THE HEEt OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1914. l Nebraska, STANDING WITH EPPERSON Comment Shows Disposition to Let Committee Go Ahead. FORGET PAST, THEY ALL SAY nurkrtt Asserts There la fin Vnf In Itcpnlillrntin Si'rnpplnn Orer Soiuchln Srttlrrf n Yenr Abo. (From a Stuff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. l.-(Spcctal.)-Com-merits on the meeting of the republican fctate central committee, which siippottcd Thocdore Hooso.velt as against the regu lar nominee of ths republican party In this stato at the last election and which met In this city yesterday, aro generally favorable" to letting the committee go ahead ai he regular constituted commit tee of the republican party In this state, ome oppose the plan, but they Beem to be In a small minority. When asked what he thought of tne plans set forth by Chairman Kppr.rsort as published In the morning papers, former Renator lilmor J. Huikctt replied thut generally speaking he was In favor of the Kpperson commtttco going ahead and calling the convention. "I feel a great deal as Mr. Kpperson docs In the matter of the factional differences of a year ago," said the senator. "The election set tled that proposition and there Is nothing for cither side to scrap over worth the trouble. Should It-happen, however, that the two committees cannot be harmonious 1 think the republicans of the state better get together and select an entirely now committee and let It rim the next cam paign. The comtnltteo doesn't amount to much anyhow now days, except after the ' nominations are made, and I don't believe there Is any use In republicans scrapping over something that vas settled a year ago." Favors Unperson's Stand. Clcry Harry Undsay of tho supremo lourt said that he believes the stand taken by Chairman Kpperson Is all right. "Judge Kpperson Ib a mighty square fel low and as far as I am concerned I shall . bo satisfied to have him go ahead and call tho convention. There Is nothlngto fight over now and the republicans should get together." Frank A. Harrison, who was a sup porter of Senator I .a Folletto for the republican nomination for the presidency and shed no tears over the" downfall of Mr. Roosevelt at tho national conven tion, said: "I think Judge Epperson should be allowed to go ahead, I have traveled .over tho state considerably and I find a general sentiment toward un elimination of tho things that made trpub)o last year and a pull all together CHAP THE SKIN CUTICURA SOAP And C'lticuni Ointment work wonder;; in relieving chapping, redness, rough . ness and 'irritation caused by cold, sharp winds, and in ir.omoting the purity and leauty of the complexion, lair and hands under all conditions. 'utl?iir Roip unit Olnimrnt nold Uirouxhnut tbc " worl'J, !.ltTl tamp!io!fchmllKl free, wllh32-p. tiw' Arfilrnu "Cutlcura," Dpl. Sn, lloston WMrn who ,tive unit rhiropoo with C'utlrjri Foij) will flml It tint (or sXln tod c!p. On the Sew 20.1'AYMENT LIFE POLIOY of the COLUMBIA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, FREMONT, NEBRASKA the reserve at tho end of 20 years equals the sum of the 20 premiums. Three General Agent's con tracts are offered In Nebraska, to compete ifor position of field superintendent, to bo given to high man after one year's work on commission un der most desirable contract. State experience and give at least two references. COUGHING Keep coughing: that's one way. Stop coughing : that's another. To keep the cough: do nothing. "To (top the cough : AVer's Cherry Pectoral. Sold for 70 yean. Asfc Your Doctor. f&iV'i& W. E. Bock 1317 Farnam St., Omaha' ABi-nt for All steamship lines nntl forcteii tours. Telephone, Douglas 283. L. Nebraska for republican success. There are prob ably a dozen or so Taft men In the state who will not want to concede any thing to the Kpperson committee and there are also quite a little bunch 1 1 Roosevelt men who wilt oppose allow ing the Taft men to havo anything to say, but among the rnnk and file, ye and among a large number of the men who have been prominent In tho fight on both sides, there Is a strong feeling all over the state for a pull for repub lican success." Time Forget. W. R, Mellor, secretary of the State Hoard of Agriculture, believes that the time has come to forget all about thn I campaign of 1912 and get ready to fight tne campaign of 1914. "If tho Kppersrm committee want to go ahead and call I he convention. I believe the thing to do Is td let them do It. According to the papers thts morning Judge Epperson proopses to recognlre every member of tho state committee regularly elect'Hl, no matter how ho stood a year ago, and that shows that ho will be willing to do the tight thing. Now the thing for the rest of us to do Is to let dim ro ahead and get behind him when the time comes." Secretary of State Walt said: "Chair man Epperson renis to tie In a con ciliatory mood and I believe the rest of us ought to bo likewise. There is much to tc gained If the republicans Ulmlnato the Taft-Hoosevelt controversy which split the part a year ngo and much to be lost If we keep It up. I feel that thcro Is a rcneral fellng among repumlicans all ! over to forget the 1912 trouble and 1 think I that If the Kpperson committee will go ahead that the regular rcubllcans should be satisfied to It him do so. Tho Judge is nbsolut-jly cn the squatc and will do what Is right." Judge E. P. Holmes, who was one of the members of the executive commit teo of the regular reubllcan faction of the party during the presidential campaign, said that did t.ot care to fay anything today, bui would preparo n statement later. Doesn't ninme Committee. Chairman Epperson, in his statement last night In addition to that already pub lished, said -that he did not blame the national republican committee for rec ognizing tho Taft commute o In this state In tho presidential campaign of 1912. They did right In not recognlnz us," suld the chairman, "for wo were not support ing tho republican nominee and therefore had no rights which the national repub lican committee were bound to respect." As In all post mortem cases this opinion comes after the crime has been committed and Is something In the nature of a deatit bed confession by the perpetrator of the crime. JUDGE WRAY OPPOSED TO PERSONAL TAX (From a Staff Corespondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. l.-(Speclal.)-Judge Arthur Wray of York has filed with Sec retary Earl B. Gaddls of tho Stato Tax commission a sort of brief In what ho considers the essential things the com mttteo should recommend in their report to the next legislature. He opposes the personal tax, but recommends other things to take their place. He believes a franchise tax, corporation tax, Income tax and a tax on community made, or specially created real estate tux would help to solvo the question. He wants an Income tax sjmllar to the Wis consin law and wants the tax on Improve ments on teal estate abolished. Ho cites a caso at York of where a man had been taxed a certain amount on personul prop erty, but when his estate was settled up after his death it was found that he had ten times as much as he had given In to tho assessor. The commission will probably recom mend that In Place of tho pesonal ta that a man be taxed according to the mount of rent ho pays, claiming that a man'a ability to pay depends, a great deat on the rent ho pays, which generally gives Us circumstances very closely. They wilt also recommend a flat mill levy on tangible property. SEES PLAN TO SAVE STATE MONEY IN POSTAGE (From a Staff Correspondent.) ITNCOL,N, Jan. 1. (Bpcclal.)-Recrctary W, R. Mellor of tho state Board of Agri culture has discovered a way to savo tho state about J3.000 In postage each session. Ho found that all agricultural reports prepared by tho state were entitled to pass through the malls as second class matter and made application to tho IjoHtal department for that privilege, which has been given the stato. This will allow nil reports printed by tho Board of agriculture, Board of Horticul ture. T.ahnr hilrenll. and nnv other de- ! partment which In any way deals with agricultural reports to hvo them sent as second class' mall matter. Heretofore these reports have been sent out as fourth class matter, costing one cent for each ounce. Under tho second class rat It can bo sent for one cent for each four ounces. CORRICK EXPLAINS HIS PLAN FOR AMALGAMATION (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 1. (Speclal.)-On top of the ultimatum Issued by Judgo Arthur Wray to the bull rrjoose party In Ne braska that If ho accepts tho nom ination for governor ' of Nebraska on the third party ticket the iWty platform shall carry tslth it all the things ever heard of in tho past and many more not yet heard of In the future, Colonel Frask 1, Corrlck, superintendent of navigation for the same party. Issues a signed statcmnt in which he gives out that there can be no amalgamation of !the third party with the republican party In WW unless the latter agrees to nom inate Theodore Roosevelt or some other man who walks In his footsteps. The Yellow Peril. Jaundice malaria biliousness, vanish when Dr. King's New Life rills are taken. Kasy, safe guaranteed. 25c. For salo by your druggist. Advertisement. Persistent Advertising is the Itoad to Big Returns. flex Mfndr-vVaft tor WIRELESS TALK OYER OCEAN Vocal Message From Germany Heard in New Jersey. SPANS FOUR THOUSAND MILES Wlrrlma Telephony Here, TlmtiKh It" Promoters Still Talk Through Their Until. Talking across the Atlantic ocean, from INeustodtam-Uuebenbergo. Germany, to New Jersey, a distance of 4.000 miles, was accomplished by wireless telephony on October 2T. according to Hear Admiral George August Kmsmauu. The message was sent and received In the middle of the afternoon. In spite of tho daytime being most unfavorable for wireless com munications. The two stations are ovr SCO feet high. Knrller attempts had proved that clearly emitted tones were nudlbte, and finally a spoken message was trans mitted and distinctly received. It also Is reported, but not confirmed, that Mar coni has transmitted "vocal sounds" across (he Atlantic. This feHt was due. and cannot be said to be unexpected. Thero has been steady progress In this branch of electrlr wave control during tho last few years by many scientists who have been at work upon It. Al ready there had been perfectly success ful transmissions of speech for more than COO miles. , I'reilloteil of Mnreonl I.nnt Summer. Last August, Godfrey Isaacs, managing director of the Marconi compaily, speak ing nt tho annual meeting of the company raid, "I am going to venture a prophecy that tho date Is not far distant wien, with our cup of tea In tho morning aboard' ship, wo may hear the ring of (he bell, and, taking our telephone off the hook, wo may talk to those whom we have left behind, when we may tell them of the sort of night wo havo passed and learn tho sort of night they havo had, and bo able to express tho disposition wo feel towards our breakfast." He went on further to say that during tho last six or eight months Mr. Marconi had taken out a largo number of patents at least as Important, If not moro so, than tho patents which ho has taken out In the past. This forecast focussed tho atten tion of commercial men on the vast bus! ness possibilities of a system of speaking across space without wires. Such ah Invention, It Is obvious, will be of great International Importance. But tho Marconi company was not alone In the field. Majorana, Vannl, Morettl. Pulson, Fessenden, Dn Forest, nuhmcr, Collins, Hrauly. Jaclovello and nthnra hml demonstrated the practlblllty of wireless telephony before any publlo announce ment was made that Marconi was work ing along that line. It may well be that Marconi In his experiments is using In connection with his own devices those of Goldschmldt and Majorana, which, It Is understood, havo been bought by his company. ,T. Krsklne-Murray says, how ever, that Mr. Maiconl'a Invention In 1907 of the high-speed, smooth-dish (HHrlim-irer gave a key to the solution of the problem on thoroughly practical and commercial lines, suitable for long distance commu nications. ' Clenrer Tlmn hjr Wire. It Is a singular fact that by the uso of a radiated current In which thrrn nr no Interruptions the articulation is ac tually moro perfect than that obtained In wire telephony. As Mr. Krklnc-Mur-ray points out, in the transmission of electric waves along closed circuit. such as Is used In wire telephony, there is invariably not only attenuation or weakness of the total sound, as the dis tance becomes greater, but also a do- creaso in tne relative Intensity of the upper harmonic waves which give tho sound Its particular vowel or fundamen tal tonh of tho voice. Thus on a long distance, wire It Is often possible to hear the voice compaiuthely loudly, while 'it the Bame time It Is Impossible to miikn out the words. This difficulty, which Is n very serious ono In transmission through cub.narino cabl es. has tn Hnmn extent been remedied by attention to the suggestions or Pupln and Heavysldo, but Is Rtill one of the most serious drawbacks to wire telephony. Tho clear ni-timlntimi of tho speech transmitted by wire tele- pnony, on the other hand, does not suf fer In anything like ho great a degree by Increase of distance. In fact, no appreciable loss of distinctness of articu lation has been noticed In wireless trans mission oyer four or flvo hundred miles of sea-a distance quite Impossible lit present for telephony through a stibma linn cable and It seems certain that tho same conditions will hold even at very much greater distances. Tho rcuson Is that though long electrical waves do travel with somewhat less attenuation over great distance of land and sea than shorter ones, tho variations constituting kkimiuiiiu Hiicecu aro nil "long" waves from the wireless point of view. In wile less telephony, therefore, tho difficulties llo not In the Intermediate region be tween the transmitter and tho receiver, but simply In the transmitting station. Tho problem now In tourso of solution for long distance rndlotelephony Is slm ply that of causing the radiation of elec trical power to vary In exact synchron ism with tho air pressure constituting the sound spoken into the transmitter. For short distances, say up to 300 miles over land and sea, this problom had aj ready been solved, and there wero two distinct wireless methods, at least, by which telephonic communication may be established with certainty between any given points. One of theso Is that due to Dr. Poulsen, In which his arc Is used as a generator of high-frequency current. In this system a group of microphones In series, and all contained In one mouth Piece, controls the antenna current either directly or by shunting a few turns of the Inductance. Tlic (oldnelniililt Kyatem. The possibilities of wireless telephony were greatly Increased by the comparative ease In which the oscillations set up In the Goldschmldt high-frequency generator can bo controlled by a microphone. The preparations now being made for a dem onstration of automatic telegraphy over a distance of somo 4,000 miles, between Hanover and Tuckcrton, Indicate that the Goldschmldt generator has reached a practical working stage, and as the en. crgy derived from It Is put direct Into tho aerial and earth, It Is anticipated, and preparatory tests have shown, that It will work with considerable economy. At 3.000 at p. m. tho generator produces a fre quency giving a wave length of about 7.500 meters; the generator can be driven at a higher speed, with a corresponding decreasci In wave length, but this Is the probable wave length that will be used lnithe transatlantic work. tho point of Importance in relation to telephony Is that a small microphonic cur rent will suffice to affect the exaltation rut rent of the generator, and the i-'HIit-t var atlon In tho latter will r odu o the dc red incidlf'i atlon of the ether i t In i-thcr tyicT of tcnis o. JOHN A. SWANSON, Where Our Clothing Comes From PEOPLE are asking today, as never before "where did it come from?" "Was it made under sanitary conditions?" Wouldn't you like to know that the clothes you wear were made in the buikling shown above? Out in a residence district of Rochester, N. Y., it stands the home of NHickey- Freeman-Quality clothes for men. ISvory workroom flooded with sunlight, and pure fresh air. Equipped with vacuum cleaners, rest rooms, branch of tho city library, model dining room every modern dovieo for, tho health and comfort of tlrt workers. When you wear Hickey-Freeman-Quality (look for the label), you know where it comes from; you know your clothing was made by experts, who put their very best into every stitch becauso they work under tho most ideal conditions known to modem business. Best of all, this feature of Hickey-Freeman-Quality does not cost you one cent These perfect surroundings for the worker pay for themselves through increased efficiency. Come to our store and and Full Dress Suits STOKE CLOSED ALL DAY TUUHSDAY NEW YEAR'S wireless telephony the microphone, or speaking instrument, reitulrea to be placed bo as to control a considerable amount of current, us It may, for ex ample, bo placed between the licrlal and tho earth, when for any great distance It must wlthktand the pussugo of a current of several amperes. If the mlcroplrono bo placed in series with a buttery and coll. tho latter affecting iiidlctlvcly tho oscil latory wireless circuit, a considerable current Is necebsary. The Goldschmldt system permits tho employment of two high - frequency generators running slightly out of step, or asynchronously, the microphone currents affecting the field excitation of one of them. Any slight "boosting up" of ono of this field Is Just sufficient to bring tho two into step, with the result Ifiat un Instantane ous and laigo rite of current Is gener ated for chaiging tho aoilal. The con struction of tint geneiuttir Ih such that hysteresis plays a very small part, and apparently docs not produce un appre ciable effect, due to lag. on tho purity of speech sounds. Vniinl'n Itlqitlil Mluiropiioiie. l'rof, J. Vannl, who has devoted much attention, with a largo mcasuro of suc cess, to tho (Ueitlon of tho microphone, In order to Influenco the oscillating cur lent to a sufficient extent bus mado uso of a microphone In which tho movements st't up In the diaphragm by the speech nro amplified by a lever, the longer arm of which Is uttuched to a Jet. Acidulated water or toino other electrolyte flows, through tho Jet, and the vibration Im parted to It caufces tho liquid stream to break moro or less higher up according to the movement, und so to affect the amount falling on two collectors, one con nected with the aerial circuit, the other with the earth: thc vnrlatlon In tho "layer" of water changes the resistance between the aerial and tho earth, and so affects tho radiations. Mora recently Prof. Vannl has made the collectors themselves the variable parts. For example, a Jet of acidulated water falls upon two very small, flat metal plates; one of these Is fixed at an angle of ubout CO degrees with the hori zontal; while tho other, making an angle of alniut ft degrees with the fixed one und at a slight dlstanco from It, is at tache,! by a light rod to the diaphragm of the microphone. When the dia phragm vibrates with the speech waves this plate vibrates also, and Us position relatively to the fixed lato vurles In ac cordance with tho sounds, no that the acid layer between tho two, hence Its re sistance, changfs. To change the resist E VERBURN $ COAL Tyler 40 MoCAFPREY Pres. see the most superbly tailored Suit', Overcoats in the world for men and young men prices JOHN A SWANSQN.mj. PfTTW9KK99imimm CORRECT APPAREL FOR ance of tho aold gap Vunnl alio employs a vibrating plato, tho movements of which ure cuused b' tho action of a second membrane, elcctro.iua,;nc tlcally excited by currents from u microphoito, which huvc been transformed by men mm of u small Induction coil. Clear speech has been transmitted, using tho Morettl are system of producing continuous osiillu tlons, over a dlstanco of TOO miles. An Interesting point, according to J'rof. Vannl, Is that tho timbre of tho voice as heard at tho receiving station Is true und normal, owing to thu fact that tho tudlo telephony, unllko ordinary tele phony, does not appreciably affect tho velocity and tho phases of the elemcntury wuves corresponding to tho harmonics which accompany thu fundamental sound of thn sonorous vibrations to bo trans mitted. Oilier Typen of Wutor .MU'ropliuiirN. Another liquid microphone has been de vised by l'rof. Mujoriina In Italy; it flno stream flovvB from a Jet which Is at tached to a dluphragm on which tho volco Impinges, lower down, the stream forma a connection between the twoclcc trodes In Un putli, ami us tho Jet vibrates tho varying thickness of tho liquid film connecting them causes vurlutlous In tho rcalBtunco of tho circuit of which It forms a purt, thus controlling tho power radi ated In tho sumo manner as an otdlnury microphone would do. Still another form of liquid mlcrophono Is thut invented by Dr. V. J. Chumbers. In this the dtuplirugiu forms tho upper covering of a box, Inaldo which liquid flows from a central vertlcul pipe, tho upper orlflco of which Ih cloao to tho diaphragm. An annular film of liquid Is thus formed between the upper edgo of tho pipe and the dluphragm above It, the thickness, and consequently the elec trical reslstunce, of which depends upon CLEAN HOT LASTING WM. id MEN AND WOMEN. tho nearness of tho diaphragm to the pipe. Tho vibrations of tho diaphragm, when spoken to, thus vary tho resistance of tho liquid film, and as this foiius part of tho .oloctrla circuit of tiu transmitter tho current Ih also varied In exact con sonance. lloston Transcript, To the Ilmmewtfe. Madam, if your husband U like most men ho expects you to look after tho health of yourself and children. Coughs and colds are tho most common of the minor ailments und are most likely to lead to ecrloiiB diseases. A child Is much moro likely to comtruct diphtheria or scarlet lover when It hus u cold, If you will Inquire Into the merits of the various lemedles thnt uro recommended for (iiiglis und cold b, you will find that Chamberlain's Cough Itemcdy ntnmla high lu the estimation of people 'Who uso It. It Is prompt and effectual, pleasant and safo to take, which are qualities especially to be desired when a medicine Is Intended for children. Kor salo by all deulcrs, Advcrtlscmnt, at chless helna to women's comfort, physical well-being, and beauty auro to pro mote healthy, natural action of tho organs of digestion and elimination tho tonic, Bafo and over reliablo BEECHAM'S PILLS Tin Lara ttt Salt ofAnv Medieina in thi World Sold Taryvrhcr. In boxti, 10c, 25c i f. : t.: I L. 110LZMAN, Troas. $20 to $50 BE SURE TO SEE OUR'WINDOW DJSPLAYS TODAY CiVWUOMISlVT NOTICE. KOK KimNISUINO ' I'Ancn von Tim puduc piuntino AND BINDING. HBAHUD I'llOPOSALM will be received until 10 o'clock a. m., January 20, 19H, at the room of the Joint Committee oti Printing- In the Capital, Washington, 17. C, for furnishing the paper for tho pub llo printing and binding from the lKt day of March. 19H, to tho 28th day of February, 1'JIB, Tho proposals will Iw oponed .boforo and tho awards of con tracts made by tho Joint Committee on Printing to tho loweBt and best blddoiu for tho interests of tho Government whose bids aro In conformity with tho requirements of the proposals. Tho com mit t,.. mnervpH th right to reject any or all bids or to accept uny bid or any part and reject mo omer pun, ii, wi iv opinion, Hiiiii action would bo In the In terest of the Government. Illank proposuls containing tho Instruct tions, schedule, und specifications, ac companied by standard samples, may li obtained by addressing Cornelius Ford, Vnbllc Printer Wushlngton. p. C. UontraetH will bo entered Into for aup plying the quantities required, whethti' more or less thun the estimates. Tlio approximate estimated quantities; set forth In detail In the, schedule conn prise , 3iio,ooo pounds news-print paper: 7t)5,(.oo pounds muchlne-flnlsli printing paper; 40,(Xio' pounds antlquo inachlnq flnlsh pj luting paper; 510,000 pounds wove machine-finish printing paper; 1,900,00) pounds Blzed and supereulyiidercd print ing paper: DiS.ooO pounds coated book: paper; 2.'A(iOO pounds tablet writing paper; 1.B0U pounds wldto French folio paper; 872,tiflo pounds writing paper, machlne dilcd; 2,3b.0Qi) pounds writing paper, aft? and loft dried; 0,000 poundn fine whltn writing paper, loft-diicd; 402,000 pound (Safety writing paper, .muchlne-flnlsh; 130,HM pounds map paper; 653,000 pounds bund paper; KM pounds onlon-sktn paper; 5,000 pounds parchment deed: 116,000 pounds second-clasH ledger paper: 613, fiOj pounds first-class ledger paper: 750 pounds railroad manlla paper, ruled; 2,0i pounds' tlsauo paper; 2.CV pounds cream und iv'hlto stereo tlssun Paper; 200,000 pounds cover paper; 735.000 pounds manlla pupor: 1CO.O0O pounds Kraft wrap plug paper;. 20,500 pounds manlla tympun puper; 160,000 pounds manlla board; 25,000 pounds rurdbourd, G05.000 pounds bristol board; 6,000,000 pounds bristol board for U. 8. postal cards; 15,000 pounds Indax bristol board; 1,300 pounds whlto paraffin paper; 1.C00 pounds uoncurllng gummil paper; 1,500 pounds blotting paper; 14.0C0 pounds storeotypo moulding paper; 60,000 pounds Monotype keyboard and casting machlno paper: 8,000 pounds offset paper; JO.OCO pounds plate wiping paiier for em bossing presses; 9.000 pounds lining and stripping paper; 200 reams marble, comb, and lining paper; 300 reams carbon paper, coated one and two Bides; 5.000 pounds presxbourd: 1,000 sheets parchment, 15x21 Inches; 1,000 pounds newsbourd; 10S.0CO poundB strawboard; 100,000 pounds chin board; 100.000 pounds box board, lined; S&VXB pounds binder's board, lined; pounds trunk board. In cases where more than 1.000 reaips are called for proposals will be received for 1,000 reamH or more. By direction of the Joint Committee on Printing; COnNKLIUS FORD, Publlo Printer. Washington, D. C, December 17; 1913. D26J2 LEOAIi NOTICES. STOCKHOLDEHB' MU1STINQ. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of The Hankers Reserve Life company of Omaha. Nebraska, will be held at its home offlcu lu thn City National bank building In said city at 2 o'clock p. m.. on Wednes day. January 21. 1914, for the election of directors and the transaction of such other business as may properly corns ba J 2?9-uT WAGNEn- SeCreUry- Tho Persistant and Judicious Use oi Newspaper Advertising Is tho Hood to Uuatness Success, 1