BED: OMAHA, FJUDAY, JANUARY 2, 1U14. STRIDES OF ELECTRICITY Btcady Advance in Science of Wire lets Telegraphy. INCREASE IN DISTANCE COVERED Kntnre Pnnsthltllle Toncliett Upon Snccrssrnl Testa of Antntnntlc , Trnln-gtnp Signal Srsfni. day iravo nn official demonstration of n new cab slimal and autornntle train stop system over a railroad division under actual service conditions. Tho Inventor linn bten dtvelonlnir his system to answer the signal requirements for dally service over 111 miles of track on tho Queen & Crescent for more than a year past and has succeeded, It Is said, to the point of practical efficiency that Is required In the dally operation of trains. Signals by the system aro produced Inside the englno cab, operating through track circuits, Instead of compelling an engineer to crane his nock outside the cab In his efforts cor rcctly to read and follow wayside nig jials. The system has the further mlvan tngo of applying the brakes and auto matically stopping the train under danger conditions If the engineer should for any reason fall In his duty. Tbe official test of tho system covered 100 miles tinder the severest signal conditions obtainable, run jilng from Ludlow. Ky., to Lexington, Ky., and returning over a water-soaked track. The system. It In said, thoroughly per formed Its functions as perfectly as the present wayside signal system operates, Just as tt has done In a service test the AVlth the nrorrrm In efficiency now be Ing effected, wireless telegraphy Is mak- lng steady' strides toward replacing the cJable, or at' least' competing with It, for all long-distance work. Much very suc cessful cable work Is done today over great distances by what arc known as automatic relays. The strength of the electric current sent through, a long cablo gradually diminishes until it becomes too weak to servo the purposes of signalling, so that messages have to lie "read and retransmitted from time 'to time en route. But If before .this occurs the current Is passed into a relay, this Instrument am- I Jal!t twelve days, P Hies wun mo 01 a rn jftm c. Iock. cha)rrnnn of the boMd . ii ' T tt . .Y, u of tlnaX " of the New Yofk Cen ntilnmn tlcotlv .ends riff a fresh message. I . . .. . -- ., irai lines, auenucu ine test to make a . 7. Z. JL .i..t . , engineers In attendance were a. II. Dry . .atln. which' Ira a; ?T ihto8,ft that It circles the globe In one-flfth part h, "hw.tern; I. S. Itaymor. of a second. Mak. these signals stronK F,1 "b.Urh.A If rle. and J. II. Offelt. enough and hve sufficiently delicate re ceiving apparatus, and direct telegraphy from England to Australia or China be comes possible, -says the London Dally Mall. Such distances 'are not accomplished Vet, but 4,000 miles and more are being considered commercially where 2,000 were considered two years ago. Wireless work at the future wilt bo long-wave wireless, waves sent out into spaco five, ten, or CREATORS 0FWAR SCARES lf Backachy or Part Played by Armament Makers Kidneys Bother and Dealers in War Supplies. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS WAKE UP Activities of Ifnvr l.eufttir In IMiib rIiir for Illuaer Appropriation" Influence Working In Washington. Eat less meat also take glass of Salts beforo eating breakfast. Uric add In meat exrltea the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, sche, and feel like lumps of lead. Tho urine becomes cioudy; the bladder Is Irrl- An Increasingly large number of public tated, and yon may be obliged to seek men aro coming to havo n clearer knowl- relief two or three times during the edge and perception of the part played night. When the kidneys clog you must by armament makers and dealers In help tbem flush off the body's urinous munitions of war In creating war I aste or you'll be a real sick perron "scares." Observers of legislation In ihortly. At first you reel a dull misery Washington have long boon familiar with n tho kidney region, you suffer from the timely appearance of War "bogies" backache, sick headache, dlxzlness, stom when the naval appropriation bill was Kfts sour, tongue coated and yen about to come forwnid for consideration rl rheumatic twingea when the weather in congress. They have come to be ra-; t t,aj. . miliar, too. with the enginery of theso j Eat less meat, drink lots of water: also bogles-how thoy were made and by -,t from any pharmacist four ounces of whom. For a long time tho bulk of the jaj Halts: take a tablesnoonful In a members of congress were not so alert. Bus of water before breakfast for a nut now they, too. am coming to see mat ; few a.y. and your vMeys will then set CHARITY BALL NETS ' GOODLY AMOUNT TO THE CITY MISSION (Continued from Page One.) there aro war trusts, whose business It Is to ciento apprehensions among the nations. Senator Thomas of Colorado is ono of tho latest accessions to the growing num- etlmn1ate them to normal activity, also nor ai uio capnoi wno navo nau uioir , neUtrllze the acids In urine, so it no Nickel Plate railroad.- Boston Transcript BRYANS ENTERTAIN DIPLOMATIC CORPS AT HOME RECEPTION (Continued from Page One.) (yes opened. Tho exposures of Dr. Lclbknecht In the German Ilclchstag per formed a public servlco that had Its ef fect not only In Germany, but In other countries. Discussing Winston Churchill's , mii.. ,,., i !.,, trh.r n Verv ,naJnln& ' the record-breaking storm few years ago they were- only three to r a mo,nth "o were rapidly dissipated nix hundred yards. And with greater dls. """"' l" morning nours. Intiren mrpwrt. Xarirrr ntnntirif. nf nnwnr I tinvrrnnr Dllluio Iterelvra aro helnir tronnmlHed nl.n. Tho current 8PKINQKJELD, III., Jan. 1. For the Is measured In microamperes: the mil- tlnt tlmo ln twenty years a democratic Uonth part of the current taken by the Kovernor held a New Year's reception in average hundred-candle lamn Is a micro- th Illinois capltol. Governor Dunno and ampere, but far less than this amount nls wlf received a long lino of executive suffices when passed through a telephone 1 ornciaJs today. In fflvM nti (ilti41ili lnli1 I 1 1 rr.;r-:.. .... BOOST YATES' CANDIDACY -v " . i,u . vvv'viviii j l .lie . i n nau., v a that the srreat rnvnlutlnn ln wlrnlesn Is Just taking nlaeo. Printed tape men- (Continued from Page One.) (Ine. This famous salts Is made from the acid o( grapes and lemon jntce, com bined with tlthla. and has lieen used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and longer Is a source of irritation, thus end ing bladder weakness-' Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, cannot Injure; makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which everyone should tako 'naval holiday" proposal tho other day . . ,h,n u..n ihn Udn.v. -iin in xno senaie, senator i nomas sain: I mr,A . nntrvi.i. hr nv thev Wo havo bulldcd and are building na- nf .T.n 0.1.- , fnivB who believe In vies In obedlcnto to a public opinion ere- evercora)nc klaney trouble while It Is aiea ann snmuiatca oy mo inicresis U)lv troubleAdvertisement, wnicn laucn upon puouc cxponaiiure through the suggestion of International differences, the circulation of war rumors roo doctrine was quite as effective as 'It and comparisons' of tho relativs naval I Is today. England responded to Clevc strength of nations. Commercialism has I land's .demand In 1855 for Oil delimitation laid Its hnnds upon national rivalries, of Venezuelan boundaries when our sea both actual and potential: upon national I strength was negligible moiuons aim possionmcs, upon mo aion- ihi.iii.. f vnTv T.nnn-.... roo oocinno nna tno Daianco or power: jir, Henslev of Missouri In a atwech In upon trio antipathy of the races: upon the house- drew public attention to a local tho conflict of democracy with obso-ln.,,. nf ,u onm ,i i,,l ,, lutlsm; upon tho opposing religions of ne mM. .. ypar when tho naVft, neighboring peoples: upon O10 Jealousies proprlation bill wna pending, 1 called tho o rival cabinets, and capitalized them ottcntion of congress to the existence of mi 11 hub isHueti na common biock tho Navy league and Its actlvltlfs. Amn. nllioi. V. I r- T 1 t n. n nn nn.,1 11 U. Hl,.l.,l .1,- lll. 1 "" "",v -'", uui lu Z """I.::. :.,:vr:":,r''D"".": members on both sides of the house, be uion tho passions and ambitions of men sages will be substituted eventually for lis In tho west. He Is of the old school of the present audlblo ones In all commercial bankers that have weathered many-hair ifrlrcless work. An operator ln the ordl- broad t lied financial storms, but he has rlary way at present lias to listen with I gone cleanly through every panlo that has the double tieadpleco telephone for Just wrecked many less ablo men than ho." audible buzzes or burrs, and to decipher Representative Stephens was also hearty theso as he goes along, perhaps managing in his commendation of Mr. Yates, and twenty-five words to tho mlnuto. In a I said: Uipo recorder each dot or dash Is auto- "I surely endorse the splendid things ttiattcally printed (or registered photo-1 that have been said about the fitness of graphically) upon a moving band of paper, Mr, Yates for membership on the reserve and the number of words per mlnuto re- board, and I have no doubt that he would cttved depends merely Upon the agility of make a very creditable member." tho mechanism at tho transmitting and M0A1I00 Favora noberts. receiving stations for the transmission Is Thero arc to bo flvo mombers of" th tfutomatto also. TJi messages are con- board to be nominated. Of course, not Verted into little holes punched in a more than one is likely to be chosen from jtaper strip, tho positions of ths holes the Tntnsmlsslsslppl country and It Is for each dot and dash being different, of said tonight that Secretary MoAdoo course, and the perforated ribbon la favors the apolntment of George E, Massed through a machlno which controls Roberts of Fort Dodge, la,, tho director the anoaratus that Is sending out tho of the ialnt. -tireless signals. The selection .of , Mr, f Roberts will Wireless telegraphy across tha Atlantic naturally Jeopardize the chance., of Mr. ky "automatic" will b accomplished quite tas, ! . tkisstbly within tho next twelve months. """"im ui. rmraoni, u wm Tho difficulty eo far has been to obtain candidate for the position of agent enough power at a wireless station to set "erv? bo!,t,or !ho any receiving apparatus, hbweVef delU Wt n wh,h Nebraska will lie when tha cate. in motion. In the early day. printed rtgonal reserve banks aro designated, tape message, were received over tho , Kepresen atlvo Stephen, of Fremont Is abort distance, then dealt with through Interested W" candidacy, and said of the agency of a detecting device which hl, ,s. . . . .,,.,. became quite Impossible when the number , "opkln. ha. been in tho banking "Signal, travenrtiw .pace became rtally business in Nebraska for forty year, or """" " ' ' more. He 1. a very practical man and Is peat- Tho eWi jr '. TwouW nlniUr .ulted to tho Important post called was do sensl Uve In ttl It wouW he ,ft J??? . V. w.ii in T the Btt M the ffnt representative of the radiation In IU range, a. well a. to the , , , , ...... . A .. frequent discharges of electricity that Mct take "placo from the atmosphere. ' . .A ... . ' , ... ,,,.. Invitation to Hitchcock. In the great ovolutlon that Is taxing nhlnll.,p f nmmrrj. of thus. place at the present moment three thing. burgh has invltcd Senator Hitchcock to ere contributing to tho transmission of bo ,tB gllegt of honor Rt a banquct greater power, enabling u. to operate thft 0VeJ,nR of SatUrday, Januaiy 17, and mechanical printing device, thousands of dellver an addrrM, Th8 banquets of miles away. that organization have always been af- 1. Wlrless energy 1. to some extent he- fan of jmuortanca n the business world, Ing directed so that It Is not Indlscrtm- and u gueBU havo lnolude, prei!dents. lhately sent out In every direction and coblnel ofncer8 Mnators, representatives wasted, and leader. In the diplomatic corp.. Bena- i Tho Immensdy long wave, noiy being top lutchcock ha. been advised that the Used travel through space without so ,ubJect nnd lenath of timo of his .pcech much "dying down" effect. w,u ,eft entirely to himself. It is 5. Continuous waves, a. used In th ma- kc,y thnt h0 wll mcwL Jority of new systems, travel so rapidly Th0 now brftry ftt O'Neill. Neb., has ono after the oilier, and back each de,lffnBte(i by the government as a dther up. so to speak, that far moro depoiitory for public document., thus energy arlves at the receiving station BlvlnB that Institution tho privilege of monarchies and of republics, and entered tho possible results In Its ledgers. OrKniiUpil "Wnr Trust." ii nas lormeu anu organized a war trust and sold or distributed Us securi- cause thero Is no political division on this question, that J. P. Morgan was treas urer of this association. My attention has recently boen called to the fact that, on account of this publicity, quite likely, tta ti'Vi nr n Ik... HA . I . . ........ 1 . ... . J 1 . ' . rctc"D' he is no longer an officer of tho league, fact urea and nells all nortn of articles do Now. what Is the Navy league, and for 111 ,1 T U,, wh?le"aI "'AUghter "Mytaed that It Is sending retired naval offl- and for tho making of widows and or- Phans. It reaps harvests of gold by bUBlneM for the purpose of clearing the way for other harvests of and fostorlnf ft stronger BenU. blood and tears. It owns gun factories, ,.,.. , . . "LZm " "a,? '"P.P"e8- l"TZ ttor preparedness, a. they put it. How u. "-:. many tlmea havo members of congress, and a treasury. ', , , , ' It has placed Its dollar mark upon .,., . .... patriotism and levied Its toll Inwrtlallr KZ" nn v a t . . boen Put "P against embarrassing sltua- wis wwti nuvu UliVA triui A i. I CUVD Ull UU- l-s -.haAI-.-. . . . A j "T '"Z. u .h ,, urt: . nd railed at by Individuals Interested d- TrTL?r? U.W!rn!th0UnU'J?t Uectly In naval appropriatlonaT These Pacific .coast With every meeting of he japanoeo Parliament it whispers, of soon as the professional dancing program was completed and continued till the gay crowd finally went homo soon nfter 1 o'clock. At the cast end of the dancing floor two tables were arranged for serv ing fruit punch, whllo on the stage the supper refreshments of roffee and sand wiches were eorved by a dozen or more helpers from a long buffet tnble. Nom inal chargts were made for the refresh ments, and. as they represented clear profit for tho City mission, everybody was moro than willing to give liberal patronage to those booths. Colors t.'recn mill White. Green and white, with a dash of red, was the color scheme worked out beauti fully by tho largo corps of decorators who had been busy on the big hall for several days. Thousands of pieces of Kieen shrubbery, bunting, wreathing, rib bon, corona lights, floral bells and other decorations had been nrt'stlcally placed to glvo tho largo Auditorium a warmth ana clow of beauty that gave tho dancers an attractive background In which to stage their Joyous festival. Manv dozen evergreen trees sioou ai cither end of the dance floor, hiding the Dlllars and bare wolto and giving the wnoio atmosphere tho air of the holiday season. On either side of the floor nnd ftt tho east end on the end of the stage the dozens of boxes were lined. These wero draped with many oriental rugs, lighted with large red-shaded lambs and uacKca uy green screens. Culls from the Wire rfi ..i.. r TirlcnrtlAr fiencral George H. Tome-, surgeon general of tho United ut.... or.ntr uiii. hurled in the post ccm- Mnrv at West Point. N. Y., yesterday. "ThA creatcst missionary proineni, 1- . V- - ....nnnt nl nn t T I Ml Tl Willi 1LB 'O3.O0O.WW. IS mai oi xno . I n. 7-nWBr nT I'ftlrO. IjKVIJV, sum ill - - - . convention, which opened yesterday ln Kansas City. Prof. Beth C. Chandler, an astronomer of International reputation, aieu yewr day, aged C7 years, at Wellesley, Mass, tTrt nn tun irnvernment mtioi oui- voy and for ten years was editor of tho Astronomlcnl Journal. Tho annual Fine Arts building prize Of $500, awarded to tho Society of Western Artists, was distributed among five of tho exhibitors by tho Jury at Chicago yes terday. The winners are E. M. Blrnlng haus of St. Louis, Alice 8chlll and Maude Squlro of Cincinnati. C. A. Corwln and W. A. Clute of Chicago. That customs revenues and other re nlnt n thn tvirt of New York were 3,267,2SG less In 1913 than ln 1912 is shown by a atatomont made public yesterday by Dudley Field Malone, collector of tho port. Tho total for 1913 reaches J2O0.6M,- 182. as against jiz,ii,-jvi in jl uh total revenues for 1913. J204,2G1,126 was de rived from imports duties. Search both by Chicago police and hos pital authorities has failed to disclose apy clue to .the thirty-five milligrams of radium lost or stolen several days ago whllo being used In the treatment of a cancer patient. Unless tho person hav ing the precious particle of radium it Is half the slzo of a pin's head and Is worth I4,t00 ln his possession knows how to pro tect himself from its Influence It may kill him. iAmcrlcaaambltlon and points to our. un protected Pacific coast. With every dis turbance In Central or South America It predict. European Intervention and re- minds us of our Inferior navy. With every disturbance it urges European In terventlon and suggest, our Inferior nary. 1,t Inspires German animosity towards England and French animosity towards Qermany, It secures contracts for tw battleships from Argentine Republic as a reward for disclosing the plana of American battloshlps It had constructed. "X bellevo as ardently aa any man In May happiness come to you abundantly, and prosperity attend you throughout all the New Year Open bright and early this morning for the big gest Clearance Sale in onr history and, by the way, our big ad in this paper on Thursday should havo interested you greatly. OMAHA'S FASTEST GROWING STORE mm & mime 1510-18-20 FARNAM STREET Tubercular Exhibit at Y, M, C, A. Building Tubercular organs, bones and tissues, preserved In fluid so that disease will not be spread by them, will be part of an antl-tubcrculosis exhibit at tho Young Men's Christian association open house this evening. A piece of meat from a tubercular nnlmal killed at ono of the South Omaha packing houses will prob ably be shown. The display will bo made on the third floor of the association building and will bo in charge of Mrs. K. R. J. Edholm, executive secretary of the Nebraska So ciety for tho Study and Prevention of the Dread Disease. Literature of the so ciety and charts Illustrative of Its work and tho precautions necessary to avoid consumption will also bo included ln tho exhibit. In an adjoining room Dr. S. R Towne will give brief lectures on tho sub ject during the evening, with a radiop tlcan to throw illustrations upon the screen. t things aro not secrets. I am not violating any confldenoe or betraying a trust when i call your attention to these perform ances. "Why, Mr. Chief Justice Brewer, ln his last days, spoko out against this situa tion; he felt It then aa wo feel It now, removed even though ho was by reason of his high position. Some of them go so far as to tell ua to what extent we should Increase tho appropriations. They are so numerous hero in this great city when tha society season Is on' that you cannot throw a stone without wndanger- Ing a naval man or a mlllta y gentle man, retired or otherwise. What did Mr. Chief Justice Brower say about them and PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS E. N. Frellnj? has been taken from the hospital to his home at 3191 Fowler ave-J nue, wnero ne is convalescing quietly after his recent Illness. WILL NOT BE AT HEAD OF M OYER'S BODY GUARD BOONE, la., Dec. 3L (Special Tele gram.) Chief of Police 6. F. Moyer, re turning from a visit with C. H. Moyer, his brother, ln a Chicago hospital, says ha will not be a member of tho bodyguard with the head of tho Western Federation of Miners on the latter's return to the Calumet mining district. "I suggested that he have a bodyguard because his life Is not his own up there alone," said the chief upon his arrival here. Key to tho Situation Bee Advertising. BULLET SMASHES WINDOW PANE NEW YEAR'S EYE John Morrissy, 1S22 Emmet street,, was awakened lato Now Year's eve by some body raising tho lid. A stray bullet broke , half a wlndowful of glass in Morrissy' a , bouse. Morrissy complained to the police. DEATH RECORD, ' j Trmlne- Iarnen. Twalne Larson, who was brought to Omaha from his home at Newport, Tues day died last night at St. Joseph's hospital. Mr. Larsen was D years old,, and had been suffering for some time beforo he was brought to the hospital. His relatives have been notified. Persistent Advertising la tho Road to Big. Returns. clent navyT Wc have expended over ,p!;e.nee"T; He 8aldf Mtti i- . - '"The maintenance of 7 navy. We have 277 vessels, ln tho aggro- .h.p., w.t.; twThm comm.;..;;. w, 'r.6 "ihjy 00 and more military and naval officers, active and retired, now living with their families In have eleven armored cruisers; we havo sixty-three submarines, of which forty- seven are In service. We havo twenty- eight torpedo boats and fifty-four de stroyers, ahd wo havo six battleships In course of construction. But when con gress meets and Its committees consider a naval program, our deficient navy, our unpreparedness, our smaller guns, our obsolete warships, are said to invite not only the contempt, but active hostility of tho nations. in a given time. 3ievr Em In Commerce. There seems little doubt that beforo very long the continuous-wave system selecting any public documents U may deem suitable for Hs shelves. Wants Better Malt Service. John F. McCarthy, a railroad man of work. This differs from the tflder lnter-mlttent-wavo aystem ln that each wave follows the next closely and there ia a Hitchcock an almost plaintive appeal to use his influence to Improve the city de- . I , . . . ,1,., continuous train of wave, travelling ' dW,v,riw will be made In tho (through the space between the two ,.,A t i . ,, , stations that aro In communication with nU" " i wl rmerl living one another, whereas with intermittent 11 " JJSX ,.,w .v, i. . .w. f .v. remotely in the country havo their mall " V...:r:. delivered at their door by rural free distance by 'another, then another, and JT.?' JS to on. "3:::;.. town must t tn- man .(UMr Zn 'clr.y get most from an un.nt.r, SL I IV V4(al II W4 SMitssuavet visa v these boxca of mall and scatter it on I the ground, while they use the boxes rupted source of supply, Just aa one could fill a bucket of water more n ii I 1 v fHim n flnulnr Ian llinn frnm the. uno tap if it were spasmodically fP. Vi?'r .. l""8 """T" , Z'l"' turned on and off. These continuous Pot'-" The PP J ,.m k.jnB. n. .ffiH-nt fnr up with the proper authorities of the comniwclal telegraphy, are mqch more ?U1 U, U coined a similar delicate to "pickup." and the tuning situation exI.U In mary other of the or the two stations has to be extremely ,mBl ""i ,n .,h Bt"te' ...... ... , W, P. Ourley of Omaha, who has been of aecrrt communlcaUon. They are pro- mk, J,U ""v1 ,lt V re,BU' duced in several different ways now. more "" than one new system being on the eve here and leavea for the west of important experiments between Amer- !luro,lJr' lea and Europe. The Pouisen continuous Wave sjttem It is stau-a. is ieing Oeadlr Frlirkt adopted for the J, COO mile station on the possesses sufferers from lung trouble Panama canal. till they learn Dr. King's New Discovery Wlrelesa telegraphy of the near future I will help them. Price 60c and $1. For will therefore, mean transmitting very ( sale by your druggist Advertisement. rapid stgnaU of sufficient power to actu ate a printer which will record on paper! the messages sent; a permanent record will be obtained and the rate of sending I messages will be lncre&Md frpm the pres ent twenty words a minute or thereabouts to perhaps 1C0 to 900. This should lead to a considerable reduction In telegraphic rates eventually, and so Increase the amount of telegraphic corretpondence enormously. Au Automatic Tralu-Btop. In line with the demands of the Inter state Commerce commission that the rail roads of the country must develop a I nal aystem automatically to stop trains and prevent collisions the Queen & Crescent railroad at Cincinnati the other with tlie military and naval forces, are gradually transforming the capital of their country Into a military and naval center, and their Influence Is constantly pressing upon congress for continued de velopment and Increased expenditures ln military and naval lines.' "New Yom Post. TWO-THIRDS OF MEN LAID OFF IN LOCOMOTIVE SHOPS An Efficient Anvy, WhenT "Whon ahall wo have an efficient FAIIUJUIIY. Neb., Jan. l.-(8peclaU- A sweeping reduction was made In the navyT Some say when we have forty-one Rock Island locomotive shops at this battleships of the line. Not such battle- place today, when a large number of ships as the Connecticut or tho Iowa, but mechanics. Including bollermakers, ma- tho Wyoming and tho Texas, and costing I chlnlsts, carmen and their helpers, were from IIS, 000, 000 to $30,000,000 each, with laid off indefinitely. This Is the greatest crulsem and smaller craft to match. But I reduction ever made ln the Rock Island when we shall have bullded them, what forces since tho shops were established then? If Kngland and Qermany and rat this point in isss. A number or rore Japan continue to build, will we dare to ne" the operating department were ston. when to do so must soon leave ui also taken out of service, a tempting prey to their more enterprls- Three train dispatchers handle tho Ing and farslghted pollcyv No, Mr, movement of trains over the Nebraska President, our war material makers, like division, instead or six. as rormeriy. ino the daughters of tho horse leech, will locomotive snopa ana car yarns are run- continue to cry, 'Give! Give!' n,nc w,,n auoul n,ru ul "1B "Many nations are without navies. rorce- J"" now, P St.,ln Vnrtv.v. nnn.nrk nI.Hm UUCUOn will renmill n lon.n is uui nnuiu Holland. Bwiiteriana, poin ana iortugai Th8 Per,ultont na judicious Use of may oe cuca. uui men countries are Advertising Is the Road to more immune 10 wars man xneir more i jjujnu. Success. rormiaaDio nMgnoors. uuseia autrerea the destruction of Its fleet in 1900, since which time It has been quite as free from controversy and danger as its victorious adversary. Our treaty of peace at Ghent with Oreat Britain prohibited the main tenance of ships of war upon .the Great Lakes. This has prevented Instead of promoting discord between the United Stato aand Canada. Who shall say that our relations with the great Dominion would have txwn aa peaceful had their battleships and ours been launched upon the waters of tho Great Lakes a hundred years ago and since maintained ln con stantly added strength and numbers? In our days of maritime weakness, the Mon- FACE COVERED WITH PIMPLES RESINOL CURED Atlanta, Ga.. April 21, 1913. "When I it-celvcd tho samples of Reslnol Soap and Iteslnol Ointment my face was covered with pimples which defied other creams, Koaps and cosmotlcs. They wore a source of constant humiliation to me, coming In contact with many strangers as I do, us a business wxman. "By the time I had finished a cako of Iteslnol Soap and half a Jar of Iteslnol Ointment, my skin was soft as velvet, and as smooth. My friends were stunned, and everyone asked me what I had done. When I told them, I think they hardly believed It. for the transformation waa rlmply wonderful. "Slnco then I have been using Iteslnol Soap and shall never be without It again, for I have learned the delights of a clear. soft, beautiful complexion that may be attained by ita constant use." (Signed) Miss E. P. Gaddls. 2M South Pryor St. Iteslnol Ointment (00c nnd 11.00), and Reslnol Soap (25c), stop Itching instantly find speedily heal eczema, and other skin humors, dandruff, sores, burns and plica. Sold by every druggist. Avoid "substi tutes" for Reslnol offered by a few un scrupulous dealers For free trial, write to Dept. 36-R, lteelnol, Baltimore, Md. V'; V. . HELP Hatty Hurdle Heaps of Heavy Winter Wearables Our Eastern buyer didn't buy a job lot special for this sale. We bought 'em regular, but we don't make tho weather. If we did, it's a cinch we would leave out the unseasonable weather also the cyclone. Loop the Loop Prices $2.00 and $1.50 Shirts 50c Neckwear for '.. $1.50 and $1.00 Neckwear $1.50 Mufflers for 31.15 25c .65c SI.I5 50c Silk Sox for $1.35 $2.00 Gloves for ; $1.50 Gloves for $1.50 Union Suits for 3z.uu union suits m n ...: 1.0 Sij.uu union suits in ff MM $5.00 Union Suits gg S s 5 5 5 25c Black, the $2.50 Hatter Kitty Corner from P. 0. 109 South 16th St. PILES No Money Till Cured !H'!im Sa!i "! Disease, cured with out the knife. Permanent cures ru a ran tail Write for Fro. Illustrated boR n ttUtai Diseases and testimonials ef huntfre? if cured patients In Nebraska and Iowa. DR. E. ft. TARRY - 240 Bee Bid.. Omaha, Neb. Thmrm Im Omly Gum Brom& Quinine" Tktmt Im Laxathr& Bromo Quinine vecm rue whlb bveh re mmc a qbim im mm bay. Always remember the full same. Look lor this eisnature oa .every box, 26o. TAILOR BECK Cutting PRICES To reduce stock and keep my force of expert tailors busy I offer my high grade mado-to-order Suits and Overcoats at lower prices than you would have to pay for ill-fitting ready-to-wear-after-they-aJter-them kind. $30 All $40.00 Suits to Order, now . . . . All $30.00 Suits-to- JOq I All $35.00 Suits-to-Order, now jpsmiJ Order, now . . . I CUT THE PRICE-NOT THE QUALITY Reliable Fabrics, Honestly Tailored. Any time my garments don't make good I will $33 BW Awmmr .aiaiaVb sflV muuu9 Ammmmmr mm. K NEW LOCATION 15l2i DODGE STREET.