TIIIO BEE; OMAHA, THrRSDAY, JANUARY 8, 114. Nebraska PARENT'S RIGHT IS UPHELD Supreme JDourt Says May Choose Course of Study in Reason. DOMESTIC SCIENCE ON GRILL Trlhnnal Unlit ( Mny Not lie Forced Upon Student Aiinlnat the W1H of the v I'nmllj-. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 7. (Speclal.)-The rleht of Parents to select the courses of stud) u, student may take In school Is up JiolU by an opinion of the supremo court In a case' Brought In Lancaster county ly C S. Kellcy, to compel Superintend ent Hunter of the Lincoln High school to reinstate his daughter, Eunice Kelley, whom .Hunter had suspended because of her refusal to take domestic science. J.u'flgo Lctton, while concurring In the opinion, says that domestic .science and Jminuat training" aro very essential parts i( ( education and should be given duo consideration, but an they ae not rre nulred In the granting of a certificate H Is not within the province of a super intendent of schools to suspend a pupil for refusal to take either. The syllabus of the court sets out: The right of p. parent to make a rca Ffrnahte selection from the prescribed course of 'studies which -hall be carried by"-'hl child In the free uubltc schools of tho state Is not limited to anv par ticular school, nor to ariy particular grade In any of such public schools. The public schools of the state are en titled ,to the -earnest and conscientious support- or every citizen. To, that end the school authorities should be upheld In the control and regulation of our chool svstem; but their power and au thority should not bo held to be un limited. They are required to exercise their authority over, and their desire to further the best Interests of their scholars, with a due regard to the na tural and legal rights of the DrmuiU of such children. And when a parent makes a reasonable seUcllon from the course of studies, which has been prescribed by the school authorities, and requests that his child may be excused from taklnc the same, tho reauest should bo granted. If the request be dented and the child Is ex- 1 ellcd or suspended for a refusal to con tinue Such study, mandamus will Ho to comrci reinsiaiement. ' Snrny Cnse Reversed. The levy of taxeB by Sarpy county upon personal property of tho Hydraulic Press Brick company, which has Its clay beds . Ailll yards In that county and which maintains headquarters" In "Douglas county, Is held Illegal by tho supreme court. The decision Is a double-header nnd In reversing tho -court In Its ruling that, Sarpy county could levy taxes upon property of the company In Douglas county also reverses the decision of the Nebraska Rheumatism-SUCCESS- Iully Overcome in the Tissues a Searching Remedy If you are down with rheumatism: If :you sneeze, feel chilled, are choked .with catarrh, have a cough, of your skip is, pimpled and Irritated with, iash, eczema, or -rmy other blood dis order just remember that all the tils of life come from Impure blood. And you can. easily give your blood a gbod thorough'. cleansing, a. .bath by using? B. S. S. There' Is no need for anyone to be despondent over the illness of blobd Impurities. No matter how badly they attack the system, or how unsightly becomes the skin, Just re member there. . Is . oris Ingredient In & S. 8. that so stimulates the- cellular tissues throughout the body that each, part, selects Its own essential nutri ment from the blood. This means that all decay, all breaking down of the tissues. Is checked and repair work begins. 8. 8. S. has such a specifics Influence on; all local cells as to preserve their mutual welfare, and afford a proper relative assistance to each other. Afore, attenlon - Is being- given to scientific medicine than ever before and" 8. 8. 8. is the highest-achievement In this Hoe. For many' yeus people tt(TM..u"poa Mercury, Iodide of Potub, Arsenic, .Prijll'e," CtuUrtlcs and "Dope" as remedies ,ror;Wood'SlckaeM, bat now. the pore rtcetible Hz p. Is tbeir stfeiusra, Yw cn set S. 8. 8. Jn ny drug store, bat lbtUt opon htvlDg ft. And jou should tike so uVnce bj permitting' anyone tp recommend a ' rnll!l(ite7 Abd If' your bloojt condition l isub "th t ou irould like to consult a' epeclallit tttflti adelmt Medical Dept. The Swift Bpeclnj CO.,; 1 court which held that Douglas county could not levy on the personal property of the company In tho latter county. Tho syllabus reads: Where a foreign corporation had Its principal place of business In the c.ty ot Omaha, in the county ot1 Douglas, but owned clay 'beds nnd a brickyard In tho county ot Sarpy, where It was engaged In the manufacture of brick, and the county of Sarpy levied a tax against tho personal property of the corporation In Douglas county for the year 1910 which was paid by tho corporation for the year J9I0. and the county of Douglas also levied a tax against the same property Tor the same year which was paid by the corporation. It Is held that the levy of ta.x b.y "Py. count' upon personal property In Douglas county was Illegal' and that a Judgment sustaining- the levy illiVf". ta? hould be reversed; also held that a Judgment of the district court iS?.!"5!18 cou"ty overruling the right "? 00.l!nt.y 10 Ievy a u upn th property In that county should bo rc- erseu. Judgment Set Aside. Judgment of the district court ot Douglas county secured by Anna Schmidt against the Williamsburg City Fire In surance company, In the sum of tS44.!W. for Insurance carried on a rooming house In South Omaha partially destroyed by fire whUe unoccupied; was reversed by the supreme court on tho irrnunri thnt the Insurance company had not been notl- nca ot tne vacation of the property. nesclndlnir Cnnlrnrl. One who .seeks to rescind a contract must rescind the whole contract, ncmr.1. ing to an opinion of tho supreme court in a case brought n the Vallev nmmiv district court by John S. and August K. Colllson, against John L. Ileam. to com; v. me iutr to return to them thirty- inree snares or stock In a flouring mill, owned by them at Ord and which had ucen assigned to Ileam with a like amount to another person named Wright, m exenango ror stock in a washing ma fiium company, owneil ' hv Itonm wngnt. At the time of the transfer. Wriirht. who was a practical miller, took chamn 01 me ura mill and made It a success and no action Is luken to recover tho mock transferred to Wrlcht. The nlnm tiffs set out that the washing machlno company was In debt and tho stock valueless, therefore they ask for the re turn df Ream's stock In the mill. Ti.n uismct court of Valley county held in ravor Of the former owners of the mill, but tho supremo court reverses the Judg- mem on mo ground that tho contract ir rescinded at all It must be as a. whole. DIFFICULT TO SECURE . JURY IN FLEGE CASE e .. - - - I s f TENDER, Neb., Jan. 7,-(8pcclal Tcle- graml) The Flego trial Is progressing slowly. Court adjourtied In mld-aftor-noon on account of having no more tales men. Tho regular panel of twenty tales men and thirty-five others has been ex amined. Tho stato still has six challenges and tho defense two. The defense ac cepted the Jury two different time this forenoon, but the state was not satis" fled. Examination of talesmen will be resumed tomorrow morning. GUARD INSPECTION STILL ORDER OF THE DAY Nebraska, BRYAN LUNCHES AT MANSION Contrrcjiman Majruire and Bishop Tihen Also Governor's Guests. SOME POLITICS IS TALKED Lincoln Memorial Statue Will Ap. pear n Plctnre mi rnntnt Cnr tin Stone finny Vnlnlnn; Phone System nt York. 801 Bwift Uldg., Atlanta, Qa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, " Jan. 7.-(8pcclal.)-tiehcra( order No, 2 Is being sent out by Adju tant' General Hall' calling attention of, th.0 guard to" trie annUal'lnspectlOn of tho' companies by tho government. Lieuten ant W. C. Broil. United States' Infantry, has been designated as the government Inspector and the dates for Inspection aro as follows: Company B. Fifth Infantry, Nebraska City, Tuesday, January 20, 1914. Company D, Fifth Infantry, Auburn, Wednesday, January 21. Company C. Fifth Infantry, Beatrice, Thursday, January 22. Company F, Fifty Infantry, Wymore, Friday, January 23. Band, Fifth Infantry, Brunlng, Satur- . uay, January zt. Company E, Fifth Infantry, Davenport, I Monday January 26. Company H, Fifth Infantry, Fairfield, Tuesday, January 27. I Company O. Fifth Infantry, Hastings. Wednesday, January 28. Company K, Fifth Infantry, Blue Hill, 1 Thursday, January 23. I Company M, Fifth Infantry, Holdrege, rrioay, January M. Company L, Fifth Infantry. Alma, Sat urday, January 31. Company I. Fifth Infantry, Beaver City, llonday, Fehruary 2. Company I Fourth Infantry. Kearney, Wednesday, February 4. - Company I, Fourth Infantry. Kearney, Wednesday, February 4. Company I, Fourth Infantry, Broken Bow, Thursday, February S. Headquarters Fifth Infantry, St. Paul, Monday, February 9. Company F. Fourth Infantry. Ord. 1 Tuesdny. Fehrus.ry 10. , Company M. Fourth Infantry, York, J Wednesday, February 11. I Company K.- Fourth Infantry, Osceola, , Thursday, February 12. Company E, Fourth Infantry, Schuyler, I MnniliLV. Whrunrv Ifi. 1 Brigade headquarters, Fullerton, Tues-1 dav. February it. Headquarters Fourth Infantry. Stan ton. Thursday, February 19. 1 Company Q, Fourth Infantry, Stanton, 'inursaay. eoruary j. Companies A, D. C, D and band; Fourth infantry, Omaha. Friday and Sat urday, February 20 and 21. Company A, FJfth Infantry, Lincoln, Monday, February 23. State arsenal, ' Lincoln. Tuesday, Feb- (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan.- 7. (Special.) Secretary of State Bryan, Congressman John Ma gulrc, Charles Bryan. Private Secretary A. M. Morrlsscy, Food Commissioner Hnrman and Bishop Tlhen ot tho Cath ollc church took luncheon at the execu tive mansion with Governor John It. Morehead at noon today. It 1b under stood that the political situation was. dis cussed. Fame of Lincoln Nhnft. A letter received by F. M. Hall of the Abraham Lincoln monument committee has been referred to Secretary of State Walt, asking that the Chicago Art In stitute bo allowed to sell postal cord Pictures of the Lincoln monument on the state house grounds In Lincoln. The In quiry comes from William M. It. French of the Institute, a brother of Sculptor French, vho mado the monument and a model of which stands at the head of tho stairway In the Art Institute In Chicago. Mr. Walt has written them that they may sell the pictures If Nebraska and Lincoln are given credit for. the monument, 'nne'n Work ( omen IIIrIi. John Stfine. the expert engineer who has been eniployed by the York telephone plant, has sont In a bill so far for thirty days' work at 23 a day. with expenses, and W a day for. a man who Is acting as his assistant. Tho whole bill amounts to M.023.C4. Ilnll In Itenr Complaint. Railway Commissioner Thomas Hall will go to Albion tomorrow to hold a hearing oh the application of Ocorgo II. Outru of NewmaJi drove for Increased passenger service 6n the Northwestern on the Albion brand! between . Scrlbnor and Oakdale. Tho hearing will also Include, jno application made by Mr. Qutru. for track weighing scales at Albion on the transfer track between tho Northwestern and Union Pacific railroads. Child Lnlior. Monday. State Superintendent Deliell Is sending out" letters to superintendents of schools calling attention to the proclamation ot tho secretary of the national child labor committee, setting aside Sunday, Janu ary 25, as child labor day In the churches, nnd suggesting the following Monday as a proper day for the observance of the day In the schools of the state. Store "The flttk. The One Clothing Stile That Begets Confidence OUR HALF-YEARLY CLEARANCE SALE jHrj Quality Suits tv and Ovorco&ts honestly reduced to . You tavt S3 00 $12 Quality Sulfa and Overcoats honestly reduced to . , You $ava $3 00 Si We've attained success by honest mere h a n d i s irtg. The knowing men of this community are this store's best patrons. Step in any hour of tho day and soo tho class of well dressed men and young men who arc buying clothes nt (his-great sale, with tho same con fidence as they would nt tho open ing of tho season. Not a Single Suit or Overcoat Reserved Our basohibnt nnd upper floors nro not heaped high with tho choicest garmonts of our stock which has boon withdrawn during tho enlo porlod, lloro ovory wintor suit or ovorcout rocs Into tbls gront nalo, you tnko your unrestricted choice ot tho houao nt thoso honest, generous price reductions. $15 Quality Suits and Overcoats Honestly reduced to . . . Yoa tat S4.00 1 Quality Suits T0St Overcoats -J honest) reduced to . M Voti law $5 00 1 ai" Quality Suits T ta Overcoats VP honestly reduced to . You lave S6 00 Quality Suits p wmmm ?L m Overcoats honestly reduced to . . I Jm Yu Saw S8 00 , " 4ft Quality Suits i Overcoats honestly reduced to You mm $9 00 t'iC Quality Suits. Overcoats?' honestly reduced to Yoki tava Sit 00 Quality Suits 0. Wffl) Overcoats V honestly reduced to You ism $12 Holdrege Woodmen Want New Officers HOLDrtEQE. Neb.. Jan. 7.-fSneclal Telegram.) Holdrege camp, No. 41S, Mod ern Woodmen of America, held a meeting last night, attended by delegations from surrounding camps. The. new officers Vere installed, with ' Senator Frank A. Denn as Installing officer. Dr. James V. Beghtol ot Hastings, president of the Modern Woodmen of America Federation. made an address on the present Issues In Woodcraft. After his address tho fol lowing resolution was unanimously adopted, with tho exception of one vote. flerolved. That It Is the sense of Hol drege camp, No. 448. Modern Woodmen of America, and Visiting neighbors, that we heartily endorse the work done by our Insurgent state committee In defeating the Chicago rate bill, and we further be llcvo that confidence cannot be restored In our order under the present manage ment. We therefbre favor the election of a new set of head officers at the next head camp meeting at Toledo, O., In 1914. Insurance Case Is Set for April (From a Staff Correspondent.) UNCOIjN. Jan. 7,-(8peclal.)-Notlce was given, by tho supreme court ths marnlng that April 10 had been set as tho day for hearing the application of State Auditor Howard for a hearing In the quo warranto proceedings, brought by htm to test the right of the new In' suranco board to take from his Jurlsdlc tlon the insurance depart of tho state without first giving him a hearing In the application of tho board for a writ of mandamus granted, ordering the auditor b 'tilrn' over to" the now board tho equip ment and property of tho Insurance de partment. $175 Buys a Brand New Schmoller & Mueller Piano Guaranteed for 25 Yean Sold on Terms of $5 Down, $1 Per Week. FREE STOIL! FREE SCARF ! FREE LIFE INSIRANCE! We are makers of (the sweet toned Schmoller & Mueller Piano, and are demonstrating to the American people that a hitrh class , Piano can' be. made to sell at $175 by eliminating the excessive profits of the middleman. Investigate our Piano. "We have several styles. Ixok into our selling plan. Qet a price on the Btyle you prefer. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 13X143 Farnam Street, Omaha. 54 Yeara of Honest Dealing; With the Public ( From a' Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 7.-(Speclal.)-All In spectors ot the pure food department with those of the weights and measures department and the olid Inspectors held I their .quarterly meeting this morning at the office or Food commissioner llarmu.r In -the .evening -a banquet was held at the Mndclt hotel, In which the office force In the pure food department -witn Governor Morehead and his executive family, Prof. Condra and wlfo and the state bovine reporters, wero Invited. An addres was made by Governor More head and also one by pr, Condra In Tthlch'he talked of the work of conserva tion and Its relation to the departments In charge of Mr .Harmon. FOOD INSPECTORS MEET TO TALK OF THEIR WORK "Cascarets" Cleanse Liver And Bowels Cure filcjt Headache, Constipation, JllUoUnness, Sour Stomncli, Hud Ureath Candy Cathartic, i . Get a 10-cent.box now. Are you keeping your liver, stomach nnd bowels clean, pure and fresh with Cascareta or merely torclng a passage way every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? This la important. Cascareta Immediately cleanse the stomach, remove tho sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the aystem the constipated wtste matter and poison In the bowels. 1 No odds how sick, headachy, bilious and constipated you feel, a Cascaret to n'ghl wilt straighten you out by morn ing. They work while you sleep, A 19 ccnt box from your druggist will keep your head clear, stomach sweet and ' your liver lind bowels regular for months, 1 Don't forgot the children the. r little Intli'es need u tf'entle cl'un.lng, too. -AUveitlsement. I llring the l,ndlcH With You. They'll Appreciate Our lleflncd Store Service. KING-PECK CO. Compare tho Clothing Values Shown In tho Different Windows Ahotit Ton, HOME OF QUALITY CLOTHES" . HlATEKNTIl, AT JiOVAH!) Unidentified Man ., Throws Himself in Front of a Train 'NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Jan. 7.--iSpirclal Telegram.) This morning Hur llngton train from hero wan ono mile weqt of Palmyra when an unidentified man ran from one sldo of tho track nhd tlifjw himself In front ot tho engine. Ho wbh badly crushed. ' There wan nothing In his clothing to iSrdve his Identity. i I Notes from Beatrice and Gage County 'BEATRICES, Neb., Jan. 7.-(SpeclaI.)- pounty Attorney Cobbcy on Tuesday brought action In th'e county court against Lewi N. and Katlo C. Miller. oVfners and managers of tho Tournlln hotel at Wymtore, nllcglng that they li&i'ft failed to comply with tho law In regard to'Placlng'Iron fire escapes on the hbtfel building, although on May 29, last, they werV notltled by Phillip F. Ackermiui, deputy hotel commissioner. Tho warrants Were served and tho caso will be callccl at'once. 'County Treasurer Hevclone. was Tues day elected president of the Farmers' and Merchants' bank at Wymore.' Thn oifier officers elected were: W. A. Daw sbn vice president; cashier, J. V. llalder ihan; directors, Julius. Noumon, E. N. Kaufman, J. P. Haldorman, E. L. llevo lone and W. A. Dawson. Mr. Helelotiels connection with the bank will In no way lptrfero with ' his duties as county iri-nsurer. tThe Modern Woodmen of this city wjll holt a rally and booster day celebration In, this city on Thursduy, January 2i Head Consul A, R. Talbot expects" 'to attend the meeting . ' Jdeorgs Matthews of tho Holmesvlll vicinity died ituddenly. Tuesday morning, Og.td 84 years. Mr. Matthews was a natlVq jf! England, and for the last few years ijad been blind. Funeral services will bu hel(d Thursday at It olock f rom tho Oretheran clfurclt.'neiir.HolitiesvllIc. Tphlef 'Deputy uhme WardcW Iteuterbach Wljl visit Deatrleo In a few days for the purpose of Investigating complaints mado .concerning the death of. fish In the Hide river, which Is said to be caused from the refuse from the city gas plant. ,Fnrm Demonstrator' -I.lehers wos called to .the farm t)t Mrs. Clausen, west of till city Tuesday, where he,,.iound 4hat twenty-four head of . hogsjjvere Infected with cholera. Ho vaccinated all of tllcm with tho hope of saving the herd. " , NntM fr'Mn Oxford. .OXFORD. Neb., Jan. 7,-(8peclal.)-Mrs. Orij Oreer, the eighth grade teacher, was granted a leave of absence by the school board this week. On account of Itl health It became necessary for her to have a slirglcal operation and she left for St. Jopeph, Mo., to enter a hosp'ltal there. Mrs. C, E. Shcffry Is acting as her sub stitute. , "Miss nanhle Tulley of the University qf 'Nebraska was employed by tho .school bprd to give Instruction In elocution, ono day each week for a term of three months. ; With, the mild weather of the lastifow days the snow s rapidly disappearing a fid the Ice In the river thawing quite tabidly. i XVnvn Will Ilnvn lloxpltnl. ,YOIK. Neb.. Jan.. 7,MSpecIul.)-There was a meeting of the movers In the In terrst of the Gernfan Lutheran hospital atrWaco yesterday afternoon,' Tho coun ties interested n tno tnovo aro Howard, 1blk, Hamilton and York. A great deal J' Interest Is being taken, not only by the church people In the four counties, but the business men, especially In York, There has been enough stock taken ot this time to assure the building ot tho hpVpltal. Tho building will cost JW.OOn. vvjirk win commence not later inun May 1. R; Polk, January srt, April 21 and'Octoticr C; York, February 9, May 4 and Novem ber 9; llutler, Fobruary D, May 6 and November 9i Seward, March 2 May 18 end November SO: Saunders, March 2, May 18 nnd November 30. Equity cases nro set for trial tho flrBt week, of each term. Jury trials commence with tho sec ond week. Jliimlinldt Hospital l'Mlent. HUMHOLDT, Neb., Jan. 7.-(Spoclal.)'T James Fldcrmutr, who was In a hospital at Ht, Joseph, Mo., for an operation for appendicitis, returned home Monday. Tho operation was entirely succcsiiful and he Is getting along nicely. Iloyd Relo left Humboldt Monday far St. Joseph, Mo., where he will undergo an operation for appendicitis. Lew dree it was a passenger to' fit. Jo scph, Mo., Tuesday, where he will un dergo an operation. (lamp HuprrrlHiti- Ousted. nKATlUCE, Neb., Jan. 7.-(Mpeclal Tcl cgTrant.) Tho Hoard oil BupeVvlsors ye terdny voted to oust Ham -Drown as il member of tho board from district No. 2 because they held that his removal to Deatrlce from Plckrell a few weeks ago disqualified him to hold office. Drown Fays that his family lives here, but that ho still retains his residence on 'his farm In thn district, lib proposes to fight the case. FARMERS' ELEVATOR COMPANY ISPR0SPER0US LINDSAY, Nott,, Jan. 7.-(Bpeclal.)-At tho annual moettilg ot tho Farmers' Ele vator association ' Henry llelrmnh was elected to succeed himself ' and WlUldm Koutonbach to succeed Hrfhry Bebadter on the aboard ot directors. Tho. man ager reported the sum of tSC3.CC on hand, which it was decided to retain In the treasury. The association bought the dum ber yard. In connection with lt elevator. Tho old mannger, John Uorer, was elected ugajn as, manager nt a salary ot $175 par month, ho to furnish his own help. t Tho concern has grown from the start about six years hko until the last year It shipped, out HQ carloads ot grain and live stock, or almost as much as Its competitors combined, , Ntlll UrKf New Hciionl, OllIOWA, Neb., Jan. 7.-(Bpcclal,)-Slnco the school bond question fa!ldt.a$ the special election 'last Friday, thoje persons favoring tho proposition are stirring up renewed Interest In the Issjlfc nnd expect finally to win out. The women' seem to. bo strongly In favor ot putting up another structure. One Bargeload of Coal Shows Overrun of 24 Per Centum Irrlitnflon Iloniln Lost. CUIillERTSON. Neb., Jan. 7.-(Spoctal Telegram.) An election for reservoir bonds of tho Frenchman valley Irrigation district was hold todny. Tho vote for ;tho bonds was, 21 for; against. 41. I'yihtniiH Inntnll Officers. RCHUYLER, Neb., Jan. 7.-(Spcclal.)-Pallaa lodgo No. 110. Knights of Pythias. Monday evening Installed the following officers tor! the ycafiian: W. Jlbeh Fletcher. C.C.; 1S1 V. Vrzak, V. C! cv. E. A. Mooro, P.? D. 8. Conrad, M. Of Vf ; W. R. Davis, K. n. C. nnd M. F: Hairy Crosby, M. A.) Otto Zuelov, M. E.f F. E. Dudek. I.' Q! I. W. Funk, O. a. f'nnstliintlnn pfilnpn Ynn. Dr. King's New Life Tills regulate! your bowels, prevents constipation and stimulates thj liver lo. healthy action. 259. All druggists Advertisement. Tho raisistent and Judicious Use il Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to DUBlness Success With the Price of Meat arid Eggs Soaring It's worth white to consider tho doublo advahiage ooonomy and health of using - . . cereal food. . . . , . 1. Wheat and -barley are rich in Nature'3 nutriment, arid there's substantial evidence that cereals give oho greater endurance than meat, UOTH GA1KKD Stan and Wife Tbrlva on Grape-Huts. Grape Nuts FOOD t'ourt DHtr In Klftli nixlrltt. 'YOItlC, Nvb., Jan. 7.-(Bpecial.) Terms of court for the year 1911 In the Fifth Juclclil district, which will be presided ever by Judges George F C'orcorun arid Rdward K. Good, are as follows Ham- ijton, January, ft, April 2V and October made from whole wheat and malted-barley con tains all tho natural nutritive elements of these great food grains, including the mineral phosphates grown in the grain which are ihdispensible to perfect bal ance of body, brain and nerves, Grape.Nuts food is delicious, economical and con venient ready to eat direct from the package with cream, and a little sugar if desired. Same old reasonable price 15c the package. Tho notion that meat 1 necessary for re'ai strength and tho foundation of solid (it'sh Is not npw as prevalent as formerly. tixcesilvo meat eaters are usually slug gish a part of. tho time becnusu they uro not ablo to fully digest their food. And tho undigested portion Is changed Into what, Is practically a kind of poison that acts upon the blood and nerves, thus getting all through tho system. "1 wus a heavy meat eater." writes an 111, man, "and up to two years ago was In- Vqry poor health. I suffered with In. digestion so that I only weighed 03 pounds. "Then I heard about Grape-Nuts food nild decided to try It. My wife laughed at me at first, but when I gained to 123 pounds and felt so fine, she thought she woUld eat Grape-Nuts too. Now she is fat nnd well and has gulned 40 pounds. Wo never Imve Indigestion any more and seldom feel tho desire for meat. "A neighbor uf ours, CS ycurs old, was troubled wlth.lndlgcBtiou for years, and was ti heavy meut eater. Now, Blnce he has been eating Grape-Nuts regularly, he says ho Is well and never has Indlgestton. "I. Could name a lot of persona who have rid themselves ot indigestion by changing from a heavy meat diet to Grape-Nuts." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read' the little book, "The Road to Wcllvlljf." In pkgs. There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts sold by grocers everywhere.