Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Wars meet Print XV Now Beacon Pre.
fclfs Ins.? Tea. Venn Mutual, aouia.
Sltctrlo Supplies Durecss.aranaen Co.
rtfleUty Storage to Van, Co. Dour. 1611
Stats Bank of Omaha. 1 yer cent paid
on time deposit!; 3 per cent paid on sav
in ca accounts. All deposits In thla bank
ore protected by the deintltors guaran
tee fund the stale ot Nebraska.
Tli raters Trnat Company confine
Itself solely to trustee nnd Investment
business and Is therefore not affected by
the ups and downs of flounce. It la ad
vantageous to estates ot whatsoever slxa
to have It named as executor or trustee.
Two Fay Disorderly Tines Charles
Sing, 13 DohkIhs street, arrested Satur
day night for conducting a disorderly
house, was ftned SIR nnd costs In police
court. Henry Slonder, 107 South Four
teenth street, arretted on n like, charge,
was taxes $35 and costs. Both fines ware
Involuntary Bankrupt Petition A. peti
tion In lnvoluntury bankruptcy has been
filed In. tho United Slates district court
against tho Fremont Carrlago company,
a corporation at Fremont, by 31osman,
Yornrlle &'Co., Oert. larobard & Co.,
and tho llufflngton "Wheel company nl
l'glnp debts duo then; aggregating
t2.W6.S6. 1
Poles Are Disappearing as a result of
rearranging cable jroutea the telephone
company has hecn cutting out polos on
"West Fornam street and stringing its
wires on supports previously used by the
Independent Telephone company. The re
:noval of th-fo!eg has also taken away
quite a few of the red, white and bluo
Lincoln highway signs.
Thr rorfalt Bonos Harry Tucket,'
11 North eighteenth street, found his
father together with a woman In his
home, and becamo so violent In his de
nunciation that the officer on the beat
entered the house and arrested the trio
for disturbing tho peace. Harry Tucker
was released on a cash bond of SO. while
the other two were given their freedom
on J10 bond. No appearance was made
In police court by the parties concerned.
New Coffee Boasting
Plant Coming Here
Omaha will be made the western dls
ti touting center of the Qerrnan-.Amerlca.ti
Coffee company, which has arranged to
build a' three-story building on the south
side of Dodge, between XT.cventn nnd
Twelfth streets, A roasting planf will bo
constructed In this new building and Im
ported coffees are to bo prepared fqr
distribution to all western cities served
by the GcrmaiVAtnirlcnn' company. The
building will bo equipped with the newest
machinery. The plans ore now being pre
pared by the company's architect.
Search for surviving volunteer officers
of the civil 'war, now. being prosecuted
throughout the country-by a national as
sociation whoso membership Is drawn
from their numbers, has been given In
Nebraska Into the chargo of Captain
William J. Ilahn of Omaha, a well known
veteran, Captain Hahn. having found
the records at Lincoln deficient, -has Is
sued a request that civil war officers
communicate with him, tho object being
the agitation of legislation for retirement
of volunteer of(lccrs.(i This so far, has
been neglected b!r'thef,BOverament'''Cap
tain Hahn's statement, follows:
"All honorably discharged oommlssloned
afflcers of the. clvjl. war w residing lu
Nebraska are. earnestly, requested t9 com
municate with William J. Hahn, 307 Mc
Cague bulldMn-f. Omaha, fdr Information
sf much importance. Uy decision of the
national association."
23 JJAYS" ;
lU'inaiknblo K x ire r i e n c o of P.
Ghgiiou. Ihtllds Up Weight
'I w ill run down to the very bottom,"
Write . F, CJegnom "I bad to iiilt work, 1
im to freak. Nov. thanks to Sargol. I look
like a new into. I gained 22 pound In tJ. dare."
"Sirgol hu put 10 poandu on me In 14 dare,"
write W. D. Roberta. "It bw nude mo altep
well, enjor whit I ate and enabled me to ork
lth Intereit and pleasure."
Btfore 1 took gtrzal people railed me
'.klnaj-,' tut n w my nemo It chanted. Mr
whole (Inure It dUfereut. niy face le clump ad
full, my bodr la etout. Have talned 11 lie.,
and am icalnlnc yet. I look like a new roan."
deelarra another gentleman who baa Jutt tin
tailed thn pergol treatment.
Would you, too, like to quickly put from 14
to MXIbrf. ut good, enlld, healthy, "stay there"
fleth, fat and muacular tltaue between jour akin
and bonee?
proi't lay It ran"t be don. Try It. lt Ul
end jou free a 0c pai-kuse ul Bargo! and prove
what It can do for you.
More than half a million thin men and
-oooirn havo xladly made tbia tet anil that
Srot doea tucrred, does make thin folka fat
even when all elte haa failed la beat proved
by the tremendoua bualneaa we havo done. No
Uraalle diet, flrali cream, maaaaze, otlt or em
ulttan. tut a almple. pleaiant. harmleaa home
treatment. Cut out the coupon and aend for
thla Kree paekajca tMay, tncloelng nnty IS' ceaia
In allaer to help pay portage, packing, etr.
Addreea The Hargol Cn.. 74-N" Herald Illdg..
ninghamlon, X Y Take Hargol with your
meal and watch It work. Thla teat will tell
'he alary.
This coupon, with lte In allver to help
pay postage, pai king, tr , and to ahow
good faith, eatltlca holder to en Ms pack
age of Barge! Free. Addreia the Sargol Co..
74-K Herald Illdg . Itlnghamton. N V
Hair Falling?
Then (top it I Stop it now ! You
can do it wtth Ayer"s Hair Vigor.
Does not color the hair.
Asb Your Doctor. LiJu"u
The folloxeing analysis of the new H is
consfn "eugenic" narrirat law has been
prepared Jot The- lite by one of Omaha'
leading physicians, who ha cartful y
studied ue lavs in question, and has
herein presented the obvious defect in the
measure, ttpcclallj those xchtch tend to
make it anxcorkablc, a tcefl an showing
tome of its inconsistencies and its unfair
ness uvm a strictlj scientific standpoint.
No bettc illustration of frctulcd or tad
law making can be cited than tho re
cently enacted amendment to the 'Wiscon
sin murritiRe law. This law provides that
"all male persons making application for
a llccnso to marry shall within fifteen
days prior to ueh application bo ex
amined as to tho existence or non-existence
of any venereal diseases." It rtir
thcr specifically states that the certifi
cate of the. physician making the exami
nation shall show "thut such a person
Is free from acquired venereal diseases
bo nearly as can be determined by phy
sical examination and the application of
recognised clinical and laboratory tests
of scientific serch.",,"Physlclan max.
Ing the examination must bo duly li
censed to practise, must be of scientific
attainments and not less than 30 yearn
of age." The fee for the examination is
fixed at t3. However, should tho appli
cant be Indigent the examination may be
made by the county physician without
As to the propriety ot u diseased per
son being permitted to marry, thereby
endangering the health und happiness ot
the other party or possible children, there
can ncarcely be two opinions, or oppo
tltlou to a prohibitive law. Indeed, pub
lic opinion Is quite ready to uphold a
law embodying feature calculated to
minimize marriages of thin kind upon
economic grounds. If no other. But euch
a law to have force, to make possible
compliance with It, must bo reasonable.
not radical, must not Involve physical
suffering and should bo equitable to both
parties concerned. Above all the right
to rharry should not be through the or
deal of fire.
"Whichever features of tho Wisconsin
law fleem unreasonable or unjust to the
laymen are Insignificant besides those
physicians can iolnt out. The -law places
every male under suspicion nnd refuses
him a license to marry until such time
as he Is proven uninfected. It' Implies
that all those -evil consequerices due to
marriages which It alma to prevent
spring from he husband.- It is a fact
that a large proportion of our men at
some time are infected, but It Is like
wise also true that considerable number
of our women are also. A majority of
men are Infected through Immorality, a
minority .from their wives from acci
dental contamination and heredity.
Women acquire infection In the same
manner aa men. Practically every Im
moral woman suffers from one ot both
venereal diseases. Unknown numbers ot
women, not generally known to be Im
moral are that in fact, and aro Infected as
a consequence. Many of these women
marry under guise of Innocence. In
numerable virtuous married women are
Infected by their husbands. Does -a law
which neglects these well-establlahod
facts In regard to women seem'- reason
able, or just, especially whan 1 remarriage
of divorcees and widows Is so: Common?
,Art Infection Djrlnl,Unlcated by. a woman
has the same consequences as that Im
parted by the man. Obviously the hur
posa q this law is not to wax senti
mental, but to enforce righteousness and
stamp out diseases through no p.-il'latlvo
measure!'. Why, therefore, exempt
women who suffer from tho same dis
eases, although In lesser numbers, from
the same examination required of men.
Sufficient violence is done the marriage
sentiment through compulsory examina
tion of men' to add more by similar ex
aminations ot women.
Another unreasonable provision .of tho
law Is that relating to tho kind of ex
aminations to be made. "Examination by
application of recognised clinical and lab
oratory tests of scientific search." In
life Insurance examinations tho word of
tho applicant in conjunction with a clin
ical examination is accepted by the com-
Such is Statement of Henry W. Yates
When Talking Currency.
General Tendency of Fntnrc Admin
istrations -Will lie to Slop All
narabllnir -vylth the Trod-
nets qf .I.nbor.
J 'Bryan by his lontt "experience In poll-!
i tics has become a very conservative man,
und will bo tho next president of the!
United States." said Henry TV. Yates,
president of the NebrasKA National bank,
old-time enemy pf the Bryan policies
back In IS??, when speaKlng before the
Philosophical society at Barlght hall yes
terday afternoon. Mr. Yates discussed
tho currency law and tho possibility of u,
reKlonul reserve bank tn Omaha. It was
during the discussion that followed Ws
talk that he urose und made the state
ments about Bryan.
During his regular discusslpn he re
ferred to tho conference held BAturday
In Omaha with Kansas City bankers who
are seeking to enlist Omaha Influence
for a regional bank In Kansas City. He
said that conference was satisfactory to
tho Omaha bankers lp that they had it
least learned that tho Kansas City men
would work against Denver as tho loca
tion for tho regional bank. He pointed
out that the only point Denver ha In Its
favor la its political Influence. He said
the Colorado senators had not satisfied
their constituents during their term In
office and would now make a desperate)
effort to square their record by getting
a regional bank for Denver.
Tho speaker repeatedly reiterated tho
statement that Omaha would win the
bank without question.
That under tho new currency system
adopted for tho United States the gold
1- tnnrl In virtu in IVin vofrlnnal tmntre
land that paper money will predorolnuto
la the opinion of Mr, Yates.
"Gold," he said, "will gravitate toward
the regional banUa until Jt will eventually
bo practically alt there. Thla will give
the banks an almost unlimited oppor.
tunlty to Issue paper money," Mr. Yates
expressed the opinion that this would bo
a favorable condition for tho country.
With tho currency bill finally enacted
:nto law. Mr. Yates raid the business man
could now go ahead with his business and
b assured that he could get money any
time that ho had the proper security to
present. ' The banker, ' ho said, "may
The Wisconsin Marriage Law
Irwin Maxwell Oregg nnd Miss Grace Margaret Knnlt. who tomorrow will be
come Wisconsin's first eugenc couple. They will be the first man and woman to
bo married under tho new eugenic law In that state, which requires that every
man entering matrimony have a physician's certificate ot good health. Mr.
Oregg Is a director at tho Young Men's
untie is an ati-arouna ainieic.
pany as sufficient for acceptance of a
risk. Tito law under consideration dis
regards tho word of honor ond practically
the physical examination In Insisting on
"laboratory tests of scientific search."
Tho scientific test, known" as the Was.
Herman test, to bo conclusive requires
examination of. tho blood by puncture of
a vein and, examination of the cerebro
spinal fluid obtained by puncture ot the
spinal membrano through tho back. Only
several examinations extending over six
months to a year or more are often re
garded as conclusive, especially where
previous Infection existed. The test for
tho other disease also may require sev
eral examinations. This meager outline
makes It clear to tho unltlated that tho
fifteen days preceding application aro too
few In just such cases which the law
alms to deter marrying (they may slip
through while under treatment, a nega
tive not being uncommon at this time), a
fact which tho law-making body should
also havo known. Furthermore a posi
tive result may be obtained In scarlet
fever and malaria, and even following
tho drinking ot alcoholics. The last type
of applicants we earnestly hope will num
ber a tew legislators amongst them. Ob
taining sufficient blood for the Wasser
man may be dismissed or trivial, but not
so spinal puncture to obtain cerebro
spinal fluid.. Dizziness, fainting, collapse
and a few dca'thi have followed It. Hurely
this law conceives In the cltlens ot Wis
consin a higher altruism than ever? mod
ern 8tdndards contemplate.
Physicians making eamlnatlons beside
being licensed to practice, must have
the scientific attainments to nuke the
tests, and be not less than 50 years of
With .no lutended disparagement to
physicians,' 'readers of The Bee will be
surprised' to learn that not more, than I
per cent of the physicians In the United
'States ' have 'cither 'the' scientific attain
ments,! or the laboratory equipment tc
do either a Wasscrmann test or other
recognized valuable tests for gonorrhoea,
and of this 1 per cont, JO per cent are
now go ahead and discount fearlessly.'"
, lit then pointed out that In the pattlnC
Into practice ot the new system there
would naturally bo some difficulties and
thaC 'l 'would take some little tlmo to
get matters adjusted so that all would
work' smoothly under the new system.
"Of course," he continued, "patience must
bo exercised In this matter. But wo. can
rest assured that the plan Is along the
lino of tho general .thought we aro pur
suing. Wo will have many progressive
administrations In tho future, -whether
they bo of tho democratic party or soma
other party. And tho general tendency
will be to prevent gambling with the
products of labor." '
J. I. Taminoslan, tail Chicago street,
who has resided In Omaha during the
last fifteen years since hA came to
Omaha nt tho tlmo ot the Transmittals
nlppl exposition as a missionary, haa an
nounced ills Intention ot transferring his
residence from this city to a 3C6-ucre
farm In Hooker county, whore ho in
tends to Install an Irrigation process of
his own In order to transform what is
called the desert ot Nebraska Into a
Veritable "Garden of Eden."
Ills farm Is located eight miles from
Whitman station on the road to Alliance
and the main line runs within two miles
of his house. He has fond anticipations
of locating another city at that point.
Hla only regret 1 that he will nut bo
able to name tho town Antloch, the city
Stomach Sour? Feel Costive, Bilious?
Take Cascarets Tonight Dime a Bo:
Tlkat awful sourness, betehlar at add
and foul gases; that pain In tho pit ot
tho stomach, th heartburn, nervousness.
hauses, bloating after eating, feeling of
fullness, dlsslnesa and afcl: h end ache,
rnaeuui your stomach Is sour your liver
1 Is torpid your bowels constipated. It
Isn't your stoauauria's fault It isn't Indl-
Cjo $mmf PRICE 10 CENTS!
vlitP Li LSCAF
Christian association, Milwaukee, and his
under SO years ot age. It almost seems
that thosa wise legislators were fearful
lest they corrupt tho young men In tho
profession or calculated to stimulate tho
older ones to greater prSflcloncy. Tho
routine laboratory work In medlclno Is
essentially done by the youngsters; the
older men devoting their tlmo cither to
research or to clinics. Moreover, clinical
medicine, and laboratory proficiency uro
not often combined in the same- individ
ual. Tho tests contemplated by the law
are such as only cperlenced and trained
bacteriologists nnd sexologists should per
form. Men following this specialty aro
located only in largo communities, there
fore our poor swain, unless he uvea In a
large city, must travol thence for his c-
amlnat'on, and is further under tho neces
sity of employing; two physicians. But
another difficulty presents Itself: the law
law specifies; that n certificate ot com
plete examination (value $25-$36), Is to be
obtained for J3. To date Wisconsin phy
sicians have refused to divide or even ac
cept the fee. Do wo wonder?
According to a provision of this same
law,, the indigent are to be examined by
tha county physicians free of charge.
Aside from the propriety ot thh state
permitting- paupers' to marry, a. right
which this law1 distinctly implies, from
what has already been sold regarding the
requirements and fewness ot serolbglsts,
a greater confidence in tho capabilities of
Its county physicians la Implied by Wis
consin than the most xcalous champion of
the medical profession would daro dream
ot ns a dlstanr futurity. It has been said
physicians were Instrumental In bringing
about the adoption of tho so-colled eu
genic law. If they were, the joke Is on
thorn, and tha burden on the citizen who
wishes to- marry. Perhaps tho placed
their faith not wisely but too well In
legislators. Equally well meaning- pro
paganda have lit other legislatures met
the same remarkable fate. The law Is
properly the laughing stock of the coun
try and unsupported by reason, logic,
science or the enlightenment of the times
can only meet repeal.
of hla birth In Syrlu. because there Is- an
other Antloch station on that lint;.
Mr. Taihinoslan haa conceived tho plan
of drilling an artesian well on the high
est point on hla farm for the purpose ot
running Irrigutlon ditches from tho res
ervoir of the well to every corner ot hla
form. Ho aUo Intends to -raise fish In
tho reservoir for sale and his own con
About thirty members of tha tfouttt
Omaha Live Htock exchange will leave
Omaha this afternoon in a special
car on the Union Pacific for Hull Luko
City, where they will attend the National
Wool Growers' association convention at
thnt city.
Monday ! afternoon a special car of
twenty-five Chicago delegates to the con
vention passed through Omaha on the
Union Pacific cn route to Salt Utko City.
Mischief (innrtct
uuil Ita
Each year the month of January num
bers ita Hat of victims from intluenia,
la grippe, bronchitis and pneumonia. La
grippe cougds seriously weaken the sys
tem and when' they hang on, aro a sign
of general debility. Tho use of Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound will promptly
check tho cough, heal tho inflamed air
passages, preventing the development of
la grippe to u more serious condition.
Keep It on hand. Contain no opiates. For
sale by all dealers everywhere. Adver
tisement. gsstlon ifa M!louma. s.nd pamUpftllaii
Try' Cascarsts; thsy swasUt) h Dloindc'.!,
remove the sour. fsrtnaMlni, food sji4
foul gases; take VHs from ilH llvf
and carry off the constipated wm! mM,
tar from tho bowW, Yhcrf your Itrmadlt
troubla Is sfidsd. A Cotatir. toalgUf
a4rsightstts you out V nwnln-.
1.5, 1914.
Question About Speaitil Taxes on
Thirtieth nnd 0 Streets,
Kraru Arrcstetl In nna WJilrh He
Hail llutnrr.l In Order tn Kind
HnniFthliiK to .iirnae
Ills lliinnrr.
With the city facing tWlolts n some Of
the funds and with tlin mayor urging !
thnt the back tax tr. Try kept out of
tho Interest und sinking fund In order to
assist the Muds, taxpayers and some city
officials tire beginning tn ask as tn the
special Improvement taxes on Thirtieth
street and on O street. It Is claimed that
nearly .O00 In duo for special tnxes on
Thirtieth street and several thousand on
O street Among the delinquents on O
street Is tho fnlon Stock yards charged
Up with K.P0O for paving. This has been
fought up to date, but tho tax Is to bo
collected, according to Assistant City At
torney S. U Winters.
Treasurer t. J. Martin stated yesterday
that ho could not recall offhand whetbe
tho Thirtieth street tux nnd the O strwt
taxes had been spread upon the hoods
yet. "I will say this much." snld Treas
urer Martin In speaking of the mutter
"It tha specials against Thirtieth street
or O street aro on the treasurer's books
they have been certified up to the county
treasurer' and the property will be kold
next July. We have certified every de
linquent tax up to the county treasurer;
that Is, every tax that Is charged on the
There is much complaint that a tnim
ber of O street property owners hJtv o
long opposed tho payment pf tho tax
after having petitioned for the Improvu
ment. Mnny of the property recdonta
on O street am snld to ber In favor of
paying their share ot tha tax. Tito stock
yards alono Is charged up with BXX) ai
Its share.
On Thirtieth street pretty nearly tho
same condition exists. The matter ban
been fought through the courts and the
city has won ovory time. In view tf tho
high taxes paid by the other taxpayers
In. tho city and because- ot tho shortness
of the city funds. It Is being u-ged by
many of the citizens that the tuxes on
theso special Improvements should bo
'spread, or If spread, that the county
treasurer should proceed to sell up tho
lIiiTvlliitt Arerngei.
Following aro tho standings ot teams
and towlcrs In the Magic City League:
Won. Uxt. Pet
Martin Tigers 37 11
Houth Omaha Ico Co 33 in
letter's Old Ago
Tho White Sox
ninchey Lads 2fi
Htock Yards National Bank 15
Culkln's Tailors IS
Uncle. Barn's Vets 8
Individual averages
Name. Ar.
Flrutone 1(3
lrltGher 112!
Wlntera ....117
How 1T
Chans lt
rWrk m
, Ham 11
I Ktnnedr 11
I Peterton lit
Thomaa 1
. Coolcy i 17 j
Km is i
Faicerberc '
Clajbourne 1U
Nolan '
Crowe 1H
1. Tanner 1U
Swltt V
Kneed 1
Uiigga 1H
txwqef 1U
lllake , Ut
llnneraoa 1M
Flticrrata ... 1TJ1
Keller 171
Ohneeors ITS
Ittcr 17
uoyl 17
fhsdd 171
Hall 174
Cireneugh 171
fCtttr' 171
lUndcork. Ul
!,tplntkl 171
McDonnell 171
Dudley .............. lit
Towle U3
Vance Ul
Culatn Ill
Hogan 14a
reaka Ill
Clark 171
Cn lf
Handatedt Ul
King .., Ul
tliern ........ . 1M Whipple ,. ill
nrttiMr tn ui l:
It. Tenner ir?t
Trtir rtrllKlnii of Today.
llev J. W. Klrkpatrlek, pastor of th
First Methodist church, delivered the
dosing sermon of the "week mf prayer"
hold by the Protestant congregations of
this city on each evening of lust week
In different Protestant churches last
evening In the Klrst Presbyterian uhurch
nt Twenty-third and J atreets. lUv. Mr.
Klrkpatrlck spoke on the subject, "What
Kind of a Ucllglon the World Needs."
Hew Mr. Klrkpatrlck brought out the
true religion of tho world today and criti
cised the hnppy.go-ltirky and slipshod
manner In which religion Is recognized
by most people of today. Ho said that
the religion ot tho world of the past and
Of today Is based on four things, rover
enco fnr tho Maker; to correct the de
formities of human nature and restore
tho dlvlno nature o( man, to Inspire and
movo man to restore religion on earth,
Nature has provided an ideal
purify your blood, keep your
and promptly relieve Constipation. Don't take a drastic Pur
gative water which drains you
listless. Take a mild, senile and
gently stimulates and effectively
Hunyadi Janets
Is a NATURAL Remedy which
lUKing on on empty Biomacn
id worn nnu ctcars tnc oowcis in a natural and gentlo
jlianncr. rcminucra
minu it is owns, anu
sunuco io accept a
Harmful, nunyadi
scriDea oy physicians
Kpiarilc Wilcox
General Insurance
Removed to 602 Omaha National Bank
building, adjoining the offices of the Stand
ard Accident Insurance Company of De
troit, Mich., which he also represents.
His Fire mid Toniadb Companies includo tho Nord,
Deutsche, Niagara, American Central and Golumhia
Underwriters. New telephone number, Douglas J 836.
Ask for
71c FmiI Driak far
. and to fit man for a glorious Immortality
I Vfttl ... mm-a-Ia
flirvix Aim, M iii'feiu, una MIVBIMJ
night at 10 o'clock In tho houso ol
Charles Dclek, Twelfth and, Jctferobn
streets, which ho had entered in a
tdarved condition to find a mtali Ho was
found n the kitchen eating a loaf of
bread when Detective Olllan reached th4
house In response to tho call ot Bclek
Two bottles, ot dope -were, found on his
porson wheat searched.
IUrIi Mchont oe.
The Junior class of tho high school
wilt havo flther a hard tlmo party or a
masqucrnda party In the near future.
Thn first examinations "will begin on
Monday, Jantmry Sfl, and will continue
through Wednesday. Morning sessions
will le hold only on theso days. The
school term will be concluded on. tho
Tho Qavel club of tho high school will
meet a week from thla coming Tuesday
evening In the Board ot Education room
of the high school. A program, will he
mado out by thn committee on that form
or business in tho early part ot thht week
Laxative Water that will
atomach and Intestines clear
and makes you feel weak an
nleasant natural laxatlvs which'
operates without bad effects.
acts within an hour or 60 after i
Vx a glass puts your Liver
mat you nave TBKCn any-
bate do not DC per-
urastic water wnich is
janos water Is pre-
an over the world.
all Aftt Odwrj are ImSto&m