-TIT"" -" 1TfcI5f5H' , THE BliE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JAXTAltY 16, 1914. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY KDWAHU UOSKWATEU. VICTOR KOSEWATKn. ISP1TOK. ana building. tAiuvAM au htu. Entered at Omaha poatotrico as seconJ- elasa matter. J-Jklo o '. - Irt mmday Bee, ono year i m Saturday Bee, one year ... J-?! Daily Bee, without Hunday, ona jcar.. .w Daily ue, ana oununjr. mm j ,i.-urn HV I'AnlLlEll. Kvenlns and Sunday Bee. per mo h...c Kvenln. without Sunday, per Dally Bee, Including 8unday. per mo-"6 Dally Bee, without Sunday, per -J11"!; Addiesa all complaint, of IrreKUlrltlc In oel! erics to City emulation UepL llt-MITTANCE. Ren it by draft, express or postal oraer, payable to The Bco 1'ubllshlnK company. Only 2-cent stamps rcce.vcd in payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, ex cept on Omaha and eastern exchanges, not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee BuiMtng South Omaha-2118 N Strict Council Bluffs II North Main Street. L.incoln-26 Little BulltiinE. ChlcaRo-OOl Hearst Uulidln. New York-noom HOC, M Fifth Avenue. 6t Louls-ioa New Bank of Commerce. Washington-? Fourteenth tit., N. w. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and rdltorlal matter should be addressed Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. DECEMBER CIRCULATION. 52,148 (State of Nebraska, County uf Douglas, ss.: Dwight Willi-ms, circulation manager of The Be Publishing company, being duly sworn, aays that the average dally circulation for the month of December, 1913, wax J2.HS. DWIQHT WILUAMB. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 3d day of January, 1911. ROBERT HUNTER. (Sea!) Notary Public Subscriber- leaving tbo city temporarily should bare The lice nailed to them. Addrrae will be changed aa often m reuocsled. Eugenics may be all right whon re duced to a common sonse, workablo basis. It seems that Omaha has a few In terlocking directorates In its own big corporations. If a church Is an assot to the com tnunlty, an empty pow Is a liability to every church. Wireless The Life Saver. Wlreloss tolcgrahy has never scored a moro thrilling and dramatic triumph than that of the rescue of passengers and crew of tbo Cobequld just as the vessel was about to be dashed to pieces against Trinity Itock. It took time for the nearest ship to respond to tho "8. O, 8" but it got thcro in the last moment and saved the day. It peems that almost ovory notablu loss of Hfo averted at sea slnco the advent of tho wireless lias been either In wholo or in part through Its Instru mentality. Which makes tis wonder what wo would do without this mirac ulous Invention and what we did be foro wo had It. How did wo over get along without it? The lesson Is this and It has been grimly impressed wo havo not done enough toward perfecting tho uso ot Marconi's wonderful discovery. Surely his conquest of tho forces ought to Inspire tho last effort at complete mastery in directing tho harnessed powers. Thoro should bo no reason why, with our knowledge and skill In ship-building and operation, tho hazard of ocean travel should not bo reduced to merest minimum. opkin J)ackwarj ThisPay in Omaha - I I .TAXVAnr 10. Thirty Years Ago iu From Lincoln cornea word that the state fair is located at Omaha for an other year, after which the question of a five-year location will be decided. Over MO men are working on the river cutting and housing the annual harvest of Ice. Cards have been received announcing tho wedding ot Mr. James E, Rellly of Omaha nnd Miss Kathcrlno E. Whitney at Plattsburg, N. 1. J. B. Southard has been appointed dep. uty county clerk and took a trip to Chi cago before tackling the duties ot tho office. Tho Omaha National bank has Just completed in tho basement of Its build ing a magnificent now vault, which is fire, burglar, water and alrproof. The work was done under the special super vision of W. B. Avery ot Chicago, Tho first annual ball of tho boiler makers and helpers of Omaha wns given at Moflonlc hall. Tho committee ot ar rangements was made up of John Bro phy, James Rhodes, John Quick, And rew Frlck, John Dccring nnd William Cullcn and tho floor managers were James Clair, James Fagan, John Mc Donald, Richard Trenton, Hugh Ken nedy, Nicholas Frcnzcr. The call for the meeting ot the Wom- reference from Senator Hitchcock's L.Bned by Mrs. u a. Charlton, secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Max Meyer eclobrated their wooden wedding last evening with Aimed at Omaha Tit for Tat. Collier's Weekly reproduces this This 1b still a day of miracles, It !oemi; a French duelist was actually njured at combat. How the mighty havo fallen! Hero is old Bob Fltzslmmons compelled to CO to the court to provo his ability to fight. nowspapor For tho benefit of oor renders wo re print clsowhero tho comments of Col- a company of their friends, iicrs weekly. Ita viows nro those of a great Independent channel of proved 'rnnv Von-a Arro iiroKrcssivoncss, aim absolute freedom Tho Board of Trade rooms were irom sinister influences. thronged with Douitlas county farmers Anu from tho same Issuo of Col- and Omaha business men called to per Her s wo reprint tho following: feet plans for the btct sugar fuctory to For tho perfecting changes that were bo financed largely by Polish capital, mado (In tho currency bill) thanks aro represented hero by Count I.ublcnskl. Dr, due to tho men who had the courage tn 8. D. Mercer was elected chairman and Insist upon nniondmcnts-such men na T. J. O'Donohue secretary. E. A. Ben Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska and Hen- on, chairman of a previously appointed ntor O'Clorman of New York, citizens' committee, nnd Dr. Mercer of Upon this showing any impartial th heet growers' committee, made re Judgo will hand down an opinion porl8 favrnbI he promotion. Artl that honors nro easy. of "corporallon were adopted and 1,.W VI I n J . D 111. FCf,l.U ,U kilt V. 1. 1 k tl I u . I- - . . - . 1 I . I I -Tire Risks at School. to secure at least 4,(K acres. The count Stutlstlcs published by the Saca said he would bo back In Omaha -anu Foundation show tho destruction by ttry 55 10 "elect a site for the factory fire of ton school buildings every Pr",ldent 8- Clark of the Union week in tho year, a total of 520. " c ' ' Z". ' . IT. ! Every parent should Stop and real- In Colorado an a means of restoring hl 1 - - izo wnat that means. It brings tho condition matter of flro hazard closer homo David II. Dowman, for twenty years a than oven tho burnlnc of tho rftsl. rc"ldent of Omaha, died at his home. B02 iIohxa w.olf -n,ii.i- k. ?omn ronicin aireei, leaving a wire, " ' r""u""' tt ,"ul"1 He was for years engaged In the hard Beatrice Express; The protest ot the ministers and more conservative people of Omaha against the tango seems to have Inspired tho dancers to go tho limit In tho danco. Not content with being able to go through Its mazes and steps at the charity ball, they carried It to the restaurants and gave the public a vision of the real thing. As Is usually the case. thero are some peoplo who aro not satis fied with a temporary use of whatever falls Into their hands. They Intend get ting out of a thing all thero Is In It, re gardless of the consequences. Grand Island Indeptndent: Omaha's charity ball cleared S3,0OO for the cause. What will the next squabble lit' Omaha bo about? Oakland Independent: The Blair En terprise comes out with tho suggestion that Washington county be detached from Douglas county on Judlclnl lines. This idea will find hearty support In Burt county, and it should bo pushed at the next scsnton of tho leglslaturo In a r.ew apportionment bill. As It now Is Omaha Is about tho whole cheese In this Judicial district. Ncllgh Leader: Thomas McOovern, one tho city commissioners of Omaha, as Introduced an ordinance prohibiting moklng In public places. Thomas evi dently has an Idea woman suffrogo will bo In voguo by the time he runs for office tho next time Atkinson Graphic: If Omaha falls to land one ot those regional banks It will bo surmised that tho reactionary course of It progressive democratic senator durlns the pendency of the bill had some' thing to do with It Nebraska City Press: Of course you wouldn't call It hypocrisy tho word tango"doesnt appear on tho programs t the charity ball In Omaha, tho big anc the proceeds from which go to the City mission. The highbrows raised fuss because the so-called new dances were Included In tho "menu" so the folks In charge changed the name and tho preachers were satisfied. Had the pro ceeds of this annual affair been offered to a church, or to Billy Sunday for In stance, would the money have been In dlgnantly spurned? We Inquire to know, s Hashlmuro Togo says Twice Told Tales The low tide In tho rivor put out the electric lights, but what do wo want with electric lights with such a froon as we have now7 From tho way in which tho uamo Villa eclipses those ot Carranza and Zapata, ono almost scomB to sco an ctaer Mexican revolution coming. Russia and China have a sharp game of diplomacy to play for tho control ot Mongolia. Springfield Republican. If diplomacy woro Russia's only hope, wo would ho laying our money on China. "Tho prosldout spent several hours reading his forthcoming mossage," in conference with mombors ot congress, says a dispatch. Then the forthcom lng message, we assume, is not to bo a littlo ten-minute affair. In his personal explanation tho chief Justice says that two ot Ma three dlssontlng associates "whllo protesting against my vote, did it In a gentlemanly and porfoctly friendly way." Now, what can ho mean? Tho Owen-aiass currency bill In It- fundamental features Is eisontlally the same as the Aid rich bill. Collier's Weekly. AU right! Just so this great dem ocratlc measuro docs not sail under false colors. It Is gratifying to know that work has begun' on a viaduct bridging tho railroad tracks over Lower Nicholas street. Now, when half a dozen other dangerous intersections are similarly protected, It will bo oven moro gratifying. Tho recent great musical .event at the Auditorium is estimated to liavj drawn from 1,500 to 2,000 ouA-of-town people to Omaha. Do music lovers want tho Auditorium dlsposod of to private parties and converted to business uses? Hartlngton Herald: Tho union barbers t Omaha are asking the city to pass a Sunday closing ordinance and threaten to throw their strongth and Influence with tho antl-saloon league and assist In en forcing tho 8 o'clock law, and thus de prlvo tho city dads of their booze out- Ide of legat hours, unless their demand complied with. Wo wonder It the bluff will work. bettor chance of escape from a burn ing resldenco than a contested school, whero in addition to tho vol- ware business. II. J, Wells passed away at his resi dence, 1BC8 North Twenty-seventh street, umo, all nro excited and ant to stnm. ,n th9 evening. nniln. Ttn iinr in n- A,tu Jo Knton, drug clerk, residing at 3014 jl mm r a, . I Ames avenue, had a foot badly crushed says. But prevention, moro than by a motor 'cflr nt M-teenth Ld Ca. rcuiouy, is mo piaco tor wie ompnasis. fornla streets, from which he stepped Tho tendency toward construction only to trip and fall with his foot on the of fireproof buildings must bo rigidly M11, adherod to. No school should bo Ten ears Ako 1U, v ..uuuil.b UL UIIIUIBU Mr. ,.,- ... .... except on tho most highly-approved and brpki her 'arm while visiting inuucrn piuns, ana paronts snouia SCO net .daughter. Mrs. JCarlyle ot South that this is dono. Happily, wo In Omaha. Mrs. Kirk was the mother of Omaha havo como to realize tho lm- J"er Klrk nt the city. prison. portonco of this, but desplto our , iacnt ,a' w '" ot the Omaha ..... urain exchange announced that it many excellent new buildings, wo aro wmlld becln actlvc tk l Btill making uso of some old struc without fail; that It had all preliminaries ttirea in which tho hazard Is too disposed of and things in good shape for groat.- Horo is ono channel into bulnMs. which monoy muBt bo Judiciously A "w noosvclt club was formed by poured until tho demands aro mot IT !bl!cn"v m"c"nf at th pxton hoM . .u . . . , , t w ith .. . Jefferls president and John anu wo taxpayers must not object. N, Westberg secrcta bank presented resolutions which wr. Favor-Seekers Take Notice. adopted, pledging the ciub sunDort t LlldlcroUH nnd Inilnrnnnllitn nn t. I "ooaevcii tor president and John T. may Boom, the personal pull of Sec- ..""fl v'co """lent. rotary Bryan that forces Omaha to go 0 Z ZlnvJJ' to Lincoln to present Its clalniB for a a banquet at the Omaha club. General regional Dann muBt command our -"nr,"B .ianaerson acted as toast admiration. Aa nn nritmnln of Mr. master and tho toasters wn Tni,- v Bryan's paramount power in evorj-- p"'" ,'?' Ke""a' ,C0UnseI of e Union ,t-,.. .... ..j...... 1 nci. O. Wattles and nimri. t . U 1 thing that affects the ndmlnlstra tlon's activities in Nebraska, it !s striking and conclusive. To milt Mr. Bryan his cabinet colleagues, aftor coming within fifty-five miles of us, stop eliort and Invite Omaha to como to them. No pretonse is mado that this Is to save them time or trouble, Greene. People and Events or even to suit their convenience, but traveled through three states 1 It is merely to exemplify and rein- "r?.!"'0",!0 a'ry,. ! The czar of Hugela has again shown his good faith by conferring great honors dppn the chief legal per secutor miscalled tho prosecutor- of the young Jew, Mendel Belless which ought to help HuBsia greatly In the eyes of the civilized world. Is The consolidation ot the state food and oil Inspection departments Is said to be successful both in efficiency and money-saving. Several other stato commissions or bureaus could be con- bolldated or subordinated with equal advantage to tho public and tho taxpayers. The case of tho Missouri man sum. moned on a Jury to try the murderer of bis sister might, it he stuck, almost match the one in which certain con tlngent fee Omaha lawyers recently bmuggled one of their clients into the Jury box for the special benefit of an other client Here's a quotation from our metro polltan water district law: It being the Intent and purpose of this net not only to remove said board of directors, but likewise tho employes of said water district, from the Influento df partisan politics. But say, what's tho constitution be tween friends? The Missouri young woman who re seek Jnpa iiese. nun tn vnr m,i a.,, it . wo oycwui M,..,cftu uujujou uj says mat's the aniwer. thn crnnl coninionnr. ltmt Mr. Ilrvnn I a . ... , - " ... " n nearness scrioo hankering for napponon to uvo at wonoo or ioago tragedy nt any cost to others, suggesti Polo, presumably that is whero tho "Ri "ryan and Bartholdt settle the rri regional bank hearing would be held. ,ntlve n,c1"o merits of grape juice and if held in Nebraska at all. Let Job- J"1" drinkl" ff' cf ?h ! take , .4 . , , . , ., nl8 vrlte beverage. Evident y the hunters and favor-seekers take notice callous mock takes no account of the anu govern tnemseivos accordingly, mgii cost of dying, The Tnmlnn Tim... f-. .1.,. . 11 H,g stum uiid PItiU Tho litigation ovor tho dollar gas of the globe to tho other with sneciai ordinance is nt last to bo nrosocuted editions, nussla was exploited In It, ftiu wn- 'TliA Ttnn silf-l-rtatnil nf tha special number last November. The Pa outset namolv to nroannt flra th Cltl C0Rst of North Amerlc- received an outsot, namol), to Present first the eiaborntn write.up ln lhc llJUIon of iuw MUL-ouun Hum iu iiiu iiuwur 01 December 31. Particular attention the city to make any change in tho given to probable developments tn con rate BChodulo or tho contract, leaving se,iuo"co of opening of the Panama the matter of reasonableness open. Family pride sustained by heraldry gets if m. iiv ioi ...ihiir severe jou from F. Stewart Chanln r 0 I Ph. TV nrnfAiint (n baa UUn i ... i. change the rate nt nil. an expensive Ui.egr.' i '1 inquiry into mo cost 01 production professor Chopin figures It out that any would bo unnecessary; whereas if the man who shins up Ms family tree for cltvwlnson the nolnt of law. the rate twenty generations, finds that he Is re reduction can then be much more "f" 10 nm"y. e,cron',( nnd I lr nis trr nat fop n rtn htin.lriu mmp m I"" " M"'"' easily rorccu, atlons. he is sure to find himself kin , ( tnB vholo of humanity TJiose wno 'favor an nnoquaic ots- Miss M. Kdlth Durham, who was the position of the garbage question will famous war correspondent durjnc both give very serious attention to Com- of 11,6 Balkan wars, has written her IJvrtor'a nrnrwi..! o vn "-y, wiucn inis or as unusual expe- I rlfktirAM n Sinn umi1it nvnat n vrstr-n r In Bonus tor an intirryrnuon innuv. ai h,V6 , ,uch unUiual oecmallon. any rate, if this is not the best She has been doing good work for the method, lot someone tell us what is. Macedonian relief fund. In some of the For twenty years the garbage prob-'Ld';,It8 homes the omen ohop grass lem has remained a stench ln tho ,'- , , ..t..l ..n..l1. I 11 n1..,l 1 1 before the present contract with tho coait dti,,, for reallxlng on that great city expires, July 1, of this year. I national asset. Ran Francisco's expoil tlon tn honor ot the ranal completion 1: The budget for Douglas county fordMCrlbtl an1 Pictured In a fitting man 10.11 -aiu fnr tntnl of fsao onn a ner. rno inunaerera special num .n- conior-iiou loiicciuiK anu tBm lH ie important particular of rrlv disbursing that much money would tng nn international tone to the choen never do business on a financial Jsutijset. not overlooking, however, the basis. comnelllnE its creditors to wall historical Industrial and rnmmerclal d f.. . ..- "iii "-" er-u. rno ..wm. ,... .v wcrr ,,rft,ent special number Is a fine ex money. lamule of International trade boostlnc Editorial Viewpoint Indianapolis News. After the heavy Chautauqua losses suffered by members of congress last summer, It seems prob able that they wilt manage better this year. Washington Post: Tho promised strug gle between Vlo Murdock and Joe Brlstow ought to furnish Bill Allen White with bully material for a sequel to his famous "What's tho matter with Kansas?" St. I.ouls Globe-Democrat: Tho young women who havo organized n club at Dodge City placing the social ban on the young men that smoke or drink will prob- bly be Indulgent to penitents who prom Ise to reform. Cleveland Plain Dealer: Why doesn't Vlo Huerta, a soldier by profession, go to soldiering? It he Is halt as fierce as he looks he must bo a real tartar. At any rate he couldn't do worse than his generals have been doing. Pittsburgh Dispatch: "Joe" Chamber lain Is to retire from Parliament after thirty-seven years, the last eight Inca pacltated for service by 111 health. Once tho storm center ot British politics, he has been forced to end his days In Idle ness, an object of sympathy from even his bitterest foes of years ago. New York World: People In this coun try who remember the old wildcat nnd red-dog notes ot state banks will read with pleasure tho dispatches from tho City of Mexico atatlng that the dictator has made all such Issues In that country legal tender. The end Is not far away. evidently. Philadelphia Leader: General Andrew Jackson, for whom a S1,00O,0O) monument Is proponed, Is described ln the dispatches as the hero of the battle ot New Orleans and the seventh president of the United States. For further identification, It may be' added that he was the man who wns called "Old Hickory," and who exclaimed, "By the Kternal!" when anything hap pencil out ot the ordinary, like the null! flcatlon proceedings in South Carolina. Quaint Bits of Life Talked to Death. "Alfalfa Bill" Murray, representative from Oklahoma, made a tour of Wash ington a short time ago with & party ot friends. In due time they reached the Washington monument, and the Okla homa statesman told at length ot the beauties of the shaft. At the close of his peroration, "Alfalfa Bill" mopped his brow and turned genially to a minion of the law nearby, "How about It," asked he, "Isn't that tome little talk on this ancient pit of masonry?" "You forgot about the cat," replied that official, Imperturbably. "What cat?" "The brindled cat ot 1S86." "Well, what about him?" queried rep resentative Murray. "Oh, nothing," replied the guard, eva- Ively. "See here," said Mr. Murray, sternly, I demand to know about this cat." "It ain't much of a story," replied the guard. "Your talking there reminded me of it. Y'seo this here cat lived In the monument. Well, sir, me and another chap that used to be hero noticed that cat acting qucerly every time a party came along and was told about the beau ties of "this vast pile of masonry,' as you were saying. 'Then ono day along came a gent with some friends and talked for three-quar ters of an hour along this line, when blamed if that there cat didn't run all the way up 500 feet of steps and 'com mit suicide by Jumping oft the top or tho monument." Washington Post IIU neat neloTcd. They had been quarreling and al though hubby was willing to take all the blame upon himself and smooth mat ters over peacefully, she was still snappy and Indifferent, "Come here. Mabel. Aren't you curi ous to know what Is In this package?" "Oh, not very. I can stand the strain," she replied belllgorently. "Well. It's something for. the one I love best In all the world," he said, cdaxlngly, trying to win a smile. Oh, Is that so?" she sniffed. "I sup pose, tnen, it's tnose auspenaers you said you needed," New York Globe. Help! Mrs. Black woke her husband one r.lht and whispered: "Lnrry. there's a burglar ln the parlor. He Just bumped against the piano and struck several keys." Is that so?" said Larry. "1 11 go right down there." "Oh. Larry." whispered the excited wife, "don't do anything rash." "Rash!" replied the husband. "Why, I'm going to help him. Tou don't sup pose he can move that piano from tho house without assistance, do you? Youngstown Telegram. GRINS AND QR0ANS. "Jimmy seems to like himself pretty well, doesn't he?" .... "Yes, I fancy that he thinks his father and mother ought to get down on their knees every night and thank heaven for having permitted them to become his parents." Chicago rtecord-Hcrald. "What became of that play you wrote five years ago?" 'The managers decided It was too daring to produce." "Send it on again." "I did. They say It's too tame now." Pittsburgh Tost. Mrs. Fox Great news. John. Our son Is engaged to Miss Golder. Kox-Whatl Then I shall object to the marriage. . . Mrs. Tox-Object! Are you out of your senses? Fox-Not at all: but If we don't kick a little the Golders will think we don t amount to much, and they'll probably call It off. Boston Transcript. "It Is a wonder to us how women can expect to get damages in breach of prom Iso suits." "Whv not?" "Because thev always prove the man In the case to be so mean as to. como high at 30 cents." Boston Transcript. "t havn irlrd to make a fashionable gentleman of you," said the reproachful lather. I know It," replied the remorseful young man. "But the smell 01 a enrys- anthemtim disagrees with me, I look runny In a s IK hat and 1 always gei a cane twisted up between my ankles. If It's nit the same to you, I'd rather go to work. Indianapolis News. A Bill Do you get good board where you eat now? Tom Good board? Why, I eat off the arm of a chair every mcai. uosion Transcript. 'I am aulte fascinated by your friend whom you Introduced to me. Ho has porrccuy Killing ways." "I-or heaven's sane, don t let mm Know you think so!" "Why not7" "He's a doctor!" Baltimore American. Westerner (on board steamer bound for America) It's going to be pretty fine to get back again. Didn't you get awfully homesick ln Europe among so many strange faces and languages? Easterner None, not at all; felt rtgnt at home. Westerner Why, how could you? Uantcrner Dead easy. You see. I live in New York New York Times. "80 you are opposed to grand opera at popular prices?" "Yes; next tney 11 bo Having terrapin State Press Comment at popular prlrts and orchids at bar-.- -.. ij ih.n what Intcictt will a rich man have in life?' -Kansas City Journal. Professor Why do college men mis spell so often?" Stude Probably becaUBO thoy pa more .it.ntinn tn the miss than they do to the spcll.-Otilo Sundial. "non't voti like, the necktie I give you?" sho asked -.-,. "Yes. ne answereu. " . --".- beautiful necktie. I feel ,l"fh .when I think of wearing It. I wish you d ad l I couple more to, U and make yourself a nice new dress." Washington Star. "How long must I wait for the rre- 'C"Abountr'thlrty minutes." answered the druggist: "but you can occupy your time pleasantly. Here Is a coupon which entitles Tou to admission to our moving picture show."-PUtf.bursli I'ost. Gladys Jack Is horrid! When we were out tonight, a little bug flow right into my mouth, and I asked htm of what that was a sign. Clytle-What did he say It meant? Oladys-That I should keep my moilth shut Judge. THE JANITOR'S SONG. Detroit Free Press. The Janitor was whistling as he slowly pushed his broom. And now and then he danced a Jig to llvnn tm tn room. And then he sang a merry song I d never heard before: "It's thirty dollars every week for sweep ing up the floor " "It's thirty dollars every week, for tidy ing tho place. The kids have patent leather shoes, the wife Is wearing lace: I go to work at S o'clock, and I am through by 4, It's thirty dollars every week for sweep ing up tho floor. "It's chicken plo for dinner, and it's angel food for cake. The only thing that troubles me Is dodg ing stomnch achci And that's my automobile that Is stand ing at the door. It's thirty dollars every week for sweep ing up the floor. "The chap that washes windows draws his little thirty, too. I think I ought to have a raise, for all the work I do. If he gets that for what he does, It's cer tainly worth more Than thirty dollars every week for sweep ing up the floor." Mrs. Mar' Kallawak of Chicago last year mado a score of eighty-five at court, sixty times as complaining witness and twenty-five times under arrest. Francis M. Purdum, aged 64. of St. Louis, convinced that man la never too old to learn, Is member of the night manual training class of the McKlnlcy High school. A man standing seven feet one inch was recently married to a woman one Inch under ftvo feet ln Kaunas City. Both declared that It had been a real case ot love at first sight. Louis Pclrano has been bowling for twenty years In an attempt to roll a 300 score. The nearest that he has come to It so far Is 2S9, but he Insists that he will keep at it until he succeeds. For sixteen years James Cnnkltn, an elevator starter, has labored paying oft debts he contracted when he was sowing his wild oats and the other day he fin ished the task that his conscience had set him. For the first time ln fifty-nine years a woman has been elected president of the New Jersey Teachers' association. Miss Elizabeth Allen, the founder of teacher' pensions, has been so honored. Ohio teachers had a woman president last year, but this year went back to the man rule. Herbert Wolaternholme, one of the old est miners ot California, who, as Her bert Holmes, has spent the last five decades tn a lonely cabin In the Feather river canyon and has managed to eke out only a hand-to-mouth existence, is awaited by a life of luxury and plenty In hi old home, Bury, Hngland, accord ing to news that he has received. Beatrice Express: Kvldently a great many resolutions went glimmering when the tempter approached, aa the superin tendent of the asylum states that the last week has witnessed more applications for the dip ward .than In six months pre vlous. Falrbury News! ' A Connecticut doctor proposes to restore a broken back by taking a bone six Inches long from the patient's leg and grafting It onto the ( spine. If It proves successful tho opera-1 tlon should be tried on several Nebraska politicians. Friond Telegraph: The supreme court has decided that young women attend ing high school do not have to take les sons In domestic science. Of course we are to understand that a study ot the present fashions with a close observance of the moving picture shows is sufficient to fit most nny young woman to preside hver a household and run & husband. We heard a lecturer on one occasion as sert that most of the drunken husbands were due to "doe-dads" In the kitchen. Wayne Herald: The editor of the Pen der Republic explains that neglect ot his newspaper la due to a burden of duties ln connection with tho postofflce which ho also runs. That Is the objection to a publisher annexing a postofflce. He must neglect one or the other, and he cannot safely neglect the postofflce. As a consequence his newspaper loses strength, and realising the condition he Is liable to sell It and have nothing to return to when his term In the govern ment employ expires. Newspaper men who have been defeated In aspirations for postofflce' appointments should con gratulate themselves over their good for tune. Blair Tribune: A tango party was pulled off In Blair one evening last week that had anything of the kind ever given In the city backed clear of the boards and gasping for breath. We were not "among those present," but from obser vation "across tho way" we are prepared to say that to describe tills new craze In the latest, up-to-dato dances It re quires a real nice word that will describe something naughty. It may be all right, but If we had a daughter that would persist In tangoing with a giddy young fop of the he-fllrt class we would turn her over our knee face down and ad minister tho hair brush where It woull do the most good. Tabloids of Science A new pocket electric lamp has a tiny dynamo operated by a spilng lever In stead of the dry battery. Astronomers contend that their Is an other system beyond Neptune, which Is the most distant of all the planets In our system. Kxperts have estimated that if the for ests ot the world were scientifically oper ated they would yield the equivalent ot from thirty to 1 times the present con sumption of wood annually. A cork sunk 300 feet deep In the ocean will not rise again to the surface, owing to the great pressure ot the water. At any less distance, however. It will grad ually work Its way back to light. Having proved that electric radiation benefits growing plants. German sci entists are experimenting with an elec trified schoolroom, which 1 said to ac celerate the physical growth and stimu late the mental processes ot the pupils therein. Investigation of the fact that most ot the deep drill holes for wells ln South Africa deviate from the perpendicular, generally toward the north, has led to the conclusion that the drills with which thoy were made' were Influenced by magnetism. What Toilers Need Hard working men need nutritious food it should also be appetiiintf. One thine the housewife should remember is that, by actual test. SPAGHETTI contains far more nutrition than meat. Faust Srjatfhetti makes a substantial and savory meal. You can make a whole family dinner from a ten-ceni pacKage. Write for recipe book. it s tree. 5c and 10c packages. Buy today. MAULL BROS. St. Louii, Mo. Florida, New Orleans, Cuba, Panama, Gulf Coast Resorts "7 ' Jfeb AG principal ratorts la tha south reached by quick and con venient schedules of tha LoBbrille cV Nashville Railroad. Solid through trains or sleeptKg cars from Chicago or St. LoaU. Unturpaitad a la carta dining car service. Round trip tourist tickets, return limit June 1st, oa sale daily at reduced fares. Greater variety routes than any other line; diverse routes to Florida if desired. Horaeiee Iters' tickets on sale First and Third Tuesday each month at very low rates. Very Aitraclrre Water Tears to Panaxa, Csba ui Jamaica. The Most Attractive Way South Route of the raffnlficent Dixio Limited, Dixie Flyer and South Atlantic Limited Trains. For full particulars, rates, tickets, descriptive illus trated booklets and sleeping car reservations, address lira P. W. MORROW, N. W. P. A. 332 Marqittts Bl.( CUcsie, 111. R. C. WALLIS, D. P. A. 312 furta 8t St. St. UiU, M. -. -. "Our passengers are our guests" EVERY man on every train of ours keeps that thought in mind. We want you to enjoy the Baltimore & Ohio. We do all we can to give you comfort; Nature has pro vided scenic attractions which give you miles and miles of interest. Select the Baltimore & Ohio to Washington and New York Whether your trip is one of business or pleasure, see that your ticket reads via Baltimora ft Ohio from Chicago cast. Lib eral stopoyers permit you to make it a vacation in itself, if you prefer. Write us for inter esting booklets covering the historical spots of the route. Choose one of these splendid trains N. 8-Th. Int.r-SUL 3p.cIl-Lte Chleso 11 a. m. Dr.wtni room snd corcptrtment sltcplng cars and ebtarvstlon (lupin- ca , No. -Nw York Umlt.J Leave Chicago JJ p, m. Drawtn room slecplns ears and ob.trvatlon parlor ear. win Thaaa ptrfrcUr appoints, tralna aro al.ctrlcally oqulppd,eompUta '.nr m0Un 5m ..Si- Other hl.h-claat through tralna Lav Chlcaso at S a.m. and B3J p.m. Harri.ontrt. rrm B,ltlmor 0ho Station. Fifth Ar.nu.ani Tlek.t Offlc.u H. C. STXOHM, Trvlln- ?aucr Aiaat. BU Wdroaa of tho World Bid I , Omaha. Nab. Baltimore & Ohio