KRAI. KSTATK. CITY IlUPURTY POK SAI.K. II HA I j KSTATK. CITY PHtH'l-lllTY POIl S.Vl.i:. - , , " BEGIN THE NEW YEAR EIGHT BY SAVING AT LEAST $500 . ES'-. !'V?,?5 on Ueo two new 7-room modern homes In Dundee, Located !L 2" Hurt St. Hava largo living room, dlnlns room, kitchen, rear entry niii pantry on first floor finished In oak. excepting kitchen. Second floors have. J large bedrooms, bath and sleeping room, or sun parlor, enclosed so that It can,i for a r5"1: finished In best of hard pine, with two-panel birch doors. uk floors on both first and second floors; largo attic and basement; best of lurnace heat: excellent grade ot plumbing, with up-to-date plumbing fixtures EJJf"1' iMTx ru,t cellars and coal bins1 In each house. East house has ceautlful sand finished walls decorated with Oil paint. West house Is papered throughout tn excellent tosto. Thfcso houses arc complete In every detail, having njBters, full sot of screens, window shade, permanent walks and steps; attractive up-to-date lighting fixtures. Ready to occupy without one cent or rurther expense. Best buy in Dunde at this time. See us for terms and prices. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harn y Street. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Has an Up and Down Coarse on Today's Market, DECEMBER CORN IS QUITE FIRM Yellow Ccrenl tienerntcs Consider able Kxi-lti-mrnt When Shorts it nsh to Cover lief ore- Owe of the Pit. OMAHA, Dec. St, Ml A disappointing cable cuused a slightly lower oonlng on wheat, but It Itnme miuely uttei)H.-il Unit there whs a good domand through commission houses and the market had a quick spurt This ad vance, however, was not maintained, the enduing reaction being attributed to a declining tendency In corn. Nothing. was said about export business but tha north west markets held very welt and this latter factor contributed some rlrm ness to the local market. Various local operators were reported as soling, but the market, notwithstanding, showed qulto a little steadiness. There Is a strong undertone and It Is believed this will eventually be reflected In a higher lovel. Corn started firm with considerable ex citement In the December, owing to cov ering by shorts. There was likewise some short covorlng In the May future by those who hod not boon driven In by yesterday'H bulge. The weather may re vealed nothing favoring the bulls and this, with lower cables, finally affected the prlco nnd the market developed a much easlrr tone. .Selling on a largo scale by a house Identified with the long side was reported, but the offerings wero fairly-well absorbed except In the December, which gradually declined until It was below last night. Naturally there will have tn be some shrinkage In the receipts and a better demand to give the market snap, but It Is believed such con- Chicago ,. Minneapolis .. Duluth Omaha Kansas City,. St. Louis Winnipeg 1914 Will Be a Big Year in Omaha Ve wish a Happy and Prosperous year for you. Tho best RESOLUTION that you can make is that you will stop paying rent and provldo a real HOME for yourself and family. It Is a certainty that the very best In vestment on earth la Omaha real estate. GET SOME OF IT even If you have to go In debt for 1L ye will hare fine property to offer you .In 1911. Charles Martin & Co. 216 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone JTyler 187. jNfew Year's Present For the party that has $600 cash to make as first payment on a new 6-roam, nil -modern bungalow, finished in oak, birch 'and maple, tiled bath room, fine furnace, plumbing and light fixtures; mortgage ,at 31.750, on monthly payments. Owner's prlco has been 3$2,800, but Is sac rificing 00 for Immediate 'sale as above. Sure u- snap. P. J. TEH BENS COMPANY, 750 Omahc National Bank llldg. Phone Doug. 2182. Nothing But Cash Will Do. $83 spot cash buys an Omaha lot. This Is a nice level lot. In a good neighbor hood, but must bo sold for cash In the next few days. Our office will be open. New Year's day. Telephone Dougla 9C H. H. Harper 1013-14 City National Bank Bldg. Dundee 5108 Underwood Ave. Want offer for this well hullt, 7-room, I-story, modern house; oak finish first floor; deooratcd throughout; lurnace heat. South, front lot, x5 ft. Paving paid. An 'opportunity for some one to secure a good .house cheap. Key at our office. George & Company B City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 760. A Bargain Easy Terms Or Vacant Lot "West. Just off Farnam, choice neigh borhood, walking distance, 6 -rooms, mod ern, 4 years old. Will sell cheap on easy terms or will take vacant property for part or all. Owner must leave. AMERICAN SECimiTY COMPANY. 17th and Douglas Sta. Phone Douglas WIS. Dundee Bungalow Let us 'show yon a new, well-constructed bungalow on a large lot In Dun dee; five large rooms and bath on one floor; large attic and full cemented base ment; strictly modern and up-to-date, with .beautiful hardwood finish. 4909 Webster St. Can be bought with $1,090 nd easy terms. Peters Trust Co. 1X2 Kamam St. Doug. 898. $1,950 7 On Your Money 111 amnllntM nf lift) nrwl tin security. HASTINGS & HI5YDEN, 1614 Harney St. Our Office Will BeOpen New Year's Day PHONE DOUGLAS 2556 and ask to have a salesman take you In an automobile to seo ouf property. $26 cash and $35 per month buys a new five-room bungalow, price 11,350. city water, sidewalk and electric lights. H; H. Harper 1012-11 City Nation. Hank Bldg. PERSONAL. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Paul Tipton will notify Ills mother, Mrs. Ida Tipton. Oarnett. Kan.; father dead. MASSAOE Miss Welton. room 221 Ne. vlllo block, ICth Harney. Phono D. 4297. AI A RS A fiTil Swedish movement. 41S 1 Blk. to Farnam Cuming, 39th and Burt East front, big trees, paving paid, 4 rooms and hall down, and 4 more and bath above; fireplace; best heat and plumbing; 11,000 cash, balance (10 monthly; lease to right family. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 271S. EyenlngiH. 838 or II. 6134. BUNGALOW BARGAIN Just finished. Five rooms, all modern, flno lighting fixtures, high grade plumb ing, furnace heat, hot and cold water, floor drain,, cemented basement, coal bin, line east front lot. near 21st and Popple ton. Price cut to $2,760; cosy terms. RASP BROS, Phone Douglas 1653. 106 McCague Bldg. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. OUR TOAST TO YOU. Here's to 1914: "May it be the very best year you ever had and the worst you ever will have." ComullmentB nf ninnv..i. and CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., Its Agti. iitwn .uin., un.u unu rurnain ol. PARTV going south for winter wishes to ftp! fi-rnnm onttiiirn nnnrlv fnini.uAj Tyler ISM. 619 N, 17th St, REAXi ESTATE. FARM A KANCH LAND FOR SALE. Mluaeaaia. S80-ACRE farm 35 miles from Minneapo lis, Vii miles from a good railroad town1 part under cultivation, balance meadow and pasture land; good soil; good cluht room house, worth $3,000; barn, granary, corn cribs, cattle sheds, machine sheds etc-.; 14 cows, 20 head of steers nnd helN eis. three horses, hogs, chickens, com plete tot of farm machinery, buggies, wagons, iMeds. BO tons of hay, 1,200 bas of, corn 160 buhels mixed grain. 175 bushels potatoes, In fact everything 21 tn?.,.faJCi" Boes ?xccpt the furniture; price 412,000; nne-hulf cash. ' . SCHWAB BROS., 1028 Plymouth Bldg. Minneapolis. Minn. Nebraska, 400 Acres 5 Miles from Omaha P. 0. $160 Per Acre Oil nnveti mnH ntirl uA -.t.. IDVr.l. Hon Inn m v oll .,ov,i - i . trig b0 to 75 bushels of corn to the acre. Wnu n mu la ,,. I H .... ! . T. - -located Just, two miles west of South r' ,7i.r Dl?f, larua; also has trackage facilities. Why pay J150 to J176 pr acre for land near Blair. West Point, Kear ney, etc. when you can buy land like 7i . viiubi ncuBunuuie terms If desired. The Byron Reed Co. I'hone Doug. 297. 213 South 17th. IMPROVED 7,000-ACRK FARM, an South Loup river near Oconto. Cus ter county, Neb., to be divided Into 5 and sold cheup. Very little cash re quired balance S and 10 yenrs, 6 per cent. Lach farm contains level valley, corn, fall wheat and alfalfa .land under cultli vatlon. Smooth sloping and level table land, splendid meadow, roling pasture, timber and spring water. Black sell clay subsoil. Fenced, S sets of buildings Tour farm might De taken ai part pay- Wolbach, Greeley County. Nebraska. SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. BXCHANGK. Imported Krtnoh Per cberon stalilon. 7 vur Jk!, dapple gray, for cheap sand It work "" i'- .'SBmu, npion, la. Modern cottage, new and clean; good neighborhood. Will sell for 300 cash, balance monthly. Must be sold before January L Call owner. , Harney 4611. Bungalow Only half block from car. In fine neigh borhood; modern; five rooms and bath first floor; two rooms can be finished on sveond .floor; oak finish; built-in book cases; cement walks; everything com plete. Price 12,560. Terms 3300 cash, bal ance can Must sell before January 1st. Owner. Harney 4611. Investigate 2030 Spring St; 11 room house, gas and water. gtx0 condition, tsa cash down, balance My. same as rent. Web.TSCS. PERSONAL. OUNO women coming to Omaha as strancers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. .Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phono Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect tha new home, 1110-1111-1114 Dodge t. NOTICE. All Oardendale land purchasers that bought land from llust & Brundase re port at Oardendale. Tex., Jon. M, 114, for self-protectlon. We are sued for right of title. John L. Tins ley "SWEDISH massage nurse wishes to call on sufferers from rheumatism or raraly sis I hone Douglas ST;Z WANTED To adopt a girl from 9 to 12 years. Address. Y 3S4. Bee. Anns. Anderson. Mag'tlc treat. 418 Iiee bldg 61-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. FJ.TCCynMfi MASSAGE BATH. 211 ma LAURA WILSON, bath. mass. D. 8751. JHIons arc not far off and therefore traders favor the long sldd on reactions. Uats uwetitvl strung, but the pressure ot offerings by a large local concern gradunly wore the price down and caused some liquidation by tho longs. Tha mar ket firmed slightly near the close. Trad ers believe purchases are advisable on reactions such as today. Provisions were slightly lower. Offer ings were somewhat liberal, with a light demand. Favor purchases on the breaks. Cash wheat was Ale higher. Oash corn was. unchanged to tc higher Cash onts wero Ve hlRhcr. Clearances: Wtipjit unit flmir. feiiinl In bushels; corn, 4J.000 bushels; oat i.v-af minuet. Liverpool cloe: Whist. d hlnheri corn. trjd lower. primary Wheat receipts wero W6.WJ bushels and shipments 263, J0 bushels. Primary corn receipts were 1,642,0 bushels and shipments SI0,f00 bushels. Primary outs tvcelut wern tetonn bush. tls nnd shipments fiwyt bushels. CAKLOT RUCKIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. U3 411 116 -.1W 81 It 200 It 17 169 'Si &l 41 W 1M All markets will tin rlnsuxl Vntv Vn,', day. A year ago today was a holiday, there, fore 110 reCellits nnd ulilnmenta tVint ilste. The following .cash sales were reported; WhltNt.Kni 9 hIhI 1 ...... filler 1 car at SU1 cur at sotfc, No. 3 hanl winter, 1 car at Hc, 1 car at 80Vle. t car at Sic; No. 3 mixed, 1 car at MUVio; No. 3 durum, a cars nt "vKc. Rye N,o. 2, t car ai wr. uais standard, l car at 3S4ci No. 3 white. 2 cars at 37Wc: No 4 white. 7 cars at 3,Wcj no grade, 1 car ui mho. uorn No. 3 while, l car at t7c. 1 car at 63Hc 1 car at 65c; No. 1 yellow, 5 cars at 65c; No. 3 yellow, 1 car in ojftc, o cars ni uc i car ai rac, 7 cars at MWo. 1 car nt BiUti. 1 rr nt r,3e: No. 4 yellow, 5 cars at 61c; No. 8 mixed, 4 cars at 634c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car at 3c. 2 cars ai k:?c, i car ai 5ic. z cars at tac. car at uiftc, cars at i4c; tio. mixed, t cars at 6ic. l car at ooc, 1 car at B9J4c. 1 car at 59c, 1 car at 6Sc; no grade, l car nt 6Tc, 1 car at 66c, 2 cars at live, i car nt vie. Omaha Cash Prices Wheit: No. 2 hard, 80(fl83c; No. 3 hard, 7HS2c; No. 4 hard, iCJiSOc; No. 3 spring, SOJJSlc; No. 4 spring, 7!tt(m0c; No. 2 durum. MXSSWic: No. 3 durum, 7!K079?ic, Corn; No. 2 white, G5J C7HC! No. 3 wlilte. 64li7c; No. 4 white. &9lfffi2c; No. 3 yellow. wivuwc: no. a ycnow, kitithhc; no. 4 yellow, COfjClc; No. 2, C3a3Hu; No. 3. 6114 flC3c; No. 4, 6!i6lc: nn grade. 4S41cf Oatsi No. 2 white. SSIfMDc: 'standnrv. SSV4o: Nn 3, 374c; No. 4, 37V4c. Barley: Malting, 65 So; No. 1 feeil, 43(R54c. Rye! No. 2. 68U MCJ NO. a. 0lrtt)6SC. CIIICAfJO (.'RAIN AND PROVISIONS OMAHA L1YEJT0GK MARKET Desirable Kinds of Cattle Sell nt About Steady Prices. HOGS IN MOST CASES STEADY I'nt r.nm Sternly to n ahniln lllwher Pnl l.ntutm nml Venrllnst Htenily n Very Lit tle Knalcr. MISS FISHER, mass., elec treat. D. 43SO. Turkish bath. mass. Davldge blk. D. 6S95. Elec. mass., bath. 314 rilrd Uldg.. 17 &D. MAGNETIC Trt., 1S28 Vinton. D. 6026. MRS. SNYDER. Electric Trt. D. 4380. MASSAGE. 109 S. 17th St. Mrs. Steele. REAL ESTATE LOANS 1100 to 310,000 made promptly. F. D. Wtad. Wcad Bldg., 18th and Farnam, aof CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co., v lO iin.ii.i iipt.nHl Thvntpr hulldlnff. WANTED City loiins. I'eters Trust Co. GARVIN BROS 2.",? "ft WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith a Co.. 1320 Farnam St CITY and farm loans. lowest rates. No delay, J, 11, Dumont Sb Co., 1003 Far nam ot., Omaha. CITY property. Large loans a. specialty. W. H. Thoman. 28 State Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1010 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2715. FIVE per cent farm loans; optional payments, wm. Mccormick, 1201 Farnam FIVE per cnt form loans; optional payments. Wm. McCormlck, 1201 Farnam. LARGE loons our specialty. Stull Bros, HARRISON MORTON. 1116 Om. Nat, WANTED TO BUY RACHMAN will treat you right: best prices tor turn., clonics, stioes. w. his. HIGHEST prices paid for men's cast, off clothes end shoes. Doug, 017. KOl'TU OMAHA. Dee. 31. 1913. Iteccliiti wrre: Cuttle Hons. HlireP. Official Mnnriiiv KOtS bS.Oi 11.CJ7 UUIClal Tuesday 5,314 Kmimuto udnesilsy.. l.0J three dvs this wk lt.'.rtl 2S.J91 39.W1 Sftmo days Inst week.. 6.0SJ 1S.4W 1J.8IJ 8am days vk, tiBo.ll.SN? 33.4M !.wij riimti nays a wxa. uKo.J.,t.M - , i - 8nmo days 4 wks. ago. 15,011 37.38T 42.1W Same days Inst year .1J,67 1S.474 .23 Tho following tnJie shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep nt the South wuiBiia live siock marKCl lor hid i dato as compared with last year. 1911. 1112. Inc. 0" Cattle PSI.943 1.(17.195 Hog ...2.6I1.6M 2.MW.214 344.8W Sheep 3,224050 2,930,807 272.14S The following table shows tho range of prices for hogs nt the South Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons. . Date. I 1913. Dec. Uaa, Dec-Dec. Dec Dec. Deo. Dec. Dec. Dm-. Dec. WANTED TO RENT. YOUNG lady of good family, ern- jiloyed, wishes moderate priced board In private tamiiy. snores a mi. caro ec. LIVE 8TOOK MARKET Of WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention. Live Stock Commission Merchants MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. LEU Al NOTICES. Notice. To tho Stockholders of The Conserva tive Savings and Loan ABsocisttnn nf Omahu, Nebraska: As provided In section 1 of article 1 of tho bylaws of said association you are hereby notified that tho annual meeting ot the stockholders of Tho Conservative Havings and Loan association of Omaha, Nebraska, will bo held January 12, 1KH, at tho office of said association in the Conservative building, 1614 Harney street. Omaha, Nebrusku, for tho purpose of electing three directors for a term of five years, to receive tho rcoorts of tho officers And directors and for the trans action of such other business as may property come oeiore tne meeting. The polls will be open for the reception of ballots for the election of director from 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock p. m. of said date, and tho business meeting ot the stockholders will Immediately follow thn closing of the polls. Tilt; wu.-nbe.uvai i via aA v in tin AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF OMAHA, NEHRABKA. By GEO. F. GILMORE. President. Attest: PAUL W. KUHNB, Secretary. Omaha, Nebraska, December X), 1913. d-29-d-bt IVnturt's of the Trailing nntl Closing Priors on Hoard of Trailr. CHICAGO. Dec. 31Sg.ceilng of shorts brought about u decided auvance today In the prlco of wheat and corn. Attempts to force on the bull lender several million bUBhels of corn that arrived too lato to be unloaded ut elovntors met with failure. Closing quotations, which were steady at neany tho top level of thv day, showed net gains as toliows; Wheat WUW to iVic; coin, hfVc to lc; oats, io to V4U?iC, nnd provision 7 He to 35c. Wheat hud a remarkable advance for December, notwithstanding that last day deliveries on contructs tor tho month amounted to nearly a round l.Ouo.wUj uuaiieis. ji was not until tne iinai Hour ui tne session tnut tne upturn In wheat developed excitement among snorts. There had been a gtaduat tightening from the outset but no Hurry prcv.ous to the timo tfhen thu rite reached 2 cents, and plainly Indicated that lurther stubbornness by outstanding shorts would omy result In a nenrtlty moie severe. Orolnary Influences having refcrenco to crops und weather wero lost sight of, and December contracts were In tho end being settled at oven dearer prices than If lor May, Veto action by directors of the board of trutle spoiled the plans ot dealers who had hoped for an emergency rule that would allow eleventh hour delivery of train loads of, corn belated on railroad tracks in elevator yards here. As a re sult shorts saw no filternuuv'0 but to seme as quietly unu us soon as pos sible. The longs exhibited no dlsnos.t on to lilt prices to a sensational figure, but Bvcmea content to supply an comers who were willing to accede to what bull leaders thought reasonable after a hard fought battle- Oats sympathized with the strength of wheat olid corn, though complete.y overshadowed In point of in terest. Aggressive buying lifted provision. Grain traders nnd stock yard speculators were responsible. 13. Ml S,3t l.lOJ 21.1 I 7 12 6 Oil 7 Mil 8 291 5 361 4 S3 22.f7C0Hf I U Ml 7 63 S t 5 3li 23.1 7 49,l 7 Iftfl 6 671 7 561 8 031 8 2' 4 41 24. 7 4SHI 7 13 I T 07 8 HI 5 471 4 t I In I l I 7 231 6 ail 7 731 1 8 90 7 52 R nr. 7 79 8 301 7 R7tt 7 eittl 7 15H 7 071 5 9S 7 701 8 801 5 6 8 Ml 7 JSl 8 31 6 51 7 06 5 ! " ) 8 l 6 4li 4 S) 4 31 4 44 4 50 Artlclel Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close.Ys'y. Whtatl I I May. 90i' 81 90n July. S6i 874 , Corn Dec. C9H 71 0H Muy. 65H tSTi Wiii Oats III May. 40U 41 1 4014 July. 39i 40 1 39HI ?ork Jan.. 20 25 20 6S I 20 25 I May.J 20 62',i 20 OS 20 72H Lard ( I I I Jan.. 10 57ii 10 67H 10 674 May. 10 DO 11 OS 10 90 Ribs I Jan.. 10 70 10 50 10 70 ' May. 10 S3 11 15 10 93 Bllt'l 87V4I 71 I 0S!i 40T 33H M lib m 6SV4 -ioh 39H 20 20 0 10 67V4J 10 C754 11 05 I 10 92H 10 80 I 10 63 11 12V41 10 97H STOCKHOLDERb' MEETING. Notice Is hereby given to the stock holders of Ltie-Ulass-Andrce8ti!i Hard ware company that tho annual meeting of tho stockholders ot the company will bo held at the offices or said com pany, corner of Ninth and Hurney streetJ, in tho city of Omuna, In th state ot Nebraska, on Tuesday, Januury 13 A. D., 1914, at i o'clock p, m., for tho purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to serve during the en suing year, and to transact such othor business as may be presented at such meeting. H. J- LEB. President. J. CLARKE COIT. Secretary. D13-d30u NOTICE, Stockholders' meeting of The Union Land company: Notice la hereby given that the annual meeting of tho stockhold ers ot The Union .Land company for the election ot five directors and tha trans action of such other business as may legally come before the meeting will be held at room 1103, Union Pacldc head quarters building, 15th and Dodge Hu.. Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday, the 12th day ot January, 1911, at 10 o'clock, a. ni. The stock transfer books will be closed ten days previous to the meeting. Alex Millar, secretary. New York City. N. y, Dec 19. 1913. D17-dt STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting ot the stockholders of the HASTINGS AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILROAD COMPANY, for the election of seven directors and the trans action ot such other business as may lawfully come before the meeting, will be held at the office of A. L. Mohlor, corner bf Fifteenth and Dodge Streets, Omaha. Nebraska, on Monday, January 6th. 1914, at 11 o'clock A. 41. T. M. ORR. BcreUry. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Bee Building company will be held at the office of that company In The Bee building at 4 o'clock p. m. on Tues day, January 20th, 1314, for the election of a board of directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come be fore the meeting By order of the President N P FfclL. Secretary. Omaha, Neb,, Dec 23, 1913. U-30toJ.O Chicago Cash Pries Wheat: No. 2 red, 95AWWc:, Na 1 red, 92HJ93o: No. 3 hard, faftOOc; No. 3 hard, ttKttSc; No. 2 northern. SOItOlc: No. 3 northern. MH 89c; No. 3 spring, K9W09OUc,' No. 3 spring, i S7i,44jS8V4c. Corn: New, No. 2. 63070c; No. 1 3, i&Cjc; No. 3 white, C6c; No. 3 yellow. tH9tUWc, vam; no. a Willie, .3ttW3S?c: standard, J9Hc. RYE No. 2, 6162c. ' BARLEY: 50fJ70o. TIMOTH Y-14.00fG.40. CLOVER-112.25trl5.i. 1 PORK-120.50. LARD-110.67U. Ill US $10,254(10.75. BUTTER Steady! creameries, 22,3flc. POTOTOES-Hlgher; receipts, fcTcars: Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, red, H3fy7c; Mlahlgan, Minnesota and Wis consin, white, 67OT!c. POULTHY-Allve, higher: springs, 14t4c: fowls, 14c; turkeys. ISe; dressed, 22c. EGGS Lower; receipts, 2.8S8 coses, at mark, cases Included, 28aS3c; ordinary firsts, 30MClc; firsts, 32tfQS3c, CHEESE Higher; daisies, lCV4jyi6o; twins, 16fti6'io; Americas, ltitfUi?ic; long horns, tttyQKMc. MliinraiHilla Cvnlu MmrUet. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. St.-WHUAT-No, 1 hard. 877a8SV,t; No. l northern, R5)i87Kc; No. 2 northern. 2HQSHc; No. 3 wheat, 80?ifi83Hc; December, 84Hc; May, 87He. FLOUR $2.45 for second clears to $4.60 for fancy patents, BAHLEY-r44ft7c. RYB-63i364c. BRAN-121.00. CORN No. 3 yellow. 61c. OATS-No. 3 white. T&c. SEED Flax, $1.44K1.47i, Liverpool (Iralu Stnrkvt. LIVERPOOL. Dec 3L-,WHEAT-8pot. steady: No. 3 red western winter, 7s 4Vid; No. 1 Manitoba, -6s lld; No. 2. s 10d; No. 3. no stock; futures, weak; Mured, 7s d; May, 7; July. 7s W. ' CORN Snot, quiet; American mixed, s d; La Plata futures weak; January, 4s 19Kd; February, Es id. Nt, Louts (lekoml -AlsrUei, ST. LOUIS, Dec. 31.-WHEA.T-No. 3 red, 93Q93Hc; No. 2 hard, M-33c; Decem ber, Wl'ic; May, 91491Hc. CORN-No. 2, 6&36SC; No. 2 white, new, 72c: old. 7414v; December, Mile: May. 71ff 71Hc. oatk-no. z, WX0tte: No. 3 white, 4H4c: December, 39HC; May, 4174420. RYE-0c. Oils ana rtoln, NEW YORK, Dec. 31,-COTTONSEBD OII-Flrm; prime summer yellow. Iti.TOa 17 J7. PETROLEUM Steady, TURPENTINE Firm; machine barrels, 46c. SAVANNAH. Ga,. Dec. ll.-TURPEN-TINE Firm; 42;c; sales, 147 barrels; re celpts, 3S2 barrels, shipments, 65 barrels; stock. 23.949 barrels. ROSIN-Flrm: sales, 3,701 barrels; re ceipts, 1,52s barrels; shipments, 79 bar- rlfl alrtrUa 177 fiJCl hflrrla ntlnlA. A II ('. D. U7Hi; E. F. $3. 704J3. 72V4, O $3,72V4 3 ii, i.uuo.un, i, j.bw8j.o; k,, M, $5.455.65, N, $6.35, WO, $6.56, WW, $e f5. 7 0 I 7 7l 8 21! 5 00 4 33 Sunday. Holiday. CATTLE Receipts of cattle of all kinds were very moderate this morning, there being only flfty-threo cars rcporred In the yards. lir tho week to date the re celpts nro the smallest of any similar period for a good many weeks bock, bar ring unlv last week. There is also a slight falling off as compared with a year ngo. Plain ami heavy cattle were a little slow and mora or less neglected, hut tho lighter and medium weights were In good demand at steady prices, while the ten dency oil the heavier grades was easier. Cows ami heifers sold In about the sanio nOtchoH as yesterday, there being llttlo change In either direction. While tho trade wus not active most every- tiling in smut so d In fa r season. There wns no material change In the siocaer ami render market and quottv Hons were about the same as yesterday. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers, Ift.Oogi.M; fair to good boot steers, $7.60118.00; common to fair beef steers, $.6fttl7.60; fair to choice yearllnKs, $S.2oV2J; good to choice cornfed heifers, $b.i5tl7.76; good to cholco grnsi heifers, $6.50W7.28; 'good to choice cows, $J.2W(0.75, fair to good grades. $S.23y(l.2S; common to fair grades. S4.r5tJ6.25; good to choice stockcrs und feeders, $6.S6O7.80; fair to good stockers nnd feeder, $6.23.F.C; common to ralr Btockcrs and feedors, $3.75 80.25; stock cows and heifers, $4.6OH0,C0: U 500660"' N'0010'00' bul,e- "tngsTetc.; Representative sa:cs: v UEBIF ST1CICR8. HOoa-Supplies were fair and as ad v,',ceA f,rom ,olhe' Points indicated a slight drop In. values the local market opened out generally a nickel lower. Just rV'?' wittering sales wero made early that looked to be a little easier, but the majority of the sellers were not Inclined to cut loose at this decline, and u little lator on values braced up, so that while tho market was rather uneven the bulk ottho sales looked to be about steady. Tho movement was very d runny In gpots, but toward the extreme, close the demand livened up nnd a fow loads that Came In on a. Intn trsln wr T- selllng If anything stronger than the early .. wu ubiuij nny uemanu for 1)1 us this innrnlne nn.l ik- ... bunches that showed up wero very hard to move, even ot weakened prices. Tho uemanu lor ine very ngnt stmt was also slack on Tuesday, and for the two days prices aro sharply lower, tho decline amounting to anywhere from 2Bo to In somo cases as much as 60c. Bulk of the heavies and butchers moved at $7.0087.70, with several- loads ob high' as $7.76, the top, and lights sold largely at a range, of $7,46U7,tio. For the three days the unevrnness of tho' runs )ua wvussd prices to fluctuate n good deal, but today's figures look to be Just about steady with the- close' of lasb week. This morning's recolpts were estimated1 at 120 cars, or 8,600 head, bringing the wcok's total up to 2U.kUi3. This Is over 7,000 head heavier than a weok ugo, nnd nearly 8,500 head larger than Tor tlo corresponding days of lust veur. nu- AT. 21 172 n i,4 i ,.m 71 10 71 IIS .,177 6r..f:..lSS 94 171 74. 117 ira,.,.,,in m ICS so li'J n m 99 m ss its 4...1M V9 t,...-...M ..... HJ steers. $MHrS.: western steers. $S.76v t.W; southern steers, $S.IiJ5.U0i eows, $1.30 trt.CO; heifers. J6.fff.00; stockers and feeilers. $6.76fl7.60; bulls. $.0ofl7.; calves, 10.76. . . HOtlS-RecelDls. .( head. market steady to 6c lower; hulk. $7.vf)7.5 i $ ea-y, $7.WK2f7.W naokers and hutphors, ."lll'.CI' ,liNI Iwllli7 IWl -Ull'ir, iv.wv head, market steady to lOo higher; lambs, I7.3MI8.10; yearlings. .7W7.16. wethers. $MDff6.76. ewes, St 506,16. Hotix City Live HUtctt .tlnrkrt. 8IOi:C C1TV, la., Dec. 3I.-CATTLFJ-lleeelpts, l,(i head, market steady; na tive steers, $7.tflS.40; butchers' stock, IS.26OT0O: cows nnd heifers. $.0ti.2.; runners, .6Oif6,00; calves,. $7.6Ofil0.60; bulls, stags, etc., $S.0J(rU5. , , HOGS--Receipts. S.CC0 head; market steady tn VX- lawer; heavy, $7.th7..Pi mixed. $7.50M7.ii light. $7.4Mf7.M; bulk ot rales, $7 60tt7.60. , SHEEP AND LAMllS-Recolpts. I,0M head, market steady, fed buttons, $oOff 6.60; wetuers, i oncn, ,,du.w. lambs. $5.75ff8.00. Hi. Louis Live Stock MnrUrt, ST. LOI'lHJ t'. ll-CATTLK-Uo celpts 3.1W he'sil; market' steady; nallv ticci steers, (.ioiiMii conn "r".;' tl -,tik rA- -tiw.hnrn nlut fiWlltrM. Ij.000tl.n0: southern" steers, $5.75Hf7-O0: cows nnd hclN ers, $4.COi.txij catves. u.wiiu.i.v HOGS Receipts, w,"-" iienn. " pteailV Pigs and' llglit, I.MJ8.(. inixrd and butchers. $7.Mfl8.10; good heavy. $7,10 S0. ., SltlJI'I' A.MJ i.,aiiniivcii, " bend, market steady; native muttons. )3.7Mt!.3Si lambs, $.-.,2T.iM3. R. .loseniTl.lvr (ttock SlnrUet. ST. JOSE1M1. Dec. 1,-IIOaS-Recrlpts. 9.100 head; market' 6c lower; lop. $7.&, ''cATTLlilccelpts. hendf market steady; steers. $. &0.'l ""J "lf' ers, U Ot3TS,-5: calves. $5.001710.00. SHEEP AND LAMlll ecelpts. 1j0J head, market strong ta lOo higher; lambs, $7,n'.io, ( Llvp St licit In Slglit. Receipts of live stock at the six prln clpla western markets; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 3,000 3.600 l.OW ... 4,000 ... 3,100 1,40 HEW YORK ST0GK MARKET Quiet, Colorleia Session Ends Year's Trading on Exchange. DAY'S NEWS" UNIMPORTANT lloiilt tone sioux city. .. Kansas City., KL IaiuIs South Omaha. St. Joseph... Chicago ,.".!!tV. 8.400 6,000 8,600 9.100 4,300 10,000 3.0OJ 7,70) l,M 20.0N Total receipts, . t-VW) 39,900 43,201.' NEW YtHlK tlBNIlIl.Vli MAllKKT tiiitln tlnu on Vnrlnns of-the Du Cnn'imodltlci. NEW YORK. Dec. 3t.-FLOUR-UuU( spring patents. $4.454f4.0: winter "tralKht, $4.154.2,1; winter patents. $4.40J-4. winter, $3.664J3.76:' extra No, 2 winter, $131 OS.TOi Kansas stralgnts, i,uhh.ib. Wilt," AT Hnnt. firm! No. 2 red. WC, nominal, elevator, $1.004, f, o. h. afloat ; w.. i im.ih.i.n rtui nt i DflUe. f. a. b. afloat. Futures quiet,, 'losing WifHo higher; December. Jay, use; juiy, co in-snot, nnn now, no, """i nUc, c. I. f. to arrive. .... OATS-Hpot, quiet; standard white, 4551 45V4C1 No. 3, 44Vl43Hc, fancy clipped nunc, iv7iinu, . -urt .,,.,1. .tnl. (tnmmntl In flnOlCe. 1913, 40W4So; 1112. 1025c; PacltlC coast 11, ?3v?c; mil. sawjic. M. . hay Dun stanuaru. ii.wi 83. 17.. 11,. CI.. 6,, tl.. 14.. 70.. -av 31.. 44.. HU. I r. ... 7 26 40 7 33 1M Tit M 7 40 ID 7 43 7 4 7 45 ' T U 7 fill 7 60 7 90 7 60 7 50 7 SO 7 10 7 10 7 (0 ... 7M 10 7 M ... 7HH to 7 a ... 7 tt to 7 U tea 7 ss to 'io 40 40 to No. 63..,,, 69 ei,..., to 7 to 41. At. ,.C)0 - .811 ..146 ,.M9 ,.S1T ,.17 ..214 ..208 .197 .194 .234 .100 .:jo i4o 7 u i: in 77,, 209 .6 HJ 6. 31 212 70 1J7 31 103 73.. ..,,.147 74,.,..JW S6. Tr. ... 7 CO 10 7dl 40 7 0 110 ,7 W 40, 7 CO ... 7 CO 11 7 O ... 1U 60 7 60 ... 70 ... 7 60 330 140 7 tl 7 m 7 MM 12 ...1 ....210 ....270 ,..,171 1M Ml to 10 to 7 IS 7S7U 7 7U 7 67 Vi 41, 69.,. tl,.,. 11.... 4.... 10.... 13.... 75... 11.... 66.... ro., to lit ...244 ...234 ...141 ...nt ::o ...ion to ...214 ... ,,.131 ...111 ...111 . .811 7.i:Mi 7 13 7 es 7 CS 7 W 7 S 1 13 7 13 7 .., 7 1 ... 7 70 10 7 70 ... 7 71 130 7 73 7 67 U 17 Ill ... 1 U M Ill ... 7 10 H M ... 6 75 11.. ,,,..1J ., 7 7 II 110 ... 7 00 SHEEP The uacMers were court Imvun of a liberal run or lumbs and u light sup ply ot yearlings at prices generally steady to a shade lower, with tho most decline on yearlings. Lambs were mostly steady, ijmi u. prnun- iniiucficy was very ap parent, which was no surprise to tho selling side of the trodo In view of tho facts that a large supply was on hand for tho packers to 'choose from, and to morrow being a holiday so far as killing Is concerned, a large sharo wf tS-.i offer ings bought today would have to ho car ried over until Friday, Really good lambs were ugaln scarce, with the fair to good grudes predominating, the range of prices being mainly at n.e'WS.lO, the lat ter flgMe belli the top and Just a nickel lower than the highest point touched yes terday. A load ot fed western yearlings weighing around 91 pounds was Included In the early trade at $6.60. Tho supply of owes was very much the samo ss yesterday both as to size and ".iiuilty, nnd values were strong to a shade higher, lluyers In some cases seemed to want something In tho line of fat ewes mpru than anything else, and os a result most of the holdings wero disposed of readily. The range or prices was around $5.004i5.25. The deal In feedors showed no material change, tho volume of trade being again limited at prices for the most part steady. Some feeder Iambs went to a feeder buyer early at $6,75. Quotations on sheep and lambs; Lambs, good to choice, $7.6Oa7.80; Inmbs. ralr to good. $0.7ttW.50; lambs, culls, $5.40 uo.w, yearnngs, nitnt, !G.j.&o; year lings, heavy, $0.00(30.25; wethers, good to choice. $5.0096.25; wethers, fair to good, $4.6006.00; ewes, good to choice, $l.765j6.3'l; ewes, fair to geod, $4.60f4.78. CIIICA(iU LI VK TOcic .MARKET fiiltle .Steady to Mtrnug Hog In. ettleil, Opeulnir Lower, CHICAGO Dec. 81.-CATTLE-Recelpt. 12.0(A) head; steady to strong; beoves, $6.70 C9.C0; Texas steers. $a.9O47.90; western stoers. $0.2Otf7.S5; stockers und feeders, $6.0007.45: cows und heifers. $$.50H6.t; calves, $700811.40. ' HOGS-Itecelpts, 43.000 head; unsettled, opened 6c lower, but decline reKUlned; bulk of sales. $7,SOiS.C0; light. $7.tMi7.95: mixed, $77C8.0u; heavy, $7.651j8.1U. roush. 7.6W.75; pigs, .75j7.70. SHEEP AND LAM11S Recelntn. "rYftm licud. steady to a shade higher; native H 7556.13; western. $l.7&4jC16; yearlings, $5.tttCT.15; lambs, native, $67018.26; west ern. $6,7608.25. Knnsna City Live Stoulc Mnrkrt. KANSAS CITY. Dec 31 CATTLE -Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady; prime fed steers, $S.t0g9.O0, dressed beef Small Demand thr t'nder- tlooit Qnotntlons Rise Moderately Early, Wilder I.fhiI of Rending. NEW YORK, Dec. 31. - The years trading on tho Stock exchange came to un IM with a quiet, colorless session. The day's news was unimportant, specu lative Interest at low ohb and a holiday at hand, so that tr adorn wero content to permit the market to drllt along Idly, 'the uncertain movement of stocas re cently and tho absence ot Indications today,; or? n definite trend caused specu lators to bo the more reluctant to mako rresh commitments at this tlmo and in most cases price changes wero only nominal. in suite of the small demand for siockk there was a good undertone. Early lit thn cliiv mtotationn rose moderately un der the lead of Reading, which gained a point despite the showing of a not decrease of IS35.000 In Its November statement. New Haven. Lehigh valley. Canadian Pacific and Norfolk & West crn also developed strength. American ice was 'bid up over z points owing to tho Irtcreasn in net profits of $l,aw,0tu cusrloted In the company's annual re port ...... , . . lexas company ciimoeu n poinin un u. continuation ot the buying which nos been sending up the price steadily In the last tew days ana roro to tne pest figure of two years. Realising sales later isveieu uowu inc market and In many cases the early gains were cancelled, Movements theie after were unusually narrow except Hi a few instances. mencun icicimunu was heavy. , , , Final prlMO touay snowcu Ktucrn; losses on the year. Reading, alone ir the speculative tnvorltes, held its own and tne other most active features were 6010 polhts lower than ut tho close o Tho last day of tho year brought not even the suggestion ot a flurry In ttio money market. Call loaris were rehoweJ at per cent, reflecting the demand tn connection with year,-cnd reu.ulrements. but the rate Wterintur ten on occiurim. The bond market was steady. Total sales, par value. $1.803,0. United Mutes 2s advanced H on call. Number of ana loaning quoiuuunn on stocks were; ... 8IM. Win. lAtm. l-lMf. AmUmltNl Copper ... 10,100 714k .214 Afnititin Asricuuvrai .. Amfrlrin Hrt suiif,... American t'n s . Amrrlrsn Vn pM. American C. l' ,. Amerluan Cotton Oil..,.. Am. Ice hocurllles American UtV"il American Uienmntlfa ,,. Alnercan H. It $1.02Wtfl.05; No, 2, 90UJc; No. ,SSfiSS HIDES-Steady; . Uogots, saWWHC. ireflnyd, New casks. mcs, short mess Cut to 14 $13.50. Pentrsl America. 29Mc. York, bulk, $5.26; barrels; .$.78i mm t'-MATHifiiv-Plrmt hemlock firsts, 290 30c; seconds. XMfwe. .... PHOVIMUWB -:.!'", icy. $2J.Mj 23.75; fatnll', . $24.50I7.00 clears. $20.264122.03., Deer, nulet; $i8,ooi$.M; family, iifl;??1'?? meats, steady; Pickled bellies, 10 411 o r sue it iVI mlrulnri nfLlTlK. LTrd". flr.n; mlddlo wfriJJSlja; TALLOW Quiet; oiu. OHci country. fltolc: special, T,c, .,. CllEKHE-l'irm; receipts. J'tt,," Stat", whole milk, held specials. "SnHo average fanoy, UHc; fresh specials. Jvi UJ?fi2.rn.T.o.,l. w.lnts. .631 tubs -,.n.,i.,v"pxrns YgV37Wo; firsts, 28 ?tlr- hi PXtrftff. S2U.4UBI iimin, w ''EGUS-Stcady; ,"ccpts. 7.228 cases; fresh gathered extras. SJc: extra ""'"j 3Wff7o; ncarhy hennery, whites, 48oOc, gathered wmtcs, iisiioi--. ..,,. B POULTRY.-Uve, flrrttt w'tf" chlck: ens 14V4.C fowls, lSliqi turkeys, - &e"HatIleUfAi Adc.eXV 1 eno, ist3c; fowls, Ufflie; tufKoys. jaw z'Hc i.nnnl Srfnrltlea, 419 NiU-iatl U.pV oulWfng. M Box nutte. Nb rourthomt W, uw.tiw.w ; -h,.t, l.-blMM, Ke. till .-... Calltornla. 1st ot. liar. 4a. 1911.... Deere & Co., preferred Durnlee. Neb,, 1 Kl l'o. Tex.. wef t. 1131 Kalnaont Creamerr 1 p. c. suir.,.. Kalrn.ont Crea.nerr. 7 p. e. pM Harris Co. ,T.. 4ij. 1951... ........ Interborotiih IUp. Tfjne. t. 1981.,.. Kaniaa City. Bch. 4e. IM2 ...... .... K. IV M. IV 0. Ity. I (, I9J1. .. Lincoln (la KUh. lit tl. 1941... Iiulilan.i. itun of, 44. 19M City ol omiba 4Hs, 1MI.. Omeba trei,t Hy, 3. 1114 Omaba 4 C. II. HI. nr. i'. 1121...,. Omiba C 0. Ilr liriae MM 91 ft 99 101 ioo'a Kl ae ti to 99 19U 91ft 4 UK 1,100 04' 1Q0 19H 1,700 U 29H. 9t 44), JW 04 U 61, American B. & It., pfc!,.. .., ..... Am. Muter Iteffnlns I.KM 11014 109 American T. A T 7,t0. lllu 1WH Amerlran Tnbaroo t. . . ..... Anaennla Mining Co.,.. 1M Uti AtcbKon .. 1.400 91K Atchlaon pfj SIS U1H 300 92h 1,100 11 ii,i,no soiiia 300 II 400 Mid 700 11 M4i 1.4(1) Hilt 117 2 :l 17 :x in eoo i;ioo- UK 21 . 11 coo mu 100 hh ittu too too loi'J 409 15 'i.'iij 130 ii. 400 400 ..... iU 14 H Oakland. Cal., Muni. Imp. 1, 1M0,. 101.10 IMrtland. Ore,. 4 Wit 11 Hloux Cltr Htl. yl. li, 1014 ........ 13 Ktata of Culo. I-'undlng It. 92t,.... 7.I7 Itdg., p. r. pfd. 9JU Am KninclMo, Cal.. la, 1920-II3II.,. KI Tri-cm r. i. co.r pta,., ;j Union HtV. Vda, elk , 91 4 100 IW.aJ J01W 101 19H (lit u . 12 tl . 99.50 100 100!-) Vi cm 101.. VI H.-77 1 M.?7 100 101.19 It, r Metal ..Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 31. METALSUod: Quiet, H.MH.lO; Iximlon, li 18 2s Ud, Spelter: Quiet. 15.2yrf6.40; London. 21 12s Od, Copper: Steady; stannurd, spot; not quoted; January to April, offered at $14.50; e'ectrolytlc, $14.75(915.03! lake, $15.50, nominal; casting. $14.62VilS14.75. Tin; Weak; spot and January, $35.00037.10; Kebruury, $37.00ff37.,J6; March, $37.17Hi 37.25; April. $37.254137.37. Antimony; Dull; Cooson'fl $7.4517.00. Iron: yulet and un clsRgeit, Ixindoti market cloKed as follows: Cop prr; Weak; spot. 05 2s 0d: futurrs, 05 17s 6d, Tin: Kusy; spot. 10 6s; futures, 171 2s 6d. Irorit CleVetand warrants, 4Ss JOVfd. HT. LOIMB. Doc. 31. M ETA Lft-Loud: Finn, $1.10. Spelter: Steady, $5.15ft5.2i Caiffri- Itlnrkri, NEW YORK. Doo. SI.-COFKRK-I'U-turss were higher today 011 reports of a steadier cost and freight situation, firmer French cables, covering and some trade buying supposedly against sates of uctuaL The opening was firm. 2 points lower on February, but generally 0 to II points hlcher und the close was steady at 17 to 21 points net higher. Hales were 70.000 bncs. Januury. 8.8I0; March, 0.0k-, May, 0.34c; July, 9.03c; September, 0.73c; October, .77i'i December, 9.84c. Kpot, steudy; Rio No. 7. t'.if; Santos No. 4, llTio; mild, .quiet; Cordovo, 13l6c, nominal. Cotton Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. Dec. 31.-COTTON-FU-tures. t'losid steady: January ILfOc: March. U30c; May, 12.23c; July,. J2S2c; October, ll.Clc. fipot, qu!et; mlddllns, 12.00c; gulf, 12. Sue, LIVERPOOL, lieu. SI.-C07TON- -Hpol, In fair demand, prices firm; middling fair, 7.70d; nood middling, 7.30d; middling, 7.14d; low middling. 6.00d; good ordinary, 6.24d; urinary, 5,'J0d; sales, 8.(00 bales. Oiiuihit Tin Mnrket. HAY Prairie. No, 1 upland. $11.0012.00: No. 2, I'J.OMillOO; No. 3. $7.00fJ9.00; No. I midland. $11.001111.50: No, 2, $J.O0fi 11.00 No. 3. $7.ftX?8.00; No. 1 lowland. $3.00010.00; No. I, $7.0Xi ); No. 3. $5,0017,00. STRAW Cholco oat or rye,- 50.050.57; sholce wheat, $.'.0O.5O. ALFALFA Choice, 14.XKfT15.00; No, 1. $13.00314.00; No. 2, $1.001100; No.. S, $9.00 11.00. Ilry Guotls SfnrUrt. NBW YORK. Deo. 31. DRY OOODS Cotton goods yarns closed the year steady und quiet. Offers to buy worsted yarns at lower figures were declined by spin ners. Calais laces of fine texture wore rullod for more freely today mid domes tie embroidery was In better call 'or rprlng Loudon Stock Market. LONDON, Dec, 31. American securities were dull during the forenoon, Canadian Pacific declined 2 points, but changes olsewhero in the list were confined to small fractions. Atlanta Coait List Ilittlmor & UMo Uetblabem Hle-I Iirooklyn luplrt Tr...... Canaalen Puclfio Central Leather Cheeapeake & OMo Chlcaia tl. W Chicago. M, & fit. P. ... Chlce.o ft N. W Colormda Fuel A Iron... Coneolldated Oaa Coin Prndurte. . t Pelawnre A HuUnon. Uentrr A Hlo Grande. ... Denver A It. 0. old Ulttlllfra' EiKurJtlea Krle, , Krle lit, pfd...., - Krle Id pfd General Klectrlo flreat Noilhern pfd Qreal Northern Ore ctfi. Illinois Central Interboraugh lt4 , inter. Met. tfd International llarveeter.. Intsr-Maxlne Ptd Inuraalluual fuper Interkatlonai Pump .1,,. Ksneni Cltr Routhern.... Laclede (In Um1i Valler ...-.. .. Iulaellte A Natbtllf... Ut., lit, P. ic K. HI. sL , Mluourl. K. ft T , MlMotirl Pacific ,, National niaeult Nallenal Iad N. It. It, of M. 2d ptd.. New York Central....... 1 V . tl, 4 - ... ... Vlt oc .,,.,. Norfolk A Wev'.ern.,.. .North American ', Noitliern Pacltlc Pacific Alal ltntdiot. . ... Pfople'a Ots , P.. C. C. A Ht. L'.... t'.tt. bursh Coal I'raaeed meal Car..,.,. Pullman fiUcs Car...; Mending republic Iron A Hteel.. lUpuklla t. A H. pfd.. Itocfc liland Co Itock liland Co. pfd..'. St. I,. A K. K. 2d tM. fieaWrd Air Line Heabonrd A. L pfd....,, ...... AJoas-Hhefflelil H. A Koutliern I aolflc t,0M Heuthern IVtllwar 300 a. Hallway pfd. ........ 200 Teantteaa Copper 1.100 Tetaa & PaHfV'...., ITnlon VeuUlo ll.Jffcl istH Union l'aelflc pfd 100 13 United Klalea n.H . United Stale llubber,.., 300 United State Hteel,.,.. . 3,tqo U. H. Kleel pfd" 7C0 Utah Cupper ton Va--Urullna Cbcinlcil .. coo Wabith Wabaeli pM v . Weelern Maraad ... Werlern Union .. .,, WeHlnshoua i;ictrlc Whetllas A L 15 ... Niw llaien ,. Kx-dlTldcnd. 4 7'4 :is 41 13114 Mtl 10 400 700 10 1211 Mb iri'si .,. ..... fii" 91 1,000 lot',, 102(4 '"too win ioi" 700 lOtSi 1,100 ni'; 300 17 1C9H 1)9 11,200 in nn. roo 2m 21U 1SV 7& ?'!, 4H n 'tin ton 2tH ti ta lom 17 Vt 400 301 UK LKf '7?U 7' 4.1a US tit, ', 44 ' ii I'l 12 Mi 91 109 II!', 141 11 "i m. 07 net SI', 19 W w 17 SOU, tle "t ltH'i 11.4 112 Kit 241, 11 in, 41 U 119 121'i 14 101!, 14H, 0) 1.0 u 141, 2 1494, lUH 1W im 11 y. in 44 n i l7. 102 , 5 109 14 w UK lili m it) Stt 204, 7 i a tt t a 7 1M tM4t tt, SI 174 MH ua fO'i a 7; 144 UK 4H 4"r 71 firm; railroad Total eat (or the rtajr, 191.M0 ibarec , Sor Vork Moiier Slnrki't, NKW YORK, Dec. Sl,-MONl!Y-Call. strong. 3l per cent: ruling rate, 6 per cent; closing bids. per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty and ninety days. 4, CIS per cent: elx months. tH5 per cent, JIKRCANTILB PAPER-3HJ per cent 8TERLINQ KXCHANOK-Strpng; sixty btlfs8' .4fo' demand' X-8450 commercial HILVlSH-nar, 57Ho; Mexican dolltfrs, DONDS-aovornmcnt ster.dl-. foVows 1UO,0,lo,, on bonds were as U S. ref, 3. ref.. 7tit. c. So. ref. ti.. 93 do coupuno IJltU . deb. 4 nil., tti Jo ...!, 1 & N. tint, 4 125 do la coupon l2tM. K. IT, lit 4a. 171, do 4a res.,, ill do sen. ,41ie..ri. la do cupon ll2tMe. raclflo 4 W I'anams 2 coupon., 9S4, do cone, le 17 Vlmer. A. ,t...,,. 17V.N. It. .JU f 11. tt ft A- T. A T. c. 4e.. Hk)i. V. C. c, 1H 11 Aroer. Tobacco u.,, dn deb. 4a......... si Armour & Co. ,. WHe-fr. v, N, II. A H. Atchlaon sen. 4,.. . 93 H cr. Ilia M ' do or. 4, tHrt.... M,N. A W. Ill e. U, ml to e. t ,.,.,100 do cr. 4a... wjv, A C. I let 4 H No. I'aclfle 4e. . . . 11 Uil. A Ohio 4,. do s t4 'Jo 3t,a W 0. S: U rfd. 4. . 19i Ilruok. Tr. cv, 4... 1714 Perm, cr, 3 Via jt.. tl, Cen. of Ga. la 101 do con. 4 e: Cen. Ixatber 6a.... 17tinallns (en. 4,....JC Chea. A Oblo 4t,..M14B U. A a. F. fs 4i 71U dn conr. 44 791, Mo gen, (a,... liu rhlcemi A A. Hie.. TO'.Bt. U H. W. e. , 7JI, C U. A Q. i. 4e.... 14W. A. U d, 5a,.,. 75 da sen. 4a ItUtio. Pae. col. 4a,,... 90i r M A U P e 4H..10t do cv. 4,., ....... tl C. It. I. A p. c, if 10 do t.t ref. 4.:.. MU do rfs. 4t .. ..7ttiRo. llallwar la 102U C. H. r. & a. 4H(0U do sen. ,...,.. 71 D, & It, cr. 4j.. ., tISUnlon, Pscltlc 4a.... 94i n. A It O. ref. ta. 11 do cv. 4a... MU niitlllera' ta It do 11 A ref. 4l, . 9ti Erie p. 1. 4 U r. g. Rubber 10: do sen. 4 7IWIT. B. Steel Jd 5r. I0014 do c. 4a, nr. t. imv-R Cbem. Ea,.. 9t III. Cen. lit ref. 4i. tt WaUah let ex. 4a tn! Inter. Met. 4'.. . 7 WeMers Mo."47.. . 1 Inter. M. M. 4H.- Wt. Elee. n, ,. 'Vp'.'d..'orf.r.d: M Ct",f" 'V" Ilnatou StocU Market. BOSTON. nc. 31.-Qlpslng quotations on stocks weret llonawk Allouet Amah Copper A. Z. L. & S. Arltona Com. , Cal. As Arliena Cal," A- llecla. Centennial 411 -inomii iake ....... -Hi . nia Poraimoa , .434 nwaela f. Mu Copper Itanse C. C. llVBhannon a r.tri llutt C M... It Superior ait Franklin H"uprior A JJ. W... is (Iranbr Can 74 Tamarack ,. jii Oreen Cananea .. 31 V. 9. it. R. A M.!. H lalaV HtnvalA) I nnMP Vila- etfn a Kerr Ilke ...... ItiUtab Con.' jir Copper . 7HUtah Copper ijk nan opper -. enrtinona Miami cooper ;i)k "oiteriu ....... j Key to the Situation Beo Advertlnlns1. 4 tt'qi'.'.'.'. ill MSI