THK BKK: OMAHA, KATl RD.VY, DECEMBER 27, 1010. Drawn for The Bee by Cliff Sterrett , . r Polly and Her Pals-Pa Wasn't the First One Ther 1 F7T . -r I m,6 UP&A'AX, hlH WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but o insure proper classification muat Iks presented before III o'clock noon for tho evening clltlon and 7:i$( p. m. for tho morning and Sunday editions. Want ads received after such hours will hove their first In sertion under tho heading, "Too lto to Classify." cAsn hate for want ads REGULAR CLASSIFICATION: Ono Insertion, 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutlvo inser tions, o cents per lino. Ono lino per month, 91.80. Twenty cent a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons harln rnunta arc measured br tho I naving accounts are mcasureu oj mo CHARGE RATES. Six words to the line. One insertion, 12 cents per line. , I x-wo or more tonscv.uu.u JUI.v- tions, 9 cents per line. Ono line per month, $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. NOTE The Bco will not bo rc- sponsible for moro thnn one wrong vpuuaiu.o ....... n , 1nAPMnn rn (vnncrvanhlrnl ArrflP. - Claims for error cannot bo allowed nftcr tho tentll of tho following mouth. An advertisement inserted to bo run until forbidden must bu topped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot be ac cepted. DEATHS AND FU.tKIlAL NOTIC1CS WEBT LAWN CEMETERY. Most acccssiblo modern cemotery in Omaha, Perpetual care of lots and single graves without charge. In case ot lm- J i . . . . i . i ' - Cfl n- I inruutiD nceu imrDiiana uuuh uo o- i Harney 4343 and our free automobile la rrt.. n....t.n. np n inpl I JVUI OVI VIVO. A 11X7 UUlkft... ,..- grave sUrts the ownership of a family Tot on easv navmenta. 101 on easy pay mania, WSLS7 ,v.SB'ti"U m wb.i 1.111 , . CCth and Lincoln Ave. BItOPHY James, aged 63 years, Chlcaro, III., December 21, from Injuries In u street car accident. IlemaJna will arrive In Omaha Saturday morning and Ho In state at Hoff mania Funeral home, Twenty-fourth and poise, until S p. in. Interment, Ht. Mary's cemetery. Deceased was a resi dent of Omaha for over forty years; was one of tho first ushers at the old St. Phllomena church and past president of Painters' union. ;fLYNN Cornelius, aged 70 years. funeral juonuay morning, December i!S. at 8:90 a. m.. from family residence. I 3615 Lincoln avenue, to St. Patrick's I'liuivii w u. in. iiiiciiiiuui n, iuJ J b I cemetery.- HIRTIIS AND DEATHS. Blrths-E. and Grace Dronta. 2112 Tinknv. iHri; "Wriinit nnii irtn nnrHnn vmnii.r hnv- c nn Mnv innvin 3142 North Sixteenth, girl: E. and Edna O'Keefe, 623 South Twonty-fourth, boy: V. and Sadie Smith, Sixty-fifth and Pierce. Klrl: A. J. and Ada Wilson, Korty-flrst ' and Hamilton, girl; C, 1 and EAinice waring, iuu aoutn xwenty second, sir). Deaths C. I. BodJnson. 67 years, Clarkson: V. s. Emmons. 35 years, lion pltal. John Staehr. 43 years, hospital. MARRIAG13 lilCBNSISS. Tho following permits to wed have been i B 1 ' ' Buea' xi June via jvcsiaciitc. Age Jjr uune. uuDllllcu...... JO ltowena May cune, iouisviue i John G. Ganx, Omaha... 43 Anna Braje, Battle Creek 27 Harry Anderson, Atlantic. Ia 24 Addle Younker, Mame, la 23 viuim a, joniuou, uron ., x.una v.unni)', uiuaim, , .( Clyde J. Fernand's, Omaha 22 uenna i. jiaocr. umana...... zs Georse W. Ulrieh. Hoonor s Mlna Rasmussen, Hooper., 19 Eugene A. Brownfleld, Nevada, Ia 36 Henrietta D. Sauer, Des Moines, la,... 32 Jaka M. Schleot. Jr.. McCook 21 Ora Brewer, Missouri Valley, la 19 1 John F. Klllmar. Osceola. Ia 24 Maude M. MoArdle, Omaha.,,..., 23 Arthur 12. Schultz. Corning, Ia 23 Vera E. Hayward. Korfok a Oliver Decatur Duley. Grant yClty, Mo. 23 labei o. Lyncn, council muffs.. :i Henry I. Ofterman, Mitchell, 8. D.... 35 .Mary lUddie. Rodney, ia , 241 A. A. Heffley. Lincoln over 21 Adelaide M. Suiter, Lincoln over 18 Herbert Rosenthal, Philadelphia , Martha Louise Hadra. Omaha.......... John Holmqulst. Emerson. Ia es Emily i arison. Kmerson, it 4 BUILDING PERMITS. J. M. Norlen. 1931 South Thlrtv.fn.inh immr. iiiiaa uerso. 1K3 ailaml, SM tM. i - - . - :--'i irame. kw unuea Mates xniinh. Bank, alterations. 12.700. HELP WAN TED rSaiALE. HuBsekeeyera and liuuicatlcs. illb DI.n VyViN i. UlllU fllDULEM ' . " . I UOIICIg, IIICII11W1IP, miliv licawi kiiu SOLVED Tha Bee will run a Servant 1? M T1 motorcyclo messenger servlca, asbestos covering. OMAHA STOVE IU-;-Qlrt Wanted Ad FREE until you get thi lviu,lj' 21S 8. 13th. Doug. 2MS or 3820. .AIR WORKS. 1206-8 Douglas. Tyler 20. desired result. T .Is applies to residents of Omaha. Houtll Omaha n,1 r-mini.ll Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bes office or telephone Tyler 10C1 WANTED A girl work small family. IVI X. Tl Uli WANTED A girl for general house- worK. ssa rarnam at. H. 6314. Mlscelltiieoua, YOUNQ women coming to Omaht as atrangera ar invited to visit theYount' Women's Christian association building at St. Matya Ave. and 17th St, wheis they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the UnUn station. GOVERNMENT position open to Women. ITS month, write Immedi edfately for Tree list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 6S3 IL Rochester, N Y. HELP WANTED MALE. Agents, Salesmen nnd Sollcltura. WANTED Four good solicitor at ones. t00 Brandels Theater Bldg. FRIED RABBIT DINNER TEN CENTS SATURDAY. 11 TO 8 P M. AT J J.S.-Y POLLACK, 15ti and Capitol. HELP WANTED MALE. AicrntK, Snlrsmrn nnil Kollcitni-s. TRAVELING salesman wanted at onco In Iowa and Nebraska, experience! In aprons, kimonos, tcltlcoats and honso dresses. Drawing account. Only expert encedincn need apply. Addresa Y 381. Uce. B SALESMAN and ugents wanted, Spe ciality line in universal demand. Sales man who can handle a Klven territory with 20 to 50 agents. Give reference with application. Address Fort Dodge Cul vert Company, 15. P. Phillips, salon man ager. Fort Dodge, Iowa. AGENTS to sell tho handy. light, new est electric appliance; ono light wives tl rce. Our selling method produces SO per cnt sales, write for particulars. General agent. 3508 Hamilton St., Omaha. Sunday Pkgs. CONSISTING OK ONH FULL QUART Of II P. WHISKY. THREE LARGE HOTTLlla OF ,JKBIl uBQUUn PRICE 11.7-.. ALL, FOIt 9St AT mmmtii- v T'nt.rfMi'H l.ionrm llOIISR. ISTII AND CAPITOL AVE., SATURDAY, ALL I DAY. WANTED A real salesman to repre- SCIlfc U CXVIUIUVCiy 111 DUUlllUlll lOUlllBlttt, i,fB(nnnK January X 1914. We have- a largn, well known and In every way first class lino oi oxciusivo copyright calen dars, fans and advertising specialties. Our line Is so attractive and varied that j each- nnd every business In every town i In the country, . without regard to size, cnn 1)0 ""cfessfully solicited. Our goods Verv attractive, but no more so than I IT..: ' - ." n . i.... ,11 1 I jCur reasonaDiQ i-nccs. VjOiiiihibbiuii iiubthi, Excluslvo territory assigned. Our com- Pany was organized In 18S2, capltallied for 1200.000. Write at once and enclose mis aa. Aiercuams i-uuiisiiiiik - ivui- I amnzoo, .men - Ilnrs. WANTED Qood Klrl for general house- worn; no waaning; reierencea raquirea. W. J. Coad. US a. mti HU Factory nnd 'irndcs. Dru t rB aB.. J b Knelsl Hee nidrf Drugstore snnps. jous. Kneisi. nee nm ri ITT Ititn Itin muat nrnfltulilu till at tiAU I I " ... ...... ... . . . or touay, mo auiomouno Dusincss, ani hwomp IndoDondent. Our large, well- i - , - M M . - ..." I . I . equipped shops offer the opportunities ot learning tho business by actual expert- !.,, .urr.Mnt ,r.nv. nt ran nut erms urevmoderate -' Write- or Sail. Nal ., nvulnlnir naanclatlnn. 2S14 N. 20th Ht., Omaha. Neb. Tel. Webster S9U, WANTED FOlt U. H. AUMY Able bodied unmarried men between ages of IS and 8. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits. wiin cnn MneaK. reau ana wrua mo unK llsh language. For Information apply to nocruHlng Officer! Army Bldg". lth and iva.. at. nmiihi Kali. I'AS Fourth St.. I DodK Bin.. Omaha. Neb.: COG Fourth St.. Hloux City. la. 409 Walnut St., Dos. Molnos. ia HEU'-Lall Omaha Employment bureau. atlscpllniieona. YniTN'G MEN. vou should learn the antmnnhlln tmalnpan and learn It RIGHT. iCarn more money thnn you ovor did bo- lore, wo nave lioill u uay twiu u '"S"1 1 Class, so you. navo no rcusuii mr uciay i nmii in rwi iv. i NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE HCHUOU 1415 Dodgo BU MEN 1 to 35, WIsninB to DO railway mall clerks; I7u a month, writo ior P0OK of Information. Y 320. Bee. GOVERNMENT railway mall clerk, cus- tnina.lntnrnnl revenue "oxama ' every-1 uhrn noun. Get nrenared bv former U, S. civil service secrctary-oxaminer. iren booklet ii is. write now, iouuy. eon Civil Service School. Rochester, N. Y. Sunday Pkgs. CONSISTING OF ONE FULL QUART OF H. P. WHISKY, THREE LARGE llOTTLMS OF BEER. REGULAR P1HCB 1175, ALL FOR 98C, AT HENRY POIJ.ACK'S LIQUOR HOUSE. 15TH ANn nAlIrni. AVE.. SATURDAY. ALL DAY. - ,i.rtli.ti UAI1II1T DINNMIl nwv iwmin SATURDAY. 11 TO 8 P. M, 1 AT 1 HENRY POLLACK'H, 16th and Capitol. wi,i. ,.tpntable Ideas write Ran. ssidolph Co., waanington, u. J. WANTED SITUATIONS. YOUNG man attending Bovles college 1 wants work tor board, u. low. iim.iIm wnNhlnn anil lrflnlnir. II. E846. -r.v. i. Anif.u uin ui iu iv. j i.i. n.. m hiiiim ?1 1 M,. twlli hi Willi muni), .in. ,11.11, ... .m .v... ...i ANNOTOCESiEN'l'S Gibson's Buffet 322 South 15th St. INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. Your maaazlne order and renewals con tribute Wo or more towards a fund ot 13.000 for THE INVALIDS' PENSION ABS'N. Wo MUST HAVE 63 subscrip- Slltlons to the L. II. Journal, 11.60; Sat E. 1 PosL JLW. and Country Gentleman. ILEA, In Dec. Remember your order or renewal contnouies wo nuiipuii ui u i invaiiaa who nava ixnmi wicu vcusiuii checks each month since spring, at ft SUUBCnpilUlla UI1IIUUI.1.CM nmi ucuiibiliil cr.risimaa . loiuer Christmas folder. UHGENT Jlall or i liiinnA hiue m iHvil VnnrinM nn M MAflAMSK MAN. Omaha , . UAZUb . LEAF PILE CONES-Ue.t remouy ior ItcuinK. oirvuinK or pruiruuuiK i nllra: fiOu tiostimld: samples free. Bher- man 4t McConnoll Drug Co.. Omaha. D. a QrlfflUi, wig mfr. 12 Frenzer Blk. Francis Potter. Glbvin mandollnilulurl Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptff. Co. aKT a lucky WEDDINu RINQ from BRODEQAARD'H AT the SION ot the CROWN, up tho QOLDKN STAIRS, 16th CLASSES in astrology. 2311 Farnam. by Prof. Alexis Pfuhl. All kinds of occult literature and neaitii cook hooks, witn scientific lecture, for sale. ATTRACTIONS Omaha film, exch.. llth and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOHILES WE make a specialty ot auto foredoor body building and painting. Highest quality work. Win. Pfeltfer Carriage Wks. D. 6922. 26th Ave. and Leavenworth. 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repairing, llaysdorfer. 210 N. IS. Motorcycle. WRITE M)il LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15TH AND HARNEY. BARGAINS In all makts ot used motor cycles. Victor H. Iloos, "The Motorcycle Man," 2703 Leavenworth St. A B. C. of Omaha A AIION'8 Jewelry Gift Shop, 16th and Farnam. Just shop around and then get our prices. ELI, DIIUO CO. New location, 1316 Farnam. Everything new. Old phone Douglas 2623. Come, call or write. Rubber goods. K ERR Abstract Co.. 305 S. 17th. 8L Better be safo than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. 1) HOTOGRAPHER. W.W. Scott. Takes photographs anywhere, any time. 318 McCague Bldg.. IS & Dodge. D.SGOj. VCUUM cleaners, sweepers, hydraulic, electric and hand power sold on guarantee; lowest prices; machines rented. Sanitary Service Co. Doug. 2901. XMAS HINTS AN APPROPRIATE XMAS GIFT. A membership In the Yountr Women's -ti i-ii . i . 1 1 1 . i . . - " '"" " " uppromwu. KIIEE A calendar of art Klven with every purcliasc. Meyer Klein, va r. is Ht. FIRST-CLABB home-modo cakes ot all makes. Call Harney C500. Olympla for Xmas candles. 1518 Harney. RUSINESS CHANCES. GOOD opening In new Nebraska town for hotel, restaurant, barber jihop and fCcd bam; for full Information address n.ori ti -'" TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate write KennebocK Co.. Omaha, TO GET In or out of business, call on QAKuEBTAD, 404 Ileo Hldg. Tel. D. 8177, 14.700 BUYS hotel and furniture. 19 bed- r oo inn; clearing 1100 per month above all expenses: 10 per cent discount for cash: no otnur hotel in town. W. C. Erton, Alta Vista, la. WANTED An idea. Who can think of Bomo simplo thing to patent? Protect your Ideas: they may bring you wealth writo lor "isoeuen inventions" ana "How 1 a,rt. Yol,r Vlenl nna Your Money,' liandolph St. Co., Patent Attorneys U'. -lit rnHnn Tl f wu,..l)to.w.., . wi UUSINICSH PERSONALS Markers, ELHASSE1VS barber shoo KAN 43 YEAHS IN OMAHA. 1017 Farnam St 10 chairs. 10c shnvo and neck shave. WE CLOSE ALL DAY SUNDAY. HA1HCUT 25c. Hcnshnw Barber shop. Brass Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Hta. i. t ..... Clilrnprnctors. J. c. iJiwrcnce, D. C IT3 Howard. 1). 8461 w.ia.pUrvlance..D. C.,409 Pax. Blk. D. 4942. Chiropodists. DR. ROY, 1601 Farnam. Douglas 6407. Cleaners uud Dyers. r a-tt MFrt'R RITIT" 80o LUUlVnt i.vt v m a vf, nnuaSp r . t - - ' . . . . - Webster 1915. v"v" Coal Dealers $5.50 COAI "Johnson's Special." S. JOHNSON, 18th and Izard. BALED kindling. National Box Co., SOtli and l'acinc. Cuatutuura. FULIj drss suits; party drosses for sale or rent. Open evenings. John Feldman, 20t) N. nth. Douglas 3128. Historical masquerade costumes to hlro at Theo. Lleben & Sons, 1514 Howard St. Creameries, Dalrlen nnd Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Vnrn. FUR repairing. B. Fenster, 1410 N. 24th. Danelnsr Arndemles. Tanso. social dances a specialty. D. CS07. IF YOU ilou'tJ dance and wish to. call Doug. 5446: tango and now dances taught every Friday, s p. m. niacKies, isis liar ney. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville nik. Evl dnnco secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. L.v W. Longnecker. 617 ICarbach. D. 2833, OMAHA Sec Serv. DeU Agcy., bonded. n.ii.n. 1110 1'atlnn lilnnK I w . - " DrrsiuinkluK. Dressmaking, reasonable: work guar anteed. Tel. Doug. 6176. 2584 Harney. I Terry Dressmak'g college. 20th & Famam, Drmi. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on 110 orders: catalogues tree. Hhertram St Mcconnell urug uo umana. nep. Everythlnar for Women. Plumes made over, oleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton Blk. D. Kl. Florists. A. nONAGHUE. 1623 Har. D. 1001; A. 100L HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam, D. 1358. BATH'S, florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. tii0V tailoring, guar? H. 3097. 3S29 Cum'c. i ; Furnaces, Stoves and Repairs. WWW ftirnnrM fnrvi.1. TCAlfilnp Douglas: Hero school room heaters: Em- KTi"A.andh-J.?ieW.nldi,.i- waeJT Nurseries nnd Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDSMAN. 119 N. 16th. Patents. H. A. Sturges. 630 Brandels The. Bids D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. riuiublna. PLUMBING and heating. Fischer & Connell, 1318 William St. Douglas 6737. Plumbing, heating. FARNAM PLUMB W. 7828. W. 3061 Eve INQ CO.. M07 N. 21th. Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 621 S qual . Uth. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. Doug. S7&4. Sheet Metal Works. CARTER Sheet Metal works, 110 S. 10th. ' Store aud Office Fixtures, Desks, safes, scaled, bhowcoaes, shelv ing, etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2724. btorra Doom nna Windows. Welrich, storm doorr, sashes, 1317 N. Si. UUSINESS PERSONALS. Trnnkn nnd StUtvases. FUELING & STEINLE. 1803 Farnam St AVIncs nnd Llqnon, WILLOW Springs beers, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201-3 8. 13th St EDUCATIONAL THE MID-WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, Jan. 5. In both tho day and night schools in Omaha and Council Muffs. "I will absolutely guarantee a good position for every graduate of tho business and shorthand or telegraphy departments of either of my big schools. Moro thnn that, 1 will secure a place for any young man or woman to work for his or her board whllo attending It he desires such position." II. B. BOYLES. Comnleto courses In business, book keeping, stenography, stenotypy, tele graph, civil service nnd salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready. Call,' writo or Phono for it. lioylcs college, isth and I-arney His., omnha, Neb. FOR SALE at a discount, a fun, un limited scholarship In Boylen Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at tno office of Omaha Bee. MONDAY, JANUAKY B, IS THE OPEN ING DAY OF THE WINTEIl TERM OF THE MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. Unsurpassed classes In all business and English branches, shorthand, stenotypy and typewriting. Graduates nrc guaran tied good positions. 1'iaccs proviuru tor young people to work for board. For a now freo cataloguo address Moshor- Lamnman Collccc. 1815 Furnam St.. Omaha. Neb.- THE VAN SANT SCHOOL. STENOGRAPHY ONLY. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. Patronised by tho educated and experi enced. No solicitors. Telenhono or write for catalogue. Omaha, Nub. LOST AND 1'OUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some artlclo would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In me street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to tho rightful owner. Call Doug las 13. LOST-A pure white bull terrier dog, Sharp pointed ears, long tall, long nose. itewura it reiurneo to ueorge u. ituch ott, 2203 Harney St., Cameron garage. WILL the lady who picked up bill purse In Orklns' store. Wednosday afternoon. please return same to The Beo office and no questions will be asked? Her Identity Is known. BETWEEN 14th and 16th on Douglas December 23, lady's gold watch. Call A oi, council uiufis. MEDICAL Dr. Baker Medical Offices. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South 14th Street. Omaha. Neb. $500 Reward For any case of PILES that DR. MAX- tVntion from business pay SS?Ji,iiWM T.?Ji"?.Ey H null jUkJ iiuimiuua v, 'v v. . v. have been cured by Dr. Maxwell, 2S years in umana. 4us umana Nat. uk.. umana Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. B. R. Tarry cures rllca, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg.. Omaha. MONET TO LOAN MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and other upon their own names; rates cheap, easy payments. Nor ton Sl Co., 335 Board of Trade Building. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. Gordon Van Go. S 219 N. Uth St.. or 210 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 391 DESIRABLE five-room steam heated apartment. The Mason, 31st and Mason Bts., 140.00. Tel. H. 6187. Apply Apt. No. 1, The Mavon. REDUCED FOR WINTER. IIS. 6-rm. flat. 1202 N. 24th.. Cozy. D. 4512. 1809 FARNAM 4. rooms, completely mod ern: sultablo location for offices, studio. dental or dressmaking rooms, eta, for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst. Co., 433 Ramge. Douglas 7400. o-iu, an nioucrii, wmi j&miui bditiuo, first floor. Lorraine Aparts.. 17th aud Maple Sts. Mengedoht. Web. 8713. TEN-ROOM flat, seven-room cottage; live living rooms; mouern. itarney mi. THE STANDARD FLATS. High Grade, 0 Rooms. Comfort. Ease. WALKING DISTANCE. PAYNE &. SLATER CO., Om. Nat. Bk., and T. 'J. HOOK, 1101 N. 18th St. Board nnd Rooms. PrlvHte homo cooking, reasonable. 624 S. 20 THE IRVING See our rooms; finest In city; modern; reasonable- 2102 Leaven worth. CloUe In. Douglas S5I7. WOULD like to have young lady sharo room with another laay, line locaiion. near car line, moaern. reaBoiinoic. vuu or without board. Harney 8479. Furnished Rooms. NICELY furnished rooms; new, remod eled flat; modern; reasonable. Ill S. Uth. Furnished Ilnusekeeplnir Rooms. DAVENPORT, 3)182 or S front house keeping roomiL . Unfurnished Rooms. 4 unfurnished Hkg. rooms. Web, loa. Hotels and Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modern; reasonable. THE VINCENT Clean. ventilated rooms. 60o up. 19th and Harney. Doug. 6ftS Houses and Cottages. ' Storage and Van P I I Jr,l 1 I Y Co- Goods stored. moved, pacKea, shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516. 3-ROOM house for rent, furnished or unfurnished. 1903 Wirt Webster 666. SIX-ROOM cottage, 3610 Seward St; modern except heat. Webster PS303. OFFERED FOR RENT. Houses nnd Cottnjgc. GlobeVan& Storage Storage 12 per month. Packing and shipping 3-horso van with 2 men, 11.25 per hour. Douglas 433S or Douglas 3713. T-Trmcno In all parts of the city, xiuu&ib CrciBh sons & Co Uce ui,js. NEAT, desirable 6-room cottage: mod ern except furnace. 62S S. 10th Ave.; 123. Douglas 4230. lfiir. HALL AVE.. 7-r.: moil.: J30. MOO t'nderwood Ave.. Dundee: S-r.: 60. 1431 Emmet St., 7-r. ! completely mod. iSJ. THOS. F. HALL. 433 Hamcc Bldg. D.'M. FOIl KENT Two-story frame dwelling, on Cass, near 2fith; modem. Crclghton university. Douglas 2320. MAGGAItD VAN AND STOUAGE CO. packs, moves, store-i nnd ships household goods and pianos, Douglas 14M. T P T?nn1 Kxp. Uo., furnlturo moving, J.UlvaU Two ,nen ft hour. D. J141 COMPLETE LIST of vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This list is compiled dally. You will be furnished a list free of charge by calling Douglas 4163. umaha van & Hlorago Co. NOTHING like It: steam heat, 4 or 5 or 7-room flats and houses 220 N. 23d. 2913 MASON; nice families or roomers. large brick II. 1550. for SPLENDID placo corner 18th and Wirt. No better neighborhood. First class nnd beautiful Fine garage. See It. W. 3317. 115-1310 Pierce. City water, gas. D. 4512. 3119 CALIFORNIA. 5-room cottage, part modern, also 2 rooms furnished, furnace heat. Harney 4(wi. NEAR CATHEDRAL R-r.. east front, fireplace, oak trim, big trees, 1 blk. to 40th nnd Cuming. O'ICEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY Douglas 2715. Evenings II. 33S or II. 5134. 624 a 28th St.. 9 rooms, all modern..l40.00 1424 N. 19th St., 9 rooms, all modern.. 30.00 3fil0 Jones St., 8 rooms, all modern.. 25.00 1000 S. 2Zd St.. ft rms.. mod. ex. heat z&.w 4123 N. 2oth Ave., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. 20.00 2fi02 Chicago St., 7 r., mod. ex. hent.. 20.00 2022 Charles St.. fi rooms, part mod.. 16.00 3331 Fowler Ave., 5-r , mod. ex. heat. 13.W BIRKETT & COMPANY'. 423 Bco Bldg. Douglns 4751. Stores nnd Offices. DESK room. Mertz. 870 Brandels Bldg. FOR RENT The office on ground floor of Tho Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frontago on Farnam St., and occupying about 1,500 square feet, with extra entrance on th: court of tho building. Large vault, Flnt; ouico iixiurcs ior aaic. Appiy , i t'CIl, lien oilice, 1M1 FARNAM ST.. 3.000 snuare feet. 1S03V4 Furnam St., 1,750 square feet (In rear) suitable for shops; steam Jient: hut nnd cold water furnished. Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramgo Bldg. Douglas 7405. llnrn tor Rent. Barn, suitable for ten earn. 222S Howard. OFFERED FOR. SALE Furniture. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Tho up-to-tho-mlnute satin stripe ma hogany clothing cublntts ot the Geo. Brooks' store. These aro Grand Rapids Show Case Co.'s fixtures with their Im proved three-piece extension gurmcnl rack, all nickel pinto. Theso fixtures are as good as new and will be sold at a tremendous sacrifice If bought before Jan- i uary A' cah regfster, Lnmson's cash cnrrler air line saie unu system. GEOliGE BROOKS, 16th and Harney Sts. Typewriters. Typewriters sold, rontcd, repaired. Cen trnl Typewriter Exchange. 307 S. 17th St. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Remington Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1S24. Rental credited It you purchase, and only very newest nnd highest grade machines sent out. Rates, three months for IS for unaerstroke machines, or 3 per montn for latest model vlstblo writers. Mlscellnnt- uns. SAFES Overstocked, second-hand, all makes. J. J. Dcrlght Safe Co., 1212 Farnam. STATUTES FOR SALE Tho Nebraska Statutes as prepared by the codo com mission will be ready for delivery about January ID, 1914. Price for ordinary bind ing, J5. Bible edition (1,000 copies), flexi ble covers, fine paper, 16. Send ordors to this department with remittance. Transportation to be paid by purchuBer. Addison Wait, Secretary ot State. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collendcr Co., 4O7-409 S, 10th St. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business coarse. Apply at tho office of Omaha Bee. flfl BuyB Best Coal for the money; try Jpu.uu ,t Web Hg Harmon & Weeth. TERSONAL YOUNQ women coming to Omaha as strangers nre Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building nt Uth and St. Mary's Avo., whero they will be directed to suitable boarding Vlaccs or otherwise usslsted. Look for our travelers' aid at tho Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect Wo distribute. Phone Douglas 4133 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect tho new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. A"JkJVPlAJrte; Bldg. Douglas 6J72. - AnnaAnaerson. Mag-tic Ueat, 418 Beo bldg 6J-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. . Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. iFil.EilTRlP MASSAGE BATH II Miss Burns. Massage. Miss Walton, i. 224. Neville blk., 16th and Harney. Phone Douglas 437. LAURA WIION, bath. mass. D. 875L Turkish oath, mass. Davldge blk. D. 6895. fclec. maa.T"bath. ill Balrd Bldg.. 17 &D. MAGNETIC Trt.. IS29 Vinton. D. 6026. MRS. SNYPER. Ele-trtc Trt, D. 43M. MASSAGE. 1C9 S. 17th St, Mrs. Steele. . - -. - REAL 'ESTATE ' ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract oiflca In Nebraska. 201 Brandels theater. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to Business Success. REAL ESTATE. PUUPUUTY I'Olt SALE. CITY FIFTY DOLLARS A LOT OFF Special salo of lots on Cuming street, 30th to 32d, south fronts.' Lots 40 to 45-foot frontage by 120 feet deep to a 14-foot alley. Paving, sidewalk, sower, water and specials of every kind paid. Think of it, This Is a less price than Is asked for lots a mile farther out with few or none of tho special Improvements paid. We want to close tho year with a certain volume of business. Kroin this price of $1,000 a lot wo will deduct JG0.00 to all purchasers boforo Januury 1st, 1914. Terms $19.00 cash, $19.00 a month until paid. The easiest terms over offered on property of this class In Omaha. v There are only25 of theso lots sent itself again. Salesman will be on tho ground to show lots every afternoon frorrtyi o'clock until dark till Doc. 31, unless all are sooner sold. m. Take Cuming or Harnoy street car or call at our office C 12 Paxton. block. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Phono Douglas 1722. MAP OF OMAHA STREETS, Indexed; alo Omaha Ted book, vest pocket size, freo at our office; two stamps by mall. Charles E. Williamson, Real Estate, In surance, enre of property, Omaha. MUST sell my 7-room house, 2505 Pierce street, at 1150 cash, balance monthly. I'hnnn D 3fi07. TO BUY, SELL OK RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. Investigate 2030 Spring St.; 11 room house, gas nnd water; good condition; $&0 cash down, balanco monthly, same ns rent. Wcb.7968. ACREAtiE FOn. SALE. Acreage Acreage Home especially good bargains In i, D, 10, 20 and 40-acre improved tracts, espe cially in 20 and 40-acre tracts. Possession. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, Northeast Corner 23l and M Sts., Phono South 1C02. South Omaha, Neb." REAL ESTATE. FA It. 11 Jt RANCH LA.NUS FOR SALE. Arlconn. FOR' 2 we can locate you on 320 acres government land; best of soil and water und close to main line R. R., and good' climate. 12.YJ pays fare down and back from Omaha, tiling fees, surveying, trans portation on the ground, etc. U26 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. Cnnnitn. ALBERTA lias great nnd varied perma nent natural rosoiirces. Keep your eye on her oil development. For detailed In formation ndilress Albertn Oil Develop ment Association, Calgary, Alberta, Cnn. Minnesota. 2S0-ACRH farm 35 miles from .Minneapo lis, 1H miles from a good railroad town; part under cultivation, balance meadow and pasture land; good soli; good eight room house, worth 13,000; Imrn, granary, corn cribs, cattle sheds, machine sheds, etc.; 14 cows, 20 head of steers and heif ers, three horses, hogs, chickens, com plete set of farm machinery, buggies, wagons, sleds, 60 tons of hay, 1,200 bas kets of corn, 150" bushels mixed grain, 176 bushels potatoes, In fact everything on the farm goes, except tho furniture; prlco 112,000; one-halt cash. SCHWAB BROS.. 102R Plymouth Bldg. Minneapolis. Minn. Missouri. 180-ACRE farm, Improved; price 12,i300; 1500 down; map free. Arthur, Mountain View. Mo. FARMS FOR SALE 15.00 down. 15.00 monthly buys 40 acres good timber land; near town, Texas county, Mo.; prlco 1200: perfect title J H. Jarrell, Mt. Vernon, 111. Nebraska. FarmsFarmsFarms Driving dlslanco of Omaha; bargains. Let us show you the goods; all sizes, all prices, all terms. ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY, Northeast Corner 23d and M Sts., Tel. South 1502. South Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE 160 acres of land in Mer - rick county, Nebraska, one-half mllo , ciectlon of fivo directors and the trans, from Clarks, described as follows: W'j aciion of bucIi other business as may of ne'.i of section 12, township XI, rnns'e legally come before the meeting- will be iv and w! of se'4. Good Improvements i,e4 at room X103, Union Pacific head and must be bold. J. J, Keofe. 112 No- quarters bulldlngr 15th and Dodge sts., braska St.. Sioux CTty. Ia, i Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday, the 12tli : .! nt January. 1914. at 10 o'clock, a. m Nebraska. NO. A-102-A splendid Irrigated SO aores. In a prosperous Swedish neighborhood, 6 miles from Bayard, In Morrill county. vnr- onnllv- at MO.V1 nnv.M. 1 CM rii.l, '7" t-.-". -. - : e annua., insiaumems at o JWr MT n Iwr I l'AVVP ixvkwma't company I IJl.l)llli.Vl LUJUA.M, ure iilocK. umana. NO. 101 SO acres near town of Keystone; under a good ditch; only 150 an acre; ii.wi casn ana oaiance in one to ten years at C per cent. This Is easily worth 110 per acre more than Is asked for It. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block, Omaha. Oklnhoran. I pARM bareai. 240 acres, all tillable. Grunt county. Oklahoma; 134 aores In cultivation; .hh acres line wneat, balance meadow and pasture, all fenced, orchard, umv. wlmltnlll M-.i I ,1 ... r . abundant, 4-rooin house, stable, 8 head, granary, etc. Rural route and phone. Eddy iSft miles; others. 4. 6 and 7 miles. 1 School one mile. Churchos In towns. German and American settlement. Price 146 per acre for quick deal. Worth M more. Perfect title. A. T. Cox, owner, Enid. Okl REAL ESTATE CITY rilOPEUTY FOIl SALE. and such an opportunity will nbl pre REAL ESTATE LOANS 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F, 5T Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. CITY LOANS. Bemls-Canberg Co.. 310-313 Brundels Theater building. WANTED city loans. Peters Trust Co. GARVIN BROS-Sfa WA;NT13Dclty ,oans and warrants. W. ! arnnm Smith & Co., 1320 Fnrnnm St CITY" anil fnrm Innn. t ........ No delay. J. 11. Dumont & Co., 1603 Far nam St.. Omnha. CITY nronfirf T.nrcrn Innn. .n..lnK., w. it phi;: w e.n.: "n ,r sssv""" I "'"". o oiam utiiiit uiag. OJ1"A homes. Ea8t Nebraska farms. 1610 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas' 2715. i ivl, per cent farm loans; optional payments. Wm. McCormlck. 1201 Farnam. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. -MA-nnisN & MORTON. 916 OmTNatT WANTED TO BUY RACHMAN will treat you right: best prices for furn., cloths, shoes. W. 6146. HIGHEST prices pa(d for men's cast off clothes nnd shoes. Doug. 8017. I HAVE sold my Iowa farm. Must buy again In next 30 days. Want 40 to 2tX acres, not over fivo miles from any of Omaha's suburbs or South Omaha. State location, Improvements, amount of land in cultivation and price. Will pay cash. No Inflated values or trades considered. Address C 144. Bee. BASE BURNER wanted. Must be good, but cheap. Answer nt once. Address a 146, caro Beo. WANTED TO RENT. AY AN TED Two furnished rooms, steam heated with privilege of light housekeep ing. Address N 271. Bee. LIVE STOCK MARKET Or WEST Ship llvo stock to south Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments recclvo prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stuck Commission Merchants MARTIN BROS. '& CO.. Exchange Bldg, LIVE STOCK FOR SALE 11 oral' nnd Vehicles. NEW and second-nand wagons for, sale. 25th Ave. and Leavenworth St. LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given to tho stock holders of Lec-aiass'-Andrcesen Hard ware company that the unnual meeting of tho stockholders of the company will be held nt the offices or said com pany, corner of Ninth and Harney streets. In tho city of Omaha, In thu state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January 13, A. D 1914, at x o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to servo during tho en suing year, and to transact such other business aa may bo presented at such meeting. H. J. LEE, President, J. CLARKE COIT. Secretary. D13-d30t. NOTICE. Stockholders' meeting of The Union Land company: Notice Is hereby given ...,t tiia nnnual meeting of tho stockhnlrl. I ' - r ti, Union Land companv for ih Tho stock transfer books will b closed - ton rfava nrovlous to the meeting. Alex 'Millar, secretary. New York City, N, V. . d"c. 19. 1913. D17-d20t STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the IIABTIftUa AWD NUUlliWkbT T M I HO A 11 mipiVV. fnr v. ...... ......... . .110 : ".Vion of seven directors nnd the trani: nctlon of such other business as may i.wfiiltv rome before the nieetlnir. will ;"Lrj . n, nrrin, ..r a t V.' ui "' : corner of Fifteenth and Dodge Streets, Omaha. Nebraska, on Monday, January Ut I1C1U fcssw wks.u w M UUIlt; . 1 6th. ll'M. at u o ciock j. m. T. M. ORR. SccreUry. MONTANA BANKER GIVES TOWARD NEW CATHEDRAL HELENA, Mont, Dec. 2i-"ThomaN Cruse, banker, today gave as a Christmas present to Bishop Carroll 1100,000 with which to comploto tho Catholic cathedral In this city. Thlfc makes a total of HSO.OnO Mr. Cruse has contributed toward th' cathedral. lie also urfnouncod he would glvo a pipe organ on completion of tho building.