Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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Little Willie
Bowling Shark Breaks Own High
Mark of 690.
Tm Dock Wonderful Work ou
Metropolitan Alley I.rmllnir
tinxnaj lnj-cr I.anc Three
CiameH In Hon".
The Omaha'TravolIng .leaguers furnished
u few thrillers on 'the alleys, .fast night,
chief among these was the 714 total rolled
liy Kenneth Sclple. breaking his own for
mer high leaguo record of CM, rolled
three weeks ngo on the Metropolitan
alleys. He started with 23G, camo back
In his Second same with 243, and finished
with 24X In his thirty frames ho made
twrnty-thrce strikes., The Old Stylo
Imagers came In for their share on tho
honor list by rolling 1.0C9 on the Metro
politan alleys, tho hlghcBt team gamo
rolled there this season. This Is Just
eighteen pins lielow tho league's team
record of 1,040'. 'rolled by the Wroth's Cafe.
The Corcy-McKonzlo team, who have
leen setting the league on fire by taking
down the first division teams, kept tip
their gait and won two from the fast
Wroth's Cafo team, by rolling a big total
of 2,018. In their second gamo they hit
the pins for a 1,010 count. Captain Krank
Jarosh wns going good and led his team
with a 23) single gnmc and a G33 total.
JlcCabo and' Carl. Johnson wcro closo be
hind, wjth 62i arid CIS scores.
Another, feature of mo evening was the.
Metz team's tlirue-gume victory ,over th'o
I.tixus 1eamJ!,vlio huve been leading the
league all season. Tho latter wore totally
off form and at no tlmo wcro they oven
close to their opponent. Ted Nealo led
these siiuads with a total, Including
three consistent games of 213, 201 and 213.
Tho S16tz finished strong with a 1,010
team game.
In the match on the Metiopolltan alleys
tho Old Style Lagers won two from tho
HI Paxos. Otis Toman was high among
tho Individuals with a 621 total and
Unwell led the sipglo games with 242.
The Kagles and Mickey Gibsons were
tho victims In the Gate City league last
night. Tho latter, -who have been on the
chutes the last few weeks, lost two to
the tallend 1'ete I.ochs, who were going
good. Not until tho lost game were the
Glbsontf able to pile up a large enough
count to head off the Lochs. Lee, the
clx-foot artist of tho Mickey Gibsons, led
In Individual totals with G12. Norgaard
stated out for another big total with 21t
and 231. but took an awful drop the last
game and only rolled 136.
Although they received a tliirty-slx-ptn
hundl&p, the Fraternal Order of Eagles
No. 3S team was unablo to head off tho
Hagan's Falstnffs. All three games were
ilore and Jiotly contested, but tho Ragans'
finished strong each tlmo and won all
threei,, Neither team was going good,
i.'aptnlti' Illce of thOr,Kagles twas high
among tho Individuals on totals, with .510,
nlso on singles, with 193. Monroo of ths
Kalstaffs, was the only other Individual
to roll In tho SOO; class. Shark Hemplo
was far below hlV usual jsalt. wlth.a'418
score, while Sehmltz wcnPhlm one better,
with a 401 total. Anderson, Wiley' and
Wlthnell wcro others 'who .were unablo''to
hit the wood for a good count.
This week's games leave the Storz Tri
umphs n thr. lead, with a one game
margin over tho . Frank's Colts. Three
teams are tied for the cellar position.
The scoies follow:
Women nml Wet Feet. !
Cold and wet tect are a dangerous f
combination especially to women, whs '
re moro prone to kidney diseases than
men. Congested kidneys come from a
cold, and backache, rheumatism urinary 1
Irregularities and- rheumatic forms are .
not unsual results. Foley Kidney Pills
restore the regular and normal action of
the kidneys and bladder, and so remove
the cause of the trouble. It Is an honest!
and curative medicine that always gives
results. For sale by all dealers every
whereAdvertisement. 1
Our Pet Hobby
Is to be able to hand over our
counters lust what every mun
likes in Pinoke, One or by the box,
our cigars are always fresh, moist
and fragrant. If you're tired of
others, try the
La Britanica
Clear Havana Cigar
10c, or 3 for SSe
From the touch of the match to
the last lingering whiff, they aro
exquisitely sweet.
Getten & Wickharn
"Th Xouss of Yalnsa"
fill S. Sixteenth St. Zltr Grand
HoUl Bldg.
1333 Tarnam St.. Opp. 'W.O.W.Bldf
Phones D. 8343; S. 3871.
fkEEP ( PA -WILL i"?1! 'I'oARu 1 f : 'WS nn Z' - ONIANT I "13- 1?
VT viLHEi r nnKouvR fJ mai U .tooax? vmat time , W61 JUL A -viu ?? r fTO I""!
LA I , J I ME A DIME? N 1 -V1 C I I L - E 11 " T
J ")" y !T - i
Christians Keep
Up 'THeir Winning
Pace in Hot Game
The First Christians defeated tho "West
minster Presbyterians at the Young Men's
Christian association Tuesday evening In
a -well played gamo of basket ball, the
Christians winning- by .tho score of 22 to
10. Notwithstanding the large score of
tho Christians, as compared to that of tho
Presbyterians, the game was hard fought,
keeping tho Christians on the alert at alt
times to hold the lead.
Tho game started with tho rrcsbytcrlans
taking tho lead, which they held dUrtng
tho grcacr part of tho first period, but
gradually by superior team work and
more accuracy In throwing baskets the
Christians came to the Trent, tho half
crdlng' with the score, 6 to 12, In their
In. the second half the Christians out
played their opponents, making a number
of sensational baskets. At times the
Presbyterians came back strong, rushing
tl'elr opponents off their feet, but wcro
unable to continue such playing. Timu
after time the Presbyterians missed easy
Inslcets which If mado would have given
them the gamo. They also failed to
cover their men at times, which allowed
the Christians a number of unearned
The Wcigle brothers for the First Chris
tians were by far the most conspicuous;
players, making between "them . a tQtai
of eighteen points.. The manner In which
they work together and the sensational
.buckets, .they-shot were .tho features of
tho game. Fleming was the star per
former for the AVcstmlnsters; making
four field goals.
The game was perhaps the cleanest
basket ball contest played In the Church
league this season, only five fouls being
Up to date the First Christians have
not lost a game this season, defeating
their opponents In easy manner. .Should
tl.ey win two more games they will bo
tho winners In the Church league. The
lino up:
Lawrence L.F 1 C. weigh
.n. Welgle
Houston C.
C Kvans
Weatcrflcld ...L.G
Kcott R.G
UO Ireland
n.Q Curtis
Field goals: C. Weisie (5). R. Wclglo
(4), 12vans, Ireland, Ijiwrence, Fleming
(4). Fouls committed: First Christians,
2: Westminsters. 3. Referee: Uascall.
Score keeper: F. Sutherland. Time of
halves: 15 minutes,
Brooklyn Receives
Four More Contracts
NEW YORK. Jan. 16.-Thcslgncd con
tracts of four more players wcro received
by the Ilrooklyn baso ball club today.
Otto Miller signed for three years, Gcorgo
Cutshaw, two; Elmer Brown, two and
I'feffer, one.
CINCINNATI. O., Jan. lG.-Outfleldcr
Johnny Bates today signed a one-year
contract to play with the Cincinnati Na
tional;. league team.
' INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Jan. 15,-1'resl-,,
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Jan. 1.-Prel-dent
J. A. Gllmore of the Federal league
arrived here today to assist the Indian
apolis club officials in their efforts to
.slgtt three locnl men who havo been-playing
In tho major leagues. The players
sought are Owen Bush, shortstop; George
Dauss, pitcher, and Pat Bauman, In
fielder, all of the Detroit American league
In a cloee nnd exciting basket ball
gamo at tho .University of Omaha last
evening the Nonpareils defeated the preps,
winning by the score of l to 12. Both
trams took turns In holding the lead, thi
content being undecided until the last few
seconds of play. For the preparatory stu
dents. Beacons was by far the best basket
shooter, scoring four field goals. Wltn
tho exception of one basket made by
Parish, the diminutive prep made all
the scores for his side. Hansen and
Root played the best for the Nonpareils,
rraklng between them ten points. Bech.
tol also plajvd a good defensive game.
Grace I.G.
L.G Halsey
Krompstead ...R.G.
Dahnkey C.
Root R.F.
Hansen L.F.
tt.u iiaiaey
C Jones
R.F Beacons
L.F Parish
Field coals: Parish. Beacons (4), Han
sen (3). Be-htol. Root (2). Foul goals
thrown Beacons. Substitutes: Bcchtol
for Krompstead, Bilk for Grace. Referee.
Selby. Time of halves 15 minutes. Fouls
committed; Nonpareils, 4: Preps, 3.
Internntlona: liner I'luniied.
VERA CRUZ., Mexico, Jan. IS.-An In
ternational race for twelve-oared cutters,
planned by sailors from the foreign war
ships now anchored In Vera Crus har
bor was rowed over a three-mile course
today. The French crew won. The Span
ish. German, English and American
sailors finished In the order named, Tho
crews used American boats.
Tho Pe-ilstent ant. tm2!!ou Vae o!
Newspaper Advert'slng .x the Road to
Stevens May Quit
Eourkes to' Join
the Federal League
Pitcher Stevens, a youthful twlrler who
was purchased by Pa Rourke at the end
of last season, and who deserted Pa tho
last week In August so ho could secure n
teacher's certificate permitting him to
Instruct tho youthful progeny of Ne
braska In tho science of reading, writ
ing and arithmetic In the public schools
of this state, may or may not be a mem
ber of tho hurling staff of tho 1914 team.
Rourke mailed a registered contrnct to
Stevensyostcnlay, and if Stevens reports
on tlmo for the spring training Fcason ho
will bo given on opportunity to work
himself Into a regular Job, but If ho falls
to report on -tlmo ho will. probably work
himself out of a Job.
Stevens last year asked Rourke' s per
mission to iult tho first of Heptcmber so
that ho could secure teacher's certi
ficate nnd Rourke assented. A bit later
Stevens told Rourko that If he could go
to Lincoln for a day or two ho could ar
rango It so ho could play tho season out.
Rourke agreed to allow him to go to Lin
coln nnd Stevens went, returning with
thfe announcement 'that ho woutd stick the
season out.
But late hi August Stevens camo before
Pa, aslred for his salary and said ho
would be compelled to leovo immediately
In 6rder to get his teacher's certificate.
Pa wps, a little hif fled and told Stoyens
If he wanted to bo 11 teacher to go abend,
but It ho wanted, to bo a ball player to
stay the remainder- of the senson, as he
promised before. ' Stevens left and se
cured his teacher's certificate.
Ho Js now' teaching school In Geneva
and Is uncertain what ho will do, Ho
may Join tho Rourkea at tho beginning of
the training season or ho may not. Ho
asserts ho has offers from the Federal
league which he may accept. Ho also
contompiates the desirability of playing
base ball in tho summer months only, so
that ho can attend a university tho rest
of tho -year. Ho. realizes that this ar
rangement would bo unsatisfactory to
Rourke, as Rourko paid soveral hundred
dollars for him, and then paid nn addi
tional soveral hundred for Schlltzcr to
tako his place when ho deserted last fall,
and ho may nccept the Fedoral offer.
In a one-sldedgamo tho First Meth
odists had anerfsy"tlme defeating tho
First Baptists nt the Younp Men's Chris
tian association, winning the second con
test by the score of 29 to 11. In reality
the contest may be termed Beckwth's
game, as the tall center mado a total of
thirteen field goals for tho Methodists.
Tho easy manner In which he made bas
kets and the easy way he played his po
sition was -by far the feature of the
game. Corson f6r tho Bnptlufs played
the best game, securing three fleld'goals.
L.F Corson
R.F Allwlno
C C. Kiifsum
Ufl.. P. Russum
Beckwith ...
11.U. ... Rogerchrist
Field goals:
Hobson (1). Beckwith (13),
Corson (3). Allwlno ID. P. Rimmim tt
Foul goals thrown: Beckwith (1). AII
wlne (1). Fouls:, First .Methodists. 4;
First Baptists, 2. Referee: Hascall.
Timekeeper: Moore. Scorekecper: F, it.
Sutherland. Tlmo of halves: 15 minutes.
Detroit Slrii PncLer.
DETROIT, Mich., Jan. ljThe Detroit
base ball club today received signed con
tracts from three recruits. They are:
deorge Burns, first baseman, from the
Sioux City team; Martin Knvanagli, third
baseman, last year with the York (Pa.)
team, and Rath Comstock, pitcher, ob
tained from Minneapolis.
Key to the Sltuatlon-Bee Advertising.
Manhattan Shirt Sale Closes
i i ii ii i i
Michigan Aggies to
. Play the Cornhuskers
LANSING. Mich.. Jan. 1G.-The foot ball
eleven of tho MIoIiIkuu Agricultural col
lego will havo four and possibly five big
games on Hr 1911 schedule. It was an
nounced today. Tho contest with tho Uni
versity of Wisconsin Is still In doubt, as
tho local coltoKc authorities ' Insist the
game shall bo played bore because Michi
gan Agricultural college played nt Madi
son In 1913. Tho AVkconslu authorities
havo mado the Aggies an offer for an
other gamo on Badger soli, but, It Is said,
do not look with favor upon tho Michi
gan Agricultural collego proposition.
Pennsylvania State, Purdue and Nc
brntka will be played for the first tint".
Tho annual gamo with Michigan li
schedulod for October 17 nt Lansing and
Nebraska will ho played licro October 21,
Tho Aggies will go east to pl.iy Pennsyl
vania State, November 14. The !a?t gjun.J
of tho seuson will bo Purdue, Novem
ber 21.
Stengel and Riggert
Sign with Brooklyn
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. Ki.-CharlcH
Stengel rind Joseph Rlggcrt signed con
tracts tonight to play with tho Brooklyn
nfiim NuVlnmtl lcTgue.' according
to the announcement of WUbWt Robin
son, manager, who, with ciiaries v,dicis,
owner of tho Brooklyn club, camo hero
today to got the signatures of the two
base bull players.
Stengel has been one of Brooklyn's reg in outfield. Rlggcrt, also an
outfielder, Mas drafted by Brooklyn from
tho St. Paul club of tho American asso
ciation. It was said substantial Increases
In salary wcro offered to Induce the play
ers to sign.
-ah nf Brooklyn's players now havo contracts with the exception of
Tinker," Robinson said, "and I think
thero is very Uttlo doubt about his get
ting Into Una."
TARKIO, M.. Jan. 16.-(Bpcclal.)-Wlth
tho last prnctlco before the opening of
tho basket ball season tho Tarklo siptad
has been reduced to thirty-four men,
thlrty-flvc men havo been practicing
for tho last six weeks, and the cut to
day will bo permanent. Whllo Coach
Elder has not nnnounced his lineup as
.. 11 ,.rniiiiiiK will come from tho fol
lowing men: Graham of South Omaha,
captain; Coe, manager: Thomas W.
Peerson, K. Peterson, Hawthorne, M)ir
chic, Grimm. Ewlng. F. Lunim. Mc
pherson, I)gnn.
The Tarklo schedule Is as follows:
January 16-Maryvlllo Normal at Tnrklo
January 23 Wurrensburg Normal at
Tarklo. , . ,
Janiiury 26 Wnricnsburg Normal nt
Warrcnsburg, Mo.
January 27-William Jewell at Liberty,
January 2S-Kansas ' City" nnlverslt' nt
Kansas City. Kan. ,,'
January 29-Mlssouil Wculoyun nt
February 5 William Jewell at Taikio.
February 13 Cotncr university at Tar-
klo. ,, . . ,
February IC-Drury college nt Tarklo.
Fchruary 23 Missouri Wosleyan nt
Cameron. Mo.
February 21 Maryvlllc Normal ot
Maryvllle. Mo.
February 27 KonsaH City 11 nlvei el ti
nt Tarklo.
March 2 Cotncr utilvority at Lincoln;
Neb. , .
, . ,
iininii Winn Mnteli.
MONDAMIN. Ia.. Jan. IB. (Special Tl
egram.) About 400 people witnessed the
wrestling match here between II. Olrlon
of Mondatnln. Ia.. and Y. J. Hosman of
Toledo, O. Hasman won by securing the
last two falls.
Saturday this week January 17th
Don't tall to lay in n quantity of .Manhattans at a savlnp; of
about 30. $1.00 uhirts now $1.15; $2.00 shirts now $1.38; $3.00
hirts now $2.25, ctc-
. r J
Suits and Ooats discounted
Buy a suit now for all the year round wear and Bavo from one
fifth to one-third. An overcoat at the prices wo are abklng Is a
good Investment. Wear H for the remainder of this year and have
practically n new coat for next fall. It will cost you much loss now.
Silk lined Kerseys, Vicunas, Meltons and high grade Chinchillas we
are offering at very low prices. See them Saturday.
UK South
Drawn for The
Muckenfuss Will
Put Federal' Club in
New York Next Year
NEW YORK, Jan. 16. B, S. Mucken
fuss, who wns president of tho St. Iouis
National tongue club In IK'S, Is In Now
York making arrangements to put a
Federal league club In the. greater city
In 1915, It was learned today. Mr. Muck
cnfus has an option on a park at
Corona, Long Island, on tho far side ot
tho Queensboro Bridge nnd looked over
tho giound yesterday with an architect
who Is drawing up plans for a now grand
If the Federal leaguo passes through
a successful 1914 season, Mr. Muckcntus,
It Is stated, will becumo hcud of a New
York club In 1915, Hi weakest -club ft
nanclally la tho rest of tho circuit bo
lag transferred here.
It Is believed that the owners of tho
Corona property will bo partners wltn
Mr. Muckenfuss In the venture.
i.. ttmirkn him nnnounced that In all
probabltty ho will tnko over tho new
electric scoreboard, which .was built
tho left field lenco last year, anil run u
himself this. year. Tho Boston Elcctria
Scoreboard company, which owns the
liminl. received tho Drlvllece tO ' CTOCt
tho bourd and solicit advertising for It.
nrnvlillnir Hint n monthly rent was paid
to Rourke. Tho scoreboard company has
not paid tho tent ami is inaeiiion 10
ii.MnLn r,ir nvr 1VYI nml has not as yet
secured any "advertising contracts beyond
tlireo double nds which were painicu last
Itnurko's contract with the board pco-
plo specifics that ho may tako tho board
on failure, of the company to pay thtt
rent. Rourko could havo taken over tho
board last year, but was lnclinod to bo
lenient, but ho suys that ho will serv
tintlc-n nnen more and then tako over the)
bourd himself If no attention Is paid to
his notice.
l.ns ANGELES. Cal.. Jan. 16. Tho
Petrosky-Clabby boxing contest set f6r
tomorrow nt Vernon arena wns lndefl
nit el v nostnoned today. Petroskey was
reported III. suffering from an aliment
which, it was mild, might 1 dlngnbsed
iih nppendlcltls. Petroskey was stricken
yesterday and after being examined by
two physicians representing tho boxing
club wan taken to u hospital today. Ho
i,,,o n hluh fever anad naln In tho nhdo-
men caused the physicians to suspect
appendicitis On their recommenuaiion
the postponement was ordered.
a iosh. rnl.. Jan. lfi.-8ult to re-
rw u v..-. . ...
ii-. i,,.Mr iiilmniiv was brought in
the superior court here today by Helen
II. Chase against her former nu.uunu,
11. 1 r,,... first baseman of tho Chicago
Americans. Mrs. Chase alleges that slnco
December 1 Chase has paiu ner no ali
... ti,n. nhtnined her divorce on a
counter suit when her husband Instituted
proceedings for a separatl6n. She was
granted (100 a month for herself and
llonue'a Cnntrnet Ileeelvrd.
NKW YORK, Jan. 16.-Th signed con
tract of Lnko Boone, shortstop of lasl
year's Dallas (Texas league) club, was
receUcd I at the Now York American
Willi Street.
Bee by George McManus
lencMfl hrndnusrters to, In v. Ttnnnn w
'purchased last summer.
Bush WiUNot'Sigii
With Federal Club
1ND1ANAPOL1P, Ind.. Jan. 16.-Ncgo-tlatlons
pending for nenrly two months
between the Indianapolis club of tho Fed
eral leaguo and Owen Bush, shortstop of
the Detroit American leaguo team, prac
tically were ended today when Bush in
fused to sign a local contract. Bush as
serted ho was satisfied with tho salary
offered, but he was not ready to sign a
contract with any team at present.
Georgn Dauss, pitcher, and Pat Bail
mun,,lnflelder of tho Detroit team, had
not accepted 'the contracts offered by tho
Fedoral leaguo tonight nnd according to
officials of tho local club the negotiations
will bo ended.
President J. A. Gllmoro came hern from
Chicago to try to Induce the players to
sign with the Federal leaguo.
from thqrpean athletics
Thorpenn Athletics, one of the fast lit
tle Independent basket hall teams nf
Oirahn. went down to defeat Thursday
night at the hands of the Sterlings, who
proved to bo Just a bit mnrn rli-voi- nl
genf shooting and team work. Tho scoro
as in to 9. The. Uncup follows:
Athletics. ' Position, Sterlings.
Itubln Right Xlunvd Ruby
Davidson ;.Left Guard.. B. Nordstrom
Ahrahamson Center Cnrlson
Mills Right Field Rurnum
?hat Left Field. ..G. Nordstrom
Fluid. donls: Ahrahamson, Mills. Hlmts
(5), Ruby, Bnrnlim, (. Nordstrom (2), unci
Cprlson (4), Freo Throws: Shuts.
CHICAGO, .inn. 16. No announcement
of players, signed for the IBM season will
be mado by the Chicago National lengue
base ball club until the team reports at
Tnmpa, Fla., for spring practice.
By withholding the nalncs of players
already under contract and those not yot
signed, Charles W. Murphy, president of
tho Cn'ubs today said ho hoped to con
fuse the I'cdcrnl league and keep It from
getting prospective Cub players.
Should tho signed players be named,
elimination would Indicate those still
eligible to be signed by tho fcderuls.
Toledo KelU IMnrern.
Toledo has relensod throe young pitch
ers and an outfielder to tho Waterbury
(Eastern association) club, namely: Out
fielder Elmer Smith, who camo to Toledo
from Diiluth with tho title ot "slugger;"
ritchers Leake, Williams and Zlslng.
Newest Steamer in the Trade
za Dtxy8 January 31 7S up
Other Cruises Mtrch 4 and April A
16 -to 26 Day 145 to 4 175 Up
Whifp Cfv 1 in0Sa E' Cor' Madison and LaSalle Sts.,
Wlllte OlOr O-irie- rhicaeo. er Local Atrtnle.
"4 Hoars-met t noser" JL Mi
Fprnd the wlnUr baiklne under aummtr aklre
In IIKHMVPA, where (he average yearly tem
perature la '0 degreee. Mere (lowera bloom In
the arm minihlne, btrda ot brilliant plumage
flit to and Iro. Golf, tennla. nwlmralng tail
ing, bare ball, etc , are In lull awing. Con.
certa are numrroua and you ilanre when ou
pleat, An additional aquadrou of the llrltUli
fleet it ttatloned here, and In January comet
the 2d Ilttalllon, !,inrolmhtre Iteglment. The
Mial tpot to reat or to play Qo now
Special Bates for January
3 Sailing! Weekly
Tickets Interchangeable,
S. S. Caribbean
and Arcadian
The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Sanderson & Son, Gen. g(8.
IS So. La Salle St. Chicago.
S. S. Bermudian
Quebec S. S. Co., Ltd.
A. K. Outcrbrldge & Co., Agts.,
'"J Hroadway, N V
ror Booklet! apply to above S. G. Co'a
or any Ticket Agent.
Lust season Toledo farmed Leake to
Charleston and 'Williams to Waterbury
Zeslng Is a Gonnn, O,. semi-pro. The.
lien management has nlso sold Catcher
Grovcr Laud to Indianapolis,
Eczema fione! ACNE,
Teller, Rash, Pimples, Car
iuiicles, Bolls-Banished!
U Is certainly remnrltablo how
quickly tho action of S. ij. 8., tho ra
mous blood purifier, shows Itself In
the nkln. '
There Is one Ingredient In S. 8. Si
which peculiarly stimulates cellular
or glandular activity to select from
the blood, or from the fine notworlc
of blood vessels In tho skin, thosn
elements which It requires for regen"
oration. r.
Thus pimples, acne, eczema, lupus,
or any other blood condition that at-,
tacks tho skin or Becks an outlet
through-the skin Is met with the an
tidotal effect ot S. S. S.
This Is why skin troubles vanish so
readily and why they do not roturn.
Under tho Influence of ft S. S. this
fine network of blood vessels In the.
skin Is constantly selecting from th
blond tho nutrition required for
healthy tissue, and tho cause of dis
ease Is Just as constantly being re
movod, scattered and rendered harm
loss. It In 1 ert inlMtk to relr npon cathartic
to cure plmplra or olhrr facial eruption". Not
only do cathartics came rhrnnle comtlpatlnn,
bat ttirr thin the Mood ot Its Tstuabla and
carntlal rrrrrrratlrM.
Yini will lx mirprlKeit and delighted at th
quirk rhmise If ynu will Um, fj. H. H.'the famn
blood tnirlQrr. lla arllon Iii Jlif kln 1 nulln
WDnalliajnl. TIickV farla are room fully piptatnnl
In a -ok on akin tmublci tral by The Bwlff
Speclflr Co., 30.1 Hirlft Itlilg., Atlanta. Da.
Von will tlml H. H. H. on aale at all ilmr torp.
tlft a bottle to-ilay and tmntMi all nkln nflllctlont.
When ynn ak for 8. 8. H. look out for th
common trlrk nf trylnj to sell you omtu'ln
rle, Duti't be nilalnl,
OC15AN TIlAviiL.
Chicago, cr Local Agents
in the Trade
January 24
February 21 March 7
b). . uor. wameun Xtatuuu bta.
Chicago, or local agent.
rAnnual Shirtlk
Now Going On m
nTom Kellcy Co
Call Tylor 1000
If Von Want to Talk to The II00
or to Anyone Counoctetl
with Tho Hoe,
gjjj purines Succets.