i 2-S TIIE OATAILV SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 18, 1914. Bringing Up Father Copyright. 1911, International Kiwi Bei-rlc. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus ACR HIMMEL "TOU MAKE ME laush: VOU DfMM'Y OHDETTAND K1 I tvl' 1 I1U 1 I nt rl 5U MFO? ILL.3IVE A- SLAM IN THE MAP' A ?LAM M THE MAP" VAt l r OH'.THATi SOMETHING Vol) DON'T KNOW VELU CULHOW J OU-HOLO MB LID. WANT TO KNOW? DONT BE Its A HOW VOU NOV; HOUO ME CANE! t I ALVAS VAr-VT to KNOW VlNV. VELL -WHEN I SHOW Vnu thi. tOO WONT lNOV ANt THINGS -HOUD fOt IP runu .r HIGHER. r 7 NOW - ME PINE BO. fOU KMOW WHAT IT LEANS' TANK-i FER. HOUJIrV ME HAT AND CANE 7 -r ' LIYELY WEEKWITH BOWLERS Scores Ran Higher Than During the Early Fart of Present Season. MANY LEADERS MEET DEFEAT Some Doubt Now llclnt Kxpreaseil to Whether or Not a Citr BoTTllncj Tnnrnnment Will He Held. Association Alter. Knights of Columbus League Monday: Puritan Laundry against McQuillan Hats. (Browning, King Co. against llourgeols Co.. Murphy Did It against Hanlcy a Since. Booster League Tuesday: Beacon Press against Chris Lycks, Leisys against Mutual Ufa Insurance Co.. Brandes (Highballs against Klcld Club, ElUs' Club against Clara Belles. Omaha League Today: Mcta against Kl Paxos, Thursday, Mctx against Corey- MCKenxle. Sunderland Bros. League Wednesday Regular team schedule. Paxton fc Gallaghor League Frldayi Regular toam schedule Morrison Alley. Fairmont Creamery Leattuo Monday Xellpla nrnltmt Diadem. Fairmont Farms against Puritan Broilers, Better Butter against Liquid uoia. . Gato City League-Tuesday: Ragsn's Kalstaffs against Leary's Kngrnvers, X-Hays against Peto Lochs. Thursday! Hterx Triumphs against MicKey unisons, Frank's ColU against F. O. E. No. M. TJthncranhera Lenmie Wednesday: I.j OA's Engravers against Epsten Trans ient, uopp iTininiK to, nuii iyi Press, Omaha Printing Co. against Boos Printing Co. . ,.. . Omaha Leaguo-Today: Wroth's Cafe against Old Stylo Lager. Thursday: Luxua against .Old Style lagers. . . Omaha Ga LeagueFriday! Dispatch ers agalntit Does. Tarbabtes against In tensos, Hot Plates against Comfort Irons. Metropolitan Alley. Standard Oil Leaguo-Monday: rolarlne Auto OH against Crown Gasoline. Mica Axle Grease against Perfection Oil. Cemmerclal League-Monday: Prank Candy Kids against Jctter Old Abo. Tracy's La Trudas against Bcselms Trademarks. Wednesday: Quick Hcrv against Brodcgsard Crowns. Wropoltten Leasue - Tuesday; Ort rnan'a Bakers against eigarmakers' Blue labels. Mogulllans, against Bhamrocks. Friday: Drosda's lCenos against Hugo F. V..t v, in ntrnlnt ICldolwelsS. Omaha League-Today: Luxua alrvst f!nrv.McKcniies. Thursday: Wroth a Cafe against El Paxos, .., Clan Gordon Ixague-Thursday: Beg- ulur team matches . The last week was a lively one for tne bowlers. In most of tho big leagues the leaders were taken down to defont by tAmii of lower standing. Tho scores were somewhat higher than during pro vloiis weeks of the seuson. In tho Omuha leaguo K. Sclple broko the loaguo record for Individual total by rolling 714. The Old Hlylo Lagors In tho same league also piled up- a bis team game, with Ux. The Corcy-McKewlcs, Met and Chris Lycks woro high on the list with largo team totals, and gome, far over tho 1.090 mark, Tho Booster Icaguors toppled the pins for high scores. In this league nlno COO totals woro registered by the rollers. The Jcttor's Old Age of the Commercial leaguo was again on deck with big games and team totals. The big drop camo Thursday night whea the Luxua, leaders of the Omaha league, dropped all three games to their closest rival, the Mets team. Tho Clara Belles, who load the Booster league, also were pulled down a trifle by their closest competitor, the Chris Lyck team. In the Maglo City leaguo the Martin's Tiger met defeat, but still have a big lead. Tho Stors Triumphs In the Gale City league were stopped by the tnll-end Leary Engravers, and now only have a one-game lead for t-rt place. The Brode gaard Crowns fared better In the Com mercial league, and won two games In their series, and still lead the league. Tho Pete Loch Juniors are leading In the Metropolitan league with the Drox da's Keno team right at their heels. The Brownlng-KIng team heads the Knights of Columbus crowd. The Potartne Auto OH team has the largest lead of all, with an eleven-game gap between first and second places. Tbo Fairmont Creamery, Lithographers. Omaha Gas. Sunderland Bros., Clan Gordon and Paxton & Gal lagher leagues are having closo and ex citing races. Another noticeable feature of the last week Is the large number of organized teams, not Identified with the regular leagues, that have sprang Into existence and are rolling match games with each other. The Sunderland Bros.' leaguo have placed an all-star team In the field to me"et all comers. The Merchants Na tlonal bank, Orchard & Wllholm, Belden Breck, Drexel Shoe company and tho Standard Oil All-Stars are other second- rate teams who are rolling regular match fames. City Tourney Iinprobnlilr. Since the Booster league has an nounced the postponement of its tour nament, there is considerable doubt whether be annual city bowling tourna ment will be held. Lack of organisation among the leagues, coupled with the fact that the tournament which begins next Sunday will be so late in the season, appear to Indicate that the city touma roent is Improbable. A numbr of the city's best rollers will b out of the city for a week at the International st Minneapolis, This tour Tiamest. following so closely upon the beets pf the meet here, will likely give tho bowlers enough tourney experience to lost until the season closes. Tho officials of the Booster leaguo In sist, howovor, that It Is not their Inten tion to put a damper on arrangements for the city tournament Several of them have said they are anxious to see It held tho same as usual. Their reason for pro moting a league tournament something new for Omahiv-was merely to keep In terest In tho gamo ollvo, they say. In tho meanwhile they are working to mako the league meet a' success. Entries for the tournament must be In by Wednesday. The tournament will start at 2 p. m. next Sunday and will continue during the week. There will he matches every" night Tho five-man teams will roll first, then (ho doubles teams and the singles. Any flvo men may bowl as a team providing no more than threo are In another team. Tho first gamo In the five-man team events witl bo tho record from which the all-events prizo will bo awarded. Prizes nro to bo divided according to the usual tournament rule, The first place team will get 40 per cent, tho sec ond 30, tho third 15, the fourth 10 and the fifth will get S per cent of tho pot money. A number of local teams have entered and moro nro expected to enter this week. An effort Is being made to get the good players from Bonson to play at the tour nament. Tho entries to date are: 171 Leary Engravers 67 26 SI .46S INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES. Kim. At. Bandera J& Mltcbtl! 1 fltlns .....-........ 3- Lemon ,.,,......... Hi Untur 1" Wtxr 1M T.l 1 LansicortBT Kl Karr .i "1 Uralaltn Ill Ttaltl 110 Nelion HO COTUD .... .....i Andtrioa Ami4n Moore Dunur Rtxtta , wnr ntmpi .............. flehnlti Cook 159 lit 1W 11 1ST 153 1M 1M Ml ll Oallus IX Matrlea that Are In. Five-man toamss Leisys, Clara Belles, Mutual Life, Mets Brothers, Old Stylo Lngcr, Corey & McKenzIe, Luxus and Jotter's Old Age. Doubles: Cain and Johnson, Eldson and Stuns, J. Jarosh and Wartchow, Ooff and F, Jarosh, A. Bowers and Topping, Powell and Mauer, Lee and Coover, Thomas and C. Johnson, Bland ami Beahr, &arp and Zimmerman, Gllbralth and partner, C. Ride and Youiom, and Ccd and Cub Potter. Singles: Itcrb Lee, Wiley, Cain, J. Jarosh, Eldson, Johnson, Wartchow, Stunx, Goff, F. Jarosh, Topping, Fire stone, K, Sclple, Zimmerman, Mclum, E. (Norganrd, Hatokln, Howell, Hammer- strom, Powell, J. Wcoks, Toman, You- sem, Mauror, C, Bice, Slcdlor, Bland, A. Bowers, Perry, 2nrp, Gllbralth and Beohr. Whilo tho Omaha bowlors are natur ally moro Interostod In tho local tourna ments, arrangements nro continually go ing on for tho International at Minne apolis, beginning February 11. and for getting tho Midwest for Omaha In 1910. There Is a possibility that the Old Style Lager team, Including Al Powell, Lynn Hammerstrom, Mose Youssm, Weuthrleh, Gus Tomun, Ed Mauror and Joe Weeks may go to the International along with the Melx ami Wroth's Cafe team. They have not yet catered Tho local members of tho directorate of tho midwest Touranment association oro leading a move to send nearly a scoro of teams from Omaha to the meet at Sioux City next year In an effort to get the tournament for Omaha In WIS, How to flnanco tho various teams la be ing considered even at this early date, Should Omuha send a big representa tion, It Is almost certain that tho tourna ment will come here next, Sioux City, which received the support of the locals at St. Louis, will undoubtedly reclpro cate, as will tho teams from several other Important cities. ! City I.rawue. Play Won Lost Pet Stors Triumphs ... Frank's colts Mickey Gibsons . Bacon's Fulstaffs X-Itays I'ete Lochs V. O. E. No. SJ... Kama. Vila .. McCat ?71 Bjiaw j noMnbarg 7 Tmtll JH nharl 174 Mtadhacn 'J MArvairtt ........... 171 Abbott ! Huffman 17! Iv , m Ktan 171 Miller Ill Dotr HO Laot ! Injrtrom Mi Ttidfnrd , 113 llofiflaim 1M I'UflhOUM IS), Hoffman, Oacar .... Ulj Orota Kl Monro Id m ................ Ill High slnglo Individual game, Horgaaru, 269. High three-Individual game, Norgaard, CDJ. High single team game, X-Bays, 1,009. High three-team games, Peto Lochs, I.KOG. Booster I.riiRnp. Won. Lost Pet. Clnra Belle .71 15 .700 The Leisys &1 21 .011 -!hrla Lyck 3l 20 .os Mutual I.lfn Insurance Co.. 2(1 28 .inl Omaha Field Club 23 28 AA Brandes Highballs 23 21 .426 Btacon Press 22 32 . 'Elks' Club IS 35 .312 Individual averages: Nines. at. Koch Zlt K.nton Z03 Wartchow 300 jrtrttton 13 K. BtlpI Neala lIIMiurr FRENCHMAN WHO LOOMS IIP AS A "WHITE HOPE." At. in 1M Names. Denmtn Wuetrich J, Weeks Ji Howell 17) ivjiuea i-wivr ., n. Bdpi m O. Johmon ......... lao J. Jaroih ............ lit Conrad Ill noff 67 33 2i .679 67 22 25 .661 67 30 27 .628 67 28 23 .491 67 27 30 .474 67 21 31 .450 67 26 31 .46(1 GOULD PICKED TO WIN COURT TENNIS TITLE. (Ireeii 171 V. Jiroah 174 droits m Ijackion .............. 172 111 Powell 173 Tomin IKlRldun 171 Martin i lis Cab 1'otUr l ltammtntrcm ...... 1M Purer 1' Melum 114 Darker1 MS if. Week 115 naehr Ill muti 14 Mokrr 1M Ole Jehneon IMI.n. Hover ...114 natter lMlKranda i I'leronnet ........... llJlrhimt ............ ui frltecher 1M TosDlns Ill niand Ill) nierraaa 14t Zimmerman ItljlUtektn ,. 121 lllc lSt Commercial I,eaa;tt. Won. Lost Pet Brodrsaard Crowns 3d 15 .704 Jottor Old Ace 34 37 .607 fBosolln's Tnrdo Murlt 30 21 .6S3 Frank's Candy Kids 29 22 .DO Humohr's Old Taverns,,... 23 2s .451 Jabcs Cross 20 28 ,417 Quick Serve 18 33 .353 Tracy's La TrUda.... 12 30 .260 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES. Nimti. At. I Name. At. Zt rp ................ iiilLrtin ................ Ulnr iui u. uorna ........... in George Carpcntler, the classy French light heavyweight, who may be the next opponent of Gunboat Smith, tho hard hitting terror of tho 'American whlto hopes. Carpentlcr is a master of clever ness and a hard hitter. Smith is a marvel at assimilating punishment and carries a knockout kick In cither mitt The fight would bo a wonder while It lasted, but If Smith ever lands. Bhult 174 Drown lis; vow lit MoCab 171 Hchoenmtnn Ill Hhuw ., 170 retereea ! tunicate HI II. Crown ID Iteaton U Ne6ham 113 Chandler 168 Oo4en Hi nehmk 1U Housb ICS Lydendecker 113 J. Morn lit Itounbers 1C Btoddard 1M It. Howler .t 157 J. Howler & Newcombe 4.. 1M W'llex .v.. K0 Nuiulcrlnntl I.pnsruc Play Won Lost. Pet. Herringbones 18 12 e .660 lansuin llrlx 18 11 7 .u Certified Koals 18 10 8 .665 Yello Wagons 18 u 9 .wo Yellow Wagons 18 9 9 .600 Economy Nuts 18 7 11 .3S5 Sumascos 18 6 12 ,330 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES. Name. At. Altchlton II nock lit Brdeer 14& Klein iw Croi 114 Cumins Ill Angeleberi 1M Ijearn iu Ken in Hull UU Cochran ............ 177 Nelion ni Zimmerman ......... IT McDonald Ill IMrmton 171 niserMrs ........... in I aenr in Ollbreath 171 Kit 174 lluntlniton lit Noritard 17c pohertr ,...t....... 1TI Illtnd m Btanler lit mtneau 17 lleee n IT! Stlu i lit Dispatcher 17, 21 .354 27.258 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES. Kama. At. I Name. At, Flaher iml Martlg 1S7 Joneon. 1L A lUIOohertr Puritan Broilers 48 27 21 Better Butter 61 20 23 Fairmont Farms 61 20 31 Dolicia 61 17 31 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES. Name. Ilolcomb NeUon . Olbmn . McCor Hotter . Dland ... Lang ... Welcel . Iietiweu aaiur ., Smith .. Jenien At. .... 117; 157 Name. Howe .... Dohrlncer Heldt .... Savage . Merger .. Mlll.er .. Haulmen aildtT .. llSlOabrlet . 143! H. Heaa , US , 111 , H'J . us , 147 , 1411 Border U'J favett m Chrlitenten llavranek .663 .610 .392 .333 At. ,. 139 .. 134 .. 134 .. 130 .. 138 .. 131 .. 136 .. 124 ,.. 134 .. 121 .. 133 .. 121 .. 11 .. 119 ,. US .. lit Itanaen ltol Watu HI McDonald 149 Uerg 14 Hopion 143 Keal , 141 Hhamea 141 Camoball 141 Wood 14 Nelion 14! Winchester 14 lollock 143 Ddller 143! rentier 140 Interaot 140 miction 140 Culllaon Jlletropolltnn I.cntrue. Won Lost. Pet. Pete Loch's Jrs 32 10 .762 Drozda Kenos 33 15 .OSS Edlewclss 20 19 .601 Shamrocks 35 19 .577 Blue labels 2i -( .4 HUKO F. 1311s , ,. 20 23 .414 Mogulllnns 17 31 .3.4 Ortman'8 Bakers, 9 .200 individual averages ; INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES. Name. At. I Namee, Jaroih m 8. la. 1441 Wllk Eaatman Jenkln sheet a . B. M. nsnaeriana.. i Kama. Coltln Mullta .1 lck 1U Anderiou ltd At. . 114 . 113 ..... w 141 Tungat rwiicK Parker (Brother ........... Mclntyra Hittteld Durran Ogdcn .i it. k. Bunaeritna 134 133 1 131 i:l 136 131 .......... luy in Smyth 101 WetenpautB ......... 101 rue io King 10 tageretrein lot Palmer 101 Hurt , 101 Price in Wllllatna 3 lSdlawtn iwnnni. ............. ill iuiciv.il .... Mr. Ill airnn II waltenburg Mil SCHEDULE FOR SEVENTH WEEK. Alleys. Hnnsum Brix vs. Certified Koals. .6 and 7 Herringbones vs. Economy Nuts. ..4 and S Sumascos vs. Yello Wagons,,.,,,..! and 2 Clan Gordon Leasrnc. Won Lt. Pnt. Bonnle Doons ,. 14 4 .777 Tarn O'Bhanlera 8 9 .600 Bobble Burns 7 11 .3KS Thistle 6 12 .333 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES Nemea. Hamilton . A. Falconer 11. Waleon . Horn Mulr .. ... Clark ,. ... McTaggert . Monro .... Morriii .... At. 134 1M 1 Ill 140 334 , 131 its Name. P. Falconer.. Heed ,. lll.lop J. Wat ton., Matcont Shield trail , Jonion ............. At. . 137 . 134 . 131 . H . Ill . 10i . 143 Standard Oil Lrntrue. Won. Lost Pet Polarlne Auto Oil is .711 Mica Axle Grease 21 24 .47 Perfection OH 18 21 .429 Crown Gasoline It M .33.1 inuivuiuai nreraKcs: Jay Gould, the young millionaire court tennis champion, who Is expected to rule a favorite in the court tennis matches against O. K, Covey of England for the court tennis championship of the world. Covey Is a professional champion and Gotild 1 king of the amateurs. .The matches tiro to bo staged la to In March In Philadelphia. Name. Cain liooen . ........ Jonei ., Brm t Haanntnn ........ Daunt . ........... Hslleatell At, ....... lt 13 111 i uo . in . 141 141 Kttrelt , Uii Verity 143 Kim in Name. At, Qllmor ., ,., 131 Moor Ill 8chank 13 Haieraaa 133 Aliemin 131 I.k.nu. .14 ...... ..,.., I . l'lamoadon iohaneen Neleoa Beatti 1U Tod4 , 10S Cockrell N Ontnba, (!na LraRue, Won. Lost, Pet Tar Babies 37 11 .710 lntensoes 31 17 .446 Comfort Irons 21 27 .425 Does 20 it .417 Hot Plates 20 28 .417 mlErani , 1 Pins, 29,618 28.183 26.603 S7.6S3 27,513 Ktlvenon lloger l'ugn 133 134 133 tkirgland 133 arkhurat 131 Koran 130 Knudaen 130 Hyan 130 jonnion, u. w in Lucena 137 I'bllllpa 1M Andeion 133 Schmidt 11 Druner 131 Mohnnun 130 Kan Its Kulhanek C. llcie . Houier ... Eiterbroolt Dunn Newby ... IlqivlliiK Notes. Tho Brodccanrd Crowns havo entered tho Booster league tournament with a strong lineup. Sanders Is back In the Gato City lineup and Is coimr eood. Ho woars a Storz Triumph shirt Eugene W. Marr broke Into the eamo last Monday night, but his execution was somewhat poor The Drozda's Kenos are hot on tho heels of tho Pete Loch, jr., team in tho Metropolitan league. Noriraard's 269 score still stands hlch for the Gate City diamonds donated by tho Rces Jowolry company. Tho wholo Commercial league llnbun Is fighting tho Brodegaard Crowns, but still they hang onto llrst place. Although they are havlm? a lot of troublo, tho Omaha Icitguo teams are slowly catching up their postponed games. Count Leo says that his scores nro low on account of the number of splits he roccivcs. xi is his tnuirui tnat sd its. not the pins. Nothing has been heard on either side about that proposed match between the Shields-Terrell team and the Stanley Brown pair. The threatened outlaw nriranlzntlnn In the Standard Oil league did not live very lonn. iiicr caning tno ron it was round that only one member responded. Plympton, tho star lend off man for tho El Paxos and speedy slab urtlst of mo Jiearnoy mute league team, says that the Fcdenus have inado him no offers. Wiley has entered the singles In the Booster lea true. Ho won thin wint In the city tournament two years ago, when it was roiieu unaer tne oia handicap plan. The Grand Island bowlers nro planning a stato tournament, but declare all umnna Dowicrs uarrea. we can see no reason for this. They broke oven with mo uiura iscncs ana storz Triumnhs Why not havo a tournament conducted by the Sunderland Bros., Fairmont Creamery. Omaha Gas. IJthotrranhom. Standard OH, ' Paxton & Gallagher nnd L.-iun uoruon leaguer mcse leagues aro evenly matched and .could have a good tournament. uatlon Is rather unlquo. Tho undergrade uato and faculty body of Kansas and Missouri are said to be actively opposing tho abolishment of the rule and it Is as serted that tho representatives of these two schools rift tho governing board will vigorously oppose He rcclelon. The Ne braska attitude is declared to be some what similar to that of Kansas and Missouri. Quito a portion of the alumni want the rule wiped oft the slate so a game can be staged In Omaha next fall, but It Is understood that tho Nebraska athletic board and the faculty will oppoao any change and the Nebraska representative will join with Kansas and Missouri in preventing tho revocation of the rule. The matter of the revocation of the rule is the only athletic problem which will re celvo consideration at tho hands of the governing council, atlhaugh It Is possi ble matters relating to the color line In collegiate sports may como up In tho general discussion. Chancellor Avery, who Is the Nebraska representative In tho governing board, has received word from all of the Missouri valley schools, Indi cating that all of them would be repre sented at tho conference. Dr. Hall, the president of the board, will sprak Mon day nooif, at the Commercial club lunch eon, and other entertainments have been provided for tho visitors. CLOTHIERS LEAD LEAGUE (Continued from Pago One.) RESCIND SUfflER BALL RULE Secondary Schools of State ' Will Permit Athletes to Play. UNIVERSITY PLACE TRACK MEET t Prof. Mnnn of Cotner University Re- ' Elected President of ColICKlntC Association AB" Rnlo Is Construed. 140Carlion 114 WEEGHMAN STICKS TO FEDS (Continued from Page One.) At. hi 11. Hansen ICO J. Landwehrkanip.,,. lit Morton id Koch 134 U Lee 13 D. Hchnelder 1&4 glmpion 134 Kalkenberg 131 Croa ll Abbott IK Ktenr 177 Iteralera 177 McDonald 174 D. Moyna 174 Drown 1711 If Jarnah 171 Jone 170 Hollenberger , l&o Ham 11 16 I'earaon " II. TnAw-hrkimn.. lUitlrtman ll I.fl. llilMontu 143 W. Schneider 144plr 1" B. lUnaen 11 Keller 140 P. Hinien 13 lllnkl mu Qrttllth liliMcQuIro 134 Omaha Lean"". Won. Lost P.C. Mets 2 15 .615 Luxua 22 14 .611 Wroth zi Corey & McKenzle., 21 is .&xi oia style imager o m .hi El POXO W .M INDIVIDUAL AVEIUGES. Name. At.I Name. At.) Howell ZOllFanton 131 ........ ........ K. Sclple MeCab ., BdleoB Conrad Yemeni Cain ... Deaman Neal .. O, Jolinaon,... Kennedy ... Fteriton ... Learn Stunt It. Rotple... J. Jiroeh.... dreen C Johaton. Tbomae llauer Martin mlToniin Ill miBaUer , IMlC. Week , llllP. Jaroih lllillammerttrom .. 13-1 1MI Hell). Bower., . IUI iw 17 its ott Htnien 1'lrmton Cuming Weutrlch McCrtr 131. A. Bower.. Itt 1341 . Ill 111 113; 13 111 Bchoenneman J. Week., 110 .... 110 .... ISd .... lt .... 117 .... 177 .... in .... 173 .... Ill ... IT'S 174 .... 171 .... 173 11 strongest, on paper, In the leaguo. but the lineup shown today made Baltimore appear the best "I am with tho league to the end," said Wcoghman, "but at least six teams must show the flrst-claaa lineup that was agreed on when I went Into the organ ization." The brief recess at which Wceghman and Gtlmoro made their statements was ended when tho magnates resumed their executive session. Wceghman Will Stick. Weeghman then announced that he would stay with the Federal league. Color was lent to the rumor of the St. Louis deal by tho fact that Robert L. Hedges, the Brown's principal owner, ac companied President Johnson of the American league here from St. Louis to day. At the same time August Herr mann, chairman of the National commis sion, and President Navln of the Detroit club were In Chicago, apparently to be on the firing line against the "outlaws,1 Tho partially successful raid on Navln's team by tho Indianapolis Federals was thought to havo brought htm. President Ebbets of Brooklyn and Murphy of Chi cago were other magnates on the "or gantzed ball" side of the battle. Johnson. Ebbets and Herrmann formed themselves Into a flying squadron early this afternoon and started out It was said, in a final attempt to round up Joe Tinker, who accepted the management of the Chicago Fcdorals In preference to a berth on the Brooklyn team. weeks. Starting the season with two victories It looked as If tho wire-talkers would have things their own way. Thrco reverses in a row have caused them to sit up and tako notice The games lost by the telephone men have been only by tho slightest margin. . It seems as If their games have been lost not through In ability, but rather through hard luck. They havo always led their opponents up to the last few minutes of play when they havo been overtaken and eventually beaten. Of nil tho teams In tho leaguo tho Ben son Pirates are showing up to tho best advantage. Starting the season with de feat they havo gradually worked them selves up to tho top until they are next to the top-notchers of tho organization. At present they are playing a most con sistent game and lovers of tho floor gamo are not backward In saying that they are the real contenders for tho championship. The Magce & Decmera are leading the leaguo, not having lost a contest this season. However, the clothiers have not met Borne of tho stronger organizations and though they seem to have an edge on most toams It Is almost certain that they will get their bumps before tho sea son Is much more advanced. The chief asset the clothiers seem to have Is their weight and experience as compared against somo of tho newer teams who have neither. Their team is practically composed of veteran college stars, all of them having played considerable be fo re entering tho league. The protested game between the Magee & Deemer and the Omaha National Bonk Is to be played over again Instead of being forfeited to the bapkers as had been supposed. The Magee & Deemers still havo a 1.000 per cent as a result of this, for It was thought they would lose, the game by forfeit, as they failed t play when two of their, men wcro pu out of the game for roughness. The bankers claimed the gamo because they were willing to continue tho argument while the clothiers were not LINCOLN, Jnn. 17.-(Special Telegram.) Tho Nebraska Collegiate association, comprising tho secondary schools of tho state, this evening rescinded the summer base ball rule prohibiting athletes, to-play t summer base ball. The .rule was passed two years ago and Immediately met opposition. The committee of representatives thought its enforcement Impracticable. Tho question on Interpreting tho "A. B.'' rule rclatlvo to a player's eligibility was construed to mean tho completion of a four years' college course. Where ath letes secure an "A. B." degree from col leges of less than four years' require ments It will not render them Ineligible. Tho basket ball and base ball schedules wero arranged and the annual conference track meet will be held In University l'laco on May 19. Tho election of officers resulted In the re-election of Prof. Mann of Cotner as president. Prof. Blsset of Kearney as vice president and Prof. Mercer of York as secretary-treasurer. ,, Cobli Ilefuaca to Tnlk AUGUSTA, Ga., Jan. 17. Ty Cobb was told at Royston today that the Federal league club In Chicago had offered him XT5.000 for five years, with the first year's JprTsu "o".'."".'.'! lUUalary to be paid In advance. Cobb said Angelaberg ... l'owell 14 lt KnlRhta !( Colombo. Name. At.I Name. At.I Thomae lili MeAndrew 1IJ Kennedy lTMcuaiiian i Ulna- 15 Johmton. A 1.. w. Ortmu 137 1 liner 1171 Morton 1U Csbrr 133 Mullan ... 114 Ml ek t Wa'teh 133 O'Xnf ............. 113 Boler 11 llanlir. T 1411 Baihnun. R Ill Bouraeol Htrklaa 134 ntiittnU 134 Johmton. J. B 131 Dueman. O. ..,...... 13d Uaher 134 Honb&ch i Cunningham 137 Oat In U4 Holurook 134 Leary. Wm ttt Drrne 1U . lttUolinaon, I 114 . 1411 Aaeman 113 Hauler, C UllMcAuley 104 STANDING OF THU TEAMS. Name. Played. Won. Lost. Pet tlrown'ng-Xlng Co 80 23 U ,91 Bourgeois Co...., 36 21 15 .672 Hanley-Mace Co S 17 1 .473 Hanley-Mace Co 33 17 19 .473 Murphy Did It 36 15 21 -428 Puritan Laundry 36 11 25 .30S Valrtnont Creamery League. Play Won Lost Pet Liquid Oold (1 84 17 .667 Diadem 19 .604 he did not care to make a statement until he returned to Augusta Tuesday or Wed nesday. "I'll tell you all about It thon." said he, but did not Intimate what he would do, GOVERNING BOARD TO MEET (Continued from Page One) gridiron since Stlehm assumed control of athletics at the Cornhuaker Institu tion has permitted the Huskers to weather the rule in good shape and to place the finances on a healthy basis, but if reports are true the Kansas and Missouri managements have not fared no weH. At least, it was the alumni of the two southern schools which started the agi tation .for the abolishment of the rule and who were responsible for having It brought before the governing body when it meets here Monday. At that, the sit' Michigan Aggies . to Play in Lincoln LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 17.-(SpeclaI Tele gram.) Coach Stlehm of Nebraska to night announced that the. Cornhuskcrs would play tho Michigan Aggies In Lin coln October 21, next year, contrary to tho reports sent out yesterday from Lan sing. Stlehm refused to accede to the roqucst of tho Aggies for a gamo at Lan sing and they came to the Cornhuskcrs' demands, as evidenced by a telegram received by Stlehm this afternoon. Tho Michigan Aggies had one of the best teams In the country last' season, and the gamo Is sure to be a money- maKer ror Nebraska. STECKER OF DODGE MATCHED TO WRESTLE PAUL D0MKE OAKLAND, Neb., Jan. 17. (Special Telegram.)-Paul Domke of Pipestone, Minn., light heavyweight champion of America, nnd George Stecker of Dodge will pull off a finish match In Oakland on January SO, catch-as-catch-can. best two out of three. Hnikt't Itnll Honor Kvrn. SUPERIOR, Neb., Jan. 17.-(Speclal Tclegram.)-SupcrIor High school basket ltialm, dlv.lrtel honors with Hebron, the Hebron girls winning. 18 to 4. and the Hebron boys losing, 14 to 42 CINCINNATI CUBAN WHO MAKES GOOD AS MANAGER. I You've Been Waiting for Them! HERE THEY ARE Getten & Wickham Havana Smokers They look like lHc. Thoy tasto Uko 10c. Cost 6c $2.75 for a box of CO. Try one today and you'll bo In after another tomorrow. Getten & Wickham "Tha nonse of Values" 511 8. Sixteenth st Her Grand Hotel Bldg. 1333 rarnam St., Opp. W.O.Wldg. Phonss O. 0343: D. 8871. Almleda. the speedy Cuban inflelder of the Cincinnati Reds, who Is spending the! winter as manager of the Havanas, tho team that Is leading In the three-cornered race for the championship of the baae ball capital of Cuba, Havana. The dusl?y speed merchant Is instilling real big league ball Into his team and they are the idols of the Havana fans. BIG WRESTLING MATCH TO A FINISH Monday Night, Jan. 19, KRUG THEATER Armand Latrssse. the Balgarlaa Tiger, 340 pounds, v. Tonsslff Bussane, th. Terrible Turk, 190 Pounds. Two Rattling good prs Urnlaarias to a finish. Fete Xioch, .Pr 35o, BOo, 70c. SI. 100 Blngsld Beats, 31.60. 1