115 B THE OMAHA STWDAY BEE: JANUARY 18, 19- CONFIDENCE OF OUR CUSTOMERS MEANS STURDY PROGRESSION 8m cine thin traainets wb tounAed this truth Iim been rto ognised and acted upon. OTTX OVAAAHTSS OT SATIH- rAorxoir has always fceen put una parcel of tt transection srith our thousands nxon thous ands of customers. There hM ea no deviation farom the fixed purpose of delivering natlsfactlon to every customer to offer and deliver annh merchandise onlr as would well uphold onr guarantee. Tie host Interests of onr patrons are cnr beet interests now and al The Best Thing in Every Thing That onr energies and resources can command Is what we have always offered onr patrons and rill continue to offer every year and every day throughout our ixlstence. Perseverance and progression have increased onr output and buying power every year, every season, making us constantly more able to give the superior values which is our determination, mak ing onr slogan TRY H&YBEN'fl CTXBT, IT PATS, every day moro and moro of a household word. Phenomenal Value-Giving Monday in January Clearing Sale Pricings Which Mean That Your Dollars Will Do Quality Merchandise Delivered That Means Lasting Satisfaction to Every Purchaser SACRIFICING ALL BLANKETS IN STOCK TO EFFECT A QUICK CLEARANCE Practically uouble uuty TABLE LINENS GREATLY UNDERPRICED OWING TO WE GREAT JANUARY SALES A $5.00 $4.00 $3.50 $2.50 $2.00 Blankota Blankets Blankets Blankets ... S2.0J5 ... S2.!l $1.80 at 1K 300 pairs of 75c Blankets. .S5c 300 pairs of 85c Blankets. .40c 300 pairs of 90c Blankets. .8o 100 Bath Hobo Blankets that sold for $2.75 will go at $1.0:5 Everything In stock on sale nothing reserved. 72-lnch Satin Damask, pure flax, worth $1.25 yd 88c 72-lnch Bleached Satin Da mask, pure flax, regular $2 values, yard 81.85 Pure Linen Pattorn Tablo Cloths, assorted, worth $4.00 each, at $2.(18 Dew bleached Dinner Napkins, pure flax, worth $4.50 dozen, 0 for .. .$1.50 All Linen Huck and Turkish Bath Towels, sold to 39c; at, each 25c Blankets 11.50 Blankets D2J4c $1.25 Blankets 85c $1.00 Blankets ODc We fill mall orders from onr dally ads while the (roods last. Fresh fruits and vegetables will be sent only by express and at purchaser's risk. Gearing Sale of Embroideries 35c Embroideries a I7V2C Including a big lino of 27 -inch, Embroidered Flouncings, regular 35c to 50c yard values. 3.0c Embroideries at L5c Bmbrolderles at....7i 20c Embroideries at 9 25c Embroideries at . . 12 lA 75o Embroideries at . ...39 $1.00 Embroideries at. . -40d $1.50 Embroideries at. . .69d An Immense vorloty of choic est patterns for your selection. rino , Allover Embroideries A specially attractive lino of regular 50o to $2.25 a yard valuoa; on salo In 5 big lots at, 39 596 706 81.20 f Tosr Choice of Aay Xea'a Bolt or Overcoat la Oar Stock. Except blues and block, $18.00, 120.00, I2J.60. S25.00, 130.00 and $35.00 values. None reserved. SI5 Closing Out Our Entire Surplus Stock of Wool Dress Fabrics at Less Than Cost All Wool Amoskeag Serge, Novelty Dress Goods, Panamas, .TnmcBtown "Suitings, Diagonal Serges, etc., in now spring colorings; 45 pieces in tho lot, to $1.00 yard val- ueB: on salo Monday at, a gif yard 54 -inch Mannish Suitings All wool serges, tus sahs, novelty chocks, whip cords, diagonals, etc., to $2 yard values, at 68c and 98c Black Dres3 Good Priest ley's imported fabrics, $1.50 and $2.00 yard quality, in fine assortment of weaves, at yard, 98c Ladies' Fleeced Hose Full Seamless, all per fect 20c values -t r on saTo, pr. I"C Ladies' Wool and Cashmere Hosiery Regular 36c quality; on salo at, iq pair JLaG Men's Dress Shirts $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 values; new spring patterns, mat e r 1 a 1 s and colors; at Af 986 69d and nriJC Men's Union Suits Fine wool garments, all samples, to $4.00 values; on sale at ?2.50 $1.98 Weel Sweater Casts All colors and styles, up to $7.60 values, at fig.. $1-98 Men's Wool Socks or Flna Cotton, la all colors, 26c i J 1 values, pair, AaStfl Men's $1.00 Gloves Either work or dress, all klnda and AQn Blzes, on sale, XC Men's Fleeced Underwear Shirts or d r a w o r 0, heavy quality, In all sites, worth to oq 75c, at. .... . 5evC $1.45 Sheets, Muslins, Sheetings, Linens In the Domestic Room 35c 85c Made Sheets, 72x90, good muslin, 50c values , Wamsutta Sheets, 81x90, $1.10 values Farmers' Choice, 36-inch Half Bleached Muslin, 10o value 2 Guardian 36-inch fine, soft q finished Muslin, 11c value. . C Lockwood 9-4 Bleached )Ao Sheeting, 28o value CsTrC Roachdale 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, 25c value... 36-in. Unbleached Muslin, I full slso, as- .$2.50 Hemmed Bed Spread, elzo, cq 8(5o values OSC 58-lncU Dleached Table Da- QQ mask, 50c values ,. OSC Pillow Casce, 42x3G, good mus- f r lln, 12 c values 1UC Puritan Antiseptic DIapor Cloths, 24 89c 5c r Phenotnena! Silk Bargain OFFERINGS Most desirable and thoroughly de pendable silk dross fabrics at prac tically Half Price. Odd Lots and Remnants of 20-inch to 36-inch Plain and Novelty Silks Up to $1.25 yard values, all silk crepe do chines, 30-inch kimono silks, all silk foulards, check and stripe novelties, siLk poplins, tattetas, OO AQn messalines, etc., yard . All Silk Messa lines and Pop lins, in good lino of colors, fancy tub silks, glace satin de chine, chiffon, taffeta, etc., $1.00 and $1.50 values, yd. 68c Fine Black Dress Silks, 36 inches wide, 20 piccen in the lot, in cluding taffetas, messalines and p e a u do s o i e, regular $1 and $1.25 yd. values; Monday at, yd. 78c 75 Pieces of Beautiful New Spring Silks 40 inches wide, all silk crerm do chines and silk poplins, in newest spring colorings, yd. 98c, $1.18 f Clearing Sale of Laces Broad assortment for selection. Values yon can not duplicate. All 2!c Yard All Yard 5c Val. Laces 5c Torchon Laces.., 5c Zlon City Laces. , 5c Plat Val. Laces. , 5c Cluny Laces. . . . , ipe Cluny Laces 10c Plat Val. Laces. . 10c Zlon City Laces. . 10c Wash Laces 10c Val. Laces. $1.00 Allover Laces.. 75c Shadow Flouncing 75c Venlco Laces 75c Black Silk Laces. 75c Silk Chiffons. . . . 75c Fancy Not3 AH 9c Yard TOUB OKOIC33 OF OVER SOD BOYS' OVERCOATS. Handsome, wellmade garments 5.00 and $6.00 values, fine pur9 wursieu launuB very best styles uid colorings, it $2.50 Clearance of Women's Coats, Suits and I Dresses Was Ever so Bounteous in Savings 21c 8 Vac value. Marseilles Bed Sproad, sorted patterns, $3.50 values . , . . inches wide, bolt of 10 yard, $1.00 valuen Bloachod Muslin, 30 Inchos wldo, 8Mic values unquestionably tne season's greatest opportunity to save, offerod you in the January Sales here. and save largely, Is Your money back if not perfectly satisfied. Over $200,000.00 worth of Womon's, Misses' and Children's Beady-to-Wear Garments for selection. Wo will not carry one dollar's worth of this stock over: It's up to us to sacrifice heavily and unload it's up to you to TRY HAXDEN'S FIRST and save as never before. Your Choice of 1,000 Women's Goats. Sealottos, plushes, with fanoy col lars, fine chinchillas and astra khans, novelty cloths, etc. mndo to sell at $20.00, $25.00 and to $35.00; choice at v. lUltUU $10 15 to 20 Better Quality at tho Snino Price than you'll find offered in other stores. A fact we can prove to you. Over 800 Stylish Coats, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 Values. A broad assortment of designs in both plain ' colors and novelty cloths for selection, values never beforo equaled in Omaha; at, your choice .UV V $5 HUNDREDS OP BEAUTIFUL TAILORED SUITS AND DRESSES All Odd Lots and Broken lines of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes to be Closed at Prices Actually Less than Manufacturers' Cost. Splendid'Styles and Qualities at Very Little Prices. Dancing and Party Dresses ) Drosses for streot and afternoon. wear, in charmouso, crepe nndl othor popular silks or pretty wool fabrics, $15.00 to $20.00 values;1 twonty-fivo styles llnndsomo Fur Sets In Jap wolf, sablo and black coney, Russian lynx, etc., to $15.00 values, good asfeor.trnont, nt S5 Bath Robes worth to $5.00; In two lots at SI.05. S2.05 Ladles' Dressing Sacques, made to sell at 75c, Z96 Ladles' Gingham Aprons, to 75c values, choice, 35 Ladles' Breakfast Shawls, to $1.50 val., choice, 5fc Long Flannelette Kimonos, to $'J vals., choice SuC Handsome Tailored Suits, in serges, cheviots and a fine lino of pretty novelty suitings, made to sell at $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00; the very newest fall and winter designs and colorings. Ono Lot of Splendid Fur Coats $40.00 to $50.00 values, In 'Kit Coney and handsomely marked Russian Pony nobbiest now styles; on salo now at, choice S25.00 Silk Underskirts in (fitted band styjos and including sample line of Kloafit skirts, $5 and $6 values at S3.95 Silk Petticoats, worth $2.50 whllo they last 95J Marlbou Scarfs, made to sell at $5, choice. SI. 95 Fur Scarfs, ladies' or misses, to $2 values. .. 69 Children's Bearskin Hoods, regular 35c values; at, choice i.56 Wash Goods at About Manufacturer's Cost In the Domestic Room. Cotton Challies, good patterns, o 1 6c values OC Shirting Cheviots, neat stripes, i r 124c values 1UC Flannelettes for kimonos, 10c n values at OC Shantung Silks, good colors, 1 O 1 19c values JL "jg"C Mikado Crepes for kimonos, i o 1 ISc values JLaVgX Curtain Scrim, 36-inch, wide - ej 1 fancy borders, 18c values . L. & "2" C Percales, light and dark color., r 10c values OC Silk Finished Taffetas, 25c va'l- j q ues at IOC Cretonnes for comforters, 10c j 1 values at C Prints, Simpson's, light and dark c colors, 6c values OC Amoskeag 1921 Outing Flan- mi nels, 12 Revalues C Amoskeag GlnghamB off tho b olt, e 7c values OC WASH GOODS BARGAINS $1.00 Ratines, beautiful lino of nrx colors Oe?C 85c Ratine, three different ' go linos, a largo variety of colors UOC 76c Brocaded Silk Fancies a c at 48c 69c Spring Novelties oo at OOC 38c Spring Novelties nr at ZOC 25c Lorraine Tissues, gonulno i r article J.I7C Every article sold as advertised; evory article the genuine brand as advertised. All Our 50c and 75c Brassieres Good styles, hq all sizes, at.. eC 25c & 39c Brassiers All styles and slze3 big aesortmont i at lOC $5 & $7.50 Corsets Best models, plain or fancy colors, French r."-.$2.98 Reg. $3.50 Corsets Standard makes, wide heavy front stay $2.19 Children's Union Suits To 7iSc values, In all sizes, heavy on. fleeced, on salo5SC Ladies ' Union Suits $2.50 and $3.50 val ues, in all wool and silk and wool, all a?1.".... $1.50 Ladies' Vests and Pants To 75c values, In all sizes, greatest nn snaps ever at !7C "50c Outing Flan nel Skirts Good heavy quality, good colors, your choice Mon day mOC Some Delightful Furniture, Rug and Drapery Specials Offered House Furnishers Monday on Our Third Floor. Every Thing the Newest and Best in Draperies at Lowest Prices rive Special Snaps for Monday's Selling. .58c Pretty Novelty Cur tains, 2Yj yardB long, made to sell at $1.50 pair; on sale at, pair , Pretty Novelty Cur tails, mado to sell up to $2.50 pair, nice as sortment at, J 4 Q pair. JJ.ejI.O' Colored Curtain Scrim, 36 in. wide, regular 15c yard qual lty, at, yard tiyzt Striped - Curtain Hus- lis, 36 inches wide 120 yd. val- J 3 ues, yard 25e Plata Scrim, with colored borders, very pretty at, yard... ... A $10,000.00 stock of Now Rugs. Spring 1914. patterns now here for your selection. Vernis Martin Beds, with 2-inch posts and fivo heavy fillers, any gfj QQ Genuine Felt Mattress, full suse;P A A great snap; at, choice ifVU Dining Chairs, fumed or goldonf rA oak; great snap, at vJUilw Golden Oak Dining Table, 42-in. frn r A top, 6-ft. extension; snap nt. . .M3lF Se$ of Six Dining Chairs, goldon oak, box seat, leather upholster- 41A ed, at ijflV Sanitary Steel Couch, Kitchen Cabinets, over fifteen different styles, to $29.50 values; floor A PA samples, to close-quickly, at. V Bona Oak Dresser, with mirror, tf A A a great snap nt salo price v0UU See These Speoials. Tapestry Brussels Rugs Seamless, 9x12 size, $13.50 values; on solo Monday at, fl O AO ohoico $0.fO Heavy Axminster Rugs $21.50 values, 9x12 size, in big lino . of patterns; $ C 7C ohoico 9 Seamless Velvet Rugs, $16.50 values, heavy quality, 9xlSff nh SIZO PlJai f $1.50 Velvet Rugs, OA 27x54 size, at...Ov 7-Foot Window Shades, 36 inchos wide, Drugs, Toilet Goods & Sundry Specials FOR MONDAY SEc size Laxative Bromo Quinine 100 25a box Setdlltz Powders, 10 In box, now aX lOo Two bars Williams' Shaving Soap, 60 26o size Uennen's or Williams' Tal cum Powder, at lOo 26c values In extra quality Tooth Brushes, at loo $1 size pure Hydrogen Peroxide extra size, at .25o 25a size lloso Cream Lotion, 2 bottles to a customer, each., So 50 ox Whlto nose or Locust Blossom Perfume, per os SSo 76a Plnaud's or Iludnut'a Toilot Water, for 69o EOo slzo Bay Rum, about 12 ounces, ' now at 200 EOo size Cunthfox Hair Shampoo, 35o Large size Pompelan Maesage Cream, now at 60c ?00 pounds of pure Imported Custllo Soap, regular price per pound 36c sale price, per lb lSo 50o size Madam Isabell's Face Powder now at 25o 11 values In Ideal IHilr Brushes, 6O0 JM Rubber Goods Greatly Cut In Price. 14 Wellington Fountain Syringe and Hot Water Bottle combined, guar anteed for 5 years .....33.00 One big lot of brand new Fountain Syringes and Hot Water Bottles worth SI. 50, 12.00 and J2.60 each all guaranteed perfect, each... 91.00 i None qnd Throat Automizers 49o tl Rapid Flow Fountain Syringes 6O0 lSo values In Rubber Gloves, pair, BOo Hayden's Big Special Grocery Sale for Monday Wa ICaka the Prloea for tha People; Hot a Pevr. It's Quality QooOi and a Saving of 39 to 60. C3 lba. Seat Granulated 8n-ar, 91.00 48-lb. sack beat high grade Diamond II Flour; nothing finer for bread, plea, cakes nothing like it for fam ily use, per sock .91.10 10 bars Ueat-'lim-AU, Diamond "C" or Laundry Queen White Laundry Soap, for 25o 10 bars best white or yellow Corn meal, for 19o 8 lbs. best rolled Breakfast Oatmeal for 25o 4 lba. fancy Japan Rice; 10a quality, for .....25o Gallon cans Golden Table Syrup. 40o 2 lb. cans Golden Table Syrup, Oo 2-lb. plur. best Self-lUalng pancake Flour for Bi&o 4 cans Wax, String, Green or Lima Beans for .aso 4 cans fancy Sweet Sugar .Corn, 25o 5 cans Karly June Peas 2So 2 cans solid packed Tomatoes..,. 25o Advo Jell, the Jell of quality, for ciesseriB, per PKg vtto Grape Nuts, pkg. loo K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg.... Bo Tall cans Alaska Salmon SH S lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans for ...........250 Uerohey's Breakfast Cocoa, lb., 20o The best Tea Stftlngs, lb lOo Oolden Santos Coffee, lb 20o The best striotly fresh guaranteed Ho. 1 Sgrs, par dozen 35o The best brands package Creamery Butter, lb. . 3So Tho boat No. 1 Country Creamery Butter, lb 32o The best No. 1 Dairy Table Butter, 28 o Good dairy Table Butter 25o Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, per lb 17!,4o Young America or New York White Cheese, lb, 22o Imported Swiss Cheese, lb 30o SPECIAL KIOKX.AHB KAVKT. ORAliai: SAX.E. The most healthful fruit grown to eat. Highland Navels are the pride of California rich, ripe and juicy; 200 size, Monday, per dozen 15c 176 size, Monday, per dozen, 200 150 size, MonVlay, per dozen. .... ,25o 126 size, Monday, per dozen 30o She Vegetable Market of Omaha for the People. You pay double elsewhere for the same goods. 16 lbs. best grade Potatoes 25o Holland Seed Cabbage, lb aa Fresh Beets, Carrots. Turnips, Slial ots or Radishes, large bunches, at, each Bo Fancy California Cauliflower, lb. 7Mo Fancy Cuban Ripe Tomatoes, lb.. loo i large Green Peppers , ..10o 3 larva Roup Bunches loo Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips or Rutabagas lb 2V4o Fancy Large Head Lettuce, per Head 7Ho Fancy Hothouse Leaf Lettuce. 3 for 100 3 bunches Fresh Parsley lOo Fancy Large Hothouse Cucumbers, each 200 Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb... 200 Fresh Spinach, peck 200 Fancy Fresh Dates, lb ISO Fancy Halloween Dates, lb lOo Fnncy 7-Crown Figs, lb 200 i I nriir. .Villi . r?r SUm lAn '.arc" Juicy Lemons, dozen 25o January Sale of Fine China Odd patterns in fine Haviland and Austrian China on sale at most wonderful bargain prices Monday. Beautifully Decorated G. D. A. Haviland Ware. Dinner Plates . . . Cups and Saucers. Bouillon Dishes . . Coupes Fickle Dishes Sugars and Creamers, per set Sauco Boats Salads and Bakers Platters, etc. .... 25c Euh 50c Each C-lnch Plates . . . Oat Meal Dishes Fruit Dishes .. . . 44nch Plates . . . Bone Dishes Large Platters . Covered Dishes Salad Dishes So Each 75c Each Open Stock Decorated Austrian China. Plates, Cups and Saucers, C 0 u p o s, Bouillons, etc., ea., 12ic Oatmeal and Fruit Dishes, Bread and Butter Plates, etc., each 10c Covered Dls lies, Platters, Sugar and Creamers, Sauce Boats, etc., each 50c 25 DISCOUNT ON ALL DINNERWARE. V Good Brooms Monday for 15c A good grade 4-tla Parlor Broom on sale Monday only at less than half the cost of manufacture.. One broom to a customer. No C. O. D. or tele phone orders taken. A. bargain In best grade Blue and White enamel Kettles. This is our regular "Robin Egg" blue ware, the most expensive and best enamel ware made. All kettles complete with cover:. 98c size, 10-it, Berlin Kettles.. 63o 1.25 size, 12-qt, Berlin Kettles.. 79o Sonble quantity Toilet Paper 10 large Bo rolls "Gold Band" Toilet Paper for 25o We are closing out onr entire line of Xeaters and Base Burners of all kinds, regardless of cost. You will find some rare bargains.