor Space Bee Building About 1,500 square feet with Farnam Btreet front age. New show windows being installed. This room has a large vault. Also extra entrance from the court. Rent Reasonable. Apply to The Bee Building Co., Room 103. 13 ea Hull ding. . Call Tylr lOOO If You Want to Talk to Tho Dee or to Anyone Connected with The Ree.