Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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ft .
Have Boat rtint Xt Now Beacon Pf ess.
X.lf Xns.1 Tss. Penn Mntnal, Gould.
El.ctrlo SnppU.s Burgess-Granden Ca.
Fidelity Storage and Tan CO.D. 151.
Burn'a Celebration, January 23, Swed
ish hall, Sixteenth and Chicago streets.
8. B. HoweU to Address improvers-
It. B. Howell will speak before the South
cast Improvement club Tuesday evening
At the new Bancroft school, Seventh and
Mrs. MoJCy Besting Easily Mrs. W.
A.. McKcy of Kountxe Place Is resting
easily In a St. Joseph, Mo., hospital,
where she was taken two weeks ago In
a serious nervous condition.
State Bank of Omaha I per cent paM
on time deposits; 3 per cent paid on sav
ings accounts. All deposits In this bank
are protected by the depositors' guaran
tee fund of the state of Nebraska.
Freshmen Debating Club An oratori
cal league has been started by the fresh
men class of the Crelghton Arts college.
It Is a club Independent of the official
debating organization of the school.
Kubjensky announces the engagement of
Miss Ida Ltnknvltst, 201$ California street,
to Archie Kavlch of Fremont. The wed
ding will take ptaco during the month
of February.
Sue Peters Trust company confine
Itself solely to trustee and investment
business and is therefore not affected by
tho ups and downs of finance. It Is ad
vantageous to estates of whatsoever size
to have It named as executor or trustee.
Master Bakers to Dance The fourth
annual danco of the Omaha Master Bak
ers' club will be given at tho German
Home on Wednesday evening, January
28. The committee In charge of the af
fair consists of T. F. Naughtln, E. Li.
Kelley and Alex Tybcring.
Many Families Quarantined Health
Commissioner It. W. Conncll says twenty
families are quarantined for scarlet fever,
fourteen for dtpthcrta and three for
smallpox. In addition fourteen cases of
scarlet fever, eight of diphtheria and
twenty-two of smallpox have been re
ported. Franklin Clnb Banquet In honor of
Benjamin Franklin's birthday, the Tri
Clty' Ben Franklin club, an organization
ot .Omaha, South Omaha, and Council
Bluffs employers ot Jobbing printers, held
n banquet and danco at the Hotel Bonie
last night. About eighty persons, includ
ing" the members of the club and tho
guests weie present. C. 13. Corey was
toastmastcr, and the speakers were the
following: I J. Quinby, II. L. Tostevln,
Frank G. Kennedy and I. V. Carpenter.
New JMterary Society The literary
societies at the high rfiSeoI assembled Fri
day afternoon for their first regular meet
ing since the holidays. A boys' debating
society for the first year class Was
organized with more than forty members.
A committeo consisting of Kellar Hart.
Jay Burns and Frank Porter was ap
pointed to draft a constitution and a sec
end committee of three, Bernard Martin,
Ambrose Gregg and Trumaln Redfield
was selected to choose a society name.
nilllousneaa and Liver Complaint
quickly relieved by Dr. King's New Life
Pills. Regulates the bowels, kesps
stomach and liver in healthy condition.
25c All druggists. Advertisement.
AH Ohioans living In Omaha are in
vited to meet Tuesday noon with the Ohio
club, which will hold its annual election
nt the office of Judge W. W. Slabaugh,
915 Omaha National bank building. Any
man or woman who has lived in tho
Buckeye stato Is eligible for member
ship, officers say, and they expect a
large attendance of their fellow Ohioans
who want to Join the club.
Cangh Medicine tor Children.
Never givo a child a cough medicine
that contains opium In any form. When
opium is .given other and mora serious
diseases may follow. Long experience
has demonstrated that there Is no better
or safer medicine for coughs, colds and
croup In children than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It Is equally valuablo
for adults. Try it. It contains no opium
or other harmful drug. For sale by all
dealers. Advertisement.
Key to the Situation Be Advertising.
Culls from the Wire
Tho domestic and foreign mission
boards of the Reformed church In Amer
lea will divide 1100,000 from the estate
of Thomas Edwards, appraised at New
There were '1,141 mine workers killed in
and about tho mines ot Pennsylvania In
1918, according , to a- report made public
yesterday by James E. Roderick, chief
of the "state department of mines.
The condition of Miss Margaret Quaylc,
daughter of Bishop Qu&yle, of the Metho
dist Episcopal church, who is being given
the radium treatment for cancer at Balti
more, was reported to be serious yes
terday. William Ash, member of a band of
counterfeiters, who made 95 bank notes
In Troy, N. Y., and circulated them In
New York, was sentenced yesterday to
two years in the federal penitentiary at
Frank Berlske of Ravensdale. Wash.,
yesterday confessed to the Seattle police
that he kilted John Mickus with an axe
in Scranton, Pa., sixteen years ago. He
said that his conscience urged him to
confess. The chief of police of Scran
ton was notified and he requested that
Berlske bo held.
Addison McCullough of Pittsburgh, 20
years old, a student at the University
ot Pennsylvania, Jumped from a wharf
into the Delaware river at Philadelphia
yesterday and was drowned. McCullough
ranked high in his class work and was
a member of the debating team. It is
believed lie became deranged from over
study. T:rlv action by Colonel George W.
Goethals 1b indicated In connection with
tho investlsatlon Into the alleged irregu
larities in the commissary department for
which John Burke is manager. Special
Agent Nye. who has made charge of
the investigation at Panama, will make
a final report to uoionci uoemais eariy
this week.
Nostrils and Head
From Cold? Try My Catarrh Balm
Instantly Clears Air Passages;
You Breathe Freely; Dull
Headache Goes; Nasty Catar
rhal Dischargp Stops.
Try "Ely's Cream Balm."
Get a smalt bottle anyway, just to try
it Apply a little in the nostrils and in
stantly your clogged nose anu stopped
up air passages of the head will open;
you wlU breathe freely; dullness and
hadache dlsanoear. By morning! the
V catarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal sore
throat will be gone.
End such misery now! Get the small
bottla or "Ely's Cream Balm" at any
Developments of the Week
Nearby Institutions.
Mimical nml l.tternry, Kntrrtnln.
mrntft) Oratorical Content nnit
Other Activities Kilncn
tlonnl trn.
The ort department of the Peru State
Normal school, under the direction ot
Miss Mcra McLellan, has a new course
in tho study ot historic ornament. Tho
work is divided Into four groups. Tho
first group embraces the Egyptian orna
ment, which is studied and the designs
are drawn by tho students. In Ink and
color. These designs are placed In books
with an appropriate design for tho cover.
Tho Egyptians took most of their de
signs from the flowers and seed pods ot
the lotus, a water lily, which grew In
the Nile, and also from the scarab (a
bcetlo which tho Egyptians considered
sacred). The second group consists ot
Greek and Roman ornament. Tho stu
dents learn to recognize the principal
forms, which appear In the Greek and
Roman decoration the anathcmlon, acan- ;
thus, rosette, scroll, egg and dart. They i
also learn to draw and know tho differ
ent orders of Greek and Roman pillars
the Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Roman
composite. Tho third group is tho By
zantine, romancsquo and saracenlo orna
ment, the quatrcfoll, trefoil, circle, cross
and others. The saraccntc design Is
based upon geometry and Is not sym
bolical, slnco the Mohammedan law for
bado tho use ot any living thing, animal
or plant or art. Tho last group consists
of Gothic and kenalssanco designs. Tho
Gothic represents plants and animals
And is much used In heraldry. Tho
rohalssance, which Is the first ot all
modern styles, practically combines tho
best features of the previous designs.
All drawings are mado on an established
scale; and all colors used In tho designs
aro used according to historical reference.
In connection with this work the students
are referred to - various books In the
library on history and historic ornamenta
tion. Tho faculty play on Friday night was
given to a full house. The play Is known
as "Billy," and abounds In mirth. Most
of the faculty acquitted themselves quite
Miss Lena Moultrop of Blair has been
elected to a position In the Norfolk
schools. Miss Elsie Andrews ot Ulysses
goes to Central City to take charge of
tho Fifth grade.
Dean E. L. Rouse gave an Illustrated
lecturo on the history ot Nebraska last
Thursday night.
Miss Helen Osbourne of Broken Bow
has been elected to a position In the
Grant public schools.
Jnnlorn Carry Oft Honor in Inter-
Clnsa Debute.
The annual midyear party of the Alpha
Omega yrae hold Friday evening in tho
Congregational church parlors.
A. Grosshans ot Aurora, visited his
daughter. Miss Alma, Friday afternoon
The Juniors easily carried off high hon
ors In the class debates here Tuesday
evening. Tho question for discussion was
the single-tax question, pending the In
tercollegiate debate a little later. The
Juniors upheld the affirmative against
tho sophomores and the negative against
the freshmen.
Tho delegates to the student volunteer
missionary convention gave a report of
tho meeting before the Congregational
church prayer meeting Thursday evening,
They will have charge of a Joint meet
ing of tho Young Women's Christian as
soclatlon and the Young Men's Christian
association today.
Prof. J. N. Bennett was the Doane rep.
resontatlve at tho annual meeting of tho
Nebraska Intercollegiate Athletic asso
elation in Lincoln Saturday.
Tho trustees ot the college held a spe
clal meeting in Lincoln last Tuesday.
Rev. V. F. Clark, field secretary. Is
spending this month in the east in tho
interests of the college.
Hugh V. Martin of Lincoln visited
friends at Doane Tuesday.
Spirit of rroffrfM Manifested In All
Mrs. Potter of New York City, repre
sentative of the Women's Board of Home
and Foreign Missions, of the Presbyter
ian church of America, spent a few days
at the college. She gave a spirited and
uplifting address at the chapel on Tues
day morning. Mrs. Potter Is visiting tho
colleges of tho country and seemed
pleased with tho spirit of tho work In
this institution. On Monday afternoon
the girls of tho Young Women's Chris-
tlan association gave an Informal recep
tion In her honor at the studios of Alex
ander hall. She also gave the girls a
most delightful and Instructive talk about
the mission work of today.
Prof. De Champs, who Is well known
In all of our colleges, gave an address
at chapel on Wednesday to the student
body. Prof. De Champs has the reputa
tion of being a physiognomist of a high
order, having combined psychology with
the study of facial expression.
Among tho new students, who have Just
enrolled are: Mr. Burke, Mr. Johnson
and Mr, Logsdon, A larger number wilt
enroll at the beginning of the next semes
Hastings college is to have the Student
Voluunteer convention for the state next
year. It Is also altogether probable that
we shall havo the Young People's Con
ference, not only of the state, but ot
this part of the west. We shall know
definitely In a short time.
The committee having charge of the
home-coming, composed of Rev. McDou
gall of Bridgeport, Rev. James Brown
ot Gordon and Rev. Thomas Osborne ot
Stopped Up
drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm
dissolves by the heat of the nostrils;
penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swol
len membrane which lines the noso, head
and throat: clears the air passages;
stops nasty discharges and a feeling ot
cleansing, soothing relief comes im
mediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling
fr breath, with head stuffed; nostrils
closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh
or a cold, with its running nose, foul
mucus dropping into the throat, and
raw dryness Is distressing but truly
net dies.
Put your faith Just once In "Ely's
j am n.lm" ami vmir nnt nr rntArrh
will surely disappear. Agents, Sherman
& McGonnell Drug Co. Advertisement.
Bcottsbluff, Is at work and reports that I
we shall probably have a targe number
here for Tuesday and Wednesday of com
mencement week, June 9 and 10. It is
planned to havo Tuesday afternoon spent
In an alumni program. A number ot
stunts are being prepared for tho oc
casion and considerable Interest Is being
Tho cabinet of tho Young Men's Chris
tian association entertained tho cabinet
ot the Young Women's Christian associa
tion on Monday evening at the home of
lonard Sims. Walter Rosenlof and Miss
Caroline Wahlqulst received honorable
mention In a contest held.
A number of new cases have 'boen
placed in tho museum to caro tor tho
additions mode to tho Brooking collection.
A fine now set ot books has also been
donated to tho library within tho last
Several of our students havo already
announced their Intention of going Into
tho peace contest, which will be held
some ttmo within the next month or two.
The homo oratorical contest will be held
at the Presbyterian church next Monday
evening ot 8 o'clock. Three young men
wilt contest for the privilege of repro
sentlng the college at tho state contest
to bo held at University Place some tlmo
In February.
Vnrlona Events Diversify Activities
of Students.
An exceptionally lino entertainment was
given at chapel Monday morning by the
pharmacy class. The phannio programs
are always anticipated with pleasure,
They wero greeted with rousing cheers
and before being seated were grectea
with a yell by each of the other classes.
They responded with tho new "locomo
tlve" yell.
Prof. John W. Phillips Is making extra
preparations for tho vesper services,
which will bo held in the college cliapci,
January 25. The past programs have been
such as to call out a large auoicnce
and this doubtless will do likewise ns
somo of his best students will appear
In solo work. Rev. Emanuel will deliver
tho address.
Mrs. A. M. Reynolds of the art depart
mcnt will havo a new class starting in
ntihllo school drawing next week. This
will consist chiefly of sketching from
nature, and water colors,
Tho first winter term ot the year closca
Thursday and many of the short-distance
students went home to spend Bunaay,
but will return Monday to resume work
Tuesday morning.
Tho advanced singing class under the
direction ot Prof. Phillips has been spend
ing considerable tlmo In preparation ot
the "Bohemian Girl," by Baife, to do
given In concert in tho collego chapel
early in February. This will doubtless
bo one ot the best musicals given by
tho class and tho public Is cordially in
vited. Prof. Swihart's orchestra wilt as
sist In tho entertainment. Further notice
will bo given.
The commercial department Is nearing
tho 200 enrollment mark and there are
gnat prospects for tho largest class of
the year at the opening or tno iniru term
next week.
Question of ItenrmnKlntr Recitation
Hour Under Discussion.
The Wesleyan academy has been ad
mitted to the Nebraska High School pe-
batlng league and a number of students
ore now at work trying to solve the trust
At a meeting of the Dialectic merary
society Friday evening a spirited debate
was held. The minimum wage was tne
topic for discussion.
A movement Is on foot among the
students to organize a parliamentary
union, the object being to promoto prac
tice In extemporaneous speaking and In
parliamentary law.
Tho coltege council has been making a
study of the advisability of changing
class schedules so as to have school in
session on Saturday forenoon Instead ot
Monday forenoon. The principal argu
ment in favor of the change Is that It
will be a distinct advantage to about
thirty ministerial students who are com
pelled to bo away Sunday and part ot
The funds derived from tho college
night entertainment last Bprlng aro to
be Invested in steel lockers ror tne gym
naslum, the material already having been
At the annual oratorical contest last
Thursday. Emmet Mitchell was awarded
first place, his subject being "The
Dynamlo Force of Civilization." Wllmer
Lewis took second place wun an orauun
a "World Peace."
Wayne State Normal Notes,
nM.t,t.tit Pnnn ffdva An address at
Wlausa. Friday evening, the occasion be
ing the dedication of a new high school
Deputy State Superintendent K. I. lUlipu
was a. visitor r rmY mm
spiring address to the students at con
Examinations for tho close of the first
semester will occur on muriaay aim
iTriiiav of this week. The new term
oDens on Monday, January 2.
A number of new names were aaaea
. .v.. rairiaf ratlnn Hat recently and the
attendance Is now the largest It has been
since the organization oi mo stuuui.
A state teachers' examination was held
at tho normal Friday and Saturday to
meet the needs of applicants for a cer
tificate who aro enrolled from counties
outside of wayne.
Pii,r fnr the new administration build
imr nt Wavne. for which the contract
was awarded to J. It Rlddell ot Crelgh
ton last Tuesday, call for a brick struc
ture 85x130 feet and three full stories
high. It will be erected on tho present
site of the old college building, which
has been condemned and will bo removed
before work on tne new structure uegiiis
On Wednesday morning announcement
was made to the school of prizes offered
business men ot Wayne. J. G.
Mines orrera a goia meaai to tno siuaem
who makes the most Improvement In
.Mnnhin durlnir the year, and Frank
Morgan offers a silver cup to the student
who renders the greatest service to the
institution, nolnts to be considered being
scholarship, debating, athletics and other
school activities.
Educational Notes.
San Antonio school children aro being
taught to employ tooth brushes regularly
It Is stated by Superintendent of Public
TiiBtrtiMInn Lawrence of South Dakota.
that In that state the people elect 10.000
officials to iook alter scnoois prcsiueu
oyr.r by 5, WO teachers.
Josenh A. Cooper of Edlnboro. Pa., wo
rrinclnat of the Edlnboro State Normal
school from 1801 to 1W2. If he survives
until August. 1911, he will reach the
plL-htlptli milestone on the Journey of life,
but Is so well preserved, both phvslcally
and mentally, that he does not appear to
be over 00 years.
California spent J25.53I.H19 for the educa
Uon of 7i6 children wno attennea tn
public schools of the state during th
fiscal year, which ended June 30. Jl:
This sum represents an Increase over 1912
of 11,576,198.77, and Is exclusive of approxi
mately 11,000,000 expended for state nor!
mat schools and the university of Call
In a comparison of whits and colored
children measured by the Blnat scale of
Intelligence. Dr. Joslah Morse ot the
l'nivrraltv of South Carolina finds that,
In th saras courue of study and with
equally aooa hkiic v
tho colored children arc more than one
year "backward"' to 10.J per cent ot whlto
cmiaren; that tw.s per cent coiorcn ar
"fcUlsfactory" to SI. 4 per cent white, and
but 0.S per cent of colored children are
more than one year "aavnnccu ', as corn
fared with 6.8 per cent ot whlto children.
Krnrnrr State .Normal Nolrs.
Sunertnondcnt Bcnfon. of tho Lexington
schools, visited tho Normal Friday after
Professor A. J Mercer went to Lincoln
Saturday to attend tho annual meeting
of the Nebraska Athletic association.
Mrs. Robert Ilueart of Stanford, Mont..
tptm n rnrmnrl v na.t.lnnl In tm tltntlnl
Barten department, was a visitor Wcdncs- I
dav morning.
Miss Bothwell. of the Department ot
Elocution and Physical Culture, went to
Lincoln Frldav morning, whero she will
glvo a reading at tho Young Women's
Christian association convention to bo
held at that place.
The class In Dietetics cavo a three-
course luncheon Weducsdty In tho Domcs-
llco science department. This was Kiven
for tho purpose ot demonstrating tho
work of the department and was attended
only by sudenta taking this work."
A line collection ot botanical speci
mens has been donated to tho Department
or uioloKical sciences by Dr. liaueman
of Mlnden. As soon as cases aro in
stalled for tho proper car of those speci
mens, they will be placed in tho depart
ment ana win maKo a vaiuabo and at
tractive addition.
Alleged Magazine
Solicitor Arrested
A man who declared his name to be
John Brown, and his homo as Wyoming,
was arrested yesterday afternoon by Of
ficer J. T. Murphy as ono ot tho mnga
zlno solicitors who have been working In
Omaha and Imposing upon tho sympa
thies ot householders.
Thinly clad and carrying two tiny babes
In her arms, Mrs. Anna Smith, who lives
at tho Denver hotel on North Sixteenth
street, came to poltco headquarters
through the damp last night and asked
that her husbnml, James, be arrested be
cause ho refused to support her and was
continuously beating her.
To Acting Captain Madsen, she said her
husband has not worked slnco September
and that ho has often forced her to go
out on tho street to beg money from
pnsscrsby, Sho says olio Is soon to be
como 111 again and can no longer beg for
money, and asked the police to mnko her
husband support her.
On Christmas day, sho said, she was
evicted from a small homo in tho south
part of tho city because of nonpayment
of rent. James Smith was later arrested
and is be(ng held. '
Rev. William F. Rlggo, Crolghton uni
versity astronomer, succeeded for the
first time yesterday In detecting wireless
signals from Arlington, tho government
wlrolcss station near Washington, D. C,
during the daytime.
Slnco the Installation of tho wireless
receiving station at Crelghton university,
rather Rlggo has mado rapid strides in
tho use of the Instruments, and has for
tho last two months been able to get
the night signals from Arlington.
While on his recent trip south, Father
Rlggo was a visitor to tho wireless sta
tion at, the St. Louis university in St.
The fate of tho Cadet Officers' club of
the high school will bo definitely settled
Monday afternoon by tho Board of Edu
cation committeo on teachers and In
struction appointed last week, Tho com
mittee, which consists of J. J. Foster, J.
Taggart and James W. Richardson,
discussed the advisability of retaining tho
organization at their first meeting held
Friday afternoon, but arrived at no de
cision and tho affair was laid over until
tomorrow. At Friday's meeting a com
mittee ot two officers of tho regiment in-
formed the committeo of tho custom ot
allowing the proceeds from tho hop given
each year to bo added to tho cadet fund.
When D. B. Williams, 3818 North Eight
eenth street, refused to hold up his hands
as requested by two highwaymen last
night at Sixteenth street, near Pratt, he
laughed and told tho highwaymen to
'beat it." Tho robbers again told, him
to elevate his hands, and when he ro
fused once moro they became trlghtoned
andran awuy.
Williams describes tho men as being
about 32 years old each.
Fred Sutterly, 101 South Eleventh street.
slipped upon the Bloppy pavement di
rectly across from police headquarters
last night and fell, breaking his right
leg In three places, between tho ankle
and knee.
Ho was given first aid by police sur
geons and then tuken to St. Joseph's
hospital. How Sutterly could fall and
break his leg in such u manner caused
considerable comment.
F A. Wright, a well known attorney
from Scotts Bluff, Neb,, is In the Presby.
terlan hospital to undergo a surgical
Alpha Morgan, from Broken Bow, Is In
the same hospital. Neither of tho men
Is In a serious condition.
Sore Throat
neglected, may develop into seri
ous ailments. Jltmovt tno Inflam
mation with
which easily conquers croup,
asthma, tonsliltls, and other
troubles of tho throat and chest.
Mrs. L. N. Dragdon, Sorrento, Me.,
writes t Encloted And ts cents, for
which send bottle of Sloan's Liniment,
which is the only thine I can get to
stop sore throat for m. It alo works
wonderfully on my flesh, stopping
pains of all kinds."
At H tuim. Pries 25c, 50c i $1.00
Br. Eari S. Stew, lac, BstM, Mms.
Goes to Funeral
of Father; Finds
His Parent Alive
After receiving a telegram last Wednes
day which read: "Father died Tuesday
night," l. K( Glfford, a teacher In ths
High School of Commerce living at 19M
Jones street, hurried to Preseott, Kan,
and was met at tho door ot his old homo
by his father, whom ho found to bo in
good health. Ho then discovered that
the dead person was hi wlfo's father,
Alf Stambaugh, and that the misunder
standing had arisen through a mistake
In Bonding the telegram.
The message was signed "II. N. 8.,
Who Is a brother of Mrs. Glfford. It
should have been addressed to her, but
aa hor husband was the addressee on the
message, and as he has another brother-in-law
with tho same Initials as Mrs.
Gilford's brother, tho local teacher was
tod to the conclusion that his own father,
a. W. Glfford, had received tho last call.
When tho true situation was learned
MK Glfford telegraphed his wife hero,
but she was unable to reach Froscott
In time for the funeral, which was held
Three men arrested by Detectives
Dunn and Konctly yesterday afternoon
as they were trying to .dispose of Jewelry
to a North Sixteenth street saloon keeper,
are being held In tho otty Jail on sus
picion of boing connected with the rob
bery at the homo of John J. Lanphler,
2333 Cuss street, several days ago.
Tho names they gavo aro, William
Wheeler, It. B. Warner and Frank Lake.
They had In their possession at the
time of arrest several rings, which, tho
detectives say, were stolen.
Major C. F. Cramer, U. S. A., well
known In Omaha, his former home, was
elected first vlco president of the Society
ot Construction ot Federal Buildings at
Its recent meeting In Washington, ac
cording to advices received here.
Major Cramer's friends have started a
boom for his candidacy for commander
of the Spanish-American War Veterans'
association and he will be nominated at
tho convention to bo held In Louisville,
Ky., next spring.
Horace D. Corneau, known as "Hod"
to thousands of Omahans who dally pass
irmirteenth and Farnam streets where
tho traffic officer Is stationed, was sud
denly stricken by a form of apoplexy
yesterday afternoon and was taken, In
a. critical condition, to the Wise Me
mortal hospital.
Tho streets were crowded and hun
drcds of persons saw the officer fall.
airs. Claua lllock.
Mrs. Claus Block died at her horns tn
Ilenson Friday night after an Illness of
a. year. She had lived tn Omaha for
twenty years prior to moving to Ucnson.
She was U years old and leaves a hus
band and two children. Tho children are
Mrs. A. Jepperaon of Omaha and Arthur
Mock of Ban Diego. Interment will be
in Prospect Hill cemetery Sunday after
noon. The pastor of the Danish church
will fear charge of tho services.
Lest You Forget
Our Great
Reorganization Sale
Starts Monday Morning at 8 O'Clock
It will be the one important event
for all Omaha a bargain harvest
the saving advantages pf which you
cannot afford to overlook.
Every section of this big store
contributes scores of wonderful
values in good, trustworthy mer
chandise the sort in greatest
demand at the present time.
Make your plans to be here bright
and early it means much to you in
a saving way.
Burgess-Nash Co.
Successors to Orkin Bros.
;Burge38-Nash Co. 16th and Hamey.
South Omaha People
Have Good Ohanoe to
Buy. M, & M, Articles
The delights of holiday buying aro only
equaled by the pleasures of M. & M.
coupon shopping. In each instance you
buy to secure- something that you can
offer as a gift.
Tho nominees and their friends In South
Omaha, who are striving to get their
share of, The lleo's JO.000 premium offer,
have at their disposal a shopping list that
Includes dealers representing practically
every line of merchandise.
Let's take an Imaginary trip through
the South Omaha stores for the purpose
of seeing how many M. & M. coupons,!
and labels we can collect in an aiternoon s
shopping. '
Groceries and meats for the week are
the first on tho list, so we call for
South 33&0-tho "United Provision company
and place our order, not forgetting to
add, "Don't forget to send ths M. tc M.
voting coupons."
A visit to Vacck's department store for
articles neoded In tho dry goods line finds
us Just across the street from the Magic
City 6, 10 and 25-ccnt store. We pick
up a number of notions that we neeci,
receive the coupons and add them to
those lust received at Vacek's. A short
stop at Forrest ft Meany's drug store to
lay In a supply of toilet articles, or to
get a prescription filled, adds moro cou
pons to the collection. The O. K. Hard
ware storo is only a few doors up the
street. An order placed there and a sign
across the way that reads. "We give
M. & M. voting coupons," attracts ua
to the W. C. Hull company, where an
order Is placed for the month's supply
of coal. A birthday present for a friend
that's the next thing on the list. Just
around the corner ts tho Jswetry store
of Jacobson & Furen. There the birthday
present Is purchased. Every merchant
patronized has added to our collection of
voting coupons. Some cakes for supper
can bo had from the Home . Bakery,
Across the street Miss Ilyan has your
millinery order ready for you. The salt
cleaned and pressed at the Fantatorlum
Is paid for.
The day's shopping Is finished, but not
Try a Little Salts
and Bladder
Salts flushes Kidneys without
injury; also neutralizes uric
acid, ending Bladder irritation
Kidney and Bladder weakness result
from urlo acid, says a noted authority.
The kidneys fitter thU acid from the Mood
and pass it on to the bladder, it
often remains to Irritate and inflame,
causing a burning, scalding sansatlon, or
setting up an Irritation at the neek of the
bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or
three times .luring the night The sufferer
Is in constant dread, the watsr passes
sometimes with a scalding sensation and
la very profuse; again, there is difficulty
in avoiding it
Bladder weakness, most folks call it
because they can't control urination.
While it Is extremely aaaayioc ad -
DR. E. R. TARRY - 240
complete wthout an hour's relaxation at
the Besso theater. When you return horn,
at the finish of nn afternoon round of the
Soutlt Omaha shopping district you meet
the Nonparlel laundry man ivlth yout
laundry promptly delivered and spotlessly
clean. As he leaves you at thef door hit"
parting injunction Is "Don't forget that
your laundry slip Is good for lots ol
votes In The Omaha Bee M. & M. vot
ing contest.
Every dealer patronlzod or visited has.
given you M. & M. voting coupons.
Maybe you want them for yourself, per
haps you aru saving them for a friend
or a worthy organization, but no matter
for whom Intended the coupons are n
valuablo gift.
Think of this when you buy goods In
South Omaha, and then patronize tho
merchants who glvo away M, A Mi vot
ing coupons on each cash purchase.
There may be details about this big
contest that aro not clear to you. If1 mi
ask the contest manager. Tou will find.
him at 234 Bee building, or you can tele
phono Douglas 8119.
Bicycle Hoodoo
Follows Youth
in Peouliar Way
Watr Futtcr, SJG6 South Twenty-second
street, a 14-year-old high school lad,
who is making his way through school
by acting aa detlvery boy for the Unltt
Docekal Drug company after school
hours, has come to the conclusion that
he is a victim of circumstance. Early
last night Walter's bicycle was stolen by
a nocturnal prowler and he Is without a
method to make deliveries.
This Is the second time this bicycle has
been stolen. The other time It was found
later. Last August he had a brand new
00 wheel stolen the day after buying It.
and three weks later another wheel
which he had bought was also taken.
The other two wheels have never boen
recovered. The police have been noti
fied of the theft.
The Persistent ana Judicious Use ot
Newspaper Advertising U the Road ts
Businoss Success.
if Kidneys
Are Troubling You
times very painful, this Is really one ot
the most simple ailments to overcome.
Oet about four ounces of Jad Baits from
your pharmacist and take a tables peonful
In a glass of water befor breakfast, con
tinue this for two or threo days. This will
neutralize the acids In the urine so it no.
longer is a source of Irritation to the
bladder and urinary organs which then
aot normally again.
Jad Salts is Inexpensive, harmless, and
Is mads from the acid of grapes and
lemon Juice, combined with ltthla, and Is
used by thousands of folks who aro sub
ject to urinary disorders caused by urlo
acid Irritation. Jad Salts Ls splendid for
kidneys and causes no bad effects what
ever. Here you have a pleasant, ffsrveacent
Uthia water drink, which quickly re
Uores bladder trouhUAdTertisemeat
Pay Whm Gund
PH. s Mt4 AH RmM Maaascs mtss!
tritkoiit Mm fcsyts. firwsiiiiit awes
sjaaraa4Me. wrUf to Msttfattsd
Jf 'MmW bHssi mm tl
MaJala &4 asttsiMaftA ssVat kJMSssssl m Ut
9II-f Omaha, Kb.