Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1914, PART TWO, Page 5-B, Image 17

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Uncle Sam's Great Waterway at Close of the Work
(Copyrighted. 1914, by Frank O. Carpenter.)
Colon, Panama The Panama
canal Is practically completed.
The waist ot the new world
has been sliced In two at the
middle, and North America
ind South America, have been changed
from peninsulas to Islands. With the cx
"eptton of the gates of the locks, there Is
now a clear stretch ot water from ocean
'.o ocean, and within a month or so after
'.his letter Is published the mighty steam
ers of the Atlantic and the Pacific will be
Mtmblng up and down this waterway
from one great ocean to the other.
It Is difficult to reallie that the great
lob Is almost done. Still, this conviction
Tills the air, and with it cornea the thought
that the people of the future will never
appreciate the enormous labor and cost
of the work. That for which wo have
spent hundreds of millions of dollars Is
now under the water. The Culebra cut
looks much llko an ordinary river flowing
between the banks of living green, and
t,ake Gatun seems to have been thero
tlnoe tho subsiding of the waters ot
Voah's flood. The only real work going
n in the canal Just now is the dredging
if the channel at Culebra and the put
ing on the frills at tho locks. The cen
.ers of Industry have been transferred
from tho canal Itself to the terminals,
srhere dockB, machine shops and ware
houses of enormous dimensions are being
Tlnlbon. Itnsr
About the busiest part of the isthmus,
compared to that of the tiast. Is Balboa,
the new port on the Pacific. Hore they
ire excavating the mighty dry dock
which will hold the largest ships that
float tho seas. They are constructing
foundries and machine shops, covering
ncres, and aro putting up mammoth
planing mills that are already filled with
lumber from Puget sound and our east
ern coast. At this point there aro tons
of thousands of men working. Trains of
cars go flying along loaded with spoil as
they did In the days of tho active exca
vation of Culebra. A large force Is
erecting tho framework of structural
steel and glass, and farther out near tho
ocean they aro building the piers and
docks at which the steamers will lie.
These piers will be 1.000 feet long and
have slips 300 feet wide in which ships
can anchor.
The new railroad across the Isthmus
has been completed. It winds its way
around tho enlarged Lake of Gatun and
takes the passenger far away from the
lino of the canal. It Is now run by oil
burning engines, and in passing from
one side of tho Isthmus to the other one
travels through a tropical garden with
out cinders or dust. From the Paclflo end
of tho railroad, about "half way across,
the structural steel arms of a great
transmission line have been put up on
both sides ot the track. These arms are,
I Judge, thirty feet high. They are bolted
to cement columns and ore Joined by
bridges running across the track from
post to post far overhead. On each end
of these bridges are appliances for
carrying tho cables of copper wire that
will convey the current of electricity
generated by the overflow of tho Gatun
dam. The electric plant for this current
is now being Installed, and the buildings
are almost completed. They are made
ot concrete and steel.
All Power Electric.
At this electric plant there will be de
veloped by the water falling on turbines
a force of 6,000 kilowatts, which will be
sent by cables to the locks, to the range
towers and to the other electric light
Tho current will be strong onough to
furnish all the power needed for operat
ing tho canal, for lighting the towns at
cither end and also for the great ma
chine shops, foundries and other works
connected with the canal. The electric
"S" I r VJvSAl J
appeal for something. " 'Oo want a
drink?" Tho cackling continued. " Oo
want my grandpa?" More cackling.
"Aw," said the disgusted llttlo girl,
"please shut up!"
A very touching little story of Christ
mas past lms come Iloston way. A wee
laddln of 7, whoso mother had died, said
to his grandmother at bedtime:
"Ornmlmn, I snld my prayers before
von rnmn lit."
'Did you. Uar? and what did you sayH
"I prayed that everybody would like tna
things wo sent them, grandma, and I
asked Jesus to tell ntummn that I wished
her a Merry Christinas."
"What does your father do for ft Ilv.
Ing?" asked ono llttlo girl.
"Why," replied the. other, "he takes ujl
the collection In church."
The Mind Expands
As Health Returns
"WV r
' JVe w cloaks at the. Atlantic and- now hutldtnQyOy Sailing through into the Pacific .
cranes of the docks and piers will be
moved by It and there will bo enough
electricity left to keep all the rolling
stock of the Panama railroad In action.
Tho transmission line to which I have
referred runs above the tracks and it Is
so constructed that a trolley could easily
be connected with the bridges, that Join
the steel posts. If an extensive trans
portation business should develop, which
Is not expected, the road will bo elec
trically equipped.
Tho movement of the vessels through
the locks will bo by electricity, and they
aro now putting up buildings in the top
of tho center walls from whero tho cur
rent will be v controlled.
In each of these buildings ono man can
sit nnd direct every operation, In tne
taking ot a vessel through from tho ocean
to Gatun lake or from tho lake down to
tho sea. Ho can open the gates or close
them by throwing a switch and can cause
the water to rise or fall by tho press ot
a button.
Also Neck. Would Fester, Almost
Size of a Boil. Always Red and
Irritating. Itched and Burned. Cu
ticura Soap and Ointment Cured.
22 East Fifth St.. Carthage, Ohio. "I
bad been troubled for a few years with
pimples which completely covered my face
and. nock. They would fester and this
wijuld cause mo to pick at tbem. When ripo
they wero almost the slzo of a boll and had
something tho appearance of one; they wero
alitays red and Irritating. They Itched and
burned and made mo very uncomfortable.
Often Jhcy waked me during the night.
" I applied faco creams but with no result.
Then I saw Cuticura Soap and Ointment
advertised. Two boxes of Cuticura Soap
and Ointment cured my face.1' (Signed)
Miss Mabel Locko. Oct. 14, 1013.
It. K. D. No. 2, Dox 31, Peck, Kansas.
"My little girl had eczema from the time
she was born. 8he had It on her faco. When
It would first come it would look like heat
and then get scabby. It was in great scabs
on her cheeks. She used to be cross because
I think It itched. It would break out about
every three weeks and stay about a week.
"I used one half of a cake of Cuticura
Soap and two boxos of Cuticura Ointment
and by the time sho was a year old it was all
gone and sho has nover.been bothered with It
since."(Slgned) Mrs. E. Simpson. Oct. 1013.
, Cuticura Soap (25c) and Cuticura Oint
ment (50c.) are cold by druggists and dealers
everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed
fre. with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post
card "Cuticura. Dept. T, Boston."
t2TMen who shave and shampoo with Cu
ticura Soap And will It best for skin and scalp.
Quick Improvement ii Notice
able When Proper Aid to
Nutrition is Given.
I A low stHtu of tho general health Is
now the accepted cuuro of backward
1 ncss In children. Ho In the cuso ot a
backward child It Is best to look towards
i building up ItM health. It will usunlly
be found that tho main trouhlo Is In tho
food. In lack of assimilation and dlges-
, tlon. Hence cure should be taken In
the kind of food given to the child.
This, with plenty of air and exercise,
! should bring about a vlinngo for tho bet
Watch tho condition of the bowels, to
note whether tho waste Is being passed
off or not, or whother It Is being passed
too freely. If cither condition prevails
give a small dose ot thnt gentlest of all
taxatlvc-tnnlcs, Dr. Caldwell's Hyrup Pep
sin, Thousands wf mothers will testify
to tho wondors It has wrought In tho
lives of their own children, nnd for that
reason legions of fnmlllCB like thoso of
Mrs. Daisy Mcllroom, Illllsboro, lnd.,
aro never without It In the house. Kho
Is tho mother of I.uclIo and has Ikth
using Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for
Llcllo slnco she was two, Mrs. Mcllroom
says It saved Lucllo's life. It Is tho
standard family medicine In the Mc
llroom home.
It Is pleasant to tho taste nnd so per
fectly safo that It is given to Infanis, and
yet is equally effective for grown peo
ple. All druggists sell It nnd tho price
JBivds - eye - view of -the xvaier steps t Gratun.,
Is only llfty cents nnd ono dollar a bot
tle, tho latter for families who need It
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has noi
equal as a euro for constipation, lndlgcs-1
tlon, biliousness, headaches, sour stom-
nch, gas on the stomach, liver trouble'
and kindred complaints. It has so manyj
advantages thnt thoso who onco use It'
forever after discard cathartics. Halts, I
pills and other coarse remedies, for they
are seldom advisable nnd should never
bo given to children.
Families wishing to try a freo satnpla
bottle enn obtain It postpaid by address
ing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 419 Washington
Bt., Montlcello, 111. A postal card with
your name and address on It will do.
Sharpen Your Razors or niadea
Keenest posslblo edge guaran
teed. Far superior to any other
razor paste. It has merit compos
ed ot carborundum powdered to
the finest degree and bolted
through the finest silk bolting
cloth; held together by an oily
case (part vasellno) It Is guar
anteed to Improve the strap and
keep the razor or blades In per
fect condition Indefinitely.
Retails 10c Pkg.
Sold by all leading druggists and
hardware stores.
CIcnnlnK tip tlie "Works.
The machinery of the locks is now al
most all in shape and it will tako but a
short time to polish tho whole and leave
it complete. Tho men will soon be re
moving tho debris, and within halt a
year these mammoth constructions ot
concrete will look like monuments of
marble cut out with a chisel. Today ono
can walk along tho tops ot the locks
through an avenue lined with concrete
columns of wonderful architectural
beauty. They uphold tho lights of -the
locks, which will make the whole struc
ture as bright at midnight as it Is at
midday. On each side of these columns
are the cog-railroad tracks 'upon which
the towing locomotive will run, and be
tween them Is another railroad for -moving
machinery back and forth. Each
vessel will havo four locomotives to
move it from one lock to nnother. Two
will 'go ahead to pull and two behind to
hold back, so that tho vessel may be
steady, whllo moving. These towing loco
motives will run on a level, except when
passing from lock to lock, at which time
they climb heavy grades. In coming back
they take another track, made especially
for the return of the cars after the tow
Great Office DalldlnK.
I shall not attempt to describe the
locks nor the methods by which the
ships are taken through tho canal. The
most Interesting thing Just now Is the
work going on at the terminals. I have
written something of that on the Pa
cific side. One of the striking features
there is the red skeleton of the admin
istration building that is now going up.
This stands high up, on the slope ot
Ancon hill, looking out over tho Pacific
ocean. The canal is In plain view at tho
right At present the structure Is only
a framework of steel, but this will be
clothed In concreto blocks and plastered
with stucco. The roof will be of dark
red tiles and tho floor space will cover
almost two acres. The cost of the build
ing will be W75.000 and it will be devoted
entirely to .offices and for storage of tho
Not for from, this building has been
laid out a town site where tho employes
of the 'canal will live. They will have
houses of concrete formed after the same
style as the administration building, and
their little city will be modern and ar
tistically planned. It will have all the
conveniences for tropical living. The
houses will have wide porches and every
opening be covered with a mesh of fine
wire. Tho principal . pubuo buildings will,
faco a central avenue, and this will be
rovered by a continuous root to keep out
the sun and the rain. The town will
have Its tennis courts, base ball fields
and bandstands, ns well as its club'
houses, concert hall, hotel and school-
Thero will be other settlements at the
Gatun locks, and also at Mlraflorcs and
Pedro Miguel, as well as at Cristobal, at
the Atlantic end of the canal. The pres
ent structures at these points will prob
ably be left for some time to come, but
they will eventually bo replaced by
buildings of concrete. Most ot the other
towns along the line of the channel will
be taken down, nnd their building ma
terlals will be shipped to other places as
needed. At present the towns along tho
channel remind one ot a Japanese vll
lage. Their houses have the same som
ber black and white character, and thoy
are quite as airy and roomy.
New Dock Almost Hendy.
As I came Into tho Bay of Llmon on
the steamer Tenadores, from the Island
of Jamaica, last week, I could seo the
great Toro breakwater, which has been
extended out from the Atlantic end of
the channel. This Is moro than two miles
In length, and It has a lighthouse at the
end. There will be another breakwater
on the opposite side ot the channel, and
the ships will sail Into docks of steel and
concrete, so made that the railroad cars
can come close to the ships. As It is now,
we landed at Cristobal, not far from the
statue pf Columbus, and only a few feet
from the cars, and we could see tho men
at work on tho new docks. At Balboa
there will be almost a halt mile ot un
covered docks In front ot the repair
shops, and at both terminals there will
be elsctrlo cranes on the piers and float
ing cranes in the water.
StoraRn for Supplies.
The government has not yet begun to
build Its great warehouses and the de
Jain the cold storage plants now In uso,
as It will carry on a great commercial
business here In supplying foods and all
sorts of supplies to tho steamers. The
coaling docks will be enormous. The
Navy department wants 100,000 tons kept
on hand at the Atlantic terminus for
Its own use, and thero will be another
great coaling station at Balboa. Tho
Cristobal coaling station will hold 290,000
tons, and the one at Balboa more than
half that amount. This coal will bq
stored in basins ot concreto and one-half
of It will be left under water and un
touched except In time of war. The other
halt will be for the steamers which pass
through tho canal ' and for our govern
ment vessels. There will also be tanks
for fuel oil nt both terminals, and these
will be connected by great pipe lines,
which will run across the Isthmus, with
pumping stations so that 'the oil can be
transferred from one to tho other.
Commercial Aspect of Canal.
As to the commercial aspects of the
case, tho government Is .Instituting these
supply depots for tho protection of the
ships which will go through the canal
and also for the forco Undo Sam will
keep on the Isthmus. It has been suc
cessfully carrying on a similar business
during the construction. It has run the
big Ttvoll hotel at a. profit, which
last year amounted to $53,000, and It has
served food to the men on the work at
what is practically cost prices. In one
year the commissary department gave
out 2.000,000 meals at 30 cents each and
In tho height of the construction It was
doing a business of about $7,000,000 per
annum. During that time it supplied
about 70,000 pcoplo wtlh food and house
hold necessities. I believe tho commis
sary was run at a profit and have no
doubt but that the coaling and supply
business can be made to pay Its own
I have asked Colonel Goethals some
thing about the operating force which
will bo required to run the canal. He
puts tho limit at 2,500, but In addition to
this there will be a force of from 6,000 to
8,vw troops Kept here at ttie various eta
tlons of the fortifications and other de
Matter of fortification.
The matter of fortifying the watorway
is one that the officials here refuse to
discuss. Thoy will not allow photo
graphs to bo made near the forts and so
far but little accurate information has
been given outside that in tho proceed
ings of congress of what will be neces
sary to protect the canal.
The evidence, however, Is that tho
work Is going on rapidly. The Pacific
Islands havo been cut into shape And the
work of installing the big guns at the
Atlantlo entrance will soon be under
way. Congress has already appropriated
more than 12,500,000 for the fortifications
and it has been decided to erect them
on tho islands ot Flamenco, Perlco and
Naos, out In the Pacific, facing Balboa,
and on Toro point and on Margarita
island In the Atlantic. There also will bo
forts on the mainland. There will be i
coast defense camp on the Naos .break
water not far from the shore, and there
will be other camps scattered over tin
Isthmus along the lino of the canal.
The land forts will be so made that
the locks will be amply protected and
so that any invading army could be
kept away from them In case ot war.
As a protection against Invasion the
whole of the canal zone Is to be made a
military reservation. The greater part of
this is a Jungle which along the edges
of Gatun lake and at the approaches
thereto Is composed of swamps filled
with trees so bound togther with lianas
that it would be impossible for troops to
make their way through them except
with axo and saw. Anyone going over
the line of tho Panama railroad can see
how difficult it would be for un army to
advance through this Jungle under fire,
or to make any kind of an attack on tho
Some Ileal Guns,
The plans so far Include the uso of tho
largest of tho disappearing guns on the
Island fortifications and also ot big guns
end mortars on the shore. At Fort Orant,
which is the general namo given to the
fortifications on Perlco, Flamenco and
Naos islands, there will be one sixteen
Inch gun and six fourtcen-lnch guns, be
sideH a number of six-Inch guns and
howitzers. Tho biggest of tho guns will
carry a projectile weighing a ton, or as
wagon for a distance of over twonty
miles at a shot, and they will be eo deli
cately hung that they can, be ulmcd us
accurately as tho mountaineer alms when
he shoots out the eyo of a squirrel with
his rifle.
Tho fourtcen-lnch guns will carry shells
weighing over 1,000 pounds each, and
these will fly forth from the tnuzzlo at
a speed so rapid that If It wero kept up
ono could go from Washington to Phila
delphia In less than a mlnuto and clear
around tho world In less than four
hours. It will tako 365 pounds ot powder
for each chargo and the projectiles will
go through five feet of wrought iron.
There will bo seventy rounds of ammuni
tion on hand or onough for each gun to
keep it firing steadily for two hours pro
vided a shot could bo made every two
minutes. It Is doubtful whether this
could be done, as the guns would bo too
hot from friction. The big guns and mor
tars are intended to dofend the canal
from attack by water, although they
also will cover parts of the land. Those
on the Paclflo island will amply protect
Tnboga and those on the Atlantlo will
keep the naval vessels of the enemy eight
or ten miles away. A single one of their
shots would destroy a battleship which
represents a cost of t3.0O0.000 or JIO.000,000,
and which it would take years to ro-place.
Lights for tho Forts,
Another feature of the fortifications
will be searchlights with reflectors as
big around as cart wheels. Thero will
bo fourteen of these, each flvo feet In
diameter. They aro being made at a cost
of J30.000 apiece, and the lights thrown
by them will reach as far as tho range
of the guns. Indeed, the electric light
ing of the Isthmus, Including the search
lights, Is ono of the wonders of the construction.
The searchlights can bo seen for from
twelve to eighteen mtlos oft at sea and
tho range lights will bo from 2.500 to
15,000 candlopower. The beacons and
other lights havo S50 candlepower. Each
light has Its own characteristic and there
ace combinations of flashes which 'will
tell the canal operators Just Where each
light is. On tho locks themselves, tung
sten bulbs of 500 watt power will be used
and In tho operating tunnels there will
bo numerous lights and reflectors. Thero
will bo 930 such reflectors at Qatun and
1,175 at Pedro Miguel nnd Mlraflorcs.
Mate from Illrilmen.
Speaking of tho defense ot the locks, I
recently asked Colonel Qoethals whether
they might not be destroyed by charges
of dynamlto dropped from flying ma
chines. He replied that the dynamlto
would have to be carefully located to do
any damage and that such a thing wns
Impossible. Colonel Goethals says that
the dynamlto charges would have to be
placed between tho gato and tho lock In
such a way that the man would need to
De on tne grouna to ao it ana that If a
dynamlto chargo wero dropped from a
flying machine upon tho locks or on tho
lock walls, It could not do .much dam
age. It would have to be placed behind
the locks to be effective. Indeed, every
thing of this kind has been carefully con
sidered In tho protection and fortifica
tion of the canal. The work Is very com
prehensive and It will lncludo the caring
for 20,004 troops In case of war. I am told
that the chief experts of our army and
navy believe that the arrangements will
bo ample to protect tho canal. .
Annie Green, and s"ho was very impudent
to mo ns muni,'' she walled.
"Tho meun thing," sympathetically
snapped out G-yenr-old Ella. "Why didn't
you Impudent her right back?"
"Pa, teacher told us to writo somo good
resolutions for tho new year on our
"Fine Let me see yours."
"I can't. I dropped my slate on tho
way homo and broko 'cm all."
Hostess So your baby brother can talk
Bobble Oh, yes; ho can say some words
roal well.
Hostess What words ore they?
Bobble I don't know. They're words
I never heard before.
"What 'oo wnnt, chlcky?" said a 2-year-old
girl in the country for tho first time
interpreting the chicken's cackling as an
Strengthen Your
Nerve Vitality
Kollo(jg'a Sanitono Wafers Make Yob
Happy, Strong and Vigorous, rill
Your Brain With Cheerfulness
and Mako You Tingle
With life.
Just bo glad you are alive: don't let
work or worry unnervo you. Tone up
your low vitality witn Kelioggrs Hani
tone Wafers and get a new grip on life.
Kellogs's Santtone Wafers Are Simply Great
tor mat itreu reeling.
This Is tho greatest known nerve in
vigorutor; a braln-clcnrcr nnd vim-giver,
for not i men ami women, uneaualed In
all tho world, lias overwork or other
cause mado you braln-fuggcd, weak
nerved und peevlsh7 Do you ''play out,"
mentally and physlrnlly, at tho slightest
effort? KelloRg's Hanltono Wafers are
a quick-action remedy; they brace you
with new llfo right off. They make you
strong, courageous and undismayed, no
mattor what you havo to faco.
Send your namo and address today
with six cents In stamps to help pay
postugo and packing for a free 50c trial
box of KelloRg's Eanltone Wafers, to F.
J. Kellogg Co.. 236S Hoffmaster Block,
Uattlo Creek, -Michigan.
The regular $1.00 size of Kellogg' Sani
tono Wafers Is for salo in Omaha by
Hhorman & McConnoll Drug Co., 102 8.
Kith St.; Owl Drug CO.. 321 S. 10th St:
Beaton Drug Co., 1506 Farnsm St.! Loyal
Phurmacy, 207-209 N. 16th St.; Bell Drug
Co., 1S18 Furnam Ft , Harvard Pharmacy,
24th and Fnrnam fits.
No free boxes from druggists.
"Nellie a." writes: "Can you prescribe
a good treatment for catarrh? I suffer
with pain above my eyes, and my
breath is offensive."
Answer: Catarrh Is very annoying and
dangerous If neglected. The best treat
ment can be had by the use of antlsop
tlo vllane powder. Obtain In two or
eight-ounce package or box and use as
per directions accompanying same.
"Maud" writes: "Can anything bo
done for an Itching scalp? My scalp
is covered with dandruff and I am in
great distress."
Answer. You can very easily be oured
ot an Itching scalp, also dandruff. It
you will get a 4-oz, Jar ot plain yellow
mlnvol and use according; to the direc
tions given on the Jar. Two or three
amplications have been known to cure.
Try it fairly nnd you will advocate its
use to your rnenns.
e e
"Ellen IC." writes: "I am not fleshy
enough. I should weigh zo pounds more.
I am ashamed of my thinness and wish
to become plump and attractive. Con
you help me?"
Answer: Yes, I can help you, "Ellen
IC." and many others in tne same pugnt.
A thorough courso of treatment with
three-grain hypo-nuclane tablets will
gradually gtvo you moro red and white
blood corpuscles, adding to your weight,
health and color, giving you pink cheeks,
red lius anaa spartciing eyes, xnese taD
lets are packed In sealed cartons with
directions. Do not expect results too
quickly. It takes time to change the
cells and tissues of the body, but you
can depend on gaining weight It you are
"D. D. F." writes: 'If you lcnow of
nnvthlng that I could take to oure my
rheumatism, pleace tell me, as I suffer
nil the time. Am getting worse all the
Answer: Take the fallowing and you
will soon be relieved ot your rheuma
tism. This Is the best remedy that
have ever Known lor tins troumo. lodiao
of potassium, 3 drams; sodium salicylate,
drams: wine or. coicnioum, i-i ox.
comp. essence caniiol, l ox.; comp. fluid
iiRlmwort. 1 os.: and syrup sarsaparilla
comp., 6 oss. Mix by shaking well and
tako one tcaspoonful at meal times and
again at teo time.
m m m
"Helen" wrltesi "Can you give me
a reliable remedy for coughs and co!ds7
Teacher How many sones are there,
Bobble Oh, a wholo lot. There's one
torrid, two temperate, two frigid and a
wholo lot ot postal zones.
"Robert,:' asked the teacher, "did you
throw any of thoso pnper wuds sticking1
on the blackboard?"
"No," replied Robert. "Mine didn't
Mother Now, Willie, put away those
drumsticks. Don't you know your father
has a headache?
Willie But, ma, whsn I was going Into
the parlor with my drum, he told mo to
beat It.
Tired out with an afternoon's shopping
the mother sat back in her vasy chair to
recite In detail tho afternoon's experi
ences to a sympathetic homo circle.
"And to cap It all I met that horrid
Complete rtlth
ease, liotr and ex
tra strlnga at S5.O0,
SU.OO, 97.00, IM.OO.
$10.00, $15.00, 125
nud up.
Sold on Easy Pay-
Write for Fre Cntaloe ot Musical
1515 Douclea NtM Omabs. Neb.
The questions answered below are
sronornl In character, tho symptoms or
diseases aro given and the answers will!
apply to any caso ot similar nature.
Thnsn wlihlntr further advice, free.
may address Dr. Ic,wls Baker, College
Bldg., Collego-Klwood Sts., Dayton, O.,
enclosing solf-addresscd stamped envelope
for reply. Fun namo and address must
bo given, but only Initials or fictitious
name will bo used In my answers. Thoi
prescriptions can bo filled at any well-
stocked drug store. Any druggist can
order of wholesaler.
My cough Is so tight that I am afraldl
ot pneumonia."
Answer; The tightest cough can be
loosened In ono hour by using the fol
lowing; Get from your druggist a -V4
oz. package of essence mentno-Iaxeno
and mako according to directions on bot
tle. This will break up any cold and
loosen the tightest cough and soon cure
it by Its laxitlvo tonia action.
"Miriam O." writes: "I am affllctedj
with stomach and bowel disorders and am
fearful that it will result In appendlcltts.l
Pleaso advise me."
Answer: Undoubtedly a great many
people could prevent appendicitis by us
ing precaution, and overcoming stom
ach and bowel disorders in time. I ad
vise that you take tablets trlopeptlne.
e e e
"Carpenter" writes: "I have pains in
my spine and frightful headaches In back
of head, fainting spells, twitching and
trembling, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss
of appetite ana strength, ana in root am
a 'has been,' when It comes to perform
ing accustomed work and duties. Please
Answer: In all such cases the assimi
lative functions havo not kept paco with
waste functions and a powerful, harmless
tonia treatment Is needed. I find three
grain cadomene tablets unexcelled and
astonishingly beneficial in such cases and
nflvlBA thm fnr vntf.
- i . e
"Mrs. W. C." asks: "Is It sf to re-
duce one's weight when it is excessive?
I have often wanted to take something,
but have been afraid that It might ao
mora harm than good."
Atswer: Some remedies might not b
safe, but I prescribe one which Is both
safe anad effective. Ask any well stocked
pnarmacy ror s-grain arboione tablets,
sacked In sealed tubes, with full direc
tions for home use. They will usually
rcuuto ui ma rain ui a, lkjuou a uay.
e e e
ueramine writes; -i am troUDled a
great aeai .wun ncaaacne, amy spells.
dark spots before my eyes, .twinges of
rneumausm. can i De Helped at, all?"
Answer. You can not only be "helped,"
but you can be freed of all the troubles
you mention. You need three-sraln mil.
pherb tablets (not sulphur) which are
packed In sealed tubes and contain full
directions for use. They are made of
sulphur, cream of tartar and herb miwl.
telnes. If these are taken regularly they
&urtfy the blood, stimulate the liver and
owels Into-healthy action and will grad
uauy ciicut a euro.
"Mother" Bedwetting In children -.Js
usually a disease which can be corrected
by the use of the following; Tincture
cubeba. 1 dram: tincture rhus aromatic.
2 drams; comp. fluid balmwort, 1 oz. Mis
and give the child 10 to 15 drops In water
ono nour oeiore cacn meal. Aavertlso
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