10 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, Will. Society Over $75,000.00 Stock of Women's High Grade Wearing Apparel at Yz Price BV MELLIKIOIA. 33 'm S.T WF Ana WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 10J3. THE college EOt arc having their Inning, and a charming lot of young pcoplo they arc with youth, beauty and grate, thero la nothing more to wish for. Tuesday evening whs one of tho largest social affalra-for the rouiig set, when Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Baldrlgo and Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph IL Baldrlgo entertained at a most cnjoyablo dancing party at, Chamber's' Icademy for Mr. Malcolm Baldrlgo and his guest, Mr. Dalley, 'and for- Miss Bwcldolyn Woiro and Messrs. Orafton, Clifford and Dudley Wolfe. Tho young girls were beautifully gowned aird mostly In white. Miss Margery McCord wore a dainty dancing gown of whlto chiffon and tulle, with tho bodlco and short Minaret tunic edged with ermlno and tails. Miss Mario 8towart of Council Bluffs looked charming In a French model gown of cxqulslto white brocaded chiffon, with short ballet UinlcB of white tulle made In ruffle effect at the top of tho skirt. The bodlco was tblffon, tulle and whlto lace. Miss Atwood of Lincoln woro a dainty whlto evening gown with tho lllnaret tunic of white silk net wired, and m,ade short on one side and long Pn the other; over tills was a short tunic of shadow lace. Miss Sarah Ladd f Lincoln was also gowned In whlto, with ermlno trimming. Miss Gwendolyn Wolfe woro a dainty white evening gown with tho Soublo tunics of whlto tulle. Several of the young men Introduced ono of tho new styles of tho jeason whlto hosiery, with the black dress suits and-black pumps. Amonu fieso were Gorrlt Fort, Jr., and Harry Koch and a few others. tloliday Trips. Vrot. and Mrs. Qrovo K. Barhcr Of tlncoln will spend Christina with Mr. und Mrs. t U. Cole. Mrs. Barber for- Serly resided here and has many friends Omaha. . . Mr. and Mrs. J.C Clilsam arc spending the holidays at Peoria, '111., their former tome Mr. John Mellen has -gone to Peoria, pi., to spend the holidays with relatives Uiere. Mr. E. It. nutler lias gone to Lincoln to remain over tho holidays with rela tives. Mr. W. 8. Baslnger has gone to Wash Inston, D. C that he may bo with his mother during tho holidays. Mr. L. M. Whitehead has gone to Buffalo. N. Y., to Bpcnd the holiday ferith relatives. Mr. and Mrs. 13. P. Hennesey have gone to St Louis, where Christmas day there will be a reunion, of tho Hennesoy Family, a custom established many yearn bgo. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klsosscr will spend Christmas with Mrs. Hlaasscr's parents U Onawa, la. Mr. Thomas Houlihan is spending the' ChriHtmoe season with relatives In Kcatv bey. Neb. Mr. Thomas V. Godfrey has gone to Philadelphia to spend the holiday season with his son. Dr. Godfrey, who reside there. Mr. and Mrs. W. SV. Kerr are spending the holidays with relatives at Sabetha, Kan. Miss Lotlse Efiplln.has gone to Topoka, Kan., to spend Christmas with her mother. 1510 DOUGLAS STREET Any Suit Any Coat Any Dress SALE 0. H. S. Class'of 1810. " Seventy-flve members of the class of 111Q of the Omaha High school met to Kether at tho fourth annual clasn rounton lit the home of Miss Marlon Carpenter Tuesday evening. Many of the former fclaismates had come home from far dls tant states to spend the holidays In Dmaha aid "Wherelnthe'worl' you peent waa tho official greeting and password or tno evening. Miss Jennie Undeland rendered several pieces on her violin and Miss Helen Tay lor on the piano. Miss Marie Gordon eong some of the new High school tongs U a part of the evening's entertainment. Blectlon of officers was held and Clar ence K, Patton was made president The other officers were: Miss Marlon Car penter, vice president; MUs Margery Beckett, secretary;. Wilbur Haynes, treasurer; Clmrjrs F. Hardy and lluth Bheldon, acrgeants-at-urms. Mesdames Mesdames Margery BeckeL Jul In Ahheuuer. Henrietta, McCaguc, Margaret Herman, Mary Phlllippi, Monn i:oweii, Helen Taylor. Blanche Brfcsell, Ituth Sheldon. Elisabeth Doud, tilth Uouiu, larle Gordon, Avllda O. Moore, xfora reuon, Alma Jensen, ilose drodlnsky, Frederlcka bwartrlander. Gertrude Peelffer, ituin m. Moiivalne, lltabuth IV. LarserMae M. Unci nr. ellle I. ChrlstenseiuMtldJ-cd W. Marr. cnnle Undeland, May Alice Yeats, ertruae Thompson, Zela Elmer, fancy Hate. Daisy Jane Fry. Alice Gideon, Irene Shepard, Mnrllla Case, Amy L. Ncleon, Dorothy G. AbrahanNellv Pritchard. Pauline M. Qrcen. Marlon Carpenter, Messrs. PhUlp Kline, Paul nradley. Don Pittman, B. W. Peterson, Dames McAllister. Hugo T- Knholm, 'Messrs, Chester C. Nieman, Harry Kulakofsky, Nathan Bernstein, Max M, Itosenblum, O. D. Davidson. jamea u, van Averi Alfred l. Kennedy, ; William Grodtnsky, Brandon Howell.. Kdward E. Smith, Charles K. Hardy, (Will K. 8. Thompson. Ptuart Gould, Wallace 13. Troup, Chandler Trimble. Will Wentworth, J I. W. Havllund, J. Calvin Davis. Clarence K. Pottort. It H. Flnley. Merrill C. ItohrbaugbForrest W. Byrd, Uolin H. Hllmls. Hiram A. Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Darling. Mr. and Mrs. Lion P. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. U. a Williams, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Haxord. B aaien-Peteren Wedding. A pretty double ring wedding took place, at hlgn noon Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Anna Petersen of Benson, 'When her youngest daughter, Clara, was married to Mr. Walter Hansen of Tllden. Neb. The bride's gown was a handsome white chiffon satin draped with a tunto or white chiffon, caught at tUo side and front with a satin band and tassel. The tulle veil was held In place with a ttand of myrtle. The bride carried a shower bouquet of roses, swensonla and lilies of the Valley, Mrs. Arthur Buller, sister of the bride, and Mr. Arthur Duller were the only attendants. Little MUs Katie Petersen was gowned In dainty white and acted as ring bearer. Miss Vera Marshall played the wedding march, Iter. C. J. IUnger of the English Lutheran church officiated. The decorations were palms, ferns and roses. "In the dining room an arch was ftnillt In the bay window, where the mar riage lines were read. Mr. and Mrs, Hansen will take a .wed ding trip and on their return' will be at borne in Tllden, Neb. Hcavcnrich-Kirschbraun Wedding. The wedding of Miss flndle Klrschbrnun, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Louis Klrsch braun, to Mr. Herbert Heavenrich of Chicago, was quietly celebrated Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the attractive residence of the bride's parents, at Thlrty-olght avenue nnd Harney street Rabble Frederick Cohn officiated. The rooms' were beautifully decorated with a profusion of pink roses and rose buds, combined with ferns and southern smllax The bride entered from the stairway with her father, and 'was charming In a wedding gown of white crope do meteor with long train. The bodice and short minaret tunic waa formed of chantllly la(c, tho neclt of tno bodice being V shaped and trimmed with bands of duch ess point lace. The front of the Bklrt was caught over tho tunic with orange blossoms, nnd tulle butterflies -wera at tho back of tho girdle and on the train. Phe wore an Imported veil of silk tulle hand embroidered with a ring design, and duchess point lace edged the veil. Orange, blossoms, which the bride's mother woro at her wedding, held the veil In place. Hoses with a shower of lilies of the valley formed tho brldo' bouquet. MUs Edith Heavenrich, sister of the groom, was maid of honor, and wore pink charmeiiso with overdrapo and tunic of shadow laco embroidered with rhlne stones. The minaret tunic was outlined with mink fur. MUs Mildred Rubel Was brldesma'd, and was gqwncd in pink crepo de meteor with tunic, of pink tulle. Tho matron of honor was Mrs. Lester Klrschbrauu of Chicago. Sho wore pink chnrmcuse draped and caugt wllhjearls. and bows of tulle. The bodice and min aret were of chantllly laco embroidered In pearls. Each of the brlde'a attendants carried arm bouquets of pink roses. Mr. Clarence Silber of Chicago served as best man, and the ushers were Mr. Lester Klrschbraun of Chicago, Mr. Ed win Klrschbraun and Mr. Walter Heavenrich. Following the ceremony thero was a wedding supper for the guests and covers were placed for forty-elght guests. Mr. and Mrs. Heavenrich will take a short southern wedding trip, and after two weeks will make their tjome in Evanrton. Miss Klrschbraun Is popular socially, and Is an accomplished violinist and her many friends regret that she is to go to another city to reside. Krepps-Bailcy Wedding. w pretty, uut quiet homo wedding w 111 take plare Wednesday evening, when MUs Kthel M. IJalley, youngest daughter of Mr. B. L. Bailey. 3317 Myrtle avenue, will be married to Mr. William L Krepps of Omaha. The bride's wedding goWrf ltl of whlto satin with small tralno and real laco tunic. The tullo veil will be held in place witn orange blossoms, sent to the bride from California. Miss Ada Mussclman will play the wedding march for tho wed dliu couple, who enter the drawing room unassisted. The bride's bouquet Is roses and lilies of the valley. Tho decorations will be palms, poln. settas and holly. An ach will be .In one corner where the marriage lines will be read by llev. Mr. Boyer of Walnut Hill .Metnodlit Episcopal church. Swastika Club. Mrs. A. ' Buck was hostess for thsi Swastika club Monday afternoon, the rooms of her home being beautifully decorated with holly and mistletoe, with red and green streamers. Dinner was served In the dining room nt one long table, which had a centerpiece of roses, carnations and ferns, shaded candles and favors of tiny wicker baskets of bonbons. Prizes wero won by Mrs. A. Foote. Mrs. A. Buck and Mrs J. V. Welch. The club meets with Mrs. D. W. Hcnsley January t. Tomorrow Morning at 8:30 O'clock We Place at Your Disposal Our En tire Stock of Ladies' High Grade Exclusive Wearing Apparel, in Our ANNUAL CLEARANC It's our annual clearance sale of our entire high class stock embracing all our fine tailored Coats, Suits, Dresses, etc. "Special Sales" in this store get more rare each year. Our exclusive styles and high quality goods naturally create a big enough demand without the necessity of weekly "special sales" so common with many stores. The name of Julius Orkin in the ladies' apparel business means the same as "sterling on silverware." It stands for quality, style, and comprehensiveness of selection. When we announce a sale you know that there are absolutely no fic titious values quoted that every garment and price will be EXACTLY AS ADVERTISED. We have made our profits, and are willing to take a loss now in order to clean-up the balance of our stock quickly. 'Tomorrow morning you can buy any garment in this store at EXACTLY HALF PRI w Si LADIES' SUITS S17.50 TAILOllKIl SUITS d o 7C Clearance Sale Price M OtJ $19.50 TA1LOHKI) SUITS q Clearance Sale Price P O $22.50 TAiiom-M) suits t1 1 OK Clent'iinco Sale Price pJLl 25.00 TAILORED SUITS $19 f-k Clearance Halo Price J LiDj $29.75 TAILORED SUITS t -1 A q (- Clearance Sale Prlro .vP Itt.OO $35.00 TAILORED SUITS $17 f- f Clenraiice Sale Price P 0J S39.50 TAILORED SUITS M Q 7C Clearance Sale Price 4 SlU J 845.00 TAILORED SUITS ri.99 r- Clenranco Sale Price pZtiJJ $49.50 TAILORED SUITS fcOf 7C r Clearance Sale Price ipit-t I O $55.00 TAILORED SUITS d97 CA Clearance Sale Price -. . . .P" I sJJ $59.50 TAILORED SUITS Ann 7C- Clenraiico Sale Price ipiS I O $65.00 TAILORED SUITS (on r-fv Clenranco Sale Price pO3U $69.50 TAILORED SUITS J0 7C Clearance Sale Price POt, O $75.00 TAILORED SUITS 7 Cf Clearance Sale Prlro PO JU $79.50 TAILORED SUITS jOQ 7C Clearance Sale Prlco J)OI. I 5 LADIES' COATS $10.00 TAILORED COATS rf. f- Afl Clearance Sale Prlco .ip O.UU $12.50 TAILORED COATS (t (J OK Clearanco Sale Price tj) Oc3 $15.00 TAILORED COATS A n pa Clearanco Sale Price p OU $17.50 TAILORED COATS j O JC Clearanco Sale Price ij O O $19.50 TAILORED COATS h q 17 j- Clenranco Sale Prlco J) t7. O $22.50 TAILORED COATS J j -t nf Clenranco Sale Price pJL X $25.00 TAILORED COATS (J 1 O CA Clearance Snle Price P 1 .OU $29.75 TAILORED COATS &1 A K Clearance Snle Prlco J) 1 TTiOO $35.00 TAILORED COATS (t.17 gA Clearanco Sale Price. J 1 uU $39.50 TAILORED COATS MQ7C Clenranco Sale Price PJL70 $45.00 TAILORED COATS (fcOO CA ' Clearanco Sale Price pifJt $49.50 TAILORED COATS bot 7C Clenranco Sale Prlco J)" ' J $55.00 TAILORED COATS $97 gA Clearanco Sale Prlco 4 f Dkt $59.50 TAILORED COATS (tOQ 7C Clearance Sale Price piJ I O $65.00 TAILORED COATS (fcOO PA Clearanco Sale Price (pJibiOU LADIES' DRESSES $ 7.50 TAILORED DRESSES d O 7C Clenranco Salo Price. . -....P 0l O $ 8.50 TAILORED DRESSES tf JOE Clearance Sale Price" P Titlu $10.00 TAILORED DRESSES rf; r- fyc Clearance Sale Price P UvU $12.50 TAILORED DRESSES ( fi OC Clearanco Sale Price P 00 $15.00 TAILORED DRESSES d 7 En Clearance Snlo Price ij) I DU. $17.50 TAILORED DRESSES d Q 7C Clearance Sale Price ip O 0 O $19.50 TAIIiORED DRESSES J Q 7C Clearanco Sale Price i) 70 $22.50 TAILORED DRESSES 1 q f- Clearnilco Sale Prlco ipll ,dtO $25.00 TAILORED DRESSES rt ty fn Clearance Sale Price P X OU $29.75 TAILORED DRESSES d n a o E Clenranco Sale Price $1450 $35.00 TAILORED DRESSES d 1 7 Ef Clearance Snle Price J)X .OU $45.00 TAILORED DRESSES rfrr r-A .Clearance Snle Price &i,0J $49.50 TAILORED DRESSES d0J nV Clearance Sale Price Jpffr. O $55.00 TAILORED DRESSES &0"7 Cf Clearance Snle I Vice $i.OU $59.50 TAILORED DRESSES Ann 1-7 r Clearance Salo Price tpssV. O PLEASE REMEMBER that the prices quoted above mean just exactly what they say-overy.garment mentioned above is a bonai fide value at the regular price, and that the reductions ARE GENUINE Sale start promptly at 8:30 Friday morning The selling prices we quote are in a great many cases much less than the cost pnees. It's the bargain event of the season. i . Delta UpBilon Banquet. Tho Delta Upsllon fraternity wilt hold Its annual Christmas banquet Friday evonlng at tho Unlvorslty club. Most of tho fraternity turn arc from tho' Amea and Nebraska unUcrslty chapters. Amonu those who will bo present Friday evening arc: Messrs. a. M. Tunlxon, Wilbur Jones, n. w. iniif. C. U Hcffiipr. Frank Anderson, F. K. Cox. J. A. Giimlson, V. H. St. Clnlre, 1 4. M. KeUon. J. W. Ilnttln. Messrs. . U. Findley. Arthur JoneH. II. A. UnUlrcKo. IC. II. IlaKensIck, K. M. Hcffncr. H. A. McNown, Leslie Welch j William Wentworth, O. 1. Cohan. Donald Mnttson. Tango Party. Mrs. John Campbell and Mrs. Carl Helyea gave a tanjw party at Mi. 8. It. Norton's acadonty Heventeenth and Doduo streets, followed by a Chinese dinner at Wroth's cafe. Toblo decorations were centerpieces of poinsetlas and narcissus. Quests were: Mesdames A. B. Hlnterlonv, J. 11. Llndsey, N. M. Ilassett, S. It, Norton. Misses Marlon Baasett. Entre No-- Club Entertained. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Norton will enter tain tho Kntro Nous club nt a taneo party Friday cvcnlnc. After tho party tlve membern and their husbands will bo entertained at dinner nt the Hotel Homo. Mesdames II. W. Miller. II. II. Jones, C. D. Macenzle. C C. Johnson. Misses Norma Cook. Gertrude Miller, Family Dianer, Tarty. Mr. and "Mrs. 3, V. KaU entertain a fatally dinner party on Christmas day. Tho out-of-town guests will be Mrs. I J. litrzos and Mla Fay Henos of Lincoln ad Ml Rom Wolfacr X i'eoria, UL Bridge Party. Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Goodrich will enter tain Wednesday evening, at a bridge Party at their home for Miss Louise Sptckel of Kansas City.' 'The 'guests will be. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. tt K. Ton ell Mr. and Mrs. a. Perkins. Mr and Mrs. P. A, Themansen. Misses- Mlsse Marguret Davis I-iulse Splckel. Messrs- Messrs fted eybold. Karl Hancy. Jriilgc luncheon at Loyal. Mrs. Morris Ivy nnd Mrs. William U Holxman have Issued Invitations for a bridge luncheon to be given Tuesday, January S al the Hotel Loyal. Mrs. Katz Entertains. Mrs. Samuel Knts entertained In formally at her homo Tuesday for a few friends. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mrs. TUittsel Harrison and daughter, Mrs. Harry Williams, unit llttlo daughter, Burvlller. have airlvcd from Chicago and are having a family reunion at tho homo of Mrs. Alvln Maunder. Mtss Fay Hcrxog is upending a week at tho homo of Mrs. i?amucl Kati. Miss Herzog Is a contralto singer of Lincoln. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred a. Baker of Chicago arrived Wednesday to upend the holidays with Mr. Baker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Baker. Mr. and Mrs, llowurd McMonlce of Lyons arrived Tuesday to spend tho holi days with Mrs. MoSlonles' parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Terry of Mar shalltowu, la., arrived Tuesday to spend the holidays with Mrs. Perry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Itaney. Miss lluth Sheldon, who was a gradu ate of the Omaha High school, 1910, and the University of Nebraska's normal physical training course, now phystvul director of the Young Women's Christian association at Nashville, Tenn., Is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sheldon, Emmet street, during the holldayH. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ounlock of Chi cago arrived Wednesday to bo tho guests of Mrs. Qunlock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murphy. Miss Uoldle Murphy, who spent the past two months In Chi cago, returned with them. Singers at Municipal Christmas Tree Wli ii mj 1 JtggfJsl tWmtS-mmtm asiBt ... mm i n ass M Mini n . MRS. DOUGLAS WKLPTON. CON MAN LEAVES TOWN UNDER SUSPENDED SENTENCE Considerable controversy arose In police court at the trial of Frank Sullivan. S12 North Sixteenth street, a con man, familiar to the police department, whloh decided to nip any contemplated Christ mas activities In tho bud by getting him out of town or by Incarceration. Judg Altstudt gave Sullivan ninety days nnd suspended sentence. Prosecutor Anheuser and Chief Detective Maloney agreed to allow Sullivan to bo placed on a train for Kansas City, but If he returns his nlnoty-day sentence will hang over his bead. OCKAJT TIIAVEI,. Hi NINETY DAYS IN JAIL FOR NONSUPPORT OF FAMILY John Glenn, a negro, was sentenced to ninety days by Judge Altstudt for non support of his family, Glenn abandoned his wife six months ago to go to Salt Iiko City and he only sent her J-15 or the support of her two children 'during that time. Friday l.e returned and dc-. elded to live off his w'fe, who has been making a fairly remunerate vc living. She j objected, and so did the Judge to the , extent of ninety days j Y.M.O.'A.WillKeep Open House All Day Long on New Year's The Young Men's Christian association will obkervo open house on Ncw-Yeur's night from T.30 to 10:30 o'clock. This Is a custom which has been followed for a grout many years, long before the presont building was occupied and sevoral thou vund people attend each year. Many of the dormitory men on the fourth and fifth floors will have their rooms open to receive friends and guests. Refreshments will be served. Tho edu cational floors will de dbcorated and various activities carried on. Continuous programs will be presented In the audi torium In the boys' department, while the gymnasium and swimming pool will run a continuous performance. The board of directors will receive the Jieople In the spacious lobby of tho building and the newly organised Young Men's Christian association band will furnish music for the evening, All citi zens of Omaha huve been urged to attend. WOMAN OFFERS CHANCE TO RAISE FUND FOR CHARITY Persons who have parcel post stamps and wish to aid the poor are offered an opportunity by a woman reader of The Bee. She offers to buy all such stamps, wh'ch some day may be of Increased value If the stamps are sent to The Bee office and the proceeds of the sales are defated to charity. Any person who wishes to co-operate with this reader In helping the needy may send the stamps to The Bee office and their value when received from the stamp collector will be turned over to a charity organization. $1.08 each for Home Builders' Guaranteed Preferred Shares until Jan. 1, when the price of these shares will ad vance as determined by surplus. Be wise and invest in these shares now. Remember Home Builders does not speculate. American Securit' Co., fiscal agents for Home Builders' Songlss k 17th St., Omaha, Ksb, Xol llpyonil ".!. u t S7. Sleep-disturbing bladder weakness. Stiffness In joints, weak, Inactive kid ney action and rheumatic pains, are all evidence of kidney trouble. Mrs. Mary A. Dean. IT K. Walnut St.. Taunton. Mass., writes: "I have passed my S7th birthday, and thought I was beyond the reach of medicine, but Foley Kidney Pills have proved most beneficial In my' case of kidney and bladder trouble." Elderly people will find Foley Kidney Pills both tonlo and strengthening, and may be sure they contain no harmful ' drugs. For sale by all dealers ever'-! where. Advertisement. Plan Book is now ready. Be sure to get a copy right away. It tells the building story and tells it well. BERMUDA 48 Hours Frost to Flowers l,1?h.B3!4,2vW-la". ,ala: "nermud... io' in rn 1 ,countrir tor a man to l?.8- i Th0,uep peace and quiet "f tUa place sink into one's body anil n.e V?d K.tv.es ,,,s confidence a i ,i Magnificent Hteamera and palatial Hotels all .Summer nports golf, tennis, unrivalled, boating, bathing and fishing average tem perature ,0 degrees. Go In January when special rates prevail," Sailing Evsry Tfvefc. Tickets Jn'cr vtiangeable. Special rates ;or January. S. S. Caribbean and Arcadian (Arcadian Beginning Jan. 10, Booking Now.) The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Sanderson & Bon, Gen. ARts. 1C So. La Salle St.. Chicago. S. S. Bermudian Quebec S. S. Co., Ltd. Agts., A. 15. Outcrbrlilge & Co., ") Broadway. N. Y --or Booklets apply to atjove S. S. Oo's or any Ticket Agent. ii ii I Si IK- -- SAILINGS Every Saturday II Ml h. HYork jainitxrt Gilt raw Iran NnU VflDV It ..mn. riM a, -mi.hm ,.n. -, ... worM'a hti, mdan. mmi m UlUtt txin down (h. Kiurt Hw. without ikun t tin, tnirtoM New. Laree. Modem. Twin-Screw Steamers Cttmeronlc California, CeJcdonla, Colombia TUSCAMA, 14,000 tons, (Building) , nil-4 with WMm. T-Jttrwhy ul Ug. Km7 Cn-rtm Rw,, UnnxM Bimklac Rooou, Orr hr.tr m. Octurpatutl Third Clm FuBf FumlihaJ-Low Ritis tiacu(arawitJcitlM and (ubIIIm f 1. 4 ud C pcnaoi. RECORD PA80AQE 8 DAYS, IS HOURS Mediterranean Service from New York First Cabin Passage to Raples SCO -and up. Third Class at Very Low Bates. AncKse Lin Draft Payatlt fr of Chars r Book ( Tin. Ku, tc, pplr ta iOBRSON DBOTHB. 0.n'IAEnl. U W. Randolph CI., O. C.Cor. Oaarbornrcklot. Or Loaal Asanta Ovarywhtra The rerslstent una umcious Uio All high grade furs ar priced at aCUOK X.XS3 THAN BHQUIi&K at oar Friday, Saturday and Monday aals. The House of Menagli The Bsatls woman's Stors. WINTER CRUISES ITALY & EGYrT PANAMA CANAL THE RIVIE.tA (VEST INDIES Qlora ur? Alglsr, S0U1B AMERICA Largest Steamers Newest Stsamsrs in tho Trads to the Troplos "Adriatic" "Laurentic" "Celtic" "Meg antic" JANUARY 10 p JANUARY 3 1 JAMUAnY24 1 HEDRUARY2I PEB. II MAR. 1 MARCH 7 MAR 4 A PL. 4 TTHTTH STAJK UBTZ OTTXCEi X. C SBOinr a. s. cox. xeaUUsoa ud 1 8jOU ittau. CHlonro. nr locasl avrstj