Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Pit Observers Note that a Big Bull
Movement is Brewing.
'-"IK In tho May Option I.lkclr to
Driven from Cover nnil In
Orilcr in Dlanoap of llnlilliiRa
Have, to Dlacoout.
OMAIIA. Dee. 22, 191J.
i., t . 'Kero Is a neneral absence or
fmliS '"wheat, including both caah and
ir,iu'thero 18 11 bu movement brow
I"K..tllat i likely to Rssume wide pro.
portions beforo another month rolla
nrour.d. It may be, however, that those
vno are- accumulating the May future
ore doing so with th expectation of se
curing handsome profits on crop damago
l?.por,s 111 tno spring. Or thore Is a possi
bility that thoso peoplo had in their minds
probable crop losses in Argentina from
weather and an outlay for them in tho
dnapo of handsome profits.
It was reported on Saturday that rain
wan falling in at least threo of the im
portant wheat raising provinces of that
country, and a continuation of the rain
would make a change for the bulls, not
only thoro, but in tho world at large.
Those who are long on May wheat in
the Chicago market may possibly be
forced to sell out at losses, aa sucn
things have happened in years gone by,
but the present holders have bought their
line well, and It will not take much of a
bull market to place them in a position
to fight the boars from all standpoints.
The bears who have sold tho wheat ac
cumulated by the bull party point to tho
last government report on tho crop pros
pects, and they also point to tho big
crop raised last year. It is true that th
wheat surplus in this country Is liberal,
but It cannot bo called burdensome It
Is true, also, that tho condition of the
growing plant as shown by the Docombcr
report will moro than likely prove to bo
the best promise of tho season, as deteri
oration is certain to be seen, and that in
a, marked way beforo the crop has passed
out of tho winter and Into tho spring
months. .
Tho greatest drawback to the wheat
trade at present is tho lack of Interest
by tho outsider. Tho foreigner 13 in tho
Chicago market on the bull side, but his
orders aro filled only on price recessions
and ho is, therefore, an unknown quan
tity. Cash wheat was Uo lower.
It seems that the men who have been
banking on December com advanced to
a. much higher altltudo so that they
would be enabled to see handsome profits
on their longs are to be disappointed.
Liquidation has been on a liberal scale
of late and there aro Bald to bo large
linos still held which tho longs are
anxious to dispose of, but the buying
power has at last partially disappeared
for tho time being. The greatest draw
back to tho corn market has been tho
absenco of a demand for cash corn and
with no outlet for tho actual grain the
matter of Bentiment has switched from
the bull to the bear side.
Cash corn was unchanged.
Oata have held up remarkably well
during Uio lost fortnight and this, too,
In the faco of continued talk of large
movement of Canadian oats into this
country. Tho cash trade, however, is
giving our own oats moro attention than
previously and Argentina samples which
havo been sent here are hardly up to tho
wants, or reeuers nnu shippers.
Cash oats were Ue lower.
Clearances: Wheat and flour, SSS.000
bt-shels; corn, none; oats, 20,000 bushels.
Liverpool close: Wheat, t4Vid lower;
corn., lid higher.
I'rlmary wheat receipts wero 1,613,000
qusncis ami tmipmcnts 784.UW ousueis,
ngalnst rccslpts of l.Sf.,000 bushels and
shipments of 615.000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts wero 2,530,000
uusneis ana snipmcnts Ttff.uw ousneis,
against receipts of 1,654,000 bushels and
ahlnments of 5M.000 bushels last vrar.
Primary oats receipts were 27,000 bush
els and shipments 704,000 bushels, against
receipts of 1,038,0X1 bushels and shipments
of 48Z,uw bushels last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
- Chicago ..... ..'... ' Ml . SI
Minneapolis S15 ' ..
DulUth 139
Omaha ',. 45 162 37
Kansas City 92 263 &
St. Louis 104 114 65
Winnipeg 725
The following cash sales wero reported:
Wheat No. 3 hard winter; 1 car, fcOc No
grade, hard winter: 1 car, 71c. No. 3
spring: 1 car, 82V4c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car,
S2Kc, No. 4 durum: 1 cur, SOc. Oats No.
2 white: 1 car, 29c. Standard: 1 car. 38c.
No. 3 white. 1 car, SS'.ic; 7 cars, 38c. No.
4 white: 3 curs, 3Sc; 7 cars, 37o. No
grade: 1 car, 37J4c Corn No. 2 white:
2 cars; 66!4c. No. 3 white: 1 car, C6c; 1
car, 61S4c; 1 car. G4Kc: 6 cars, 64c. No. 4
white: 2 cars, 62V4c. No. 2 yellow: 8 cars,
6494c; C cars, 64Hc No. 3 yellow: 7 cars,
64c; 5 cars, G3c; 2 cars, 63Hc; S cars,
63'4c; 8 cars, 63c; S cars, 62ic; l car, G2V4c
No. 4 yellow: 2 cars, 62c; 4 cars, 6114c; 4
cars, 61c; 1 car, 60c; 4 cars, 60V4c; 1 car,
KV4c. No. 2 mixed: 2 cars, 63&e. No. 3
mixed: 2 cars. 63'cK K cars, 63c; 7 cars,
,6214c; 17 cars. 62c; 4 cars, 614c; 1 car, 61c.
No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 61c; 1 car, OOjjc; 6
- cars, 60c; 1 car, 61'4c; 4 cars, 5?',4c; 4 cars,
E9c. No grade: 1 car, 61c; 1 car, 5ic; 1
car, 61c.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard,
S0S-83WC: No. 3 hard, 79&S2Hc; No. 1
hard. 'bWiiW&c: No. 3 spring, 82S2J4o;
No. 4 spring. 7S14S0Hc: No. 2 durum, 79
79Wc; No. .1 d rum. 7S(87SHc. Corn: No.
2 white, 666614o; No. 3 white, 6SV4ffto:
No. 4 white, 6162Hc: No. 2 yellow, 64
64c; No. 3 yellow, 6244c; No, 4 yellow,
5!K-(62c; No. 2, 63363&c; No. 3, 60&63tfc;
No, 4, KKPmc; no grade, Biefilc. Oats:
No. 2 white, 39c; standard, 3SVili3SHc: No.
3 white, 383SV.o; No. 4 white, 3738c.
Barley: Malting, 57W0c; No. 1 feed, 15
SOc. Ityo: No. 2, 68J4Q69c; No. 3, 674
Fraturcn of the Trmllnif mid Clonlng
Prices on Hoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, Dec. 22.-Huge receipts of
corn 4 hero today pulled down prices for
all grain. Net declines were as follows:
Corn, ttmio to i4o; wheat. Ho to
hiic, and oats, MtUc. In provisions
tho outcome was unchanged to an ad
vance of 7140'lOc.
Estimates of the amount of com arriv
ing In Chicago today ran as high as 1,500
carloads. The consequence was a brean
of incro than lc a bushel in the Decem
ber option. Other months wore affected
also, but to a lesser extent. Immenbc
quantities of low-grade corn went on
sale at unprecedented big discounts, com
pared with quotations for futures. Tho
offerings, however, wero all taken finally
by elevator concerns that expect to find
a. profit in drying.
Omaha reports of 2,000,000 bushels of
corn on the railroad tracks there waiting
to be unloaded acted, as an additional
burden on prices here. So also did ad
vices from New York that a whole train
of Argentine corn had been sold there
to go to Wllkesbarre, Pa. Nevertheless,
shorts failed to smash the market as
completely as had been hoped for and
they covered at a fair upturn during the
last part of the session. t
Snow in the winter crop belt, combined
with the break in com, put the wheat
bulls at a disadvantage. An unexpected
increase of the United States supply
counted, too, In favor of the bears, but
there was some offset in the shape of an
estimate that the Argentine exportable
surplus would not exceed 60,000,000
bushels the smallest total named. Im
proved milling demand helped make the
market at the close firm.
Oata suffered from the setback in
torn and better support from resting or
ders. Shipping call was light.
Provisions rose with hogs. Some re
action followed, though, because of an
expansion of selling on the advance.
Artlclel Opcn-I Iilgh-I Low. Close. SaTy.
90T4 9114 90H 91 S1H
87T4 87 87V4 87K l
69Vi 69H 69 69V4
69U 63H 69 69U C9V4
414 41V4 41S 41
41 41 40 40 41
20 55 20 5ZV4
20S5I2OS7H2O80 208 2075
10 S7HI 10 67',$ 10 65 1 10 65 10 62
11 Oi 11 03 10 S7 10 97 10 97
'l0S0 110 80 l' 10 77' 10 77 10 77
10 1 11 10 I U07 U 071 U 05
Chicago Caah Prices Wheat: No. 2 red,
SGfr⪼ No. 3 red. m&ici No. 2 hard. 8JHJ
085c, No. 3 hard, Hc; No. 2 north-
em. if4tf?0V.e: No. 3 northern. SSV,
: No. 2 spring. RvfTflOc; No. 3 spring,
7$SHc. Corn (all new): No. J. esvitt
c; No. J yellow. BMtfrTOc: No. 2, 6il
Hc: No. 2 white. iJKo: No. 3 yellow,
tic. Oats. No. 2. 40Hi-. No. S white,
41c; No. 3 white. 39HN0o. standard. 40mr
4le. Kvc: No. 2, mfitiic. Uarlev. 50
If0. Timothy, J4.0uf 6. 40. Clover. J12.EO&
n& iSi,.,,w' IJ,rt-
SKSIK.rr?ttnd'i creameries, 2iJWc.
Eqas-Hlgher, receipts. 4.610 cases; nt
? . ZVf? meluded. SMrSHcj ordinary
CHEKSB Steady: daisies. 15ifil6cj
twins, lSUpiRHe; Americans, iM,t?l6c;
long horns, I5iCT16a
, POTATOES-Lower; receipts, 40 cars;
Michigan. Minnesota and AVisconsln. red,
KSOoo; Michigan, Minnesota and Wlscon-
M POlThTnY-AUve. higher: springs. 13c;
fowls, ISc; turkeys, ISo; dressed, 22c. .
Quotation nf the Vay on Vnrlons
NEW YORK, Dec. 22.-KLOUR-Dull;
spring patents, J4.454J4.00; winter straights,
W.15S4.25; winter patents. J4.40fl4.CJ;
spring clears, Jl.0034.10; extra No. 1 win
ter. J3.&503.75; extra No. 2 winter, $3.35C
WHEAT Spot easy; No. 8 red. 93c,
nominal, elovator. domestic, and Jl.OOfi,
f. o. b afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth,
9Si, f, o. b., afloat. Futures easier, owing
to large northwestern receipts and a poor
cash demand; December, 97c; May, 97c.
CORN Spot easy, new, No. 3 yellow,
2&c, c. 1. f., to arrive.
OATS-Spot, dull; standard white, 45H
46Uc; No. 3, 43ViQ46c; fancy clipped
white, 4Sc.
. Ji1slsteud'! state, common to choice,
1913. 40Q48c; 1912. 20.H23c; Pacific coast 1913,
23S27o: 1912. 2224c.
HAY Dull; standard, J1.00; No. 1,
I.02ttO1.05; No. 2, 90i96c; No. 3, NXffc.
HIDES Steady; Bogota, 29S80c;
Central America, 29c.
PETROLISUM-Steady; refined, New
ja25 ! bamIs' 8-75' caskB-
rvuy00ofeSleaJ': domestic fleoco, XX
Ohio. 25ff2Co
LEATHER Klrm; hemlock firsts, 29
31c; seconds, 2SgC3c. 1
OViS10oNS-Pork' sady; mess. J23.23
tx&lJKl W4-6: short clears.
fr'i?2-00-.. Ucef steady; mess, J18.00
I?n2l! fttim,' y'. -82aW. Cut meats,
fi9 i.?'.(ikIc1. ,bflllos. W to pounds.
2.5C13.25; pickled hams, J13.50. Lard
steady; middle west. JIO.70010.80; refined,
steady; continent, J11.30; bouth America,
862 comp)UnJ barcly steady, J8.87tf
cfe:LM.Ul7e:c.ity' 6Hc: country'
BUTTER Klrm; receipts, 4,600 tubs;
creamery extras. 36I7c; firsts. 2S034c
hold extras, 32J33c; firsts, 2731c; proc
ffrsu'allic2501 actorJ' currett maXo,
CHEESE-I'lrrn; receipts. 750 boxes!
state, whole milk, held, colored specials,
IS?4.? whllc- 16jl7c; average fancy, 16
flbc; fresh colored specials, 16c; white,
1616',;c; average fancy, 15ilB4c.
iXias Steady; receipts. 6,300 cases,
fresh gathered extras, 3Mr36o; extra firsts.
3f3lc; firsts, 33Smc; refrigerator,
fancy. 30c; firsts, 2929c: nearby hen
nery whites, 40042c; gathered whites, 40c.
European fresh, 2731c.
POULTRY Dressed, firm; fresh killed
westotn chickens, 1323c; fowls, 12019c;
turkeys, 18C5c.
Knmm City Grain nntl ProyUlonii.
No. 2 hard, 8JS9c; No. 2 red.
CORN No. 2 mlxel, C7c; No. 3, 6&H66!ic,
No. 2 white, 70c; No. 3. 68c.
WHEAT May, S6rfi6c; July, 83Uc
CORN-Deccmber, 67Sc; May. 71071c.
OATS-No. 2 white, 41$)Mlic; No. 2
mixed, 40c.
BUTTER-Creomcry, 33c; firsts, 22c;
seconds, 30c; packing, 19c.
EGGS Firsts, 33c; seconds, 20c.
POULTRY Hens, 2c; turkeys, 17c;
springs, 13c.
Minneapolis Gralu Mnrkct.
1 hard. S7(087&4c: No. 1 northern, S4!ft
S6Hc: No. 2 northern, 828fl4c; No. 3,
80(ffF2c; December, S3ic; May. 87c.
FLOUR Second clear, J2.&5; fancy
patent, JI.&G.
RYI3 5WC4c.'
CORN-No. 3 yellow. 67!4(fWi!ic.
OATS No. e whlt3. 36j36Hc.
Liverpool Grnln MnrUet.
Liverpool, Dec. 22. WHEAT Spot
steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 7b 4d; No. 2,
6s ll4d: No. 3. 6s 10V41. Futures easy;
March, 7s ld; May, 7s ld.
CORN Quiet; American mixed, 6s Sd;
LaPlata futures steady; January 6s d;
February, 5s 2d.
FLOUlt Winter patents. 19s.
HOPS In London (Pacific coast), 6 12a
fii 15s.
St. I.onlH General Market,
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 22. WHEAT No. 2
red, !&96c: No. 2 hard. SiVnSSWc: De
cember. Mfcc; May. 91g9lc.
CORN No. 2, 67fiiSc; No. 2 whlto, 674j
CSc; December, 69c; May, 71ti71o.
uatb-o, z, raiitnuc; December, 40V4c;
May. 42c.
, 31 I nl Market.
Kcad. quiet at 3.!&fft4.B: Iondon 17 15s.
Snnlfnr atnr1t i r.jr r . t n.4K. rm
10a. Copper, quiet; standard spot, not
riUntpfi Dopfmhap nforml n tli 1R T..
uary and .rei'irunry offered at Jl..o.
elictroJytlc, 14.3714.C0; lake, 815.00ft)
lh fA) nominal' Kiiallnrr 14 AiVtJ 141 I
rrln tVrtn Lr arst r 1 Mln
February, 83C67V4S57.124: March.
$15.0015.60; No. 2 northern, I14.6015.25;
No. 1 southern, $16,001 15.50; No, 1 south
ern, soft, :iJ5.00fn5.ffl.
ixinaon marKets closed ns follows:
Conner, firm. nrui rc.i n.
64 12s 6d. Tin. easy; spot. JilGS 5s; fu
tures. 169 15s. Iron. Cleveland war-
Steafly at J3.00. Spelter: Stronger at tS.OO
Coffee Market.
iiiw luiiii. ucc. COFFEE Iower
Kuropean cables, reports, of easier cost
and freight offers, heavy over Sunday
arrivals, and the failure of primary rc-
; i ;.. , ."'."j on, seemed
today. The opentnjc was dull, S to 9
8 to 12 points net lower. Sales. 16.001
?B: "emDer. s.ioc; Januarv. 9.12c
Rust. Septembor, 10.02c; October.
Knn ntllol nin M T , .1 . c .
4, 12!4c; Mild, dull; Cordova, 13Sl6ic,
Bmpurated Apples and Dried Fruit
uF8-v,uXlt &iW- "Jio,' choice.
vWtc: prime. St8c.
DRIED FRUITS Prunea o.ulct; Call
fornloa. 39ttj'12o; Orepons, 8?i(BHc. Aprl-r?.:,J,rm:cnolce-
"'"c: cxl choice,
active; choice, t7o; extra choice, 6WfiTc;
rnnov 7fi Tlal.ln- . .1 . . . i
catels, 586c; choice to fancy, seeded, 7fji
BCTuirsi, T4'ooc; inaon layers,
U in aim Hay Mnrkrt.
1 to cholco upland. il2.0lfl2.50: Nn. "
J10.CO3 12.00; No. 3. J8.00810.00; No. 1 to
choice midland, tll.0012.00; No. 2, I10.W
11.00; No. 3. J8.Ogl0.00; No. 1 to cholco
lowland. 19.00310.00: No. 2. J8.00S9.00: No.
3, 6.00B8.00.
STiiAW Choice oat or rye is quotable
at 6.00ft6.50; choice wheat, S5.006.50.
ALFALFA No. 1 to choice. llS.Oftfil
15.00; No. 2, Jll.0Oi713.00; No. S, J9.00ffll.0u.
Cotton Market.
tures closed steady: December. rto&
January. IU60; March, 12.02c; May, ll.&9o;
juiy, liuic. Dpoi, quiet; middling, iz,wc:
Suit, 12.75c
Closed steady at So to 20o net lower.
ket steady: middling fair. 7.48d: cood mid.
dllnK. 7.14d; middling, 6.92d; low mlddllnK,
b.sou, kouu orainary, .m; orinary, b.bMi;
Bales, 7,000 bales.
Dry Goods Mnrkrt,
Cotton goods markets were easier today
In Bray goods lines. Trading was light
anil ivinflniul I.. mnt.. . n ....II J . . . . .
.......,v iw wren uriiiiru
wants and nearby shipments. Jobbers
miAiucu u itur irituo ior trie period, in
dress goods, staples are being ordered
vprv mnnrnt aI v. Ituw alll tm
and unchanged.
Makes Further Responso to News
from Washington.
I.nnilon I'lilnniU lrrliiipR Thirty
Tlioimnnil Shares In Jirvr York
nml Then There Is Direct
Selllna fmni Alirond.
NMW YOn, Dec. 22.-A further re
sponse wus made by tho stock market
today to tho news from WnshlnKton of
the currency legislation and tho admin
istration's attitudo regarding enforce
ment of tho anti-trust law. In respect
to both these Influences, which wero
threatening factors In last week's ad
anco report, there were additional de
velopments on which a favorable con
struction wus (laced. Changes made In
tho currency bill In conference, pnrtlcu
larly tho defeat of tho provision for
guarantee of bank deposits, wero to tho
liking of Wall, street. From the White
Houso came tho news that the policy
pursued In the cose of tho American Tel
ephone and Telrgraph company would
be followed with other corporations
whose operations have .brought them un
der the co of tho Department of Jus
tice and that certain of these corpora
tions were ready to take the initiative
In effecting reorganization.
During tho fore part of the day tho
effect of these considerations wero nulli
fied, so far as concerned stock market
movements, by other Influences. Ex
tensive European selling hero was In
keeping down prices. Ixindon unloaded
perhaps 30,00it shares here, and there was
direct selling fr6m Paris, Herlln and
other points. The outlook at Herlln for
a strained money market at tho end of
tho year was said to be responsible for
heavy selling of Canadian Pacific Tor
Uorlln account and tho quotation was
depressed over Friday points. Amoin;
traders In this market there wns a dis
position to take profits. Reallilng Bales
and foreign offerings kept tho market
In check during the morning, with espe
cial heaviness In a few stocks, "t""
Union made a new low price at Mm, and
Missouri Pacific at SWlSU reached the
lowest quotation for years.
The market turned nttcr word camo
from Washington regarding Jclfyro8p.
for settlement out of court of differences
between tho government and corpora
tlons bb was done In the case of Amer -can
Telephone. The most marked eUeet
of this' news was tho quick bidding up
of stocks of corporations aKa list wh en
anti-trust suits have been filed or which
have been under Investigation by tho
government. Southern Pacific. lUdlK.
Wew Haven. Can. Harvester and Bmelt
ing all roiS'.tronW. Knrly ls8.c cre
made up in fost cases and at tho Close
tnero were many substantial gains.
1 Bounds were irregular Total
value. J2.10J.O00. United States 4s. regw
t0N0udmSe,r'onfCrea,.,B a?eaa,ng quotations
on stocks were: .. u, ci;...
Am.Umted OoPpr ... ."0 " 'H
Amerlcin Asrlcultunl V" ui
American Ueet Sugir.... ?'
can u .... - aH jjj,
Hf-:: !R SS5 5
cc: Cotton1 on::::. g
Ice Securities l.?9 tj tj4
Am. Ice Securities
WO iOH 10 VI 10
American l.inaeea ...
American Ijcnmotlte,
American 8. tt It....
Am. S. & tt. ptd.....
40) 30 vn Tt
WW 10s
riVsa'T. S'Tr:::.." . s
American iowk m. jirt
Sn1 M,.nnf..:::: Cm S. jli
Atlontlo Oout U" w in iv 11'
SJ:::::".: 3 S U S5
ro.lrm.Vri fl. W W 1I 4
0. M. V si. r.... l.JW 100H 10' JWH
a N. W.t
So Fuil t iron.... "0 i Jk
ip iial JL Irnn
corn l'roducta 4W j.
Delaware. A. Hudson...... 700 151 151'A
Denver ., nio Orand ,
riaiiver & H. 0. Ptd ,
1 J'l" SH Sfc ISi
nSl KlecWe .:. --00 II? J W
Oreat Northern ptd J.1W I! 1SJ 1H
Oreat Northern Or ctfi. l.joo 31 M 34
Illinois Central 400 mK IOjJ.
Interborough Met IS H 1H
Inter. Mot. pld .1W M14 WV
International llarve.ter.. 1.4W lUVk 101H 10.)
Inler-Marlne ptd Vi
International Paper JS
International rump jj
Kinui C.ny fioutliern 2J
laclede (la J
Ihlgh Valley 3,700 1SJW '.4
LouUvllle & Naahnllle 1334
M., BU P. 6. H ate. M. 40D 1J6 126V4 V
Mlaaourl, K. & T , 500 !0(4 201. 20H
Mliaourt Padtlo 8,600 2SA 3Ii Ui
National lad .44
National Ulncult 1214
N. It. It. of M. Id pfd 10H
Nw York Central 2.700 9.1U ni 01
N. Y.. O. & W.. 20H 28 28 2H
Norfolk & Western 2,(00 lot Vi 105!i 10H4
North American C.SO0 108 Vt 104 10SU
Northern Pacific lot
I-aclflc Mall 4,700 JOSH 108' 1W
PonnBylvanla 700 120V 120 120S
People's (Ma 2ti
Plltiburgh Coal 19
Pressed tileel Car 100 2 2 !
Pullman Palace Car 200 151 ISO Ul
Headlnx S8.100 M IStVi M'i
Republic Iron & Hterl... 700 20 i 194 20
Republic I. & B. ptd.... 2,000 SH, toft iVi
Rock liland Co 200 14U It Hit,
I'.ock Island Co. pfd 700 1 tlh 214
pt. U & fl. K. 2d ptd C.
Mabuam Air i.inr n
Se board A. U ptd JIXI 4S; 4ii 43V4
HIOBl-Khetfleld S. & I... 400 29 28Vi 2!
Bouthern l'scltlo S4.000 374 89S
Southern Hallway 1,200 22 22K 22
ifo. Hallway pfd 7lt
Tennessee Copper TOO 30Uj 30 30(4
Texas Taclllc 13V1
Union Pacific 13,400 W.i 1S4 lr,5V
Union Pacific ptd 400 S3 '4 Sl'i 33U
'United Btatea Hvalty.... 200 34 34 li
United Btatea Rubber.... 600 t6 WS W,
United Stales Steel 30,200 MH SIS
U, H. Steel pfd 2,100 Hot, 103 103U
Utah Oipper 4,200 4 43 W
Va. -Carolina Chemical .. too 23 23 2'
Wabash u 3
Wabash pfd Joo i 8U si.
Western Maryland 600 Jtn 34 34
Western Union 10,300 37 64 U cu
Westlnhous Blectrlc .. 1,400 6414 63!. 64U
Wheelln- b Lake Erlo ..... "H
New Ilsrlne 6,600 7Ji 70V4 2'4
Total sales for the day, 487,200 abirea.
New York Sloncy Mnrkct.
NEW YODK. Dec. 22. MONEY Call,
firm; 3A8P per cent; ruling rate, SM tier
cent; closing, pfr rent. Time
loans weaker; CO days, tWA per cent; 5
days, 6 per cent; six months, 4&QG per
cent. Mercantile papec, M4 per cent,
bSfs8' Ui0i '' dcmund' N-SMOl commercial
BlLvEIWBar. 57Hc; Mexican dollars,
44Hc. '
BONDS-aovcrnmcnt. firm; railroad. Ir
regular. Closing quotations on bonds today were
as follows:
U. S. ref. 2s, rec... 7(4 K. C. So. ref- 3s.. 94H
do coupon SIV I. H dL. Is 1931.. t.
do 3s rec 10!i4 U II ;:. uni. 4. . . 3
do 3s coupon 10 J 44 M. K. T. 1st 4s.. 37
U. 8. 4s. reg 110?. do gen. 4a 834,
do coupon HI "Mo. raclflo 4s ... uvi
Panama 3s coupon.. H d.i conir. it 70
Amer. Ae. U JV N" H It. 01 M. 4 'is 9
A. T. t T. ct. 4s. 91 N. Y t. c 3VJs.... 81
Am. Tobacco 6s 114 Jo deb. 4 82V4
Armour Co. 4's.. J's N. v. N. II. & II.
Atchison ien. 4s.... 54 cv. $14,
oo cr. 4s 19" ... M N. W. 1st c. 4s.. Wit
do cr. Si V4 do cr. 4s 103
A. C. t- 't ?' . No. Psclflo 4s Mlt
Bsl. & Ohio 4s JOS do j M
do Jits W O. B. U rfdf. 4s. .. 8u
Brook. Tr. cr. 4s.... 7is penn, cr. 34s l15.. 7ii
Cen. of Oa. 6s 100 d0 con. 4s JSS
Can. leather 6a RMdlnK sen. 4a.... S3
Che. Ohio 4Hs. . W S. L. t a. Y. fc 4i 70
do conr. 4 Sis 71 do ien. 3s i',i
Cblcato A A. 3s.. 64W Ht. u H. W. c. 4s.. 73ii
C. ! Q l 4.. .. 4i, g. A U sdj. ts.... 73
do Kn ti MTi Ho. Pac. col. 4s 39U
a M H I' o 4WS..101 do rr. 4s t
C, H. I. P. c. 4a &0t do Hit ref. 4s uv,
do lie. 4s 71Hpo. Hallway 5-.. ...W.
C. & B. r & 4Ha. Ii4 do ck. Is 11K
D. 11. cr. 4s 37 Lu.on I aclflo 4.. . H
D. Jb R. 0. ref. Ct.. 67i4 do cr. 4s lii
DlPil'lon' 5s 644 do 1st H re'. . . M
F.. V I. 4s U II. fi. Kuboer fa.. I'll;
do gan. 4s 118 1 , a gte.l 2d tl .100
di 4s. ber. II.. 7HS V.-r. Chera. ts .... tis
III Ceu, 1st I, 4s, 8t Wsbssh 1st A et. 4 ai
In'ir Mat. 41 74 Western Md. 4s... 7SVt M 1. 4Hs.. MH West. Klec. cr. 3a.. 4IU
Jan-. 4'. , 38 Wls. Central 4s. .. 3..
Uld. "Offered.
rtnaton fltork Mnrkrt.
BOSTON. Dec, 22. doling quotations
on stocks were:
Amst, Copper .
A Z, I t 8
Arlsona Com,
'al. & Arliona.
t'at. & I let. a
31 Nevada Con. . . .
. 7ti Nlplaslnr, Mines
US North UuUa . .,
North Like
. ' Old Dominion .,
403 Oscaola . ,,,
....... 71
. . . 6?
UH uln
Copper Range c C J4 dhsi lion .
cast uuue l, m ,. 11 nujtuor
IVanklln JS fnt'r A II. M .. !
Uranby 1 T 1a.i ,.fk r
llrrene I'snanea ... t i h. H. M 11 . V"4
Isle Hoyale Copper 19 .t pfd .. .. 4T,
Kerr Ike 4 ; 14 t inn. . .. Mi
Ik tvpper il'u Opper t..... M
I.a Ssll Cepper . I hi v iii-na Hi
Miami Cepper ll Wlrcrtse 44H
Mohawk 44
l.iintloti Mt"ck Mnrket.
l.ONOON, Dec. IS. Amorlcnn soouritlea
opened unchanged today. Later tho list
ensed off under the lead of Onndlan l'a
clflo. which was freely offerod by the
continent. Canadian l'nclflo was 2-Vi
lower nnd pilreri elsewhere from un
changed to bolow purity.
SlbVKIt-Uar. steady, 26 llld.
threo months, 4 13-10ff4!tl.
Clllt-.t!t) l.IVU STOCK MA11KKT
Cnttlc Sternly to Ton Cents lllitlie
Hiikn Viinettlru.
..C1UOAGO, Dec. 22.-CATTJE-neoeipts,
li.OOu head; market steAtly to ltX' higher;
beeves, Jt T(vtjo.7t); Texas steers, Jfi.TlHi7.7f.
western steers. JbO04J7.7S; 'Blockers ami
feeilnril f, fSltf? 7 RA ' rn..a 1.
KW; calves. KOOitf 10.00,
itutjs itecelpls 34,tiOO head; unsettled
maikct opened lOo higher, but reacted
r: on fancy loads sqld at J7.W; hulk of
twles, J7.Wi7.ND; llclit, J7.8S4i7.70; mixed,
l; i.Mi7 UV liauvv ! 1W! ir.. 1, it itu
i.PS; pigs. Jfi.W.!...
fllWKf AND I.AMnS-Hccelpts. 1S.O00
head; market steady, 10flo higher; ut
t've, $4.4Hr5.75: westeni, J4.40fiG.75; year
lings, J5.P0ittl?.W; lambs native. $ti.40-(f8.00;
western, Jb.404K.Oo.
St. I.imU Stock Jllnrket.
ST.LOtnS, . MO.. Dec. 23,-CATTIiH-
Hecuipits h.Oui uoiiu, .y,
native beef steers, J7.604i'.i.75; cows and
heifers, J4.2CvJirUl; Blockers and foeders,
J3.18U,7.60; southern strors, J.V751f7.tiO; cows
and holfcrs, J4.(Viia00; native culvus,
itoiio Itnclpts, 15.!i00 hrad; .nrl't
10c lilghor; pigs nnd lights, K7&4J7.W;
mixed and butchers, J7.tKK87.S5 good
heavy. r.S01j".s7H.
SHEEP AND UMHS Hccelpts, 2,400
head; market lOo to 15o hlglu-r; native
muttons, j3.7fRG5; lambs, S.avijS.0i).
K tin xit City Mti' Stock .Mnrkct.
ltecelpts, 12,000 head, market steady
to 15o higher; prima fed steers, Jt..4.Vit
V.3); drt-ss-ed beer steers, J7.0ini8.i6;
western steers, JG.0Wi7.C6; southern steers,
J..60f(7.10; cows. J4.4iWi7.O0; hellers, Jtl.l.0i
I'.OO; atockcra and feeders, J5.MW.G0; bulls,
J5.0tfj(7.0i; calves,
llOtlS Receipts, 8,000 iicud; market Co
to 10c higher; bulk of sales, J7.Wti1.S0;
heavy, J7.7lir7.SO; iwic)orn ivid Imtcliurs,
J7.tVS1".S0; light. J7.4OJr7.70; pigs, jRoiKifMR.
tlHEEl'-ltecolpts. 10,000 head; market
lOo fo 23o higher; lambs, J7.Uli7.7S; ycar
IIiirs, Jj.t07.lW; wethers, Jl.401i).ti0; ewes,
Sioux city 1,1 v- .stock Atnrkct.
SIOUX CITY, la., Doe. 22.-CATTU0-Itecelpts,
2.200 head; markut stronger;
native steers, JC.uou,S.25; cows and
heifers, J4.7&H6.W); ennners, J3.75tfi.fii);
stackers and feeders, Jfl.U0if0.B6; calvos,
JbUOfcO.SG; bulls, stags, etc., J4.7MiCti0.
HOOS Rccolpts, 2,b00 heuii; market Co
to iia) hlmif i , lieu... ,.ojMii.ou. mixed
J7.Mi7.73; light, J7.30B7.U; bulk of sales,
SU1SEP Receipts, &) head; market
lilghcr; fed muttons, JS.&O'uC.tiO; wethers,
Jl.60tj6.00; wm, J3.74.GO; lambs, J5.75
St. Joni'pIi live Stock .tlnrket.
ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 22.-HOGS-Recelits,
4,C0j hrad; market MJlOc higher; top, J7.SJ;
bulk. J7.5.-.Q7.70.
CATTLE Receipts, COO hcod; market
steady to a shade' lower; steers, J5.00JJ1
S.00; cows and heifers, Jl. 25j8.W; calves,
SHEEP AND I-AMHS-Rccolpts, 2,500
hoiul; markot 10Q15o higher; liunhs, J&.00
UUTTER NO. 1, 1-lb. cartons, 33c J No.
1, mMI), tubs, 31c.
FISU-Whtte. fresh, ICo: trout, fresh.
15c; largo crapplcs, fresh, 13ul5c; ijpanlsh
mackerel, ICo; sltud roe, per pair, 40c;
salmon, trcsh, lOo; halibut, fresh. Ho;
bulfulo, lc. bullheads, 13c; channel cat
fish, lVc; pike, 15c; pickerel, 12c.
POULTRY Broilers, J4.OOiTG.00 per doa.J
hen?, 15c; cocks, 12c; ducks, 18u; geust,
lGc; turkoys, 23c; pigeons, per doz., J1.20;
ducks, full feathered, 12& geese, full
feathered, He; squabs, No. 1, Jl.W; No.
2, 60c.
CHEESE Imported Swiss, 30c; Ameri
can Swiss, 22o; block Swiss, 20c; twins,
ISo ; daisies, lSVic; triplets, lCHc; Young
Ameilcus, lDc; blua label brick, ISc; Urn
berger, 2-Ib., :flo; New York white, lio,
Wliolisalu pi Ices of beet cuts etl octlvo
today in Omaha are as follows:
UEEU CUTS-No. 1 ribs, 16Wc; No. 2,
14V5c; No. 3, 12c. No. 1 loins, lsc; No. 2,
154c; No. 3, 13V4c. No. 1 chucks, 10',ic;
No. 2,' 94c; No. 3, 9c. No, 1 rounds,
12V4c; No. 2, 12Uo; No. 3, llic No. 1
piates, sftc; sso. sue; 0. j, inc.
t'ltLi'iB- Uruimus; caiuoriua tiavels,
extra fancy Sunklst, !, 120, 150, 17G, 200
and 250 sizes, J3.00; 250 slzo, J2.60; 288 size,
$2.40, 324 size, J2.25; Klorlda, W and 12(1
sizes, J3.00; 15U, 176, 200 and 210 sizes, J2.50;
r.t slzo, J2.40; ii8 and 321 sizes, J2.Z5;
Klorlda Kumquats, per box, 25c. Apples:
Extra fancy Washington Jonuthaiis, per
box, JJ.23; White Winter Pearmalns, per
box. J2.25; tancy Whlto Winter I'eiir
malns, per box, J2.00; fancy Idaho Ulaok
Twigs, per box, J2.U0; fancy Idaho Raid
wins, per box, J2.00; fancy Idaho York
Imperials, per box, J2.00;. fancy Idaho
Wulbrldges, per box,; fancy Idaho
Willow Twigs, per box, J1.85; fancy Idaho
Smith Cider, per box, Jl.So; extra fancy
Idaho Northern Spy, Qreentngs or Kings,
per box, $2.00; extra fancy Idaho Ram
bos, per box. J2.25; extra fancy Ron Davis,
per box, $1.05; funcy Ren Davis, per box.
$1.50; choice Ren Davis, per box, JL10;
Ren DaviB, per bbl., J4.60; York Imperials,
per bbl., J4.50; Mlnklers. per bbl., J4.60.
Lemons; Extra fancy Sunkist, 300s and
Ma. per box, J8.50; extra cholco Red Ball,
300s and 300s, per box, $7.50. Qrapcs: Extra
fancy Emperors, per crate, J2.25; Earl's
Emperors, per bbl., J4.00; Imported Mal
agas, extra fancy, $7.00; fancy, J0.50; extra
choice, $0.00; choice, $3.50. Grapefruit;
Extra fancy Florida, 36s. J3.50; 46a and 96s.
J3.75; 64s, 64s and fcOs, J4.25. Cranberries:
Per box, J2.75; Bell and Rugle, per bbl.,
$3.00; Rell and Cherry, per bbl.. JS.50;
late red, per bbl., $8.25:, Richard, per bbl.,
J9.00; extreme Jumbo, per bbl., $11.00.
VEGKTAULES-PotatocsfcGenulno Red
River Early Ohio, per bu., J1.00; Rurals
or Burbanks, per bu S5c; Idaho Rurals,
per bu.. Mc. Sweet potatoes: Per hamper,
J1.25. Cabbage: Holland seed, per lb 2c;
red, per lb., 3c. Onions: Ohio, large Red
Globe, per lb., 2Wc; SpaniBh, per crate,
Ji 'A Tomatoes.1 California, per 4-basket
crate, J2.00.
M I SCELLANEOUS California flcts. 12
12-oz. pkgs., 85c; 50 0-oz. pkgs., J2.00; Cali
fornia black figs, 12 12-oz pkgs., J1.09; 7 I
crown Imported figs, per lb., lbo; 3 crown
Imported figs, per lb., 13c; 7 crown pulled
figs (boxes weighing about 6 lbs.), VOc;, S
crown pulled figs (boxes wclghlnir about
5 lbs.), 75c; 7 crown pulled figs (boxes
weighing w oz.j, per doz., Jl.25. Drome
dary brand dates, pkg., J3.00; Anchor
brand dates, pkg., $2,26; Uallowlo dates,
per lb., 714c. Parsnips, per lb., 2c. Car
rots, per lb,, 2c Beets, per lb., 2c. Tur
nips, per lb., 2c. Rutabagas, per lb., IVic.
Collfornla Jumbo celery, per doz.. Be.
Michigan celery. Per doz., 35c. Cider, per
keg, $3.25; per half bbl., J5.75. Shallots,
por doz., 60c. Parsley, per doz., 40c,
Radishes, per doz., 60c. Head lettuce, per
doz., Jl.OO. Home-grown leaf lettuce, per
doz.. 40c. Orcen peppers, per basket, 600,
Wax or green beans, per hamper, J0.C0.
Hot houso cucumbers, per doz., Jl.tOg2.00.
Cauliflower, per crate, $3.26. Venetian
garlic, per lb., i:'4c. Eggplant, per doz.,
$2.00. Horseradish (2 doz. bottles In case),
per case, $2.0"). Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell,
per lb., 19c. Medium peoans, per lb., 13Hc.
Pecans, jumbo, per lb., 16c, Giant pecan,
Louisiana paper shell, per lb 25c, Fil
berts, per lb., 15c Drake almonds, per
lb.. 18c; paper shell, 2So. Brazils, per lb.,
ISc; large washed, per lb., lc. Black
walnut, per lb., 2V4c. Peanuts, raw, No,
1, per lb.. 7c; jumbo, per lb., ic; roasted,
per lb., mc. Shell bark hickory nuts, per
lb., 4c. Whlto rice popcorn, per lb.. 4c.
Checkers, per 100-lb. rase. $3.50; per 60
pkg. case. Jl.75. Cocoanuts, por sack,
J7.00. Chestnuts, Imported Italian, per
lb. :0c; sack or bbl. lote. 8c. Honey.
whUe clover, 24-sectlon case, per case.
Oil unci Itoaln.
OIIr-Market easy; prime summer yol
low Ji5.60fjU.75 Docombcr, J0.60; March.
J0.M; May. J7 15.
ROSIN-Market quiet, strained, com
mon to good. J1.COM, 10.
TURPENTINE Market quiet; machlno
barreU, 45i
Cattle Keccipt8 Very Light and
Prices Higher in Consequence.
I'nt Sheep nml l.ninlm Fifteen to n
thinner IIIkIht Kecdrrn Aetlir
unit i:x-rti'tl t He Cuiullilnti
Very l.nrM
Receipts weto; Catlltv, Hogs. Mie.
Kstlmatn Mdii.Ihv ni1 111 nml
onino nay lust vteR. . . C.1S7
fcame day 2 weeks ago 2.SU
Nimo day 3 weeks ago 6,241
Same day I weeks ago 8.305
hunio day lust ear.... i.lm
5.50 1
1 ha following tabla snows tlir receipts
of entile, hugs and sheep at the South
Omaha live slock market for tho year to
Unto as. compared witli last year:
1Q19 1QI1 tn. r.
I a-ttl 45,'.t7 IW.443 62.5J5
''"K" -,.4!'u,113 2.S11.172 3.M.0J9
Sheop 3.1R,;177 2.10f.73S SXl.tAl
"Iho following table shows tho range ot
prices for hogs at the South Omaha live
stock market for the last few days, with
Dale. I lHIJ, 11mz.Hi.11 1 .MO.ilWsMlWti.Uiw;.
I 7 54;
I 40, 7 3l
7 581 (1 311 S 5.11 4 34
lil 7 311 G 97 I .i SSI r. 411 4
48 7 IS' 6 M 7 6S a 4 II
1 644f 7 12
6 1S 7 411 J. 291 I 4 43
141 5 !H: 7 Ssi K XII r, Sxl i Sri
7 45 1 6 001 7 6G1 8 VJ 6 37
7 41M 7 ml K ml T Mi s 111 t. 5nl i
if. I I ai 1 7 011 7 Ml 8 26 6 34 4 17
IS. 7 4G?i 7 02 5 90 S SI 6 32 4 40
l. 7 U 6 911 7 61 I 6 311 4 31
20.1 7 47-1 7 0S tl 01 7 IM 8 J6I 4 33
21.1 1 7 12 6 OS 7 6S, S 291 6 W 4 33
7 flftil 6 0S 7 ftl S tits h 34 1
Receipts anil dlsllimitlmi nf llvn ntnrlc
at tho Union Stock Yards, Houth Oiniiha,
Neb., tor tV-imty-four hours ending at
3 o clock p. in, yesterday:
CattlK.llnuM.. Silent). H'rii'a.
C, M. & St. T. Ry.. 7
Union l'acifto It. H..14 ti 16
C. N. W , 0Bt.... l 2
C. Ac N. W., west..ifi 11 1 1
C. St. V., Jl. At 0..23
C . R. & Q., cast.... 1 .. "" 1
C, II. & Q west. ..16 !) 6 2
C R. I. .t P.. east.. II 6
Illinois Contra Ry. 1 6
Chi. tlrcut Western. 6 2
Total receipts. ...Wt 40 all 3
" Cattli.lliii:n.Slienn.
Storrls & Co iVn t:w titft)
SWlft .t t'o :14'J l!T4 IM
Cudaliy racking Co 62!1 74 1,083
Armour M Co 4S7 776 44s
J. W. Murphy 731 ....
it. 1 Uo 31 ,
S. O. V. Co 9
Ronton Vansant & L. !'S
Hill & Son .31
V. R. Lewis iro
Huston Ai Co 15
J. 11. Root & Co ;w
J. II. nulla y
L. Husz 4
IUiscnstuck Hros 125
McCreary Ai Ku.logg.... 17
Werthelmer Ai Degun... JS
Sullivan Rros 45
Rothschild tt
Mo. AV Kan.-Citl. Co 67
Chrlstlo 62
Hlgglns 33
Huffman 2
Krebs , ic
linker, Jonos Ai Smith,.. 9 ....
Tanner ir ....
Harvey ....
Other buyers. 153 3,l(fi
Totals 2,702 3,473 67WI
UATTL13 Receipts wero very moderate
this morning, only 101 cars being reported
In. it was fortunate, howovor, that such
was tho case, us no great number of
cattlo Is wuntcd during tho holiday week,
l'hero was, however, a fair demand for
a fowl decent killers and the market
opened early In tho morning with audi
kinds as buyers seemed to want selling
freely with prices around 10c higher.
Kinds less sought aftor were nonet ally
steudy with last week's close. It was all
hi alt a good, healthy market, both on
stoors and cows. There ulso was some
llttlo demand for feeders and whllo the
requirements of buyers wore very lim
ited there wero so fow cattlo hero that
thoso ok salo generally chaugod huuds to
the advantugo of sellers.
It would be well for shippers to bear
In mind that there will bo no market on
Christinas day und that thero novcr Is
much demand for cattlo during tho lust
week or ten days In December. Thoro
Is, however, cull for a fow cuttlo nnd It
frequently huppciiH that when receipts
aro very light good prices prevail during
tho holiday season by reason of tho
Bcarclty of supplies. On tho other hand,
with anything llko liberal receipts tho
market could hardly fall to bo unsatis
factory. It follows then thut shipping
any great number of cuttlo during tho
holiday season is decidedly hazaidous.
Quotations on cuttle; Good to choice
beef steere, J7.00jj8.50; fair to good beef
(doers, common to fair boof stvoru, $6.2jy)
7.60; ralr to choice, ycurllngs, $X.6&(lJ.6u;
good to choice cornfod llrlfiTH, $G.76fj7,76;
good to choice grass heifers, JG.5OU7.00;
good to choice cows, J6.0oQti.75; fair to
good grudes, J.'..25fllr00; common to fair
grades. J4.26ft5.2S; good to choice stock
ers and feeders, J9.85O7.80; fair to good
stockers and feeders, J6.26Sffi.83, common
to fair stockers and feeders, J5.7uft6.25;
stock cows and heifers, J4.50Stl.60; veal
calves, J6.OOCj10.00; bulls, stage, etc., J4.0O
No. Av. l'r. No. Av. Ir.
4 feeders.. 10 ti 00 12 feeders.. 1170 6 35
C steers.... IM) 8 00 fi steers.. ..1050 7 00
nutsf HTf.iillH.
Av. IT.
No. Av. l'r.
...120 lit
...WW 74
. . . 710 6 71 .
,..1040 7 00
...1(: 7 07
...11M 7 00
... 75 7 10
...mi 7 24
...1015 7 30
...1011 7 M
...10M 7 M
4 OSS 7 40
It Ill 110
It 1211 7 f.1
Jl 950 7 CO
..1130 7 CO
..1121 7
.. i2 7 75
.. 893 7 71
..1011 7 IS
..1102 T .'.
..1213 I OS
vw 7 SS
KTf.tDtt- AND HKIKLiui,
911 7 X 13 1039 7 10
.... 703 7 75
27 -M U
1 110 4 lo 10 10C0 6 50
1 710 4 21 1 1064 I 60
1 IKK) 4 50 1 IM IM,
1 U10 4 to t nut 5 70
3 1020 4 (0 1 1140 I 70
t 9S6 4 M 4 10M t 71
1 1034 I W II 1106 5 tt
1 110 5 01 7 1011 I 90
1 tUt I 00 1 HO I 00
1 UK) t OO 14 1127 I 00
5 tM 5 15 7 IV5 05
3 14 5 35 2 1M0 10
1 910 6 30 1 U40 I 10
1 7:0 5 25 4 ion a 10
1 1010 I 3 I ISO 6 15
tit MAN niAVKJ,.
COST includes shore excursions and all necessary expenses.
Excellent accommodations alio available on this cruise for passage to MADEIRA,
SPAIN, ALGIERS, ITALY and EGYPT only, coat of shore excursion, included.
Write for booklst containing full tnformatlen
XO9 wont
ureir nun.
..i:w a
.lis 04
. 4M f
.tm t
. R 1(1
.im 1 m
. i4 m
.. i in
.. 77 6 W
0 7 (
. 111
6 H 1
1 m 1
7 1
110 t 09
Jl.) 71
ti si
110 1 Ti
7 1..
t m IN II "
I M0 10 14 Ml 6 W
17 lit I 2, ;o
1 ISO II 1 HI '
Itt 4t 3 10
II 740 M 1 H ti
11 6C) CM 7 4U 7 19
7.. 747 OS ....
HOUS-A ory light run showed up this
morning, the estimate calling for .46 cars,
or 3.300 head. This Is over 4,200 hend
smaller than last week and nearly l.t0
head lighter than for tho samo day last
Reports from other markets indicated a
sharp ndvntico In prices nt all points,
nnd ns local receipts were so small, ship
pers and speculators bought a number of
londs lit prices that were all of 10c
higher. Puckers were slow to follow
suit, and their early bids wero no moro
than 11 nickel lilghor, hut n compromise
was reached In short order and In the
end killer buyers put up their droves nt
an hi! vance of about &C1IO0. riencrally
speaking, tho market Is fully 5fll0o
higher, but most of tho sales show tho
long end of tho advance.
Heavies and butchers sold largely nt
J7.654J7 70. the latter prleo being tho best
paid, mid the bulk of tho light stuff
Innded nt J7.401t7.65. Trndo was fairly nc
live, and the light supply was practically
(II. ...
m o t m
4 M IM 1 14
1 Hi 1 II
It TR I H 7 6 M
1 fM 1 MM f, M
f' fc::::::::::l !
) ft 4 W IN
) t & 4 Il IH
I 1 t.r, 4R t 7
11 I1T I Is
Sh. Tr. No. At. Ph. r
M 7 40 IS SOS tO 7 M
... 7 41 71 Ill HO !K
... 7 IJ 44 ESI 110 7 Ml,
... 7 41 (1 T Ida 7 M
... 7 41 US. ......HI 14 7 IS
40 7 10 4 ,2)4. 170 7 fi
40 7 IW M JIO ... 7 U
10 7 10 41 M0 MTU
... 7 10 71 :: 10 7 CA
40 7 15 w :n ... 7 M
... 7 II 40, 17.4 to T cr
... 7 Ml 7. 520 H) 7 (15
... T Ml 314 170 7 70
40 7 II tl OKI 1(0 7 70
ISO 7 M 70 SSO 1) 7 70
so 7 Ml C4 ISO 7 70
10 7 CO 41 137 iro 7 70
... 7 10 It tOO 7 70
40 7 to S SM ... 7 70
10 7 CO li US ... 7 7t
(00 7 60
... 7 01) 4S 140 ... 7 30
... 7 24 ti 141 ... 7 IS
.. si
HI USUI' Tlmrii worn not enough fat
offerings hero to really mako n market,
and what llttlo fat stuff was on sale
Included no choice grades of either Hhoop
or lambs. Recnuso of thin situation tho
packers wero good competitors nnd paid
prices 168250 higher than the close, of
lout week. It was tho opinion of traders
If anything like a normal supply had
been here prices would have howt llt
tlo, It any, Improvement. Chicago also
had a light run and early ndvlcos from
there indicated an advance of WflBc,
the genera! shortage In tho receipts
nnd tho scarcity of good stuff being
tho cause for tho bulllsit feeling
The day's receipts wero only half of
thnao of a week ago or a year ago, and
two-thlids of thorn worn feeders. De
mand and prices for feeder lambs and
owos showed no material change, though
tho tnurkct was active and practically
everything Wns cleared In very fair
season. Kocder lambs sold largely at a
rnngo of Jtf.2rif0.40.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good
to choice, J7.&O0T7.8O; fair to good Inmbs.
Jit.7C(Tjl7..riO; lambs, culls, Jo.G03ifi.00; feeder
lambs, JO. 25110.75; yearlings, light, JO. 25
fl.W); heavy ycnrllugs, M.OWatl.rB: yoarllng
feedorsj, J3.0Ofi.VfpO; good to cholco woth
ers, JJSrJjC.fiO; fair to good wethor, J4.7M)
o.2j; good to clinic v es, J.Don' .75; fair
to good ewes, J4.2&?4.h; feeder owes,
JS.0OU4.00. '
No. Av,
11(5 Corn-fed lambs C9
15 culls , 05
4 Coin-fed yearlings 77
13 Nebraska owes 7U
549 cornfed owes 'X
55 cornfed awes D7
0(1 cornfed lambs 77
12 culls ,.. H2
24 cornfed lambs 100
21 cornfed lambs 43
7 40
r. no
0 23
a 00
4 GO
4 00
7 50
(1 00
7 60
C 10
IOIkIii llutter 31 it rk ft.
HIGIN, 111.. Dec. 22. HUTTBR Firm,
All Working to Help
the Sale of the Red
Cross Seals Here
"I'll buy ICO Red Cross seals, if you
will stick them on tho packages for mo,"
a busy man nuld to Miss Anna I'ctcra in
tho postofflco building.
"Certulnly," sho ropllod readily. "That
means a dollar to tho cause, so I'm
game." And for tho next half hour, her
few momontH of spuro tlmo wero occu
pied with moistening tho big block of
stlckcni with a spoilgo and affixing them
to the armful of Christmas parceU the
busy man had left with his money to
pay for them.
Over 1,000 of the llttlo rod seals wero
sold in lens than two hours In the post
offlco building by young women repre
senting the Oraduuto Nursea' association,
Tho money goes with tho other proceeds
of tho salo of seals to help fight tuber
culosis In Omaha und Nebraska.
Ono woman who hud many packages
to mall went to tho postofflco early to
tend to tho matter before tho crowds
filled tho corridors, fcJho found the Rod
Cross bcnl agents had not yet appeared,
so she refused to mall her parcels until
sho secured seals from the Rrandols
Btores and stuck somo on every packugo.
Labor unions nnd fraternal societies
havo Joined the campaign und are using
tho Red Cross Christmas seals on all
.their mall matter.
The sale of seals In postofftccs, depots,
hotels and hospitals alone will exceed
J1.500 In Nebraska this season, according
to Miss R. D, Nations, who Is In chargo
of that part of the work.
93 DAYS to
iwimnuim nu9 v uu au, iuM or lvOCfli
Young Woman Forced to Pay Heavy
Duty on Her Present.
r 111
Shr llmltntr nml Then DrniTa Ten,
Dollar till! from Her I'urso nnd
I'nj-n 41m 1 1 envy Dnty
from (.'nnniln.
How would you llkfc to be compelled tn,
lny Jl to socum possession of your own.
Christmas present?
That Is the uncomfortable cxpcrleti"
which nn Omaha young lady cndiiord
yesterday jiinrr)lng.
A friend In fact n gentleman friend-'
In Canada had sent tho girl a bit of
Jewelry. Tho Jewelry was of good qual-.
Ity nnd tho customs officers decided that'
It was worth about J15, .whereupon, they
assessed a duty of GO per cent against It.
nnd notified the young woman to call nt
the office, pay tho customs duty and receive-
tho package, addressed to her.
When she .learned, tjiut tho amount duo
wns J!, sho hesltnted.
"Isn't this a good deal like buying
your own Christmas present?" she asked
tho clerk.
"Hardly that." ho replied, with :i
thought of tho days when ho himself hadt
encountered difficulties ns a lover. "Youi
soo tho young man couldn't prepay tho;
duty from Canada, under any condition.!
Now often tho young men In such a clr-l
cimistrinco"-flnd tho girl blushed a llttlo
"Inter wrlto to inquire as td tho
amount of duty paid, and then remit to
the person to whom tho package wan,
Tho girl thought It over and then fished
a single J10 bill out of her little sllverl
purso nnd pushed It through tho window.)
And tho clerk has been wondcrlngt
since, whether It wns thought of XM
lovo of tho young man In the gift, or thei
possibility of getting tho J3 back thatf
prompted her to part with tho money.
Sovcinl nefarious law breakers with nth
eyo townrd a sumptuous feed on Christ-'
mai without nn outlay of expense on
their part raided tho chicken coops of
Mrs. J. K. Hazard, 1503 Ohio street, nnd
James Nelson, 250S Patrick avonue, Sun
day morning beforo daybreak. Four
cholco Whlto Wyandottes wero secured
from Mrs, Hazard nnd twelve Plymouth
Rocks wero stolon from Mr. Nelson.
A special breakfast nun Christmas ser
vlco for men living nt the Young Men's
Clirlstlnn association building will bo hold
Christmas morning. Rev. C. N. Dawson,
pastor of tho Dlotjj Memorial church, wll
address the meeting, which will bo hcldi
In ono of tho banquet roomi. '
.vsmuv ills.
lis WW till Hi mrirs suit snrtsifal sk.
9 KnloV SflTMiU Vlsw t -NUnrtf F.B n nf (K
world's stfsa wvndm. and a drlt4ii utp down lbs
"Hlturia Hso'smi Slvsr- without chsnga at cats, sxrivlasl
st qiainw Us Uta ststeresaaa Rlrar CIHa.
Nfui. Largt. Modem, Tu-in hereto Steamers
Cameroala, California, Caledonia, Columbia
TUSCANIA, 14,000 tons, (Building)
mud with WlraUaa T.lftTaphr aiul nils. Kaats.
Drawing (looms, Loonsaa. Smoking- llooma. Orcsaatraa.
LiMurtixulr Appoint! Saloon and Sacowl Cabin.
Uniurpitiid Third Clits fullr Furnlthed-lew Rilit
Rouma for marrlad couplca and tamniaa of 1, 4 and I parsons.
Mediterranean Service from NewYork
First Cabin Pasiigo to Naplos $60 and up.
Third Class at Very Low Rales.
Anshar Uln Drslta Payable. Pre of Chirx
ror Pook of Tours, Ratta, ate., applj to
HtMDHnSON DROTHlnS, Osn'l Afants
W. Bsndolph at., a. B. Cor. Dsrborn.caios
Or toosl Atsnts Cvsrywharo
ti noun3-niosT to rtiowitna.
Salllno Every Wesk Tlckats Interchangeabl
npecisi raie ior January.
S. S. Caribbean
and Arcadian
(Arcadian SKlnnlox Jan. 10, Booklnx Mow)
The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Bandsrson & Bon, dsn. Acta.
15 Bo. LaSalla Ht Chlcaia.
S. S. Bermudian
Quebec S. S. Co., Ltd.
A. B. Outerbrldga a. Co.. At,. 19 Ilway. N. T.
For Uooklsts apply to aboia B. S. Cos. or
any Tlckst Axaot.
Nawtit 8 1 mars
to tho Troplos
via seadalra,
aibraltar, JXgitf
tartest Btaarnars
In ths Trad
FEB. 11
MAR. 14
APL. 4
F. O. IinOWW, S. a. COr. Maaiaon and Ball Bti., (jhlcago, or local ncanta.
I ti noun3-rnosT to FiiOWitna if