HIE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1913. 12 LANE FAVORS CONSERVATION Present Policy, He Says, Has Effect of Preventing Monopoly. IT AISO STOPS DEVELOPMENT Secretary uf Interior Adornte nrnndrr "chcm; hnt "Will I?n cnnrnRt Knterprlw nml Improvement. WASHINGTON. Dec. a-W'llh bold strokes Kmnklln K. Imw. secretary of , the Interior, today outlined In his an " nual rfort to the president n b-ond pol icy In the conservntlon of the vast natu- ! rM resource of tho t'nltcd States which , yt lie within the regulatory powers of ( the government, and pointea to me im-1 portant results that may be achieved tbrough the development of these re sources under proper supervision. fornpnratlvrty. the report Is brief. It likewise Is wholly tinl(iue. In that It con tains not a slnplci recommendation. Sup-1 (cestlons for action, which Secretary Lane ntieives emphatically li what the coun- i tiv dcslrrs and needs, are numerous; but be prefers to propose Kcncrnl policies to tho making of flat recommendations. Tro notable and Interesting predictions are indicated rather than made In the Tep.irt. One Is that, tho time Is not fur , i-istsnt when coal of too low a grade "to' stand ttorago or transportation will b . converted Into electricity at the mouth of the mines and widely distributed for imhtlnc. heat and power;" the other, j that the gigantic force now wasting It nlf In the rivers of tho country will be no controlled by dams as to provide heat, ' llisht and power to the people and that within a generation I bellvo the people will be ns alive to the value of public ownership of nydro-Mrctrlc power plants I i they are today to munlclpally-owned ! vatcr works." (Inentloti of Oenrrnl roller. , In tho opening lines of the report Fec tetary Lane take up a serious situation ' which obtains In a great section of the i ountry. "There exists a frc'.InK In the west.' says he. "that Its affairs and needs have not been given that consideration ! nt the hands of the national government which It merits. This feeling Is not urflncd to speculators or exploiters. It Is tho sentiment of many who are with out selfish motive nnd regard tho mat ter wholly from the standpoint of na tional growth. 'There Is one very simple explanation for the existence of this feeling. We have adventuicd upon a now policy of administering our affairs nml have not developed adequate- machinery. Wo have called a holt on methods of spoliation which existed, to the great benefit of many, but wo have failed to substitute methods, sane, healthful "ttfid progressive, by which tlc normal enterprise of an ambitious people can mako full use of their own resources. We abruptly closed opportunities to the monopolist, but did not open them to the developer.'' Criticism I.nnil Policy. The land policy put Into force, he says, "caused dismay and discontent." Tho congress had boon most generous In Its disposition of tho publla lands. They wcro given to the railroads and to tho slates. To classify them was too diffi cult a task. "They would classify them selves when they arrived In Individual ownership, And so (ho door was opened for monopoly and for fraud." "If tho government did not appreciate tho Invaluable naturo nt Its assets there were men who did. Tho nation wanted home makers, hut found Its lands drift ing Into tho hands of corporations, which wero withdrawing them from the market. A reaction wan Inevitable. If lands were to bo withdrawn from public serv ice, why might not the government do the withdrawing ItselfT" A new policy was evolved, the secre tary points out, that of using the land or the purpose to which It Is best fitted. "To this policy," he says, "I bo lleve the west Is now reconciled. Tho west no longer urges a return to the hatarda of the 'land Js land' policy. Hut it doe ask action. Already the con gress has recognized the npposltcncss of .this policy, but It Is for yourself and (congress further to extend this' thought Into our legislation. Iutnre of Alaska, "The largest body of unused and neg lected land In tho United mates Is Alaska." In the forty-alx years Inter vening since Its purchase, "we have given it little more than the most casual concern, yet Its mines, fisheries and furs alone have added to our wealth tho grand sum of $500,000,000." For almost a gener ation It waa the rich harvest field of a slnglo company. Individual fortunes have been made In that country larger than the price paid. to "Russia for the whvlo territory. It has been estimated that there are 50,000,000 acres of this land that will make homes for a people as sturdy us those of New England. Whether this. Is so or not. It would appear that Alaska can be made self-sustaining agri culturally. "This vast and unsurpassed asset lies almost undeveloped. A territory ono-tlfth the stio of tho United States, contains less than l.COO miles of anything that can be called a wagon road." This, "unfortunate condition," In See letary Lane's Judgment, Is not duo to the Inhospltallty of tho Alaaka climate." Ixrcausc "wroo of southeastern Alaska has a climate more temperato and more equablo than that of the city of Wash lrgton. while much of the greater por tion of the north has a kindlier climate than Stockholm or St. IVstersburg. Thero Is more railroad building wtt miles nortn it the Canadian border than there Is for he uuiib distance south of It. "Why has not this land been developed The frank answer Is that we did not realize until within a few years that It waa worth developing. Aa toon as we discovered Us value aa & notional as pet we- became alarmed and drew back, affrighted at the thought that we mtgh'. lose It, or at least that it would become the property of those who would ex ploit I' without respect to the public In terest 'We have withdrawn Alaska from tho too aggressive and self-serving ex RUPTURE Made stronc and II tn a few days IKout a surgical irat!on or losa of vine. Our work U guaranteed. Call or write for particulars. th. Wray fc Main ar. Its Be U14S-. YOUR JJ2USS AWAY m 1 VI Ebonized at $3.00 Work at $1.00 Collar at 75c Men's Velvet Four-In-Hand Ties, at $1.00 Silk Handker chiefs, at . 50c Men's Silk Hose, at $2.00 Men's Dress Coat Style Shirts ... $5.00 Men's John B. Stotson Hats $2.50 Men's Hats, all kinds . $4.00 Boys' sale price $7.50 straps plotter. What have we to substitute as safer servant of publlo Interest? To this question I have Riven much thought, and. my "conclusion is that if wo are to bring. Alaska Into tho early and full realisation of Its possibilities we must create a; new piece of governmental ma- chlncryfor the purpose. "rte should un dertake tho work In the spirit and after the method of a great corporation wish ing to; develop a largo territory. In my Judgment the wuy to deal with the prob lem of Alaskan resources Is to establish a board, of directors to have this wont In charge. Into the hands of this board or coinnllsslon I would give all the na tional assets In that territory, to oe useu primarily, for Its Improvement-Its lands, flatteries, Indians, r;sKimo, sci. ut ests. mines, waterways, railroads all that the nation owns, cares for, controls or regulates' Congress should determine In broad cAjtllno the polities which this board In! a. liberal' discretion should elab: orate and administer, much aa Is done as to the Philippines, This board would, of course, have nothing whatsoever to do with the Infernal affairs, of the or-. ganlted territory of Alaska, for It would exercise no powers save such as congress granted over the-property of the United States In Alaska".'' I'nrposr of ttar Plan. In concluding hla reasons for the crea tion of such conservation machinery for Alaska, Secretary ' Lane says: "In short. I would construct the ad ministrative machinery-that would most surely lead' to a prompt 'and -continuous development of-Alaska, as a part of the United States upon a plane commensurate with Its possibilities, Industrially, agr iculturally and 'socially. I 'Alaska should not, In my Judgment, I be regarded aa a mem-storehouse of re- sources upon which the people of- the 'states may draw. It has the potential! ! ties of a state. And whatever policy may be adopted should took toward an Alaska of homes, of Industries, and of an ex tended commerce, ' Strongly as I would urge this method, of management for It offers' a rare op- portunlty to exhibit the efficiency of, a republic I would not have Alaska wait for needed legislation until the merits of sucb a plan could be passed upon by congress. TJiose things which uppeal to me aa of immediate necessity upon whloh Independent action may lie taken are O) the construction of railroads In the , territory and d) the opening of its coal , lands.'' Secretary Lane expresses the opinion that privately owned railroads would not be constructed la Alaska for many years, i except aa adjuncts to private enterprises. ROUND-UP SALE A SALE OF ODDS AND ENDS AFTER A MOST SUCCESSFUL AND PROSPEROUS YEAR OF BUSINESS. A SALE FOR WEDNESDAY, DEO. 23, BEGINNING AT 8:30 A. M. WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CmLDREN'S WEAR; USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL GIFTS CAN BE PURCHASED HERE AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES. COME TO S. E. CORNER 12TH AND FARNAM ST.; IT IS ONLY A SHORT DISTANCE FROM THE HIGH PRICE DISTRICT, WHERE, ON ACCOUNT OF THE ENORMOUS RENT AND OTHER EXPENSES YOU ARE OBLIGED TO PAY DEAR FOR WHAT YOU BUY. Inlaid Silver Toilet seta, Boxes, and Cuff Boxes, ...25B ...I9g ...84c $2.89 ...78c $15.00 Men's Plush Lined, Fur Collar, my black Dress Overcoats, only Sf Overcoats, sizes 3 to 16, j rtr . . il.SO W.w ana 5&.U0 Men's Heavy Wool A ir Sweator Coats in all shades, $3.98 and 3&B4D Cowhide, all leather Suit cases, i all around, full lined $1 Gold Filled Cuff buttons, guaranteed five years $5.00 Gents' and Guaranteed For lie regards it wise, therefore, for the gov. ernmcnt to undertake their . building. Government to IlalldHoads. , "The rates and service of auch railroads hould be fixed, wlth retere'nee tto Alas kan development not with regard to Im mediate returns. Tho .charges fixed should be lowr for yearsto'come 'than" would Justify private Investment." 'Alas kan railroads are tn be built, he says, to ''create a commonwealth. If this Is our task, It should be done whole-heartedly and with a consciousness that the dollar spent today on an Alaskan rail road will yield no more Immediate return on tho Investment than the dolfar spent on the Panama canal. Such railroads aa may be constructed by Individuals as feeders or tap lines of the government roads should be 'Hinder governmental supervision, capitallted' and operated under tho strictest regula tion and be at any time subject to pur chase by the government." Discussing the coal resources of Alaska, Secretary Lane declares the fields "should be opened not ' to speculators, but to operators. Those should have these lands who will use them. None should be opened as a basis for a gam ble tn future values," In his judgment they may be turned over safely to the publlo "under a' leasing and royalty sys tem similar to that under which the state of Minnesota leases Its ore lands and. the stated of Montana and Colorado their coal lands." lie adds that the money received' 'might be uaed In the develop ment of the country and that a lafge( Doay or coai iana in eacn neia or re served for the navy in time of need, Coal and Its Substitute. . Vigorous suggrstlona looking to the conservative development of the coal lands' of the west are made by Secre tary Lane. "It Is certainly not for the public In terest," the report soya, "that our coat deposits shall be opened rapidly and ruthlessly, I can not feel, however, that wo shduhl' sacrifice nriy present need for fuel or wllllntly-surrtrfdor ourselves to a demand' for exorbitant prices because of fear that ' some day the coat supply , may be exhausted. Already there has 'been developed a substitute for coal In the flowing stream. The turbine con- verts-melted snow Into heat and light. wnicn can oe aistnoutea over a con stantly widening area. I think we have now- arrived at that point In scientific. achievement which JuitiflcM the belief that the wheels of Industry will not tease, nor our houses go unllghted or un heated, so long aa dams may be built upon our ill earns. Water will be, InJeed J already Is, .the greatest conzervator uftJUsatUroctloa wlththt operation -of lhej Our 21st $6.50 Sterling Silver Manicuring Sets, at : $2.50 Nickel Plated Shaving Outfits, at $1.00 Toilet Sets, at 50c Men's Silk Four-in-Hand Ties, at nn Hjj $40.00 Men's Broadcloth, fur lined overcoats $1.00 Boys' Sweaters and Coats, at . . , $2.00 Men's Dressed and Undressed (Y7n silk, fleeced or unlined gloves, only JJf y $1.50 Leather, silk ladies' hand bags, Ladies' Gold Filled Set Signet, Ten years, choice $5.00 Gents' and Ladies' Gold Filled Silk Umbrellas, straight or ai yr collapsible for suit case, pr.. . j,, Q For the greatest bargains ever offered to thd Omaha pub lie in wearing apparel do not fail to read Friday 'Evening pap era for the greatest sale and biggest bargains ever held by any Omaha store. coal. Wo must seek "to make, use of 'our coal, the fullest use that soc!efy.srftjjul'ixs.. This principle seems a truism.' But herei lies the difficulty. We wish ch'iarvcoai and' at the same tlrp,o, , mlnjnuro , of waste. We wish society, to! tiijceP the" llon'fi atinrA rf . mfli m ,1 llon'a share of the profit and 'yleldi-noj -norp to the operator than wlir makeiMa.-pnht galnaipal'homemakerHSuch home work sufficiently attractive to keep him keaders'ndd nofhlng.to the wealfh'ofitHe at It. In short, we desire competition without waste, a' fronk impossibility. Other countries have wrestled with ,11118 problem. Some have gone Into gov ernment 'operation. But those 'who are nearest to us In Institutions nnd ten dencies have found that in a new coun try where there must be large develop ment and higher rewards for enterprise, llui safest practicable method Is to lease the land, the government taking a modest royalty and retaining some measure of control over operation." ' fiovernraent Should Own. Similar suggestions are offered as to the development of petroleum, phosphate and potash. Secretary line's Ida Is that such deposits ought to bn developed under the leasing system, as In, the case of coal, the government reserving neces sary supplies. As to oil, he says: "We should, I believe, stimulate the search for oil and protect the prospector. I feel that we are not sufficiently re warding the pioneer. A plan could read ily be evolved by whloh anyone wlshlnts .to prospects for oil on the public lands could obtain a license from the govern ment exclusively to prospect a .large tract of laid for a. period of time per haps two years-and In the event that qll la ound.ln commercial quantities 'the government should be paid a royalty fixed In advance. "The,. United States will need oil for its navy as well as coal, and probably In .Increasing quantities as the modern oil-burning or gaa-btynlng epglnea are recognised. It would bf, economical to substitute oil for coal for many reasons; to reduce labor cost, to avoid the,,bi)lld Ing and maintenance of colliers arid 'the purchase and support of coaling stations. Kngland'a adventure In this direction will presumably force other nations Into like enterprise, and yet England has no oil fields on which to draw, while we have already the largest producing fuel oil fields In the world, and others are an- pearinr. XTnder these conditions It would seem of tho highest expediency that the government maJfo . ayjh oners as will Induce' the prpvlna; bftouy lands, and" dp these proved land's . ftln sufficient to j make our ships Independent of -the World; i and aa fully competent as their rivals.' I Secretary-La he expresses frankly hla Annual $2.50 at high grade SI8.44 ..45c Sweater and leather lined Ffln sale price .'. -DUG Gold filled, engraved,, plain, oval band bracelets, guar. 10 yrs, up Engraved or Plain Ring, $1.00 Alarm Clocks or Watches, Gun Metal, Nickel or Gold Plate, sale price Zs homestead law as to the timber lands. Jle says Jhe '"homesteader."- after getting patent to thelan'd, prompUy sells It for JllOiCOO or,",0 tp.sgme lumbercompanj'. .without;, making an effort ,to -comply,' with jtheBP"rit' of the law.! ThusV.the 'govern- ment '"loses the Umber and the .land1 docs'; nation, The law should , punish them. jp lact, as rrauas. There is a remedy for this condition ot things,, and It lies n tho selling of the land and-the timber separately," , Much attention la devoted In the re port to consideration of the reclamation of arid lands. Discussion "of "the subject Is replete with interest tn the farmers who locate on tho various projects. Sec retary Lane suggests: that they be given a longer time than ten years In which to pay for their lands, because "they are genuine pioneers In a new field of work, on the success of which depends greatly the rescuing of a vast territory," Of these reclamation projects. Secretary Lane says; "'The west can use profitably and wisely Jl,C0O,a In-the next ten years to the advantage of .he whole country. If the government will place upon a - leasing basis these western resources with which We have been dealing, It can have an In creased fund for, the continuance of this work and an Increased assurance of the return of Its advances." In conclusion. Secretary ' Lane directs attention to the enormous details, all Important, which the' Interior department administers. Including care" of the In dians and Eskimos, administration of na tlojutl parks, payment of pensions, super vision "of public lands, territories and many other important woiks. SlcW Headache. Sick headache is nearly always caused by t disorder of the stomach. Correct themand, the periodic attacks of stck headache will - disappear. Mrs. John Bishop of "Roseville, Ohio, writes; "About a y?ar ago I waa troubled with Indiges tion and had atck headache that tasted for two or three days at a time. I doc tored and tried a number of remedies, but nothing helped rae until, during one of those stck spells, a friend advised me i to take Chamberlain's Tablets. This tried- ! lie relieved me In a short time." or ,nle by all dealers. Advertisement. j. Queen' of Montcnearro III. ZtIUOH. .Switzerland, Dec. 3. -Queen Mttena of-Montenegro, mother of Queen Helena of Italy, la understood to be dan gerously 111 tn the capital ot the little Balkan "dnom.' Ir. A.'aanluin of thia Smokers Sets, $1.50 Military Brushes, at ; $3.00 Smokers' Humidor, at , 50c Men's Suspenders, at $1.00 Men's Dress Fur Lined Caps $2.00 Men's Corduroy and Dress Trousers $10 Blue Serge, Fancy Worsted Suits $9.00 Men's Navy and gray Chin chilla over- J 1 0 coats, at &4s4u $3.00 Boys' Suits, sizes 3 to 16, sale price $2.00 Men's Wool Sweater Coats. at :V. ' 25c Men's Cashmere and Lisle Hose, at $2.00 Beautiful Mesh Bags, at SI.98 81.75 from. choice p DUG ,cjty received an urgent summons today tin. - 1 J - t ... i-itoki io ueiunje to attend her majesty. The queen has been Indisposed for several , weeks, but yesterday the .symptoms became suddenly very serious. ' A Ton of Oold cquld 1 buy' nothlnr better fnr mot. ,weaknesses. ' lame back and kidney iroumo man Eiectrio Bitters. Only 50c For sale by your drusrirlit At-APi.. ment Waists mak accematde Christmas gifts. Wo are showing scores of clever styles at ., 3.60 and 3.00. Julius Orkln. 1510 Douglas street. Key to the Situation flee Advrtislngr Hotel Loyal will serve TWO SPECIAL Christmas Dinners At $1.50 PER PLATE At la to a i30 p. tn. At a to 8(30 p. m. Tables may be reserved In advance Ob Christmas day ladles will be admitted to the new grill room as well as the mala oaf. There will be two orchestras, one in eaeh room from 6 to 0. PILES DR. C. It. TARRY - 240 45c m si M SI.48 95c ...13c 88c "L HARD COLDS When they first come, the best time to break them nn. Dncilinulixl muAi : Aifzr"s Cherry Pectoral. auia Tor u ysrs. Ask Your Doctor. LftfM GALLSTONES Try aall-Tono. Good fnr All RfnnfMn'i. ---- sv aau T. vaeillMHkl.. Co, JifEi-Jiii Jl.Jearborn St.. OhSago THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER. AMUSHMK.VrS. fHomt QUO. 484. Mat. every day. 3H0j every night. OilS, ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE! Thli WM: blanch Waliu Co., Frank Mil ton and De Lone Slatera, Tno Laoiilona. Buck- l.v'a Animal. Kmllr Darrell and fharlv r.n. j lrajr. Warren k Coaler, jutfllni Miller toi Bpeciai reaiur i iciurt. "uroncuo uuiy a unnsi maa Ped." Pt'cvi Mu Callerr. 10c: teat Mats (atatm at an4 Bun.) Mo NlittU; 10a lie VA b4 TU. "OKAJCA'B 70R CENTER," &r7"JlyiA DaUy Mat lB-as-Me fMf'W- Evnga.. ld-a5-tX)-78e HARBT X.. COOPER, JUNE XXX,X.S ft uGLtiMBKA Burlesquers Hsymour, uempsay a seymour; Abe Z.eavttt'a prstentlons playlet. "The Orsat Wh't Way." Xmas Day Matinee at 3;oa TIRED-SHOPPERS' MATINEE DAILY. BRANDEIS THEATER. Three Days, Beginning. Mat.. Zmal, "THE RIGHT PRINCESS,'; Coming Sunday "ADELE." No Money Till Cured r,,AuJ" iaA "etl Dlseaaea cured with out the kadfe. Permanent cures guaraaUed. Write fer frmm Illustrated book on Rectal Dlseaaea and testimonials of hundreds el cured patients In Nebraska and Iowa. Be Bids. OitihI Nb.