IS llll'j ISIA'j: (hMAHA, TlhSIJ.Xl, DhChMHMi .in, l'U.j. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOI NDRDBT KDVYAKU ItUSKWATEU. VICTOR KOStJWATBIUBDlTOn. 11BB BllLUl NOJlAJlAAMAJs TTU. Entered atbniaha postoitlco as second class matter. - ThKMS OF SLUSCHU'TION. Sunday Uec, one jcar Saturday Ueo, one year. " Dally hue, without Sunday, one year.. 4.JM Ualiy hoe, and Sunday, one y?ar DEluVEltUD II V CAHltlKH. Evening tuid Sunday lies, per month.. Evening, without nundav, per month. Uahy i.ce. Including aunday, per mo...bac Dally Bee, without aunday. per ni, nUi.iac Add.esa all compialnts ot I'MSU'ut'liea n dtllverlea to city (;l.cuiatlun Ucpt. 1 TlKMITTA.NCS. Itemit by dralt. express or potal onier, payaoie to The Ueo Publishing company. Only 2-ccnt stamp reie.ved lit l'"1'1 of small accounts. r"'na.c,ie5'L0 ctpt on Omaha and eastern exchanges, toot aixepttd. OFFICES. Omaha-The Ueo HUitJlns Eouth Omal.a-ZllS N Street Council Hlurrs-U Norm Main Street. Uneoln M Utile DulluiiiB. Ohlcao-&01 Hearst iJUt.uliiK. New iork-Hcom 1100, .Si 1mJ "cnU' 8L Louis 803 New bank of Commerce. Vashlngton-7tt Fourteenth at.. ts. w. COnrtUSfONUEM-b. Communluuions relating to news ana editorial matter should be addrcBsed Omaha He. Editorial Department. NOVEM1JKR ClIlCULATiON. 52,068 Btate ot Ncbraskn, county of Douglas, ss.: Dwlght Williams, cliculatlou manager of Tho beo Publishing comian, being duly sworn, says that the uurago da.iy circulation for the month of November, 19U, was&2,WS. DWIOilT WILLI AMU, Circulation Manager, Subscribed In my presence and sorn to before me this Sd oay of December, jjll llOilElt'f HUNTlsiit, (Seal) Notary Public Experiments in City Government The Ueo is In rocolpt almost every fow days of Inquiries oa to the suc cess of Omaha's commission plan of city government. Two years ago government by commission was sup I'osed to spoil tho nemo of perfection, with fow questioning its improvement over tho mayor and council system. Now we have the city inanagor schemes advanced on one side ns it stilt mora progressive step, and, on the other, opinions that a return to preceding forms would bo still better. (In other words,' there is ns yet no generally accepted "bettor" or "best" In government for American cities, but merely a contlntinnco of the ex perimental stngc. Under Btich con ditions It goes back to a matter of men rather than of form. Incompe tent, inefficient and extravagant offi cers, by whatever names they are called, or whatever their powers, will not glvo good city government, al hough able und well meaning offi cers may bo hampered nnd handi capped by foolish legal limitations. Tha main thing, an we see it, is to accord the peoplo who constitute tno city tho largest measure of homo rule, nnd let them have tho kind of municipal government tho majority of them want. ookinjd Backward:' Tk-DX n Omaha com tup rseM an ntrs T DKCKMBKH 110. Years Aeo Thirty A review or Omnhn.s building opera tluons for tho year makes a most sub stantial exhibit The recapitulation Is ns follows: Public Improvements t 8I2.07.OT Manufactories 1WO3.00 business houses Cttl.I50.OQ hUrches. hosnltals. etc 1... laCOOO.MJ fichool houses Rl.200.oo overnmcnt buildings 21.000.CM Itesldences nnd dwoillnKS l.sal.tfti.OO Miscellaneous lnilldlngs 72.G00.0i) Subscriber leaving the city temporarily should hare The Ueu mailed to them. Addrrwi frill be champed mm often a requested. Last call for writing It 1913! No one ever really doubted your versatility, Mr. Weatherman, Tho New York World will pleaso consider itself duly squelched. There is an eccentric circle tor you a strike In the San Francisco bread line. Yes, but the high cost ot living is not to bo brought down by raising railroad rates. ' Tango Is said to bo dying out in Paris society. Don't all exclaim, "I-told-you-Bo" at once. Tho "low cost of living show" may be all right as a show, but the real thing would strike a warmer welcome. Those New York graft' hunters, who were so well advertised In ad vance, seemed to have gone stone-blind. Those weekly forecasts from Washington are fully' aB good as any other Method of guessing on tho weather. I Yes, let the president heap coals of fire on the senator's head by planting a regional bank in Omaha In spite of him. The lawyers holding their stato meeting will proceed to demonstrate wlbat a really, truly mutual admlra tlon society is like. I Secretary Daniels Bays the unfall Ins sign of age is aversion to snow. Another is refusal to accept an offer to hold your overcoat for you. Disease Ravages Among the Indians Languishing In the lap of the sen ate commlttco on Indian nffatrB is a voluminous nnd very interesting re port of tho extent of trachoma and tuberculosis among the American In dlnns, together with proposals (and plans already projected) for treat raent by tho federal government. Of tho full-blood Indians nearly 80 per cent aro found afflicted with trach- omn, a disease of tho oyo; between half and full-blood, 02 per cont, and tho others C2 per cent. Oklahoma has tho largest portion of such af flictions, CO per cent of nil its In dians; Wyoming is noxt with 51 per cent, and Nobrnska third with 41 This trachoma is almost totally de structive of offlcloncy among tho redskins. Tho report shows also tor riblo ravages of tuberculosis and in general a death rato among all In dians of 3G per 1,000 ot population, as against 16 per 1,000 for tho en tire population ot tho United States To curb these rapacities of dls caso, President Taft sot tho movo- mont going in 1009 with a com prebenslve investigation preparatory to uctlon, and in August, 1912, laid beforo congress a special message setting forth details calculated to got results. An Item of J 100,000 for a tuberculosis hospital In Now Mexico tor all Indians was inserted by the sonato Indian affairs committee in Its bill of tho' current year. Tho mat iter Is tied up in committee, but It Is now evident that beforo long some thing real will bo donO in this lino, As tho government gradually intro duced tho Indian to freer nnd moro direct contact with tho othor olo ments ot the. population, it must exert an increasing vigllanco for his physical as well as moral wolfaro Not only is tho health ot the Indian concerned, but ot ovor7 other class of our people It Is enough to know that tho death rata from tuberculosis among Indians is COG per 1,000 while only 1.73 among whites and 4,85 among negroes. Peace, wo are again told, can bo lestored in Mexico by "nothing loss than the fall of Huerta." Yes, but what etee will bo necessary aftor that? I . It thoee Michigan mino owners Vant to win' their fight they ought to get rid ot the fools, who think the way to win Is to "beat up" the other fellow. Now that Mrs. Ella Flagg Young Is once more lnstallod as school su perlnteftdeat, what is that solf-sacrl flclBg newspaper going to do for an educat$aal editor? A bam ball league does not remain an "outlaw" organization after it gets strong enough to competo with the old ones, which seems to make It merely a matter ot "might makes Tight." . . . ii i Mr. Bryan will, wo fear, have trouble this year In ropeattng hl boast that he had made more speeches without pay than he has with the ticket seller doing business nt the box office. It must make venner, the man with the hammer, laugh up his sleeve to see some of his fellow bond brok ors trying to sell back to tho Water board at a discount bonds the board unloaded on them six months ago at par, Mr. Mellen says 125,000 a year Is .alary enough for any man tor any service. But tl)e announcement fol lowed, It did not precede, Mr. Mel lea's retirement from the I7G.000 sltrr as president ot the New Haven road. Which is another feather in the cap of that old one, "CIrcum stance alter cases." i It Is charged that one of Congress man Ban Stephens' .postofflce pr TO s.ri& was carried for tho successful candidate by the persuasive Influence of an oyster supper. We see now that If tfc democrats are going to award poftofflcea by popular vote, Ue cermpt practices act will have to fea suit to extend its protecting arm ajMl tbeai Shelving Huerta. Varied reports of Huorta's retire mont, voluntarily or othorwUo, aro apt to excite small contldonco so long as ho Is able to make a fair fihow ot resistance Villa has dealt some damaging blows, but has not crushed the dictator's power. Ho failed to make good on his boast ot eating Christmas dinner at tho Mex lean palaco. The financial blockado continues to operate, gradually re stricting the xono of Huorta's influ ence, but oven that has not yet ended his power. And what it tho Huerta govern mont woro overthrown tomorrow would wo have tho solution of the problem? Wo aro not euro but Har por's Weekly is wise in wishing tho civil war to continue for a while, as only by bo doing will It becomo pos elblo to evolve anything uko definite solution out of tho presout chaos. As all observers ot tho Mexican situation know, the land queBtlon is at the bottom of all tho trouble and until it Is Bottled by as auranco of a hotter distribution no final peace and order aro to be ox pected. Tho some local contemporary which slurrlnclv referred to "cer tain papers burdonlng their columns with stories of the enormous nutn bor of men out ot employment at the present time," prints tho noxt day a letter from "A Nebraskan who Is going to got n tie-pass" telling about "40,000 idlo men in Loa An goles, and email towns In propor tion." Pity 'tis, 'tis true. The Commercial club's insurance committee still cherishes hopeB bringing the tire rates down. That was ono ot the many pledges hold out to us to be redeemed with the "Immediate and compulsory" pur chase ot tho water works. But It' net the only pledgo yet to be mad good. Twice Told Tales Grand total S3,an,0K.!O Tho Doyd was crowded to Its utmost capacity tonight for tho Christmas fes tivities of tho Lutheran Sunday school. In which tho children bore tho most prominent parts of tho exercises. Hx-fc'qnator A. S. Paddock Is making subdivision of four blocks In Smith's addition on tho north side of "West Omaha at tho head of Fnrnam street, which Is named "Harton place" In honor of Hon. duy C. Ilnrton. Ilev. C. W. gavldge of the Klrat Mcth- odlst Episcopal church Is to address the Union Sunday school at Saratoga. Mr. and Mrs. T. Vf. Blackburn are back from New York, where thoy spent Christmas In a family reunion, at which four goneratlons wero present. A benefit concert by Miss Ncally Sca- tens, the Council Bluffs pianist, who has Just returned from several years rau- I cat study In Germany, Is to be given at Boyd's January 3. Christian Martin, step-father to Harry and V, V. Erdman. a veteran of the Moxlcan war nnd formerly employed In tho Union Pacific shops, died nt tha ago of 63 at his son's residence, opposlto Jef ferson square. Twenty Years Arc On account of n misunderstanding as to the time ot tho meeting tho gathering ftt Knights of Pythias hall for tho dis cussion of ways and means ot providing relief for tho army of unemployed was not large. Mayor Bemla was Introduced by District Master Workman Huntington of tho Knights of Pythias as tho first speaker. Tho mayor said the working' men did not wish to be regarded as ob Jccts of charity. Ho said ho thought Ed. ward Bellamy's plan of state legislation for co-opcratlvo industries, enabling tho laborer to share In the fruits of his toll might bo entitled to some consideration Others who spoke were Be v. J. T. Duryea, Rev. A. W. Clark, Judge Stcnberg- of the Board of County Commissioners and some of tho worklngmen. A commlttco was appointed to confer with tho city coun cil and county commission as to propor means of assisting those In need. Al I Craig, assistant passenger agent of the Northern Pacific was In town. City Treasurer Bolln forwarded to New York HO,000 Intersection paving- bonds Hint wero sold at a premium of 4 per cent and accrued lntoreat; also $75,000 ot short time bonds to a Boston firm. Mayor Bomls found by consulting the records for tho first two years of his of ficial term that ho had vetoed S83 bills and ordinances, surpassing tho record of any other mayor of Omaha. Ten Years Ago Press wires brought the shocking news from Chicago ot the tire at tho Iroquois theater where more than BOO, according to early accounts, lost their lives. Fred Patterson, an Omaha IDgh school boy, was among' tho missing and W. J. Bur gess of the Boyd theater was worried, for his wife was known to be at the theater. Dave O'Brien, who was in Chi cago with his son. telegraphed homo that tho boy was at the theater, but escaped safely. A big rally of Nebraska republicans was held at the Borne hotel to exploit tho vlco presidential candidacy ot John Lee Webster. Governor Mickey was there with glowing predictions of Webster's election nd old In swinging this state Into the .-publican line with from 30,000 to 40,000 majority at the next election. En thusiasm was at high tide and broko Into bedlam when tho resolutions endorsing Webster as Nebraska's candidate, offered by Poddy Miles of .Sidney, were adopted. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy announced tho engagement ot their daughter. Jo soph I no to Daniel L. Korn of New York. "Mr. Jolly of Jollot" Jollied a fow per sons at the Boyd theater for a couple ot perfectly good hours. Xnt What Win Mennf. A certain doctor, who It. on his own frank admission, "the ugliest man In four counties," has a keen sense of humor, which enables him to enjoy many real nnd unconscious reflections upon his facial deficiencies. Once, after ho had arrived too late to succor a poor woman who had been killed In a factory, the local nowspapcr pub lished nn ambiguous account ot the case, which the doctor, with grim appreciation, preserved. Having first described how the woman had come by her Injuries, the paragraph went on to say: "Strong hopes were entertained ot sav ing her life until Dr. P arrived: but these hopes, unfortunately, proved Ill founded, for the moment the doctor showed his face within tho door the poor woman foil back with a gasp and ex pired." St. Louis Olobo-Democrat. Why Wllllf AVnx Left. Mayor Hunt ot Cincinnati said ot a disgruntled polltlcan: "His hands aro tied. He can do noth ing. Ho Is like Willie In the Christmas game ot snapdragon. "Willie, at a Christmas party given by his sister, was allowed to participate In the snapdragon game, ana sat amid a band of beautiful girls ot nineteen or so. "The lights went out, tho usual grab- brlrwr for favors began, and then, when the lights went up again, Willie was to bo seen crying bitterly. "What's the matter, WtlltoT Didn't you get anything?' a lady asked. " 'No.' sobbed Willie, spitefully. 'As Boon as It got dark that consarncd man with the brown whiskers boo, hoot ho grabbed my hands and didn't stop boo, hoo, hoc! he didn't stop kissing them till the lights went up again!' "Washington Star. Hmrril thf Cnme. Representative Underwood said of the worldllness of the modern girl: "I have Just heard of an episode lllus tratlng the modern girl's worldllness. "A young man said to a very beautiful girl: " 'Miss Wlnchester-Murlel-I am not rich, but-' "With n slight gesture ot her white hand the girl silenced him. " That will do, Mr. Haxelmere,' sho said. 'No!' "-Philadelphia Telegraph. People and Events A Gerrann scientist has Invented a fire-damp whistle." a dovlce to give warning of gas In mines. Jlmmle Larkln, leader ot the Dublin strikers, Is going to wave his "fiery cross" In this country early In tho year and pass the hat between waves. Nebraska Editors Kearney Hub: if Governor Morehcad desires to save himself embarrassment In the printed reports of his public speeches he ehould take the newspaper men Into his confidence with advance sheets and then stick closely to tho written text. It Is hardly to be presumed that nowspapcr reporters have deliberately misquoted him. But better still would be to speak less often and not essay the role of an oracle. Aurora nepuuucan: Has this man Burleson no mercy at allT Just as the Register editor had reached a state of mind where ho was about ready to admit that parcel post might leave a few coun try towns on the map, the postmaster general announces another extension of the service. Listen for a fresh wall from the stricken express companies with the hot air distributer on tho northwest cor ner of the square singing a doleful minor ktiv West Point Republican: A Kansas Judge has been called upon to decldo which side ot the bed belongs to the wife. Glancing over the Nebraska bed sheet legislature's record, we are surprised to not that this question was not, also, set tied. What the aforesaid Judge should gtvo the warring couple Is divorce, for, when a married couple have nothing else to do upon retiring but to quarrel about the north, south, east or west side of the bed, they had better be separated. Hartlngton Herald: We find ourselves somewhat In sympathy with tho educator who advocates making the murder of the English languago a punishable of fenge. One should always try to bo as charitable as possible, but really the way our beautiful languago Is tortured and abused sometimes Is enough to make one weep. We do not feel competent to give Advice to teachers they probably know their business a great deal better than wo do but. It we were to offer a suggestion, it would be along this line to drill the pupil In the correct use of the English language. Pone Journal Leader: An exchange is the authority for the statement that Ne braska lias never returned a man to the United States senate. This does not augur well for the present senior sen ator from Nebraska, Senator Hitchcock. The senator may be following the dic tates ot his own conscience in his attl The customary New Year groctlntr will srtlke a responsive chord In the bosoms' lud toward the currency bill row pend ing before congress, which has the sup port ot man) republicans, but we do not believe he Is voicing the sentiment of the people- of this great state. Anyway, Nebraska needs a man ot larger caliber Pushing Ahead Al Jennings, former bandit, having run the serial story of his life through the columns ot a national weekly, now proclaims himself a candidate for governor ot Oklahoma. It pays to advertise. of Standard Oil stockholders. Cash dividends of tMO a share surely will make the New Tear a happy ono for them. Miss Isabel Trask, a 17-ycar-old rest- (font if rinm Xfit la tli. akIk Mn.Mn In tho state to have bagged a silver-gray I than the Omaha man to fill this Impor- fnr Kl l xallori lh. R. .knt I. .1 "-" vicinity of Rome. The fox skin was sold to a local dealer. With the death ot Robert Atkinson of Amherst, N. II., perishes the formula for a preparation that perfectly cleanses marbles and granites. He was a stone worker and years ago succeeded In mak ing a fine preparation, tho secret nt which he would never divulge. Junius Spencer Morgan. Jr., grandson of tho late J. P. Morgan, has been elected president ot Harvard's Dclphlo club, alias "the Gashouse Gang" a very swagger society, now 05 years old. He's a member of the Hasty Pudding club, the Institute ot 1T70, and D. K. E. The kaiser has bestowed the German Red Cross medal for gallant service In war time on two Englishwomen attached to a hospital at Constantinople, Miss Kate Penntr and Miss Gertrude Pondel, as reward for their care of Turkish wounded during the Balkan war. Bruce Wyman, long a member of the law faculty ot Harvard college, has re signed and retired under fire. Mr. Wy man fattened his salary of U.O00 a year from the college by accepting a retainer ot $10,000 a yerir from the New Haven railroad for delivering public nddresseh In favor of the company's policies. A spirit of raato based on the sUo ot ' the pie Is reported prevalent among de partment employes In Washington. A 11,200 elerk moves In a circle above the 1900 Jobster. while a WOO a. month person carries the head high enough to bump the transoms over the doorr. Oodles ot free amusement can be had a. the na tional capital U you know -where to look for It. finally passed, but no change was made that would effect th figures. HENRY W. TATES. Tho Canadian Pacltlo railway will hereafter not employ any person under 16 years of age. The street cleaning department ot Ber lin, Germany, employs eighteen battery driven sprinkling and scrubbing' machines. The total dally operating and mainten ance cost la $4.41 each. The dally cost ot each ten.horae-drawn machine la Concrete has been made use of by the Italian government for the construc tion of snow fences to protect the rail roads In the district east ot the Apen nines, wnere the snowfalls are very heavy and the slides carry everything before them. After ten years of Investigation and experimentation. Thomas Ingham ot Liverpool has developed a seaweed pro uuci wnicn ne terms ' aigin " and uses In the manufacture ot non-inflammable .cinemaiograpn rums and of a paper which is claimed to be water, flame and germ.proof and odorless. The Immense forests ot rosewood and other hard and valuable woods found In the southern part of the state of Bahla, Braxll, which have never before been thoroughly trlod out as a com mercial proposition, have tempted three American companies to begin exploita tion. Concessions have been secured from the Brazilian government and op erations begun on forest land abutting on small rivers flowing Into the Atlantic. Hott Much Does She Knorrf OMAHA, Dec. 2. To the Editor of the Bee: In our letter box today is an ar ticle signed "L. IX.," wherein he says: "The student of social conditions knows that but a very small percentage ot women enter this (a prosltute'sO llfo with a full knowledge of It." Now, 1 cannot believe that the student ot so cial conditions knows any such thing, t admit that no man or woman enters any sort ot a llfo with an absoluto knowl edge of what It will produce, but no woman, however dense her Ignorance, will say sho docs not know that prosti tution Is the most degrading and dis graceful vlco a women can practice. If a girl of 15 does not know this much about the social evil she Is Indeed an object ot pity, and If she (foes know this much about It, she has all the knowl edge .necessary to form a correct Judg ment and decide whether or not she will chooso such a life. Woman aro not so Ignorant ns some writers would have us believe. ' I But by saying "that a very small per centage enter this life with a full knowl edge of It" tho writer Implies that some do enter It with a full knowledge of It, and that all who enter It have some knowledge of Its consequences, and If they all havo some knowlcdgo of It, what Is the sum and substanco of such knowl edge? Now, the first and simplest fact that can bo known about tho social evil Is that It Is a positive and unmitigated dtsgraco to womanhood and tho knowl edge of this fact makes It unnecessary for a woman to debate tho question fur ther. Further, ho says. "It Is also known that in order to endure the life of a prostitute the woman is compelled to resort to the uso of drugs and liquor that destroy her moral fiber and in tlmo her mental faculties." I would pronounce this statement a far-fetched and ridicu lous absurdity, for thousands ot strictly virtuous women use wine, beer and brandy. And, besides, some ot these Boiled women use no drugs, and a few use liquor of no kind. More than that, a largo number ot the fallen women have been married and to Bay that a married, woman Is Ignorant of this question Is equal 'to saying that sho Is an Idiot. This doctriho applied to men would read thus: "In order to endure tho life of a liber tine, of a rounder, a grafter or a bur glar, a man Is compelled to resort to the uso of drugs, liquor, eta, in order to do stroy his moral fiber and cripple his conscience." Let us not suppose mankind is In a state of primitive Ignorance In order to palliate tholr vices and condone their offenses, E. O. M'INTOSII. No Christian Science Play. OMAHA, Deo. 29. To the Editor of The Bee: Kindly allow me to correct a statement In your Saturday Issue In re gard to the play, "Tho Right Princess," at one ot our local theaters. This play Is not given under the auspices or patronage ot the Christian Science church. We know of no such thing as a Christian Science play or a Christian Science novel. These are not factors In Christian Science work. The teachings of Christian Science aro too sacred to be given to the world In this manner, but aro accurately sot forth In Its text books, the Bible and "Science and Health With Key to tho Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy. Christian Scientists, In common with many others who appreciate a play ot high moral standard, would undoubtedly enjoy this one. In an Interview with Mr. Dempster, the leading man of this company, he In formed the writer that he was not a member of the Christian Science church, but thinks well of Its teachings. CHARLES A. DUNHAM. Yates on the Currency L.rt.yr. OMAHA, Dec. 29. To the Editor of Tho Bee: I notice In your lssuo of Sunday morning a communication from your Washington correspondent in which It Is stdted that tho figures prepared by me and published In a circular Issued by the Nebraska National bank have boen criticised at the Treasury depart ment. Among other things It la stated that someone high In the councils of the department states that the figures given '"seem so perfectly arbitrary that It Is impossible to answer them Intel ligently." These figures were prepared and the circular Issued while the measure was in the hands of the conference committee and the figures not likely to bo changed. The object, therefore, was simply to give specific Information concerning the ooeratlon of the law. and with no Inten tion of criticising further what congress, in Its collective wisdom, has seen fit to enact Into law. The fact that the Nebraska National bank was one ot the first to signify by wire its acceptance of the provisions of the law shows that the figures were prepared with no hostile Intention. On the contrary, the writer believes It Is a workable measure In its present form, and that the national banks will almost unanimously Join the systemi It Is proper, however, that banks should be made to realize what will be required of them, and the figures given by me are In no case arbitrary, but can be easily figured out by anyone taking the trouble to do so. I attach herewith I a copy or tno circular ana win lane ror an Illustration. "All Nebraska National Banks Combined." By tho comptroller's report of October 21, 1913, the total demand liabilities upon which reserve must be figured ot all Nebraska national batiks not in reserve cities. Is: Jo7.S3.94fe (This sum Is less than what the several statements will give as "total deposits.") Five per cent, to be maintained eventually with the reserve bank. Is , ,SS6,47 The total for the reserve city banks at the same date was JSt.Kl.9ia Six per cent, to be maintained eventually, is 3.233,317 The total capital and surnlus of all the national banks was ....2t.6J3.0S0 Three Per cent of which 1 733,692 LINES TO A LAUGH, She O horrors! Our eon has married the cook. He Thank heaven! Now we are sure of keeping her In the famlly.-Baltlmoro American. How Is your new maid?" 'I guowi she Is all rjghti sho has tho baby out at present But she hud a nerve." "How was that7" "She wanted to take Kldo along, and jho Is almost wholly unknown to usl" Houston Post. "I made a big mistake when I asked pa to put a set of furs In my stocking Christmas.'' "No, you did the right thing." How so. If I made him angry about your foot In It?" tho stocking hint? 'Didn't you put Ualtlmoro American, "1 met your wlfo Just now nnd she told mo she had Just bought a plnhcad check suit." "Well, I was tho plnhcad and tho check was there, all right." Chicago Post. "We've stopped every kind or graft In our city," remarked the confident reformer. ' Uood," replied the boss. "Having shown your ability to enforco tho niln. you can now begin to collect assessments ror the prlvllcgo of being exceptions." Washington Star. 'The nllfhts nrn vnrv Inn r- nnu. h. enl.t after they had. been silent for n lmncr Ume. "Yes," she replied, "It eeems almost a week since you came In." Chicago Record-Herald. joy! Margaret Wlddon. In New York Times. I wont to look for Joy. I sought for her among the dancers, "Surely," I said, "She sways, flung back against some young man's arm, "Dcep-tiusned and panting, laughing wildly, White the unending current of swift muslo beats Across the room where sho Is lingering " But she was never there. I went to look for Joy. I sought her In the stillness: "Surely." I said. "Here, where tho sorrows of tho wot Id ilo down And sleep themselves to death, my Joy should be; Hero Is whlto silence, and n holding still Of earth's own breath; and where n sorrow Is ' Should Joy not be?" But she was never there. Yet I found Joy. Like n ttle uead white child, Far under wavering biohie-translucent water, Sho lay deep down, and the sea swung her slowly, Llftlnc her hair Uko sea-kelp, Over her lax hands Whirled little colored Hours Like dead, drenched buttorfllcs, Like crushed wild bcri'.?s and arbutut flowers. And then my own voice said, Speaking as if It Judged a careless, alien thing; "Here Is your Joy. Your llttlo lonely Joy of childhood. time, Tho only faco of Joy that you shall know. But very many years she has been dead.' 1 For Making Pore, Delicious Home-Baked Food. rur Dr PRICES f "Baking Powder makes Fine and Wholesome Biscuit, Delicious Cake and Pastry LNo Alum W No Lime Phosphate i I Florida and Cuba A pleasant place to spend this winter is in the Sunny South. Exchange the stormy blasts and blighting snows of winter for tha Southland's balmy sea breezes, summer sunshine, emerald waters and orange groves. You can do it at a surprisingly low cost. Very Low Fares for round trip are in effect daily. Tickets have long return limit and liberal stopover privileges. Rock Island lines to Chicago Thence direct routes therefrom either via Birmingham or Nashville, Chattanooga, and Atlanta, or Cincinnati, Chattanooga and Atlanta. VIA NEW ORLEANS, or VIA WASHING TON, D. 0. IN ONE DIRECTION SLIGHTLY HIGHER FARES. For detailed information, tickets and reservations, J. S. M'NALLY, D. P. A., 14th and Farnam. W. 0. W. Bldg. Total ,..W,W0.i which total ronflrme the figures In the circular. The circular also states that these reserves are not subject to withdrawal except under special regulations and penalties. It also states that any federal reserve bank may receive from member banks, as reserves, "eligible paper" not ex ceeding one-half of the Installment. This seems to cover everything stated In the comments your correspondent re ported. , The payments under the Owen bill vreie made much easier than that under the Glass bill, and the time was still further extended under the bill as It DR. BRADBURY DENTIST IffOe Faraara Street. SO TaanBamaOmoe. Pkoao Dooc S3tracUas 25o Up AjflklfjM Missing Toeth aspaUcd PlUImea HOo Up iBw without Plates or Bridge. UrltJgework . ...V35o Up VWS-'1! iJPl vrrk. Nerve removed Crowaa 2.50 Up XOTTttHTLJ "ltl pala. Workgaar. t'latea 9-.QO Up 1 f f anteod tea rears. HERE are some reasons why ?nuch advertising fails: Ability without stability: 90 per cent of promise and 10 per cent of "make good." A chocolate-eclair backbone. Pinch-pennyism. See-sawing and somersaulting.