12 TJlM I315W: OMAHA, 'JTIUHSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1914. i LOOKS FOR BETTER BUSINESS, lliiP Make your New Year Complete Presentation Now Whtto Goodfl, Linens, Muslins, Shootings, White Silk Underwear, MuFlin Underwear White WalsU, of "Everything White Store Closed All Day New Years Candies with Fancy white Linens, Embroideries, Laces, Whlto Wool Fabrics, White Hosiery, White Silks, etc. Plan now to buy the supplies you need during this Greatest White Sale Ever Held in the Greatest Storo in the "West. Towle's Log Cabin Syrup rata w in Butter Scotch, Fudge all the, favorite candies come out just right and taste lots better if made with TOW HE'S LOG CABIN. Its delicious flavor of pure maple elves candy a quality which is inimitable. Try the Candy Recipes in our Frtt Retift Bui. Towle'a hog Cabin Syrup on pancakes and waffles is the favorite breakfast dish of America. If your grocer hasn't it. send his name ana 25 cents for a full measure pint can, prepaid, and my frit Rtcibt Bui. Happy Nrw Ttar and it itiri U ad' drat Jack Ttivlt at The Towle Maple Product Co. Best 87 ST. FAUL, MINN. Commercial Club So Declares in Telegram to The World. LOOKS FOR NO BAD EFFECTS Annm h? Knnt thnt Contlnnrrt Prosperity tor Omaha, ntiil Ne tirnakn Id Well Amiircd Un der Preaent Propped. No bad effects on business In general aro anticipated by the Osnnhn Commer cial clul) as a result of the revision of the tariff laws. That the currency bill as finally passed, with Us numeroui amendments, will restore. con..-ence, l another opinion of the Commercial club, ah expressed In ft telegmm to the New York World. Tho Now York Wort.: Kent the following Inquiry to the Commercial club by telegraph: The New York World wishes you a happy New Year nud would be gratified If you would telegraph to this office your New Year opinion on the outlook for 1911, taking Into consideration tho new currency law and the now tariff law. An early reply will lo deeply appre ciated. Following Is the reply sent to the World by tho Omaha Commercial club; "The Commercial club of Omaha re turns tho compliment of tho senium ex pressed In your wlro nnd wlsncs lh- commercial Interests of this country il happy and prosperous new year, Tho outlook for 1914 I. In our opinion, ver:' ' favorable. Tho effect of the revision :T tho tariff laws and the new currency law cannot ns yet be fully determined. White tho tariff changes mny affect cer tain Interests to sorno extent. Wo do vj anticipate that they will huvo any bad j effect on business In general. The new ! currency law as yet Is largely experl- j mental, but there seems to be a general i feeling amongst business men and bank- I Ing Interests that the bill ss amended I and finally passed when put In full opcr- j atlon will have a tendency to rcstorx j confidence and do nway with thn gen- j eral reeling of unrest wntcn has existed during the last few months. With tho prospect of bountiful crops the coming season, tho continued prosperity of Omaha and Nebraska Is 'well assured, ' "COMMBUCJAL. CLUB OK O.wAHA, "Oeorgo II. Kolly. President. ' COMING !-The event that thousands of wise buyers await! Our January White Sale ZZZZZZZZZa!ZmmSmmZZZZZZm 5SsssssisssIs"asSssZ!sZpSis ZZaZZmZ!ZZZZZZZ!ZZZZ!v HlZpmZ ZZZ 7 Beftng MONDAY JThary The Result of Months of Skillful Planning by the Most Powerful Buying Organization in All the West We Have Been Aided by Unusual Market Conditions and Favored by a Changing Tariff, Enabling Us To Offer Values Never Equaled Before in Any White Sale We mention just a few of the many groups of superior merchandise we will offer. No well informed woman will doubt for an instant that this is THE WHITE SALE OF THE TOWN SIMSMBCI PIANOS Uprights and Grands For Rent $3.00 a month aad Hp. Freo tunine, Insurance, stool, scarf, free drayago It rented for six months, rent allowed on purchase prico If you do clde to buy. SckMillir&Mitlltr PIANO CO. 1311-18 Farnam St. Douglas 1038. Y. M, 0. A. Will Give a Big Reception on New Year's Night The local Young Men's Christian asso ciation has prepared a most Interesting schodulo of athletlo events, music and social affairs for tho Now Year's recep tion or open house this evening. On tho second floor, In tho assembly room, slides oi Young Men's unnsuan association work In North America, will 1ms shown. In tho boys' division will bo presented Kdlson moving pictures, non-combustible: Edison talking machine, demonstration of X-ray, exhibit of Junior Electrical- club, exhibit of Junior Camera club, Calendar exhibit Tho association band, under tho direc tion of Dr. A. D, Laird, will give vo cdncerts. The first Concert, at 8 'o'cl6ck; will be in tho lobby; the second, at 9 o'clock, will be In the gymnasium. On tho third floor, In the dining' room, the orchestra will play and coffee and sandwiches wilt be served. In the study room punch will be sorved. In .room 318 Omaha Bketch club will give an exhibit and there will bo an ex hibition of lip reading and oral teaching by Nebraska School for tho Deaf. Presbyterian headquarters are in room 315. In room 811 Prof. Kratx has his studio, whero there will be singing at Intervals, S to JO o'clock. In room 811 lee cream will be served. The Qerman room Is No. 313, whero flrrman nunch and doughnuts will be served. In room W7 there will be nn exhibition nf m akin i? and serving candy. A long uthletlo program will be given In the gymnasium. $10.00 Irish Linen Pattern Table Cloths $5.08 $1.50 Linen Hemstitched Hrenkfnst Cloths 7a 00x100 aiarwelllcH lied Spreads, worth $0.00, nt. .$2.08 25c and ttOc Turkish Hath Towels 10c 70c Pure Linen Table Damask; at, per yard. . . .Xnjo 8c quality Turkish Wash Cloths, ench 2c 18 nnd 27-lnrli Kmbrpldery, worth ftOc; at, yard. . 126c All Linen Cluny1 Lncc, up to 7-lncheH wide, yard. . .10c Women's Dainty llrnwslcrcs; nt, each 10c Women's Fine 'Corset Covers; at, each -10c Assorted lota of Undcrmusllns, wortli to $1, nt. . . .40o Bleached Muslin, on sale In Dasemcnt, yard Oc Finest Long Cloth and Cambric, yard 7c 20c Mercerized Poplin at. yard 12c 00c Kmbroldcred English Cotton Crepe; nt, yard. .ilOo 10c Genuine White Klplette at. yard 7c $12.00 Satin Mar.selllcs lied Spreads at $0.00 10c All Linen Huck Towels; nt, each lot) 00c Knilirolilery, 18 to 10 inches wide, yard 2Pc ftO-lnch White Ilrorado Channelise, worth $1.20 yd., l)c Women's Kino Drawers will k" at, pair 17c Finest lot of I'liclei'inusllns over seen at $1.00 ' Mercerized Cashocn, worth 10c; at, yard ilSr Shadow Check 10-lncli Voile, yard. . Ilundrcda of other gpcclnl features at Tallica equally remarkable will be offered Monday In this White Sale. Watch Sunday papers for full particulars Oc II il Mrs. E, Lee McShane Granted a Divorce Mra. Nathalie L. McHhane was granted a alvorco irom tKiwaru ive aicoimuc, vice president of the McShane Lumber company, by District Judge Troup. Tho defendant did not contest the suit and a default was entered agninst him. Mrs. McShane testified that ho was of Irritable disposition and had treated her so cruelly as to endanger her health. Their wedding, which occurred at . Du buque, la., June 3, 1000. was a social event which was attended by many Omahans who are prominent in social circles. They went to Dubuque in a special train. Mrs. McShane, who Is again Miss Nathalie Loretta Myers since restoration of her maiden name was granted by Judge Troup Is known as one of Omaha's most beauUtul and popular women. Mr. Mc? Shane's family has long been prominent In this city. The divorce petition whs filed November 17. Skinned from Head to Heel was Ben Pool, Threet, Ala., when drag ged over a rough road; but Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed all his Injuries. 25c. For sale by your druggist Advertise- mrnt. OLD FRANKLIN COUNTY COAL For Furnnco uud Range 96.50 Per Ton A HaDDV IPMKE LIMIER & COAL CO. "rrBF New Year 4fc Being happy is the se. A cret of being well, looking well and feel S 11 f a . m . 1 1 ing weu. atari ine new Year right, by resolving to assist the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, in their daily work by use of 4MUSKMHNTS. ' "e&CAXA'S TUX CSXTSX." . 42rt.r'T3 DhU7 Mat. 1B-S5-S0I Watson Sisters X "KOROCCO BOUKO" Am Xoltion SI.nxs In Two Volumes, mayta to absolnta capacity at avsry yerfonaaao. SJLSXM1 BXMX MJLTZXSS WEEK SAY. BRAN DEIS- ia'iM'IVB-M HENRY MILLER in "THE RAINBOW" avarkUae 6om4y by A, x. Tbomas. ktetlas toaay and Baturoay. 4 Amfs, fctgllBs; KUBdsy, Jan. 4, "ltottt aaa 7ff la ranama." Mac arsry lay. gllS) every night, BUS, ASVAXCXS TABBKTU.X.1II Tbli WMki VlllUm J. Doolor Jaoi Tiorn toa. Ur Lm. Asbm Scott . Hor7 Kcut. Illltt'( AnlnwU. VtlU Hou & Mimlla. th Jgsgtaasa family, sad apaclat faatura slctur. A. uallla Couitaalp." rlw Mai. Oalltrr. 10e, bnt aaata. (tuapt Cat. ana baa-j.-NljliU. loe, . Me and Tia HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Is It tonos, Btrongthona and Invigorates the entire syg torn. Try a bottle today. NEW DEALS INVOTE CONTEST Promoters; of M. and M. Voting Cqn test Wish All a Happy New Year. NEW VALUES ARE OFFERED Tier Contestants Enter the Iflclil to Try tor the Various Ills Prises Which Aro Presented for Contestants. A auccessful New Year tor you-then mora and moro success for each day ot 1PH. The year that has Just started on. lta SG dayn' Journey holds something good In store for many of the contestants now entered in Tho Bee's M. & M. voting contest. In a special announcement made In THb Beo Tuesday tho contest manager gave out some good news for tho boy and' girl nominees. Not only may they com pete for tho Detroit touring car which Is on exhibition at the T. Q. Northwall & Co. garage, 912 Jones street; the pony, cart and harness and tho two other prlics previously offered, but In each of tho four districts they are ellglblo to win the piano and the diamond ring. Tho cart that will bo a part of tho equipment that goes with the pony can be eeen at the Slarvln C. Van Derwcer salesrooms, 12-24 Fourth street. Council Uluffs. The extra voting valuo offered for the next ten days on Lawrence Barrett cigar bands Is meeting with a ready response. Contestants uro taking advantage ot this special opportunity to Improve their standing In the contest. It you wunt to keep In touch with all the good things that will be announced from tlmo to time you should read The Bee every day. It you miss one Issue you may miss valuable Information about voting values. You can't afford to take such chances. Ono of tho big manufacturers, whose goods can be found In practically every grocory store In Omaha and vicinity, has uomethlng good In store for the nominees. Watch for the announcement some tlmo next week, Tho latest organisation to enter the con test Is the Jennie Kdmundson Memorial .hospital of Council Bluffs. The following ladles have been appointed by the hos pital advisory board to receive labels and voting coupons at their homes: Mrs. It, II. Nichols, Shugurt apartments, phone 1875; Mrs. It. W. Sprague, 911 Klfth ave nue, phone 1C52; Mra. Arthur E. Smith, 1109 Fifth avenue, phone Bed 1299. labels, saea slips and M. & M. voting coupons may also be vent to tho Jennie Edmund son hospital, phone 2769. Wllliner 11. Blackett, adjutant ot Lee Forby camp No. 1, United Spanish War Veterans, listed his organization yester day. The camp Is out after Its share of the $1,000 cash that ts offered to organi zations. Adjutant Blackett saya he will appoint a committee of hustlers. In that event the prospects for Lee Forby camp look encouraging. Each day new nominees are entering the M. & M. contest .attracted by the simple, and fair plan which governs the distribution of premiums. The contest managers would be glad to go Into details with those Interested. Come In. Let's talk It over personally. Boom lit. Bee building, telephone Douglas SU9. Mrs, S, Day Charges Husband of Day Has Unkindly Deserted Mrs. Stephen Day, 613 North Nineteenth street, has filed charges of desertion In police' court against her husband' of twenty-four hours. Tho day before Christmas Mrs. Day moved from 420 North Tenth streot, whero she had lived for a number of years, and took three men boarders to live Itr hor new home. Day finding she was not mar ried and declaring himself to be In tho same fix prevailed upon her to becomo his spouse. As part' of the Inducement he showed, her, so sho says, his bank book containing large deposits and cards of membership In the Moose, Odd Fel lows and Masons organizations. After the nuptials had been performed and wedded life established Day left the morning ot the SCtli for a Job which he said he had secured at the Burlington freight depot. A sumptuous lunch graced his dinner bucket to help him stand his work, but he did nqt show up at tho depot and has not been heard of since. NEW SNOW FALLS OVER MISSOURI AND IOWA Elsasser Seeks to Get Back on Board Hearing of the suit brought by Peter E. Elsasser, former county commissioner, In an attempt to regain his membership on tho board and to oust Henry McDon ald, Its present chairman, has been begun In Judge Troup's court. Elsasser was defeated for re-election by McDonald at the election ot 1912. He bases his allegation that he should hold over on an amendment passed by the legislature providing for four-year terms for county commissioners. Ho had served three years when he stood for re-election. McDonald alleges tho amendment ts unconstitutional. He took his place on ,'tho board when organization was effected a year ago. According to tho railroad reports thero Is new snow all over western Iowa and northeastern Missouri. It commenced snowing Tuesday night and the snow was still falling when the morning reports were sent In. Tho railroad reports Indicate misty and foggy weather ovor most ot Nebraska, with temperatures ranging from 8 to 40 degrees above zero. Fraser Succeeds Eoot as Chairman of the Committees Tho executive council, Wooeimen of tho World, held tt brief session and adjourned until this morning at 10 o'clock In order to give tho committees moro time In which to proparc their reports. By vlrtuo of his office as sovereign commander, the lato J. C. Boot had been chairman of' tho numerous committees of mo council. .Most or ti'cso vacant posi tions were- filled Tuesday by the election to them of .Sovereign Commander Fraser. Ilo Js now elected chairman of the build ing and the military committees. Tho committee on memorials,; hot being ready to report back the, resolutions on the death of J. C. Boot, was given moro tlme ' . The Perstsltcnt and Judicious Use ol Newspaper Advertising Is tho Boad tu Business' Success. "Tonics Remedies which promote nutrition and thus, increase the strength or tone of the body, when it is reduced." jr -.,,w jy .til i fesassacjk. Willi jv$$m y mmtiKw bml yHkw The Encyclopedia Americana Physicians recommend Blatz to convalescents. It restores health and vigor Quinlan to Have an Imported Turkey Tom Quinlan, manager or Hayden Bros.' store, will this year have an Imported turkey for his New Year's dinner. Tues day Mr, Quinlan received by express a mammoth Bronte turkey, a New Tear's present from Ueorgo W. Losey, member of the last Nebraska legislature, who has j recently moved to New Mexico. Mr. Losey wrote that while Nebraska pro- ( duced an excellent variety ot the species turkey, the New Mexican bird really had It over the Cornhusker product, and he forwarded tho sample for the approval ot Mr. Quanlan, who asserts he Is a con noisseur on Jjhtnga to eat. HUNGRY MAN GETS HEAVY FINE FOR STEALING MILK Colda to De Taken Pcrloual'. Intelligent people realise that common colda should be treated promptly. If there Is sneezing, with chilliness and hoarseness, tickling throat and cough ing, the latter especially annoying at bed time, use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It Is effective, p'easant to take, checks a cold, stops tho cough 1 which causes loss of sleep, and lowers the ltal icslstanco to disease. Bemember jtbo iminr, Foley's Honey and Tat ' Compound und avoid substitutes. For I sale by ull dealers everywhere Advertisement. Qeoreg Brown was fined $15 and costs In police court for attempting to steal a couple bottles of milk from an Alamlto wagon In front of the Omaha General hospital. Driver A. Schroeder of the vehicle caught Brown Just as ho emerged from the wagon and after a hot tussle, In which a large plate glass window was broken. Brown was subdued and marched down to the police station. Brown de clared that he was hungry and had noth ing to eat for two days. RAILROAD HEADQUARTERS TO CLOSE NEW-YEAR'S DAY Headquarters of all the railroads here will be closed all day today, but the city offlcea will remain open until noon. There was a move started to close the city offices alt day, but one of the roads opposed It and, as a result, all are to remain open during the morning. The doctor says "Give him a glass of good Beer al 1 1 VI 1 t wiui nis meais. ne is convalescing ana needs the right kind of food, the proper nourishment and a good, substantial tonic "A tonic that he will relish and enjoy untold benefits from is a good beer Blatz Beer. The hops will quicken the appetite and the malt is nourishing and 'foody." All that is claimed for Blatz is that it is an honest, thoroughly matured product full of character, brewed on merit from the finest materials, by masters of the art of brewing. IF IN DOUBT-TRY IT OUT. BLATZ COMPANY Phone Douglas.6662 002-810 Douglas Street, Omaha, Neb. r3 107 At