Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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M mJimmid , JOHX A. SWANSON, President.
"WILLIAM. L. 110LBMAN, Treasurer.
John A. Swanson, Pres.
of the Nebraska Clothing Co.
is the "I will" man
THE OIIIGIXATOK OF THIS FAMOUS i.n,,.,,. .... ..... . . . ,
P unnn i a
A.Swansoms the original"! will" man of Omaha
This Is the Signal Thous
ands Have Waited For,
Sale Starts
Friday, Jan. 2
m am
is oejIvju ana announces
Broadcast the Opening
of the Most Colossal
M. JL Jr""TL 1 4 JL M. Ak. JL 1 i
I-j ElI jk. lJ 1t?,j
What an opportunity to buy the superbly tailored clothes made by the
recognized leading wholesale tailors. "Hlckoy, Freeman & Co.," "U Adlor Uros. &
Co.," "RoBonborg Bros. & Co.," the makers of Fashion Clothes of Ilochestor, N. Y.
'Clothcraft Clothes," "Kaufman's celebrated nre-shrunk clothes," and a host of other
famous makes tho finest suits and overcoats produced In America, all go at Half Price.
Komember that our entire stock, consisting of thousands of the suits
and ovorcoats in nil sizes from 32 to 52-inch breast measure and Including ovory
fashlomblo new modol and fabric from the best foreign and domestic looms is offorcd
jou. Kvory deslrablo now stylo idea is represented in this great Half-Price sale of
host clothes mado como early.
This is going to be an earthquake of values, a landslide of bargains. The most stupendous sale ever offered the citizens of Omaha and vicinity.
Blue Serge Suits are also included in This sale.
Take your unrestricted choice Friday as follows:
ALL $10.00
ALL $15.00 d mCA
O'COATS at . I
ALL $20.00
ALL $25.00
O'COATS at .
Please noto that at these prices It
will be necessary to mako a small
charge for alterations.
During this sale no goods
will be charged.
Intelligent people will realize the
Justlflableness of the above rules.
Our tor servlca In all other r
scects will be the iamo as heretofore.
ALL $30o
Suits and
Overcoats at
All ?45.00 Ovorcoats
ALL $3591
Suits and
Overcoats at
(Fur Ovorcoats and Pull
Dress Suits alono Excepted.)
ALL $40?!
Suits and
Overcoats ab
All 150.00 Overcoats
. . This great snle has a two-fold purpose to clear nwny nil stock nud to fur
ther introduce this greater New Store now completely remodeled. The best
clothing store in the west. Come, got acquainted with tho "new home of quality
clothes" and our wny of doing business on the square.
Plush and quilted satin lined
reduced as follows:
930.00. rednc.d to $18,60
935.00, reduced to 318.00
830.00. r.duoed to 918.00
C3B.00, reduced to .ffio.oo
(38.00, rednoed to... 910.00
830.00, reduoed to 830.00
810.00, reduoed to 830.00
843.00, reduced to 830.00
860.00, reduoed to ...940.00
870.00, reduoed to MS 00
8100.00. reduced to '.rio'jQO
Men's Furnishing Goods Prices Cut to the Core- Stock Up Now
$1.00 and $1.50 Shirts at 65c
A sensational offer of high grade shirts; all are from
leading shirt mnnulacturers.
Til 1 . . J 1 J 1
rjain or pieaiea siyies; line fn
percales and madras cloths; HLk Lk m.
u o;- i a n T7i. 7?,,i.,,. S a
$1.00 and $1.50 shirts, clear
ance sale price , ,
$1 and S1.50 Underwear, 55c
Men'B fine Wool Merino Flat
or Ribbed Shirts
or Drawers, $1.00
and $1.60 quality,
$1.00 Union Suits at 69c
Men's heavy Ribbed Cotton.
and Natural Wool
Fleeced $1 Union
Suits, Bale prico
$1.50 Union Suits at 95c
Men's natural Ribbed Merino
heavy weight $1.D0
Union Suits,
alo prico
Thousands of beautiful sew Neckties.
Startling values.
Men's 10c
Hose, Sale
Price, 5c
$3.00 and $4.00 Union Suits at $1.95 $5.00 and $6.00 Union Suits at $3.95
Men's natural ribbed fine wool and a -a ai 1 Ino a" w001 mcrln. also Vimsar,
silk and wool Merino Union Sulta, 4 I IfS lino quality Bilk and wool, $5.00
$3.00 and $4.00 quality, at tJ Unlon 8uit8 at liPtr
Men's $2.00 Sweaters at
These sweaters have shawl collars and
two pockets, all colors, $2 sweaters. .
$3.00 Sweaters at $1.95
Men's extra heavy Shakor
Knit Gray Sweat
er; two pockets;
$3.00 sweater,
salo prico , .
$4.00 Sweaters at $2.50
Mon'a Fine Worsted Shawl
Collar Sweater:
two pockets; rll I SII
Rood colors; $4.00
valuoa at
50c Men's Fine Silk four-
in-hand neckwear
$1.00 Rich Imported silk
neckwear; sale p"
price. .T OOC
Men's 25c Hose, 2 Pair for 25c
A smashing sale of pure thread Bilk fiber hosiery,
black and colore, at exactly one-half prico; OP
2 pair for . fciJC
Women's 50c Hosiery af 29c
Fine quality fiber silk boot hoslory, no tear garter
top; the best wearing, beat looking DOc OQ
hosiery made; sale price 4w7C
WomeB's 19c
Hosiery, Sale
Price, 10c
Women's $3.00 Sweaters
Another sensational offor strlotly all tvooI SweuU
Biiivwi couur, two pockois, wnito
gray, red and ton; $3.00 ,Women'n
Sweaters at.
25c Knitted
fine quality Neckwear at,
A -if) &
Women's Underwear Sale
Wciiueu'n 8.1c High Nock, LonR
Sleeve Merino Union
Suits at DUC
Women's 81.2s Heavy .Merino
ollirflnlnhci Tr.26 Vffi 7Q
..... "V
uc. at.
Fine Ribbed Wool Morino Union ft.;
50c Union Suits 39c $1.00 Union Suits.'. ... .69c
Ever Attempted in the Entire History of the City
THE "I will" man has aroused your curiosity as never before. Read this advertisement and take its
messago to heart. Just stop and thiuk of tho tremendous importance to you of this most extraordinary announcement and
then come and see for yourself that it means every word that it says.
Our EntireStock of Men's and Young Men's New, Fashionable, Highest Grade FALL and WINTER 5
will be placed on sale, beginning Friday, January 2nd, at just one-half price and our regular prices are 25 less than elsewhere.
Half Million Dollars Put Into New
Buildings During Past Year.
Vrro Churchea and One J.arse School
IlalldlnK Abode the Strac
tares that Are the 3Iot
f Nearly 500,000 In buildlww and building
. Improvement was put Into South Omalia
Sact "year; exclusive of some Improve
"Wnts mado by the different packing
, City Jlulldlns Inspector John Devlne
reports two new churches erected worth
respectively JKXOOO and J15.000 each. St.
Hrldget's school, a brick and steel build
tntr, was erected at a cost of ;18,a and
an addition to Corrlean school cost I12.C00.
The following report' of the butldlntf
Inspector t-hows the permits Imued.
Total building- permits for the year,
m. They call for ItlO.DQO, put Into build
ings as follows; Frame dwellings, 91;
brick dwellings, V, store buildings, 6;
business blocks, S; remodeling, 18.
Among the Improvements In the oity
are Included the new Methodist and the
United Presbyterian church. St. Bridget's
Catholic school Is a modern school build
ing designed to accommodate 900 chil
dren. The Koutsky-Pavllk building and the
Plunket blocks are addition's to the
downtown section of the city, while tho
Plunket Interests have under construc
tion a new block of modern flats and
apartment houses.
Soiue Question Are Asked.
Who has the Issuing of subpoenas to
the DOllCe of South Omalm? AnI it an
IwhyT Where does the arresting officer
sei on wnen it comes to acting as court
witness at ts per day and why do cer
tain officers appear regularly In court
to testify while others never see any'
thing i.iarer the halls of jostles than
Pollen Judge Callanan's tribunal?
These questions aro agitating a num
ber of the South Omaha police officers,
who claim that even when thoy make
an arrest of a prisoner, afterward to
be tried In the district rourt, they are
never subpoenaed to testify In court.
Instead, It is claimed, a few do all the
There Is dissatisfaction among some
of the best officers on the force over
the matter. One officer, discussing the
matter yesterday, said:
"I know of an Instance where I, with
another officer, actually made the ar
rest and delivered tho prisoner to the
station. We had no assistance from
anyone before or at the time of tho ar
rest. The man was afterward tried In I
district court. Neither the other arrest
ing officer nor myself were callud.
Others, however, were able to give the
testimony as to the arrest."
Mayor Talks to JVewsliors.
A talk from Mayor Hoctor to the fifty
newsboys of the city was the feature of
the newsboys' dinner last night at tho
Greer hotel. Mayor Hoctor didn't refer
to tho child problem, nor to the complex
ity of modern days as regards the
psychology of the boy. He told them;
"It you aro on the square and work
hard, honestly and faithfully, some day
you will grow up to be great men and
perhaps, who knows, bo president of
the I'nltcu" States." It was as eld as tho
republic, the mayor's talk, but the boys
drank down the words of the mayor with
as much avidity und their eyes glistened
and cheeks glowed with tho light of
Irrepressible hope that burns In the heart
of the lowliest.
Probation Officer Paul Macauley made
a talk to the boys, as did Chief of Pollro
John Drlggs. The banquet was given by
HrlKgy und Macauley for the newsboys of
tho city.
McKnle At-repta .Second I'lacr.
Chief of the Fire Department John Mo-
Knlo lias agreed to accept second place
on tho department under former As
slstant Kiro Chief John llasburg as soon
as ho returns from his vacation. "I have
been granted two weeks' leave," said Mc
Kalo yesterday. "I shall take my vaca
tion and then return to duty. I hope
everything will bo pleasant In the depart
It Is understood that the first sign of
Internal dissension In tho department will
mean a lopping off of the dissenting
members. Speaking of tho fire depart
ment yesterday, Mayor Hoctor said:
will not tolerate any pettiness In a de
partment where discipline Is so essential
to tho welfare of the city. Chief McKals
has accepted tho chango and will report
for duty after his vacation."
Mliul" City fiOMlp,
Skatlnc Is eood at Jitter's nond and
largo crowds are attending every day.
Mrs. Wright and dauchter. IJreta. are
visiting with relatives In Avoca, la.
I.eo Pryor of Chicuso is visiting friends
In Omaha and South Omaha for a few
Tho ladles' Aid society of the First
Methodist church will serve a chicken
dinner at tho church Thursday evening
from 5:30 to 7.30 o'clock.
New Ycur's afternoon will be a big
tlmo for tho local Ilohemlan Turners,
who will hold a tournament at Twenty
first and U streets. The Omaha Ilohe
mlan and the Uennan Turners will tako
part In the tournament. Tho tournament
Is an annual rvenU 1
Jerry Howard has sent a letter to the
Library board, asking that lights be In
stalled on tho front steps of tho library.
Jerry had a full lant week.
Tho Orchard Mill Improvement club will
nnia a meuung in trie uassuy hall.
Fortieth and Q streets, tomorrow evening
or mo purposo oi electing oinccrs,
The Phllathca class of tho First Bap
tist church will hold a pastry salo at
Polsley market. Twenty-fourth and 12
streets, Saturday, January 3, 19H, at 1
Mrs. W. Carroll will entertaJn aL &
Children's party this afternoon In honor
of the fifth birthday anniversary of her
ume uaugntcr, i;orouiy, at ner home,
11KW M street
The Brotherhood of AnirrUan Yeomen
will meet at thr An' lent Order of I nltcd
Workmen tcumlo for the mirnose of in.
stulllng officers next Saturday evening
at S o'clock, Refreshments will bo
At a meetlnir of the board nf illrwtnrn
of tho Commercial Savings and Ixian as
sociation hold oDcember a, a dividend of
B per cent per annum on all stock In th
soelatlon held December 20. n dividend nf
July 1 to December 31, was declared. Tho
total assots of the association Is now
IteV. 11. 1. WliAAlar nf IT!-.. T 1...
terlan church, will call a meeting of the
young people of the church this evening
at tho church to organlie a Junior Kn-
uvavur. Mills organization Will cnnn ul nf
Thu Bohemian society lodge No 4b
Iloezda Soobody (Star of Liberty) V
B. J.. Wocted officers for the ensuing veur
Tutch; guldo. Frank : Dr oflnsido watch
Krull.5 ouuide watchman
John Patar; trustoes. Joseph DolVzul
Ld Chuloupka and J, w. Koutaky;
ICoy to tho Sltuatlon-Bee Advertlalnc.