n1 'Polly and Her Pals-Pa is In f or DfttfME it! I TBJ.VJ Dn M rUvwy you mittmim' of r drib WANT ADS Want ndsrocclvcd at nny time, but to Insure proper classification must bo presented beforo 12 o'clock noon for tlie evening edition and 7:30 p. m. for Uio morning and Hunday editions. Want ads received after Bttcli hours will have their first in Hertion under tlio heading, "Too Late to Clnaslfy." CASH RATE FOR WA.VT Al) RICGUfiAR CLASSIFICATION: Ono insertion, 12 cents per line. Tito or raoro connccutivo inner tlons, 0 cents per lino. Ono lino per month, Hl.fiO. Tirenty cento a minimum dun-go. Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are measured by tlio line, not by this word. CHARGE RATES. .Six words to tho lino. Oao Insertion, 12 cent per line. Two or more consecutive laser tlona, 0 cents per line. Ono lino per month, $1.80. Twenty cent a minimum charge .VOTE Tho lleo will not bo rc sponsible for moro than ono wrong insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after tho tenth of tho following month. An advertisement Inserted to bo run until forbidden must he stopped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cnunot bo ac cepted. UKAT1IS AND KUNfcllAI. J.OT1CUS WEST LAWN CBMETEUY. Mot accesilblo modern coinotery In Omtba. Perpetual care o lota and .lnglo craves without charge. In caie of lm mdUte need telephone Dougiaa 829 or Harney 4Mi and our fre automobile Is at your service. Tho purchase of a alnolo rr&ve starts the ownership ot a family lot on easy payments. WEST LAWN CEMETEUV, 906 Withnell UlAg., 15th and Hnrney Sis. Wth and Lincoln Ave. BIHTIIS AM) DEATHS. Tlrths Verna and Helen Bennett, hospital, girl; Sam and Julia Bcrnhart, 2578 "Davenport, boy; Prlmo and Susanna Pranso, M William, girl: F. and G. Terraro, 1613 Izard, boy; W. V. and K. Huston, 1717 California, boy; Aksel nnd Dorothea Jespcrsert, 2Si6 North Twenty sixth, girl; M. A. and Agnes Levy, hos pital.' boy; Chris and Jennie Norton, 2137 Crown Point avenue, glil; J. E. and Meltsga Talmage. hospital, girl, Deaths Henrietta Kruno, M, hospital; Sam McCoy, 5L hospital. 3iAitiiiAr.i; l,hi:.si;s. The following permits to wed have been granted; Name and Residence. Alc. ! Arthur natho, Waverly, la 21 Helen Whltescell, Waverly, la 18 Car M. Turner, Omaha 31 Noma Faith Logan, Dulutli, Mlnii 28 BUILDING PERM ITS. The following building permit lias IxrMi Issued: Oscar Johnson, 2416 Fort Omaha ave nue, tram, $2,609. REM' WANTED FEMALE. IlooacUrrpcr anil liuiui-stics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Beo will run a Servant Gui Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. Tats applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to Th lieo office or telnphono Tyler 1000. EXPKIURNCnn otrl fnr irnnnral Work, no washier, rood wajres. IIS n 31th. H. 621. j nouseworK. .i rarnnm m. ii. W14. , WANTED Girl for gencrul housework in small family. 8. 1137, WANTED Com peteut whlto girl for general housework, one who will assist with care of children; no laundry work. 11. 3008. MIcellHueons. " YOUNG women, coming to Omahl as trangcra are Invited to visit tho Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where thay will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guldo at the Union station. GOVERNMENT position open to women; $75 month. Write immediately for free list. Franklin Institute. Dept. 03 H, Rochester. NY. HELP WANTED -aiAliE. Agents, Salesmen and Solid tun. WANTED Four good solicitors at once. !0C Brandels Theater Bldg. Boys. WANTED Good girl for general house work; bo washing; references required. W. J. CoaA. 118 a 17th 8L Factory and Trades. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bid.' GET Into the most profitable buslnesj of today, the automobile business, and become Independent. Our large, well equipped shops offer the opportunities ot learning the business by actual experi ence on different makes of cars. Out terms are moderate. Write or call. No tional Auto Training association. 2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Webster 4A FEW WEEKS QUALIFIES. WANTED MEN TO LEARN THU BARBER TRADE You can join with the assurance you will succeed. We have ie. celved praise from thousands for our beneficial course. Manr Jobs waiting. Call or write. Moler Barber college, 110 a. jtin bl CARPENTER Several Jobs, about want one who will buy small new house and toi at or a modern cottage at $3,260 on rcptal payments. He does not need money for down payment Address hi once. J3 Hi, Dev. 'KI.P Call omana Employment bureau. Mlarrllauroua, MEN 11 to K. wishing to be rallwuy mail clerks: $73 a month. Write for book of Information. Y 330. Bee. WANTED Rail way mall clerks; ex aminations everywhere frequently; ram pie questions free Franklin Institute. ITeptJlJ 11, Rochester, N Y I ca r ap-i t Miuiod Times WHi7 she I DONT 'KNOtf ME rOR. MO MOR'Ai I U DO-. HELP WANTED MATiB. Slliiccllnncoapi. YOUNG MEN. you should learn tho automobile business anil learn It HIGHT. Earn mom money than you ever did bo for. We havo both a day and a night cine-, bo you have no reason for delay. Comu In NOW. NEBRASKA AUTOMOMLB SCHOOL, his Dodtro m. MEN with patentablo Ideas write Hun Col ph & Co.. Washington, 1. C. OOVEItNM I5NT railway mall clerk, cur. toms-Intrrnal revenue "exams" tvery where soon. Get prepared by former U. 8. civil scn-lco secretary-examiner. Free booklet E 13. Wrlto now, today. Patter son Civil Horvlee Hchool, Uofehester, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS. YOUNG man attending Uoyles collegi wanta work for board. U. 16Ci. BUNDLE washing, Ironing. Har. CMS. Day work at cleaning. W. 7578. Bundle washing and Ironing. H. 846. WANTED Position iui hoiiackoener for bachelor or widower In city; will take a placo for gnnoml housowork also. Ad dross O 171, llee. POSITION us baknr or cook by young married man, or will take nny other In sldo Job; best of city lefcrencen. Phono Ho. afio. ANNOTJNC15M KNT8 Gibson's Buffet 122 South 15th St. HAKUL. l.KAK PILK CONE8-Uent remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles! Wr postpaid; samples free. Slinr- mun fc McC'onncll Drug Co,. Onialia. UJVALIDS NUEb'PENSIONS. Your majiuilno order nnd rcnowuls con trlbuto Wo or more towards a fund ot UCO0 for THE INVALIDS' PENSION AHB'N. Wo MUST HAVE 298 subscrip tions to tho L. II. Journal, J1.00; Sat. E. Post, U.W. and Country Gentleman, 11.00, In Dec Remember your order or renewal contributes Wo towards the support of 18 Invalids who have received their pension checks each month since spring. Gift subscriptions announced with beautiful Christmas folder to rach subsorlbcr Christmas Eve. URGENT Mall or phono Douulus "HU. GORDON THE MAOA7.1NE MAN, Omaha f in motorcycle tncssongor service, ,ll.U. 21o H ith. Doug. 3C03 or 3630. D, B. Griffith, wig mfr. 13 Frcn.er Blk. Francis Potter. Gibson mandolins, guitars. Wedding announcement!). Doug. Ptg. Co. I Omaha film, exch., 14th and Doug. Mo i tlon plcturs machine and film bargains. "CLASSICS In astrology, itll Farnam, by Prof. Alexis Pfuhl. All kinds ot occult literature and health cook books, with scientific lecture, tar sale. ! GET a lucky Vlfu"l)ING RING from . BRODEaAAHD'S AT tho SIGN ot the I CROWN, up tho GOLDEN STAIRS, 16th ana Douglas. AUTO.MOMlKH WE muko a specialty of auto farcdoor body building nnd painting. Hlghoat quality work. Wm, Pfclffcr Carriage Wks. D. CU22. 20th Ave. and Uavenvortn. $100 forfeit for any magneto wo can't re palr. Coll repairing. Baysdorfor. 210 N. 18. ONE second-hand flve-passnngor Oak laud automobile: car may be lnspoctod nt Uourd of Education shop, 2021 Nicholas Bt. Sealed bids will bo received by the undersigned until Monday, January 5, 1914, nt 8 P. ni., and will bo opened In the (irvscnca ot the board nnd tho public. The loard reserves th right to reject nny or all bids, W. T. Uourke. Socretary Board of Education. M6 City Hall, Omaha. UotoroyuiL-M. WRITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL'R NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 14TH AND HARNEY. BARGAINS In all makes ot used motor cycles. Victor II. Room, "Tho Motorcycle Man." 7703 Lcsvtnworth St. RU8INKSS CHANCES." WANTED Party with $5,000 cash to take Interest In business here in Omaha, that will clear $20,000 per year. We havo a business that is a "business," and need some moro cupitai to greatly increase same. Party- rurnlthlng capital can tako position In office ut good salary. Wrlto at on co tor appointment. Address P-170, caro Omaha Bee. WANTED An Idea. Who can think of somo simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas; tnoy may tiring you wealth. Wrlto for "Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C IkUSINESS CHANCES OWING to our lurge and ever In creasing wholesale business we have de cided to discontinue our retail cigar store In Grand Island, Neb., on January 1st, 1911 and devote nil oiir time and atten tion to the wholesale business. AVe will, therefore, offer our retail store for sale. This store Is In a good location and Is one ot tho finest and brat equipped In the state, yot tho price at which samo can be bought Is reasonable. Any on6 who Is a hustler and will give this business his time and attention will find an excellent opportunity here. Lase on building ex p,i ' s,Vel. "H. but can bo lenowed. This is a bona fide proposition and only those meaning business need Investigate. Address HARKERT CIGAR CO. OF NEBRAS- virunu iBianq, rs-eli, TO QUICKLY sell your business or real mtm iciintocK vo., umana. Trt flWT In fc...t .. QANGESTAD.VBnidg:'Te1: iirtnnM mon.if , , .. , iwt.vmiitiK uuaini'SB. Well established and on profitable basis; ca- machinery In good condition and operated vi h on lime. Write A. J. Cuming Greenville. Tex. BUSINESS PERSONALS Uarbera. ELSASSER'S barber shop rvn 4J YEARS IN OMAHA. 161T FarnanTsl 10 nova BllMVCt iv i: CLOSE ALL DAY 8UNDAY. HAIRCUT 25c. Henshaw Barber shop. Brass Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. Chiropractors, J r. Lawrence. D. '., SKt Howard. D. 84(1 pW.E. Purvlance. D. C. toy Pax. B1k l Ulriidliiv DR. ROY. IUH Farnam. Douglas 6197. Cleaners und. ll)rr, LO OK 11 K'B "I I T" Rflrt IAUln.pKNir, AND PRESSED bU0 Fontcnclle Cleaning Tel Webster 191J. TELLS I THE BEE: it Now, All Right A. B. C. of Omaha A ARON'S Jewelry Olft Shop, 16th and Fnrnam. Juat shop around and then get our prlcea. BELL DltUG CO. New location. 1316 Fornam. Everything new. Old phono Dougiaa 2623. Come, call or write, nubber goods. KERR Ab-tract Co., 305 S. 17tli St Hotter be sufo than norry. Have Kerr do your tltlo work. HOTOG ItAPHEIl. W.W. Scott. Takes Photographs anywhere, any time. 318 McCaguo Bldg.. IS & Dodge. D.260X VACUUM cleaners, sweepers, hydraulic, electric and hand power sold on guarantee; lowest prices; machines rentod. Sanitary Scrvlco Co. Doug. 2301. .... . XMAS HINTS POLLACK'S HOLIDAY BASKETS, containing ono quart bottle II. P. Mono- Drfltn " i i l..l lln . 1. , , l . u Bollca, ono bottlo Tokay. Itcgular $2.95, all HENRY POLLACK LIQUOR HOUSE, iu and in in. CHINA pointing, outsldo rirlug "done. Mrs. F. C. Hayncs. 1525 8. 25th St. IX 49.K). . THE WARDHOBE. Dry cloanlng malms clothes look good tui new. 2016 Farnam St. Phone D. 172. FRED V. W1LMOTH, Manager. AN APPIlOPltlATE XMAS G I FT, A membership in tho Young Women's Christian Ass'n will bo appreciated. FREE A calendar of art given with ovcry purchase, Meyer Klein. &22 N. 16 St. FRAMING at ',i and cholco f rumed plo lures at ?i Dopt. storo prices, Omaha Art nnd Frame. 1711 Leavenworth. BARGAINS In diamonds and watches. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 410 N, 16th. ""FIR8T-C1.AB.S home-mado cakes of ull makes. Call I larney 35i0. Olympla for Xmus candles. 1518 Harney. UUSINESS PERSONALS t'un I Dcnlrrs. ifcfi f0 COAU "Johnson's Special." C. fU.OV H- johon. 18th and Izard. BALED kindling, nnd Pacific. National Box Co., 39th CupitiuiiL-rs. FULL dress suits; party drosses for sale or rent, 81.60 per night. Open evenings. John Feldman. 206 N. 17th. Douglas 3128. Historical masqucrn4o costumes to hire at Theo. Lleben A, Hons. 1B14 Howard St. Creameries, Dairies nnd Supplies, DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Dnnclnsr .tcnilrmlcn, Jowcll Simpson, Douglas Auditorium, Monday evening. Doug. 2424 or Web. 24ll. IlressiimklnK. Drcrsmaklng, rcusonnble; work guar antertl. Tel. Doug. 6176. 2.VS4 Harney. DRESSES, suits nnd coats. Web. 4794. Terry Drcssmak'g college, 20th & Fnrnam. Sowing anil remodeling: repairing; skirts inado over. Mrs. Schoonovcr, 107 S. 17th. Dnnelnar Aendcmles. Tango, social dances a specialty. D. r07. IF YOU don't dunce und wish to, call Doug, 6446: tango nnd new dances taught every Fridny, 8 p. m. Muckles, 1816 Har ney. Drugs, DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues rrxc. Sherman & McConncll Diug Co.. Omaha, Neb. Detectives. JAMBS ALLAN, 312 Novlllo Blk. Evi dence socurod In all cases. Tyler 1136. L. W. Longnecker. 617 Karbuch. D. 232. OMAHA Bee. Korv. Dct. Agcy.. bended. Douglas 1319. 427-28 Paxton block. 1-1 very th I n ir for Women. Plumes mada over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Berthu Kruger, 429 Paxton Blk. D. ivol. Ladles' tailoring, guar. H. 3997. 3229 Cum'g. Florists. A. DONAG 1 1UE. 1622 Har. D. 1001: A. 1001. HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. P. ISO BATH'S, florists, Boyd Theuter BldgT Furnaces, Stave nnd Repairs. NEW furnaces. Marvel, Excelsior and Douglas; Hero school room heulors; Em press and Sultan steam and hot water boilers, thermostats, tank heaters and asbestos covering. OMAHA STOVE HE PAIR WORKS. 1206-8 Douglas. Tyler 20. Furs. FUR repairing. B. Fenster. 1410 N. 24th. Nurseries mid Meeds. STEWART'S SEEDSMAN. 119 N, 16th. Patents. H. A. Kturgcs. 630 Brandels The. Bldg. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Plumblutf. PLUMBING and heating. Fischer & Connell, 1318 William 8t. Douglus 6737. Plumbing, heating. PARNAM PLUM B 1NO CO.. 607 N. 2ttll. W. 7828. W. 3X1 Eve. Printing;. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 041. WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co., quol Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 24 8. 13th. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. Doug. 37M. Sheet Metal Works. CARTER Shwst Metal works, 110 8. 10th. Storo aud Off.o Fixtures, Desks, safes, scales. Showcases, shelv ing, etc Wo buy, we cell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 411-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2724. Storm Doors nna Windows. Welrlch. storm doors, sashes. 1317 N. 21. Trunks and Suitcases. FRELINO & STEINLE. 1803 Farnam St. Wines anil Liquors. WILLOW Springs hcers. liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jutes. 201-3 S. 13th St FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles BuslnnM 'ollCstt. Omaha: xood for either yhuri. , hand or business couike. Apply at the office of Omaha Re MOSHKR-LAMTniAN ' Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Stenotpy graduates are guaranteed good positions, Work for board. For free cat alogu address Moherl.ampman College, Uj rariism St. Omaha, Neb. 1 lM Come oa),pa) r tfed V'lKT s ( IJI tJA DAI f I 7, r , C-tA A C 111! VOU I y ' v ' told me. ah i- j st - i . usrv - - - v S 1 La. J I - 1 1 x. v iiA.r i aw -waBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWaV ik rw am it w .k fc- - 11IV .1 Jir -gSjgSjWgSjWgSBBB. 111 ITffss. -N OMAHA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1913. lVSrV?ft vtnuiki Mdy THI V&K- c?wac ivc MADE IT -4 F3lrJT HOI opim wo secrets: I kWOtf MV LL LU ioy Book I Do LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFF8 STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of tho Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In tho street cars. Many articles each day aro turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las JS. LOST A small nocketbooic. containing i SIS una ii gentleman a diamond ring; $100 anil :no ?iu rewaru iur rviuru ul nu& iu KujHckossky.JMOIAmi's; 'LOST tSRtwcen16th and 17th Sts., Dodge and Fnrnam, a black laco scarf. Liberal reward It returned to room 407, Brown block. LOST English setter dog, black and white, with yellow spots on legs. An swers to name of Don. Reward If re turned to 122 N. 22d St. IJJHT Black and white English sotter pup with leather collar with no name on. Reward. 122 N 22d St. MEDICAL Dr. Baker Medical Off ices,. DISEASES OF WOMEN, ronsultatlou and examination free. 210 South 14th Street. Omaha, Neb. $500 Reward For any case of PILES that DR. MAX WELL cannot cure, NO PAIN, NO DE TBNTION FROM BUSINESS. PAY WHEN CURED. Hundreds of people havo been cured by Dr. Maxwell, 2S years In Omaha. 408 Omaha Nat. Bk.. Omaha Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. It. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. UOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL" THE YEAR. , Complete courao In business. Book keeping, Ptenotypy, Telegraphy. Civil Servlco and Salesmanship. Tho catalogue IS ready. Call, wrlto or phone for It. Boyles College, 18th and Harney Sts., Omabn, Neb. MONEY IX) LOAN MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and other upon their own names; rates cheap, easy payments. Nor ton & Co.. 333 Board of Trado Building. MONEY WANTED. WANTED $1,000 for 90 days; gllt-edgo security. Beo .1. 267. OFFERED FOR, RENT Apartiucnts nnd KiMta. - i tt v moving. Gordon Van Co. 413, N. Iltli St., or 210 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 8K REDUCED FOR AVINTER. IlS-4i-room flat, 1202 N. 24th St., neat and cozy. Call D. 4512. C-ltOO.M steam-heated flat, 915 South 13ih St., $20 and $30. FELL & PINKERTON CO., 213 Board of Trade Bldg. 1S0O FARNAM 6 rooms, completely mod ern; suitable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., tor tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst. Co., 433 Ramge. Douglas 7406. STRICTLY high grndo steam heated apartment, on West Furnam St, with Janitor service. References required. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1S02 Farnam St. 3-R, all modern, with janitor service; first floor. Lorratno Aparts.. 17th and Maple Sts. Mengedoht. Web. 3713. 2tAO CHICAGO; 3-room apartment, mod ern except hearT ELEGANT 6-room apartment, strictly modern. 2501 Sherman Ave.' TEN-ROOM flat, soven-room cottage; flvo Uvlng rooms: modern. Harney 617. Hor.rU and Itoouta. Private home cooking. naonable, 64 B. JO, THE IRVING. Seo our rooms, finest In city. Modern,, reasonable. 2103 Leaven worth. Closo In. Dougiaa hSSl. ONE or two large furnished rooms, on car line; private family; West Farnam district: board optional. Harney 6479. STEAM-HEATED room, with board, for two; best car line. Phone Webster 991. 3SQ2 N. 24th St. FURNISH ED .room with board, suitable for two gentlemen; private home In Bemls Park. 'Phono H. 3185. Furnished Rooms. LARGE rooms In modern home; good location', rcaaonapie. itoz pavenport. 1909 DOUGLAS: rooms: steam heat: reasonable. Furnished Ilouaekeeulnir Rooms. DAVENPORT, 2018-2 or 3 front house keeping rooms. Unfurnished Iivuma. 4 unfurnished Hkg. rooms. W. 1052. Hotels and Apartments. DODGE HOTEL-Modem. reasonable. Houses and Cottages. FOR NICE COLORED FAM3LT. $22.50. 6-r nicely finished, modern 2008 North 27th. H. A. WOLF, 432-4 Brandels Bldg. Dougiaa 80S8. Hoil SOS ,n B" I'atts ot tho city, ern except furnace. 623 S. 19th Ave. $25. Douglas 4231. 1615 Hall Ave-, 7-r mod., $30. 6109 Unacrwood Ave., Dundee, S-r., $60. 1C1 Emmet St, 7-r., completely mod., I 35. THOS. F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7404. FOR RENT Two-story frame dwelling on Cass, near 26th; modern. Crelgbton university, Douglas 2320. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, movos. stores and ships household goods and planoa Douglas 1496. SIX-ROOM cottage, 3610 Seward St., .n, It'.!..,., 7-ROOM. modern house. $30: close In G. P. Stebblna NOTHING like It; steam heat. 4 or 6 or 7-1 oom flats und. houses 220 N. 23d. T p l?onrl K3tP' furniture moving. A COMPI.ETK 1.1 uf vacant houses, , ai art. units and Hats that are for rent. This list Is compiled dally You will be furnished a list f r- e of charge by calling ' Douglas 4UR. Omaha Van t Storage Co. RENTAL BARGAINS. 114 S. 29th St . S-r , all modern; newly papered, $26. 2014 Bancroft 6-r part modern. $13. RASP "3ROS. Doug. W53. Drawn Vf? P St 0OM7 BRB4THE.. P4! OFFERED FOR RENT. Honscs nnil Cottages. FOR RENT. IN West Council Bluffs, la.: $18-3327 Ave. B, 6 rms., modren ex. heat. $203342 Ave. It., 5 mis., modern. Wo can k11 you either of these places on terms like rent at attractive prices. Let us show them to you. A. F. Smith Co. (Fay Smith), 23 Pearl St., Counoll Bluffs, la. Phono 319. T7TTT7T Tpv storage and Van P I I J M v I I Y Co. Goods stored. IL'Lfm X J. moved, packed, snipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516. 9-ROOM house, suitable for two fama Iles. 2308 N. 21st St. Call Webster 4018. 3-ROOM house for rent, furnished or unfurnished. 1902 Wirt. Webster 666. Globe Van&Storage Storage $2 per month. X'acklng and shipping. 3-horso van with 2 men, $1.25 per hour. Douglas 4338 or Douglas 378S. 2913 MASON; nice large brick for 2 fam lies or roomers. II. 1650. 8PLTNDID placo corner 18th and Wirt No better neighborhood. First class nnd beautiful. Fine garage. See it. W. 3917. Stores una offices, DESK room. Mertz. 870 Brandels Bldg. FOR RENT The office on ground floor of The Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frontogo on Farnam St. aud occupying about 1,600 square feet, with extra entrance on the court of the building. Large vault. Fine office fixtures for sale. Apply N, P. Fell. Bee office. 1811 FARNAM ST.. 3,009 square feet. imi Farnam St. 1,760 square feet (In rear, suitable for shops; steam heat: hot and cold water furnished. Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramzc Bldg. Douglas 7406. STORE ROOMS. Large store room, N. 24th, $20. Btoro room, 27th ahd 8t. Mary's, $12,50. N. P. DODGE & CO., 15th and Harney. linrn for Rent. Barn, suitable for ten cars. 2226 Howard. 1 OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Tho up-to-the-minute satin stripe ma hogany clothing cabinets ot the Geo. Brooks' store. These are Grand Rapids Show Case Co.'s fixtures wlth their Im proved three-piece extension garment racks, all nickel plate. These fixtures aro as good as new and will hn sold at a tremendous sacrifice it bought before Jan uary 1, 1914. Also cash register, safe and Samson's cash carrier air line system. GEORGE BROOKS, 16th and Harney Sts. Typewriters. Tjpewrlters sold, rented, repaired. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange. 307 S. 17th St. TYPEWRITERS sold and rented every where. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Ccmpany, 1819 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. RENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. Tho Remington Typewriter Co., telephone Douglas 1824. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade machines snt out. Rates, three months for $5 for understroke machines, or $3 per month for latest model visible writers. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked, second-hand, all makes. J, J. Dcrlght Safe Co., 1212 Farnam. STATUTES FOR SALE The Nebraska Statutes as prepared by the Codo com mission will be ready for delivery about January 16, 1914. Price tor ordinary bind ing, $5. Bible edition (1,000 copies), flexi ble covers, fine paper, $6. Send orders to this department with remittance. Transportation to be paid by purchaser. AddlBon Walt Secretary ot State. . FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys und accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collcnder Co., 407-409 8. 10th St. $5 r: nn nuys Best Coal for the money; try J.JJ 1, V, CIS llnrmnn Wulh PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers aro Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' aid at the Union station. Ann Anderson. Magtlo treat 41$ Bee bldg THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect the new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. M A A (TR! Swedish movement 4 iU-tVOyOVtJLi Bee nldg- pougia, 6372. 418 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. EljEdTRln MASSAGE BATH. 214 Massage. Miss Walton, r. 224. Neville blk., 16th and Harney. Phono Douglas 4297, LAURA WILSON, bath. mass. D. 8751. Turkish bath, mass. Davldge blk. D. 6895. Blee, moss., bath. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17 &D. Miss Fisher. 448 Brandels Til. Bl'g. D. 863. MAGNETIC Trt. 1829 Vinton. D. 6029. MRS. SNYDER Electric Trt. D. 43SO. MASSAGE. 109 8. 17th St Mrs. Steele. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REeJd Abstract Ca, oldest abstract iiiYtceln Nebraska. 206 Brandels theater. CITV PROPERTY FOR SALE. Investigate 2030 Spring St; 11 room house, gas and water; good condition; $360 cash down, balance monthly, same as rent. Web.7869. TO BUY. SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. ROBBINS, IS03 FARNAM ST. REAL ESTATE. FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE. Arlsona. FOR $JW we can locate you on 320 acres government land: but of soli and water and close to main line It. It . and good climate. $2u ias fare down und back from Omaha, tiling fees, surveying, trans puliation on the ground, etc. 1125 City Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Missouri. ISO-ACRE farm. Improved; price 13.500; Jo0 down: map free. Arthur, Mountain View, Mo. for The Bee by FROM SSotfMT REAL ESTATE. FARM .t RANCH LANDS FOR SALE. Missouri. FARMS FOR SALE$5.00 down. $5.00 monthly buys 40 acres good timber land; near town, Texas county, Mo.: price $200; perfect title. J. B. Jarrell, Mt. Vernon. 111. Nebraska. FOR SALE 1C0 acres of land In Mer rick county, Nebraska, one-half mile from Clarks, described as follows: WV4 of nell of section 12, township 11, range 5, and w!4 of seVi. Good Improvements and must ba sold. J. J. Keefe, 112 Ne braska St, Sioux City, la. No. 10480 acres near town of Keystone; under a good ditch: only SM an acre; $1,000 cash .and balance In one to ten years nt 6 per cent. This Is easily worth $10 per aero morn than Is asked for It PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block. Omaha. No. A-102 A splendid Irrigated 80 acres In a prosperous Swedish neighborhood. 6 relies from Bayard, in Morrell county. Subject to Irrigation bonds duo 10 to 20 years; equity ut $3,000, payable $1,000 cash, balance five annual installments at S per cant PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block, Omaha. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. 6 o CITY IOANS. Bemls-carioerg Co., " 11, -unfit. I a Thontar lillll.llnrr. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. GABvTNBEOaASE WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St CITY and farm loans. Lowest rates. No delay. J, H. Dumont & Co., 1603 Far nam St., Omaha. CITY property. Large loans a speolalty. W. H. Thomas, 228 State Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1610 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2716. FIVE per cent farm loans; optional payments. Win. McCormlck. 1201 Farnam. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Nat. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. . , RANCHES, RANCHES. 1..60 a. western Kans., 130 a. alfalfa, 400 a, alfalfa land, $22 per a.; somo trade and long time on balance. 3.360 a., best body of land and best Im proved ranch In the county, $17.60 per a,, will trado for eastern grain farm.-. M. F. SIMMONS. Kansas City. 'Mo. CLEAR building lot In South Omaha In Swift Place addition, worth $260, for a diamond. Address C 142. Bee. HAVE 3 good building lots In the West Farnam district worth $5,000: exchange for land In Banner or Kimball Co., Neb. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St WANTED TO RUY RACHMAN will treat you right: best prlcea for turn., clothes, shoes. W. 6116. HIGHEST prices paid for men's cast off clothes and shoes. Doug. 8017. LIVE STOCK MARKET U WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments rccelvo prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses nnd Vehicles. NEW and second-hand wagons for. sale. 25th Ave. and Leavenworth St. PET STOCK. PEDIGREED Angora cat, Ihi years old, reasonable. Call Doug 6721. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES. KELLERSTRASS White Orpington winners. Females $2 up: males, $5 up. Mrs. W. C. Swearlngcn, Bedford, la. RAILWAY TIME CARD. LNION STATION Tenth & Mason. Chicago, Rock Inland t Pacific- EAST. Jtockr Mountain Limited ...a 2:35 ata 11:05 pm Cbleitgo lxcl rstitfr ...blO :00 am bl0:55 pm ...a 6:30 am a 4:40 pm Chicago iJr r,ipir ChlcMo Nlcht Eiprrw Pts Moines Local l'M Chlcao-Nt. Umttwl .a 4:10 pm a 1:10 pm .a 4:17 pm aU:12 pm .a t;0 am a 1:00 am Colorado A California Ex, ...a 1:20 pm a 4:00 pm Okla. & Taias Kxprcaa 4:00 pm alt:S0 am llocky Mountain Limited. .. .11:1? pm a 2:S7 am Union Pacific Depart, .a t-.oo am .a 1:30 pm Arrive, a 8:46 pm a 3:15 am a 6:30 pm a t:U am Orerland Limited ... California Mali Omaha Kipresa Atlanta Eiprenj Los Angeles Limited Denver .Special Colorado Kipreve .. ...all:S3 am a 9:10 pm ...a 7;25 am a 2:30 am ,..a 4:20 pm a 4:00 pm ...alt:01 am a 7:00 am ,,..al0:30 am Colorado ppeciai , Ban Francisco Limited ., raclflo Limited Oregon-Washington Limited North Platta Local Grand laland Loral Htromtburs Local ,al2i30 am a 7:3. pm ,at0:30 am a 2:3i pm .a :IS am a 4:4$ pm .a S:SO pm al0:30 am .blMl pm b 1:20 pm Missouri l'ncllt K. & St. L. Eip K. C. a St. L. Eip K. C. & St. Paul . ...a 3:00 am ...alt:lS pm , ...all:30 am a 7:11 am a S:M pir. a 3:30 pic I Chlcatco A Northwestern N-ORTHBOUND. Twin Cltj Express Dakota Passenger ,. Sioux City Local . Minneapolis Express Dakota Expreaa a 7:13 am at0:30 pm .b 7:45 am a SMS am .a 3:!S pm a 1:21 pm .a :i pm auuu am .a 1:13 pm ..a t:05 pm b!0:30 pra Twin City Limited . a 7:J1 ara EASTUOUNU. Denver Special a 3:43 am a 7:00 am a 1 :20 am a 4:00 pm isrruu ixicaj ltawkeya Express ., Chicago Local Carroll Local Chicago Special San Frsnclsco IJmlted . Overland Limited ,. Oregon-Washington Urn. ...a 7:40 am ,,.ai::30 pm ...a 4:30 pm ...a 4:00 pm aiiro pm a J:St pm al0:O0 am a 7:20 pm ...a :w am ...a t:00 pm al0:lS aro a 7:30 am ...a :10 pm al0:lS in ...al:ii u all:40 am Ijom Ang-its umitoi WESTUUUn. u. rhadron Ixx-al a 8:30 am Lincoln-Dallas a 8:30 sm a 3:30 pm Lincoln. Long Pins a 2:13 pm al0:ll pm Hastings-Superior b 2:13 pm b 3:20 pra Desd-ilot Springs a 3:33 pm a 5:20 pm Caaper-Lander a pm all:04 ara Albloa-Uakdal , b 3:30 pm b 1:33 rm Chlratro Grrnt Western Twin City IJmlted a 1:30 pm a I 10 am Twin Cltr Kxpresa a tdo am a I 00 pm Chicago Express 3:11 pm a Ml pm 4 hlcnito, MIlMrtiiLrc Pat US IJmlir.1 St. Paul- ' 30 pw l-.l am ttil.ixo hpeeUi at:tepv .31 am fan rranriara intoned a MM stu 1.24 pat II .44 um 1141 ant I I'rtlejgu n-jllsht Sperlal ....a 1:10 am Manilla ImwmI ...a S:4 pm imitoU t-iitrnl , I Misgn lJniHsd i Chlcsga Express . ... .a 1:00 pm a .5o am a I 20 am a S 30 pm Wabnsh Oraaha-Pt Lftula Exp hall and Express Stanberr Local f-ora t a 30 pm a 7 02 am b 00 pm a I Ii am alt H pm blO le urn Cliff Sterrett VPfJ RAIL WAY TIME CARD. BURLINGTON STATION Tenth anil Mason. Darlington Depart. Arrl. Denrcr IJmlted a 6:40 am a 7:09 am, Chicago-Omaha a f.SO am nenrer and California a 4:10 pm a 1:15 pm I'ui-t Sound Exprtt a 4:10 pm a 3:45 pm Nebraika Polnta a 8::o am a 6:10 pm Black lllllt a 4:10 jm a 3;is pm Lincoln Moil b 1:10 pm a 1:15 pm Northwest Eiprosa ll:Si pm a 7:00 am Nebraska Express a. 9:15 am a 1:10 rm Lincoln Looral a 7:25 pm a 9:00 am Schurler-I'latumonth, b 3:05 pm M0:20 am- Plattamouth-Iowa, 9:is am a 8:50 am DallaTue-Plattaniouth all:s pm a JM0 pm Chicago Special a 7 :15 am all :30 pm Drnrer Special atl:!S pm Chicago Special a 7il6 am all:20 pru Dourer Special all: pm Chicago Kxprejs a 4:i0 pm a 3:55 pra Chicago Faat Expreaa a :M pm a 3:00 am Lcl bJ:S0pm bll:00 ara St. L. & K. c. Special a 4:80 pm alt:S0 am . St. Joaenh al0:4S pm a 6:(0 am K. - J.BU -oPn a OS am a 1:10 pm (a) Dallr. WEBSTER STREET STATION Fif teenth and Webster. Missouri Pacific- Depart. ArrlT. ,b 3:10 pm bl0:4fi am Falls Cltj raraonger Local Freight ChlciiKO, St. Pnnl, Minneapolis A, umani Depart. ..t 2:25 pm ..b :I5 am ...c S:25 am An lie. Ml .EX -r Sloox CUT Rxprera .. Twin City Tasaenger . Sioux Cltr Pauenger a S:tS pirtj LEGAL NOTICES. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice is hereby given to the stock holders of Lee-Glaas-Andrcesen Hard ware company that the annual meeting ot tho stockholders of the company will bo held at tho offices of said com pany, corner of Ninth and Harney streets. In the city of Omaha, in the. state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January 13, A. D 1914, at i o'clock p. ni for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the company to serve during the en suing year, and to transact such other business afl may be presented at such meeting. H. J. LEE, President. J. CLARKE COIT, Secretary. D13-d30t. NOTICE. Stockholders1 meeting of The TJnlon Land company: Notlco Is hereby given that the annual meeting of tho stockhold ers ot The Union Land company tor the election of five directors and the trans action ot such other business as may legally come beforo the meeting, will ba held at room U03, Union Pacific head quarters building, lth and Dodge Sts. Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday, the 12th day of January, 1914, at 10 o'clock, a. ni Tho stock transfer books will be closed ten days previous to the meeting. Ales Miliar, secretary. Now York City, N Y. Dec. 19. 1913. Di7-d20t County Jail Has a Scare from Smallpox A smallpox scare In tho county Jail do- veloped when It was learned that Rusa Lunda, a negro serving- a thirty-day sen tence for vagrancy, was afflicted with thej disease. Lunda is 19 years old and weighs 220 pounds. Ho came to tho Jail last week and complained of Illness. Dr. F. 3. Schlelrer. county physician, made the dlsi covery that his ailment was smallpox The Jail was quarantined by city health, authorities pending fumigation. GUILD TO SPEND CHRISTMAS WITH HIS FOLKS IN OMAHA J. M. Guild, former commissioner of the! Omaha Commercial club, now executive secretary of tho Greater Dayton asso-t elation. Dayton. O., Is expected to arrive In Omaha in a few mas wnn nis family and to pack the rurniture preparatory to taking family back to Davton with Mm the Thus far tlie family has remalnod in Omaha at ine om nome. Recently Mr. Guild sold tne property and Is now ready to take Mrs. Guild and the children to Dayton. The latest word received at the Commercial club here Is that he will leave for Omaha today. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS MIbs Clara B. Mason, principal of ParW school, was operated on for appendicitis) at Wise Memorial hospital. The opera tion Is reported to havo been successful, W. H. Benham. formerly travellna freight agent for the Union Pacific out of Omaha, but now general agent for tho same company at Clovcland, O,, in spending his vacation here and at Co lumbus, the latter place his old home. He will remain until after the holidays, Two Clean Papers FOR THE HOME The Youth's Companion AND The Evening Bee INCLUDING SUNDAY Both for 55c a Monti. Payable Monthly at THE BEE OFFICE ' ' aaii BtfTt i