TIIE BEE OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, JANUABY 14, 1914. 8 f' Society 0' By MELLIFIOIA. Tuesday, January 13, 1914. NE of the largest and most fashionable audiences ot the season as- sombled Monday evening at the Auditorium to hear the Melba Kubllek concert Tho women In the boxes were beautifully gowned, and Madame Melba, tho "Queen of Song," woro an cxquUlto concert gown of the lightest shade of American Beauty rose chiffon crepe, richly brocaded tn irnirl. rirnnetl with slashed skirt at the side and a pointed train. Tho low neck was outlined with black and white tulle. A large, black velvet fleur de lis was at one side ot the corsage, and from this fell a sash end of black tulle finished with a tassel of gold beads. She woro a scarf of whlto Illusion, also finished with the gold bead tassel. In her hair was a tall, black stick-up, worn at the. front of Uie head, tho ornament a semi-band ot brilliants. When not carrying music, she held a small, black fan. A beautiful diamond necklace with large lavaller set with diamonds comploted tho attractive costume. Informal Luncheons. ' Mrs. Louis Bradford entertained a few friends Informally at luncheon today at her apartments at the Beaton In honor,of SUss Hanscom and Mlaa France of New Torlc, guests of Mrs. John U' Kennedy. Mrs. Edgar Scott waa'hostcas at an In formal luncheon today at her home, com plimentary to Mrs. Hugh Weed of St. Ixmls. who ta visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Potter. . Guest from Ohio. Mrs. c)le lltbner of Canton,, Ohio, is on of the popular visitors In the city. Mra. Cyrua Tyaon entertains at dinner In her honor thla . eventmr, . Mra. Cluy Meyers, luncheon and kenalneton on 'Wednesday; Mrs. Klston It. Dpojcy. luncheon on Thursday. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Hlbner will' entertain at un Orpheum party. Mrs. Tyson's dinner Kuests aro Meadomca Ole Hlbner,- Guy Meyers, Con rad Moose, George- Kchllle, Klston Dooley and Mlas Eleanor Lown. Quest of Commercial Club. Miss Gertrude O'llclily of Dublin, , .Ire land, will bo entertained at luncheon Tuesday noon by the Lincoln Commercial club. Miss O'Reilly la a brilliant after dinner speaker and spent most of last month In Omaha. Recent Parties. Miss Irene Coyne entertained a number 1 of her friends Saturday evening at her homo. The guests were: BANK HEARING AT LINCOLN Secretaries McAdoo and Houston to Be There Saturday. OMAHA IS NOT INCLUDED Come from KntiKna City tn Lincoln ntiil Then (In (n Ueitrrr After SpenillnR Dny nt the Cniiltnl City. HENRY W. YATES WILL ADDRESS CREDIT MEN , A banquet will be given Thursday even ing at Hotel Loyal by the Omaha Associa tion of Credit Men. After the feast Henry W. Yates, president ot the Ne braska National bank will apeak on the new banking and currency act and give his views upon its effect In behalf of credits. Omnha has not been Included In the! TjflHlP.fi! SftPTftt. tO itinerary oi eccrciary ot tno Treasury sic- Each of the boxes contained a train letter addressed to Miss Brown. Miss s Brown ' was exceedingly popular among the school set, and a number of roclal affairs were given In htr honor. While attending the Omaha Central High school In 1912 she was the winner ot tho domestic science prize for the best loaf ot bread. Those at the station to se her off worn Misses' Margaret Solomon, Una Marshon, Alice Peters, Evelyn Copeland, Fern Kis sel), Viola Plorce, Helen Atkinson, Jeanette Oehrle. Bridge Club Entertained. N Mrs. ,D. ' H. Wheeler. Jr., entertained the members of pno of the Monday bridge clubs thJs week at luncheon, followed by bridge. Mrs. H. H. Baldrltfe and Mrs. F. P. Kirkcndall wero guests of tho club. Bridge Club Meets Today. Mrs. C. Y. Smith was hostess for one of the brfdge clubs today, when the" en tire membership of the club was present, Including; Adoo and Secretary of Agriculture Hous ton, who aro to hold hearings of tho ap plicants for regional banks In tho middle west, according to advices received In Omaha. aencrnl Pnsecngcr Agent Wakeley of the Burlington has been advised that the cabinet mombers will proceed from Kan sas City to Lincoln Friday night over tho Burlington and from Lincoln the party which Is hearing the applications of the different cities which want regional reserve banks Is to proceed to Denver. It. is presumed that tho hearing of the Omah.a bankers who desire a regional bank hero will be held at Lincoln. The party will travel In the private cor "National," which will be switched to a location most convenient to Secretary McAdoo and Secretary Houston during their stay in Lincoln, null road officials here have not been apprised of the route to be traveled by the official party after leaving Denver. Darken Gray Hair Bring back color, gloss and thickness with Grandma's recipe of Sage and Sulphur. Misses Grace Turner, . Alice Gibson, Katherine Nagtr, Cecelia Brennan, Evelyn Dale, Messrs. Virgil Morton, CharlM Pleraon. "William Van Noy, W. J. Miles. J. J. Burke, Misses Margaret Wilson, Pearl Wagner, Elslo Bryan, Helen Qulnn, Bose G riff en. Messrs.. , J. De Vlolette, W, Ji McNamara, J. O. Connor; Waller Chllqulat, F, Julius Tlghe. Evening Bridge; Miss Grace Morphy entertained bridge Monday evening for Miss Ina Fitz gerald, a January bride President' Taft roses were used for. decorations. Tho guests were: Mesdames Thomas H. KitsgeraM, Amos Heath. Misses Ina Fltsgerald, Margaret Fyse, Mattlo Alperson, Sophia Alperson, at Mesdames ' "Walter .Jafca Davis ' ' of Denver. " ' Misses Katherine Howland, -Marie Howland, Halllo Junes. Dianer Party. Mr. ajwj Mrs. Luther Kountro will en tertaln at dinner on Friday evening for Miss Juliet Howard of Lebanon, Ky., tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. De Forest luchards. X. X. X. Surprise. Miss Lovfna Brown was pleasantly siir prised by members ot the If. K. K.. club Monday evening as she was about to board a train for her' future home In Grenada, Mississippi. Each club member Mesdamrs Louls.C. Nash, Glenn C. Wharton. Jerome -Ma gee, i. it. jjayiB, Mesdame s W, D. Hosford, 15. T. flwobc; Ben Cotton, C. Y. Smith. . Mothers' Club Meets. The North Side Mothors' club met to day with Mrs. K. O. Ames, (hostess. A iiarjr nh thn valun nf lilrtl ittiriv vna lead by Mrs. W. T. Wherry; Mra.Trierma Kills gave a vocal solo, Mrs, Frank Jo- hansen a reading and current topics were given by Mrs, S. C. Rich. . South Side Progressive Club. Tha South Side Progressive club will entertain Wednesday evening at . their hall, Fourteenth and Castellar, The. hos tess ot the evening will be . Mosdsmes Phil McMillan. Dan McMillan, Hugh.Mc oYath, John Mlmoge, J. J. Mulvlhlll and Joe Madden. , In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mrs. Edward 8. Luce ot Lincoln was in the city, to attend the Melba-Kubellk concert. She was tho guest ot Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Jenkins. Mrs. H. F. Leonard was a guest In Lincoln last week, when she attended tho celebration ot Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Elliott's silver wedding anniversary. Mrs. F. W. Brown of Lincoln and her guest, Miss Huston of Kansas City, are spending a few days In Omaha. Mrs. U J. Hersog and daughter, Fay, returned 'to 'their home In 'IJncoln Wednesday after a two weeks' visit In Omaha. ' Personal Mention, Mrs. H F. Dlffenbaeher Is recovering slowly from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. H. A. Wolf leaves Wednesday even ing, for Philadelphia to attend the wed ding of her brother, Mr. Max Bernstein, and Miss Ida Silverman. Mr. Bernstein Omaha Pays Well . to Hear Musicians That Omaha will turn out In force for the good attractions when they come along was proven Monday, when 4- COO people rjald over J6.S00 to hear tho Melba-Kubellk combination at tho Audi torium ami the Brnndels was practically filled on tho samo evening to hear "Ths Firefly" with Emma Trentlni as tha leading woman. LIEUTENANT AND MRS. DUGAN VISITING OMAHA FRIENDS . Ppul B, pungon, lieutenant commander, United States navy, together with his wlfo and I-month-oM daughter, nro vis iting Mrs. Dunjian's brother, W. J. Mil ler, 4D02 Cass Street, whllo Mr. Dungan Is awaiting orders from Washington. In 1908 Mr. Dungun loft his Btatlon hero as recruiting officer for tho Philippines, where ho was promoted to lieutenant commander. From Manila, as a member ot Admiral Nicholson's staff, ho and his wlfo visited the orient with the Asiatic fleet and at Yokohama a daughter was born to them. Bcforo Christmas Dungan was granted a leave of absence nnd hur ried to Hastings,- where ho spent the .holidays with his parents. Tho Dungans will remain in Omaha until February, when they will likely go to New York City. A. C. HARTE IS CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNTY BOARD A. C. Harto was elected chairman of the Board of County Commissioners at Us first meeting of 1DH. Tho voto for Mm was unanimous. Ujds on printing weto opened, after which 'an adjournment was taken. Commlttoo memberships1 were left to a later meeting. Common garden sag brewed Into heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuri ant; remove every bit ot dandruff, stop scalp itching and falling hair. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, ia troublesome. An easier way la to get the ready-to-use tonic, at druc stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youth ful appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sags and Sulphur, no one can tell, because It does It so naturally, so evenly Tou just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant and you appear years you nger Advertisement Has He a Cure for Rheumatism? Dear Editor: I suffered ns only a man can suffer with rheumatism, but flnnlly was for tunate enough to find something that enabled mo to get rid of it, I believe for all time to como. A few weeks ago I made a resolution to help others all I possibly could In the future to find relief from this awful dis eases that leads to helplessness So soon. I realize that I will bo able to see very few people in person, so t am asking you to help me. If the readers of this paper will write Mr. F. II. Delano, 181 R Delano Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y., they will receive a freo package of tho samo medicine that I used. Signed. A READER. P. g. Please Insert this in some promt nont place In your paper, giving my name If you wish to. It's Rev. J. L. Manlcy. Advertisement. 7-DAY CLEARANCE SALE $40.00, 850.00 and 960.00 Srsssss and Dancing nooks. only 815.00 The HOUSE of MENAGH 1013 JPsmara Strsst, SOCIAL DANCING PARTY Every Thursday Evening Frcnzer Hall, 2Uh and Parker Streets THE JOLLY 24 Ecst Floor. Best Music 25c person. appeared at the station with a box of l is a former resident of Omaha and has homo made candy, together with a small many friends here who are Interested In persosai girt as a token ot friendship. Jme news ot me appro acmng mumaso, , SPECIAL ELECTION ORDERED iFire PrpitwH8 te Be PmeMted at Date to Be Selected. TOTE All. ISSUES OX SAME DATE Cltr EasiMeer Authorised to Ar r atie tor Construction at Via Anet Over Traeka nt Klsh r teentfa nnd William. President Walker Announces School Board Chairmen An ordinance was Introduced bcforo tho city commissioners yesterday for the special election, to be held In the near future with the date to be announced later, for vote on tho proposed city charter, the Auditorium bonds, the flOO.OOG sewer bonds, the Intersection bonds and the JlOCCeo Incinerator plant bonds. The ordinance was passed and tho election will be held sometime this spring. The ordinance is the culmination of the drafting of a new charter by a special charter convention several months ago for the purpose of presenting to tha vot lag publlo for '.endorsement It was or iginally planned to hold tho charter elec tion last. fall. . but a disagreement arose In the' fclt legal department aa to the legality of a special election for that purpose. All Issues will be yoted at tho aamejclection. The clty engineer was authorized by the council to arrange for the construction of a viaduct at William and - Eighteenth streets over the railroad tracks of tho Burlington railroad. The work on tha viaduct will be started as soon aa pos sible. The city clerk was authorises to adver tise for bids on the following: Six Are horses for the tire department: ob run about automobile for the city health de partment, to be used by the Inspector of dairies and milk: three one-horse lawn mowers for the city park department and J.COQ maps of the city ot Omaha. Blx pool hall, bonds and twenty elec trician bonds were accented. The annual report or the city legal de partment was read, accepted and ordered Dlaced on file In the city comptroller's records. The market master's report for the year of Mil was also read and ac cented ana the weekly appropriation ordinance for the payment of the laborers The PeUt Telegraph company an nounce that K had saM ths occupation tax K to 081 1 1 tod to pay tor tha quarter eniag uscesaaer w. President Walker of the Board ot Edu cation has announced his committees ot members of ths board for tho ensuing year. They aro as -follows: Buildings and grounds: E. J. Strelts, A. Burdln,' F. J. Taggart, W. A. Foster, R. F. Williams. Course of study and tex,t books: A. C. Kennedy, K. F. Leavenworth, R. . F. Williams. Finance and claims: James Richardson, Dr. li Holovtchlner, J. J. Foster. Judiciary: Dr. K. Holovtchlner, F. J, Taggart, A. C Kennedy. Supplies: W. A. Foster, A. Burdln, E, J. Strelts, James Richardson, H. F, Ieav enworth. Teachers and instruction: J. J. Foster, W. A. Foster, F. J. Taggart, James Rich. ardson. frM4rt far Cs-Mtipatlan. "My .s.vyMir usa CMasaberlala'a Tab. kta for siiinif iXim with good results ana i ta seeenaMM taem Highly1 wrttss Fa-si?. Baata. Srusfely, I. Fer saj by alt Mn. AavcrUsscaaaC In CREIGHTON GLEE CLUB BOOSTERS ORGANIZE A rousing meeting to promote the wel fare of the Cretghton Olee club was held at noon at tho loyal hotel, following a banquet by those Interested in the organ ization. Tho heads ot tho various depart ments of the university were present and addresses were delivered by Dean A. H. Whipple, Harry B. Burkley, Dr. U B. Bushman. Trios. Swift and Thos. Mc Shane. A committee for boosting the club's popularity was made up of all the- presidents ot classes at the school with James W. Martin, sophomore in the art department, as chairman. VERY woman of full figure, who wants to look considerably smaller without sacrificing: her comfort, will be delighted with this new Nemo. It does everything a corset n do to produce fashionable linee, while pro tecting the health of the wearer. The extreme in-curve at the back ! duetto the newly-patented use of the' elastic exten sions, which, being detached from the body of the corset at the inner ends (set Fig. 1, above) , permits these extensions to be laced in more closely (sea picture on Ufi) than is either possible or desirable when the elastics are attached at both ends to Uis corset. Don't you tee how this reduces the figure and makes the cortet-tkirt cling closely when you stand? Gives elastic ease when you sit or walkt Makes it impossible for corset-edge to show through? Keeps the corset from "ridingup?" AndUn't THAT what you WANT? There are two similar models: No. 327 with low bust) $0.00 No. 328 medium bust j OF FINE WHITE COUTH, SIZES 20 to 34 Greatftt Value Ever Crowded into a $3.84 Corset Introductory Sale NOW in principal stores of United States and Canada. Ask your dealer. (E-S) Apprord br tba N.roo HyxLolc-FuMon laatitnt. N.Y. Drink Hot Tea For a Bad Cold Get a small package ot Hamburg Breast Tea, or as the German folks call It, "Hamburger Brust Thee,, at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoontul of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon It, pour through a sieve and drink a tea. cup full at any time. It is the most et fective way to break a cold and cure grip, aa It opens the pores, relieving con gestion. Also loosen the bowels, thus breaking a cold at once. It Is Inexpensive and entirely vege table, therefore harmless. Advertisement. Patent Leather Boots WITH CLOTH TOPS This style is in excellent taste this season -no wardrobe being hxrdly complete without a pair of these dressy shoes. We show the natty style Illustrated to day In both patent leather and gun metal, with black- cloth tops. Excellent atyle and value combined. SPECIALLY PXIOKD FROM $3.50 to $5.00 Suede boots, la blaok, brown and taupe also black satin boots, at S5.0O a pair. S63S&.JDOUGI4U& IN THE BARGAIN SALESROOM THURSDAY M Startling Clearance Sale of 300 High Grade TAILORED SUITS From Our Second Floor Section Formerly $19.50 to 27s 50 at $6.95 SEE WINDOWS AND WEDNESDAY EVENING lATBRS FOK PARTICULARS; ;Orkin Bros. 16th and Harney.- CORNER 14th AND FARNAM SIiyi?W1FT33S HIM ill r SkV aV a.V Ml AIM CORNER 14th AND FARNAM McKenney s Methods Will Please You We have only one low price, give you the best service and guarantee it. Money back if we can't please you. SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL OFFICES AND HAVE TEETH EXAMINED FREE. Gold Crowns Bridge Work Finest 22-carat: no bet ter at any price, for. . . . that for weight, beau ty and quality lion never been excelled . $3.00 $3.00 QillfAP C!I3imrsNono bettor at any price Wonder Plates in the city or olsewbero vVv $25 and $15 values at $8.00 and $5 HOURS 8:30 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. SUNDAYS 10 to 1 Gas or Soninoformo for Painless Extracting. The McKenney Dental Co. RELIABLE DENTISTS Corner 14th and Farnaui. Over Union Pacific Ticket Office. FREE , Lady Attendants. SPEND THIS WINTER AT and play the game with added zest under her sunny sKies. Afterwards, a plunge in the match less surf; a part of the daily program. Splendid hotels one, the new million-dollar palace overlooking the Gulf provide for you every conceivable comiort ana pleasure. HOTEL C 'DAVIDiAtfSJ1, net.. -5 writ nivnr tnr information and copies of these booklets Hotel Galvez, Galveston, the Model City, or Galveston Cdtnmerclally. Address, " l Galveaton Commercial Association i Galveston, Texas. s 'I'ts 3 i When you go, travel viaihe "Katy" in nurehaslnE vour ticket to Galveston Just say "Katy" to the agent; he will un derstand. Limited trains from St. Louis and Kan sas City make the journey a short trip ot rfftliirhtful comfort via the M. K. & T. Ry. .... . . . . , . J 1 t 1,1. 1 "Katv traina' are siuouuiuiy ouuiuuvu wim electee-lighted Pullmans, steel chair cars, and dining: cars mat you wouia db conicui iu uiuo tn always. For fares or berths call on nearest railway, or- write to OSO. A. XcXUtt, S, P. A., IX. X. a T. Z.USS, 805 Walnut BU, Kansas City, Ko. w. a. at. asorir. a. v. a wcx. a t. ttn.s, at. Zionlar, Mo. u in j-ifujxn n j-i-if ,ruLrruiji i i ii u" - - - .ta ssij sasisWssssa J-J-j-C riiiriirJ- " - " mmmmmemtmmmmermmm m w " " -mmmm m mm fM"Mssa rssSisJ1(isVxruTJVJXJ' 51 THE BEE "For Sale, Miscellaneous column is a great, silent auctioneer of the newspaper world. You have but to make known what you have for sale in this column, and you will be surprised at the speed with which some bargain-hunter will swoop down upon you.