Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1913, Image 1

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    Live One's Monologue:
"I should worry because my
sleepy competitor docs not know
enough to advertise."
The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Colder
VOL. XLIll NO. liiS.
Eighty Persons Killed in Crush at
Christmas Celebration at
Calumet, Mich.
Pressing Forward to Get Presents
as Alarm is Given.
.Wcapers Thrown to Floor and Those
Behind Try to Climb Over.
Rush of People So Great No More
of Them Can Escape.
Copper Mine Striker Giving Ercnt
lu Italian Hall When Acci
dent Cnascd by 15 nn
Telling of Flume.
CALUMET. Midi.. Doc. 24. Four score
persons, mostly children, were killed to
night at a Christmas celebration held by
copper mine strikers In Italian hall be
cause of a .needless panic caused by a
falsa ularm 01 fire. "
While several hundred miners and'thefr
'iWtrctf-ltakca -on and scores of.. children
pressed cWgcrly towards tlio stage to re
ceive Christmas: presents, a man stuck
Ms head iti at the- door of the hall and
yelled "FlreJ"
Tho cry was taken at once- by tlioso
In tho hall. Every one sprang up and
started for the doors. The weaker per
sons were thrown to the floor and thosa
liehlnd tried to climb over tho human
In a few minutes Uie panic was
.lopped by the fact that tho stairway
rind the, other avenues of egress wero
blocked so cffcctuully that thoso Insldo
could not get out and those without
could not get in to aid tho maimed and
remove tho dead.
The alarm was spread outsldo the hall
by a few personH who had been near tho
door and escaped unhurt. A crowd soon
assembled and tho work of clearing tho
hall wan begun.
Corpse 1'lled Up.
The only regular exit waB a narrow
Htalrway at the back of tho hall. When
this had been cleared of the bodies that
filled It to tho top and a (Julck account
ing had been mude, It was found that
Koventy-four corpses had been piled up
beside the hall building. It was thought
that probably a dozen moro had been
carried away by friends.
The dead included thirty-seven girls,
nineteen boys, thirteen women and five
men. The excited relatives stood about
the building, some dazed by tho sudden
. change from holiday festivities to tiug
cdy, others calling hysterically for a
missing child and a few even threatening
violence to the rescuers for keeping them
back from tho long row ot bodies.
There was not much work for the
many doctors who hurried to the scene
as soon as tho alarm was spread, for
those who were not killed In tho first
rush were held upright and saro by very
force of tho onrush toward theexlt.
Few InJurMl,
Only threo injured portions were taken
to hospitals and a few went homo with
tho assistance of friends.
For many days tho children of the cop
per mine strikers had waited anxiously
for tho freo Christmas tree exercises that
had been arranged by the woman's aux
iliary of tho Western Federation of
(Continued on rage Two.)
Founder of Woodmen of World Said
to Be Losing.
Telegram Annonnurs Ueclhiri niid
that Erorr 'SyinplVm Is ntnZ:
orabfe Apprehension
At llcndiianrters.
Joseph. Cullen Ttoot, , sovereign ' com
mander of tho Woodmen of tho World
has liatl a turn for tho worse and his
condition now gives friends and relatives
tho gravest concern.
A telegram camo from Hendersonvllle,
Is. C, whero Mr. ltoot Is lying III, an
nouncing all symptoms discouraging and
that "he Is growing weaker."
Ills son, Alonzo I. Root, is with him,
and associates from the "Woodmen head
quarters may hasten south upon word
from tho younger Mr. ltoot at any time.
Apprehension Is written on every f'uee
In the great offices of the order founded
by Joseph Cullen Hoot at tho headquar
ters in tho Woodmen of the World, bulla-Inc.
Corporation Members of Combina
tion Must Pay Half Million
Into State Treasury.
It is Suspended Conditioned on
Payment of Fines.
This Penalty is Assessed Against
Corporations of Other States.
Price Fixed by Agreement, Untpnt
Curtailed anil lletullcr "Who Ite
f mcd to Conform to "Trade
Udilcs" lllacklliitcil.
Around Omaha's MunjlcuTaTChnstmurasEc CITIES OBSERVE THE EVE
Norwegian Ship is
Aground in North;
Wireless Gall for Aid
LONDON, Dec. 24. Tho first wireless
call for help ever received from tho Arc
tla clrclo Is told about In the Yorkshire
Observer today.
"Bergen Is working S. O. S. Walt and
listen," (ho paper elates was the mca
sago which went the rounds of Europe's
wireless stations at 1 o'clock Tuesday
morning. All did as .requested and the
fuct was then established that tho Nor
wegian steamship Kagnvald Jarl had gone
ashore on the lofodcn Island, 000 miles
north of Bergen, Norway. This Is doublo
tho working distance of the ship and
to enables Bergen to commuplcate, all
stations were asked to close down so
that the faint signals might bo read. No
more definite news ot tho accident has
yet come.
Missouri supremo court today issued a
decree of ouster against several wholesale
lumber companies. Tho supremo court
suspended Its decrco ot ouslor against
tha twenty companies named on condition
that they pay tho fines Imposed and
hereafter conform to the anti-trust laws
of tho state.
The fines aggrcgato $130,000. In addi
tion to, tho suspended- .mister -decrees 'is- r
sued against tho twenty companies, tho
licenses of four other companies not in
corporated In Missouri were, revolted and
ifnos imposed. .
The ouster decree, but suspended, ap
plied io the following companies, which
also are fined Iho amounts Indicated:
Alf Bohnott Lumber company $14,000
Bowman-Hicks Lumber compuny.... 10,000
Bradley Lumber company &0.000
Calcasieu Long Leaf Lumber t'o... GO.OOO
Colonlan Lumbor and Timber Co... 10,000
Central Coal and Coke company.. 60.000
C J. Carter Lumber coin nan v r.nM
Dlxio Lumber company fi.000
.Foster Lumber company 6,000
Oeo. W. Miles Timber & Lumber Co. 1,000
Grayuon-McLeod Lumber company. 60,000
llogg-llarrls Lumber compuny 6,000
Lcldlgh-Huvcn.i Lumber company.. 6,000
Long-Bell Lumber company 60,000
Lewis Werner, Saw Mill company.. 6,000
Lutkln Laud and Lumber company. 8,001
Mo. Land fc Lumber Uxchango Co.. 0,000
Missouri Lumber & Mining Co 60,000
Tho Ozan Lumber company 6,000
Van Cleave Lumber company 6,000
The decreo of tho court "was issued In
accordance with tho recommendation of
a special commissioner, who, after taking
" ASS ss
mi j
Munioipal Christmas Trees Features
of Night Before.
Money Lender Will
Burn Half Million in
Notes if Pardoned
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Thursday;
For Omaha. Council Blutfs and Vicinity
-Fair and colder Thursday.
TemnernturR at Omaha Yesterday.
i: m 31
1 p. m 31
2 p. m 31
3 p. m 31
4 P. in .....SO
o p. m 39
6 p. m w
7 p. m Si
Comparative Local Ilrcord.
1U13. 1S12. 1911. 1910.
Highest yesterday 11 H 31 M
lowest yesterday S Si 19 is
'Mean temperature 27 41 36 16
precipitation 02 .00 .00 .09
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature j
i ALBANY. N Y., Dec. H.-Friends. re.
. j latlves, former employes and attorneys
j of I). II. Tolman, convicted money lende-,
' now serving six months' nentfnen on
, Hart's Island, besieged the executive
chamber here- today to solicit a Chrlfctmus
paidon for him.
Tim Kovtrnor iald he would grant an
Interview late In the day. Tolman's at
torneys brought $600,000 in notes with
them to the capitol and offered to burn
them In tho executive chamber If a par
don were Granted. Inquiry by tho gov
ernor nrnvftl that wlitln thft nnf wnnfil
1 a', m'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.lso I oe burned, Tolman would reserve th-3
riKni io suo on pan oi mem.
6 a. in
i" a. m
7 a. in
8 a. m
9 a. in
Boost Yates for
Federal Reserve
Banking Board
The name of Henry W. Yates of
Omaha Is to be presented to the' presi
dent for appointment to a place on the
federul reserve board that will hate
:xceHs for the day , s contra, of the new ourrenay ami banking
mal precipitation unneii
il rainfall tilnce March l..,.U.K Inches I the
clenty since Marrh 1 . . "i :r? inc hes 1 1 y
cle. y forcer, period, 1912 4 11 imh's I .
ciency for cor. period. 1311.1163 Inches l,nS
' ' ' ' '
11HIWB " TWmTf "TTHnl TT1TM -Tlin nlTiilWwT ' K l:'Ja2ZZmm
ohrigo t,vo.) nmxavmimm. imm'wxsmum., . i rcontimi-rn
Hrrn Anlntal Arc Xot OTcrlookril,
HiiiiKr)- Ilnrnm Kril anil Dor
In 1'iiinil iol Uonlile I'or
tlon In IC. O,
CIUcAao, Dec. S4.-ChlcnBo'a first
municipal Christmas festival whs hold In
Grant park tonight, when thousatftls of
children and other citizens vlowod tho
soventy-fivo-foot ChrtntmiiH tree, listened
to slurs of grand opera who sang classics
through megaphones, to tho full chorus
of the CIiIiiro Grand Opera comtxYiiy and
to speeches by Mayor Harrison and
An oddity of atmospheric conditions
permitted tho testing Of tho effect ot
Grant park Illuminations, for during three
hours of tho forenoon and ono hour in
tho nftcrnoon fog uml smokn plunged tho
city Into tho darkness ot midnight. Tho
r.b.iiiurlty wbh so lntetiso that electric
advertising signs worked overtime from
tho curly advent of the first shopper un
til tho last belated gift had been bought.
A frivolous statement was made and
credited" to tho weather man that Hanta
Clauu was twice deceived by tho murky
pall and mado falso starts on hla Yulctido
None Xcnl Ho IHnnerlr.
Tho gloom was not regarded as Indi
cative of tho Christmas program In this
city. It was said that no family hero
needed go without a Chrlstrhus dinner
and lit least a touch ot tho luxury of the
day. owing to abundant preparation by
tho churches, charltablb organisation,
societies and "big brothers'' generally.
, Random oxumples of tho abundant pro
visions imado werp.t when th,Q cour,ty
agent gave out. J.000 Christinas baskets
lnthovcstfllde. stums nnd hadjUlOQ bus
kct;ni6ro for distribution terno'rdwTh'e
Esther KiUkensteln settlement distributed
300' buketn ana will regalo 3.W0 children
ut dlntifir tomorr6w.
Amohg the first whoso attention was
tailed to the day were wealthy residents
of north sldo suburbs. It is the custom
ot many of these men who motor from
tholr offices to their homes to distribute
tips tunning us high us $5 to policemen
whom they meet every day of thfc year.
Bolween tho city and Evatiston a mo
tbrlst ordinarily meets five policemen,
bu tthls, ovculng-aud It Is n.ultc tt umal
occtirrcnfo at this season the puthway
was particularly well guarded.
Cop Abound.
One millionaire whom the Incident pro
vides with merriment every year said
Unit he counted eighteen of them on his
way home. Tho Christmas tips ot one
vnrmal nreclPltatlon 03 Inch ln continuous senile in tlilj elt . and
Total rainfall ulnce March Inches I the Lelegram endorsing him Is rlrnod
! ' ?.T?r"'W w i 2 .S" 'y ' Pwu'drnu of all the other lead-
jwiciencv for cori period. 1311.1163 lnchefiJ,nB lc1 hank.
Alleged.Train Robber
Identified; May Be
Sought by Omahans
PAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Dec. 2t.-Jolm
Bostlck, a young machinist, who was
pointed out to the police youterduy by
two victims of the holdup of the Hunwit
Limited near Los Angeles on Deeembiir
1. as the man who went through their
car and shot dead II. K. Montague, .a
traveling passenger agent of the tioiitli
ern fucif'c. n formally book ml on a
ei-uS: of mn dr uxljy
When arrested BostU-k carried a watch
belonging to one t the bmUmni on
llir t l 'nu .1 tU 'ii r i ill ng
for au unset diamond, which wmi traced talis about iiim C9uld
down today and positively identified by
tho Jeweler who sold It us the stono that
waa In the engagement ring of Mrs.
Arthur Colen, who with her husbund,
was returning from a honeymoon trip
through tho east when tho robbery oc
curred. Jt was Mrs. Colon and her husband
who brought about 'Kostlok's arrest. They
wore riding on a street car watohing the
holiday crowds, when Colon suddenly
culled bis wUo's attention to a familiar
faco In the strvul. Living the car
hurriedly tliey trailed their suxpwct rWr
two blocks and then dulled neHcenum
lu niak the urreat llottluk offered nw
ruHisViH1-' ,
A mcHtugo va tent . i.u .. ihc locui
li ntlit r : ' t'.oj: w.i-l iii, 11 ionic
be looked up.
It Is thought by tho Omaha detectives
that he was Implicated In the , train
holdup at Council Blutfs on November ti.
Sebastian Leaves
the Rock Island
CHICAGO, Doc. St. The resignation of
John SehuMlan as third vice president
of ihc ItocK IsIuimI lines, riort8 of which
were conllriimd today, will booomo ef
fecflvu Janiiry
Mr. otf utifcii, 1uj la among the beht
iiimi IM" country, is
and retires b uiisc vt
An curh .umouncei.ictu
is expected,
I r
r I ai. i
yier-. o' atr
h 1 1 ''i h 't
Five Firemen Are
. -Seriously Burned
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24,-Flve firemen
were seriously Injured, though not futally
In an etrly morning flro which burned
out u E and 10-ccnt 'store, with a loss of
$100,000, fully Insured, and threatened an
entire block In tho downtown business
section. Tliu firemen were burled In tho
wreckage when burning floors collopsed,
but were rescued by their comrades aftc.
four of them had been given up for lott.
Of ll U-
Leather Common Hani Dividend.
NEW YORK, Dec. :3.-t'he Central
Leather cotnuauy declared today a dvj
li:U f $' u share on its HO.CXUOO com.
.lien rto-t.' Hit llritt dhldond dci lored on
tti' I'uiiinioK stock since the compuny
wan vreaulzcd la lrAv.
Throngs Gather in the Court
House Square to Assist in
the Celebration,
Ak'Sav-Bcn Colors Are Used in Car
rying Out the Color Scheme.
Hundreds Sing Story of Nativity
of the Savior.
Many Visit the Beautiful Struoture
for the First Time.
Ml IIihm' (Joncrlvr the l'lnn nnrt
I Ably IMeil liy John Lynch,
t tittlrniitit of the County
Co in in I nn I ti n cm.
TliousfJids aatliciod in tho big court In
front of tlo court houso last evening to
wltnets tho lighting of tho giant muni
cipal Chrlftmuu tree, and to hear tho
story o,f the Nativity in song and speech.
The Ideu wus worKed out wltltou a flaw.
?xccuiutvAUi'e.OK!Uioiu.waii a little
cold. And tho linmertH?TJTT)iwd-wiis foroed
tokejp'Mu.tln'TiTiOVc to Weep warm ahd
part of the pt-ofetam was carried out on
tho Ihsldo of tho court house. Hundred
of little1 jolccs joined JM Bliiglng the
BaVlor. Jfiuvlor. itaol taol ctaololn aoln
While hundreds huvc Joined In making
tho ihuulclpal tro6 celebration' a success
tho Idcu was Viral conceived for Omaha
by Ml Cuniiillta Chase, daughter of
Clement Chose. After talking it over
with her parents Mbta Chase decided that
tho court house Htiuore would bo the
proper placo for the raising of the tree,
fch thall veht to John C. Lynch, chair
man 'of tho Board of County Commis
sioners, who immediately felt in with the
iden anil offered nil possible assistance,
con to helping In raining tho funds for
paying for tho tree. Ho offered to raise
halt the money If .Miss Chase would rnlso
tho other half. Tills waa carried out at
planned and an order given u commis
sion firm to secuio the tree. A special
order wns sent to tho nortlt woods and a
tree which cost $150 was secured. Tho
electric light company placed tho tree
and Installed all tho lights without cost
to tho promoters.
The tree wns lavishly decorated with
green und red lights.
Following was tho musical program for
tho 'celebration:
FIvo minutes of 8, church bells all over
tho city rung out. '
l'ublv school children sang Christmas
carols, S o clock.
City missions children sang Christmas
liana. "Dolorosa." poemc d' amour.
t'nltcd I'nsbyterlau choir, two Christ
ma anthems, leader. Walter T. Graham.
Band, overture, "From Dawn to Twi
light." People, led by Mr. Carnal and band,
"O, Little Town of Bethlehem."
Band, intermezzo, "Tho Wedding ot the
Ho re nn Catholic choirs, "Adesto Fl
Cells," "God pf Might." led by Mr. Ker
sey. Band, volse. "Kternelle Iveresses."
(Continued on Puge Two.) '
The Real Pleasure
of Christmas
The spirit of Christmas (a
abroad in the land.
"Peaco on earth, good-will
to men" relgnu wherever raea
are guided by tho beautiful
story of the Nativity.
Today every ono rests from
the busy weeks of shopping and
preparation, und uurrendera to
the plcBsureB of Christmas.
The Dee hopes that tho ex
citing "before Christmas" days
were mude more comfortable,
and Christmas shopping moro
enjoyable for everyone by the
unusual service rendered the
public by its. advertisers.
Never before were advertise
ments more repleto with sug
gestions, helps and Christmas
like spirit than in the present
season. '
Tho Dee is glad if. through,
its advertising, shopping was
made easier and more effective,
remembrances were chosen
with better Judgment, and
Christmas day approached with
a finer feeling of peace and
good will.
A very merry Christmas, in
deed to everyone, everywhere.