10-A THE OMAHA. SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 4, 1914. fit Armed Against Stomach Troable A Staart'B Dyspepsia; Tablet Carried in Your Pxirsc or Vest Pocket Will Enablo You to Always Keep Yonr Stomncli in Lino. Don't let all sorts of stomach trouble, Cyspepsla, gastritis, mal-nutrltlon, dys entery and vertlRo make lllo a constant torture and an ultimate failure. The man yfha is going to succeed today must have hts body, as mil as his mind. In perfect working order. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a necessity to the man who would always have hts body In subjection to his -will. Z Xnt Wbm X Will, What I Want, Bt canse AItr Each SSsal X Take a Little Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablst." Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets furnish Just thoso elements pepuln and other Insred ients that the normal stomach secretw for the digestion of food. Ono or two of these tablets wljl completely digest the Heartiest meal without any aid from the stomach. At the samo time they tone up and Invlgorato the enfeebled stomach so that It Is soon In a healthy condition a ruin. Prudent men always have a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets on hand. They make digestion certain no matter what or how much Is eaten. Don't think because your stomach Is usually all right that you don't need them. The police man carries a revolver not because ho nds It all the tlmo, but because whan he does need It, he needs It right then. When you want relief from Indigestion, you want relief at once. Be armed against stomach troubles with a box of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, GO cents at any flrtlr store. Successful men every where endorse them and rely upon them. 6C 77 CHRISTMAS CARDS OF TODAY) Will Be Wedded Today 'at Baright Hall Idea Suggested by a Woman Only Forty Years Ago. AMERICAN ORIGIN AND GROWTH Noted Artists Competed for Prises Trlth IleslKns Established Firmly lit the 1'nWlc . Favor. FOR GRIP, INFLUENZA, COUGHS, SORE THROAT COLDS At this festive holiday season, bo moderate In oatlng and. drinking and take Dr. Humphreys "Seventy seven" at tho first sign of n Cold to get boat results. If you wait till your bones begin jj to ache, till you bogln to cough and " sneoio, It may take longor. " The Dollar Flask holds more than six iwenty-flro cent vials for ealo by all druggists or mailed. Humphrey's Homeo, Medicine Co., 16 Willlam'St.fNew.'gork.w.Advettlaement. i . . When you wont to the Chtlstmas card counter and selected a dozen or two of theso decorative bits suggestive of the holiday season, perhaps it did not occur to you to wonder how the Christmas cant came into being. It doubtless will be lust your hazy notion that there were always Christmas cardr, 6r at least for the last 1,912 years. Of course, some one muit have thought of the Idea at some time, and others must haVe dovoted thought and Ingenuity to (he preparation of the thousands which He on the counter for your choosing. Out an for how lopjf the Christmas card has been an Institution why, perhaps you am not sure that Bob ert Iterrick, say, did not write some of his little verses originally for a hdlldiy grMtlng on a Christmas card. Oh, yea, surely tho Ides. Is as old as that. Didn't the old Italian painters paint Christmas subjects In the mlddlo ages? and ro on. Neither Herrlsk nor the Italian painters had a notion of a Christmas card. Tho Idea Is virtually a newcomer, and Is al together American in Its Inception And development, and American nrtltta of the highest standing contributing to its growth John La Karge and others. The story of the beginning of tho card Is an Interesting one and has not a little to do with the story of tho better apprecia tion of art which has come In this coun try In the last three decade. The Christ mas card as we know It now was not originated until 187J, when It had Its be ginning In the simply decorated business card of a Boston art dealer, A Woman Bnattrested It. It waa In 1873 that the Vienna expo sition was held. To this the art dealer rent a small exhibition, and with It a number of his business cards, embell ished with a conventional floral design In colors about the name. Even so ob vious a thing as this, as It seems now, was much commented on and admired. To one woman, Mrs. O. E. Whitney, the notion came that a design of tho same sort, with "Merry ChrlstmaV and "Happy New Year," would bo a pretty rrmembranco to send to friends at tho holiday time. 80 new was the Idea thnt It did not occur to Mrs. Whitney tor some years that the appropriate designs of holly or mistletoe might be cmrloycd with good effect. Tho next year after silo made her suggestion to the art dealer. Mrs. Whitney saw that the tokens were placed on sato here. They were merely conventional floral dcatgns, for the most I r . l a i ii f, m m. us J 3 . SSSSSl Mr Mate Peril n ns Afis Ida l&nde Mr. and Mrs. N. Lands, 1S23 Paulttceet, have issued announcements of the. mar riago of their daughter, Ida, to Jklax Berlin, of Perry, la., to take plocu at 1 Barlght's hall today at 5:30'o'clock. Many out-of-town guests wilt be present at the ceremony, In addition to'the largo num bef of local friends of both bride and groom. vea for a number of wero further Incentive minor contestants. Among other condl tlons It was required that those eiiterinir should bo American 'citizens, for the prises had been heard of abroad. Two' of tho Judges In lfel were Louis C. Tiffimv una jonn La Farge. Tho roll of those who tried was oven more honorabin than in the. year before and first prize waa given to no less an artist than Elihu Vedder, the second to Dora Wheeler nni tho third .to Charles Caryll Coleman.. In. iw it was announced that all deslnxi part unseasonable, done 0:1 small tlntot uo nimea long oerore Christmas boards. Immediate noDUlarity came to I . v " " ,or me dosi. FURS f a "I Regular $1.50 Julius Orkm 25 PRICE POUGLAS ST. hr 89c MONDAY THE THIRD BIG DAY OF OUR nuarv Clearing Sale Join the throngs of economical buyers here Monday. From the moment tho doors opened on this, our great January Clearing Sale, our store has boen filled with shrewd, satisfied buyers. Remember, all our own regular stock now being sold at half price- Every Suit Every Coat Every Dress All Our Furs JULIUS ORKIN 1510 Douglas EXACTLY 1 HOT TALE OF THREE CITIES Man Who Couldn't Pool Omntaa nnd Denver Very Lonsr Worked ficvr York to the Limit. ACCIDENTS THAT'WERE LUCKY Jlnsable) tirlaln of Ideas Derel- oped Into World Wonders. them, and within a year the cards' weto Unued for Etster. fit. Valentino's day, New Year and Thanksgiving, all with tho samo conventionality of execution Krom this first Indication of favor, how- u.Ra l . .UAf .J i:rn 1 I W UtK W IsTsi II Til Til i sflsfsJsMisy ever, the doVclopment of the Innovation WhIr' was 'adjudged jjrinner by both wos more than tho ordinary stbry of in- pp anonno jury or arttats.. genulty. The art dealer saw great pos- ,n i3 h condition were different. Iliimir nfrnfoit tiv th rnrds. nnd ha Pul '"0 Hlgn Standards were maJntabiKiU conceived the, thought of maklng'them a B'ord 1S63, the Issuing of the cards'had ... uiu iin.iiua.ufc mo 'one. rirm, hut 'now they were taken up" very cenerly-by all publishers. The Idea had tetabllshcd Itself firmly In public favor New York Post , real expression of the best that could bo had In artUtldtdeslgn; it la much to his credit that ho was able to discern what was really, worth .whlla. For It was In those decades Just after the civil war that taste was at such a low level tn the United Btates. Perhaps forty years from now tho people will be astounded at what passes muster for beautiful with us today; but It is fair to say that the difference In standards -between, then and now will not be so great as between the period of 1873 and 112. Mr. Dooley put It this way: Thoee are the years "whin th' Iron dogs howled on th' lawn and people como t'r miles to see A grotto built iv relics iv th' Chicago fire.'' Be. sides these opeh--.tr adornments, the In teriors boasted tasseiira lambrequins, pic lures execrable In 1 itment and exe ouuon resting on raiels, tflth 'throws' draped about; wax fruit under glass jars, and such befrlllments. Bxeoutlon lit art was badly needed. InllinM In IBhll Tt. Does this picture catch your eye? Wo am not jpanlnr It in tho paper to fill space, but-for the reason wo believe it will at tract attention. That's Just the purposo of every other ad vertiser In using newspaper space. Do the cuts you uso at tract attention? Wouldn't it be worth your time to investi gate the facilities wo have for producing cuts that talk? Our plant Is producing thou sands of square inches of en ravings every month for uso in alt kinds of printed matter. WoMrould be clad to send you the names of satisfied custo mers who are havjnir their cn rraving work" done hero, and will name you prices upon re quest. The Omaha Bee XnsTavlnir BeTitrtnKBt. 103 Be ric 0aha, l?eb. I Two Clean Papers FOR THE HOME Youth's Companion AND The Evening Bee INCLUDING SUNDAY Both for 55c a Month A Jury of artists waa also appointed' to make a selection. It mlaht b enXnan fat td say that, the Christmas card had oono its work of education already, but, it Is K fact that. the samJ entry by Dora OUR ENORMOUS LOCOMOTIVES Uncllsh UnglneK Can't Compare -with Mogul Used on American " Maes.' Without actually seeing 'the huge loco motives recently built lir America fdr tho Virginian. railway It is difficult to realize their colossal proportions. Bach rjnglne. without .the tender. Is about equal tn weight to a couple of oUr (England's) largest express locomotives ' with their tenders. The tender weighs nearly 100 tons and carries twice the weight f coal and nearly three times tho quantity of water that can be accommodated .on the blggerft express tender in' this country. The length of each engine Is Breaker than The Christmas card bad some part In 6ur largest engine and tender combined. changing the level of public taste for the better.. The art dealer who began the design of such cards proceeded In the best possible way to make these tokens aid in public, education. From the first the decorations, if simple, were well done and colored and were trill y pretty in their simplicity. In the spring of ISSo, however, a new inspiration for the de velopment of the Idea came Into being when tho first competition for the de while the diameter of the barrel' part of the bolter Is about double that of any locomotive In use on British railways. The furnace measured 12x8 feet, and the floor consists of bars, fomilng an en6fmous fire grate. The undierbody or chassis., of theso locomotives looks llko those of two separate engines, each hav ing two cylinders with four pairs of coupled driving wheels. There la also a pair of small wheels at each end of the ign of Christmas cards waa instituted complete arrangement. These locomloUves Payable Monthly at THE BEE OFFICE and tho leading artists In the country were Invited to enter the lists. The prizes were considerable In amount, well worth the attention of the most aspiring. Three prises were offered for the best threo efforts In oils or water colors ag. gregatlng I2,0tt. The name of the men selected aa Judges were enough to Insure the standards which would be observed in making the awards. On the board were Richard M. Hunt, the architect; E. C. Moore,, the head; of the silver depart. ment of a famous Jeweler's establishment, and Samuel Colman. Hundreds of designs were sent In and an exhibition of the best was held for some time in one of the art galleries in this city. The win ners were Roslna Emmet, first; Alex. ander , Sandier, second, and Anna .O. Morris, third. The publicity given to this competition helped to Increase the popu larity of the cards greatly. iMexi year xns an aeaier announced a seoond competition and this attracted are capable of developing nearly 5,ooo horsepower, or enough to drive on ocean liner; and one of tho furnaces consumes four tons of coal per hour when the 'en gine Is hauling a full load. The en gineer, aa the driver Is called In America, who controls one of these mighty ' en gines, Is an Important personage. He has three assistants two men to stoke and ono' to oil the mechanism. A train weighing l.WO tons can be pulled along by one of these monsters; but this, huge weight represents a comparatively small goods train on an American railway, and It la proposed to uso two of the new en gines, toeether with a slightly smaller one of an earlier type, for the heaviest work. Tbo three engines all pulling to gether can haul a train weighing more than i.WO tons over a very difficult track with step gradients and sharp curves, tho. Hse. betri nearly-100 feet per roll for a considerable distance. These enormous trains . are for carrying foods, or "freight." as the Americans term it; but. even more attention. The main prises I of course, the trucks are huge, compared were kept at the same amount abd there To Ward Off WinUr t Complexion Ills (From the Queen.) To keen the face smooths white s.nd I beautiful all winter, there's nothing' qutto so gooa aa oruinary mercoiizta wax. Itough. chapped or discolored skin. In evitable In this weather, is gently ab sorbed by the wax and replaced by- the newer, fresher skin beneath. The- face exhibits no. trace of the wax, the latter being applied at bedtime and washed off mornings. Cream, powders and rouges, 'on the other hand, aro apt to appear conspicuous at this Mason, because of alternating expansion and contraction of me SKin oue 10 cnanuwg temperatures. I advise you to try this s.mple treatment. Uet an ounce of inercollsed wax at any drug store and use like cold vream. This I will help any skin at once, and In a week or' so the complex cn will look re markably youthful and healthy. i Winds and flying dust often causa ovulating and other contortions wmch inake wrinkles. You can quickly get th of every wi inkle, however procured, by using a berm'es fiv e lath jr.ede by.dla (t'lvlng 1 us HudrrM tuxallle In V4 pi .w.icft Itaseb-AdViitUcmer.t. with many -of our railway wagobs, which only hold about eight tons each. An American freight wagon carries from forty to fifty tons, and Itself weighs an other twenty tons, ao that a train of, say, sixty of these trucks loaded with heavy material, uch aa coal or ore, would easily make Up the weight quoted. On British railways coal trucks fully loaded weigh about fifteen tons each, and thirty-five of them would be considered a heavy train.-Charobera' Journal. Persistent Advertising la the Road Big Returns. to Duty Performs. "I'm. glad to see you home so early," said the lady of the house. "Now. you icmetnber I told you to be sure and stop In and inquire how poor Mrs. Urown was gelling; along, itow is anor ' "Why. really, my dear. I ' "A hat So you -didn't stop to seeT I never saw such an absent-minded "You wrong me. I did stop and in quire. But for the life of me I cni remember what tney said about her. I m forgetful, as vou say. and "Ob. never mind about that darllnir. What do I care about whnt they .sold? ,lut ftt ypvi stopped and asked, that's all tht mskes any difference." Younga- Valuable discoveries have . been made and valuable Inventions suggested by tho veriest accidents. An alehftmlst. while seeking to discover a mixture of earths that woUld make the most durable cruci bles, one day found that he had made porcelain. , The power of lenses, as .applied to tho telescope, was discovered by a watchmaker's-apprentice. Whllo holding spec tacle glasses between his thumb and fin ger he was startled .at tho . suddenly enlarged-appearance of a neighboring church spire. The art of etching upon, glass waa dis covered-, by a Nuremberg glass cutter. By accident a 'few drops .Of aqua fortls fell' upon his spectacles. He 'noticed that the glass became corroded and softened where, the acid had tquched it. That was hlht enough. He drew figures on glass with famish, applied the corroding fluid, men iui away mo glass arounu mo Draw ing. When the varnish was' removed the figures appeared raised upon a dark ground. ,MczzcjUnt owed Its Invention to the simple laqciiieni or. tne gun barrel or a sentry becoming rusted, with dew. Theswaying to and fro of a chandelier in a cathedral suggested to' Galileo the application, of. the pendulum. The artfot lithographing was perfected through - suggestions made by accident A poor musician was curious to know whether muslo could not be etched upon stone aa well as Upon copper. After he had prepared his slab his mother asked him to make a memorandum of such clothes aa she proposed to send away to be washed. Not having pen. Ink and pa per convenient ho wrote the list on the stone with the otchlng preparation. In tending to make a copy of It at leisure. A few days later, whin about to clean the stone, he wondered what effect aqua fortls would have upon It. He applied the acid, and In a few minutes saw the writing standing out in relief. The next step necessary was simply to ink the stone and take' off an impression. The composition of which printing rollers are made was discovered by Salonlan printer. Not being able to find tho pelt 'ball, he Inked the type with piece of sort giuo which had fallen out of a glue pot. It was such an excellent substitute that, after mixing molasses with the glue to give .the mass proper consistency, the old pelt ball was entirely discarded. The shop of a Dublin tobacconist by the name of Lundyfoot was destroyed by tire. While he was gaxlng dolefully Into the smoldering ruins. he noticed that his poorer neighbors were gathering the snuff from the canisters. He tested the snuff himself and discovered that the fire had largely Improved Us pungency and aroma. It was a hint worth profiting by. He se cured another shop, built a lot of ovens. subjected the snuff to a heating process. gave the brand a peculiar name, and In a few years became.rich through an ac cldent which he at first thought had com pletely ruined him. Th process of whitening sugar was dis covered in- a curious way. A hen that had gone through a clay puddle went with hermuddy feet Into a sugar house. She left her tracks on a pile of sugar It was noticed that wherever her tracks were the sugar waa whitened. Experi ments were instituted, and the result was that wet clay came to be used in refining sugar. The origin of blue tinted paper came about by a mere slip of the hand. The wife of William Kast, an Sngllsh paper maker, accidentally let a blua bog fall Into one of the Vats of pulp. The work men .were astonished when they saw the peculiar, color of the paper, while Mr. East waa highly incensed over what he considered a grave pecuniary loss. His wife waa so much frightened that she would not confess her part In It. After storing the damaged paper tor four years, Mr. Kast sent it to tils agent at tiondon, with Instructions to sell it for what it would bring. The paper was ac cepted as a "purposed novelty" and was disposed of at a big price. Mr. East was astonished at receiving an order from his I agent for another large Invoice of the A man who could fool Denver only six months, and Omaha little more than n year, went down to New York a score of years ago and has ever since been fooling the wtso men of that little corner of tho east. Wo use the term "wise men" advisedly, and for the purpose of restrict ing Its application to the supernatural wisdom of tho owlsvof Wall street and the financial district. We are confident that there are many sections of New York In which David Lamar, or David Lewis, he himself admitting tho ownership of a number of aliases, could not fool any body, at least not any longer than he fooled Denver or Omaha. There are Sixth avenue merchants, we doubt not, who would refuse to cash a check for him. Men around Hester street, whose under shot Jaws bear a striking resemblance to many seen on Wall street every day, would soon let him know that the resem blance ends there should he attempt to play upon thorn any of those confidence games which Hester street abbreviates into "the bull cbn." Yet In the financial district whero worldly wisdom has lontr been supposed, by the uninitiated, to be sublimated and enthroned, .ho has long mode the cosy money enabling blm to maintain splendid quarters on Riverside Drtvo and to be a lavish patron of the lobster palaces along the Great White Way. He has fooled the very elect The. kings of the money trust put him out of their counsels at last, but not, as we can plainly gather from coincident and co ordinating facts, and In spite of tho vigor and vehemence of their denials, until he hod shaved some of the wolves who wero dickering with him for a shearing of lambs. The statement of the younger J. Plerpont Morgan that his father never had any dealings with Lamar, Is no doubt truo. It accords with the well-known character of the elder Morgan, who would trust no man ho had not put to a test, and to whom Lamar's church creden tials would represent' nothing more than paper, however sound his own faith In orthodoxy. But tho wrath at Lamar, of such a self-contained and self-repressed man as the elder Morgan, could only have grown out of his discovery that the man had penetrated, at least, the outer counsels of the banking trust and In volved some of Its attaches and retainers. norhans even some of Its partners. In shady transactions not only unprofitable but threatening disaster. As for the Bmaller fry of the street, Lamar had long been such' a veritable wolf that tho name "Wolf of Wall Street" fastened Itself to him long- enough ago to have ended the career of a man In any other place than one whero the wolf Is admired, as a beast with a peculiar penchant for the location of lambs, no matter how the wind blows. Perhaps the lobby quiz will not be un productive of good results If It can add a few more to the brace of Wall street workers who have already been before the committee telling how they have made financial magnates sit up and take notice and action, aa results of false Im personations and false representations, over telephone lines. On the evidence al ready at hand. Denver and Omaha can plumo themselves. Denver has always stood somewhat In awe of the Wall street broker. It has regarded him aa an Incar nation of craft, subtlety and worldly ex perience and has sought to cultivate his type. Heretofore the effort has failed. as Is well shown In tho fact that Lamar could stay In Denver only six months whllo he has been In Now York half a generation, always working Wall street and always wearing diamonds nnd eating lobsters. Neither In Denvor nor In Omaha could ho find lobsters enough for his ap petite, and In each, of these places some of the lobsters he took disagreed with his digestion. The brightest pages In his tale of three cities aro of "little old New York." St. Louis Qlobe-Democrat. NUMBER OF AUTOMOBILES DOUBLES IN TWO YEARS ALBANY. N. T.. Jan. S. The number of automobiles registered In tho United States has more than doubled since 1911. In that year, according to compilation made public today by the secretary of state here, the number was 532,000. Last year 1,118,000 cars were registered. New York state leads with a total registra tion of 125,000 cars, and Nevada brings up the rear with 1,140 cars. fQuit7'fty"l I That's the way you should I I paper. He was without t)ie secret and found himself In a dflemnia. Upon men tioning It to, his wife, she told htm about the accident. He kept the secret, and the demand for the novel tint far exceeded his ability to supply It. New York Press. Bee Want Adi rroGUSfc JWWtt- That's the way you should look and feel all Jthe time. Nature never intended you to be sickly and run down, with poor appetite, imperfect digestion, clog ged bowels and a lazy liver. Stir these organs to healthy action by the daily use of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Positively Free From The Omaha Bee $6,000.00 Cash and Premiums Save Labels Get M. & M. Coupons Vote Them Once a Week $1,000 TO ORGANIZATIONS A Detroiter Touring Car; a Pony, Cart and Harness; 5 Pianos; 4 Diamond Rings;, 4 hand some Toilet Sets; 4 Lavalliers. . " r Only women and children eligible. Buy the products listed. They Mean Votes. Voting Value of Labels Manufacturers' Products Alamlto Sanitary Dairy: Save caps from Pasteurized Milk and Cream Bottles. ISO Votes for each cap. Save receipted bills S votes for each 1 cent. Bntter-Hut Bread: Save wrappers: Be alze. 100 votes; 10c size, 260 votes. Caltunst Baklnr rowdsr. Save slips in top of cans, '400 votes. XXOTO JOBBERS. T. C. Drunner & Son. 10 votes for each ono cent on all Brunner Brands. Buy Blue Bell flour Try Shortalean the flour prepared expressly for those Buffer ing from stomach and bowel trou bles. 2,000 votes on each S-lb. sack. fCellog-ff's Products i Toasted Corn Flakes; save patent trlancuar top: 200 votes. Toasted Wheat Biscuit, save carton; S00 votes. Xel-Z-Cin a am: Save outside wrapper on B-cent package; 100 votes. Lawrence Barrett Clrarst Save bands; 700 votes. Xtan Quality Products t Save wrappers from all Iten grood.tr Any B-cent package product. 100 votes. Any 10-cent package product, 200 votes. Any lG-cent package product, 300 votes. Any 25-cent package product. 600 votes. Babbitt's Concentrated yei Save label: 300 votes. O'Brien's Candles I Save box, Sc size, 100 votes; lOu Rlze, 200 votes; 16c size, 300 votes: 26c size. 500 votes: 40c size, 800 votes; 60c size, 1,000 votes: 60a size. 1,200 votes. Save coupon found on top of special boxes. Fanner Co.'s Products: Gold Bond Coffee. Save label; S00 votes. Diamond P. Coffee. Save lavel; 700 votes. Quality Blue Favorite Coffee. Save lavel; 600 votes. Favorite Pepper. Save label; 200 votes. Kosebud Tea. Save carton; 600 votes. X.lbby, SCoNeal ft Ilbby Products: Vienna Style Sausage. Save label; 200 votes. Chill Con Came. Save label; 200 votes. Dried Beef. Save label: 250 votes. Milk. Save label; 10 votes for each cent. Aspapragus. Save labels; 10 votes for each cent. Save labels from all Llbby products. Nonparlel Kaunarys Nonparlel slips; 20 votes for each one .cent. Breshtr Bros., Cleaning and Dyeing: Save sales slips; 6 votes for each one cent. Skinner's Products I Save labels: 250 votes. Skinner's Elbow Macaroni. Skln- ner'd Macaroni. Skinner's Spaghetti, Skinner's Vermicelli. Sklnners Egg Noodles. Skinner's Durum Wheal, Skinner's Soup Noodles. Swift St Co. Products: Queen Regent Soap. Save carton; 260 votes. Swift's White laundry Sosp. Save wrappers; 100 votes. Swift's Pride Washing Powder. Savo carton: Cc size, 100 votes; 10c size. COO votes. These are tho only Swift products for which votes are issued. O. W. Hull Co., Coalt Pave Hale slips and receipted bills, r votes for each 1 cent. Defiance Starch: Save carton; 200 votes. Double voting value for 30 days only. Kuffhes Wholesale Grocery Co. Tan-gler brands (tea. coffee and spices excluded). Save labels; 10 votfts for each 1 cent. Now you have read this ad. Sign and mall or bring the nomination blank to the Contest Dept., 224 Bee Bldg. NOMINATION BLANK. Name (Woman or Child) Address Names (Organization) Good for 3,000 Free Votes. WOOD & COLD REN, Contest Mgrs. Read The Bee every day for contest news 'Phono Doug. 3119. Y 'ES, advertising "runs into money , but it s cheaper to Start tb-day than to morrow. The manufacturer who "wins out" is he who seizes the opportunity that his competi tor merely sees. i;wa leiegrspn