THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1914. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDBD I1Y KUWAUU KOSBWATBiy virron hobswatbh. kuitok. PBB BUILP1NU. FARNAM AND 1TTU. Entered at Omaha poatottlce aa second class matltr. , TKKMS OP SUBSCltllTlON. Sunday Dec, one year - Saturday Bee, one year WJJ Dally Bee, without Sunday, one year.. 4.00 Dally Hee. and Sunday, one year 6.W USUVEHISD BY CA1UUBU. Ktenlng and Sunday Bcc, per month... Wo Kventng. without bunday. per month, ..Soc Daliy Bee, including Sunday, per rno...6;c Dally Bee, without Sunday, per month.loa Addieaa all complaints ot Irregularities In deliveries to city Clrculatloti Dept by draft, express or postal order, pjyaoie to The Bee Publishing company. Only 3-ccnt stamps raccved tn pa)nicnt ot tmall accounts. l'eisonal checks, ex cept on Omaha and eastern exchanges, not accepted. Officii B. nmahn Tho live UuiUing Kouth Omaha MIS N Street. Council Bluffs 14 North Main Street. 1. ncoln Iti Little Building. LlilcuRo-aoi Hearst Bullolng. Now york-Itoom HOC, tif Fifth Avenue, fit. lrfrtils SOJ New Bank of Commerce vhln8ton-TJ Fourteenth rit., N. W, COHlUiSPONDBNCB. Coratnunitatlons relating to news ana editorial matter should bo addressed Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. PECKMBUn C1P.CUL.AT10N. 52,148 fc'UU of Nebraska. County of Dduglas, as.: Dwlght Williams, calculation manager of The lite Publishing, company, being duly sworn, says that the average dally circulation for tho month of December, 1913. was 02. Its. DWIQUT WILMAMH, Circulation Manager. Subscribed In mv nrcatnf find nvnrn to before me this 3d dJ ot January, 1914. fScal) Notary Public. Subscriber leavlna; (he city temporarily ahoeld hare The Ben mailed to litem. Address -will be chance mu nftcn requested, From that laat ltttlo Boroorisault w deduce that Friend Weatherman lifts Hot lost all fata cunning. After all, organized baso ball is a deal llk.e the -canons ot the dra-wa, aa arbitrary proposition Jt la a prudent man who gets hlu winter coal bills paid up In full be lore the approach of tho heated season. If a cold Is nothlng'but a habit, ths cure pught to consist in morcly swearing off and sticking to tho Pledge. Omaha Just dares tho administra tion to locate a regional bank here in spite ot our naughty democratic senator. Eter Sunday this year will como much later than, it did last year. We he it wi.ll ale he different In sev eral ether respects. Tst ilt of names of men excused frewjHry tervice during the last year cojftd ans pirtjllshedla The Sea shout. )i4i lainit. . Huerta may be a smaetk talker, alt rlfkt'W JTOr ajt to Aulter 'a kit, Jttet the 'same,- yrhm the name of Paaca Villa la mentioned. William Pean must have felt that the making of money was but a means to aa end when ho exclaimed) "Seek not to be rkta, but happy," At that, tho violinist virtuoso ought to collect enough monoy on his prees agent's atory to pay tho pre mium on that ?225,000 finger Inaur ance. The latest is that "Thaw will bo waUhed," Watched by whom? Why, by$faat e-I ot lawyers, ot course dttr B4laa.aot. to let a dollar of easy money escape them. Oae Improvement club proclaims Its preference for street car exten sions to' lower" fares. It doubtless proceeds a the theory ot going after one thing at a time, and getting, both. it John kind were to become sec retary of state the handicap ot his nativity would never let him stand it the way ot Senator JImhamlowls' possible 'succession to the presidency. Even jtt that, tho Omnha rate ot ZU 1-3 cenU per 1.000 gallons is stilt (torn two to eight times tho charge for like meter Bervlce in other cities with which wo are wont to compare ourselves. A University of Nebraska professor of bugology haB roturnod from Eu rope, bringing with litm a collection of 10,000 rare bugs. It's the com mon kind of bugs, however, that bother us most. If some "little" fellows on tho bench, of whom you, may wot, had Judge McPherson'o chance they cer tainly would go after that Missouri attorney general, and' the newspapers backing htm up. -". if retention ot the State university on its present aite' is ttnassallably cor rect, why need the sponsors of this proposition fear consideration by dis interested outsiders of distinguished honor and intelligence? ffha Cf nnrihn ixrtl I r A nti w.i it considering the installation "of a motorcycle officer specially detailed to look after auto speeders. Wo have no doubt the move will prove success ful viewed sb an investment, It not a a eafety measure. ' "Omaha Is sadly in need ot reform with regard to crimes and crimi nals," ays ono ot out esteemed Juig, who doubtless has heard ot (vrai fjacrant instances ot perjury cenjnitte-a bo far with impunity right wthen -tlf ee-attoea of the caurt.bouso is which he holds court. Unmerging Union Paoifio. The distribution to Union Pacific shareholders of Its holdings of Ualtl noro & Ohio stock, popularly denom inated na the cutting of a melon, is said to have tho endorsement ot tho attorney general as a step in the un merging ordered by tho court. This distribution comes to tbo stockholder In tho nature of a division of the ns Bets, which explains why the an nouncement has had no effect on tho slock market quotations, which will reflect tho change only after tho dis tribution has been actually made. It is not improbable, however, that objections may yet bo made to this schomc, for it is pointed out that the purchase of the stock of other rail roads by the Union Pacific wns In tho first place made possible only by the issue ot convertible bonds, thus in creasing its capitalization, whlcli, howover, is not to bo reduced by this distribution. If capitalization, there fore, is an element in the road'1 financial stability, or In it basis ot rate-making, as somo still contend, thon tho whole transaction In its es sence becomes ono ot stock, watering pure arid simple, becauso the total at outstanding securities are not to bo in any way reduced. If, on tho other hand, tho Union Pacific's holdings in other roads- were disposed ot at market value, and tho proceeds used to reliro in equal amount bonds, or Qven ot preferred stock, tho capitali zation would bo cut down by that amount. Wo are accuBtomcd to refer to railroads as being stocked and bonded at so much per mile. Un morgor by tho melon-cutting route l going to leave this mileage 'figure Just whoro it Is, but with a delusive yield or smaller returns sure to bo held up to tis .to Justify a boost In rates or to combat every pubHf? do- maud ncccaltatlna tho expenditure of monoy. Why Impossible All this tulk about novernor Morehead being a candldnto for another term Is absurd, Ho promised the pcoplo he would under no circumstance, becomo a candl dnto for, or accept a nomination for, a second term. It Ik Impo'slble for him to abjuro that solomn pledge. Columbus Telegram. Though we hold no brief for Gov ernor Morehead, wo aro constrained to ask, Why "imposslblo?" What Is thero "absurd" in tho Idea that tho governor, llko his predecessors, should covet tho endorsement ot bid official record which n ro-eloctlon In construed to bo? Wo onco had a president who solemnly proclaimed he would not again bo a candidate, and Brother Howard Would doubtless have said It was "Imposslblo" for him to: run again, hnl he did run. Wo now have a; president elected on a kUfeir,,, Jn htcki h, acquiesced,, de claring apalnstT the 'principle Tof nt&n ikuLitfi terwT But will Irother Howard have the UaxdlhPQd. AP.say that tho thought of President. Wilson succeeding himself is "absurd," and Ills candidacy for re-election "impos sible"? Oh, noP Governors and presidents enjoy the woman's right to change their minds as otton as thoy sco fit. The New Express latcs. Tho decision ot the express com panies to test the new rates effective February 1 by full and free compli ance rathor than Uy litigation, whllo gratifying, is also a presumption ot their fairness and tho conviction on tho part of tho oxprcss pcoplo that they can carry on a remunerative; business under them. "'Ono thins that ihakea tho test moro Bovere than H would-otherwise have been," ob serves tho Journal ot Commerce, "is the parcel post system recently estab lished, and extended," Indeed, and It may well bo bo-, ltovod that but. for tho parcel post, .by which tho malls now carry up to twenty pounds for all distancos and up to fifty pounds within restricted areas, the express compaulcs would bo fighting to the last ditch to avoid compliance with tho commission's rate schedule. Nothing but tho par col post has brought the oxprcss com panies to time In this matter. Thoy are now in a position where. Instead of monopolizing tho Hold, thoy have to compcto for tho business and the celerity with which tho change ot at titude lias been brought about Is the best tribute to the Judgment of thoso who, for years, urged tho Inaugura tion of parcel post by the govern ment. Tho Uar association inquiry com mtttee goes out of Its' way in its re port to tell how many negroes havu been listed for Jury service. It does not enumerato tlto number ot Ital tans, Greeks, bankers, carpenters, Catholics or Christian Scientists. Tha Inference it.conveys is that'tho color of a man's Bkn hus something to do with his qualification as a juror, What do solt-rospectlng negroes think of that? , In presenting Its claims tor a regional reserve bank Kansas City announces that bankers from Ne braska, Wyoming, the Dakotas and other western states aro pulling for it. Yet Nebraska, Wyoming and the Dakotas is mora Omaha territory than Kansas City, Do our business men and bankers catch the full force of this? Mr. Bryan told an audience that ho suffers from stage fright. Pob ribly, but he recovers, undoubtedly. la tlmo to recelP.t for his share of the proceeds. looking JJacWar commits rsoM arx ri us F .IANUAIXV 13. Thirty Years Ago The nnnuai election of the Omaha Nail works resulted us follows; W. A. Pnxton. president; James Crrlghton, vice president; John AV. Latter, secretary- treasurers John A. Crelghton, John A. Mc-Shane, additional directors. iV very enjoyable hop was given by the army officers at' Fort Omaha I ant evening, attended by a large number of young people from the city. Tho commissioners appointed to assets damages on the line ot tho belt railroad appraised tho value of tots C, 7 and 8, In block S at a total ot JIl.WO. O. If. flordon left for New York on a business trip. A number of Tlattsmouth people were In the city today proving up their tree claims. They say they are 'obliged to como hero because PlatUmouth In not In the district The polo contest got out onother large crowd, who witnessed an exciting game, Tyler & Co. have opened tip an offlco as expert bookkeepers and accountants at 1K0 Farnam rtreet, nt tho same loca tion with V, Boyer & Co, Dr. Anna Benson nnnouncos that she Is located at 1113 Dodge, whero she Is to make a specialty of the practice of diseases of women. Twenty Years Ago These two teams were selected from the college boys and Omaha Guard, re spectively, for a game of Indoor foot ball at 'the armory soon: College boys, O. I Thomas, J. W, Broatch, A. "W. Jeffcrls, U I. Abbott, Harry Lyman, Randall Brown and A. I.. Jones; Guards, Charles Wilson, Purvis, Clark, McKell, Willis, Young and Plxley. Knemlcs of Mayor Bemls and dis gruntled politicians who had been threatening to file Impeachment charges against him had stnged their attack for midnight, but that ominous hour came and went with nothing doing, as the mayor might have said In his classic way, "Twelve o'clock and all Is well." Tom Foley had an encounter with two thugs at Twentieth and Douglas streets as he was going from his homo at 2318 Pouglas downtown at night. Passing a pile ot lumber at the new Omaha club building, he waa suddenly confronted by two footpads, demanding his cash. Tom thought ho had a right to his cash him self and so struck off down Douglas Rtreet at a lively clip, escaping safely, nono the worse for his frugality. Joe Mlk was 'elected president of the Tel Jed Sokol, tho leading Bohemian s8- clety of tho city. Ten Years Alto Tho Commercial club held Its annual election, choosing sixty directors out of a list of 120 candidates, tho election board consisting of V. D. Milter, C. D. Thomp son, II. K. Burkot, O. D. Klpllngcr, II. J. Penfold, E. A, Benson. N. A. Kuhn. Nathan Merrlam, chairman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Borreson, 2437 Harney street, t ftihtly 'concluded- that then" son Chris J. Borreson, must havo perished In the Iroquois theater fire. Xor. they, had heard nothing of him since that holo canst and a little while before received a letter in which ho said be Intended to see "The Bluebeard," that play, at the llicbter . when the (f Iro occurred. Chris Borreson was a pressman who had' left Omaha In tbo previous July to work at his trade, In, Chicago, An organisation,' ostensibly of, a char itable character, waa perfected at the Commercial club under tho name of la ternatlonut Chrlstlnn Institute with these 6fflcers! President, Dr, W. O. Henry; Vice president, T. C. Havens; secretary, K. A. Porter; treasurer, A. C. Kennedy; general manager, C. F. Ilobel. The oh Joct of tho Institute was announced to be centralizing the charitable work ot the tlty. A payment ot S10.G00 was to bo made toward tho purchase price ot tho pellona hotel building as the homo ot the Institute. i Iteports In railroad circles had It that l:vcrtt Buckingham waa sura of the gen. $rnl managership of the Union Pacific, Vacated by tliQ resignation of Edward Dickinson. Mr. Buckingham was general Superintendent. People and Events All is not lost, fellers! A New York court rules that a man has the exclu sive right to his, own , face. I A near or distant vision of a flaming i red tircktlo of Christmas tree vlntaae Is ! un unfailing sign of spondylothorupy go-1 Ing to seed. Twenty-four thousand persons lnvolun .tarlly Joined their ancestors In China! last year. Tho official axe did tho busi ness, it was a mighty uusy year ror .neck choppers. Announcement was made recently that Mrs. Francis Way land, whose husband was for many years dean ot tho Tale Law School, lind preseptct) to Yalo uni versity a valuable collection of Pales tinian pottery. Anthony J. Drexel Diddle, a wealthy Philadelphia banker, signalised his pres ence tn a reserved seat on the water wagon January 1, by dismantling the con tents ot his wine cellar. Lofty resolu tions and bottled temptation rarely do team work. Motormrn and conductors on the street cars ot Washington got Christmas boxes of $42.53 each and a ' letter of thanks from ' the president of the street car compuny This la the most generous handout exhibited in 'Washington since the "Wllsonian patriots hit tho pie coun ter. At the venerable age ot W, Levi P. Morton, the New York banker, and vice president under Benjamin Harrison, and Mrs. Morton, are, back in their old Wash ington home; renewing friendships with tho older residents ot the national cap ital. la trying tu outdo the sailor reputed to have a sweetheart at every port, Ferdi nand Pinny Karle of Syracuse, N. Y., ran up against trouble In Norway with an excess ot affinities. It Is mighty an noying to American genius to find lawa and customs at home and abroad inter fering with progressive matrimonial re searches. La ft month 'Mr. Sarah Bennett of Cen tralia. Wash,, sot her pension as a sol dier's widow, and with It a tidy lump ot buk pay. She had waited thlrty-on& yours for Jtt Iter husband, a veteran ot the Indian 'campaign and the cvl war. wui killed by a falling tire whllo clear ing oft his homestead on the Cowllti fiver, in US3. "Him waa left with nine small children to raise, aya the reporter. 'The children have cared ror her, bus, nou'rthelcs. the money from the gov ernment came as a great boon to her.'' Twice Told Tales Mother's Belief. Ihey were speaking of tho beautiful sex and their kindly conversation In dis cussing each other a few evenings ago, when this little Incident was recalled by Congressman Clarence B. Miller ot Min nesota! , One afternoon two young women were talking gowns, furs, grand opera and things like that, when one of them cas ually referred to a certain, Mrs, Smith. "Poor Maryl" slghfully commented tho other. "She is a perfect dear, of course, but she suffers much for her belief." "Her belief?" responded the first, ques tionably. "And what, pray, 'may that belief be?" She believes," was the soft, cooing rejoinder of, the second, "that she can wear a No. 3 shoe on a No. 6 foot " Philadelphia Bulletin. Onions Are Chenper. Mrs. Hetty Green ort her seventy-eighth birthday anniversary told a reporter that she put more faith In onions than in doc tors. An onion was her recipe for colds. coughs, Insomnia, nerves and many other maladjes. "An onion," she add,.d, "Is a better nurse, and she said one day to a popular surgeon: " 'What did you operate on Mr. Sods for?' "For W.00O, the, surgeon answered, "The young nurse smllod. '"No sho said; I mean what did he haver " 'Three thousand dollars, waa the sur- geon'B reply." New York Sun. Her Own Culler. Recently an imposing matron employed a new domestic named Norah. A couple of afternoons later sho went downtown shopping, leaving Norah in charge of the house. Norah," said the mistress, as she re moved her wraps on her return three hours later, "were there any callers while I waa out7" "YIs, ma'am," was the quiet rejoinder or Norah, "Mrs. Cassady called." "Mr. Cassadyl" wondcrlngly repeated me mistress, pausing a moment to com muno with herself. "Why, I don't know Sirs. Cassady." "Quolte lolkcly, ma'am," camo back the calm response of Norah. "OI'll Inter due yess the nlxt tolme she comes around." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Tele graph. Editorial Sittings St. Louis Globe-Democrat: With all tho muckraking, tho Red Cross remains un assailed as ono of tho brightest mani festations of Christian civilization . Boston Transcript: Still, even after the presldont leaves, Pass Christian can never hopo to sink Into that perfect oblivion whlcU has been enjoyed by Enopus. Chicago. .Bocord-Herald: With crops that were worth 10,000,000,00o 1915 was not S.U.C,J ,a, ,,.cko.nlne:. fa.".ure ,or tho farmers of this country 'oVe'ome of the pessimists were trying a few months ngo to malte ub believe It was going to be. Indianapolis News; It is reported that 21,000 and, perhaps, more people were executed In the province of Sxa Chuen. China, last year. If this ratio Is kopt up throughout tho entire country, it is believed that tho teeming millions will soon go out ot the teeming business. Cleveland Plain Dealer: Tlo "city" of OJInuga is a cluster ot adobo huts so microscopic that It dues not appear on the largest obtainable maps. But It It likely that tho "OJInagans would gladly hUvc goii'u without the fumo which Is being thrust upon tholr community. Pittsburgh Dispatch: Washington women who object because Secretary Daniels referred to them as females thould remember that tho responsibility for the fact does not rest on the tsecro tary. We aro Informed by scriptural authority that they were created that way somo 7,000 or 8,000 years ago, accord ing to the Mosaic calendar. New York World: Tho kaiser's share In the military tax, which every German with an income ot above $250 must pay, v 111 bo $1,000,000. That would seem to bo a gcod way ot making militarism un popular for everybody, Including tho monurchs who promote it. Union Pacific Melon Brooklyn Eagle: The Union Pacific melon" Is a good thine as stimulative of Wall street activities. Every such do- vclopment tends to bring tho lambs Into the market, nnd Uveness, even In specu lation, la better than deadness. When the Street Is In a state ot coma general conditions aro always regarded as none too good. New York Tjrlbune: From the point of view ot rallroud finance the whole trans action Is still open to question. In so far as bonds wcro issued to raise the money for the original purchases ot Baltimore. & Ohio, stock and of tho Southern Pa cific stock subsequently traded with the Pennsylvania for Baltimore & Ohio, the distribution ot assets now proposed leaves the Union Pacific bonded In ex cess ot its needs. Tho transaction works out thus: The road, so far as bonds are concerned, borrowed money to pay to Its stockholders, which was neither necessary nor good finance. Springfield (Mass.) Republican: No one questions the sound' financial posi tion of the Union Pacific company, but an operation such as is announced may easily mean in a few years that shippers will lie called upon to pay moro in freight rates, or tho shareholders will be forced to acept smaller dividends in order that tho company may pay the Increased In terest on new security . Issues murketed for the purpose ot making improvements, or replacing equipment, or possibly buy ing tho Central Pacific. The country will soon see tho Interstate Commerce com mission supervising the Issuance of new railroad securities, by authority of law. It Is a misfortune, perhaps, that the commission is not now empowered to supervise such an Important financial operation as the giving away of some $90,000,000 of a great railroad's. assets- Important In Its bearing upon the future financing ot tho corporation. lnf-er, Inn't It f Indianapolis News. It seems queer that congress should have to muke such elaborate arrange ments to get rid of pork barrel bills when mere personal honesty would do the Job with complete effect. Uxpcnae Bill that Need KxplnliiliiB. LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. It-To the -d- Itor of The Boe: It would be Interesting reading to have two or three members ot the normal board explain how they have expended so much money In attend ing 'board meetings, as shown: by their sworn reports. There have been but about six meetings during the last year- one at Kearney, one at Wayne and the others at Lincoln. A. L. Cavlness spent Zll In attending these meetings, although he lives at Falrbury, less than sixty miles from Lincoln. It must be he has Included the expenses Incurred In attending the numerous star chamber conferences for which members of the board haVo become famous. If he has done this or has Included any of his Junketing trips over the state, It was a -mere oversight. In asmuch as the statutes specifically state that the members shall serve without pay, but shall be reimbursed the actual expenses In attending meetings of tho board. Of course, we would not think any part of this 1211 included mileage to and from Lincoln while doing special work in the university, nor whllo attend ing conferences seeking' to oust Thomas, but we would like to know what kind ot accomodations he received at the halt dozen meetings which coat the state the sum of $211. The greater distances some others havo to travel may explain In part their largo expense bills.' But explana tions along this line would certainly be Interesting. A TAXPAYER. Jerry Truces IUm Pedigree, SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. ll-To the Ed itor of The Bee: I desire space In your great paper for a reply to an article wherein the writer calls himself "a horse doctor" over the- signature of M. J. C, Everything is revealed by time, and tho name of this horse doctor, who dies con cealed behind Initials will be revealed, Then It will be known how he obtained his shecpskln-ra word to the wise Is suf ficient. I have no quarrel with the horse doctors, but it seems by tho Irony contained in M. J. CVs article that his professional pride Is hurt; perhaps he has taken um brage at my suggestion to Senator Hitch cock that he consult with Congressman Lobeck about his classification bill now pending; requesting that Section 8 be changed wherein it calls for a raise In the horse doctors' salaries to be added to the $3,000,000 already appropriated and pro vlded for In the meat Inspection act; and in lieu thereof Insert that the packers pay the horse doctors for It is the pacK ers and not tho public who derive the benefit from the supposed inspection and that tho $3,000,000 be devoted to some government enterprise which will furnish work for the unemployed. Judging by his question M. J. C. Is very desirous of knowing my genealogy. In reply to this horse doctor let me say that my virtues are my own and my faults 1 nave uorrowca. a man s peaigreo is a very weak reed to lean upon, noverthe less blood tells and I attrlbuto my stay ing qualities against every hired scullion of tho beet trust who assails my repu tallon to tho blood that Is In me. I am of Celtic blood, and of Irish birth, not Kngllsb, but Irfsh, not Norman, but Cel tic, My name Howard, it Is true. Is Nor man, but it Is a name that has come down to me through ages from sires and grandslres that knew how to bleed and ale for freedom. I am American by adop tlon, and tho better the Irishman, tho better the American Is 'a truth that will be recognized and appreciated with the advance of knowledge. My chief occupation is keeping- tab on the beef trust and Its political tools. I am an authority on economic, questions, and that Is the reason why I recommend expending the 3,000,COO paid the horso doc tors on some government enterprise. 1 have benefited the downtrodden, oppres sed and persecuted laboring class in many ways too numerous to mention, and God permitting I shall continue to do so. Well, as to what I have done' for myself, char acter Is better than wealth. I desire to Inform this scientific expert that I am able to understand the relationship exist ing between tho horse doctors and pack ers and tho remedy I prescribe is to turn the light on these concealed reptiles. 1 presume. M. J. C. thought to curry favor with his masters by his scurrilous attack on -me, u may serve his present purpose, and It cannot hurt me, but the day is not distant when M. J, C.'s masters shall be chained and collared by tne nana or the people's government, and then M. J. C may find that It patd 111 to have sneered at the poverty of those who fought for the "new era" against the beef trusts r.nd the little men fattening in their shadow." JERRY HOWARD. Political Tips The presence ol Colonel BUI Suiter at the openltiB of the New York legislature banished the fear of the loss of another I work pt art. Governor Hiram Johnson, having de cided to stick to Ills present Job. Francis J. Heno)' hasi the California progressive field to hlmaclt as a candidate for United States senate. New York's municipal administration starts out on the theory that executives cannot talk and work at the same time and deliver tlia goods. "Work first, tall; afterward," Is the motto. party by the name of Koraker emer ges from the Bloom In OhK lone enough to remark that It the republican party want to send him back to tho United States senate he is willing- to sacrifice his private Interests to serve the dear public. O. K. Davis, secretary ot the national progressive committee, serves notice on all ' concerned In Iowa that the pro gresslves will this year put candidates! In the field for every Job in -sight, Tht proclamation was made at Des Moines, where republicans would get the first joytul thrill- A package ot Influent or grip at tempted to get on familiar terms with Uncle Joe 'Cannon at h:s oanvtlle homo on New Year's day. In thlrty-slx houn Uncle Joe had the visitor tn such a mori bund condition that It took the count. The only Joseph Is merely exercising for the fall campaign. Congressman piurdock ot Kansas has filed a progressive Jlen on the seat oc cupied by Senator Urtstow, because the latter persists In sticking to the repub lican party. Mr. Murdock follows Teddy's hat wherever it Is thrown, and hopru to win deinocratio votes In the coming contest by pledging his support to President Wilson's progressive policies. JOLLIES FROM JUDGE. "Why do thoy print Jokes in the pro gram of a muslral comedy?" "Po the an Hence will have something to laugh at." Tercy Plentvplunka I hear strango stories about how Betty treats her hus band. Marigold Malaprop Yes; they ty she kisses him In tho parlor and kicks him In the basement. ' Ted If you can't decide between your two girls, why not pick the prettier oneT New You see, my boy, the other one has the money. "They seem to have quarreled." "Yes. I am afraid their marriage has thrown them together too much." Rosemary A French actress who Is touring this country say a all men arc prevaricators. Thornton She probably Judges the en tire male set by her own press agents. Hardupp Let me havo ten, will you? Hazltt Say, does Baker know you? Hardupp No. Hazltt Then why don't you ask him? "I see n prominent New York club woman says you can do a day s house keeping In ten minutes." "Something In that. Bver notice the housemaid In a play? One swipe, ana me 'room is in order." "Our boy has such a refined sense of numor, SAVING rather than SPENDING should be the New Year's Resolution Deposit your Savings in a bank with 56 years' experience In Safeguarding the funds of its Depositors. Capital, $500,000 Surplus Fund, $1,000,000 Florida, New Orleans, Cuba, Panama, Gulf Coast Resorts AU principal resorts in tke south reached by qsSck end coa Yenient cheaa! of tho LouisTille & Naakrillo Ralkaad. Solid through trains or sleepiag can from Chicago cr St Lsuls. lfetrps a. I carta stisiaff ear serrica. Round trip tourist tickets, retara fenit June 1st, ea sale dally at redcicod fares. Greater rariety routes than any ether tine; diverse; routes to Florida if desired. Homeseekers' tickets oa s&Ie First and Third Taesder each moatfc at very low rates. V7 Attracfre Wiifer Tews U Pauu, CrAa ad Jamaica, The Most Attractive Way South l Route of the magnificent For fall particulars, rates, tickets, descriptive illui. trated booklets and sleeping car reaeTTaUen, aidre -VSjjjen ox. e, ii SMSIS! 'fliftJL WHAT'S the cure for the "cut-price" evil? Stand ardize your goods by Advertising them. Unknown articles have no fixed value. Advertised articles command their price always and all over. "Yes: I've noticed he evinces the great est dislike to anything resembling the slapstick." HIS MIDDLE NAME BOOST. Douglas Matloch. He Isn't handsome far from that, As manly beauty goes; He doesn't sport the latest hat Or up-to-datcst clothes. And yet ho is mora popular Than all the blooming roost; I And ov'rybody likes him, for His middle name is Boost. He doesn't wear the latest styles Or know the lateet fad; But he Just umllrs and smiles and smiles When things are going bad. He talks a lot, when ralnclouds pouri vi crops incy nave prouucea; He sew their 'silver lining,' for His middle name Is Boost. He makes no million bucks a year, And yet he has enough; His charity is giving cheer When things aro looking tough. Of friends he owns a plenty, more Than money has induced; Yep, ov'rybody likes him, for Ills middle name Is Boost. yo And lollv folks along. For knocking never makes a hit .When things are breaking wrong, If you should hear a kicker roar, Just bump him off tho roost And show the folks you're plugging for Your middle name Is Boost. Dude Limited, Dixie Flyer and South Atuaue umted iriuas. J P. W. MORROW, N. W. P. A. 332 Msnpett Kig Clues ro, QI. R. C. WALUS, D. P. A. 312 North St. St. Unit, Ms. Drs. Mach & Mack THE DENTISTS The largest and beat equipped dental office In Omaha. Experts la charga ot at! work, moderate prices. Porcelain fillings Just like the tooth. Alt Instru ments sterilized otter using; 3fl Zloor Vazton Block, Omaha. Xib.