6-A Every Garment in Our Entire Stock at EXACTLY Yz PRICE No Reserves. Everything as Represented To Charge Customers : Buy Now Pay in February All goods purchased during this salo need not be paid for until February. Tako advantage of this privilege. THE OMAHA StNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 23, 1913. UO. CONNECTION WITH ANY OTHER OMAHA STORE. YOU' VE PROBABLY MEVER EXPERIENCED SUCH WONDERFUL VALUES As These Offered for Monday in Our Great Price CLEARANCE SALE of Our Entire Stock of Women's, Misses' and Children's High Class SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, FURS, ETC. r m t 1 III qpHIS GREAT yz PRICE SALE is the most successful of any like occasion. But well it should be, for the STOCKS and ASSORTMENTS are LARGER and the VALUES are unmatch able. All day Friday and again yesterday crowds of thrift-wise buyers surged thr6ugh this great ready-to-wear section eager to share in the wonderful values offered. If you were not here Fri jday or yesterday, come Monday, for no doubt the very garment you have wanted is here at exactly price. npO SAY THAT THE VALUES ARE SENSATIONAL is to -L state it very mildly, for never to our knowledge has this or any other store ever offered such high class, desirable ready-to-wear garments at such ridiculously low prices as offered here in this.. great price clearance. And to think you can buy suits, Coats, furs, etc., at price right at the beginning of winter when you really need them most. Do you realize the true import of this remarkable sale? Come Monday and come early. 50 Extra Salespeople have been engaged for Monday to help youwith your selections. Come Benefit in this Wonderful Sale M 1 il 1 A Evening Gowns and Dresses All Our Tailored Suits at PRICE PRICE J62S $125 IMPORTED SUITS Cloaranco $ale Price $97.50 IMPORTED SUITS Clearances Salo Price. ... . . . . ViA. . $85.00 TAILORED 'SUITS- Clearance 6alo Price. ., ; $69.50 .TAILORED SUiTS-rtHearanco t - $t ..Sale Prlpo4;;;-. $59.50" TAILORED., SUITS Clearance , ' . .Sale Price... $50.00 TAILORED SUITS Clearance Sale Price $39.50 TAILORED SUITS Clearance Sale Price m V SQ u s2 SQROO $35.00 TAILORED SUITS Clearance Sale Price $1750 $29.50 TAILORED SUITS Clearance Sale Prlco $27.50 TAILORED SUITS Clearance ' ' ' .Salo Price $25.00 TAILORED SUITS Clearance Sale Price SM75 SI31 $121 $175.00 EVENING G'OWNS Clearance Sale Price $145.00 EVENING GOWNS Clearance Sale Price s87i $125.00 EVENING -.QOWNS Clearance 'Sale Price .......... $95.00 EVENING GQWN8 Clearance-" ' salo Price '$75.00 EVENING GOWNS Clearance Salo Price $65.00 EVENING GOWNS Clearance Sale Price .1 $50.00 DRESSES Clearance Salo Price $39.50 DRESSES Clearance Sale Price ' $35.00 DRESSES Clearance Sale Price '. $29.50 DRESSES Clearance Sale Price $7050 $62i 472 5Q75J) $321 $2jjoo SQ75 S75j) AH Evening and Street COATS sg2i $471 $125.00 IMPORTED FUJI FINISH COATS Clearance Salo Price. . . . $95.l0 IMPORTED FUll FINISH COATS Cloaranco Salo Price. . . . .$75.00 COATS r Clearance Salo Prlco $69.50 COATS Clearanco Sale Price $65.00 COATS Clearance Sale Prlco $550 COATS- Clearanco Sale Price $55.00 COATS- Clearanco Sale Prlco 1A DDinr & m 111 VIm $371 $ 3 m $292 $27i $50.00 COATS Cloaranco Salo Prlco ' $45.00 COATS Clearanco Sale Price $39.50 COATS Clearance Salo Prlco $35.00 COATS Clearanco Salo Prlco $29.50 COATS Clearance Salo Prlco $27.50 GOATEE Clearance Salo Price ....... i $25.00 COATS Clearanco falo Prlco I2i All 1 2 $300.00 HUDSON BEAli COATS Clearanco Salo Prlco. $250.00 HUDSON SEAL COATS Cloaranco Salo Prlco. Fur Coats PRICE H50H $25.00 DRESSES- Clearance Salo Price sl2i AH Children's Cloth Coats at $075 $19.50 CLOTH COATS Clearance Salo Price , $17.50 CLOTH COATS Clearance Salo Price , $15.00 CLOTH" COATS -"-Clearance Salo Price , $12.50 PERSIAN CLOTH COATS Cloaranco Salo Prlco . .. $8.50 PLUSH COATS Clearance Sale P.rico t 2 PRICE $7! SC25 $41 $7.50 CHINCHILLA COATS Cloaranco Sale Price , $5.95 CHINCHILLA COATS Clearance Stile Prlco $3.95 FLANNEL LINED ' COAT8-Clearanco Sale .Price $2.98OARACUL COATS Clearanco Sale Prlco 1 $2.39 BEARSKIN COATS Clearanco Salo Prlco $075 $085 $198 $148 $200.00 HUDSON t BEAT; coats Cloaranco Sale Prlco $100.00 RUSSIAN . PONY COATS Cloarance Bale Prlco $100.00 NEAR SEAL COATS Cloaranco Salo Price $95.00 NEAR SEAL COATS Clearanco Sale Prlco $150 RUSSIAN PONY COATS Cloaranco Salo Prlco $75 RUSSIAN PONY COATS Cloarance Salo Prico $65 RUSSIAN PONY COATS Clearanco Salo Prlco' $59.50 RUSSIAN TONY COATS Clearance Salo Prlco $50 CONEY COATS Clearance Sale Prico , . . . . 01 00 $421 All Fur Sets and Separate Pieces Yz PRICE $225.00 MINK fllftfn SETS Clearance 1 1 iU Salo Prico lid $195.00 MINK SETS tfi"7 Clearanco Salo iU f Prlco U I $150.00 MINK SETS- -jr Clearance Sale I M Price I U $85.00 MINK SET8- Clearanco Salo Price $125.00 FOX SETS- Clearanco Sale Prico $100.00 S"OX SETS Clearance 8ale Price . . $75.00 FOX SETS Clearance Sale Prlco $50.00 FOX SETS Clearance Sale Price $45.00 FOX SETS- Clearanco Sale , Prlco $35.00 WOLF SETS Clearanco Salo Prlco $27.50 JAP MINK SETS Cloaranco Salo Prlco $15 FRENCH CONEY SETS Clearanco Salo Prlco s62i scnoo s37i $251 $221 Jl7i 13 75 $71 1 PRICE CLEARANCE IN THE BASEMENT SALESROOM Suits at Price WOMEN'S $22.50 SUITS Clearance Sale Prico WOMEN'S $19.50 SUITS Clearance Salo Prlco WOMEN'S $15.00 SUITS Cloaranco Salo Prlco WOMEN'S $12.50 SUITS Clearanco Sale Price $jl $075 $750 SC25 Dresses Price $7 25 WOMEN'S $15.00 DRESSES Clearanco Sale Prlco ......... WOMEN'S. $12.50 DRESSES GloaVance Sale Price WOMEN'S $10.00 DRESSES Clearance Sale Price WOMEN'S $6.50 DRESSES Clearance Salo Price StjOO WOMEN'S $22.50 COATS Cleararico Sale Price WOMEN'S $9.50 COATS .Clearance Sale Prlco ,, , WOMEN'S $17.50 COATS Clearance Sale Price WOMEN'S $15.00 COATS Clearance Salo Price Coats at $Q75 .J8I $71 ft '2 rriL'c WOMEN'S $12.50 COATS Clearanco Sale Prico WOMEN'S $10.00 COATS Clearance Sale Price WOMEN'S $8.50 COATS Cloarance Sale Price. WOMEN'S $7.50 COATS Clearance Sale Price $6i $goo Skirts V2 Price WOMEN'S $8.50 SKIRTS Clearance Sale Price WOMEN'S $7.50 SKIRTS--Clearance Bale Price WOMEN'S $5.00 SKIRTS Cloarance Salo Price WOMEN'S $4.50 SKIRTS Clearance Salo Prlco Fur Sets Va Price $19.50 FUR SETS- Clearance Sale Price $15.(10 FUR SETS- Olearanco Sale Prlco $12.50 FUR SETS Clearance Bale Price $10.00 FUR SETS Clearance Sale Prlco $075 $5i ;Orkin Bros. 16th and Harney Sts.5 ;OrWn Bros. 16th and Harney Sts.; SMITH REFUSES DEMANDS "lerk of District Court Says He is Entitled to Keep Fees. SAYS HE IS FEDERAL OFFICER At'C'tmr Cninmlaalnnrra of Not Act- in IT In Good l'altli In Drmnntl lnir lie Kelnrn Vera tor Xnt nrallMtlon I'niirm. Aniwer to the demand of the Board of ounty Commlaslonera that he return j.KH) collected by him- In naturalization ees to the county treasury, has been nade by Itobert Smith, clerk of the dls- rlct court, lie refutes the request on lio ground that he Is legally entitled to ;he fees. 'Service performed by me In natural ization matters are performed under and by virtue of the lawn of the United State." says Jlr. Smith in a written statement. "No entry of any natural. zutlon proeeodliiRs Is madfc in any record rnidtd ly or under the control of Douk- s county or the state of N-brai!ka. The court and clerk acting in naturalization proceedings are federal officers. "The legislature of the state of Indiana recently passed a law requlrine tile clerks of state courts to report and pay over fees earned in naturalization matters to their respective county treasurers. This law was promptly declared unconstitu tional 'by the supreme court of that state aa bedng In conflict with the federal constitution and tKe laws of the United States. 'This was the construction put upon the law the day I axiiimcd the duties of my office and has been maintained to the present t'.me. it was approved by our county attornoy nnd by .other able lawyers n well, also by representatives of the federal government 'Jn the suit of Douglas county against F. A. Ilroadwell, my predecessor In office, the Item of naturalization was voluntar ily relinquished by the county. "In view of these facts (with which, as commissioners, It is your duty to be fnmlliar) I cannot credit you with good faith In parsing this reaolutl'm. since these fees belong to me as a federal of ficial reoognlzed as such by court decis ions, by nounty attorney's opinion and by county boards' action. "I therefore respectfully decline (o comply with the demands made In your resolution of December ti" M'ADOO THANKS YATES FOR EARLY ACCEPTANCE A letter from Secretary; of the Treasury McAdoo has been received by Henry V. Yates, president of the Nebraska Na tional bank of Omaha, In which tho secretary thanks Mr. Tates for his early acceptance of thq federal reserve sys tem of national banking. Mr. Yutes was the first to send In tho acceptance for his bank of the new system, even before the currency bill was signed by President W'ilron. Mr. McAdoo's letter follows: I am wry muoh Kratlfled to receive your telegram applying for admission to tho federal reserve system, oven before the act has ' been paSKed. The spirit which banker throughout tho country are exhibiting towards the now adminis tration Is -fine and patrlntic- l (hull Ixi glud to refer your a poll ca tion to tho organization committee, when appointed, and to recommend that it be given tho position on the list to whlth its cat!)' leteipt entitles 1), , The I'erslstent and Judlolous Uia of Newspaper Advertising Is' the Itoad to I;ulnfss fiic-ccss. MANY ARE POOR SPELLERS South Dakotan Says All Have What is Known as Motor Mistakes. SHOULD NOT BAR TEACHER IllKli School l'oplln Are Tmiitl i to Iurm" n Vocabulary mill 3!nny of the Words AV.IU 't llf Used Later. "I hope all men will soon be broad enough not to refuse u girl a position as a teacher becauso nho misspell) a word In her application.'' said W. V. Jones of the University of South Dakota in ad dressing the Conference of the Teachers of ICducatlon, in session at tho Hotel Home. Prof. Jones held that ull peoplo have what are known as motor mistakes in speaking. That is, they know how to spell tho words, and even know so well that they simply start tho word, then let tholrt huughts run ahead with the sen tence while thoy trut tp the muscles of the arm. to finish th word automatically. "In this wuy," he says, "I, myself, con stantly misspell the word 'that ' I start nd write 'th,' then I trust to my mus cles for tho rest. As my arm has written 'tho' bo many times, It will do It again when I am not watching, and tho result Is 'Diet.' I have eleven motor mistakes of this kind, and so have every one of you If you will only stop to find them. A superintendent once wrote me that he had turned down all the girls who had applied for positions In his school lie cause overy one had a mistake In spell ing In her nppllcation. And, when I had finished reading his letter, I found Unit In writing tho facts to me ha hud made two mistakes In spelling himself and one mistake In Krigllsh. I marked the mis takes and returned his letter to him. It was a cruel thing to do, but I did it" Prof. Jpncs held that the high school vocabulary Is, perhnps, larger than any the pupil will usa in later llfo. Ho held it a mistake to toach a pupil to spell a lot of words ho might never uso. and especially difficult words that load the memory. He characterized this as waste ful education. "Shall wo in tho grades anticipate all the professions and walks of lifer he asked, "and try to crowd the poor little mind with a vocabulary that will fit any profession he may later In life take up." BIG DEMAND FOR GOOD GRADE OF WILD HAY The demand for the wild hay of Ne braska continues to Increase, rather than diminish, and Indications are that the hay ranchers of Hock, Cherry and other counties up along the Elkhorn river val ley, 111 be able to dispose of all their fcurplus stocks. night now the Northwestern Is handling out of tho Elkhorn valley something; like :) carloads of wild hay dally, the greater portion of It going Into Kansas and Mis souri, while many of the shipments go as far south as Oklahoma. RAILROAD HEADQUARTERS TO CLOSE ALL DAY NEW YEAR'S IJko Christmas, Now Years' Is to be a holiday with the people of the head quarters of the railroads here. Tho plan is to close the buildings during the en tire day. Generally the first of the year brings about numerous changes on the working staffs of the railroads, but the Indica tion that on the coming New Year's, old officials and employes will be con tinued, there not being a change in sight. Nebraska State Bar Association Meets in Omaha Monday The program for the fourteenth annual meeting of the Nebraska State Bar as- ' sociatlon to be held Monday and Tues day of next week at the Rome hotel has been arranged. John II. Halllgan of North Platte will deliver tho president's address Monday afternoon and thla will be followed by reports of committees and the treasurer. Frederick & Shepherd of Lincoln on Tuesday morning will deliver an address on "The Status of the Profession," and thre will bo reports by tho committees on Inquiry and legal education, in the afternoon tho committee on resolutions) on the death of Ralph W. Breckenridge will report. Judge Horace 15, Deemer of Red Oak, la., will deliver the addrera of tho meet ing, "Socialism and Modern Industry," Officers will be elected , Thu annual dinner of the association will be held at (he Rome hotel Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock.