o I!) 13 Going After Special Prizes to Be Awarded Xmas Evl THE BEE: OMAHA, TlTNinV, lWrKMIWlt ft Last Call Before Christmas. 1 COLLECT WMttm jcaecmcauy fifjl ir e r ve ouggesc ror Christmas Gifts: Electric Utility Motor 53.00 to 918.00 Klectric Toy Motors 91.00 to f 10.00 Electric Transformers to Reduce Current for Toys (three to twenty volts) 53.00 to 88.00 Electric Shaving- Mirrors $3.50 to (3.00 Electric Warming Pads 93,00 to $7.60 .Electric Tie Pins Boo to 91.33 'Electric rocket "Flashlights $1.00 to $2.50 Christmas Tree Light Outfits $3.96 to $9.00 Christmas Treo Outfits for Battery $3.80 Christmas Convenient Carton Mazda Lamps, $1.75 to $2.25 Electric Table Lamps ...... .$3.00 to $30.00 Electric Irons, each $2.50 to $5.00 Electric Toasters, each .- $3.00 to $8.80 Electric Percolators, each -.. $8.00 to $16,00 Electric Klreless Cookers $40.00 Electric Vacuum Cleaners $30.00 to $130.00 Electric Massago Machines $10.00 to $30.00 LIQHTMTQ rXXTUKSO THE ELECTRIC SHOP 1810 rABHAU STBEET. TTXBE 1414. "Wire for Vn and We Will Wire for Ton." NOTICE TO CONTESTANTS Hext Tuesday w will publtih the tandlar of all contestants who hava tamed In their nomination coupons or culi oneoks for T3.e In thla con teet. Qt 70UT receipts In by Satur day Teniae', to that your standing -ill appear in the list, thus Ittttng )ur friends know that yon are com ieting for a trip to the Panama ax-poaltlon. Contestants' Standing -J This must be done at THIS MOMENT- if it's to be done AT ALL! You may have your clothes COMPLETELY cleaned and pressed In time for wear on CHRISTMAS DAY, It you'll step to the 'phone THIS VERY MOMENT and call Tyler 345. Dreshers' man will then call for your gar ments and. bring them back to you In PERFECT shape by Wednesday T. M. Clothes Cleaned & Pressed in Time for Xmas Wear The next two days are going to be strenuous ones here, but you've Dreshers' word for It that the work will not bo alighted; rush or no rush. Remember, It's neces sary to 'Phone Tyler 345 NOW If you want your garments back In tim6 for CHRISTMAS WEAR'. Dresher Bros. f Cleaners, Dyers, and Tailors $57,000 Plant at 2211-2213 Farnam Street. J Kama, Ro. of Xuth A. Finney Tar X. Watts BylTia Kahne Bobart Iiawla Loman,., Mary 3. Aberley I Mm, Zmma Terry sen., x. s. smita Clyde 3. Lather O. A Wyetrom Mrs. J, ft. Smith Herbert O. Walla w. J, Kettlen Chris glmonaon, Vtlca, Web.. Julian Karrla Harry 3. lararion. Junor . xenneay Harbart O. Xinndon Katie X. Silvers ..... Jennie X. Washburn Carles O. Thomas Myrtle O. Karrison Mrs. James Mortlmore Henrietta Swansea Mri). Robert T. Jonas James r.. xnlakofsky Myron SeTorrest x. . Thompson. Mrs. aeorre E. Srarts Lonlae Pannlngberg raui aorton Henry X. Bins' Mrs. Lilian Lowden Samuel X. Book John rlloker Mrs. Emma Ferry... Jnle Waohsteln Harry Erney Mrs. X. Bevertdge Mrs. Flnna Circle HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS BY THE BOX AT LOWEST PRICES We handle nearly 300 brands of Cigars and our Humidors hold about a halt million cigars. Our policy is to make bo low a price that t i.iH.HH.-v.tH lrrnn ...111 tr 4 Vi it a nnvnr rtt favry tr nlH Votes. 98,748 67,019 14,316 7,041 3,007 1,835 1,813 1.6J5 1,531 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ,1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 .1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 How to Win a Free Trip to the Pana ma Exposition Ilulre of Content. 1 The Bee offers and will award three round-trip tickets and expenses to the Panama Exposition, the total coat of eaoh trip to bo 1200, as prltes to tho threo con testants having; tho greotest number of points at the close of tho contest. 2 This contest open to everybody ex cept employes of advertisers on this pns and of The Bee. 8 The contest page will be published one day each week and will run for a period of one year. t Points will be figured on the basis of one point, for each 1 cent shown on ensh checks or receipts for purchases made from advertisers on this page. 6 Cash checks must be deposited at or mailed to "Panama Contest Editor" Tho Bee not later than thirty days from date of payment of same and receipts will bo Issued for them. Contest to close November 7, 1914. All cash tickets and receipts must be turned Into The Uee office not later than 9 p. in. on closing day of contest, or If mailed, must be post marked not later than that hour. elude many of the luttwt types of motor boats and their engines nnd equipment. Whllo some of three will bo displayed In the Palace of Transportation, others will be somi afloat 'In the vac-lit liarlKr or In tho Hay of San KrHiu-lwo Itself. Itatcs for meals served on the grounds of the Pnnnmii-I'uclfle International ex position In Ban r'rnnclAm will bo reason- hih r.acn cumi'rrMuiiuirf win imi unnnr contract with tho exposition to provide everything on hills of fare at axreed pi Ices. The matuurantn and enfes on the grounds will cuter to all tastes, and will rnngo from those with simple. Inexprn' slve menus to tlioso with dishes on a par with tho best In tho" world's largest eltlrs, but at fair pi loo. Sevoml restau rants will provide dinners at W cents. Others will servo meals a la carte and their patrons will pay as much or as little as they like. if1 FREE NOMINATION COUPON GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES Semi or bring this coupon to the "Pnnnnia Contest Editor" of tho Bco and you Anil receive 1000 votes in the Punamii Contest. Only one coupon will be credited to a person. Name Address Christmas Eve Wednesday, December 24th at60'clock the following three prizes offered by Brodygaard Jewelry Company will be presented to the three prize contest ants who have the highest number of votes in the BEE PANAMA CONTEST. First Prize Lady's or gentleman's diamond ring. Second Prize Pair of lady's or gentleman's solid gold caff buttons. Third Prize Lady's solid gold bar pin or gentle man's solid gold scarf pin. Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Counts 100 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest Capital, $500,000 Surplus, $500,000 Undivided profits, $240,000 Total deposits, $7,000,000 THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 13th and Farnam Streets LUTHER DRAKE, President FRANK T. HAMILTON", Vice President FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier B. II. MEILE, Assistant Cashier C. B. DUGDALE, Assistant Cashier NOTK: Votes will not be allowed for other than bona fide new savlnKs accounts. Votes on cnoh account limited to 10,000, -J Urge SllllJlUUIilO UL JBa.lO UU IJUIWWJ Ofau, uwa w stale or dry goods. We specially invito orders for quantities of from . . . nnn H l.mm ... . A r 11 - 1 1 1 . ti 1 1 ii Irlnrlc In linvnl of 25 at this time. We mention below a few of our many brands: Box of 25 Cubaniods Droadlcaf $1.30 Box of 25 Royal Sovereign, Broadleaf. for a.35 Box of GO La Provldencla Coquettes Clear Havana 93.00 Box of 50 Webster Clear Havann (larKe size) $5.50 Box of 25 Lady Curzon Invlnclbles, Domestic 82.00 Box of 50 Tom Moore Corona. . .93.00 Box of 50 Klor de Murat Operas. Clear Havana 93,50 Box of 50 Klor de Murat Frontenars. Clear Havana 93.75 Box of 25 Itelos for 93.75 Box of 50 Cuba Romas Bumiuet 93.50 Box of 50 Robert Burns Conchas Klnas Kxt 93.00 Box of 25 Cytmla Invlnclbles for 91.35 Box of 50 Chancellor Mnmiollan 93.00 Box of 25 Black and White, all slze. for 91.35 Five Black and White Clears, in car ton, for 35a Box of BO Porto Rlcan Colon Cer- vantes for 93.00 Box of 50 Flash Lights for 93.00 A Specially Attractive Aiaortment of Box of 50 referenda Conchas Finos Kxtra 93.00 Box of 25 Preferencla Perfectos 93.15 Box of 60 Lawrence Barrett's Perfcc toes for 94.00 Box of 50 Campanella Delmonlcos for 94.00 Itox of 50 Ul Solano Conchas, Clear Havana 93.75 Pox of 50 Mercedes Panatellas. 93.50 Box of ?5 Garcia Cabinets, Clear Havana 3i?-?5 Box of 26 Garcia Knickerbockers 93.50 Box of 50 Manila Modla Rearalla for 91.3& Box of 50 Manila Panatellas. .. .91.60 Box of 1? Manila La Florentlna. tin foil wrapped 91.00 Box of 25 Pawtucket Invlnclbles 91.35 (The above Is an unusually fine full smoke.) Box of 25 Yankee Consul (Junior) for 85c Box of 25 Blendwell Havana (In can) for tl.00 Box of 25 La Mnrca, 10c clfrars. Sat urday and Sunday and all Christmas week at a special price of 91.35 Pipes and Tobacco at Soireit Frloei. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. Corner Sixteenth and Dodre Streeta. OWL DRUG CO.. Corner Sixteenth and Harney Streeta. HARVARD PHARMACY, Corner 34th and Paraam Street! I.OTAI. rHAKHACY, 307-309 North Sixteenth Street IDIAMOND RINGS I Genuine Diamond, mounted In 14-k.. hand made Tiffany or fancy mounting. Regular price on this lot was $12 to $15. We sell them, every stone guaranteed, as long aa they Iti last, at PVe f J Ladles' 14-k, Solid Gold, fancy mounting, weight of atone, M -.carat. An exceptional buying opportunity, at S10.75 14-k., Solid Gold Ladies' Tiffany, platinum lined mounting, weight of atone is plus 1-64, and It is perfectly qut and of exquisite blue and white color. It is indeed "the ring that satisfies," and we are in a position to sell it at S17.75 r:rnMpnmn'a 1.1. lr KnIM Gold Tooth Mounting vi'l.7ly wltn a perfectly cut atone from the Kimberly iuiiico, nciguiUB 7S fiua xxv, (hub Price is S25.25 Gentleman's 14-k., Claw Mounting, like illus tration, weight of stone plus 1-64 carat, beautifully made and splendid color, at 8125 AT THE SIGN OF WE CROWN VP THE GOLDEN STAIRS Machinery Hall at Panama Exposition a Gigantic Palace The Palace of Machinery at the Panama-Pacific International exposition Ik the ' largest wooden building in the world today, and, as far as can bo dis covered, ths largest that ever existed in the world. An idea of its Immensity may be gath ered from a view down one of Its main aisles, In which are now stored somo of the gigantic pieces of statuary that will decornte the exhibit palaces when they are sufficiently for advanced to recelvo them. This statuary ts made from i models by leading sculptors. In the ac companying Illustration Is shown tho head of the elephant that will represent India in the. group, "Nations of tho East." Its size may be realized by com iarlson with tho man standing along side of It. The elephant will carry a howdah on Its back, the whole figure being forty-two feet high. To the right of the elephant's head are other details of sculpture, such as the "Mongolian Horseman" and the upper half of tho African servitor, both of which figures will he In 'the "Nations of the East." The elephant Is by Frederick G. R. Roth, tho horseman by Leo Lentelll and the African by A. Stirling Calder, these threo being the sculptora of the entire group, rrhe nude figure In the rear la a detail of the group. "Spring" by Furlo. Plc drllll. One of the elephant' legs 18 shown at the left, behind the freight car. The exposition railway system nas branches into all the exhibit palaces, to expedite both work and the Installation of exhibits. Tho Palace of Machinery covers about eight acres of land and about f,0VKW feet, board measure, of lumber was uued In its construction. . . Special Prizes for Christmas Standing Contestants should keep in mind the fct that there are three special prices offered for the highest number of votes at 6 p. m. on Christmas eve, December 24, 1919. These prized are offered by the Brodegaard Jewelry company and are aa follows: First Pr'te Lady's or gentleman's dia mond ring. Second Prize-Pair of lady's or gentle man's solid gold cuff buttons. Third Prize Lady's solid gold bar pin or gentleman's solid gold scarf pin. Exposition Notra. Th Irish section of the Panama-Paclflo International exnoaltlon has been allotted 16,a0 rquare feet and It la intended to have a representative exniomon oi irmu linens, woolens, laces, silks, poplins, tapestries and textiles generally. Tho tMtlnn will have tho title "Hiamroct: Isle," and the wonueriui proaucis oi mo Irish handicrafts will be elaborately dis played. A serious and earnest attempt to ahow what Ireland producea and makes for sale will be made. Specimens of the o!d bog-oak furniture will be shown. One of the moat attractive features of the display in the department of trans portation at the Panama-Paolfip Inter national exposition In Ban FrancUco in 1915 will be the motorboat exhibits. Thla wljl be In the marine section and will In- The Romance of Two and a Chafing Dish HE gave her an Electric Chafing Dish for Christmas. You can fin ish for yourself the story of the many happy times that chafing dish was used, Can you think of any gift more appropriate, more acceptable, more al together delightful, than a chafing dish, electric of course, for sister, mother or sweetheart? Other Romantic Electric Gifts Coffe Percolators Tea Kettles Bread Toasters Disc Stoves Luminous Radiators Flat Irons Curling Irons Massage Vibrators Student Lamps Library Lamps Floor Lamps Tree Lighting Outfits Shaving Mirrors Cigar Lighters Vacuum Cleaners Sewing Machine Motors Omaha Electric Light ? Power Co. Wish you Jll a Merry Xmas And you will be merry nil year 'round if you do nway with the little every day trials of life which the wise avoid. Your laundry problems, for instance, can be made a pleasant one. Our Family Wash Service at Go per pound, nil flat pieoos ironed, is tho plensant nnd economicnl wny. Try it. "You are delighted when you open the package" BLUE WAGONS. PHONE DOUG. 919. If you wish to buy a PIANO or a Player-Piano a Picture, i Mirror, a Violin, a Hand-Tooied Leather Bag, or Pocket Book, or Anything in Art or Music the slogan is the same: "Lefs Go to Hospe's" Don't Forget-Xmai Is Just Around the Corner (jj55S? QpiN&wk Qjwi&wjj. Qwjfj. (5$tea Importing Grocers. Tablo q2 Dclicacicc. Connects with Brandeis g Stores by jt West Arcade. I NoIlilnr nieann quite o much on Christmas day as the Christmas tlliiuer. Without the hest dinner to be had, tho "Spirit of Chrlat inus" In lacking. On thin Important occasion tho woman of dis crimination relies upon Courtney's to supply her table with tho HeoHon's delicacies. This storo. known for years as Omaha's best grocery, supplies every want for the Christmas dinner. There's genuine satisfaction in knowing that everything you order Is tho VKItY I11CST. The store that furnishes the best tables with 'HUTTKK TIIINaS TO EAT. Drandlafl Trulta Caroline 8ey mour's famous pai-k Pineap ples, Cherries, Teaches and, Via. 1.25 glass Jars for SSo Fre&ob Paaa Direct Importa tion, new pack, uncolorel, at per dozen J -.90, can 35o Box-Zia-Oao Jelly Finest Im ported lied Currant, glass Jars, at 35o ana ISO Mixta Nuts High grade, all choice varieties 3 lbs for 6 Bo. per pound 30o Plum Pudding Franco-Amer-icun, new pack, 3 lb ran 76c, 2 lb. can, 35c, lb. can . ...30o Christmas Liquor Combination S4.30 Worth for 83.00 One quart bottle Guck rubclmer, 7 years old. ,,91,00 One lurge bottle Creme ilo menthe 91.00 One botle Sherry, choice and mellow .35 One bottle Muaratel, u choice rich wine 35 One bottle ha Grando Jlmnue Cognac Urandy. excellent medicinal merit, 91.50 Total , 94.30 All tor 93.00 This assortment delivered to any address, packed in a suit able basket. 75a extra. "Vary Old Burgundy, fine body and bouquet, i2.2L quality, gal Inn Jug for 91.50 Choice rraah rrulta and Vege tables We hnvo every variety o fruit known, rare foreign, rholco domestic and fancy hot house frown. New Arrivals Grapes, English hothouse, crisp Maiagu. Tokay, etc. Casaba Melons. Imported Artichokes, Persimmons. En dive, Pomegranates. Fancy Ap- riles, complete assortment of mportcd and domestic nuts, freshly opened and salted nut meats, etc. . ranoy Baitata of Prult artls tlcully packed, a wonderful as sortment to select from, 91.60 to 930.00 a baakat. Christmas Candies and Confec tions Courtney'a "Italian" style and "Incomparable" cho colates are a revelation In cho. colato candy, large box ..91.00 One pound box for 60o Hee our exquisite assortment of fancy boxes and novelty unrknges for candy. Christinas Mixture Xlgbaat Qrada Candy, 3 lbs. 35o, Id, ISO Vail and 'phone orders prompt ly and accurately flllad. D. 647. f f .i Jt