Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 18, 1914, PART TWO, Page 2-B, Image 14

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Censor Stops Dance at Function
Given by Church Society.
"Visitors Arc Honor Guests nt Nnm-
ernns Soclnl Affnlrs Fine
Art Hxhlltlt in II o Open
Next Sntnnlny.
.Soclnl Cnlrnilnr.
MONDAY Mrs. John L. Kennedy, lunch
eon for Miss Hnnpcom and Miss France:
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kountze, dinner tin J
theater party for Miss Howard of Ken
tucky. Mr. Thomas Kllpatrlck. Or
pheum party for MIsb Hanscom and
Miss Franco.
Tt'ESDAY Bridge club. Mr. Glen Whar
ton: Mr. and Mr. J. DeForest lllchard,
Informal dancing party nt Country club
for MIbs Howard; Crelghton Mcdlrnt
rollrgo dance nt Chamber', Mr. V. F.
Baxter. Amnteur Musical club; Mr.
Arthur K. Rogers. Bridge club; Miss
Grace Kaiser, K. C. B. club.
"WEDNESDAY Mr. F. A. Nnah. Auction
Bridge club. Mr. Ilen Gallagher, lunch
eon; Mr. T. F. Kennedy, brldgo for
Mrs. Clarence Day; Mr. Henry Vy
man, bridge Tor Ml Hancom and
Ml France; Bon and Daughters of
American Ilcvolutlon, reception and
dinner for National President General
Thuraton; Cox-Penny wedding at home,
S 30 p, m.; A. O. FV club of Sacred
Heart parlh, card and danrlng party.
THtmsDAV-Mr. J- J. Brown, luncheon
for Mis Hanscom nnd Miss France;
Ilosnlba club dancing party.
miDAV-Mr. John I Kennedy, lunch
eon for Miss Hanscom nnd Miss Franco.
SATrRDAY Opening of annual exhibi
tion Omaha Fine Arts society at public
library; Yellowstone Oun club dance.
A dancing party, given under the
auspices of the entertainment commltteo
for tho young people of St. John's Col
legiate church, was duly announced In
tho society columns, nnd -Thursday even
ing about 100 guests assembled at Metro
politan club for an enjoyable evening ot
Tho music Btartcd and the young pcoplo
began tho castle walk nnd a few of tho
simpler tango "steps, when n censor
stopped the music nnd said only the waltz
and two-step would bo allowed. Im
mediately, about sixty,, of, tho younger
people nttendln'gcft, tho ball room.
Tho recent dlcto'f prbmlnent cardinals
In Paris and Romo denouncing the tango
ha had Its 'effect' here.
"The rtm Mango Is pot danced In
Omaha, but only an expurgated form of
the much abused dance," said one of tho
young pcoplo "who had been making a
study of tho new dunce's. -Tho-real tango
Is proWM danced In In the French capi
tal, but has never been dancod In Omaha.
It Is so difficult that only tho dancing
tcaohers know tho , Intricate steps. Tho
various one-steps nnd castle walk has
been mistaken by some for tho tango,
which Is quite different
Editorials In many of tho prominent
magaslncs tell us the wattx nnd two
step met the same opposition when they
were Introduced.
Tho dances of Europo nnd America
have always been vastly different, so It
Is difficult to have tho tamo rules. But
tho fact that tho cardinals are prohibit
lng some of tho dances abroad .Will have
somo effect here.
Most of tho European capitals are hav
ing discussions concerning tho tango.
Cardinal Pomplll of nome, representing:
pope, Pius, has denounced the danco In
' Cardinal Archbishop Ametto of Paris
i has decided thai the tango is a ln, but
.Jean Rlchepln, -member1 'of the French.
academy, ' opposes the archbishop and
says he does not find any traco ot Im
morality in tho modern dance and re
cently read a 'paper upon the history of
tho tango before, the French academy,
showing thq dance to bo a descent from
the religious dances of Egypt and Or coco,
At ono ot, tho. larger thoaters In London
recently, thero was a tango dance, and
prominent clergy. Including &. number of
bishops and well known members ot the
nobility were present. They decided in
favor ot tho dance and found it not .Im
Southern Tours,
t , At this" season of the year the south
'attract u largo number. An unusually
i . largo colony of Omahans aro planning to
visit Panama, and will probably sail on
.tho same steamer from Now York Feb-
ruary 1. Among thnse who will take this
, Interesting .Vlp, ar$ Mrs. )len Gallagher
jitul oi)s, Jaht and Ben Gallagher; Mr.
(.Frank Jt jWriifcy and. his daughter, Miss
Mary .B.urkl? hrid.hl hlsttr, Mlra Burk
f. (leV and probably Mr. and Mrs. David
' liaiim 'and Mlsa "Miririret Greer Sauna.
and Mr. and: Mrs. O, C. lledlclc The trip
win take about a month.
Air. ind Mrs. Jerqnw MKge wll leavo
, this wwk.for Glh Qrovo, .prings, Fla,,
whero they will .be. with Air. Magce's
-aunt for oril 'week.
Tfit. and; Mrs, D.'CJ. Bradford left
"Wednesday , for ft-, six weeks' trip fo
JleruiuOa. " V
, Mro,- E. II, Spragua left Wednesday for
'Chicago '.and Ohattunoogu. Tenn. Mr.
"OpriiRUo wll leavo tie;t Saturday to meet
ira. ojhhsuo in ino inner pinco una mey
Will go to Belle Air, Fla., for a month.
Mr,, n. F. Smith, who recently left hero
for New York, Is going tO' Berumda for
tho rest of the winter.
Mr and Mrs, Victor Rosewater left
Sale of Sample ami
Slightly Sailed
Bed Spreads
The Novelty Company
1cglnn Monday morning at
8 o'clock. Wo Itnvo bought
from Mnrslmll Field and Co.
wholesale lione, CliicnKo,
Buniplc of bed hprends con
sisting of n rcprcseututivo
of their regular llneii, Koma
of Uiein bllghtly willed from
'"kIiowIhk to Uio trhdo, nnd
hccnred them t a big re
duction. Wcv place them on
sile Monday nt the follow
ing prices;
lied Spreadg . .
$1,50 and rJ1.7.-J lted
HpreadH ORt
a.0d lied Hl'read. .1 10
Sf.-2.-2ii ami ?2J50 IJed
Bpreadd S1.48
Jia.OO IJed Hpreada, .S.loa
. .50 nnd. S:i;75 lied
Spreads , 82.48
SJ.00 lied Hpreads. .2 08
4JO and 9.1.00 IJed
Prel S3.48
Tha Novelty Company
2U-U10-yi8 m. KHh St,
Goes to San
Saturday evening for a three-weeks stay
In tho south, coins first to Now Orleans.
With the Visitors.
Miss Gaylord, tho guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Windsor Mege&th, returns today to Min
neapolis. Mrs. Hugh Weed, who has been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Potter,
for two weeks, returned Friday to St,
Louis, but will leavo thero shortly for
Stamford, Conn,, where she. and Mr, Wood
will reside, Mr. Weed has gone Into busi
ness-In New York, but they will llvo In
Stamford, which Is his old home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick aro expected
today from their Wyoming ranch to
spend two or three Weeks with Mrs. J. J.
Brown and Mrs. J. N. II. Patrick.
Miss lleth Valll arrivol from Haugh-
ton, Mich., to visit her grandmother, Mrs.
Martha Heth, at the Hamilton. Miss
Valll graduated lost June from Vassar.
Miss Carmellta Chase has as her guest
over Sunday Mtss I.lowollyn of Kvanaton,
111.,, who arrived Saturday morning on
her way home from Pasadena, Cal. MUs
Uowellyn was a classmate ot Miss Chaae
at Bryn Mawr.
Mrs. Daniel I Korn arrived yesterday
from Now York City for a stay of a fow
Mr. and Mrs. George Treshor, SilO Lin
coln boulevard, will tako an extended
trip through the south during tho remain
der ot the winter months. They will
visit Florida, Oklahoma and Hot Springs
during their travel.
Winter Trips,
Mrs. J. M. Metcalf will leave next Fri
day for New York to visit her brother,.
Mr. IS. J. Cornish, and Mrs. Cornish, and
later expects to go to Atlantlo City and
perhaps south. Mrs. Metcalf wilt bo gono
eight or ten weeks.
Mr, and Mrs. Hoxle Clarke left Satur
day for St. Louis, stopping en route at
Excelsior Springs for a few days. Mr.
r.d Mrs. Clarke will return to Omaha be
fore going east to their country place.
Villa Belvedere. N. Y.
Mls.1 Louise Dinning left Thursday for
month's visit in Chicago, Washington
and New York,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Davis and
Mr. and Mrs, Wlltard Hostord leave Sun
day evening for a week at Excelsior
Mr. and Mrs. G, W. Megcath are spend
ing ten days at Excelsior Springs.
Mr, and Mrs. N. P. Dodge, Jr., and
small son, Phillip, will leave for California.
February J.
Entertains Choir.
Mrs. John G. Gunn ontortninrd tb
members of the Third Presbyterian church
choir and f Mends at the homo of Mr,
and Mrs. K. H. Burnap on Thursday
evening. A very pleasant musical even
Ing was spent. Thosa present wore;
Misses MUsc
Klsle Howell, Iluth Neely.
Kathrtlne J 10 well, Aiieiine uoenrane,
Ida Wool Icy, Eileen Chambers,
Esfella Bockhocker, Myra aalbrueth,
Ireue Swearlngcr, Katherlne Zelg,
Urn co Duk-s, Marlon Cllnes,
Messrs. .Messrs.
llev Itobert Korr, Norman C. Davles,
Flteroy Smith.
Inland Wykert.
Colin C Weir,
Harold Corcoran,
Alex Gray,
Ed Burnap,
John a. Gunn.
Harold Loiimer.
Verne Hull!.
Walter osuorne,
Walter iriojuee,
Mrs. E. H. Burnapp,
Mrs. Alex Gray,
leave for San Domingo.
Mr, Austin J. Collctt leaves this even
lug for a week's utay In Washington, D,
C, before leaving for his new appoint
tnent In San Domingo. Mru. Collett and
two sons are with her parents, Mayor
and Mrs, James C Dahlman, this week
and will leavo next Sunday for New!
York, where they will Join Mr Collett J
and sail for San Domingo to make their I
Domingo to Make Her Home
MitsEihdJ&hbs '
home. Although regretting to leave so
many friends hero both Mr. and Mrs.
Collett aro pleased at the excellent ap
pointment ho has received.
At the University Club.
Beta Epsllon ot Nu Sigma held its
seventh annual party at tho University
club. This year tho party was in the
form ot a dinner dance. University
colors and fraternity banners were used
In decorating the club rooms. Mr. Kurl
C Sage was master of ceremonies.
The patrons and patronesses were:
Dr. nnd Mrs. Palmer Ftndley.
Dr. and Mrs. Ilodney Bliss.
Dr. and Mrs. R. IX. Holllster.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Donald McCrae.
Dr. and Mrs. Gucnther.
Dr. and Mrs. Wlllard.
Others present were:
Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Col fas.
Dr. and Mrs. M. M, Loomls.
Dr. K. T. night of Lincoln.
Misses Mlu..
Gay Williams, Marie Detwller,
Pansy Wlllams. Mary Grandon,
Marie wmiams, Miriam Clark.
.Mario Hermansou,. Mario McDowell,
Anno Herinatmon. Jeln Nimnn.
Oretchen Ingdon. Itoso Hathaway,
Katherlne McGrath, Bess KUerbeck,
i.incoiii; ltorence:
Helen Mitchell, Urada Scott,
Lincoln; Olllo Sturdovant,
.-uuuo uixcnuaum. Lincoln:
Clara Mooro.
Helen Jarvla,
Council Bluffs:
Ceollla Youncaulst,
Helen Blxby,
Hardy, Neb.;
W. U Ross,
F. L. Horton,
W. T. Wildhaber.
B- 1C Curtl,
C. R. Fuller.
F. J. Colbert.
L. Rlggert,
J. Johnson,
K. Montgomery,
F. S. Salisbury,
A. J. Ross,
D. Hlgbee,
C. W. Mitchell.
C. F. Farman,
W. B. Aten.
Nelllo vvurner,
Helen Hummers.
Olga Johnson.
Ellen Bloom,
B. A. Young,
G. W. Hoffmelster,
M. n. Brome.
W. H. Galbrcath.
A. Blnamark,
C. W. Harms,,
R. C. aramllch,
R. A. Moeer,
T. C. Moyer,
C. A. Meyers,
P. C. Golssler,
W, D. McGrath,
P. J. Flory.
H. A. Rosenbaum,
U. C. Sag.
Prominent Club Woman.
Mrs. Frank J. Lange ot Helena, Mont,
formerly ot Omaha, arrived Saturday for
a few weeka' visit with friends and rolu-
i tives. Mrs. Lunge la a prominent club
woman and social leader in her homo
city, tx-ing president of the Woman a
club, the only woman member ot the
Executive Secretary for Y. W. C. A. of
tho Vnlted States.
Library board and the lcauer of the
principal musical society, Mrs. Lange "will
be remembered by many friends through
her maiden name, Miss Jcanctte Gerner,
and for her many activities in tha mu
sical world during her Omaha residence.
Sho was leader of St. John's cnolr
and prominent In many other musical so
cieties. Many social affairs aro being
planned In honor of this popular visitor.
Chrlstlo Friday evening. Prizes were
won by Miss Hannah Blck nnd Mtss
Fisher. Thoso present were:
Misses Misses
Hannah Bick, Mabel Peterson.
Marguerite Riley, Anna Bohnlng,
Francis Rlttenbouse, Bessie Christie,
Katherlne McMahon.Emma Passtnore,
Marguerite PrltchardEva Donncr,
Agnes Pntchard, Mrs. V. Smith.
Surprise Party.
A surprlso party was glvon Mr. Thomas
Baumgardner at Ills homo on 2233 North
Twentieth etroet Friday evening. Thoso
present were:
Maria Lyons.
Vera Keller,
Gladys Nugent,
I,oul80 Raube,
Ittleen Debolt.
Hazel Haskel,
Minnie Price.
Vera Walker,
Vera, Sletnold,
Mao Burtlow,
Hazel Smith.
"Virgil Saunders.
Henrietta Delatlno,
Edna Gatchell,
Mildred Delatlne.
Esther Bradford,
Elizabeth Btapenhorst. Mrs. Raabe,
Hay Tierncy.
Gerald Lucas,
Glen Clark.
Emory Peterson,
Nelson Oregg,
Clifford Hammond,
Joo McLaughlin,
James Baumgardner,
Thomas Baumgardner,
Kenneth Keller.
Harold Kent,
Rudolph iteeder.
Rudolph l'rescner,
Howard Esoler,
George Anderson.
Chester Johnson,
Creighton Medical Dance.
Students ot the Crelghton College of
Medicine will give the third of n series
ot five departmental dances at Chambers'
dancing caademy next Tuesday evening, j
A largo delegation ot students from all
departments ot the university will be
present with friends. Tho committee in
charge ot the hop Is making extra plans
for an enjoyable party.
Nathanson-Harris Engagement.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Harris, 3335 Cum
ing street announce the engagement ot
their daughter, Irene Henrietta, to Mr
Nut I Nathanson ot Toronto, Canada.
Miss Harr is who was born In Omaha,
is a charming young woman anl was
graduated from the high Bchool In the
clans of 1911 At present she Is visiting
with relatives in Cleveland, O. Mr. Nath
anson Is ono of the well known young
business men of Toronto. The wedding
will take place in June.
Et-A-Virp Club.
Tho Kt-A-VIrp club gave its January
party at Chambers Thursday evening.
The following were present.
MIsbcs Misses
Bertha Friend, A. I.. Llerk,
Gladys Morrill. Kd Hawley,
Margaret iiauhenaaK tianey Deems,
Dora Hnormann,
J. K. Haney,
r;iner iric-Ke,
Kstclla .trnn,
Fanny Koller,
Myldred Bruner,
June Younger.
Graro Barber,
LllUe liolilf.
Clalro Gaurrcau,
B. HulsUcr,
Samuel Groiler,
Thor Andresen,
F, A. Coulter,
Bobt. J. Shields,
C K. Swanson,
J. Blxler,
Leo Dugher,
Otto Nlelsnn,
C. A. McCann,
I F, Braun,
Maude- Fredrlcltson.
iiutn parrel .
Lillian Peterson,
Augusta Mengedoht, J. C. Young;,
uessio Aarons,
Mae Jacobson,
C. Haarmann.
C. Nelson,
Dr. N. IT. Atwood,
W. R. Pratt,
n. E. Fisher,
M. A. Miller.
A. L. KellBtrom,
T. E. Whltlock.
C. U 8wancutt,
Wm. Moran,
AV. Craighead.
E. E. Elrenhart,
A, J, Jackson.
Dr. H. Gsantner,
Jas. Ward,
Jerome Iitseh,
L. W. Knight,
Harry Reachke,
J. Soegaard,
Geo. Johnson,
O. E. Batty,
M. F. Groasman,
Percy E. Gwynne,
Ruth Fisher,
Katherlne MUllln.
Ad-llno Wykoff,
aiarie actionem,
Maudo Phflastcr,
Marie Gross.
Mary Horn,
Jiose uordy.
Anna Gorman,
Bertha Merz.
Ada Archer,
Adeline Spcrllp,
Ncttlo Schooley,
Mnrjoiirt I'IKe,
Hulda Arm bust.
Florence woodhall.
Mabla "Whitney,
ismma wnson,
Helen Grady,
Flower Alexander.
iNeu Murpny,
i.iarenee Hall,
Clark Cheney,
Leola Granden.
Marguerite GeenoughN. F. Schroeder,
Frances xnomas, a. 1 iteynoms,
Magdalen Bock, C. N, Moulin,
Henrietta. West. Marshall Dillon.
Ellzaboth Redmon, H. O. Nllsson,
Myrtle Hayden, A. S. Nurse,
Elisabeth McMulIen, IT. W. Melleg.
Ruby Anderson.
W. C. Mann.
Irene ilatcnrora,
Belle Edwards.
R. W. Smiley.
Geo B. Phelps,
Reynold Gates,
Dr. F. C. Lage,
L. HanBon,
Freeman Bradford,
Laurence Johnson,
G. L. Greenfield.
Stuart Gould,
C. F. Patten.
W. H. Dana.
Walter Doyle,
Claude Rife.
Oscar Malstrom,
M. Condlt,
L. Dettman,
Morgaret Iage,
Margaret Past.
Irene Hlgbee.
Odett Jackson,
Bertha Men,
Blanche Springer,
Frances Melcher,
Elsie Farrrll,
Helen Johnson,
Dr. J, A. Hrnskr.
Mr. and Mrs. B.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C
Mr. nnd Mrs. F.
b. Hnellman,
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Goff.
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Helllcr.
Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Goodrich,
Thirteen Club.
Tho N. N, Thirteen club was enter
tained at the home of Miss Bessie
Ladies' Aid Entertained.
Mrs. William Kunold entertained the
ladles' aid of Castellar Presbyterian
church at a farewell luncheon at her
homo on Friday for Mrs. Charles New
land, who leaves next Tuesday for her
future home in California. Covers were
laid for twelve. Thoso present were:
Mcsdamcs Mesdames
Charles Newland, R. Ornncr.
C. C. Meek.
r mil
JL 8. Boand,
R, E. Patrick.
P, Hoffman,
H. E. Oberton,
T. Walker,
G. Cloud,
W. Bell.
P, StrauBbaugh,
Kappa Kappa Gamma Luncheon.
The Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority en
tertalned at luncheon .Saturday at the
Commercial club In honor Of Miss Eliza
beth Penney. Covers were jald for:
Misses Misses
Elizabeth Penney. Flora Copper,
Mareuorctta Burke, Helen. Cook.
Ruth McDonald, . .AnrTDcnnls,
Cara Groh,
Susan Paxon,
Percy Stevens,
Hugh Myers,
Georgo Porter,
W. J. Hotz.
Pearl Bennet,
Walter Hopewell,
B. B. Davis,
Rodney Bliss.
F. B. Hughca,
Frank Myers,
Bridge Party.
In honor ot Miss Elizabeth Penney and
Mr. Fred Cox Miss Ann Dennis gave a
bridge at her homo Saturday evening.
Thoso present were:
Misses Misses
Elizabeth Ponney, Helen Cook,
Margueretta Burke, Adelaide. Thomas.
Messrs. Messrs.
Fred Cox, Charles McLaughlin,
Donald Neely, Harley Conant,
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Hopewell.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Calkins.
Surprise Party.
A surprise party was given In honor of
Mrs. C. C. Haynes, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Haynes, Friday afternoon.
Thosoi present were:
Misses Misses
Vera Elster. Helen Hohan,
Lonlta Hunt, Bernlco Kulakofeky,
Carmellta Gorman, Edith Haynes.
Richard Elster,
Philip Barnett,
Henry Dodyns,
Dclbert fierce,
Earl Rentfrew,
Edmond Wood,
Doran Lemloy,
Walker-Hibbs Engagement.
Mr, nnd Mrs. F. L. Hlbbs announce
the engagement of their daughter, Ethel,
to Mr. Charles W. Walker. Tho wedding
will take placo at noon, Tuesday, March
10 at tho home ot the bride's parents.
The brldo will bo attended by six brides
maidB, who will be Misses Sadie Davis,
Winifred Rowe, Evan Nelson, Irene Nel
son, Hattlo Peterson and Gladys Hoi
gren. Miss Fay Jensen will carry tho
ring in a rose and Nondas Jameson and
Lavcrna Colson will be flower girls. The
Walnut Case A
good piano for tho
Ebony Case.
Mahogany Case.
lr You Believe m Music
You Need a Victor Victrola
or Columbia Grafonola
Victrola or Grafonola.
With this wonderful instrument, you bring somo
music into your life each day to add to your happiness
and make your home more complete.
Daily demonstrations. Call tomorrow and let us
play your favorite selection on a Victor or Columbia.
Prices, $15 to $200. Terms, $1 Per Week.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1311-13 Farnam Street.
Oldest Plnno Ilouso In tho West. Kstnb. 1850.
bride and groom will take an eastern
trip and will make their homo in Omaha.
For January Bride.
Mies Corlnno Armstrong, 1508 North
Thirty-eighth street, entertained at a
shower Saturday evening In honor of
Mtss Helen Swanburg, whoso wedding
take, place thU month. Thoso present
Francis Mulholland,
Catherine Murray,
Rosa Dixon,
Ann Llljegrcn,
Helen Swanburg,
Marie Norgard,
Happy Mulholland,
Buchanan, '
C. Schlecht,
H. Lvnch,
N. T. Swanburg,
Lillian Swanburg,
Edna Lnrson,
Esther Swanson,
Allle Houston,
Flora Titzel,
Selma Swanburg,
Corlnne Armstrong.
C. B. Gaunt,
C. C. Fechner.
C. L. Moore,
P, M. Lange,
AV Tlllotson.
Clark-Holcomb Wedding.
A quiet home wedding took' placo last
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
H! II, Holcomb, 415 North Fortieth street,
when their daughter. Miss Martha Ellen,
became tho bride rot Mr. Goodwin Clark
of Chicago, Rev. Frederick Rouse offi
ciating. Tho wedding was very small, as Mr.
Holcomb, who is general freight agent
for tho Burlington, camo here from Chi
cago a year ago and most ot the guosts
were -Burlington officials from out of the
Tho bride was gowned in white .crepo
meteor with chiffon overdrapo and
trimmed with duchess lace. Sho carried
bride's roses and lilies of the Valley.
Miss Ruth Holcomb, slater of tho bride,
wan maid of honor, and woro pink crepe
with trimmings of Chantily laco and pink
tulle. She carried Kllarney roses.
"Mr. Ellsworth Keith of Chicago was
best man and tho ribbons were stretched
by little Miss Loutee Leonard of Lincoln
and Master Horace Holcomb, jr.
The young people will make their homo
In Chicago.
Those present at tho wedding were
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Leonard, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Cook, Mrs. McDanlels and
Mrs. Grenlnger, all of Lincoln: Mr. and
Mrs. Wado Spezer, Sir. Clarke, Mr. E. R.
Puaaer and Mr. Spenco. all Burlington
officials of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Lucius
Wakeley of this city.
Home Lunoheon.
Mrs. Edward Porter Peck was hostess
at a beautifully appointed luncheon Sat.
urday at her home. Covers were placed
B. D. Barkalow,
Herman Kountzo,
Leonard Evcrtts
ot Council Bluffs,
Clement Chase,
T. L. Rlngwalt,
W. D. Williams,
C. M. Wllhclm,
J. R. Rlngwalt,
David A. Baum,
E. M. Morsman, jr.,
Walter T. Page,
E. P. Peck.
McFaddeh-Butler Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Butler announce the
marriago of their daughter, Marie, to Mr.
Frank McFadden. The young couple will
be at home at 431S Ames avenue after
January 20.
Wagner-Marcowitz Engagement.
Mr. and Mrs. David Marcowltz of Kan
sas City have announced the engagement
that have been used, but not misused. All
in first-class shape. Will sell at lowest
possible terms.
Oak Case. Out only
a short time
Oak Case. Practical
ly as good as new.
1513 Douglas
If you believe in the power
of music to elevate your intel
lect, to stir your imagination
and quicken your emotions, to
soothe your mind nnd lighten
your toil, you can appreciate
what it would mean to have a
Victrola or Grafonola in your
Music is no longer a luxury
to be understood and enjoyed
by a select few. Music has
come to be an actual necessity
in every home, nnd its fore
most exponent today is the
of their daughter, Sarah, to Mr. Maurlco
Wagner, Jr., of Peoria, 111. Tha wedding I
will tako placo In March. Miss Marco
wltz has been a frequent visitor In Omaha
at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. J Corby.
Miss Molly Corby will be maid of honor
at tho wedding.
Pleasures Past.
Miss Stella Bernstein entertained at
her home Thursday evening in honor ot
Miss Sadie Alshulcr of Chicago. Whist
was played and prizes won by Miss Molly
Corby, Miss Sadie Alshulcr and Mr. Harry
A. 0. F. Club.
Tho A. O. F. club of the 8acred Heart
parish will give a card party and danco
at their club rooms at Twenty-third and
Locust streets Wednesday evening.
Phi Bho Sigma Club.
Tho Phi Rho Sigma fraternity 6f tho
Crelghton Medical college held Initiation
services' Saturday evening. Several medi
cal students wcro initiated.
In and Out o fthe Bee Hive.
Mr. R. B. Elliott left Friday evening
for a brief visit In New York City and
Washington, D. C.
Miss Emma Woodford of Lincoln is in
the city visiting her brother, H. L. Wood
ford, and Mrs. Woodford.
Miss Jean Foley has gone to, LeMars.
,1a., to be one of tho attendants at tha
Ecllalre-Gallagher -wedding. Miss Gal
lagher was a fprmcr class mote of Miss
Foley at St. Mary's seminary.
Miss Katherlne Davenport will leave
Monday evening for Syracuse, ,N. Y.,
where she will enter tho Syracuse, uni
versity, taking a special musical course.
Mrs. F. W. Clarko will accompany her
daughter as far as Chicago, where sho
will remain for a week or ten days.
Miss Davenport will mako her homo
while in Syracuse with her aunt, Mrs.
(Continued on Pago Three.)
Get This For Colds
Prescription for Positive Results
Don't Experiment.
"From your druggist get two ounces
of Glycerine and half an ounco of Globu
Pino Compound (Concentrated Pino).
Take these two ingredients home and put
them into a half pint of good whiskoy.
Shako well. Take one to two teaspoon
fulH after each meal and at bed time.
Smaller doses to children according to
age." This Is Bald to be the quickest
cough and cold cure known to the med
ical profession. Be sure to get only thu
genuine Globe Pine Compound (Concen
trated Pino). Each half ounce bottle
comes in a tin screw-top scaled, case.
If your druggist Is out of stock he will
quickly get it from his wholesale housi.
Don't fool with uncertain mixtures. It
is risky. For the past six years this ha t
had a wonderful demand. Published by
the Globe Pharmaceutical laboratories)
of Chicago,
Tor Indigestion Mix ono ounce Cat
andlr Compound; two ounces Essence of
Pepsin; three ounces Syrup of Ginger
Tako ono to two teaspoqnfuls aft.
meals. This Is said to hive no equal.
Catandlr is that new compound, any
druggist lias It or will get It Published
by the Globe Pharmaceutical laboratoriea
of Chicago.
Mahogany Case
Oak Case.
A beautiful piano.
Walnut Case.
Good Enough for