Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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The qmaiia daily bee
Entered at OmAba postolflce aa second-
cliu matter.
TE1UI8 OK aui-scmiTiuw
Sunday Bee, one year JJ-w
Haturday Bee. one year. J-
Dally Bee, without Sunday, one year.. i.w
i.u na. ., Rnnriav. one fear o-W
.'.11 LVV. . -
J.venlnc and Sunday Bee. per month.. .40c
Evening, without Sunday, per month.. .240
IfcJlr Bee. Including Sunday, per tao-.-Wc
Daily Bee, without Sunday, per nonth.Jic
Addles, all complaint, of Irregularities
In dtlUerles to Cltr CliculaUon Dept.
nertiit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Bee Publishing company.
Only 2-cent stamp, received in payment
of mall accountt. Personal checks, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchanges,
not accepted.
Omaha-The Building
Kouth Omaha-ail N Btrcet
Council Bluffs 14 North Main Btrect.
L.ncoln-IS Little Building.
ChlcasoOOt Hcarat Building.
New York-Room HOC. M Fltth Avenua.
St Louls-60J New Bank of Commerce.
Vaahlngton-7S Fourteenth lit.. N. W.
Communication, relating to new. ana
editorial matter should be addressed
Omalja Bee, Editorial Department.
Ktate of Nebraska, County of louglaa, s.;
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
-of Tbe Of Publishing company, belnif
duly .worn, says that the average dally
circulation for tho month of December,
Ui; waa IZ.IU.
Circulation Manager.
to before me thla id day of January, 1914.
Subscribed In my' presence and .worn
Notary Public.
Can 'the Door Be Opened?
Preliminary steps havo been taken
to test out tho right of the lieutenant
governor to be a candidate for gov
ernor, notwithstanding Its Inclusion
in tho constitution as one ot the ex
ecutive stato offices) and tho consti
tutional prohibition barring every
executive state officer from eligibil
ity to any othor oxecutivo state of
fice during the term for which he
lias been chosen. To get into court
a primary filing, tendered to the
secretary of state, has been refused
by him for this express reason, and
a mandamus Is to be fought to com
pel acceptance. "We can sec how;
the mandamus might be denied on
the ground that no discretion rests
with the secretary of stato because
ii. does not devolve on him to pass
on tho qualifications of candidates
seeking nominations, yet wo hope
that this mooted question may bo
finally disposed of right now, for
we are Buro to have It with us with
regular recurrence until it is dis
posed of.
Without considering tho wisdom
or tho foolishness of tho constitution
rrakors, Tho Deo has always read
that document as putting a dead lino
in front of gubernatorial ambitions
cherished by other stato house In
cumbents. There, are other parts of
our constitution equally Inconveni
ent to those affected, such, for ex
ample, as tho prohibition upon tho
treasurer serving more than two con-
SBbserlbers Ievlnar the city
temporarily hould bare Tbe lice
mailed to them. Addresa Trill be
cbsnsed aa often n rctiaeated.
Japan and Sicily run a clo.o race
for tho world's record of volcano vie
Statistics prove that business de
pression always increases crimes of
violence and pjundor.
That St. Louis woman arranging
for a "Mexican peace congress" at
least has a raro senso .of humor.
opkin J)ackwa rc
, TkJay in Omaha"
nnn mo arc nus
Thirty Ycnrs Ago
At the residence of Mr. and Mm. Wood
anl. 517 Fifth street, a pleasant little
party indulged In music and dancing.
Owe prevmt belnK Mimes Maria Walker,
Ella Logan, McDonald, Julia .Mahonry.
May Mahoney. Myrtle Kshes, Mabel
"Woodard. Minnie Woodard and Lulu
Woodard: Messrs. John "Walker John
Oontc, It. V. Woodard, Thomas It.
Ooldon, .lone.. Sherman. Mr. and Mrs.
Drahos and Mr. and Mrs. flherwood.
C. !. Smith, for about a year past a
dirk In the office of tho auditor of pas
senger account, of the Knlon Pacific,
ha. been appointed tlckot and freight
auditor for tho Pt. Joseph & Western,
with location at St. Joseph.
Among the communication, received by
the city council rras one from W, J.
Ilrontch nnd other protesting against
George W. Iloman placing hay scales In
lh alley of their block.
The resolution, ot the Ministerial asso
ciation In respect to the memory ot Rev.
O. F. tftelllr.g are 'signed by Rev. W. J.
Marsha, Jtcv. IX Stone, and Rev. F. 3,
Chief Knglneer Butler and Jim O'Brien
of tho fire department nnd Councilman
I.eeder went to Council Hluffs to witness
the test of tho new water works.
Tho women of the .First Congregational
church held a social at the residence ot
Oeorge A. .Uoagtand. corner St. Mary's
avenue and Hlxtrrnth street.
It 1. rumored -that Omnha Is to havo
1.1 I 1. .1 .!. Tl IP
... . . . I illume U1K uaiin, anu IIIHI. null. J.aitfc
secutive terms, but no one has ever Mard ,0 bo. (he pr)me movep ,n the
thought It worth wnno to try iu project.
avoid them by Judicial construction
nr nnnular voto. amendment. It goes Twenty Years Ago
vlthout saying that if tho door to tho I no her meeting of the incorporator, or
office of chief oxecutivo is opened to the j,.rt.,lant. N.tlonill blinU for tnfl pur.
tho lieutenant governor, it pose of going over the proposed ordinance
seem inevitable that it would also under which the dejkit wa. to be built
bo opened Wldo enough to permit W Attorney uonncu was present wun
. .... , tlirnmrh. tba ordlnancd and' It was thought' that
Boverui uuiviD u p.4i...v. ....w..0".
The Michigan Turmoil.
Only as n step toward a completo
Both the good book and sad ex
perience teach (be wisdom and profit
of pursuing the straight and narrow
"Make end to tho pursuit of Harry
Thr.v," exclaims the Chicago Exam
iner. As ir tho lawyers did not havo
to live.
In boosting of tho idealism of its
laws, Wisconsin Is not saying so
muh now for lta fancy eugenic contrivance.
'Three such apparent novices at
tbe game of hold-up and murder
ehonld not be able to eludo tho po
lca very long.
Dut It. la much bottor to place tho
emphasis on providing work rather
than providing free meals and lodg
lng for the employed.
' "Bozton has sent many a good
idea westward," tho" Boston Herald
reminds us. Yea, nnd received many
& better one In return.
"But fill mo with tho old Juico and
I'll bp pretty tipsy by and by." Tho
popular beverago of Omar's time evi
dently was not grapejulco.
without "Coburn of Kansas" as
lis head and front, the Kansas State
Board of Agriculture will havo to
carry a letter of introduction.
the city and" the' idmpa'ny were gradually
getlng closer together,
William E. Ransom, a private detective
for the Union Pacific, was taken to St.
Joseph, and pronounced In a very crltl-
rovciauon aim uujuouuuui. thc effects of Injuries sustained In
lions In tho copper mino region may hand-to-hand fight with freight car rob
the sweeping Indictment of labor bers a month or so beforo at Wahoo
kadors bo hailed with a degree of "We will havo a good season In the
. . IntfMM.nn. Unltll. 41.1a . Mailt Ylai
ll..f..ll. 1mi la n lurn.ulnfvi pnllal' """" "
BUUBIUUIIUU, I- nn nra.lri-nt of thl.
trovorsy. as many Investigations UnBu; at t0 Mercnftnl- ho,el. ..Qmaha
provo, and defies proper sottloment fttna wm aco 80mo good ball playing."
hv nnn-lfled methods. It may turn Commissioner Utt of the Commercial
out that all the men indicted arc l"b finally completed hi. report for J83J,
, . . . ,t t I W IWl.ll nuuncu W1I1U11 v tuiuio WWIin. VI.MI
cuipauie, out evou iuu ,ng. fo that yea. 2M.5SS.7,
oughgolng eliort at correction outui James Bherldan died at the home of
to bo made. I hln brother, John Bherldan, 1M9 North
So far aa Investigations are con- Twentieth street.
i an. rrnurriDAtiri nr
Allchigajl nf f Irmod in oojecting to a Iocai -oclall.ts at their afternoon meet
i.ronosed inquiry by tho senate, it lng listened to somo of their big guns,
n,.,0 fhnt Mf Michigan 1h suffer- among whom was Victor U Berger ot
.m.. i,mr thnn nn- Milwaukee. J. M. ;Vork, who with B,
IHB .ru.ii .....(. ----- Hnrivn .nd H. M. Revnolda alirned a call
Other at tills time, It IS outniue in- . national convention to name candl
fluencos." Those objoctlonablo oUt-rtat.g tor preident and vice president In
Hide, influences lncludo tho otticors Chicago May J
-i f lchoV nnlnnn Irvine now notuing worKB, wnn a capital
10 uaiciiu hv,. named Prince, from Davenport, la., who
lgnn. I wa. here looking tor a alte.
Tho report of tho Department of. Major Moses O. Zallnskl, new quarter
i i.- ,o iirrf ami unoaulvocoi. mn.ter ror tne department ot me i.
throwing tho onus of responsibility .Jg PhOM-Phta to take
for tho turmoil on tno roiuuai l v Wllard IC Sweeney died at the home of
mlno owners to arbitrate their dif- his parent., 49M Davenport street, at 8M5
fi.rncnn with their omploycs. Tho I p. m. The family decided on Interment
, thnt thov do not In- at I'rospect Hill.
tend to deal with imported pub,,a dBnclng ,u.t cea,. nad llB affaCU;
leaders. Iiatnor wan now umww fts vj.It. t0 various dance halls proved
invcstlRatlon somo sort of docisivo The temperature wa. running from IS
action is doslrablo beforo muddling to S7 above -ero,
thn waters by further .outsldo in
tniBlon. For this is a situation 01
far moro than moroly local lntereat.
But somo of tho "now blood" on
the Commercial- club directory has
been thero before, nnd la now only
showing that it can come back.
Unless this pie distributor gets
ground toon some ot thoso Nebraska
democrats, weak from hunger, will
Jiave to bo carried out on stretchers
It has been about a wook since
Missouri's attorney general sassed
a federal Judge on tho bench arid tho
. chautauouas evidently have not
landed him yet.
The live stock of tho state will
doubtless be glad to learn that tho
serum doctors havo got together and
will henceforth administer tho antl
dote with firm, united hands.
In Other Lands
Twice Told Tales
5nltrr Itulr In rertnany.
The court-martial held nt StrasaWirg to
try Colonel von Reuter and Lieutenant
Schad. German army officer, ch.rgcd
with overrldlnc civil authority and ar
resting clthtena at Zabern. last Novem- j
ber, promptly acquitted the officers. At I
the same time tho military court ot ap j
peals at Htrassburg st aside the sen
tence of forty-three days' Imprisonment
Imposed on Baron von Forstner, the
'boy lieutenant" responsible for the con
ulslon In the Alsatian town. The ex
pected happened In both cases. Saber
rulo In Germany, and particularly In the
conquered French province., Is a power
which hold, civil law and civilian life
as thing, to be tolerated while unas
sertive and respectful. The jeering
laughter of boys at Baron von Forstner
was the primary cause ot the outbreak
which caused the military to override the-
populace, aweep the streets of Zabern
with guns, cut down a cripple who
could not get out of the way quick
enough, and arrest civil functionaries
without warrant.' The trial of men re
sponsible tor the outrage by associate
defender, of "the honor of the army"
could have no fitter ending than the
vindication ot military over civil rule.
The fact that the military spirit domi
nates life In Germany prompts an Amer
ican writer to warn hi. countrymen who
may visit the Fatherland to exercise the
grtat-.t caution and reserve In the
presence ot officer, or soldiers. To resent
a fancied Insult or Interfere In a gross
act of brutality happening before his
eye., endangers the visitor's life. There
Is no redress for his Injuries and no
reparation for heirs In case he suc
cumbs. "For his military assailant, per
hapa hla slayer, will be able to plead
mat ne acted In accordance with the
strict- rules of hla profession and with
tho time-honored ethics of his caste: and.
since he la Immune, from the Jurisdiction
of tho ordinary criminal and civil courts,
is only amenable to court-martial."
Wrangles In the Balkans.
Affairs in tho Balkan atates are not
sounding the serenely peaceful note
which usually follows the conclusion of
war. Too many bandmaster, confuse
the pitch, and tho be.t artist. In the
concert of Europe appear unable to har
monize tho discords. Prince William of
Weld, appointed by four of the six
powers governor of Albania, has not
taken office nor moved In that direction,
although tho powers have guaranteed
him a civil list of at least $10O.0O a year
and a pension of IJO.OOO a year for lit In
event of abdication, voluntarily or other
wise. Tho prince evidently the
difficulties of tho task of governing a
few millions of alien, in raeo and creed,
more apt in guerrilla operations than In
peaceful pursuits. But the main reason
for hesitation is the rumpus over the
boundary lines of tho new-born kingdom.
Tho boundary commlaslon, Influenced bv
Austria and Italy, seeks to curtail the
territorial prize won by Greece and Ser
vlo, and shave tho meager slice ot land
promised Montenegro In return for the
evacuation of Skutatl. Turkey I. also
strutting In the neighborhood a number
of Its military adventurer, having
landed at Avlona.'only to be disarmed by
the Oreeks. With a German military
commission in charge ot the reorganiza
tion of the Turkish army, tho sublime
porte la leaning heavily on German In
fluence and Is boosting every move likely
to rob tho victors of the spoils of war.
The division of the Islands In tho Aegean
sea remains unsettled. As tha situation
stands It I. apparent that the triple al
liance nas tightented it. grip on the but
ter state of Albania and euchered tho
triple entente at every stage of the din.
lomatlo gam.
What Uf Made.
fienator Clapp of Minnesota tells
Hearst's Magazine of tho cross-examination
of a Swede.
'Now, Jensen.' asked the lawyer,
what do you do?"
Tank you,' replied the Swede. 'Aw
am not very well.'
'I didn't ask you how your health
was,' said the lawyer, 'but what you do?'
Oh, yes. Ay see,' said the fellow,
his stolid countenance changing a trifle,
Ay vork.'
' 'Yes. but what kind of work do
you do?'
'It's puddy hard vork."
1 'Yes, but do you drive a team or do
you work on the railroad, or do you work
In a factory?"
" 'Oh. yes. Ay vork In a factory.'
" Well, what kind of a Tactory Is It?'
" 'It ees a very big factory.' '
"Tha lawyer was much exasperated.
" 'Now, see here. Jensen, tell us what
you do In the factory. What do you
" 'Oh, yes. Ay undtrstan. You bane
want to know vat Ay make In the fac
tory T
"Exactly. Now tell us what you
"Yes, Ay make von dollar and a half
a day.' "
n wlre
jxu on
They Conldn't, F.lthrr.
She was a charming English girl, says
the National Monthly, but she could not
see the point of a Joke. Her classmates
at college, Jolly, fun-tovlng girls, re
gretted thla .erlou. defect In their dear
friend and determined upon a reform.
f?n thev made uo a little Jok with a
very broad point, to spring upon Evelyn
that night. Accordingly, when they had
all met In Evelyn", room Clara pro
pounded the Joke, which was really a
"Maude," h said, "can you tell me
the best way to make a Maltese cross?"
"No," replied Maude, after due thought.
How do you make a Maltese cross?"
TuU It. tall," said Clara, promptly.
The other girls tittered obligingly, but
Evelyn sat solemn a. an owl with a puz
zled frown on her classic brow.
What's tho matter with you, Lve-
lyn?" cried the girls. Justly indignant.
Can't you see tho polnt7
Evelyn shook her head. "Girls," she
said, regretfully, "I know it's awiuuy
stupid of me. but I can't for the life ot
mo see how anyone could make a Maltese
cross out ot a pullot. tall.
The Winter Voyajrer.
Captain Inch of the Ill-fated Volturno
was talking to a New York reporter
about certain criticisms.
'These criticism, were very censori
ous." ho said, "but they were .tilt more
Ignorant. They had just about tho value
of the young woman's stricture on her
winter voyage.
"Tho young woman, on her arrival In
Liverpool, wrote back homo to Con-
" 'We had cold, nasty, foggy weather
the wholo way across. The reason Is
that tho captain neglected to take out
clearing papers, which, I understand. Is
customary-' "
Senator Wombat Is hltterlv
pointed In the wireless system."
"How so?"
"He thought you eoahl send
less without anvthlnc betnc
paper.'" Louisville Courier-Journal
Hub Mary, my love, this apple dump
ling Isn't half done.
Wife Well, then, finish It, my dor.
lloston Transcript.
'Are you familiar with the Mexican
"Only up to 8 o'clock this morning."
Detroit Free Press.
"It says here that a Milwaukee man
found an eel six Inches long In u kIhim
of water." renmrked the Old Fogy. "Isn't
that remarkable?"
"Sure." replied the grouch. "It Is re
markable that a Milwaukee man had
nerve enough to monkey with a glass of
water." Cincinnati Enquirer.
"Why have you Interested yourself In
tbcosophy ?"
"Well." renlled voung Mrs. Torklns.
"my husband persists in talking about
banking and currency. I thought I'd
follow his example nnd try to act wise
about something that neither of us un
derstands." Washington Star.
Governor Cole Blcasc, In a brief ad
dress to a number of convicts, said In
"t advise you to live quiet, temperate.
Industrious lives, it l.i dissipation that
fills our prisons."
Governor Ulcase paused, then ended
"A high old time lays many a man
low." New York Times.
Court (to prosecutor) Then you recog
nize this handkerchief as tho one which
was stolen?
Frosecutor Yes, your honor.
Court And yet It Isn't tho only hand-
kerchief of this sort In the world. Se.
this one 1 have In my pocket Is exactly
like it.
Proeerutor Very likely, your honor;
there were two stolen. Christian Register.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Two frogs one day so runs the talc
Wont out to reconnoltet:
Wanting something lo rommnndeer
To make their belts feel tighter.
They fell but how I cannot tell
(I did not sec them do It)
Into a pall of buttermilk,
And soon began to rue It.
Thev klrk"d. and klck'd and klck'd again,
But all their strength seemed wasted.
They thought of home, out In the fields,
And all tho Joys they tasted.
They slipped and climbed, they climbed
and (dipped.
They spluttered execration; .
Till one cried out. "I'll jack It up!"
'Twas his last cxamlatlonn.
He lost all hope, gave up the fight,
And sank 'neath milky waters;
Ills male klck'd on. resolved to Bte
Again his wife and daughters.
Ho Jump'd and klck'd till he could feel
The milk around him churning;
And In his breast, though cold his blootl.
The hope of freedom burning.
Tho milk grow hnrd, the butter set;
On it his feet he rested;
Cllmb'd to tho top. Success at last!
Through pluck, he'd not been bested.
When things look black, don't give up
Nor let your courago falter.
You soon will knock tho molehill. down
Dark days to bright will alter.
Another lino I'd llko to add
My words with care I'm picking
The only one that seems to rhyme
Is-klck, and KEEP ON kicking!
People and Events
Hrvan and That Conspiracy.
-UMmnvnr ntnrtcd tb.0 Story that
"blc business" was conspiring to
discredit Secretary Bryan in tho
eyes ot Ihtj president and drive- him
cut of the cablnot is having dltfl-
The census ot 1911 show, the total
population ot the Union ot South Africa
on May 7 of that year to have been 6,973,
301; comprising 1,.76,S42 European, and
4.C97.153 of native or other mixed races.
Tho fact that Mr. Rcdfleld Proctor,
cu. m ... - " - wfo of tho late senator from Vermont.
culty eliciting Talta In me yarn, ino , conMstcntly refused to accent a nen-
Now Yorki World's theory that nB ion of $7,500 ever since It was voted her
Mr. Bryan Is not doing anything to by the senate shortly after the death ot
annoy "big bUBinoss." and has dono " """"ano, warcn . iao. camo to ugni
mnnw vri. thar la no rcccntly'
"uw',ub. " " . Mi.. Mildred Jdhnson of the women'a
roason to suppose w.u. u.b college. Western Reserve university, ha.
nosB" would concern itself about oec declared winner of the first prize of
ccttlnic him out of the cabinet. Tho 130) In the coll-go historical essay con
v.rU- M-.ll. n nooHovelt organ, te-t of tho Ohio Perry Centennial society.
oplnca that "No conspiracy is noces
sary to discredit Mr. Brynn. He Is
accomplishing that result mniBeii.
It ha. long been evident that the re
lations between Mr. AVIIson and Mr.
Essays wore submitted under an assumed
name nnd were considered by the Judges
Police Justice Robert D. Brower, a vet
eran of the civil war, who also served
under Commodore Perry In the expedition
to open the ports of Japan, died at hla
When hunting for examples ot tho
law's delays 'don't overlook that
apltal National bank case still
pending in our atate supremo court
though dating back nearly twenty
No doubt Neighbor Bryan is get
ins Iota of satisfaction out of hla
little joke of making the bankers
from Br'er Hitchcock's town go to
Lincoln to see tho regional bank lo
It being part ot a good citizen's
lot to look out for on efficient gar
bage disposal system, we assume ail
good citizens ot Omaha are bearing
in mind the fact that before July 1
this city must make amen provision.
Chicago has found ana brought to
aether the twelve worst hoys in tho
United States". Regardless ot how
the selection was made, it ought to
have a most ealutary effect on the
boys to be told that they are tho
twelve worst,
Every one in Omaha believes
Omaha should be the location of one
ot tbe regional banks. The only
thing needed, however, is to convince
the two cabinet secretaries and the
comptroller of the currency who are
to reader the decision.
ii-,.- ni H-n due to efficient nomo recently in aiapiewoou, is. j. a
nffi.-ini work on the part ot tha secrc- native ot Bloomfleld, Judge Brower cele
tnrv of .tatc. but to purely polltleal con- crateu nis .cventy-cignm oinnoay e-
.Idcratlon". The two men are wholly un- cember 13.
like. One Is a talker; the other a doer. A committee ot tho Board ot Education
While It is painful to note these of Chicago lit looking over available site.
aspersions upon tho tndlsponsablllty ? found tho mo.t attractive
... ... i .. .i I parcels of real estate In the hands ot
01 lUO PUUIIC sunico o. uur tiiuuu nnon r,llrPhserH. The discovert- fur.
and neighbor, it has often ocourred nShea two surprises the Innocence of tho
to many, no doubt, that Mr. Bryan I committee, and that the members should
might not havo been called to the lvo he naP
premiership ot tho cabinet in the I former Attorney tienerat cnarie. v.
i. . . i . . . ... .t, Mullen ot Iowa, addressing tbe federal
first place but for tho fact that the .unr,mB court , xvashinnton last Men-
nion, who once wished him knocked jay pulled off a sentence so long that
Into a cockod hat, know of no other It tretched three minutes beyond the
way of discharging a political In- hur f adjournment and was then left
. ' . v, ..,t. In a "to-be-contlnued" condition by the
debtednesa. Yet, there stands tho . ... K,.v,.
president's published statement of ThB t 'h t
a few months ago, to the effect that I storms Is ahown by tho fact that the
Mr. Bryan's prosonco in the cabinet I Baltio coa.t has suffered a. severely as
la the source of great help to the ad- N? Jersey and California from abnor
mlnlBtratlon. raa?,5r I,'?h. .w7fc...''?!! '.e-
Halt uu.tuni, lit tit. vuMtmj ii.v 111.1
merging of Damkerort by a tide so high
Nebraska democrats already havo that all the house. In the village but
five candidates In the grooming to three were completely submerged.
head their state tlckot, but all moro No visitor to a newspaper office is wel-
or less contingent on whether Gov- me w,'n htn?'er K'ftd h,and r M'
. , . . eclve. a hearUer. though mute, "Happy
Omor Morehead run8. It is UP to N..w vMr than Mm WatM Almanac. To
the governor to create a spontaneous call the ork an "almanac" I. a mls
popular uprising that will Insist on nomer. In reality it 1. an annual cncyclo
him throwing his hat in the ring. P""- Invaluable as a referonc book for
ail classes, ine present nuioDer ixs
WAnd.r 1wn1c tt 1U1 ma rnmruM nnd Mm.
The government is going to make DieU aro the various departments cover-
temperature tests of railway mall I Inf th activities of man and womankind,
cars. Ob, while about It, please also I It incomplete from the new tariff, tha
test out tho cars in which the rail- !nfom! ,ftX . 1 cur"ncy b"' t0 .
roads either freeze or bake their or- Lo.t to th. nroare.s of tho woman .uf.
dlnary every-day passengers, lfrtt6e movement.
Editorial Sittings
Have Your Ticket Read Burlington
Xo Tire South
Daily Until April 30.
Jacksonville, Fla S50.50
Tampa, Fla 5862.10
Miami, Fla 5872.60
St. Augustine, Fin Sr.2.Sfi
Ormond.FIa 5856.90
Pnlm Hencli, Fin 5869.00
Pcnsacoln, Fla S41.00
Pcw Orleans, I.a on
niioxi, Miss cii nn
Mobile, Ala S4i nfl
Charleston, S. C 5848.85
Houston, Tex
Hi l'nso, Tex
Sun Antonio, Tex . . .
Ft. Worth, Tex. . . .
Dallas, Tc.x
(inlveston, Tex
Rrownsvlllc, Tex. . .
San AiikcIo, Tex...
Corpus Christ!, Tex.
Ijake Charles, La.
Havana, Cubn 5587.00
Diverse route tours to Florida nt sightly higher fnres. ' Hates to many
destinations in Florida antl the South apply vin'ChicaRo, St. Louis or Kan
sas City.
The Trains to Use
9:15 A. M. DAY EXPRESS: In Kansas
City 4:05 P. M.
Kansas City 11:00 P. M.; in Texas next
10:45 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS: Readv
Son tli African Troubles.
It would bo hard to find In anv rlvii.
Ixed stato such difficult problems of gov
ernment aa confronted the authorities of
tno south African union from the outset,
Thero were the hard feelings engendered
by war, tho antipathy of the conquered
for tho conqueror and bridging the gulf
between opposing races. To compose
thee differences was a supremo test of
statesmanship, and General Botha, prime
minister, proved equal to the task. But
tho greater problem or series of prob
lems. the heritage of former tov-m.
ments. became moro perplexing day by
day, and the present Industrial outburst
of atrikca and sympathy strike. Is hardly
more than a warning explosion of a vol
cano. The importation of the cheap labor
oi inuia ana the employment of natlvi
black .labor In tho mines is in-.--.
lng source of Irritation to the i!nmin
Dutch and Saxon races. Not because tho
u.iitKB or Drowns compete with white
1 n Km ni. a. i
.were is no competition. Tho
dancer tie. In drawing the color line and
enforcing regulations humllfatlng and al
most inhuman. A commission i.
trivlng to satisfy India', demand for
nu-4 riBni. unaer a common flag. The
..wve ujacic worker, outnumber tho
K-Klla. -m-h... At
.B.,y mj. to ola tnfm ,
check and at the ame time deal effect
ively with on Industrial war ta a task
calling for courage, vigilance and keen
Downfall of A1Ip in.ii-.n..
A e gnlficant feature of tho transition
of political life In Ireland 1. the respon
slvenesa of land court, to public de-
ir-?5''; ,f? y'ar far bwowI mem
ory of living men Irish court, havo
m ;,,- , handa of a
their Interpretation of law being molded
by their creator., the landlord class The
fact that one of the court. In County
?y . 8,nUn,t ,and,0 "
that landlord the notorlou. Clanrloarde.
I. a rfre.hlng evidence of the progress
of the peaceful revolution. Lord Clanrl
carde own. thousand-, of acre. In the
north of Ireland and ha. refus.d to sell
on any terms. He K nnl.hed type of
he alien landlord who giVo Sthtr
thought nor act to tho welfare of the
people whose sweat and toll maintain
them In Idleness. Aa a member ot xht
House of Lords he succeeded a few
year, ago In preventing the passage of
an act providing for comput.orr al of
land. But the court of appeal, of Gal
way uphold, the various st-n. i.i.. v..
the congested district, board and rutea
v.anncarae must relinquish owner
ship ot the land. Involved. The ded.lon
Is a severe rebuff for Clanrteard. .n hi.
kind. About 40.000 acres are covered by
" "u mrae acre. wll be .old
to deserving tenant farmers.
A Worth While.
Chicago rtecord-IItralj.
It begins to look aa if Mexico would be
an excellent place In which to try the re
cently Invented gun that shoot, uncon
sciousness Into the army at which It Is
Philadelphia Ledger: Borne of our
more progressive statesmen are now pro
posing that Investors be prohibited from
owning stock In competing railways. Per
haps it would bo a good thing to arrest
all citizens who have anything to invest
Brooklyn Eagle: The Pittsburgh steel
mills are resuming work on new orders
and 60.000 men get their Job. back. A
nolo of optimism 1. mighty wholesome,
even if It come, from a- trust, and from
the former habitat ot Andrew Carnegie.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: The German
officer, who were accused of tyrannlxlng
over Alsace and then acquitted may now ;
require the Alsatians to walk around
bareheaded as long as they are In the
neighborhood. Shades of Tell and Ges-ler!
Chicago Record-Herald: Tremler Ladls-
lavoff of Bulgaria sends word that his
country has resumed diplomatic relations
with Its neighbor, and ha. no desire to
engage in another war. If the Bulgarian
government knows when it ha. naa
onoush It 1. to bt congratulated.
Indianapolis New.: The United State.
army physician, tin that many of the
victims of the battle of OJlnaga died be
cause neither the federals nor the con-
stltutlonallsta had hospital corps. Thus
we havo a regular old-fashioned war with
all the glories of which history which
the late N. Bonaparte, .aid waB fiction
agreed upon tell. u. about so eloquently.
Now York World: In order to show
their appreciation of Mr. Ford's generos
ity and sense of justice, 15.000 men tried
to wreck his factory yesterday because
he wa. unable to give them Jobs immedi
ately at twice the wages they could earn
anywhere else. By Saturday they will
probably be ready to hang him In effigy
and denounce him a. an oppressor of the
Kansas City
St. Louis
at 10:00 P. M.
SPECIAL: In St. Louis 7:20 A. M.. Par
lor car, sleepers and diner.
6:30 P. M. CHICAGO SPECIAL: Read v
6:00 P. M.. In Chicago 8:09 A. M.
Chicago 7:00 A. M.
parlor-lounge-car train. In Chicago 9:00
P. M.
"Excursion Fares South" and other publica
tions on request. Let me explain the attractive
diverse route tours through the South, including
tours to Cuba und Panama.
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent,
102 Fnrnam St., Omnlin. Douglas 1238.
Here and There
Denver', municipal budget for 1H
total. SiSStWi.
More than 3,000 Methodist ministers In
the United State, preach and work the
year round for le. than $500.
Newfoundland I. now regarded as one.
of the most promising future source, of
supply of petroleum within the British
Miss Margaret Montgomery or Stillwa
ter, Okl., picked "00 pound, of cotton In
one day, the record for the world, al
though .he weighed only 111 pound, herself.
Printers ot Vancouver, B. C, have de
cided to work only five day. & week that
their members who are out of work may
have an opportunity to provide for their
The extent to which wireless telegraphy
has been taken up by amateur. I. din-
cloned In a list ot radio station. In the
United 8tatea Issued by the Commerce
department's bureau of navigation. Al
most 1,300 amateur, had been granted
license, up to July 1.
C. K. Brlaon ot Pittsburgh, Pa., a rail
way district passenger agent, who raises
chicken, aa a side Industry, has teamed
how to Increase hi. egg product by kind
ne... He has provided his hens with
"palatial" quarters, and. In order to make
them feel that they are engaged In no
menial occupation, has put a placard with
the words: "Egg. are 00 cents a dozen. '
He My.: "I talk to my hen. to make
them lay, That Is the only way I mako
companions of them."
Ii Buy It;' Because
I It's a Better Car
I Model T $r-LTA
I Touring Car r)r)U
llll f. o. b. Detroit VV
I III Ret particulars from Ford Motor Company,
1916 Harney St. Ill
i. i
WHAT your advertising
needs is red blood hu
man interest less re
gard for the faded livery of yes
terday and more regard for the
racing togs of today.