1 10-A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 18, 1914. IOWA SUGAR FACTORY CLOSES Big Institution at Waverly Will No Longer Continue. J AID OUT MUCH FOE BEETS Meeting of Ilepnhllcnns Ilrtnon trntcil FlRht on Ticket Will Do No fiooil nml Pence Likely o Trevnll. (From a Start correspondent) DBS MOINES. Jan. K.-tSneclaU-No longer will It b said that Iowa haa at least one sugar factory. It has been dee cldcd that the big factory at Waverly, which haa been In operation four or live years,' must be cloned because of the enormous reduction In tho market price of sugar. The manager Is out In a state ment of tho facts In tho case, and an nounces that no more contracts for sugar beets will bo asked of tho farmers. Tho factory closed down a short tlmo ngo after a rather successful season, though the price of tho product had re duced tho profits. After Investigation of tho Immediate prospect for tho future it was decided not to open this year, and unless something happens to make sugar prices better It will not be reopened. The plant cost fWO.OOO and tho company haa paid out $1,DOO,000 for beets, labor and transportation. Over 700 farmers wilt bo Affected. Thcro had been plans mado Sot other factories In the state, but now It are abandoned. IMen fop Wards of Stntr. Chairman JlcConlogue of the State Hoard of Control, at a big banquet hero Cowen, Eagle Drove; Hoy K. Proudflt. Waukon; 8. U Farley, Ankeny; Ray Itcdfcrn, Itoscoe; W. J. Toylor, Forest City; W. 1 Moore. Bcrgeant Hluffs; A. C. Larson. CeCar Falls; Carl Holden, Ox ford; Claude K. Wilson, Silver City; Mark ntterbark, Blrourncy; H. t. Klehllng, Ames; J. W. Hasans. Barnum; Hoy H McVlcker. Kngle Qrovo. Plenaed with Meetings. Governor Clarko returned today from northwestern Iowa, where ho spoko In Sioux City, Storm Lake and Spencer. He was well pleased with his reception In that part of the state and especially with tho big meeting he held In Bloux City. His address on tho capital gTounds ex tension was heard by one of tho largott crowds of business men ever brought to gether In that part of tho stato and as n compliment to the governor he was unan imously clectoJ to bo an honorary life member of tho club. Will Irolinl)l- Clo JVo Further. The meeting of republicans held yes terday, at which the matter was con sidered of bringing out candidates against all the progressiva republicans on the state ticket. Is dcrlarcd by somo of thoso In attendance to havo resulted In goo I In that It has demonstrated tho utter futility of any f'ght against the candi dates who arc up for re-election. Thcro was somo sentiment to tho effect that persons low down on tho stato ticket might ho defeated If an effort was made, but that tho more conspicuous ones havo a cinch on tho nomination and will prob ably be elected In November. Tho com mltteo namod will, so It Is stated, bury tho matter for tho present and advlso all republicans to work In harmony. Itenly to Illplry It)' Tliorne. Clifford Thorno has written another re ply to President K. V. Itlplcy In their controversy over tho profits of tho rull- AUTOMOBILEJUTLOOK FINE Synopsis of Opinions of the Jeffery Dealers of the Country. TARIFF HAS BUT LITTLE EFFECT Hxnect Itnslnrns to Pick Up tty the First of Next Montii, Trlth the Ilujliiir Henry, liut Con-servnllve. made an appeal to tho peoplo of tho state roads. Ho has presented statistics until Jor sympathy and ass'stntneo for tho ercd from tho reports of tho railroads etato in tho dig prohtom of handling tho defectives, delinquents and mentally de ranged classes. Ho pointed out that It Is Impossible for tho stato to care for alt these people without tho help of so ciety. There are the hundreds of orphans At the state home who ought to be in Eood homes. The persons paroled from the industrial schools ought to have holp from all the people. Those paroled from the hospitals and reformatories should be encouraged and not treated as outcasts, lie urged that here was a great oppor tunity for the peoplo of the stato to pive practical aid for thoso who are en trusted with the care of the stato's wards. Delcantes to Corn Exposition. Governor Clarko Iibb appointed a list bf delegates to the National Corn expo sition at Dallas, Tex., commencing Feb ruary 10, Including prominent officers of the Corn Growers' association and of the Farmers' Co-Opcratlvo Grain Dealers association and wlnnors of prizes at the corn shows, ns follows; W. H. Stevenson, Ames; F. II. Klop ping. Ncola; J. W. Covcrdale, Ames; H. ilathway, Klngslcy; Georgo Sapp, Aller ton; II. K. Ilrown. Ballx; 13. L. Heed, Now London; Earl Zollcr, Cooper: Asa Turner, a-'arrar; Arthur W. Ilunft, Ilclnbeck; Charles O. Garrett, Mltchellvlllej II. C. showing that tho net operating revenue of tho railroads last year was $I,SI3 n mile, whllo tho previous year it was 13.SS3 mllo and In 1903 It was only (3,111 a rnllo. Ho declares that tho earnings above operating expenses of the American railroads last year wero more than $500,- WO.OOO more than they were fifteen years ago and they havo trebled slnco the or ganization of the Interstate Commerce commission. Ho therefore refutes tho claim of Mr. Ripley that the railroads havo been badly treated. "Kodak Trust" the latest Seeking to Evade Prosecution WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-The "Kodak Trust" is the latest of tho great corpor ations, sued under the Sherman anti trust act, to seek a peaceful settlement of Its troubles with the Department of Justice. Negotiations between represen tatives of tho so-called trust and the de partment have progressed so rapidly that an agreement probably will bo reached within a short time. Suit was begun against tho Eastman Kodak company of Now Jersey and East man Kodak company of New York at Buffalo last June. Answer "was made by the defendants and the taking of testi mony by the government is near com pletion. Settlement of tho suit may be reached either by an agreement out of court, similar to that with tho Ameri can Telephone and Telegraph company In tho fqrm of a "consent decreo" regis tered In a federal court. Tho success of tho agreement plan so far has inclined officials to favor It In this case. Tho two Eastman concerns were charged with controlling 72 per cent of the trade of the United States In photo graphlo supplies, and with fixing the re sate price of cameras, films and other patented supplies. It was tho first suit Instituted by Attorney General Mcltoy nolds, applying tho principle announced by tho supremo court, denying tho right to patentees to fix rc-sale prices for re- tullers. Make Your Mtils Afraid of Yob Don't lto. Afraid of Food. Just Take a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet and You'll Digest It All O. K. All you men nnd women who want to eat and aro filled with fear, stay this kind of folly. Just carry a little Stuart's Dyspepsia, Tablet In your purse or pocket auia auer your meai eui u uko you uo candy. The meal will bo digested; the weak ened digestive Juices win ue enncneu and you will lose your fear of rood. "What Z Can do to a Mt&I Vow Is Stmjrty a Shams." Don't you know that these tablets aro carried by thousands all over the land? Jn their bags as they travel, In purses rr pockets when thoy attend banquets br after theater parties and meals early br late, largo or small aro easily digested witnout narmiui ericas. One element of these tablets Is so ef flelent that one grain of It will digest 1000 grains of food. This Is science brought down for your use and It is features own sc once, too. wo matter wiiero you live. Stuarts yspepsia Tablets will be found even the smallest drug storo, although It only a cross roads druaclst. This DODularlty Is based solely unnn the reputation. Proof and testimonial ex. tellcnce of these tablets in every part of yur lana. Go to your druggist toduy and buy pox. Price co rents. fit fee ( SORRY HE ESCAPED DEATH TO MARRY WOMAN LATER CHICAGO, Jan. 17.-Albert Horswlll who says he was In charge of tho lost lifeboat to leave tho Titanic and the only man among tho forty-fivo women and children In tho emergency craft, told Judge Uhllr In court hero today that ho Is unable to support his wife. Horswlll, 5S years old, married a girl 1R years old last November and deserted her a wcclc ago. 'It would have been better If I had gone down with the Titanic," said Ilora- wllt. "I'm working In a warehouse but can't make enough to support ono, let alone two." Judge Uhllr sent the pair away together with instructions that the sailor support his wife. JUDGE RULES UNION MEN HAVE RIGHT TO PICKET KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. 17.-Unlon men havo tho right to picket If they aro peaceful and do not uso boisterous languago or conduct themselves In an obnoxious way, Judgo Ilalph 8. I.atshaw decided today In the criminal court. Ho reversed a decision of tho municipal court, In which t""r union barbers wero fined $100 each for picketing a nonunion shop. Since the killing of the owner of a non union barber here, December 17, last, tho police have been arresting pickets. Bandit and Deputy Fight Duel on Tram ATUANA, Ga., Jan. 17. A bandit A careful canvass of more than 600 re sponsible dealers Identified with tho Jof fory organization throughout the United States soliciting their opinion of tho pres ent business situation has just bcon com pleted by K. S. Jordan, sales manager In charge of tho distribution of the new Jeffery four and six. Tho widespread character of the In formation gathered In this canvass la assured owing to the fact that tho Jef fery company has responsible dealers in towns of nil sizes In every state In tho union. Thft reliability of tho Information was maJc certnln by the character of the rjuostlons asked and the Insistence of the Jeffery company upon tho dealer corrobo rating his own Judgment by asking tho Judgment of other peoplo In other lines of trado. The result Is Interesting to all students of economics, bankers, business men and 'quite likely to tho administration at Washington. The conclusions reached arc as follows: "Tho revision of the tariff has had very little to do with tho Increased con servatism of bankers, manufacturers and property owners, "Tho farmer, upon whom tho prosper ity of the country largely depends, has not been uffected except by rumor, lit has lotB of money and will buy In tho stirlnir. but not extravagantly. "Tho sentiment west of Philadelphia poarueu a western At Atlantic passenger among automobile dealers and buyers has train at Vlnlngs, Ga., tonight, robbed rhnncmi hut ullchtlv within the year. In passengers in one or the coacnes or aev the cast the opinion of Wall street has eral nundred dollars and after engaging more weight and people are not buying In a pistol duel with a deputy sheriff so many expensive cars. w"o was on boafd Jumped from the train "Except for tho conservatism of bank- at uoiton, uo. crs in extending credit to dealers the Authorities at Bolton, which Is seven motor car business, as far oa tho sub- miles west of Atlanta, arrested a man Mnntlnl enmnanlos are concerned, will bo said to answer tho description of tho lnt no lilir nn l.mt vear. Bandit. "Since 1010 ncoolo havo been overbuying ino tram runs from Chattanooga to a llttlo. with the result that they feel Atlanta, and most of the passengers tho necessity of saving more. wero residents of Chattanooga nnd in- "Tho first effect upon tho motor car lermedlate towns. As tlio train passed Industry Is shown In tho decrcaser salo through Vlnlngs shortly after 7 o'clock of heavy cars and tho increased sales of a man entered tho chair car, drew a medium-priced light cars that are eco- pistol and began to collect valuables from nnmleal. Ith8 Passengers. He had robbed more than "Tho nassago of tho currency bill has a score when C. C. Heard, an Atlanta rolloved a great deal of tension ns far deputy, who was returning from Rome, as loans from small town banks Is con- Ga opened fire upon him. Half a dozen cerned, as thoy wero holding up appar- shots wero exchanged, Heard being cntly walling for the big city banks to slightly wounded. The bandit swung nnu dm word along. irom tno train as It slowed down at uol- "New companies and new capital are ten and disappeared being nut into the motor car business In Tho robber did not enter tho express pities nil through the country, but the or mall cars. Tho nmount stolen from demand Is for mcdlum-rrlcod light cars passengers Is believed to have been of nuallty. small, although ono man reported ho gave 'Thcro Is every Indication that the up jw. period of retrenchment, whllo It may ex- J tend through tho month of January, will "FRAT" MEMBERS CANNOT "l0I lLZTrn? n LIVE NEAR SORORITY HOUSE ii 11k. wuii tit a nnitntnp nf nrlnc ,.n.,. .. in,i.irv n. . whole BIuATTLE. Wash., Jan. 17.-Mombers of ...... T. , ' ' ,i,m ,m... .,n I1,..1 J the Delta Tau Delta fraternity of tho Unl "I":; ir I::,". , vslty of Washington were officially been detrimental to tho progress of the , . ' Criticized for Not G-iving Qake Notice, Does the Hari Kari TOKIO, Jon. 17. The suicide today by I. art kari of the chief of the meteorologi cal observatory at Kagoshlma Is an nounced In tho newspapers here. Tho dispatches declare that the scientist com mitted sulctdo becauso h6 had been severely criticised for falling to warn tho citizens of Kagoshlma of their danger from the eruption of the volcano Sakura Jima. He assured them, it Is said, that the center of tho subterranean disturb ance was elsewhere. Shocks Are Felt. KAGOSHIMA, Japan, Jan. 17. Al though the volcano Sakurn-JIma was not active today, severe earthquake shocks were felt In the towns of Taru mlzu and Ushlne, In the province ot Ozuml, which lies across Kagoshlma bay to the east The Inhabitants fled in terror. There were many casualties. Numerous housos wero destroyed. In various places the movement of 'the earth caused large crevices. Tho largo quantltfcs of lava and rock thrown out by Sakura-Jlma havo formed a neck which connects the island on which It Is situated with the province of Ozuml, a distance ot about a mile. Projected General Strike in the Rand Has Been Abandoned CAPETOWN, Jan. 17 Although strict press censorship under martial law makes difficult tho hearing of accurate news concerning tho strike situation it Is known tho railway strike Is almost ended, that the situation at the mines. Is Improv ing and that the projected general vtrike has been abandoned. The government, however, Is determined to maintain martial law and keep the "Burghers" mobilized until normal con ditions are restored. Among amusing mistakes made .luring tho operation of martial law was tho ar rest today of tho mayor of Pretoria while ho was engnged with a strike committee endeavoring to induce them to have Mielr men return to work. Tho zeal' of thn burghers also has resulted In tho arrcat without proper authority of hundreds of peaceful citizens. The Steinway The possession of tho world's best Is none too good for any one who loves music, for, whether you play, sing or aro content to listen, remember that a piano Is purchased for a lifetime service and enjoyment. Hence, In the choice of a piano do not consider tho claims of any that must acknowledge a "superior." The Steinway Piano has no equal It is In a class all Its own. With Its purchase goes the assurance that you own tho world's leading piano. This assurance and satisfaction Is well worth the slightly higher cost of tho Steinway. ' V UPRIGHTS S550 AND UP. GRANDS S750 AND UP. v Convenient monthly payments can be arranged if desired. & Your present piano taken In exchange. t $ Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. lSll'in FARNAM ST. 5 HXCIAJSIVH STEINWAY REPRESENTATIVES DR. TODD'S RESEARCH in dentistry 1ms eliminated tho use of all unsanitary pnrtlal plates, sub stituting sanitary brldgowork uhlch Is n revelation in dentistry. OFFICE 403 BRANDEIS BUILDING of the boy, Floyd Brann, was fined $10. Sentence was suspended, however. For every day the boy attends school 10 cents will bo deducted from the amount of tho fine and for every day of Inex cusable absence from school 20 cents will bo added to tho amount. Klopp Loses in Suit for Possession A decision which Is expected by taw ers to niter greatly the government of corporations In Nebraska was rendered by Judgo Troup yesterday, when ho de cided adversely the second suit brougut by A. T. Klopp, president of the Klopp & uartiett Printing company, to regain his lost control of the business. Judge Troup held that, under tho Ne braska constitution overy holder of a share of stock, whether common or prc ferred, Is entitled, to vote and have t voice- In the selection of dlrectoit;. It Is said that In Omaha there are many corporations governed by authority of the common stockholders, as was tho WOMEN DECIDE TO BANISH TANGO FROM THEIR SALONS ItOMD, Ga., Jan. 17. A majority of the women of the Roman aristocracy havo de cided to conform to Instructions Issued yesterday by Cardinal Ilnslllo Pomplll, vlcor general of Home, and banish tho tango from their salons and otherwise discourage the dance. Cardinal Pomplll, representing Tope Plus, denounced tho tango and declared It must be prohibited in ltomo. conservative and more buslnoBs-llke com panies." house of the adjoining the sorority Gamma Phi Beta. Tho young collegians were notified when tho plans were being drawn that they must choose another site for the huiiding, farther away from the girl's home, but went ahead in the hopo that the university officials would relent. Driver Unconscious, Train with Magnates Aboard Keeps Going P0LICE RND 0NE RES0RT JlAI.TIMOItE, Jan. 17.-W.th the en- OPEN AND ARREST NEGRESS glneer unconscious, from a fractured nknll. th Nnw York and St. Louis Ex- xn n roundup made by the police last prcsH on the Baltlmoro & Ohio railroad n,Bnt t0 ascertain whether any resorts rpod over tho rails for a brief time today "crD ' operuuon. oniy ono was found without a controlling hand on tho throttle. f GcTltio Broomfleld. a negrcss. was t, i.i. i.fm--.i i .,... nrii.t. Placed under arrest. tho i-oud were aboard the train. IT ? , C 8a,d ho ,. ... . ,, , , TT ni I would start proceedings today under the . " , . . I Albert law against the own-ra of th mn f lmnllv,.. hn wn rldlnir nn ?lCVCy .rC80rt f0r rontln& Fropjrty !o- ... immoral purposes, We Sell the Genuine Rock Springs COAL "We can also fill your ordtra for coal of any Una. UPDIKE 'SET Conrsnisnt Tarda at 45th and Dodge and 10th and Wobater. TsUphooa Xumjr 244, If 77 Iotrii Netra Motes. IXMJAN A scout organization will ho completed hero In tho near future. V. Ij. Stfarn will be president; Itov. II. K. Gallo way, vice president; Frank McCabo, scr rotury, and Dr. 11. J. Steams, scout master. IX)aAN-Jnhn Itedlnbaugh fell nt his homo near Ileadersmllls yesterday after noon and broke the right thigh bono nt tho hip Joint. Mr. lledtnbaugh was nrnoni: tho early settlers of Harrison county and Is 78 years of ago. T)rs. Han sen and Wood attended Mr. Rodlnbuugh. LOGAN Brotherhood of American Yeo men installed officers as follows for the I ensuing year: I I. Ovlatt, foreman; 1. i Ilrown. master of ceremonies; l Mc iCrew, correspondent; F. Pcnrod, master of , accounts: u. a. cook, cnamain: Mrs. l:. Mefford. overseer: Mrs. 10. Mcintosh. Ijidy Howena; Ruth Brown, Rebecca; Mrs. M. I. Pcnrod. guard; A. 11. Bur- bildge, watchman; Earnest Sprinkle, sentinel. LOGAN Logan chapter No. 195. Order of Eastern etar, Installed aa follows: Nellie V. llogers. worthy matron: F. D. Steams, worthy prelate; Rose Helm, as sociate matron; uieun ituDDaro, uon ductor; Blanche Hiiyder. associate con' ductor: Htell Duvls. treasurer: It. S. Davis, secretary; Kathyrim Case, Adah; Harriett Tyler. Iluth; Nellie Owens, Esther: Lydla Strauss. Martha: Grace I Young, Electa; Helen noadlfer. warden; G. M. Young, sentinel; Hester Smith, chaplain; Daisy McCabo, marshal. LOGAN At the Joint meeting of the Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors the following otllccrs were installed: Con sul, u. Kiirnardt; advisor, o. r. BCoffey: manker. K. O. T. Tyler: clerk. G. M. Young; encort. a F. Rayle; watch man, w. t. l'ugn; vontry, 15. w. sutnera li. mcpucD. FOR GRIP, INFLUENZA, COUGHS, SORE THROAT COLDS SIXTY YEARS In celebration of sixty years of success we nave published a new ind revised edition of Dr. Hum ohreys Manual. The description of disease and the .reatment of the elck with Hum phreys' Remedies are clear and aim lo. I no design of the cover Is Voah'a Ark In colors, from a picture especially painted by a famous irtlat, and intended to Illustrate the rersatallty of Humphreys' Remedies tor man and beast, "Remedies for wery living thing." For a free copy, address Hum. ibroya' Homeo. Med, Co., 1C6 Wll lam St, New York. cplies. Itoval Oracle. Mrs. W. K. Hills Committee Finishes Eastern Hearings WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Hearings on the rival claims ot eastern cities desiring to be chosen by tho Federal Reserve Or ganization board as locations for regional banks wero concluded toduy. The organ ization committee, Secretary McAdoo and Secretary Houston will leave tomorrow for the west to conduct hearings. Ihey may be Joined later by John Skelton Williams, whose nomination as comp troller of the currency goes to tho sen ate tomorrow with the approval of tho banking and currency committee. Tho comptroller is the ox-offlclo third member of tho committee. Nearly 2,300 banks havo made legal ap plications for membership In the new fed eral reserve system nnd officials esti mated that today's applications will swell tho number to more than 3,000. Yester dnv 640 banks applied. Tho organization committee will leave for Chicago tomorrow night. Representa case with the Klopp & Bartlctt company, prior to tho reorganization last year. Klopp claimed that he by mistaken legal Uveg of tho ChlcaBO clearing House as- advlco was Induced to readjust the dls trlbutlon of stock In tho company. His request that the reorganization bo set aside wns denied for tho legal advlco upon which he acted was sustained by the Judge's opinion. Judge Troup ruled that the rights ot preferred shareholders of corporations may not bo given up by agreement and that directors may not bo legally elected In any other manner than that pre scribed by the constitution. HAS NEW PLAN TO MAKE HIM KEEP SON IN SCHOOL SALINA, Kan., Jan. 17. A now method of compelling a father to send his boy to school was adopted today by Judge O. S. Wilson of the Juvenllo court. Tommy urann, 9 years old, was held on a charge of truancy and Incorrigibility. The father to Moxlcy by the latter's failure to blow a crossing signal. The train was stopped and examination disclosed the nature of the man's In juries. It Is bcltevod he was struck on tho head by a piece ot tee or a rock fall. lug from a cliff. Moxloy'was rushed to the hospital In I a special train. Ills condition Is critical. soclatlon and Chamber of Commerce will bo heard Monday morning and that after noon tho claims of Des Moines will be presented by representatives of the Iowa Bankers' association and a Des Moines committee. GIVEN TEN DAYS FOR SWEARING IN COURT ROOM LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 17. For "taking tho name of the Lord In vain," during a proceeding today 'In police court, David Michael, a merchant arrested for automobile speeding, was sent to Jail for ten days by police Judge Williams. Mich acl had been fined 10. With an oath, he announced his prcpardness to pay It. "No, you won't pay It," retorted the Judge. "You will spend ten days In Jail tor taking the name of the Lord In vain." " 30 -Cent Gasoline By March 1st, 1914 " Road Collier's Weekly of Jan. 10th, Pago 62T "The Specter of Gasoline" Then BUY a Henderson 1914 Year Ahead Gar which runs from 17 to 20 miles on one gallon of 7-cent KEROSENE, tho old familiar "C6al Oil" of bygone days. isoN H. Pollock Automobile Company 1910 Farnam Street. Old Established RubberGo. wants distributors for high grade tire. Liberal Jobber's proposition. Address D-3-10 Bee. In five minutes Michael was In Jail serving the sentence. The Perslsltent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising U the Road to business Success. No Hire$ Worker in Suffrage Campaign Mrs G. I' Copper mado a scathing at tack on a "mcro man, who didn't know enouglv to fill out a suffrage petition properly, according to directions, and who was yet presumed to havo enough intel ligence to vote," at a meeting ot the cxccutlvo commlttco ot the Omaha tiuf- frago association Friday afternoon. Ways and means of securing petition signers were discussed and It was decided to call upon the Men's Suffrage league I and labor unions to assist them In I reaching outlying precincts. Tho question of tho relative effective ness ot hired workers and thoso working In tho interest of tho cause was dis cussed, but the motion to hlro workers was defeated. A strenuous campaign Is being Inaugurated, all organizations ofl the city being asked to assist. ANNIVE ARY SALE Week of January 19 munaevr. crank Neighbor vice prcsldont. Laura Ilrundrldge; past oracle. Mary l'ugh; chancellor, viola Hardy; marshal. eJnnlo Itayl; recordor, Mrs. J. M. Duvls; sentinels, Mrs, Maude anus ana uiuaya jiaruy LOGAN Different committees who have been at work soliciting for prize, classi fying and urranulng the work ami nromluma for the Harrison county short rouro to be held In the Extension build ing at Losan. uro now publishing their premium list, giving tho names of con tributors uf Omaha. Council Illuffb. Logan and Woodbine, naming the objocu for which the prizes will be awarded lrof. P. C. Taff of the State Agricultural college at Ames will have general su pervision of tho short course. Miss Neat Knowles will have the domestic science In charge. Dr. Charles Huber wilt have the poultry exhibit In charge. MASON CITY The quick application of a pulmoter today saved the life of Oliver Nelson. He Is In the employ ot the Peoples' Gas and Klectrlo company and was In a ditch fixing a gas main. To all Intents and puiposea he was dead when taken from the ditch. The com pany was phoned, so hastening to the sick with the pulmoter, the muchlne was at once applied and In very short time life was restored Dr. Lopg said that If the machlno had not been applied the young man would havo died within u short time. . Clean UitndnKea don't havo to bo uel very often when you use Ducklcn's Arnica Salve. Safe, sure and heals quickly. SSc. All drug gists. Advertisement. Week of January 19 SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES We want to announce the closing of a most successful year in the sale of Chalmers and Pierce-Arrow cars, and to assure our friends and patrons of our desire to serve them the coming year as we have in the past. i To successfully close our business for the year we must materially reduce our stock of second-hand cars, and toward this end we have cut our former prices, in some instances, in half. Somo up-to-date pleasure cars carrying every equipment necessary for the comforts and pleasures of long tours as well as week-end jaunts. Best Treatment for All' Complexion Ills Some Practical Business Cars. High Powered Six-Cylinder Cars Seating Four to Seven Passengers. Some Suitable for Delivery Bodies. Medium Powered 4-Cylinder Cars Seat ing Two to Seven Passengers. The Persistent and Judicious Use ot Newspaper Advertising la the Road to lluslness Success. tl'rom Woman's Tribune.) I'll tell you my panacea for all com- Dlexlon troubles. If the skin be color- Irbs. sallow, muddy, over-red. if it h rough, ohapped, blotchy, or pimply, theru is noining mat win so surety overcome the condition an ordinary mercollsisd wax. The wax literally takes off a bad complexion absorbs the dead and near dead particles of surface skin, so gently, r;radually. you experience no Inconven euce at alt, A new complexion Is then In evidence, one so clear, spotless, deli cately soft and beautiful, you look many years younger. One ounce of this wax, procurable at any drug store, will reju venate even the worst complexion. It Is smeared on llKe cold cream before retir ing und removed mornings with warm wilier. Tho mrvollzed wux habit is a neaunicr ana more economical one tnan the cusroetlc haulf. If the skin be wrinkled or creased, bathe It dally In a solution made by dU solving an ounce of powdered saxollte In a nan pini wut-n nazei. Tills acta Im mediately affecting even the deepest wrinkles. Elsie Desmond. Advertise. Thcso cars are nil In good shape, some thoroughly overhauled and newly painted. AH must be sold to make room for stock of new Chalmers enroutc. i SEE CARS AT STEWART-TOOZER MOTOR COMPANY 2044-46-48 Farnam Street Chalmers AGENTS Saxon Pierce-Arrow All inquiries by letter will be given prompt and detailed attention. i ineiiL