Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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A Gila's a Gila, But Not a Monster
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
Cee , that's too Bm, kv verj
1 II Til .
I "(
And T
Trief wNt R.loHT t)Otuj
f 'OH'.rAV
' 1 i .
fiStl .5- .3
Talks Over Phone with Robinson
About that Salary.
Pifflcnllr Hon. im In OrUlnic Brook
lyn Mnimtr to Aeree to the
Snm Foniirr Itnl Manager
Would Like Annually.
Players' fraternity not to sign contract
until after January 1.
( CHICAGO, Doc 22. The galaxy Joe
(Tinker demands from Uie lirooklyn club
if the National league was termed un
reasonable by Wllbert itoblnson, man
ager of the club. In a long distance tele
fcSions conversation, noblnson went, to
Indianapolis to meet Tinker, who was
$ot certain tho Brooklyn manager would
he there and so did not leavo Chicago.
' Robinson Immediately cot Into com
fepunlcatlon with Tinker. After tho talk
Tinker said he believed the differences
between himself and the Brooklyn man
ager could bo adjusted despite tho atti
tude of tho club toward his salary re
'noblnson told me the $10,000 "bonus
sras mine as soon as I signed and wanted
to know tho salary I expected," said
"Unreasonable," ho replied when I told
,hlm, "Not wishing to play for a small
salary even If I do Ret the extra money,
I told the manager I was sorry ho looked
at It In that light I suggested that ho
think It over and this he promlBed to do."
Tinker would not name tho salary fig
ures, but some time ago ho said that
lj,W0 would bovsatlsfacldry. Tinker said
be expected to meet Charles Ebbeta,
president of .the Brooklyn club, soon.
'Confers irtth Miller.
INDIANAPOLIS. Dec a While In the
city, today Manager Robinson - conferred
with Otto .Miller, a catchor for tho
Brooklyn team, who Is rcportod,to have
tan asked to Clay with tho Federal
league next yeari Miller sold after "the
conference that he had been offered- an
advance of $900 over tho salary ho' re
ceived last year, to sign a contract to
play with tho. Brooklyn team. He said
that he Was unable to do -because of
tho agreement made by members' of the
Federals Sign Thirty
Players Who Were in
Big Legues Last Year
CHICAGO. Dec. 22.-Thlrty big league
players have beon signed to play next
season with the Federal League Presi
dent James A. Gllmoro of the Federals
said hero today. Fuji plans of the league
for next year will bo given In a de
tailed statement next Monday, said Gll
more. " 'Several deals are Incomplete and I
don't want to make the announcement
prematurely," ho declared. "1 will only
say now that wo will have new parks In
Chicago and Clevoland next spring.
Cleveland Is In the league to stay, Chi
cago will be managed by ono of the best
known big league players. I don't wish
to give his name Just now, further than
to say that It Is not Mordccol Brown."
Bancroft High School
Vs. Bellevue College
HANCItOFT, Neb., Doc. S2.-(Spodal.)
Bellovuo colleco basket ball team de
foatcd Banoroft, 2! to 23i Each half of
the game was one-sldcd, Bellevue getting
tho better of the scoro In the first half,
18 to ty Bancroft,, camo back in good
form arid " wltlf Kood tedln work had
things coming their way and at tho close
of the last half Bancroft had to their
credit eighteen rxtra points... .JJellevne
scored but flvo more legal points and wa-
given ono Illegal point by their refereo,
local players contend.
President Orders Members of Cara
bao Disciplined.
Men Sworn to Support the Govern
ment Should Not R!d.Ica!e Their
Superior Officers or Treat
Policies with Contempt.
CLEVELAND, Doc. 22. Teams from
Chicago, Milwaukee, Columbus and Min
neapolis probably will participate In the
Amateur Athletic union boxing tourna
ment which will bo held at the Clove-
land Athlotlo club hero on tno nignts or
January. 8 and 18.
Six classes will be contested -at log, uo,
125, iS and 168 pounds and heavyweights,
which Includes all above ira pounas. -me
mlddlewest championships will bo limited,
tho winners to be entered In tho national
tournament, which will bo held at Boston
In April.
Boxers from Ohio, Indiana, Illinois,
Mlohlgan, . Minnesota and Wisconsin are
free to enter tho contests hero.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 23. President
Wilson today made public a letter ad
dressed to Secretaries Garrison and Dan
lols, respectively, requesting that "a very
serious reprimand" be administered to
those army and navy officers who par
ticipated in the recent dinner of the
Military Order of tho Carabao at which
the administration's Philippine and other
politics were mentioned. The letter fol
lows: 'The officers who were responsible for
the program of the evening aro certainly
deserving of a very serious reprimand,
which I hereby request be administered
and I cannot rid myself of a feeling of
great disappointment that .the general
body of officers assembled at the dinner
should have greeted the carrying out of
sue), a program with apparent Indiffer
ence to the fact that It violated some of
tho most dlgniried and sacred traditions
of the society.
I am told that the songs and other
amusements of the evening were Intended
and regarded as 'fun.' What aro we to
think of officers of the army and navy of
the Unltod States, who think It 'fun' to
bring their official superiors Into ridicule
and the policies of tho government which
they are sworn to serve with unquestlon
Ing loyalty, Into contempt? If this is
their Idea of fun, what Is their idea of
duty? If they don't hold their loyalty
above all silly effervescences of childish
wit, what about their profession do they
hold sacred T
"My purpose, therefore. In administer
ing this reprimand. Is to recall the mot;
who are responsible for this lowering of
standards to their Ideals; to remind them
of the high conscience with which they
ought to put duty abovo personal In
dulgence and to think of themselves as
responsible men and trusted soldiers,
even while they are amusing themselves
diners ought. (Signed) Sincerely
yours, wooDitow wilhon."
Not Buffalo Robes, hut
Lounging Robes wo hnvo
8.0 m o hundsomo onos
which mako very accepta
ble Christmas gifts $5, $8
and $10.
Gomfortablo, good-looking
JJqubo Cpats, top
thoyi.savo wear. and tear
on his other clothes and in
crease his onjoyment of
long winter ovenings at
home-$5, $7.50, $8 & $10.
The Uvea and Caledonian loot Dan
teams met nt Miller Park Sunday In
iiiu-ii contested camo In the league of
Soccer foot ball for the. T. I Combs'
cup. Tho Caledonians started out in" the
first half of the game by scoring; three
goals, their play being tricky and scien
tific. In tho second half the Bvea' team
ralllod and tied up the game, . but the
Scots wore not satisfied with this score
and by hard piny they scored two other
goals. The ground was In bad condition
owing to the frost and snow . wnich
handicapped both teams from scoring at
opportune times. Tho gamo finished
wUU goal scoring,. Caledonians' 5, Svea 1
Iowa Dental College
Head Resigns"Place
Pullman Slippers-mado
of soft, light-weight leath
er (black or tan); they
fold up and fit into a neat
leather case which takes
up practically no space in
his grip very useful if
he travels $1.50 & $2.
IOWA CITY, la., Doc. 22. 8pc!al Tol
cirram.) Tho resignation of Dr. Thomas
I J. McLernon. dean of tho college
dentistry of itho University of Iowa, was
tendered to tho State Board of Education
today. M r. McLernon came hero from
Phlladelphla''last fall to accept tho posi
tion. The resignation Is to take effect at
Combination Sots hoso
cravat, tie, etc. in differ
ent combinations and col
or harmonies all packed
in Christmas boxes 50o
to $2. '
IOWA CITY, la., Dec. 22.-(Speclal.V
University of Iowa authorities hav
! darted un attack upon local gambling
houses which has resulted In the arrest
of Halph "Goat" Abbott on a charge of
running such an establishment. Abbott'
place Is said to be just across a hallway
from the court room of a local Justice
lot the peace. Ho will be given a pre
lllmlnary hearing tomorrow. Local of
tlclals are ch&rged with laxness In the
performance of their duties by the unl
verslty authorities.
Christmas Merchandise Cer-
UXIcates We recommend them
to men who wish to make gifts
to tneir employes. Call ub up
(Douglas 6408) and let us ex
plain more about them.
Opn Eetningt Until Chrhtmat
413 So. 16th.
Van Wagenen Has
Interesting Story,
but Does Not Tell It
SIOUX CITT, la., Dec. 22.-(Speolal
Telegram.) A. Van Wagenen. deposed
United States district attornoy, Issued an
other statement this morning In reply to
charges from tho attorney general's of
fice that ho -was discharged for , Incom
Van Wagenen says It probably will bo
hard to make soma people understand
that "tho attorney general Is not a big
man who knows a lot moro than, any
district attorney." Ho says Mcllcynolds
la trying to "put It over" In this case,
but timo will prove tho correctness of
Van Wagcnen's attitudes on tho trust
question and tho Incorrectness of Mc
Ileynolds' policy Ho says a lot of mere
dissolution suits will not solvo tho trust
problem or satisfy the public, although
many politicians muy think it will. Ho
accuses tho attorney general's offlco and
Internal Revenue Collector Louis Murphy
of misrepresentation and Murphy of rank
Drcacn of confidence. Ho Intimates that
It ho, hlmselT, should use tho tamo tac
tics he could make some Interesting rove-
latlons. As to tho I'lumbe'rs' truBt prose
cution, he says: "I made It slzzlo for
two days and tho attorney general has
mado It fliilo for two months."
Tho Woodbury County Bar association
will meet Tuesday to endorse Frank 15.
Gill of Sioux City for district attorney.
Beaten and Robbed
Thrown Into River
GAItltETSON, a D., Dec. K.-(Spc-
clal.) Robbed and beaten tip and- thorf
thrown Into the Big Sioux river by his
assailants was tho experience, of -a
stranger giving his name ,as Martin
Orlctson and claiming North Dakota as
Ills .home, who had been, around Garret-
son poveral days. He became Intoxicated,
and while in this condition was induced
to accompany somo unknown persons to
the vicinity of the rlvcr, where they at
tacked and robbed him of $50 and thon
hurled him into, the rlvor at a point
whero the ice was ,thin enough for him
to bo thrown .Into tho water. Ho was
taken In charge by a farmer who found
him after he had crawled out of the
water and brought to Garretson for treat
ment fqr his wounds und th,e effects of
his exposure. The authorities as yet
have failed to find any traco of his assailants.
presented with handsome feold medals.
Harry Meyers, who won first honors In
the oratorical class. Is the grandson of
Mr. J. Fred Meyers, who was editor of
tho llevlew for many years. Miss Leh-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22.-Postmoster
General Burlcspn has taken "a stand
against the proposal to take '.assistant
postmasters from tho protection of. civil
service, which Is embodied In the annual
appropriation bill 'now In the hands, qf
the house postofflce committee. Mr,
Burleson .today, in a. letter to Chairman
Moon, characterized such , a plan, as
detrimental to tho public service.
IOWA CITT, la., Dec. 22.-(Spoclnl.)
Wearers of tho "I" at Iowa have
finally determined the exact privileges
which go with It. After a discussion
lasting over a year, tho club, at a meet
ing Saturday nlgnt, decided that only
slaters and fiances should be allowed to
wear athlete's monogrammcd sweater.
High school letters wcro declared to be
In bad taste on the campus, and their
wearing will bo prohibited hereafter. The
club decided to 'form a permanent or
ganization, and Italph MoGlnnls, cap
tain of the 1913 foot ball team, was
named as chairman.
CniiRlit In the Act ,
and nrrestcd by Dr. Klps's Now". Llfo
Pills, blllpUB ..headache, .tulta .find liver
stomach and. bowels' act, right,., Only. 2$p.
For salo -by your . druggist. Advertise
.Persistent Advertising
Big Returns.
Is tho Road to
Dccliunntory Contest nt Denlsnn.
DENISON, la., Doc. 22.-(Spcclal.)
There was much -Interest In the result of;
tho high school declamatory contest held
here Saturday evening. Choice was then
mado for ono who Is In lino to enter a
state, contest later -on. The awards fol
low: Oratorical class, Harry Fred Meyers,
first; Hugo Bottgcr, second. Dramatic
class: Bertha Lehfeldt, first: Harold
Poole, second. Humorous class: luihel
Chambcrltn,' first; Ben Brodersen,- second.
Miss Chambcrlln, who represented the
school In contest last year was chosen
again. The winners vof first honors-were
feldt Is tho daughter of ex-Senator Lah
feldt. The judges were County Superin
tendent Olry, Mrs. Hairy Carpenter and
Miss Emma Ralne. The district contest
Is to bo held at Dentson.
5?J , PAihericata Flnfestvi . .. " I
R Mellow in flavor. Aged for years Jn,. .charred .casVs, in II
mm warehouses flooded with sunshine.
1 1 Best Northern Rye nlways selected by a member of the firm.
I ' Purest water from -wells' suule hundreds of feet Into solid
ft That'Avhye'the man 'who knows always insists ota
' Clnclnnttl. b. St. Jottpb, Mo. Louisville, Ky. mj
Not Beyond Help at 8T.
weop-amurmng bladder weakness.
stiffness In Joints, weak, Inactive kid
ney action and rheumatic pains are
evidence or Kidney trouble. Mrs. Mary
ijy. uean, is. walnut St, Taunton,
Mass., writes: "I have passed my STth!
birthday, and thought I was beyond the
I reach of medicine, but Foley Kidney
Pills have proved most beneficial In my
lease of kidney and bladder trouble."
Klderly people will find Foley Kidney
I Pills both tonlo and strengthening, and
may be sura they contain no harmful
I drugs. For sale by all dealers every
' .
Wp a Gillette for.
jlfe .Christmas' ... '.tvf
VltrrlfV At aU DcaIerS Gillette Safety Razors Combination Sets, $5 to $5fT JSfcilKwL'' "' " :
where Advertlsemeo