Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Alva Gransm, Dougherty,
Haiel Fowler, Marie uroaa,
Marsarftt Orcenough.K. Murphy,
3y MELLIFIOIA. Wednesday, January 14, 1914.
HE next tlmo Madame Melba comes to Omaha she will probably bo
T entertained In a private homo while here at least that 1b Um
prima donna's wish.
Madame Melba, whom many critics consider the world's
greatest artist, and Mr. and Mrs. Kubellk spent yesterday In Omaha before
leaving for Minneapolis for their next concert. Tho great artist Invited
Miss Mary Munchhoff to lunch with her and to spend tho day, both having
been pupils of tho late Madame MarchcBl of Paris, whero they met often,
and were later entertained at tho home of tho late Prof. Upheus of Berlin,
Germany, tho court sculptor.
Tho latter part of the afternoon Madame Melba expressed. tho desire
"to got away from the city and out Into tho beautiful country, whero there
Is not so much dust.' So, together with Miss Munchhoff, Mrs. John A.
McShano and Mrs. A. V. Klnslor, they motored to the Country club and
through somo of tho parks. It was then that Madamo Melba said she
hoped to come to Omaha noxt year, and that sho would prefer staying In
a private home.
"Stay with mo next tlmo you come," said Mrs. McShano.
"Indeed, I will," replied' Madamo Melba enthusiastically, "and I
promise you will find that I am not so much troublo, either. Evoryono
seems ta think that a singer Is different from other people. Roally.I am
Just llko other people, and Hko tho same things that most pooplo do."
Miss Mary Munchhoff, who usually sponds part of each year abroad,
has been Invited by Madame Melba to visit her at her Paris homo.
M. Buauklat.
Fannin Hchmlt,
Marearet Cott.
Kvcirn BDciiman.
Man O'Grady,
ivr Waldrum,
Ann Neble,
Mable I.undgnrd,
Pearl Crowe.
Ada Rayner,
liuin Kinney,
K. Frunwlrth.
Frederick I.. I.oyd,
fi. HaRerty.
V. H. Taylor.
II. F. Mcarane,
13. Murphy.
J. II. Frcnklntr.
J. A. I.yona.
llonert uniinRcr,
C. McCiownn.
D. V. Walters,
Hrucc rortcr.
II. O. McMonagh,
Waller Knowlea,
H. J. nuah,
W. F. Wnd.
William Nelaon,
Frank O. White,
A. A. nurna,
n. Mawcry,
C. N. Moulnn.
Stanley If. HoHora, Herbert Satnaon,
For New York Guest.
Mrs. Herman Kountzo was hoateas at
en Informal luncheon today at her apart
ment Pt the Heaton 'in honor of Mlaa
Hanacom and Mlaa Franco of New York,
who are gueata of Mra John L Kcr.nody.
Covers wcro placed t or eight.
Dance at Lininger Art Gallery.
Mr. and Mra. Frank U Haller and Mr,
r.nd Mr8. Frederic W. Thomaa will en
tertain at a reception and dancing party
thla evening at the Homo of Mr, and Mra.
Haller, and the I.lnJnger Art gallery ad
Joining will bo uaeJ' for danclntf. Tho
rooma will be bright with a decoration
of roaea. American , Beauties will bo
uaed In tho dining room and living room
and KUIarney 'rosea ln,tho drawing rooma.
Aaalatlng will bo:
Meadamea .. Mtadamea
Arthur Keellne, Joaeph W. Thomaa,
C'harlea Martin, A. J. Ueaton,
J. M. Metcair, W. 8. Blnckwell,
O. W. Mnlngcr;
Mlaa Kdlth Thomaa.
For Mrs. Weed.
Mra. Walter O. Preaton entertained at
luncheon today at-her home In honor of
Mra. Hugh Weed of St. I.oula, who was
formerly Mlas Fallh Potter of this city."
A Drcaden baakct filled with KUIarney
roecs tlod with pin tullo formed tho
centorplcco for the tablo and covtrs wcro
placed for:
Kzra Millard,
Daniel Ilaum, Jr.,
Ueorgo Mclntyrc,
Arthur Coolcy,
Charles O. Itlcli,
W, U. Preaton.
for Women from
Weak Arch and
Flat Foot
A weak arch or flat foot
is a foot In, which the arch
Is breaking down or . has
broken down from negloct,
accident, oxccsslve we'lght
or from wearing tho wrong
shoe. Jt causes pains in tho
heel, arch, toes, limbs, and
laborod walking, and Is
ofton thought to bo rheu
matism, Wo know of only
one remedy that will re
lievo and cure this detect
and that Is our scientifical
ly constructed women's
shoo tor tho rollef of weak
pjch and flat toot. Don't
delay, get a pair today.
j Price
1419 Farnam
Hugh Weed,
Charles (leorge,
George Tnnnlcllff,
Kdgar Kcott,
Henry Plerpont,
Arthur B. Ilogera,
Theater Parties.
Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Summers enter-
talnea at a box party at tho DrandeU
Tueaday evening to aco "The Firefly.
Their guests were:
Mr. and Mra. Luther Kountze.
Mr. and Mra. F. S. Cowglll.
Mr. and Mra. Hoxlo Clarke of New
York entertained at tho Brandels Tues
day evening:
. General and Mra. JohnJJ. Cowin.
Mra. William Cowin of Fort niley, Kan,
Mra. Charlea IS. Squires.
Mr. and Mra. George Frlnz will enter
tain at a theater party thla evening at
tho Brandclfl, when their guests will bo:
Mr. and Mra. Luther Kountzo.
Mr. and. Mra. Hoxlo Clark.
Mr. and Mra. O. C. Itedlck.
Bridge Tea in Dundee.
Mra. Walter Sclby entertained at
brlcga tea Tueaday In honor of hsr
coualn, Mlas Caroline Baldwin, of Keo
kuk, la., all tho guests being from Dun
dec. Aaalatlng were:
Meadamea Meadamea
H. C. Van Olesen, O. W. Wlckeraham,
H. U. Iemero, f . W. Carmlchael,
U. f Voters. J. W. Hamilton,
K. A. Benaon, Sumner Breeae.
Lenoro Diets. Nelaon,
Mlas Jennie Peters.
Bridge Luncheon.
Mra. 8. Tt. Ituah was hoateas at
bridge luncheon today at her home In
honor of Mlaa. Stamm of West Union, la.
gueat pf Mra. U D. Upham. KUIarney
roaes formed' tho decoration and covora
were placed for eight.
Pleasures rast. r. -
Mra. I J. Plattl chaperoned sixteen
young ladles from Mount St. Mary's
seminary to hear Molba and Kubellk.
Thoao In tho party wtro Mlaaca Irene
Murphy, Edna Smith, Qladys McKeehuu,
Maud Hanna, Cnlllo Faddla, Paulino
Dowd. Eathcr Danlula, Claro Kollay, Fuy
Chambers, Velma Clarke. Phyllis Craub,
Knthcrino smith, Gertrude Dcmnaey.
Margaret Ilenaloy, Gertrude Strunk nnd
Krnncea Plattl.
Creighton Dental Dance.
Tho Crelghton -Dental .college atudenta
gave an enjoyable dancing party at
Chambers' academy Monday evening. Tho
party was well attended and thoao pres
ent wojo:
Mlaaea Mlaaea-.
Katherlno McCorttcy.H. Martin.
Alice Johnaon. Vra Eaat,
May Johnson. Aiarie Martini.
Pflaater, Hazel Bltalman.
Allco Kngllah, Juno OafforU.
Kthel Magney. M. Voaa,
Anna iangemieiu, ning.
homo of Mrs. Selby today. Mlaa Amy f
II. Shlelde,
I. Mccoy.
J. M. Mnn.
Pauline McBtravIck,
Babo McBtravIck,
Beaale Mangan,
Myrtlo Hroufe,
Gladys Taylor,
Opal Crumbllaa,
It. Robinson,
Floro Wore.
Allen Itlmaqulat,
Anna Poteraon,
Margaret Weaver,
Florence Cottmlrc,
Frank Murphy,
G. G. Cnrclaman,
K. D. Knapp.
F. II. Clifford,
A. Ij. Swygard.
C. J. Martini,
N. P. McKce,
W. W. Hoye,,
.Sidney Hholl,
Frank Kublechcck,
Dudley Kelly,
Wlllard Raton,
K. J. Coatcllo,
Clint Hamilton,
H. Herkcnrath,
T. Keonan,
C. M. Klrkpatrlck,
Marlln Kane,
J, Gagerty,
Frank Powera.
George Relfert,
Silver will tetl tho story of the "Nlebe-
lungenlled," and tho program wilt be un-, I
der the leadership of Mrs. Ramadell, as
sisted by Mcmlames D. C. Dodds, Gulnter,
Bradley and Benaon.
Informal Afternoon Tea.
Mrs. Gerrlt Fort entertained Informally
at tiif) o'clock tea Tueaday afternoon for
twelve guests.
Harmony Club.
The Harmony club wilt meet with Mr.
and Mra. W. U Selby In Dundee Satur
day evening, January 17.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bradford leave to
day for a month's visit to the Bermuda
Islands. They will aall from New York.
Mrs. W. G. Btlee and daughter, Ruth,
of Dallas, Tex., arrived In Omaha on
their way to their future homo near Chi
cago, where Mr. Ueice has accepted a
salcamanahlp In a large business con
corn. Mr. Bnlee was formerly connected
with the Paxton-Gallaslxr company here
for a period of twenty-four years. "While
In Omaha they are tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. James Peterson.
Clyde Truman,
J. Donerty.
V. Hcndrlck,
I. I.. McQuuiln.
Walter Sorcnaen,
C. VS. Davla,
V. Dunn,
Charles Andera.
Dr. W. H. O'Nell.
Dr. W. If. Saunders, Hoby,
J. I.. Linn.
Gerald I.n Vallette,
J. H. Stlbblna.
Charlea Cobry,
George Carroll,
Hnrry Maaon,
Harold Johnson,
D. J. Ryan.
It. F. Springer,
C. Sabotlk.
Lnrry Hunt,
j. o. Keiiy.
Fred Witt.
R. Pickerel.
Ti. Pottmlre,
J. Moersman,
J. Holland.
Lincoln Guest.
Mrs. Kdward S. Luce, a soloist
of Lincoln, sang a program of five songs
at a muslcatc at tho Omaha unlveralty
Tuesday morning. At a luncheon at the
homo of Mrs. Colo fche delighted the
gueata with n group of six songs, among
them Margaret Martins new Lullaby,
Later nt tho Clio club aho sang a group
of four aonga, Including a beautiful set
ting of her own of Shakespeare's "How
Sweet tho Moonlight." Mrs. Luce was
tho guest of Dr. and Mrs. D. 13. Jenkins
while In tho city and returned to her
home Tuesday evening.
Naperinn Dancing Party.
The Naperlan club entertained at
dancing party at Armbruat hall Monday
evening. Thoae preacnt were:
Boy Converted to
Baptist Faith Says
He Wants to Stay
Joaeph Ontman, 17 years old, converted
from the Jewish to the Christian faith
by A. H. Havens, 1816 Miami street, has
refused, In a letter to his parents, who
live at 2510 P street. South Omaha, to
leavo tho Moody Blblo Institutes of Chi
cago, where ho Is studying to becomo a
Baptist minister.
Young Ontmun says he l satisfied to
remain In tho school and bell eve a he la
doing right. Havens has declined to uso
hla Influence with the boy to Induce film
to return and has asked leniency from
County Attorney Mugney on the ground
that hla conversion of the boy was an In
spired work.
The county attorney Is considering
whether to file a complaint against
Havens charging kidnaping. It Is said
by lawyers that doubt exists whether
Havens technically violated a statute,
Margaret Htoltenberg,
Mary Donnelly,
Inez Lovejoy,
iiazei iiynn,
Robo Choi,
Cecelia McCauley,
Charlotte Elder,
Anna Baler, -Margaret
Olga Hoffman,
Louiae iiempei,
Margaret Hendcrsonlrene Stoltenberg,
Kntherlne Hall, Juanlta Sullivan,
Ruth Hudson. Anna Vclcchovaky,
Nell Hart of Anna Barta,
Kanaas City, Mo.; Mabel Delbrldge,
Frances ivryccK,
Lulu Flouuhingcr,
Agnea uciccKe,
May Hale,
Amies Peters,
Lena Hcinpel,
J, B. Golden,
Frank dimming,
Til. Ainmons,
Margaret Casey,
Naomi Byrne,
Alblna Velechovaky,
Kthel Byrne.
Martha Kerchma,
Martin J.
Herman StelnhauaenC. S. Lovejoy,
O. E. Biahop, Oeorgo Krauae,
Ray Beldlni, Lawrence C. Jensen,
Frank Wallace. G. J. Kasper,
Charles Pntav Flood. Albert Lutz.
itarry uegiey.
Arch Ganner,
Vern J. Morton,
Mooney Maher,
Oacar Tanoerg,
F. A. Robblna.
J. A. Wachtler,
C. Hanntgan,
Horry Grobeclc,
John J. Spellnian,
William Amnions,
K. J. Walker,
D. W. Sullivan,,
il, .n. nine,
John J. O'Connor, Jr.;
Jack McNamaxa,
U W. Tlghe,
E. J. Chval,
J. H. Thell.
Eugene Dan any.
Klmer Neman,
J. Moyian,
Men Suffragists
Feast and Line Up
. ' Forces for Votes
A local branch of the National Men's
League for Woman Suffrage was organ
ized yBeaterday at a luncheon held at
the Paxton hotel. The assembly was
made up of thirty-two men and twenty-
four women, but some of the men left
before tho meeting was called to order.
R. Beecher Howell acted as temporary
chairman. A number of brief speeches
were made by the men advocating votes
for women and -pledging their support to
the woman suffrage question.
Among the men attending were Chair
man Howell, Jerry Howard, J. J. Mo-
honey, Charles R. Sherman, Erastisj A.
Benson and John A. Rlne. Mr. and Mrs.
Jamea Richardson made the arrange
ments for the luncheon, representing the
woman suffrage societies and the male
citizens who favor giving women the
Ada Black.
Pex Black.
Margaret Morrison, Krma Hwlft,
itazei L,yons,
Beatrice O'Nell,
Klla Kuger.
Gertrude Btodden,
Henrietta Wade
worth, Ruth Foran,
Mary Swift,
Allco Boyse,
Mary Taylor,
Ainno wcich,
Mildred Barber,
Loulao Lewis,
Alta Busklrk,
Ralph La Chappell, C. J. Kenny,
J. D. Wataon, J. E. Oberreuter,
Double Birthday Party.
Mrs. J. A. Helvlo entertained at her
homo Saturday In honor of the seventh
nnd ninth birthday anniversaries of her
children. Julia and Arthur. Prizes for
the games wero awarded to Elizabeth
Kellcy. William Brown and Herbert
Story. Mrs. Helvlo was nsalated by
Meadnmos Fred Eamoa, William Helvle,
Charles Lang and Mlas Dorothy Wahl'
gren. Thoao prcsont were.
MIbsob Mlaaea
Elizabeth Kelly, Violet Sinclair,
Miriam .Whlto, Marie Kocher,
Margaret Eamcs, iuiae uaxes,
Ethel Helvle.
William Brown,
Albert Hoyt,
Arthur Story,
Clinton Brown,
Ruth Eames.
Irwin Kelly,
Glun Malm,
Herbert Story.
For Mrs. Weed.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cooley entertained
at 'bridge In honor of Mrs. Hugh C.
Weed of St, Louis Tueaday evening at
their home. Tho gueat Hat Included:
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Keellno.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers.
Mr. and Mrs, C. C. George.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorly.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Caldwell,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgnr Scott.
Miss Nannlo Richardson.
Mr. A. IL Rlohardaou.
Dundee Woman's Club,
The Dundeo Woman's club meets at the
Attractive Offerings in Our
January Clearance Sale
This sale offers you a rare opportunity to secu re beautiful as well as serviceable Furniture, Ruga
and Draperies at greatly reduced figures. The following lUt contains only a small number of the scores
of special values prevailing In overy department.
Furniture of Quality at Very
Low Prices
1 large golden oak Dresser, priced regular $35.00,
(mirror full width of dresser), special. .$30.00
1 golden oak Chtffonlor to match abqvo. regular
$30.00, special S25.00
1 heavy scroll head and foot golden oak Bed. full
size, regular price $27. GO, special 822.50
1 solid mahogany GO-lnch Dresser, regular prico
$100.00, special $85.00
1 solid mahogany Chiffonier to match above, regu
lar price $85.00, special $72.50
1 Circassian walnut Bed, full sire, $55.00 value,
Bpecial 829.75
1 ladles' walnut Desk, open top, Bherlton style, $35
value, special 825.00
1 fumed oak Serving Table, regular value $32.00,
fPecial S16.00
1 golden oak Library Table, regular $10.00 value,
special ,. 814.75
1 fumed oak Library Table, 30x54 top, Craft style
and heavy, regular $20.00, special .... 823.75
1 heavy fumed oak Rocker, leather covered spring
jeat, value $19.00, special 817.00
x i u rasa oik morns unair, largo ana comrortame,
regular $36.00, special
1 ladles' golden oak wax Desk, regular $24.00.
Peclal 819.75
One and two of a kind of these chairs, suitable, for
bedrooms, office, desk chairs, etc. Priced regular
$2,50 to $12,00, )i to )i Off to close out
Specials From the Drapery Department
Lace aud Scrim Curtains, two very special lota
added to this great sale. Valuo to $3.75, special
at $1.05
Valuos to $4.50, special S2.65
65c Figured Nets and Scrims, many choice designs
in this lot, special, per yard -35d
50c figured Nets, Scrims and Marquisettes, very
pretty effects in all popular shades, special, por
yard 25b
30c grade of plain Scrim, in white, cream and ecru.
In many patterns and bordered scrims, special, per
yard 15d
15c figured Sllkollnea for comforts, per yard &
Closing Out Dropped Patterns of Rugs
$45.00 8-3x10-6 Hartford Saxonys .... 835.00
$50.00 9x12 Hartford SaxonyB $37.50
$62.50 9x12 Anglo Persian $47.50
$57.50 8-3x10-6 Anglo-Perelan ...... 842.50
$10.50 36x63 Anglo Persian in OO
$46.00 9x12 Hartford Wilton 335 OO
$31.00 9x12 Seamless Wilton $25. OO
$60.00 11-3x13 Ardahon $40 OO
$75.00 11-3x14-3 Ardahon $50 00
415-17 South I6th Street Payments if you wish
An Extraordinary Clearance SaleThurS"
day of 300 Women's and Misses
Tailored Suits
From the Second Floor Section
Formerly Priced $19.50, $22.50, $25.00
and Even $27.50, for
Home Eule Charter
Will Be Submitted
to People in March
The home rule charter will be submitted
to the people for approval In the month
of March, according to Mayor James C.
Dahlman, who will recommend to the
council In committee of the whole Mon
day that a special election be called for
the purpose.
"We want to have the election as aoon
as we can," said the mayor. "It will be
thirty days after wo call the election be
fore It can bo held. The exact date muat
bo determined later, but It will be aomo
time during the latter part of March.'
Police Commissioner J. J. Ryder will
ask for J100.000 bonds for Incinerator
plants at the charter election, his fellow
members on tho city commlsalon belns
willing:. It la believed no other propoal-
ttona will be allowed to bo before the
people at the charter election.
Manley Cheered at
Ad Club Banquet as
"Man of the Hour"
At the regular luncheon of the Omaha
Ad club at the Paxton hotel, Robert II.
Manley. president of the organization
and the newly elected commissioner of
the Commercial club, received & storm of
applause. Preceding the lecture, a picture
of Mr. Manley, under which was printed.
"The Man of the Hour." was thrown on
the screen, and another round of- cheers
was accompanied with a demand for a
'No matter what position I may take In
Omaha,, my Interest In the affairs of tho
Ad club will not be diminished." said Mr.
Manley, "At the prcaent time, I havo
no policies In regard to tho commis
sioner's work to outline."
Despondent because of a quarrel with j
her husband. Mrs. Ethel Sparka, S13
North Nineteenth street, attempted aulcIJa I
by taking a vial of bichloride of mercury.
She waited until her husband returned,
and Just as he entered the door of tfietr
apartments swallowed the poison. A call
was -sent to the police ahd the woman
was given medical attention . by Police
Surgeon Harris. She Is In a critical con
The "Mischief Qnartct" and Its
Each year the month of January num. j
bers Its Hat of victims from influenza.
lo grippe, bronchitis and pneumonia. La
grippe cougha aerloualy weaken the sys
tem and when they hang on, are a sign
of general debility. The uae of Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound will promptly
check the cough, heal the Inflamed air I
passages, preventing the development of
la gTlppe to a more serious condition.
Keep it on hand. Contains no opiates. For
sale by all dealers everywhere. Adver
96.00, 3.00 and $10.00 Cr.P. da Colntj
ana -laii.ia waists, oniy
The Store for eeatUwosaa."
1613 Tars am ci.
fssssVsv K
THREE HUNDRED of them, but they are certain to go out
in.a hurry after the doors open Thursday morning. Every
suit is positively this season's latest model absolutely stylish,
arid dependable in every' detail in fabric, fit and style.
. Stilts that havo been tho best selling numbers of our
second floor at $10.50 to $27.50, transferred to this big
Clearing IIouso Basement Salesroom for a quick clear
ance, Thursday, at 38.95
All the most desirable materials are inoluded, such aa
Serges, Whipcords, Diagonals, Broadcloths, Mannish. Suitings,
etc., in black, brown, navy, novelty checks, diagonal stripe mix
tures, etc. A sale without question the most important of its
kind offered the women of Omaha for a long time,
Orkin Bros. 16th and Harney Sta.
TT AVE you formed
n the California
habit? If not, be
gin now. Go to
California where it
is Summer all
Winter long and
where you may
enjoy outdoor
sports every day
in the year instead
of being cooped up one-third of the time.
Travel in comfort and in pleasant com
pany by selecting .
Union Pacific
Protected by automatic electric block safety signals.
Five splendidly equipped trains to California
every day.
For California literature and information about train
service, reservations, etc., apply to
fa i
L. BEINDORFF, City Ptss'r and Ticket Agt.
1324 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Phono Douglas 334
mmw.m a 1
travel about looking for work let
The Bee do the traveling for you!