THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1913. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE vhtlNnttn HY KUWAltU UOSKWATBK. VICTOn 11Q8KWATK11, UUITUlt. . I3KH BUILDINQ. KARNAM AND 1TTII Knlercd at Omaha jxmolflce aa second- clau matter. . ...... r.u miiisntl1T10N. vjr m Sunday lie, one year..., " """ tiO S "SOTthoa; ' year.. 4.e fc 7!'ti.ttnn TiV I 'A III EtKlL Evening and Sunday Bee. per mo""" trv.ntnir. uiihnut Sunday. per montn...o An Important Olub Election. As our principal buslnoaa organi zation, tho Commorcial club Is a vital factor in tho upbuilding of Omaha. Regardless of its successes and failures in the past, its oppor tunities for present and futuro use fulness were never greater. Tho pe culiar conditions of the moment thorcforo make tho forthcoming election of directors to have chargo iwcmiiK. wmium ou a ?f the c,,,b;8 nci,:,t,e9 cdru: AddieM nil complaints of irMsyiariuss lng year of much moro than usua In aemeries to t uy incin usual Imnortancn of Imnnrtnnrn nnl nlnnn by draft, express or postal order, to tho members, but to every ono llv- ... . w i tj- inhiihitii; company 1 . . . . . . ,. snaring in us prosperity. Tho Commercial club Is at tho point of rearranging its work and ro offlcerlng at least one of its depart ments. Many projects of public moment or of business value aro calling for consideration, and con certed and woll dlrocted effort ia constantly required to keep Omaha abreast of its trade competitors, and to hold its prestige high abroad. Tho Commercial club is tho agency through which tho community works in business channels; tho machinery must bo kept manned for tho highest officioncy and best rosults. by draft, express or postal or..., iu mo muinuurn, uui payable to Tho lice I'ubiuhltig g in Omaha and Only 2-cent stamps received in payment o of smalt accounts. Puisonat checks, ex- progress and prosper! cept on Omatia ana eaiiw" -- not accepted. OFFICES, flmaha Tlie llee Building ttrnth Omala-231S N Btreet , Council Hluffs-H North Main Street. l..ncoln-2S IJltle IlullulnB. lhtcaao-ttl Hearst Uulmlng. A New Vork-lloom 110c. M Fifth Avenue. St. IajuIs-603 New Hank of commerce. Washtngton-Tfl rourtctnth at., . w. Communications relating to news Bna editorial matter should be addressed Omaha Bee, Kdltorlal Department. NOVEMBER CIRCULATION. 52,068 aute of Nebraska. County of Uouglas. m.: Dwlght William, circulation manatfer of The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, say that the average dally circulation for the month of November, ItU. waa S2.W8. DWIOUT WILUAM8. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence und sworn to before ma this 8d day of December, jail HOUIiltT 11UNTEH, (Seal) Notary Public. r t . f t i iooKinjQ4iacKwar coMPnsn rnoM nix ni dm DECEMBERS!. Thirty Yearn Ago Here Is a list of the at home announce ments for receiving New Year's calls: Mrs. II. W. Yates and daughter, at Nineteenth and Capitol avenue, will re coivo at 3 o'clock, assisted by Sirs. Gum ming, Mrs. S. S. Caldwell, Sirs. 8. R. Brown, Mrs. W. II. McCord, Mrs, W. A. Itedlck, MUs Brown, Miss Berlin and Miss Smith of St. Joscoh. At Mrs. Qeorgo W. Doane's: Mrs. J. X. If. Patrick, Mrs. II Wakeley, Mrs. P. Wesscls, Mrs. N, Shelton, Mm. J. Clark- Twice Told Tales Warner Hip fnrnlnir After. Here Is one that was told by Congress man Edward W. PoU of North Carolina at a recent banquet where the topic switched to the Inevitable Pat. The esteemed Patrick, so related the congressman, went to the depot to meet a relative that ho hadn't seen for sev eral years, and the result was great hap pines. Pat being muscular, the police force had musli trouble in convincing him that he ought to bo the guest of the city, but finally he was placed In the municipal resL "Shurc, Judge," remarked Pat, when he waa haled before the magistrate tho next morning, "ir yci win he so kind as son. Miss Claire Kustln, Miss Mamie Shears, Miss Jane Touzelln, Miss Minnie to fontot lt on, do B8 much for yol8lir jicin. .Misa .Miner ot iouisviue, aiiss i sometolme. Butler of Philadelphia, Miss Qreenhow and Miss Doane. Mrs. J. S. McCormlck and Miss Mc- Cormlck, 2 to 7 p. m., at their residence on Capitol avenue, assisted by Mrs. D. O. Clark, Mrs. Nye, Mrs. Balch, Mrs. E. S.' Dundy, Jr., Miss Newcombo of Qulncy, Miss O'Brien and Miss Newman of Bur lington, Mlsa Pugh, Miss Tompkins, Miss j Ijatns, Mlsn Carrie IJame, Mlts Held, Miss Lake, Mlsa Morgan and Miss Lyons. "Let me see." reflectively responded tho magistrate. "You are tho man who gave the officers so much trouble. I under stand lt took seven of them to lock you up." "Yls, ycr honor," Innocently admitted Pat, "but lt would take only wan to let me out." Philadelphia Telegraph. Tlic Itrnnon foe It. Herbert Putnnm. librarian of congress, Progress in Eugenics. Tbo movement for a chomically- puro race, llko tho old darky's faith, seems to havo "ketched n fall," for people do not seem to bo taking as kindly to professional and logallzed eugenics as thoy were scheduled' to do. It 1b the way with most folks that they revolt at compulsory vir tue, howover prompt and willing thoy Tho lawyor bunch Is groat on fine may bo to practlco virtue on tholr Subscriber leaving tbft city tetupomrly should bare Tho lice mailed to them. Addresa vrlll be changed na often a reaaentcd. resolutions. i It is evident by now that predic tions do not mako weather. own account. This old and rather woll-cstabllshod pcrvorocncBs ot hu man naluro is tho chief obstaclo for our eugenic friends to ovorcomo. Out in tho state of Washington rt a km A t . 1 I uoo, wnai n mo moviu iuuu uiibdcu tu6 movement procured tho enact- that eight of Mexican federals rushed mont ot a aw requiring a physician's Into the river 7 I cortlflcato showing evnrv nernnn mar nine to be froo of certain diseases That Indiana coupio married m u ftnd tho vory n0Xt BCSgion ot Ul0 t0Kia. church Btcoplo must wish to start lifo laturo ropcalod Ul0 jaW( or thl8 pnrt on a high plane. This playing hide and seek across our Texas border must bo a quite ex hilarating gamo. I Whoever it wan that had Moyor slugged displayed a very peculiar Idea of tho way to cure tho infec Thoso Japanese' resolutions of oynv patby aro all right In tholr way, but Hucrta could uso tho taonoy to much better advantage of lt, with a thundoring popular ro- spouso. Now, Wisconsin has a elm liar and even moro drastic law, and, according to medical exports, no cor tlflcato of the sort required can honestly bo given short ot six months' observation of tho matrimonial can dldato, and a vory costly succession of intricate tests. It remains to bu neon whothor the outcome In Wis consin will bo tho same as in Wash lngton. Fundamentally, thefti can not bo very much tho matter with a country that produces $10,000,000,000 worth of farm crops a year. Our Cosmopolitan Schools. A striking significance arises from that convention ot tho American As sociation ot Cosmopolitan Clubs at Iowa City, giving collogo yolls in twenty-two languages. It shows tho drift of our educational Institutions President Wilson will havo to find lownru wiuoneu cu.ujjubb oi us .... . .. I fitfnnnd nrt .Infltfnnrn. Nnt nnlv n tv a moro ouscuro niaing piaco tnan " v Pass ChrisUan to keep tbo porslstent BOnB Rnd uau8nlorB t roreign-uorn favor seeker from finding him out. ParonUj Pouring into our colleges anil univorBiuos, uut streams ot young Tho old ecout, Harvoy, whb dls- men como moroly to bo cducatod covered Uio young bushor, Woodrow One Nebraska college alono has a Wilson, Is now wondering why ho cosmopolitan Club that includes gov- ever tipped him oft to the majors, oral oriontal nationalities. Anotner of the smaller Missouri valley col- But It tho administration currency logos has a still larger cosmopolitan bill is really as bad as ho kept Baying club, and scarcely a representative it -was all tho tlmo, how could a con- university is without a largo clement acicntlous person dofylng tho caucus I of such studentship, whip ever voto for it. What a splendid tributo to tho high character of our college, that thoy Romembor, however, that dellber- aro foun(, adantablo to tho wants ot ate perjury in cpurt, tno Kino mat all pepjogj And how better might goos to malte a so-called ' framo-up," Amcrica exton(1 influences than in nlno out of ten cases originated In tho fertile brain of the crooked lawyer. in tills way, through, eo many chan nols ot tho Btream of civilization? Our missionaries aro oxortlng dy namic Influence. In tho many lands san rraacisco la gouing soino oi ri vn tho Isles of tho Bea. but ts back Btreeta cleaned for tho first horo a,B0 ,B m88lonary work of tho tlmo In many years with Its army of t pracUcal KJnd at our very door. unemployed, so reports say. Omaha lslies no such army, hut wo havo tho- back streets. v. biivui iui a lub.uuai uutiiw, wuv aidv the unlquo handicap ot having fur nlsbed tbo only democratic United States senator who stood out against ls party measure. A lopsided Situation. San Francisco Is besieged by an unemployed men, 000 and so mo othor cities In smaller numbers, According to reports, most of thoso men are willing to work. Up in tho copper regions of Michigan armies of miners are idle, not for lack ot work, but as President Wilson Is sure to carry the result ot a wago disputo with Pass Christian, Judging frofti his pop- their employera. Tho 'Frisco railroad flarity reflected in tho Krown-uns' orders aeveral thousand tolegrapn cramblo to attend tho samo church operators laid off to forestall a itrlko ha doeg and tho kldd flehtinit to There is something amiss, not only .addy for him at golf. with our economics, but with our in dustrialism or such a situation would In boasting that the prevailing not confront us. This is trlto knowl high prices make tho 1913 Bhort crop edge, of course, and yet what sue worth as much as tho full crop of tho cobs can we point to for our efforts year before, our democratic friends to prevent such a state ot affairs! admit failure ot their promise to re-1 With all the wholosalo disclaiming duce the cost ot living. against social and industrial Ills, no acceptable plan haa thus far been One, thing eeems very certain, thnt advancod to correct these abuses with radium as a euro for cancer, uaralyiln for the tlmo. to the vital this country can no longer afford to Uelfaro ot tho country. Railroads havo been told that thoy waste send tho raw ore to Europe for re duction and buy back the refined product at fabulous prices. The Dean and Mrs. Mtllspaugh will re- I mlled the other evening when tho con. celve. their friends at St, Mary's avenue I versatlon turned to henpecked husbands. and Nineteenth. I He sold that tho reference to poor otd Mrs. O. II. Collins and Mlsa Collin 'ther reminded him of a certain Incl- at their residence, 1MB Capitol avenue, dcnt' assisted by Mrs. John A. Horbach, Mrs. Homo tlmo ago a man from the city James Watson, Mrs. T. If. Stanton, Mrs. "Pent a few days In a country town, and John C. Cowln, Mrs. John O, Bourkc, While there a real estato dealer tried to Mrs. Prank ft. Pusey of Council Bluffs, interest him In suburban scenery. Tie Miss Wakeley. Miss Barton. Mies Boyd, turning- to the hotel that night the city Miss Margaret Boyd, Miss Campbell, Miss 'nBn Baw lno ent in tho lobby. Megeuth and Sliss Henshaw. "5oK here- 0,d fellow," remarked the' city man, "l thought you told me that you didn't have any malaria down , In this scctlon7 "That's Just what I told you." was the prompt declaration of tho agent, "and told you right" "Maybe you did," doubtfullv reltirnl the city man, "but just the samo I saw a moM 1nw li . assisted bv M. flnv nnrf Mr. ' " """" I0W minutes ago vvn... r,"n cmla an fovcr." "XT"- "Oh. I eeo. now." sm.l Mrs. T. II. Lacey will receive at I013 Jackson street. .urs. v. j-.. lost, northwest corner Webster and Twenty-third, assisted by Mrs. E. M. Morscman, Mrs. H. B. Jones, Mrs. C. If. Coutant, Mrs. D. B. Sargeant, Mr. If. a. Blair and Mrs. F. B. Khlaht. Mrs. George A. Hoagland will receive, Mm. , w. Ambrose and Mrs. P. C. Illvlnlous, at I92t Parnam. with Mrs. Colonel rimythc, Mrs. S, P. Woodbrldge and the Misses Wagoner, Tzschuck, Cal- oerwood, Oung, Larsen, Pfennell and Churchill of Cedar naplds, la. Twicnly Years Airo- a little home on South Fourteenth streot was destroyed by fire and In tho ashoa lay the charred remains ot foUr norsons. tho father, mother and year-old babe and tho maternal grandmother and those pur porting to havo been ye-wltncsses as Bcricu mat me ratner. smiled the real attain man, with a look of enlightenment. "That was Smith. Ho was ahudderlng nnd shak. lng to thlnki what lila wife would say to mm wnen no got home." WashlnElnn mar. New Banking Law new xorK Times: If the bill waa SO per cent good when Mr. , Vandcrllp put assay mark upon It, and 82tf per his u. DuiwnKocner. cent irooa wiinn nir. Knhrr r.n... ui. who had been in ill health, deliberately opinion, wo Bhould aupposo lt must be upset a lamp, closed tho door of the In which all tho family was, and there- about as near to attainable perfection, aa v.v mo ure. can reasonably b ox;tntfl nr ..r. unu .iirs. w. t). jiector ana sister, lawmakers XflllM 1 II u u . L. W I. . I t to SteLL1"1"' rslurnM rrom aLI,-."0,., " i A. M. Walton, city editor of the Klm . :"Z . ' ' muonal ""T Clly Journal, came down to n,rf tj, 1 " """"' " as 7 Year's wi.i, r-...n. i uio passage or tno new currency lnw ft at thMmt i a . . A ir.Kr t:i -k-ii. m....... " wuMn mai snut strtoL reported to the doIIca thnt w.n i "rl . , . ul w attending night scnMce at the Swedish not now ilWns 7a Mri T biV.rr JHIA.aM l . . . M i " .., .-..iioicuiiii una V-Rgaiwnrkn u wnll n. I. street, his horse and buggy wore stolen. no nad left titetnjln front ot the church, New York Tribune: to. Tho democratic Mrs. Bllraboth. wife ot Jacob KltOn of i, "M a!T 8lewmy ncarc- to.souna rnnn aa ..i., " finance, until In tho last hours of the .uciisun, iuca nearly w yoarn or age. just ns the old year was merging into the new. senate debate and In conference defects In the administration bill, which Senator J. IS. Wteman. principal ot manua! 1. hV h . Z 1fes denl trninlnif at tho high school received, th, W".B'l.ha8 b-ro"Bht .h,s out t,f tn articles contrlhnti..l hv h. . - uryanism. it has been n hlblta at tho Chicago World's fair andrrttt cxhlb,Uon oC dershlp placed them on display at Uio hlith sohoni. Bltvux Journal. Tho best friend. Where Omaha natrons mlo-ht. vir h.m oC tnt new currency bill will mot claim and thua see for themselves tho excellent p.'?ectllm for ,L Necessarily many, do- work their children were dolntr. Italia have been decided In a. tentative at Tr (7 White SlaTerr. OMAHA, Dec. 30.-To the ISditor of The lee: I have made It a rule nover to notice an anonymous communication. pueh ns that of "I M." In yesterday' Uee. It Is a cowardly attempt to assail iny character, rather thon to refute tho truth of the article referred to, whlsh appeared In Church and Homo two weeks ago. If "L. M." will' come out into thoi 6pen I will reply to his or her malicious Article. Furthermore, If "I M." will produce a case of genuine "white slav pry" now 'existing- In Omaha I will gladly Retract what I said and will pay to tho Omaha City Mission the sum of fifty Hollars! T. J. MAC KAY. The Itellcdon of the rtepmlillc. OMAHA, Dec CO.-To tho Editor ot The Bee: Your editorial comment on tho tlemocracy of Christmas-was Indeed ap propriate to tho occasion and. expressive of tho most exalted sentiment possible to religion, because tho ultimate virtue of the religion of the Bible Is a true de mocracy. And the strife now on for re alization of that democracy will con tinue to bo negative unless tho masses telzo upon the teachings of the Btbla and make them their common righteous 'ncss, because the righteousness, ot tho freedom, the righteousness of the prog. reus ot a nation Inevitably conforms to Its religion. Therefore, to cpntrol national destiny, a people must necessarily control the na tion's altar. A political democracy is only logical to a religious ' democracy. This most glorious epoch In; human his tory ia nqj( a thing, of prophecy, but of actual, achievement, whon- the masses givo to tho Bible an Individual interpre tation .as opposed to creedal and dog matic .limitations. The religion ot this republic is the re llglon of tho Bible, but Its altar is vio lently disrupted by differences In Ita In terpretation. The triumphant division pro claiming democracy and freedom: an-, other proclaiming clerical absolutism by dlvlno appointment to rule the human race, Thus we. behold the freedom, and progress of our country trembling in the balances ot a religious conflict,, that makca n true democracy for which wo plead Impossible. An appeal of the masses to an open Blblo Is the final remedy, and jCUt of that appeal will como a wisdom that will found a democracy whose crowning glory will, be the fatherhood ot Qod and tho brotherhood ot man. i J. BRAXTON GARLAND.. JOLLIES FROM JUDGE. I ENDING THE YEAR. We know, of course, 'tis often bst Our true thoughts to concl; Better a laugh that Is a blur Than a sigh that Is too real. Sunday school Teacher Why was Daniel forced to enter the Hons' den? Bright Pupll-i-Why. he'd a spoilt a whole film If he didn't. Hen Landsakes, Marlar, take that ben line can away from the fire! Mariar What's the matter Hen? Get tin' superstitious? Maid Is this paper from Mr. Scribbler's room waste paper, mum? LandladyNo, He' hasn't written any thine on It yet, WlUrcd-Do you know Mlis Cuter, too? Krnle Yes. We used ' to be the same ago when, we- were growing up. Bridegroom Didn't I look like a fool when I was at the-nltar rail? Best Man No, but one could see that you were not yourself. Thornton Fnnnle Plashey carries her bank roll In her stocking. Rosemary-I'm not surprised.. She al ways seemed fond of flaunting her wealth. Tourist (In I.ondonlt certainly took a bunch o' bobbles to arrest that ullk. hatted suv! What did he do? Cabby Wy that bleedln blighter hain't pinched; 'e.'s a hemtnent statesman fe-oln" to luncheon! The hour year's My hand In yours, old friend! hnml neara The midnight stroke upon this arrears: . , . Rise ffotn the table, and lot hush the And laughter, and extend your honest mlt. While the froth dies upon our fights and beers! Ted Robinson. Good-by, old year, not with regTet. For jou have been a strenuous-one; There Isn't much, in way ot 111. Or mischief that you've left Undone, An managers of dramas say, You've put much action In your play; None can look back and call you dUlU "With something dolng e,ery day. Baltimore- American. Tomorrow. "The sorrow For Old Year is thought of no more. We bury him sadly. We cover him gladly. And lock up tho garments he wore. The nernset- . i Arid dearest Of friends he-has taken away - He led us so kindly, TfA IaiI 11b mft hlindlv. And cheated us day after dayl ' Tliouah sadly. I Yet gladly, J We think of his ended career. With glad voices singing. With Joyous bells ringing, We welcome tho royal New Year. Margardt Andrew r Unscrambled Helios For the new year and every day of it the.Fordis the car to boost your busi ness and broad.en your pleasure. Ifs the car for all occasions all year 'round. Start the new year right. Buy an economical Ford. Five hundred dollars is. tne new price of tho Ford runabout; the touring,, car is. flvo.fiftr; tho,town,cat seiv.en .fifty L. 6. b. Detroit, complete with" equipment, dot catalog; and particulars from Ford Motor Company, 1916 Harney St., Omaha, or direct from Detroit ' factory. Jeremiah O'Brien, vonemhl. riiir.n wv ttnd mut remain subject to change familiar figure on Omaha aua n latter experiment, lt tho banking lnter- tho home of his nephew, Thomas Sw, e8tB C0Uld eet alonB w,th tho old hodge. W North Flftcnth street. Mr, O'Brien P0" thy along- with the minor was born In Ireland in 1S8 and was a faUUB f the now system until they can highly educated man. Ho was In training be Fenced. ror tno uatuolio priesthood when one of I n" orK worm: Two years ago any the blights periodically atrlklng Ireland man would have been laughed at aa a swept away his plans. Ho came to this U001 u ho had ventured to' predict that country In tho 40'a and to Nebraska I a democratic president and a democratic thirty years ago. coryeresa could accomplish In four years what this administration haji Ten Years A30 Ipllshcd In nine montlia. The "schoblmas- Reports of the Iroquois theater fire Irt ter" tho "irofessor"-as his n.. Chicago revealed the fact that Mrs. Dal sneeringjy dubbed him, haa given, tho Jones, a telegraph operatdr, formerly ot country a new lesson in the. art of gov Omaha, was among tho dead. Miss eminent. theater, but though her mother worried SSS.STtoS?, much until hearing through The Bee. exorcUe an lmportant effect upopubll" she escuped safely. The mother's feel- ,, x. ' ,.KV 1 "j? " p":." . a. uuvu.t.v nvu.o n 111 I II U glB V L I M.,- v. . tun... , . , ... u'j.i.vm.wi ...w ..cviis.u..., Hilt. II1HI HXB appointments will be without political dead qppeared the name of Miss Daisy Livingston, another girl, Aaron Calm was laid to rest In Pleasant favor and with tho slnglo purpose to 11111 r.m.v 11,- f..n.i ..-m... u.. make the board command tho respect and conducted by ltabbl Simon at the home, confidence of the banking and business I'-arnam street. 1'allDearers were, actlvo; Morltx Meyer, Samuel Kats, John H. Butler, Howard Kennedy, Judge Gustav Anderson and John P. Frcnzer; honorar', Judge George B. Lake, William A. Paxton, Edward Rosewater A. J, Plmpton, II. A. Kosters, Count John A Crelghton, Senator J. H. Millard and Harry P. Douel. interests of the country. People and Events New York World t Th rilnsnluHnn nf the telephone trust Is a real dissolution. ! The eggs, havo been unscrambled not theoretically unscrambled, but physically unscrambled. Chicago News: The ono. feature of -the agreement between the. big. telephone company and tho government which Is of dlsUnct public benefit that giving to other telephone) companies access to the toll lines ot. tho Bell concern Is gro tesquely Inconsistent with tho spirit of tho agreement aa a whole, since that agree ment alms to force separation and Inde pendent competitive mo.nage.ment. Philadelphia. Record; Tho settlement docs, not Involve an agreement by the government to the-- reasonableness of existing rates; this will bo left to the Interstate Commerce and Public Utilities, commissions for their determination. Be sides competition as a regulator ot rates there will still remain regulation ot Tates and practices by pubUo authority. Be tween tho two the public ought to obtain good service at reasonable cost. Chicago Record-Herald: Tho spirit In which tho negoUatlons wero carried on and the agreement reached Is tho spirit that brings Improvements In business and in legislation. Evasion and stubborn re sistance to law encourages crude, hasty and drastic legislation. Bad and wild legislation in turn begets unrest and dis turbance. Conciliation, concession, decent regard for public sentiment, the disposi tion to recognize evils and meet, reform half way are tho ' conditions of healthy progress and of Industrial and commer cial stability. Springfield Republican; The federal government has no Jurisdiction except for the enforcement of an antl-tnonopoly law applying only to Interstate commerce. It has been literally driven to enforce that aw by tho clamor of the independent telephone companies in the west, and also !y tho Western Union Telegraph com mny's oldrtlme competitor, tho Postal Telegraph company, which has resented the, merger betwesn the telephone com pany and Its rival. Yet the increase of competition In the telephone business must depend, In the future a. In the past, mainly upon local volition. Vice President Marshall has signed ur for a series of lectures: In' thn mMHin - ... h.V. ...mmn. lit. .- . .. . A. a Jaqulth denied a report that he ","Y " ,' "'t pvISo tnat was about to re-engage In the grain bus!- ',e b"l " with- ness. from which he retired on account 0Ut refcrtnc6 t0 M ar Job. of III health. He had been associated UnUl President Wilson, decides whether with tho Omaha Elevator company and thB w,ve" of c0'1" officers have prece- lt waa rumored he waa DreDorintr to start denco ovcr tho wives of United Btates a new concern under the aviplces of the senators, lt will not be safe to bet on Omaha Grain exchange, which he denied. thB Perpetuity ot the republic. Mean Charles B. Hanford nnd his company wh,,e tho orlflamme of liberty must wag presented the Collsy Clbber version ot wmincr mo wina nstety. "Rlcbard III" at the Boyd. Among the Mrs. WJlhelmlna Yodng Is tho third company was Devore Parmer, an Omaha I white woman who has penetrated Into boy, who took the part ot Buckingham. I the land c" snows as far as Port Nelson. The Omaha Curling club had a game I She went with' her husband, aboard a 1 tioai ups M DEPARTURE I 1 1 fl 1 n. I scheduled for New Year's day at Court- land beach. It la, indeed, a fast age In which we live. Look bacK over your bhoulder a short span and then on this; "Railroad presidents aro will ln?f for the Interstate Commerce commission to supervise their Issuer. of stocks and bonds." $1,000,000 a day in poor manage ment, the federal government that Its Inefficiency costs at least $300,- 000,000 a year. Dut in this lop sided condition ot strikes and bread lines there Is an astonishing eco nomic wasto which wo endure as a natural incident In the course ot events, Those jingoes who are trembling because Japan kindly received Do La Barra overlook the fact that Toklo turned over Its municipal keyB to our The San Francisco Chronicle's "Twenty-five Years Ago Today" column reminds ita readers that Collla P. Huntington sold ho wanted American base ball world tourists. Tanway rates pui on a more perma nent basis. And partly because he Bpeaker Clark promises that this and his contemporaries wero able to congress will hold Its appropriations put them on the kind ot basis they down to $1,098,000,000, Think ot desired, certain revolutionary events a man from Plko county referring to have in these latter days transpired. I over a billion dollars as "down." Nebraska Editors R. P. Sheldon has sold the Rising City Independent to Charles Seeey ot St. Joseph, Mo. The Curtis Reporter Is the name of a new newspaper venture which will be launched at Curtis New Year's day by P. Edgar Adams. The Auburn Herald celebrated Its Twenty-sixth anniversary last "Week. J. C. Vollne Is proprietor and publisher and Allen D. May Is editor. The Foruyce Press is tne name or a newspaper to be started by the business men and boosters ot Ftordyce. C J. Shepardson of Hartlngtan probably will .,1.' ti ruiv li. Arthur O. Williams and Ralph O Beede of Rolla, N- have purchased lumber ship, the crew consisting of fif teen Chinamen. They started. August 27 and did not arrive at Port Nelson until September 14. Chicago does not object to old world' Immigrants coming into the big tent. but Insists on newcomers conforming to the customs of the town. A colony of Persians, Ignoring the rule, started a boisterous prayer meeting on a vacant lot and were pulled by the police before they could put In the finishing amen. Robert Alphonso Taft, son of the ex- president of tho United States, stood, at tne top 01 sixty-six applicants at a re cent examination In Columbus for admls ion to the Ohio bar. He had a grade ot 90.7, while the man next scored SIS. The father also made 'a record when he was examined, and the son sought to equal It. Three brothers, separated when Presl. aent Lancoin iisuea ius,c&ii lor voiun toers at the beginning ot the civil war. met at Wichita, Kan., recently tor the first Urns since that separation. They the Winnebago Chieftain ot M. A. Ban croft, who has owned and published itvere 8. P. Ferguson of Minnesota and for tho last few years. The new owners. I his brothers, John of El Paso. Tex., and who are graduates of a school of jour- I James of Montana. A dinner arranged nallsm, take possession New Year's day. I brought them together. THE. BEE'S BIG GIET OFFER $6,000 Cash and Premiums For Saving Labels.and MJ &M. Voting Coupons SBECIAL NOTICE T CONTESTANTS, Thn rnntp.Rt- mnnnrrpr haa decided, to make the. following new rUl- , inp. governing the distribution ot prizes at the' close of tho contest Aiarcn z&, iyn. As before announcod boys and, girls under IS yoars of age in all ' tho districts and outlying towns organized may, compete for the Detroit Automobile and for the Pony, Cart and 'Harness, in addition 'to these prizes tho boys and. girls residing in any of tho four districts "may com pete for tho and .Diamond King, giyen in each district. Moro prizes for which to xompete, boygind girls'. Greater induce ments to get down to real work" in tho M. & M. Voting contest; Save the labels. Ask for the coupons. Then vote them at least once a week, at tho contest department, 224 Bea BUlldlng,- The phone number is Douglas 3119. It costs nothing to lnauiro. Fill, out this. Nomination Blank , Bee Publishing Co., Contest DopJ.. 65p.BeQ.B1ulldln.g, Omaha, Nebr NOMINATION - BIiANK. Name . I (Woman r Cblld) n Address "Names , J ' (Organization) 4Good for 3,000-Free. VoIob WOOD &. COLDRBN, Contest Mgrs. Somewhere in the long, dark shadows of the western night the dlsesteemcd William J. Sulser dropped his lecture tour and hiked for home. Mayor Fittgerald -of Boston has re tired from the field as a candidate for re-election, owing to ill health, compli cated with a grievous shortage oftpopu-larity. Former United States Senator Foraker of Ohio Is raising his voice for party harmony. Huckeyes aro rubbing, their lamps to make sure that the-voice docs not come from a tomb, With the opening of the new year the governor of New York state and the mayor of New York. City each will have tt.OOO.OOOi worth ot Job,at his disposal, it Is safe to bet that the demand for pie will, exceed the supply. A merry, It not a happy, New Year Is assured assistant postmasters If the democrats In congress put through a clause in the- new- postofflce appropria tion bill removing assistant postmasters from the sheltering folds of the clvtt service law. Two furmer members of the police force of St. Paul, Martin J. Flanagan nnd Fred Turner, have their halos wrapped In a package of Indictments, In Which thty are charged with holding up the underworld for several bunches ot tainted money, J, J. Clark, newly elected mayor of the village of 'Minerva, O., probably vrlll be longer in, office Uian any other Ohio mayor six feet four Inches from head to hose,, to be explicit. 'When Mayor Clark enters his chamber In the town hall on January 1 and sits down in his offlre chair on one side of the little room he will be able to prop his feet up on the other side, If be feels inclined to stretch. OP THE AFTERNOON CHICAGO EXPRESS Commencing Sunday. January 4th, the Burlington's mid.afternooB train, No. a, will leave Omaha at 3:45 v ni instead 'of. 4: 20 p. m. It will arrive Omaha at 3:30 p. m. Telephone D. IMHsH CITY TICKET OFFICE 1238." 1503 Jaaroam Street. 1WRAN.Y a merchant, who i X won't spend; a cent on advertising," getsut free -under "Business: BiiGuliies;" I