10-B TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 18, 1D1. ALWAYS SERYES THE BEST Managers and Owners of the Calumet Restaurant. Calumet Restaurant Has Made That Its Motto Since Start. (FEEDS 2,600 PEOPLE A DAY Ttto rroprielom Give Prrsonnl At tention to (he Mnnnirement of (he Calnmet, Looking After Patrons. The principle of pervitin the best possl tie food for the smallest price has made the Calumet restaurant, 1411 Douglas etreet, the most popular, restaurant In Omaha. Dally over Z.OOtpeoplo are fed there, the meals ranging from a 10-cent lunch to a full course dinner. During the noon hour of any week day may bo seen a constant stream of men and women entering and leaving this prominent eating house. Nearly every business concern In the city Is represented In the crowd and often the head of a large firm finds himself seated beside his most humble clerk, each enjoying the meal Immensely. The secret of this democratic patronago Is a simple one; In each case either the splendid service, the quality of the food or the price Is the Attraction. Sidney Swanson and Joseph TV. Colwell nre the proprietors of the Calumet, and a more efficient pair for this job would be difficult to find. Each noon both are giving their personal attention to the comfort of the patrons, and at other times of the day either one or the other In always present. Both have had years of experience In tho business and noth ing seems to escape them which would make the service at tho Calumet better. Never Clo.r. The Calumet' never closes. The key has probably been thrown away. At any hour 6f the Tilght one may obtain a square meal there, and to those whose working hours' are rortsrsed with the general oheme of things, this feature Is a boon. It takes ISO employes to keep up this right and day servios, and Judging from the cleanliness, the quality of cooking aad the dispatch of service each Is espe dally trained for his work. To one without any restaurant experi ence the amount of care and skill re quired to successfully carry on this vast business is Incomprehensible. To plan f or so many mouths each day, to antic! pate their wants, the weather and the seasons, and all this without waste. Is a task which requires expert generalship, and the many years of continuous satis faction since Its establishment In 1833, attest how well the heads of the Calumet have succeeded. Excellent Brands T?s4. The selection of the various brands of food products to be used Is one of tho tasks which requires careful judgment for the maximum returns. To this phase of the business the managers of the Calumet devoto much attention. The brand of coffee? for example, Is a very Important matter, for thero Is no other one Item which can make or spoil an otherwise good meal so -readily as tho coffee served. It Is a compliment there fore to tho goodness of Courtney's An kola brand, that It Is served exclusively nt the Calumet. Pastry Is another Item which must ba carefully looked after, for this, too, helps or hurts a meal greatly, according to Its goodness. Tho selection of the kind of (lour to bo used In pastry Is very Important. The Calu met uses Bluo Bell flour, sold by Brunner & Sons for this purpose, and those who have tasted tho pantries at the Calumet know their quality. In connection with pastry It might be well to mention tho famous mince pies which for years have .held sway over all other forms of dessert. Wince pie Is a matter of delicate discrim ination with many people atod there are those who will not eat It at restaurants unless they are sure of the cleanliness and quality of tho mince meat used. This doubt Is entirely dispelled at the Calu met, however, with those who know that for many years tho famous Helms mince meat has been used. Several other of the "6r varieties find their way to the Calumet tables, assuring the patrons of Mgh grade catsup, pickles, etc. Tito Al&wilto milk vied gives general satis faction. Cole & Pry oysters have mada that brand of food a favorlto with many people who eat at tho Calumet, and It Is a common sight to see many full dozen orders spread before diners a meal time. Clnnlttr Is ninth. Probably the greatest factor in tho suc cess it the Calumet has been Us con stant aim to serve the very best meats obtainable. These come from the Cen tral market, which ja owned by the Kul .akefsky Meat company, apd which firm has gained much favor with Omaha. peo ple for the good quality of Its meats. The handling of the cash at a busy noon hour at the Calumet la in the hands of two lady experts, whose courtesy and pktll have made many friends for them. They use a National cash register and tho constant ringing of this machine to designate the payment of checks makes a complete record of the number of cus tomers served and the Individual and total amounts received. For years the I. A. Medlar company has , printed the comprehensive bill of fares' for the Calumet, the dally changing of ' which la a. considerable Job. The cleanli ness of the linen is an attractive feature also, and the Evans-Model laundry boasts of the fact that it does the work. jo c US1. ' ' SIZl'lLsssis LZT'"" """ IN! 5 The Oysters Served at tho Calumet Come From Cole & Fry Company "King Cole" Guaranteed Oysters Fresh Fish, Celery and Poultry A western institution, owned and managed by the owners, who give tho business their itersonal attention. If experience and facilities are what you are looking for, wo have had more experience and have better facilities than any other house in this line in the entire western country. 10TH and HOWARD STS., OMAHA The Only Independent House in Nebraska We don't belong to any trust. I does the Calu- t met Restau- rant use : yw w3 mm m, Ankola Blend Coffee Makes the Calumet Popular iAIamito I A Clean Napkin is always assured you at The Calumet Restaurant We Do The Laundering Evans Model Laundry The "Daylight Laundry" milk and cream exclusively? D ecause i If II ( Zs. 'film 11 .... Sl J A m : au I omaha Sspi m mm MMo I I SUPPLY 1 T t f Inn" 11 USED AT THE 1 1 best use BBBBBBbH siBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl BHHHlllllllllW jBjBjBjBjBjBjBjBK gH . SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. HiBBBBBBM SHHllllllllllllllMBB HIbBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBCBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBl I hii R E ST A U R A N T "" 1 1 ' . ' B . i i i - - ... . ... "MEDLAR PRINTING" HAS GIVEN DIS TINCTION TO BILL OF FARE WORK AT THE CALUMET FOB FIFTEEN YEARS. WE MAIN TAIN A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR REQUIREMENTS OF THIS KIND, BUT WE DO ALL KINDS OF PRINT ING WHEN THE DEMAND IS FOR WOU OF CHARACTER IMtf ftM U 414-11 S. 14 Blue Bell Flour Thafs what makes the bread the Calumet Restaurant.. All grocers sell Blue Bell Flour T.CBrunner&Son Doug. 4460 11th and Dodge Sts. I 4 look at Your Coal Bin Today! I WamOTX wat he thinks of it f fit" ftv I I Our 1914 Model Bfigl I i.1 1 1A X, 1 Ultjy KI1UW UlclL 4 thp. hpt fnnrl 4i Y lAAV W A Sl I i products are I1 the cheapest j f in the long run Tf vnn wish to x j " be sure of the Alamito i The Calumet Restaurant is using the celebrated Syracuse Vitrified China in its service, and has done so for the last eleven years. This be speaks the quality. OMAHA CROCKERY GO George H. Miller, Mgr. t Are You Using Too Much? Perhaps it's not the best kind for your purpose? We guarantee our coal will give satisfaction. Let us advise you Ctttral Coal & Coke Co. of Omalu 411 Swtii 15th Strut tag. 1221 Oppositm Orpheum Theatre WI SUPPLY COAL FOR THE OALUMET t t Let Us Supply Your Table at Home with the same high grade of quality meats which we deliver daily to the Calumet, at prices that will help reduce its upkeep. We specialize in catering to hotels, restaurants, boarding houses and to discriminating housewives. CENTRAL MARKET Kulakofsky Meatt Co., Prop. Phone Doug. 1796 210 North 16th Street YOU HAVE OFTEN HEARD IT SAID that the mince pies at the Calumet Eestaurant are extremely delicious, but you probably have never learned the reason. Here it is HEINZ MINCE . MEAT The Calumet uses Heinz Mince Meat and Heinz Ketchup and many other of tho 57 varieties, and these always please the discriminating diner. t i I I J