Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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founded by kuwauu iiobbwater.
' victor rose water, editor.
hew building, kaunas! and 1tt1l
Entered at Omaha, po.tolilco second
class matter.
Sunday Bee. one year
K.mrrf.v Hii one Vtar r1
Daily Bee, without Sunday, on year
lany ue. ana punuar. one iw
Evening nnd bunday Ree, P" montn...c
Evening, without Sunday, jer month...!.
Daliw nee. Including Sunday, Ir mo...c
Daily Bee, without riunday, per month. iw
Add.ejs all complainlB of Irregularities
In d-n tries to city tlicuiatiun Dept.
Her. it by dratt, express or postal oner,
p. ao.e to The bee t'ubtUMng company,
only 2-c-nt stamps re-e.cO in pamenl
oC mali uectiunt. l'einal cnocss, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange,
not accepted. ,
Onha-Tho Uve Uu.lJInc
houtn omuua iSll N mnet.
ounrli Hiutfs II Nonth Aialn Street.
L nr. in SO Utile Dulluillg.
tnlia,o Hit lUarst bubulng. .
New lorK-Rcom lit, Ul KutU Aenue.
St Louls-iw New bank of Commerce.
i.lnKton-716 Fourteenth St.. N. w.
i ummunHatton.1 relating to news ana mol.e. h..Ou.d be addressed
Umahu. Use. Kdilonal Department.
Stale of Nebraska, uuui) ut Douglas. It.i
Dwlght Williams, cucululion manager
ol The Bee i'ubnshlng Company, being
duty sworn, say mat the a. era go daily
trrulatlon for the montn of November,
Circulation Mattuger.
subscribed In my pnrence and aworn
to before me this Sd day of December,
iSceJ) Notary Public
Sabcrlbeni lenlnjr the city
trinporarllr should bare The Uce
mailed to them. Adsres trill be
thanged n often requested.
Again, it almost snowed.
Make yourself at home, Mr.
plcmcnt Dealer.
Special Orator "Joo" Folk has
sworn off smoking, not talking.
Dllly Sunday (lays "inefficiency in
tho churches," Why Is It thero7
Captain Hobson, wo are happy to
announce, Is still on tho water
wagon. ...
Tho old hoodoo, "13," was fast
losing ltB grip till tho last year rolled
round uulaincntod.
At that, Huerja'fl staying qualities
have already strung out to n vory
aggravating length.
The,, emancipation of those base
iall slaves Is making tho shekels as
well aa shackles rattle,
The last death of Monelllc must
have been; genuine, for he has thui
'ar not denied the report.
.Speaking of nuinon and thqlr bJs
ulffcancc, John QuKrrcl of ArkaiiGaf
.8 suing his wlfo for, divorce,
"A cockpit of anarchy." Is
Chicago Inter-Ocean's name for Mox
.co. Now, nsk, I'What'a In a. name?'
New York hns a now ""designation
for the tango, which ought to suit
Omaha purists, "Tho Dance of tho
Moral Death."
Having passed out most of the pie,
Mayor Mltchel may now nettle dawn
o the restful Job of running little
old New York.
Unemployed at Portland refuso
rock-plle Jobs at $1.50 a day! Why
should any one pound rock when Uo
Joes not have to?
I'nvo you ever noticed that frugal
nan, who takes tho lighted remnant
if Ills cigar into tho street car and
muBElcn It under hlu coat sloevc?
Isn't It funny how the fake reform
fee grabber always, go to roform pro
tend era like the World-Herald to find
reedy vehicle for apology or do
The report that- Dr. ISIIot has
sprung a new religion, revives thy
question In modified form, "What
Shall wo do with ex-college presi
Never mind about young Morgan
Uiowlng up his father on the impos
ilbillty of unscrambling eggs; those
are only the frled-on-both-sldes onca
tie is turning.
Our city commissioners wisely con
clude, that with no increase ot rev
intie, the municipal bill of fiire can
aot bo embellished by the addition
f cake and rollshes.
By nil rules of finance and busi
ness Omaha ought to have a regional
Jank, but under the present political
tispensation, there Is no sign that
ne Is coming this way.
Memphis papers report that th9
proprietors of moving picture showa
.here have been eating eggs for
breakfast all winter. But so havo
Omaha's cold storage magnates.
Wo note that tho, questlou, "Which
is Dickens' best book?" has bobbed
ip to harrass the gentle folk of
Spaarville, Kan., after having made
the rounds of all the other points
on the map.
Now, It our city officials will go
ahead with the work of the ensuing
year In their respective department
tn the basis ot the funds In hand
without wasting time lamenting that
tbeyjaavecot more money to spend,
they will accomplish more and feel
b ttr.
Warning to Fee Grabbers.
While tho full scope of the sti-
tlon fees collected by court clerks be'f
Tiirnnn nin inn minim trnntnrr
whore so required, Is not entirely
clear. It must be a warning to feu
grabbers whatever Its application.
As we read the report the court holds
that It was not the Intention of the
federal lawmakers to pour money
Into the pockets of any city, county
or state officer whose salary or com
pensation Is limited by law, but to
make excess fee revenues belong to
the taxpayers. This at any rate H
the common sense view, for when it
person becomes a candidate for, jind
accepts, an office carrying a stipu
lated salary, he has no moral right
to use it for purposes of graft. Legal
technicalities may be Invoked, but
they cannot lildo the fact that such
collections would never get into tho
feo grabber's hands except for th
fact that he Ib the Incumbent of tho
office. If the supreme court de
cision helps to stop the fielp-yoursolf-fea.
business, It will be a mighty good
Anonymous C6mmnnications.
One of our militant local pastors'
through his church paper reads us
a severe lecture for printing so
called anonymous communications,
special reference being made to a re
cont contribution to our letter box
on tho white slave question, "Wo
call upon the press," he adds, "to bco
to It that no unsigned articles arc
admitted to their papers, If tho
wrltera arc afraid or ashamed to
sign their full name, anything so of
fered should uo declined.' in an
other place ho makes the contradic
tory charge that tho writer of the
article complained of was "actuated
solely by love of notorloty and tho
desire to appear in print.
This brings us back to tho main
proposition that tho gonerally pre
vailing rule with all newspapers re
quires letter writers to Idontlfy them
solves as evjdcnco of good faith, but
respects a request to koep tho author
ship In confidence If made. In UiIb
Instance that rule was strictly ob
served, although we know that It is
not lived up to by many of our con
temporaries. Tho reason for giving
an outlet to public opinion through
the newspapers Is so obvious that It
ncods no Justification. Usually thu
reasons' for not wanting the slgnn
tdro printed nre: (1.) desire to
nvold notorloty, (2.) fear that mo
tives may be misconstrued, or CI.)
roluctnnco to become involved In n
porsonal controversy. It remains, of
course, a' ail times for tho editor to
Judge whether the communication
serves a useful purposo sufficiently
to entitle It lo bo printed at all.
Mayor Mitohel's Motto,
Prcsldont Wilson might precipitate
a hunger strlko If ho attempted for
his loquacious and voracious subordi
nates the motto Mayor Mltchel has
adopted for his department heads-
Action, not talk." Such a motto
may work well lii a city administra
tion, whoso members aro not espe
cially attractlvo as Chautauqua star),
but never for tho democratic na
tional administration Just getting Its
feel well under tho table.
Mr. Mltchel, of course, Is young
and lnoxperlencod enough to havo a
.very acute appreciation of tho Ideal
istic aspect of public offlco and Now
York will profit If he proves equal
to tho test of his Ideals, but It will
uot bo sovore on Its youthful ex
ecutive for any miscalculation of his
good lutontlons. "Action, not talk,"
while sound nnd sonslblo, Ib not en
tirely now; it recalls another's fa
mous slogan, "Words aro good and
only so when backed by deeds." Tho
latter Is oven more euphonious than
tho laconic Mltchel expression and
yot It fell aomowhat short ot expecta
Whtlo flno words butter no pars
nips, In truth, there never was a hot
tor time for a tow new precedents in
thu efficient administration of New
York's city government and it Mr.
itchel can establish them ho will
bo entitled to thb fullest measure ot
It England Veering Around?
lCngland's rumored transfer ot
Minister Carden will, If it material
izes, be accepted as evidence of Its
dcslro to avoid even the appearance
of embarrassing or obstructing our
program in Mexico, and tend to
strengthen mutual good will between
tho two. nations. Having found Its
representative guilty of Indiscretion,
even though nothing more, Kngland
could not, for Its own Interest, con
tinue him long at the Mexican capi
tal without Inviting friction. Lon
don observes that tho minister has
committed nothing moro serious than
indiscretion, which Is quite grave
enough Under tho circumstances. Tho
United States might endure the con
duct of the British minister, but his
attitude could not fall to be embar
rassing to our government. Spite ot
the explanation that Sir Lionel was
originally deatlned to South America,
Ills transfer from Mexico will bo
taken us a concession to the desire ot
cur administration tor British rep
resentation in Mexico In sympathy
with our alms and purposes.
Wisconsin marriage laws soem to
be queer contraptions. While re
quiring scientific testa of the candi
dates, they also seem to leave a loop
houe for them to hitch up without
the routine of a marriage ceremony.
looking Backward
, tSj)sy in Umaha
toMrara raoM ate nut
Thirty Years Ago
The Board of Trade held Its annual
meeting and elected new officers for tho
year, an follows: President, N. B. Fal
coner, vlre presidents. Max Meyer, It. G
Clark. P. Wlndhelm, J. F. Hheeley;
secretary. Thomas Ulbion; treasurer, XV.
J. Broach; directors, C. F. Goodman, John
Evans. H. Bingham. C. Speclit. George C.
Ames. K. DrlscoU, J. A. Wakefield. Matt Patrick was out with his
dashing four-in-hand and atelgh, taking
advantage of the first snow pf the sen
An exhibition at the roller skating rink
waa given this evening by the Juvenile
exponent of the art. Miss Fuller and
Master Dllis.
Mr. John Mlhlck and Miss Maggie Ryan
were united In marriage, the bride hav
ing come hett h yesr ago from Schuyler.
lion. Benjamin Harrison and party,
consisting of Messrs. S. C. Martlndalc,
R. P. Walker, J. R. McKce, XV. J. Brad
shaw, II. L. Gamble, C. P. Wltherspoon,
Mrs. George C. Him Miss Newcomb and
Miss Harrison, arrived in a special car
to attend the marriage of Senator Hnr
i rlson's son, nnd Miss Saunders, to take
place tomorrow.
Ndtmon A. ICuhn Is back from a visit
In Illinois
c. N.
Whitney, late with Peregoy &
Moore, haa gone on the road for the
Omaha cigar firm of Chlnn & New,
Twenty Years Ago-
Mrs, Maggie J. McCormlck died at the
home of hor brother-in-law. Samuel
Hurni. 123 Dodge street. She was tho
widow of A G. McCormlck nnd the
mother of Fred,
Hon. John P. Irish of California was ,
welcomed to the city ns tho orator at
the annual' Jackhonlan feast. Chairman
Huclid Martin, XV. I. MoIIugh nnd other
good democrats wore at the depot to
greet him. Jrlsh had formerly been ed
itor ot the Iowa 8tntvPres and was
familiar In these ports.
Dean Gardner preached a special ser
mon to lawyers at Trinity Episcopal ca
thedral on the text, "There is ono law
giver," which he said Daniel Webster
once pronounced the grandest text in
the Bible. The dean pointed the lawyers
to Christ ns the great lawgiver of Chris-
tla:iity, whom he hoped they would strive
to follow.
About fifty unemployed men met nt i
Knights of I.abor hall expecting' to re.
telve Instruction as to how to get work
and hear the problem of no work solvod
by prominent leaders Interested In their
welfare, but they were disappointed. Only
Father John Williams and Mayor Bemls
were on hand to offer encouragement pr
Labor union announced Its In
tentlor of probing Into tho records of
members of the late Nebraska legisla
ture to determine who were and who
wero not tho true friends of the laboring
Ten Years Ago
John I,, Webster expatiated at great
ltngth on "The Lawyer's Place In His
tory" before the State Bar association
In annual gathering.
Dr. Ashley of New York, assistant to
the great surgeon. Dr. L,orens, leciurea
before the students of the Omaha Med
ical college ,on "Congenital HIP Dis
ease." Dr. Ashley came out to Join Dr.
Lord In a, delicate operation.
Republicans from over the state gath-
eied nt the Millard hotel to further Jn-
flnte the. vice presidential. boomlet of John
L. Webster Resolutions were adopted
as drawn by a committee composed of
W. G. Whltmore of Valley, Roscoe Pound
and K. J. Halner of Lincoln.
Rev. M. J. Btrltch, S. J professor of
literature at Crelghton university, apos
trophlxcd Dante In a lecture nt Sacred
Heart church, sayng "Dante, the Flor
entine, gifted beyond the. ken of man,
the high priest ot nature's poets and
poetry, tho greatest of all the fine arts,
embracing all others and the music ot
nature itself,"
Lonnle Lawrence, the 10-year-old evan
gelist, preached at Kountxn. tentorial
Lutheran church on "The Wages of Sin
Is Death, but the Gift of God is Eternal
Life," Lonnle Cave a brief sketch ot his
life after the sermon, saying he felt the
rail to preach at the age ot 2 years and
6 months.
People and Events
What lias become of tho old-fashioned
man who went abroad on Now Year's
day with a pocket full ot calling cards
and came home late In tho evening with
an overflowing tank?
Andrew Carnegie, despite his "8 years,
Is still a keen salmon fisherman. Ho was
tho proudest man In all Scotland after
succeeding in landing the finest fish
caught In the River Ship, In Sutherland,
this season. It weighed thirty pounds.
Dr. 8tephen Smith of New York's state
board of charities, who Is to preside at
next month's national conference on raca
betterment and give the opening address,
Is now 91, but "hale and active." The
list of speakers Includes Dr. N. D. HIUIs
and Jacob A. Ill Is.
Lincoln Beachy his looped the loop
eleven times within a week and mado
a new record flying under a. root In
San Francisco. There Is no pleasure
In printing an aviator's obituary, but
what else can one do when flyers like
Beach) strive to break Into newspaper
London plans to exhibit next summer
lite finest collection of art the country
affords for the special benefit of Ameri
can tourists. The United States will con
tribute a brilliant side line in the (.er
son of James Hamilton Lewis, United
States senator and delegate to the Inter
national sea safety conference.
After Raymond Sylvester had been
brought up by his deaf and dumb mother
for five years he was still unable in
speak, through not having heard any
language, his father being dead. When
his mother became ck he was put Into
a home, where within two weeks he
began to Imitate the -other children,
and soon he waa able to speak as well
as any of the others.
The government recently Issued an or
der that m Kansas had only two regi
ments ot the National Guard It had too
many high officers. The amount of goli
laco and other fixings depends upon the
rank ot the officers. The government
considered tho Kansas National Guard
a llttlo top heavy. So the military board
must decide whether It will dispense with
the 13.C0) a year the government pays
tor maintaining the guard or with tha
ornamental brigadiers.
Twice Told Tales
It Looked I.lke Plenty
The talk topic at a recent soot a I session
switched to the rising generation, when
Joseph E. Wltlard, the new minister to
Spain, looked up with an amused smile.
He said he was reminded of an Incident
that happened In a counjry aehool.
Home time ago a small 'boy played
Ituant nd whrn he got back i.n the
Job nsxt day he handed the following
note to the teacher:
"Dar Teacher: Please oxctisc James
for not being at school yesterday, and
don't lick him. The boy he bagged school
with licked him. and the man they threw
stones at licked him, and the man who-e
dog they chased licked him, and the
driver whose cart they climbed on licked
him, and when he come home I. licked-
him and when his father pame home ho
licked him. He thinks he will attend
regular In tho future. Tours,
After that letter the teacher waa merci
ful and Jimmy was permitted to run out
and play with no further damage to his
hide. In the yard he met a chum.
"Hay, Tommy," lie remarked In a
gleeful whisper, "ain't I dead lucky?"
"Why," was lh quick response of
Tommy, "because the. teacher didn't lick
"No," smiled Jimmy, "btcauso I can
write Just like mother."-PhlladclphIa
,V 'I'Mrlfnl Peron,
'.'Sing something!" begacd the company,
unconsciously cruel.
"Why, I can't sing!" demurred the
young lady, unconsciously truthful.
"Oh, sing 'On the Rond to Mandalay.
That's u great song." .
"But I'll spoil It "
'Vttt fa nl u wnrL- n trnnliia an A
,t C(m.t bo 8po)Ied..
And then, when she has struggled with
It. the tactful Inslster says:
"There, didn't I tell you? That's a
great song, no .matter how It's sung!"
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Tin nn III Wind.
A business man In the Midlands the
other day circularized the customers of
his firm:
"I ara sorry to tell you that my part
ner died recently, but I am pleased to
Inform you that you may now have an
additional S per cent discount, as there
la now only one to keep." Manchester
Editorial Sif tings
Pittsburgh Dispatch: The republican
party Is willing enough to welcome back
tho prodigals, hut at tho present prices
of meat the prodigals want first to see
the fatted calf.
Boston Transcript: About 40,001,00) more
tons of coal wero produced In the United
States this year than last, and, of course,
aa It costs more to haul all that addi
tional fuel, the consumers must expect
to pay a higher price for It.
Chicago Post: The suggestion pf our
untisn rncnas that President Wilson's
Mexican policy must come out right be
cause Huerta Is bound to fall sometlmo,
since all Mexican dictators do, innds to
drsprove that idea that John Bull has
no sense of humor.
' Indianapolis News: If, as Mr. Arthur
Reynolds of Des Moines, president of tho
American Bankers association, say,
panics won't be possible tinder the new
currency law, It looks as If some very
able financiers were going to bo done
out ot some of their occasional profits.
St. Louis Republic: The supreme court
iof Minnesota has decided that a landlord
Is liable If the furnace fire runs low and
the tenants catch cold, but It Is doubtful
If a truly typical Janitor will on account
of this rule have any more regard for
the Interest of his employer than he now
has for the rights of those over whom
he holds sway.
Brooklyn Eagle: The Rev. Anna How
ard Bhaw refuses to pay her- taxes with
out the vote. This Is the limit of mili
tancy In this country. The refusal
points an argument and malms or kills
no one. If a friendly sheriff can be In
duced to sell out Dr. Atuia under spec
tacular auspices It will advertise the
cause far more than htt-or-mlss bomb
slinging. But if the sheriff Is not friendly,
these tax matters drag over such a long
period that they wear out the patience
of a press agent.
Business Eeform
New York Times: That they are retir
ing from timidity or incapacity to the
emergency Is not to be imagined. For
ono thing the Morgan partners arc put
ting off heavy burdens. They will have
more time for the firm's affairs and for
the concerns In which they retain dlrec
torsnlps. And public" sentiment, which
has been critical ot banker directorship.
should be prompt to commend their com
pliance with, its demands.
New York Tribune! The Morgan firm
deserves great credit for meeting a bus!
neas situation boldly and generously. To
do a necessary thing voluntarily and In
advance ot any suggestion of legal com
pulsion shows breadth and keenness of
mind. On the principle that he who gives
quickly gives twice. Mr. Morgan and his
associates have done the country a
doubly valuable service. They have put
themselves In tho van In an Inevitable
business reform,. '
Chicago News: Indeed. It may be."
says Mr. Morgan, 'In view ot rtie change
of sentiment upon the subject, that we
shall bo In a better position to serve such
properties and their security holders If
we are not directors." Indeed. It may bo
o. One might even' venture to predict
that tho American public will rejoice
henceforth to see as directors ot corpora
tions experts who devote themselves to
the duties ot the position Instead ot
bankers who merely "know how to sell
Philadelphia Record: It Is worth noting
that these bankers do not withdraw from
all corporate activity, nor Is thero any
reason why they should. It was the
great extent ot their control, not the
mere fact of participation, that lias
aroused public antagonism. Clearly u
banker has aa much right to sit tn a
board of directors aa a manufacturer or
n merchant. The only point Is that he
should not use such membership for his
own personal profit or that ot his firm.
J. P, Morgan & Co. and Mr. Raker have
set a powerful example by showing that
they recognise the new public tenttment
In sueh matters and there can be no
doubt that other bankers and corpora
tions will foKow In t.hclr footsteps.
Tornado Uanitrr la SllKlit.
OMAHA, Jai. 6.To the Editor of The
Bee: Kansas has refused to permit tor
nado insurance companies to raise their
rates, because Uie probability f any
square mile being struck Is "less than
one-sixteenth of 1 per cent per century."
Dr. D. G. Hlnrlcks, director of the Iowa
weather bureau, In the 1S report of the
Iowa Horticultural society, says. In ref
erence to a Washlgton publication about
tornadoes: "Seven-eights of these tor
nadoes In Iowa never' had any existence."
He claims that most of the so-called
tornadoes are not twisters or tornadoes
proper, but mere straight moving hurri
canes. He also declares:
We have never had a tornado In Iowa
during any'ot the winter months, nor
during the months ot mmsummer. me
main tornado danger occurs In April
and June, and secondly In October. A
minor tornado danger exists for May.
The extensive work, entitled "Tornado
Studies," published In 18S5. by direction
of General XV. Bk Hazcn, ot the weather
bureau, given details about UO tornadoes.
These for tho months of March, April,
May, June. September and October were
a follows:
Ohio ...
Illinois .
Iowa ...
Date. Hour. Moving.
..March 25. .4.00 p.m ...E. V, N.
.March O..6:00 p.m 8. E.
..March 25.. 4:3) p.m N. E.
...April i, .5:oo p.m. ...12. n. k.
...April ..8:00 p.m..
...April V ..4:00 p.m..
...Anrll 28 ..2:C2 n.m..
.N. E.
N. E.
N. E.
E N. E.
N E.
Ohio April 27,. 4:00 p.m..
Kansas April 23 ..6:15 p.m.
Iowa May 5 ..5:00. p.m..
Nebmska ....May fi.. 5:10 p.m.
Indiana May 10..
... N. K.
Kansas May 20 .. J: 15 p.m N. E,
Kansas May SO ..4:00 p.m N. E.
Iowa Juno IS. .1:15 p.m .N. E.
Dakota Sept. 1 .. S, S. E,
Wisconsin ...BcDt. ..5:00 P.m... E. S0 N
Dakota Hept. 9. ,5:00 p.m N. B,
Iowa, Sept. 9.. ...N. N. E.
J'ennsylvanla gept. 21. .5:20 p.m N. E.
iew YorK.. ..rept. 2S ..6:J1 p.m...K, 10 N
Ohio Oct. 11 .. E.
The table would Indicate that no one
In Nebraska need worry over a twister
at night. Most of the tornadoes In Gen
eral Hazen's list were in the southern
stntes, where they frequently happen In
January and February.
General Hazen's list gave width from
seventy-five feet to C,2S0 feet; average,
1,037 feet. Average length, thirty-six miles.
Average speed forty-two miles per hour.
(Hence a tornado should generally )e
seen long before lts arrival.)
, In seventy-six cases thunderstorms pre
ceded. In forty-two cases hall preceded.
In 117 cases, unusual warmth (for the
season and locality) preceded.
j Odd Bits of Life
Mr. and MrB. George Bentley are plan
ning to celebrate their golden wedding
anniversary Jn tho log cabin lit Beaver,
Pa where they were married. They
have llvod for the last forty years, how
ever In Chicago.
An avocado. oA alligator pear tree, 4
years old, the most valuable fruit treo In
the world, owned by H. A. Woodworth,
rancher, of Whlttler, Cal., has been In
sured by Lloyds of England for S30.COO
against loss by fire or frost,
i Ah ear of com which for twenty-eight
years hung on the wall as an ornament
In the home of Frank- Stoncr, In Bcl
vldere, 111., Is to be tested, and if It Is
found that tho kernels will germinate the
seed will be planted, next year.
Mrs. Malvern, wife ot a Long Eaton
(England) hairdresser, has given birth to
a child flva weeks after her last ohlld
was born. Both children and tho mother
tie well. A similar case occurred at Bar
row early this year, when a boy was
born six weeks before his sister.
Ned Faulkner, an old-age pensioner,
aged S3, who has to walk three miles
every Friday Into Amycstrey, Hertford-
shite, England, to draw his pension. Is.
nlways accompanied by a pig, which fol-
lows him like a dog and lies down outside
the postoffice whllo tho pensioner draws
his mpney.
Mrs. Julia Dayton ot Winchester. Conn .
now has three grcat-great-grandchtldren
through the birth of a son to Mr. and
Mrs, Lester Hurlbut. The Infant Is n
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. George S.
Beach, and great-grandson ot Mrs. Cor
nelius Andrus. who are also residents of
While returning at night 'to his home
In New Orleans, La., by automobile. Dr.
C. A. Bohno was attacked by a largo
hawk which was attracted by the head
lights of tho machine. It struck at the
lamps but mUeed them, and burled lta
claws In tho driver's arm. It fought for
almost a half hour before being thrown
Here and There
Women form about S5 per cent of the
total Immigration Into the United -States.
Nearly 2.Q0O more persons visited tho
Yellowstone National park In 1913 than
during tho previous year.
British capital provided tor railway
construction In the agricultural countries
ot tho world Is stated to be )10,000,0CO,00X
California's compensation, insurance
and safety act went Into effect on the
first of the year. Employers who pay tho
fixed rate to the state are relieved ot
all responsibility for Injury .to workmen.
Close to the main road connecting the
towns ofyEastport and Calais, Me., stands
a unique llttlo monument erected to mark
a most interesting geographical point, for
It Is exactly half way between the equator
and North pole.
The first aid for tho water wagon Is
here at last. A class to stop the leak
tn tho chariot has been formed at
the New York Young Men's Christian as
sociation. There Is nothing "fuddy" about
the class, hut a simple, sane method of
helping men fulfill their resolutions by
physical exercise.
The year 1913 was a notablo year for
manufacturers tn Massachusetts )h Us
output Increased by ia,O00,CO0. But the
wage earner got out of It an average of
110.00 a week. If the wage earner can
gtt only about 00 out ot a total output
valued at tl.C7.73l,4l5, there will have to
be a heap sight more goods Vnanufac-
According to the report of th$ Na
tional Highways Protective society,
twenty-five persons were killed by auto
mobiles In New York City In December.
Twelve of these were children under IS
years of age. This makes a total of 30e
killed by automobiles In New York City
In ISIS, of which I4 were children. In 1912
tho number of killed was of whom
103 were children.
"You won t have to make any formal
speeches for some time.''
"No," replied Senator Sorghum; "but
the heart-to-heart talks with the people
out heme are going to be considerably
more trylng."-AVSshlngton Star.
"People are so careless about the proper
use of prepositions."
"Yes, I know they are. Ercd told me
he and his. bride were going to live with
the old man. when he really meant on
the old man." Baltimore American.
"I thought you and he were friends?"
"Uut I saw you the other night when
you had your arms around each other.'1
"That wasn't friendship. We were
merely going over the story we Intended
to tell our wives, so that It would hang
together. 'VChlcago Record-Herald.
"Say. waiter!" said the rude man In
the cafe; "tell the orchestra to play
Carmen while I rat this beefstoak."
"Yes. sir. Might 1 Inquire why?"
"I Want to hear th toronrinr inne. I
ifcel like a bull flghter."-Chlcago Post.
"Well, Ivo heard the first complaint
about the Panama canal.'
"What Is that?"
"They say It Isn't long enough to ac
commodate half tho moving picture peo
ple." Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Care much for music?"
"Passionately fond of It."
"Any favorite Instrument?"
"You betcher., To me. nothing beats
the melodies that come out of the horn
of plenty. "-St. Louis Republic.
"Halloa! Sit down,
come to ask me"
I believe you have
"You have been misinformed.
nai'en t come to ask you anything."
"Why. I understand you "
"I came merely because I wished to be
first to tell you a bit of good news, I
am going to marry your daughter.'
Stray Stories.
pQjg-a and food
fP nation's food bill. We don't h ,
T&s need near that much meat. , jjy
PPQF There are other foods that are jfJitJCdM.
far more nutritious than meat. ' BB
fcsj Take one striking example dtHT
Ono 10c package of this wholesome
food contains four times more nutri
tion than meat. Study that four
times the nutrition at one-fourth the
cost. You can make a whole meal of.
Faust Macaroni alone. It is unex
celled as a side dish. You can't
imagine the great variety ot tasty,
substantial dishes that can be made
, from Faust Macaroni until you read
our free recipe book. Send for a' copy.
5c and 10c pkgs. Buy today.
St. Louts, Mo.
Buy It Because
It's a Better Car
' SkT $550
f. o. b. Detroit w,-'v
Get particulars from Ford Motor Company,
1916 Harney St,
THE maker of advertised goods
owns his business. The
maker Of uuadvertisetfrgOOd&
is bullied by the jobber, bossed
by the dealer and badgered by
his own salesmen.
Arthur Chapman, In New York Sun.
Down here In Cactus Center OUr hull
cttadol's been took
By a movln' picture outfit that Is fillln
every nook;
We've been crowded out by actors till
there ain't a bed In town;
We sleep In traps and blankets, out on
the prairie brown;
They're doln' light housekeepln' on the
Blue Front's upper floor. 4 ,
And tho booze Joint closes early, so's
to let the actors snore;
There's a bunch of lend In' ladles roped
and hog tied the hotel,
And there's actors first nt table when
throbs out tho dinner bell. ,
They arc stagin' wondrous dramas on
the ranches hereabouts,
And the cattle go plumb locoed when
they hear the actors' shouts;
There are Juveniles and "heavies
prantin' round the lonely hills;
There arc guns fprcver poppln', but they
ain't the sort that kills;
There's a sound like canvas rlppln when
a bunch shoots off soma blanks,
While the sweatin' operators turn them
movln' kodak cranks;
Roll my bed, give me a grubstake I
must mush out In the sand
Wlicte there's rattlesnakes and gtlas, but
there ain't no movie band.
Lo tho Injun dreams of goln' to a huntln
ground of peace,
Where there's no objection toilers When
he lifts a white man's fleece;
It Is a land of runnln' water, where the
grass Is always good,
Where there's burfalo and fodder; and
the squaws can gather wood:
But the cowboy now Is dreamln fit a,
place that's lkc poor Lo's,
Where there's signs up, In addition, bsr-
rln' movln' plctcr shows;
For thero ain't no Joy In Cow Land, and
sighs fill the native's breast,
Since tho shutter's took to cllckln' in
tho movie-haunted west!